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Announcing a direct response advertising agency that will guarantee to ou If you are a direct response adver- tier, here Is no-risk offer from Cal- las, Powell, Rosenthal & Bloch ‘Well guarantee to ontpll your beat ad By at least 10% in a spl In effect, we offer you a risktree Arial of our edvertising pulling power (Our work will cost you absolutely rothing-—no creative, production ‘ot ‘eda costs unless we beat your best snd by atleast 10%, Are There Any Catches? ‘There aretwo: 1, You must be willing to let ut reste advertising we think wil sll Except for your legal and factual ap. oval, we'd retain creative freedom. turally, if an ad ist ours—if the copy has been rewritten or the layout redesigned —we can't guarantee its 2. You must need better advertising. 1 we think your present advertising is ‘excellent, well tel you. We dont p fume to’ be the only direct response gency that can turn out superlative ‘work. But if you're among the vast major wy of advertisers whose ads stent Iv. ing upto their products full potential, we're confident we can help You. And perhaps you'd lke 19 know more about Who Is CPR&B? CPRAB is a follservice direct re- spoase agency in New Rochelle, N.Y. ‘We specialize in creating advertising {hat sell Tn the pavt four years, CCPRAB has quietly grown to become fone of the ten largest direct response ‘Rgencies in America, We are again ex: panding our capacity and can offer uaranted results to more advertisers How Can We Guarantee Results? We're willing and able to guarantee rel because of a fot approarh with us, but the total combination eems 10 be-—and makes for Untst- Sly powerful advertising. Here are the key points: 1 Advertsing Is Salesmanship. Our whole creative approsch x Bult on this undamental premise. Every word, every picture in our advertisements ‘ust justify self in sales. OF course, most agencies in direct response fully agree withthe idea that ‘advertising must sell. But we don't be- Tieve most of them live by it as relic ‘lousy ax we, and would sbrink from the thought of guaranteeing their work. 2, Bollding on Strong Prodact. We believe that great advertising starts with "ar first class product. Rosser ‘Reeves, former Chairman of Ted tes, summed it up nicely when he said, "A gifted products mightier than 2 gifted pen” ‘Once we take on client with such 9 product, we research it for weeks. We {ake it apart and examine it from a fngles. We visit the factory or place of bosines and talk with those who make it We interview its users We take it home and vse it ourseves Then we compare it with the eompe- tition—unul we've found its unique consumer advantage. Once we ave this, we Build the entire. campaign fround it, and demonstrate logeally, factually, dramatically, why it's the best product to fill a specific consumer need ‘Weve verified time and again in sales results that a strong product and ‘ood advertising area combinational ‘ot impossible o bea. 3. Top Copywriters We hire the best writers we can find. Our newest, for example, placed first in a feld of 53 applicants. Some were well known, Eighteen took our rigorous copy test ‘Were aiming to be the Number | copy team in dest response, 4. Copywriter Commission System. Because copywriters are salesmen, we reward them with commissions. ‘The more their ads sell the more money they can make, with no Hit. TF you think’ this motivates copywriters to Work hard and create the best ad they an for you you're absolutely right! 5A Principal on Your Account. During and after the initial test period, fan agency principal will supervise Wwork on your account, and have day tonday responsibility for anything done for you. You gain the experience of — and have immediate access 10-—one fof our key people at all mes ‘sprit de corps that makes work a joy. at CPRAB. ‘ll find our copywriters working 7, 8 and 9 o'clock, night after night, brainstorming and trying. (0 mash someone else's control ad {0 mitheroens. The crestive excitement is “The president of a major competitor, himstf'a famous copywriter, recently confided tous, "join you forthe fun of it allif T were 25 years younger.” How Have Our Clients Done? ‘We wish we could say we hit s home run ever time, Bu ofcourse we cant But by and arg, our clients have done auite well. For example ‘A Financial Newsletter: Within wo years after our advertising began, theit Subscription Tist increased 490%. We prepared asries of renewal letters and {heir renewal ratio increased. 260% ‘They went from nesr bankruptcy to be: come a prosperous 6-fgute company. ‘A Private School for Problem Ado- escent: Our fst ad went through an onizing 23 drafts before we let it fut of the shop. The copywriter was Slmost in tears. But once it ran, it turned back an astounding “320% ‘monthly profit to our cient. ‘A Calculator Distributor: Our first ‘failed 50 poorly, we never got Second chance. But we, not our lien, took the loss. in accordance with our ‘nkfree agreement. ‘An Ecovomle BI-Weekly: Our fist ad topped all previous ads they created during 8 years. Our next ad topped Uthat A sales ltier, which cost less than $2,000 to produce, netted beter than $71,000 in profit afterall fullment tpull your best ad. ‘A. Local Bookstore: We did a “quickie” seltmailer for these friends who tell us it set alltime records for Sore tric and cash sales. ‘A Guard Service (supller of unl formed guards) Our fst ad for leads futpulled their basic control ad by beter than 7 to 1. On a small text bud ‘el, we generated more leads than they ould effectively handle. A Commodity Dealer: Our advert ing helped play a part n their “cinder ella” stceess story. Four years ag0, ‘when we began doing their adversing, their annual sales were $7 milion, Seles have since more than doubled every year. Last year, their share of market was probably above SO% and their sales surpassed $400 milion, [A Flaanclal Advisory Service: This fs 4 new client, snd our advertising is Stl in early stages. In theit two most frequealy used media, our advertising has brought in subscribers at 40% bee low thei former average cost. Tests in ‘ther media show we may have opened up two entiely new mar ‘What Should You Do It You’re Interested? If you're interested in us and our ‘unigue offer, call oF write today for more information If you wish, send usa proof of your best ad, or sample of your top direct mail package, plus any background lit frature you may have. We can then Took it over and let you know shortly it we feel we can beat it by at least 40%. On the average, we feel we can beat about 19 out of every 20 advertise ‘ments currently indirect response. This ‘may sound brash —but we Back Up OUT Confidence with ovr own money. The bet part about our “guaranteed results” offer is that you don't risk a ‘To take us up on our offer, orto find lout more aboutus, write oF call: Gary Bencivenga Vice President & Copy Chief Callas, Powell, Rosenthal & Bloch Ine. 2525 Palmer Avenve [New Rochelle, New York 10801 Phone: (914) 376-3100 Yoiir inquiry will be kept in confidence. Callas, Powell, Rosenthal & Bloch, Inc. Direct Response Advertising (©1975 Cats, Powe, Roehl Blok, a. Advertisement asit appeared in The New York Times and Well Street Journal.

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