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Exam #3 Study Guide

Access to information HTML

Acting locally HTTPS
Affiliates Individual privacy
Algorithm Inference engine
Artificial intelligence (AI) Inheritance
B2B Instant messaging
B2C Join table
B2G Key
Bandwidth Knowledge base
Blog Laws regarding free speech
Brick-and-mortar Linear regression model
Broadband Load balancing
Case-based reasoning Loading phase
Challenges of Global Information Systems Metadata
Character Mirror servers
Commodity Mobile commerce
Composite key Model management module
Consumer profiling Models
Cookies Neural networks
Crowdsourcing Organizations corporate management goal
Cultural differences Parameters
Data integrity Phishing
Data management module Podcasting
Data modeling Primary key
Data redundancy Protocols
Data warehouse Pure play
Database approach Queries
Database model Schema
Decision support system (DSS) Self-service
Dedicated hosting Semi-structured problem
Dialog module Shared hosting
Domain Social media
Dynamically modified model Spyware
EAN bar code Standards
Electronic bill presentment and payment Structured problem
Encapsulation Trackback
Entity relationship diagram (ERD) Traditional file approach
European Union Transaction data
European Unions Directive on Data Privacy Transformation phase
Expert system Tuple
Extraction phase Unstructured problem
Field UPC
File Web
Fixed variable model Web designers
Foreign key Website design
Geographic information systems (GISs)

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