2,009,667 July 30, 1935.: H. E. Keyes

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July 30, 1935. H. E.

KEYES 2,009,667

Filed. June 21, 1950

Hare/v0 A. A? YES

2):, ,/ Y/Q/
Patented July 30, 1935 2,009,667


Harmon E. 'Keyes, Miami, Aria.
Application June 21, 1930, Serial No. 462,936
6 Claims. (01. 23268) ,

This invention has-to "do with the extraction of ,ing so local channels are produced which render
substances by leaching methods and is applicable the leaching ineffective in other parts of the mass.
to various branches of the mineral and chemical This effect is partly overcome in certain metal
industrieswwhere leaching of ?nely divided sub lurgical plants by charging the material. in such
_5 stances ispracticed. My invention will be more a manner that the coarse particles roll down the i .5
clearly illustrated by referring ?rst to standard sloping side of the charge to the bottom, thus
leaching practice. This is of twoztypes'agitation keeping the ?nes segregated at the top so that
and percolation, the former dealing with ?ne and the leaching solution comes into fairly good 'con
the latter with coarse material. In either case tact with the material by using upward perco
V13 the solid particles to be leached are completely lation. However, if the substance is quite ?nely 110
surrounded by the solution which exists as a con crushed, say to minus 1A-inch or ?ner, it is less
tinuous phase. In my method, however, free and likely to produce this desired segregation of coarse
open drainage is provided thewcharge and the so and ?ne material and the ?ne material suspend
lution covering the individual particles is in the ed in the charge tends to ?ll the void spaces be
715 form of thin individual ?lms, or, so to speak, a tween the larger particles. By my method this
discontinuous liquid phase, these ?lms being sur rate of percolation may be increased to many
roundedby air spaces or voidsbetween thepar times above its value by ordinary percolation
ticles, as distinguished from the ,prior art proc methods when used on the samecla-ss of mate
esses, in which abody- or mass (rather than a ?lm) rial. This makes possibleahigher extraction of
2B of liquid was employed. By my method these values in a given time. Furthermore, well-known
voids orai-r spaces'are caused to persist during effects of clogging and channeling are vlargely
the leaching operationso that the mass is kept minimized by my method. Among the various
open and porous, thereby permitting ready down classes of mineral substances tolwhieh' thisrmeth
ward percolation- of the leaching solution. This odmay be applicable are: Copper oxide and sul
-method- has a distinct advantage in processes in phide ores; copper concentrate; smelter .?ue 2'5
which vcontact with air is desirable during the dusts; gold or silver ores; and mill tailing. vBy
leaching operation, such :as in cyaniding gold or this method it may be possible to- eliminate classi- _
silver ores and in leaching copper sulphides. ?cation and separate slime treatment in the cya
:In order to more clearly'explain the invention nidation of gold and silver ores. It has adistinct
"30 there is shown in the accompanying drawing in advantage over agitation methods due to- its sim- S30
diagrammatic form-the conditions obtaining dur plicity and cheapness of equipment and operating
ingthe process. costs. ., .

vIn-thedrawing: ' , Recognition is made of standardpractice in: the

Fig. 1 represents, diagrammatically, the char heap leaching of copper ores andtheleaching of
acter conditions of the leaching column of the broken ore underground, but such leaching is fun- {35
improved invention. damentally dif?erent from this invention in that
Fig- 2 is-a view similarto Fig. 1 in an enlarged my method uses ?nematerial, produces porosity
or exaggerated form. , . _ . in. the charge, and makesyuse of extenuated or
Fig. 3 is an exaggerated-'viewof the agglom thin surface ?lms of solutionsurrounding-thein
.40 erated particles utilized in thepresent invention. dividua-l particles as thesolution travels down;
It is'generally know-n inmetallurgical leaching while in the aforementioned practice coarse ma
practice that there is a minimumwdegree of ?ne terial is generally used and the top of the mass
ness to which ore particles may be crushed for .is periodically ?ooded with solution, which in
subsequent percolation leaching. The reason for its downward passageis not necessarily dividedup
this is because the leaching column becomes intosuch thin: ?lms. Furthermore, theme is not '45
clogged by the ?ne material, thus preventing the previously prepared for leaching asinmy method.
desired rate of solution percolation. If the ?ne The general procedure is as follows: The ore
vmaterial in the charge is evenly distributed 'it or substance tobe leached is crushed or-ground
tends to ?ll the. void spaces. between the coarse vto the required ?neness in the ordinary way,'or
50 particles, which clogs the mass, the extent be if it consistsientirely of slimes is mixed with the .
ing-a functionrof the quantity of slimes and de required amount of coarse material. A small
gree of ?neness.- nttemptingito' force the solu .zportionl o?the coarse material representing about
vtionsadownward by pressure: makes this massrmore 1.to22<per. cent ofthe 'totall, which. may be about
compact, and: if upward. percolation is'used the ~ 14-inch ,inssize, may be: screened out '01 secured
solutionamay'b'e, readily forced through, butin do afrom. anotherisourcetobe laterllaid. on top'of the
charge. The main portion is treated in such a and gradually distributed to the top of the ore
manner as to cause any slime particles which it column through the medium of the layer of coarse
may contain to cohere together or to adhere to material or other substance, and is gradually ab
the coarser particles, and is mixed together and sorbed into the ore charge. Additions of solu
Ul if necessary screened so that the maximum size tion may be made either intermittently or con
of the lumps is of suitable size which may equal tinuously, as desired, it being my purpose not to
approximately the diameter of the original limit my invention to any procedure concerning
coarser particles. It has been found that ordi the manner of adding solutions excepting as above
nary water or the leaching solution to be used stated, that the rate of addition at any time
10 may be employed to cause this agglomeration of should not exceed the rate of percolation. Under 10
particles, or that material existing as a sludge may the conditions as stated the solution now is
be partially dried. However, my invention deals quickly transferred into all parts of the charge
with the treatment of agglomerated particles, and even though it has been added at points rela
it is not my intention to limit its scope to the use tively far apart and not applied uniformly over
15 of any speci?c liquid or other substance for this the top. This is due to the physical nature of the
purpose. In ordinary ores about 7 per cent of ore charge which has been prepared according to
moisture has been found to produce the proper my invention. Thus clogging and channeling
consistency; however, this may vary between wide in local areas are largely minimized by this
limits, depending upon the relative percentage of method. I have further discovered that under
20 coarse or ?ne material. , these conditions the agglomerated spheres retain
When the material has been properly screened their general shape and form whereby the void
and mixed it consists of small spheres or globules spaces continue to exist between the particles,
held together by the agglomerating substance and thus causing the solution as it percolates through
by the surface forces acting. It is not necessary the mass to be subdivided as thin ?lms. The
25 that a strong binder be used as these globules are above-mentioned internal forces serve to force 25
retained in their general shape during the leach the solution into all parts of the mass, to cause
ing operation by certain forces, which will be the agglomerated particles to retain their gen
hereafter referred to as internal forces, acting eral shape and form and to bring the solution
within the mass. The following are the forces into intimate contact with all of the ore particles.
30 which appear to be operative in this case: Cohe Thus it is seen that by my method percolation 30
sion; adhesion; capillarity; surface tension; leaching of slimes is accomplished. One of the
affinity; and gravitation. However, this inven factors that aids the rate of percolation is prob
tion pertains to the production of a speci?c result ably the cohesiveproperty of water which keeps
regardless of the various causes which future re the minute streamlets of water continuous.
search may prove to exist. This appears to be the converse of the same prin 35
To a certain extent segregation of ?nes may be ciple which causes sap to run up the trunk of a
prevented and my method of agglomerating may tree. The net effect is to permit a surprisingly
be crudely accomplished by merely moistening the large rate of percolation.
material after crushing, but this is not nearlyras The conditions of the operation will be more
40 effective as the procedure outlined. The ore or fully appreciated from an inspection of the ac 40
material is now charged into a suitable leach companying drawing. In Fig. l a leaching ele
ing apparatus, such as a bin, vat, or tank. In ment or column I is employed. This is provided
contradistinction to standard leaching practice with an outlet 2 adjacent the bottom. On the
it is not required that this container be so con bottom of the vat is placed a layer of permeable
V45 structed as to withstand a hydrostatic head of material 3 which serves to retain the mass to 45
several feet of solution. Because of the open be leached in position in the column but allows
drain it is only necessary that a Water-tight bot free drainage of the leaching solution. These
tom be provided, covered by a suitable substance may be coarse aggregates or a screen. The im
which will allow the solutions to drain off, such as proved charge is indicated generally at 4. This
50 crushed rock or a ?lter bottom, and the sides of charge, as pointed out, consists of agglomerates 50
the apparatus simply serve to hold the ore or ma made up by utilizing the ?ner particles and the
terial in place mechanically. The depth of the coarser particles in the charge, achieved by wet
charge will depend on local conditions. Due to ting the surfaces with a predetermined amount
the more uniform nature of the material than is of solution so as to cause adsorption. Depend
55 found in former practice it is not necessary to ing upon the type of ore used, the water employed
adopt the usual precautions which are taken to may vary between 4 and 15%.
control segregation of coarse and ?ne particles. As noted a top coarse porous layer 5 is pro
After the charge has been placed it is leveled off, vided for the purpose of distributing or distend
and over the surface is spread a layer which may ing the solution or charge and preventing strong
60 be a few inches deep of the sized coarse material impact of the solution upon the agglomerated 60
which has been previously referred to. If desired material. This layer serves to break the im
any suitable porous substance may be substituted. pact of the descending solution and to distend
The leaching solution is now applied by any or divide it into separate and distinctly individual
convenient method such as spraying, trickling, ?lms. It will be noted that the present leaching
65 absorption, etc. Launders or any'other distribut column is always open and hence submergence 65
ing devices may be used as desired. The main or ?ooding of the leaching solution is prevented.
essential is that the solution be applied gently The solution may be applied through a plurality
without appreciable impact and at a rate of of pipes .6 or by any other method which would
transfer or passage from the porous layer to the insure a relatively wide distribution of the leach~
70 top of the charge not exceeding the percolation ing solution over the upper surface. The surface -s
rate of the leaching column. Thus it is seen ?lms instituted by the layer 5 pass separately
that this method is distinctly different from over the individually agglomerated particles and
practice of leaching heaps and broken areas un by reason of the surface forces acting these ?lms
derground, above referred to. It has been ob retain their form, thus coming into intimate con
served that by my method the solution is evenly tact with theagglomerated units and maintaining
lthe'lslimes adhered to 1the larger particles. As the glass wallshowed that ithetagiglomerated .1131"
pointed :out Thereinbefore, the-wsolutioni from the ticl'es retained their shape clear to the bottom-of
pipes S'- is applied gently and without appreciable the tube; vThere was. absolutely nov tendency for
impact and ate. rate of ' transfer fromthe porous them to. disintegrate even after a 'weeks steady
layer 5 to the topof the agglomerated charge not zpercolation. . U!
exceeding the percolation rate of: the leaching ~ No. 2.-2500 grams of copper concentrator
other words the rate of 'flow of tailing from one of the large plan-tsin the south
thesolution through the pipe Sand withdrawal west were'taken, having the following screen an.
from .the. pipe 2 are so correlated as. to positively alysis: '

~10 prohibit ?ooding of the mass. > 10

The. physical condition of the material in the Size Mesh ' Per cent
leaching column is disclosed more detail in Fig. i
4. As shown therein the leaching column is +10 .08 '
made upgof a mass of agglomerateswhich are ~10+2O 13.45 .
20+35 26. 28,
constitutedso. to speak, by coarse or larger par --35+100 27. 0O
:ticles l on: which are adhered, the ?nes or slimes ~100+200 16. 91
-200 10.28 i
>8. . The top layer 5 is constituted of relatively
large and hard aggregates and is .of sufficient 100. (I0
depth to subserve the function noted, namely. to
'20 break/the force of impact of the solution'and Assay head sample V
su?icientlycoarse-to distribute such solution in
the form of thin ?lm's to the subjacent agglomer Total Acid-soluble Sulphide '
ated mass. . i - copper copper copper
In Fig. 3 is indicated diagrammatically the
agglomerated condition. This ?gure discloses 0. 73% 0. 50% 0. 23% 25
in exaggerated scale two agglomerates which
consist of larger particles 1, von which are The following conditions were employed:
adhered the slimes or ?nes. These ?nes cling Ordinary glass percolators 12 inches high by
to the surface of the larger particles due to the 61/2 inches diameter at the top were used, having
action of the thin solution ?lm 9. The ?lm not plugs of cotton at the bottom.
only envelopes the agglomerated particles, but A. The ore was charged in dry.v
'due to. gravity the solutiontravels downwardly, - B. The ore was pulped with water to make .a
in the form of continuous individual thin ?lms sludge before charging. ' '
and drops from the particles, as shown at I 0. C. 10.8 per cent water was added,;the sample ,__.
Examples thoroughly mixed, screened through a IO-m'esh
sieve to reduce the lumps, and mixed thoroughly
N0. 1.A typical chalcocite ore containing ap to agglomerate the particles before charging. A
proximately 2 per cent copper was crushed to layer 1 inch deep of 14-inch crushed silica was
pass a 10-mesh screen. 1700 grams were placed placed over the top. This procedure is an exam
in a glass tube 5 feet high by 11/2 inches in di ple of my method. 40
ameter. The ore was charged in dry but it Was A solution containing about 1 per cent sul
impossible to prevent segregation of coarse and phuric acid and no iron was allowed to drip onto
?ne material. A ferric sulphate-sulphuric acid each of the three samples, A and B being given
leaching solution containing approximately 1 per the maximum solution that would percolate
45 cent acid and 1 per cent iron was slowly dripped through, while C was given only su?icient solu
onto the top, open drainage being provided at tion to extract the copper in about 40 hours time.
the bottom. In a short time the column plugged, The results are given in terms of per cent extrac
due to the layers of slimes which had segregated. tion of the different samples over a similar period
The sample was then emptied out, mixed thor of time and a comparison of the different maxi
oughly and replaced. This prevented segregation mum possible percolation rates. 50
of layers of slime, but it was found that the
slimes now ?lled the interstices between the coarse , ' Comparison of extractions
particles, and the column again plugged. The
sample was emptied out again and dried to about Psi cetmt Per cent '
7 per cent moisture, mixed thoroughly and re ex rac ion extraction 55
sample Hours oxide sulphide
placed in the tube. It was now found that the copper copper
slime particles coated the coarse particles in such
a manner that the entire mass consisted of nearly A ______________________________ _ _ 40% 27. 5 Nil
uniform globules having a solid kernel and a 13 ______________________________ . _ 45% 1. 3 . Nil
C ______________________________ __ 40% 99+ 23. 6 '
60 coating of slime. Under these conditions the 60
solution not only percolated through the mass
but permeated into all portions of it very readily Comparison of maximum percolation rates
until, after several days, it was noted that the
impact of the dripping solution at the top had Relative
disintegrated the globules at this point, thus al _ c. c.s speeldtof
perco a ion 65
Sample 0. 0. Hours per new no" over
lowing the ?nes to ?ll the interstices and cause
plugging again. The sample was allowed to drain
and about an inch of material at the top care
fully removed. This was replaced by sized 1A1 347 24 14. 5 40. 0
70 inch silica, which absorbed the impact of the 27 24 1.1 527. 70
290 % 680. ____________ __
dripping solution and allowed even and uniform
diffusion of the solution into the mass of ore.
This was the end of further trouble, and the I claim:
solution readily percolated through the ore at 1. A method of leaching substances comprising
75 any reasonable rate desired. Observation through ?nely dividing the substance, drying the sub 75
stance to a predetermined moisture content suf? thereof so as to permit agglomeration of the
cient to effect agglomeration ofthe smaller par smaller particles on the larger particles, agitat
ticles on larger particles when intermixed thor ing the mass so as to adhere the smaller particles
oughly mixing the mass of smaller and larger to larger units to form individual agglomerates,
particles so as to adhere the smaller particles then depositing on the charge of agglomerated 5
to the larger particles to form individual ag material a layer of hard material of a size larger
glomerates placing the mixture of agglomerates than the agglomerated particles, and discharging
in a leaching vessel, depositing a layer of large the leaching solution onto said layer 01' hard
particles of relatively hard material thereon, and material at such a rate as to distribute the leach
10 discharging the leaching solution gently and ing solution into the mixture in the form of sep
without appreciable impact onto the layer of arate distinct ?lms and thus to prevent ?ooding
relatively hard particles so that the leaching solu of the mass and disintegration of the agglomerat
tion will percolate through the charge without ed aggregates.
?ooding and consequent disintegration of the ag 5. A method of leaching comprising the step
glomerated particles. of agglomerating ?nely divided material or other 15
2. In a method of leaching an ore charge con particles with larger particles by agitating the
taining ?nely divided material, the steps of ag ?nely divided and suitably moistened material
glomerating the ?nely divided material with with the larger particles, then sizing the ag
larger particles of the charge, creating and pre glomerated particles, next leaching the sized ag
29 serving dispersed separate surface ?lms of solu glomerated particles by applying a leaching solu 20
tion within the agglomerated ore charge during tion :thereto, and controlling the rate of ap
leaching, and thus bringing the leaching solution plication and withdrawal of the solution so that
into intimate contact with the mass. a continuous leaching ?lm is provided in the mass
3. A method of leaching comprising the step and ?ooding is avoided.
of agglomerating ?nely divided mineral or other - 6. A method of leaching ores comprising ?nely 25
particles with larger particles by agitating the dividing the materlaLagglomerating the ?nes with
?nely divided material and larger particles with the larger particles thereof, placing the mixture
a predetermined quantity of liquid, next leach of agglomerates in a leaching vessel, depositing
ing the agglomerated particles by applying a a layer of large particles of relatively hard ma
leaching solution thereto, and controlling the terial thereon, and gently discharging the leach; 30
rate of application of the solution so that a con ing solution onto the layer of relatively hard par
tinuous leaching ?lm is provided in the mass and ticles at such a rate that a continuous leaching
?ooding is avoided. ?lm is provided in the mass and ?ooding is
4. A methodof leaching ores comprising grind avoided.
ing the material, regulating the water content HARMON E. KEYES. 35
Patent No. 2,009,667 Granted July 30, 1935
The above entitled patent was extended October 2, 1951, under the
provisions of the Act of June 30, 1950, for 6 years and 83 days from the
expiration of the original term thereof.
Umnmz'ssz'omr of Patents.

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