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1. Process Management
2. Process Synchronization
3. Deadlocks
4. Memory Management
5. File system, I/O and protection
6. Practice questions
7. Threads and system calls

Data Structures

1. Introduction to C Programming
2. Types, Operators and Expressions
3. Flow Control
4. Functions
5. Pointers in C
6. Arrays
7. Strings
8. Storage Classes
9. Structures
10. Input and Output
11. File Input/Output
12. Recursion
13. Linked list
14. Stacks and queues
15. Trees
17. Hashing
18. Assignments
19. Disjoint Sets


1. ER Model
2. Relational Database Model
3. Conversion of ER model to Relational model
4. Normalisation
5. Relational Algebra
6. SQL
7. Transaction management and concurrency control
8. File structures
9. Practice questions

Computer Organization and Architecture

1. Cache
2. Memory Interfacing
3. Secondary memory
4. Machine instructions and Addressing modes
5. ALU, Datapath and Control Unit
6. IO interface
7. Pipelining
8. Number system
9. Practice Questions
Digital Logic

1. Logic functions
2. Minimization
3. Design and Synthesis of Combinational circuits
4. Sequential Circuits
5. Number system
6. Practice Questions

Theory of Computation

1. DFA
2. NFA
3. Minimisation of DFA
4. Moore and Mealy
5. Epsilon NFA
6. Families of Formal Languages
7. Regular Expressions and Conversions
8. Testing whether a language is regular
9. Grammars
10. PDA
11. testing weather language is context free language
12. Turing machines
13. Countability
14. Computability and decidability
15. Properties of CFL's
16. Summary of closure properties
17. Properties of Regular Languages
18. Decidable problems on Regular Languages
19. Gate questions on TM and undecidability
20. Practice questions


1. Time and Space analysis

2. Sorting Techniques
3. Searching Algorithms
4. Greedy algorithms
5. Dijkstra Algorithm
6. Bellman-ford algorithm
7. shortest paths in DAGs
8. Dynamic programming
9. Matrix chain multiplication -- Dynamic Programming
10. Longest common subsequence
11. Multi stage graph
12. 0/1 Knapsack
13. Subset sum
14. Travelling salesman problem
15. All pairs shortest path -- Floyd Warshall
16. NP Completeness (Not required for GATE)
17. Problems on NP completeness(Not required for GATE)
18. Practice Questions of algorithms and data structures.

Compiler Design

1. Introduction
2. Parsers
3. Syntax directed translation
4. Intermediate code generation
5. Runtime environments
6. Code optimisation
7. Practice Questions

Computer Networks

1. IP address Subnetting Supernetting

2. Flow Control methods
3. Error Control Methods
4. ISO/OSI Stack
5. LAN technologies
6. Switching
7. Internet Protocol
8. Fragmentation
9. Protocols and Concepts at Network Layer
10. Routing
11. TCP
12. UDP
13. Hardware and various devices used in networking
14. Application protocols
15. Problems on IP addressing
16. Problems on Sliding window protocol
17. Problems on LAN technologies
18. TCP/IP problems
19. Network Security
20. Practice questions
21. IPV6 and Wifi

Linear Algebra

1. General
2. Algebra of matrices
3. Determinants
4. Multiplication of Determinants
5. Cramers Rule
6. Inverse
7. Rank of a martix
8. System of linear homogenous equations
9. System of linear non-homogeneous equations
10. Eigen values and vectors
11. Practice Questions
12. LU decomposition

Combinatorics and Propositional logic

1. Combinatorics
2. Recurrence relations
3. Generating functions
4. Introduction to propositional calculus
5. Practice Questions

Set Theory and Algebra

1. General
2. Sets
3. Relations
4. Partial orders and Lattices
5. Groups
6. Functions
7. Practice Questions


1. General
2. Introduction
3. Conditional Probability
4. Multiplication Theorem
5. Independent Events
6. Total Probability
7. Baye's Theorem
8. Random Variables
9. Expectation
10. Mean, median and Mode
11. Practice Questions


1. General
2. Limits
3. All the formulae and examples requried
4. Continuity and Differentiability
5. Mean value theorems
6. Maxima and Minima
7. Integrations


1. Averages
2. Crisp Notes for Aptitude
3. Questions based on Age
4. Ratios and proportions
5. Profit and Loss
6. Simple Interest
7. Compound Interest
8. Alligation and Mixture
9. Partnership
10. Time and Work
11. Mensuration
12. LCM and HCF
13. Introduction to Permutations and Combinations
14. Time and distance
15. Verbal Ability
16. Data Sufficiency
17. Equations
18. Data- Interpretation
19. Logarthims
20. Progression
21. Surds and Indices
22. Number Systems
23. Alphabetic series
24. Number series
25. Blood Relation
26. Directions and Distance
27. Circular Arrangements
28. Linear Arrangements
29. Coded Inequalities
30. Alphabet Test
31. Element Series
32. Ranking (or) Ordering
33. Coding and Decoding
34. Percentages

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