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WKNJ Newscast

Date: Oct.31, 2017

Yamilex Hernandez

Good morning, its Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2017 at_________________ o'clock and youre listening
to 90.3 WKNJ-FM, Union, New Jersey, and Im____________ with the news.

Local News
Middletown tables intent to redistrict schools
According to New Jersey 12 News, Middletown officials have tabled plans to redistrict the
towns schools after a large outcry from the public at a town meeting.
The school commission selected in agreement to execute the plan after hearing approximately
three hours of public comment that was generally contrary o moving students around.
The plan was initially considered to address overpopulation in the schools. Agents began with a
forty-minute presentation outlining the details of the redistricting. The community organized a
study that discovered that some schools in the town are overpopulated, while other schools are
under capacity. above 500 students would have been impacted.
However, parents and students said to the board that they did not want the schools come apart in
the middle of their academic career.
The officials of the school announced that the board may visit again the redistricting debate, but
the plan is gone for now.

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More Local News

New Jersey teens could confront charges bush prank
Teens dressed as bushes for Halloween could confront criminal charges for their dirty trick.
As they have marked themselves on social media, " the "Rahway Bushmen" are causing quite the
shock and polemic in Union County, New Jersey.
According to ABC News, the reason is because the teens inside the brush are popping up and
scaring the daylights out of visitors to a local park.
They are three students from high school, and police officers are not diverted.
They are currently facing possible trespassing and harassment complaint against them, if they are
Until now, they are not holding back, saying; "Stop being afraid of people wanting to have fun."

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International News
North Korea organizing evacuation, blackout drills amid growing tensions with US,
says report
As pressure between the U.S and North Korea keeps growing, the government has been
organizing secure counts for its people amid warning of nuclear war.
According to NK News, the country has "conducted rare blackout exercises and mass evacuation
drills in secondary, tertiary cities and town last week." The drills were not organized in the
nation's capital of Pyongyang.
Blackout drills demands citizens to reduce lighting to cover themselves from rivals, especially
rival's aircraft.

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More international News
Russia linked report lead 126m Facebook utilizer in U.S
The social media site said that around 80,000 posts were generated previously and afterwards the
2016 presidential election.
The majority off the post concentrated on alienating social and political news.
Facebook discharged the amount along of a senate detecting where it- well organized with
Twitter and Google- will count Russia's impact on the popular sites.
Russia has frequently negated accusation that it attempted to control the last presidential election
in the U.S, where Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton.
According to the BBC news, the latest figures released by Facebook have been seen by Reuters
news agency and the Washington Post newspaper.
The 80,000 posts were announced between June 2015 and August 2017.
They were posted by a Russian company connected to the Kremlin.
"These actions run counter to Facebook's mission of building community and everything we
stand for," wrote Facebook's general counsel Colin Stretch, Reuters reports.
"And we are determined to do everything we can to address this new threat."
According to the Washington Post, on Monday, Google additionally, reported that Russian trolls
uploaded more than 1,000 videos on YouTube on 18 different channels.

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Weather News
Halloween is expected to see mostly sunny skies with temperatures in the mid- to upper-50s.
Temperatures may dip into the low-50s during the nighttime hours, making it slightly cold
during trick-or-treating time. This weather was brought to you by News 12 New Jersey.

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