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Gabrielle Parra

Dr. Orr

CIED 1003: Technology in Ed

8 September 2017

Teacher Tube Assignment

1. URL:


2. Snip

3. Summary:
After watching this video, I have a better understanding on how to teach 2nd-4th graders based

off different subject material as well as being able to incorporate one important spect of a subject

with other subjects. For example, the video showed how to use the scientific method in

correlation with using a teaching method called NAL, which allows the students to learn in an

interactive environment. In my classroom, I would prepare a workplace by watching this video

(URL is

concept-map-and-scientific-method-458918), and I would review the different methods on how

to teach different study plans but to also incorporate them into different ways. I would have the

students create a class plant pet, aka the bean plant or a smaller plant, and I would have them

predict what color and size it will be, and to also help them have a better understanding between

how a bean grows, and how fruit grows, vegetables, etc. This way, they learn about the different

ways plants grow for general knowledge, but the also brainstorm and incorporate the scientific

method, which will last them the rest of their school career. The next weeks following we would

try different plants, and try different fruits, etc. and compare and contrast using a T chart,

Venn diagrams etc, which is also useful for their educational growth.

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