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There are many elements that make a good speech, but you should always
bear in mind the context of delivery, that is, the potential audience and the
- Delivery Intonation, Clarity, Enunciation, body language
- Structure Clear organisation of ideas/ ideas should be well connected/
well-rounded and conclusive
- Content Interesting, informative, unambiguous
- Language register, grammar accuracy


You will have 2 minutes of preparation time. NEVER attempt to write a complete
speech as you will not be allowed to read from notes. Use the time given to
think about what to say and in what order. It is important to show you know
some topic-related vocabulary and that your knowledge of English is varied (it is
OK to use simple sentences but incorporate some complex structures as well).
Improvisation is perfectly possible if your English is fluent and you feel
confident. Otherwise, PLAN and follow a structure.

Absolutely always introduce the topic so that the examiner knows the issue you
will be addressing
- You can opt to use a famous quote/ shocking fact or figure to open the
- You can break the ice by telling a short story or relevant anecdote
- A more prosaic but equally valid option is to use introductory structures:
in the next few minutes I will address the topic of _________/ My
intention is to share with you my ideas on __________________/ I have
been asked to talk about ______________/ I will use these minutes to
deliver a short speech on the topic of _______________

Speech layout
This step is optional, but if you are not particularly fluent or run out of ideas
easily, it is advisable to quickly explain the layout of your short talk. Your exam
card normally contains some guiding points you can use for this purpose
Let me explain how I will organise my speech
I will start by telling you about _______________
I will then move on to the issue of ___________/ After that, I will touch on
____________/ My following point will be ________________
I will end my speech by giving some concluding remarks/ I will wrap it up by
giving you my final thoughts (conclusions)/ I will round it up with some quick
final words

Speech development
Remember to introduce every new idea and to include adequate transitions
- When it comes to/ As for/ Regarding the topic of/ Concerning/ As far as I
am concerned/ let me give you my two cents about/ what could one say
about ____?
- I will now move on to/ on the other hand/ Besides/ In addition/ Unlike the
previous point/ As opposed to what I have just explained/ I will develop
my ideas in more depth by touching on/ In line with the previous point/
Let me now explain
Never conclude your speech abruptly or by saying something along the lines of
thats it. Use proper concluding structures:
- This concludes my speech/ That was my personal reflection on the topic
of/ I think that is basically all I wanted to say/ In a nutshell/ In conclusion/
To cut a long story short/ These words put an end to my speech


Split the rent share the costs of the flat

To live the sweet life to enjoy life freely and carelessly
A partyer someone who loves parties, a partygoer
A home buddy - someone who prefers to stay home and not go out very often
Keep something handy keep something close to you and in an easy-to-find place
A flyer a notice or an ad
Trusted places places you confide in
Monthly expenses the amount of money you need to spend per month
Screening analysing, checking
Right away immediately
Come by for a meeting attend a meeting (normally informal)
Stick to something (a schedule) follow the schedule and dont break the rules
Prospective roommate potential
You can never be too sure (idiom) its important to be careful
To be on parole to be conditionally out of prison
To move in to transfer your residence to a new home
Go over the details verify, check


Narrow your pool of roommates limit the list of candidates

Rush out to an interview go to an interview quickly without preparation
To stand someone to put up with someone, to tolerate, to bear
On the side of caution careful, mistrustful
A place to crash a place where you just sleep (i.e. not home)
How do you handle doing something (the dishes) how good or bad are you at something
Overnight guests people you invite to stay the night
Thorough (interview questions) comprehensive, detailed
This isnt working out this isnt going anywhere
Gather information collect

Property market
(prospective) tenant
Standard of living
To settle in
Landlord/ landlady
(a services that operates) on a first come, first served basis
Booking procedure
To secure a place/ a flat/ a room
Letting/real estate agents


(catered/ non-catered/ private) Hall of residence

House share/ shared housing
Private housing
Private flat



In poor conditions
En-suite room
Utility bills
Move in/ move out
Energy efficiency (for property)
Within walking distance of (the university campus)
In tip-top shape
Sanitary installations (sinks, basins)
Pests (mice, slugs)
Electric appliances
Water supply
To be in good working order
Double glazed windows
Heating system
Damp and mould
Flaking wallpaper


Options that accommodate all budgets

Non-refundable deposit
Maintenance loans
Living expenses/ expenditures
Rental fees
(exempt from) Council tax
Travel expenses
Monthly outgoings
An estimate (of living expenses)
Grant/ scholarship
Rent arrears/ to pay in arrears
Budget plan
To put a cap (on your weekly expenses)

Tenancy agreement
Contractual obligations
Legally binding
Joint tenancy
To be liable for (rent/ damages/ additional costs)
To pursue /to take legal action against
To comply with (the contract)
To enter the premises
To conduct an inspection
To uphold a standard

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