What Is New in Detail Full Deck 13.4

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What's New in detail M3 13.

M3 Business Engine

Plus the M3 Advanced Planning product

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1. This presentation covers the new and enhanced features in the M3 13.4,
M3 Business Engine 15.1.4 and summarizes the smaller net changes

2. The presentation outlines the important changes and summarizes others

3. Net change details can be found on Infor Xtreme within the Release
notes for each component of M3 13.4
4. The box in the top left hand corner of key slides provides the net change
reference number that can be used to find additional information.

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Improved Usability

Quick Links
Financial Management M3 Planning Tools
Financial Controlling Manufacturing
Country Versions Procurement
Application Foundation Maintenance Management
Sales Management Maintenance Order Management
Supply Chain Execution Rental Management
Supply Chain Planning Service Management
Quality Management Equipment Quotation Management

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Whats New in detail 13.4
The M3 Financial Management (FIN) Application

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M3 13.4 NCRs Environmental Tax Mgt

Module NCR No Description of Change(s) Function(s)

ETM 8080 New calculation Method in order line charge CRS275

ETM 8359 Eco-contribution amount specified in CO entry totals OIS110

ETM 8175 Eco-contribution on purchase order printout PPS600

ETM 8176 Eco-contribution as internal charge OIS180

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ETM New calculation method in order line charge
Problem Solution Benefit
In some countries companies need to A new calculation method is introduced M3 ETM handles environmental tax
pay a fee for the product packaging in 'Order line charge. Open' (CRS275) charges for packaging part of item.
material (item package) to an agency. to calculate the deviation between
The new calculation method is used to gross weight and net weight. This is
calculate a charge for product used in combination with a calculation
packaging material. factor to calculate a line charge.

In Packaging.Open (MWS423) it is possible to connect
transportation package material. This has no impact on
the calculation of the charge.
Catch weight has no impact on the charge calculation.
For serialized equipment it will not be possible to use eco-
contribution based on product package weight (item
package) if the item has different weight depending on
serial number. Since each serial number can have a
different setup it is not possible to calculate the package
weight based on the information in Item.Open (MMS001).
Charges with calculation method 7- 'Factor (gross weight
net weight' are not calculated for RTM.
If one product is connected to two product package
materials (item package) that need to be charged and the
eco-contribution functionality is used the product code
must belong to different eco-organizations.

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ETM Eco-contribution amount in CO entry Totals
Problem Solution Benefit
When a customer order is entered The total of the simulated eco- M3 ETM provides better information to
including eco-contribution, the sales contribution that remains to be invoiced user and customer about which amount
person often needs to inform the is now displayed in 'Customer Order. is going to be invoiced.
customer of the eco-contribution Simulate Totals' (OIS110).
amount included in the external

A field to display the total amount of the eco-

contribution that remains to be invoiced has
been added in 'Customer Order. Simulate
Totals' (OIS110/E).

This is only a specification of the eco-

contribution amount included in the external

The external charge field has the total value

of the external charges including the eco-
contribution amounts that remain to be
invoiced on the customer order.


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ETM Eco-contribution on Purchase Order Printout
Problem Solution Benefit
It is needed to distinguish between eco- On purchase order printout, the M3 ETM permits to handle tax
contribution excluded from the price following information has been added environment that are not chargeable to
and eco-contribution included in price. to the streamfile: Indication of Eco- customer but paid by company.
contribution ( charge or deduction ) and
Line amount considering Eco-
contribution (charge/deduction)

There are three values for charge category:

00 = 'Not used
01 = 'Eco-contribution' (excluded from price)
02 = 'Eco-deduction' (included in price)

In the printouts PPS601PF and PPS601P4

(ordered in (PPS600)), information about eco-
contribution is already included.
We have added information about charge
category to these streamfiles.
For purchase order lines with eco-contribution, a
total amount has been introduced after all line

Limitations: No.

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ETM Eco-contribution as Internal charge
Problem Solution Benefit
In previous ETM version, eco- The entire process worked fine already M3 ETM permits to handle tax
contribution could be added to a before for external charges. environment that are not chargeable to
customer order line as external charge. customer but paid by company.
In some situation, eco-contribution This is an add-on to existing
needs to be added as internal charge, functionality, to have internal charges
but still be reported to eco-organization for eco-contribution.

Implemented changes:
Update of internal charges (information type
68) in eco-contribution table.

To handle accountings of internal charges

defined for eco-contribution, 'Fnc: Invoice -
update OINACC' (OIS191) has been changed
to also handle invoice lines of information
type 68.

'Wrk: Simulate Accounting String' (CRS399)

has been changed to allow simulation of
internal charges defined for eco-contribution.

Limitations: No.

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M3 13.4 NCRs Fixed Assets

Module NCR No Description of Change(s) Function(s)

FAS 8444 User Depreciation Method Rolling 12 periods FAS055

FAS 8412 Depreciation plan calculation control FAS845, FAS840

FAS 8227 New Fixed Assets report layouts FAS510

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FAS User Depreciation Method Rolling 12
Problem Solution Benefit
For many countries, the percentage New field Rolling 12 rule added to M3 FAS supports the possibility of
must be used according to acquisition User Depreciation Code. selecting start point of depreciation
date; remaining percentage of first year percentage to be used in case of user
are used at end of lifetime. According to this new field, percentage depreciation method.
of first period or period of acquisition is
But some countries would like annual used.
rate be applied for next 12 periods.

Function FAS055 permits selection of Rolling

12 periods rule.

This rolling 12 defines the start point of the

first year depreciation percentage to be used;
first period or period corresponding to
acquisition date.

Limitations: this rule is only available with User

Depreciation Method 3.

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FAS Depreciation Plan Calculation Control
Problem Solution Benefit
M3 has grouped depreciation Calculation program has been split per M3 FAS permits control of calculation
calculation methods in to one function; depreciation method. prior of definitive validation.
each change can create error in
another depreciation method. New simulation function has been This deliver simulation of calculation and
added to M3 to permit control of all simulation of any parameter change
depreciation plans before to calculate such as lifetime or rate.

New depreciation calculation program is

available for standard methods:
1- Linear,
2- Declining,
3- User Defined

Function FAS845 permits selection of fixed

assets for simulation.
No impact on existing depreciation

Function FAS840 display simulated

depreciation plans.
Differences identified

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FAS Depreciation Plan Calculation Control
Assets having differences between original and
simulated are identified.
Both depreciation plans are displayed to permit
analyze of differences.

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FAS Fixed Assets for Bulk Items
Problem Solution Benefit
The fixed assets module has been Bulk items can be bought with a Integration to Fixed Assets is more
integrated mainly with serialized preliminary fixed assets record created efficient within ESM&R industry.
equipment via purchase order and when goods receiving is performed.
reclassification from Equipment
/Serialized item. More efficient handling Bulk items can be sold via customer
of bulk items is required. order and Fixed Assets will be updated
upon delivery.

More efficient handling of bulk items in fixed

assets via purchase order and reclassification
for stocked items.
Previously, the fixed assets has been
integrated mainly with serialized equipment
via purchase order and reclassification from
Equipment/Serialized item. Open - MMS240.
This development will enable more efficient
handling of bulk items.
To be able to use the new functionality for
fixed assets and bulk items, the item must be
set up with lot control method 3 in lot
master (INDI).

Limitations: items must be setup with lot number

method. No additional qty or split allowed on same lot

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FAS New Fixed Assets report layouts
Problem Solution Benefit
M3 Fixed Asset. Values Report Two new FAS510 layouts, 8 and 18, Those two new layouts permit to answer
(FAS510) has to be enhanced for the were provided to use the defined report country requirements of countries in
following purposes: report with number series in 'M3 Report Number South America like Chile.
chronological order, separate draft from Series' (CRS167) to print the legal
final report and indicate the remaining report.
lifetime of the asset.

Existing Report Number Series function

CRS167 is used to set chronological number.
Draft or Final report has been added on
selection panel for those layouts
Activated from CRS750.
Remaining lifetime has been added to the
asset line printed.

Limitations: No.

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M3 13.4 NCRs Taxation - Intrastat

Module NCR No Description of Change(s) Function(s)

TXS 8444 Intrastatreporting based on delivery date CRS600

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TXS Intrastat reporting based on delivery date
Problem Solution Benefit
Polish VAT legislation has switched to Those two new layouts permit to answer
the delivery date as VAT relevant date A new selection criteria for delivery date country requirements of countries in
in year 2014. has been introduced to program South America like Chile.
CRS600 Intrastat reporting.
According to Polish Law INTRASTAT
transactions need to be reported based .
on the delivery date

Planned delivery date populated on CSYECT

is used for selection.
On TXS300 the planned delivery date is
mandatory when selected as VAT date in
This requires that Intrastat transactions are
updated with planned delivery date in order to
be included in the selection in the Intrastat
report generation.

Limitations: Delivery Date must be selected in CRS750

as VAT date. Transactions without planned delivery date
will not be slected by CRS600.

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M3 13.4 NCRs Overview

Module NCR No Description of Change(s) Function(s)
8548 Reference to original invoice for credit notes in Service , Rental and Project SOS100
8454 Reference to original invoice for credit notes OIS100, ARS120, OIS390
ABS/APL 8479 Global Configuration for Electronic Messages (GEMS) Various

TAX 8361 New VAT Control Object for 'Customs Statistical Number' TXS020

ARL 8325 SEPA DD for Credit in Advance Drafts ARS300

ARL 8140 F17 Mass Deletion of Remittances for SEPA Direct Debiting ARS350

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8454 Reference to Original Invoice for Credit Notes
Problem Solution Benefit
In some countries for corrective The Original invoice number and Credit notes for customer had the option
invoices/credit notes a it must be Year for credit notes for Customer and already to refer to the original invoice
possible to enter a reference to the Service Orders (credit and adjustment number (see NCR 8368).
original invoice number. In some order), Partial credit of Rental invoices
countries this reference is even and Adjustment invoice on project Now this option has been added for
required in VAT reports. order. Service, Rental and Project orders.

New extra info linked to AR record.

It is only possible to have one invoice
reference per credit order/adjustment
Summary invoice 2 and 3 cannot be
used on a credit order/adjustment order
with a reference to original invoice

For credit invoices COM and SOM and customer returns

(OIS390) the AR extra info number 255 is used to show
the original invoice number

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Global Configuration for Electronic

Messages Overview
Problem Solution Benefit
Many FBMs requires a specific A new standard called Global This will help standardizing the
configuration to get it workand many configuration, used to define basic data message configuration across all
countries have quite specific for electronic messages is delivered. countries, moving away from the
configurations. A consolidated variation associated with country-
functionality is needed when specific configurations.
converting to GEMS.

Module NCR No Description of Change(s) Function(s)

ABS 8456 Automatic Bank Statement ABS900, ABS100, ABS101, ABS102

APL 8467 Electronic Formats CRS695

APL 8468 AP Payment Method and Country Codes CRS071 and CRS045

APL/ARL 8469 Bank Accounts and Bank Account Indicators CRS692 and CRS072

APL 8471 Payment Information for Accounts Payable CRS071 / CRS485

APL 8475 End-to-end ID and Instruction ID for Accounts Payable (CRS485) CRS485

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ABS Automatic Bank Statement
Problem Solution Benefit
A new concept is introduced to set a New fields have been added and some This will help standardizing the
Global Configuration for Electronic fields are changed within the message configuration across all
messages in order to set a standard for 'Automatic Bank Statement' (ABS) countries, moving away from the
basic data to avoid Country and / or area. variation associated with country-
format specific solutions in the BOD specific configurations.
mappings for version M3 13.4.

Field 'Transaction reference number' (BSRE) has

been prolonged from 16 to 35 characters (ABS100/E)

Current record number and the total record number
(i.e. 1 / 3) of the additional information is displayed

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APL New Electronic Formats
Problem Solution Benefit
A new concept is introduced to set a New electronic formats have been This will help standardizing the
Global Configuration for Electronic introduced in CRS695 for use in the message configuration across all
messages in order to set a standard for 'Global Electronic Messages' countries, moving away from the
basic data to avoid Country and / or functionality and are included in the variation associated with country-
format specific solutions in the BOD BOD for CreditTransfer to support a specific configurations.
mappings for version M3 13.4. more detailed detection.

Electronic formats for Accounts Payable CZ electronic formats Electronic formats for Accounts Receivable
The below new formats are added as they were missing in
SE electronic formats (CRS695) as not required for the 'Financial Business SEPA related format
The below new formats exclude the hardcoded Messages (FBM). The below new format is requested to handle messages
functionality related to check digit methods being used for - CZ-CDUZF Foreign Supplier Payments CSOB (CZ)' for SEPA-DD using payment class 4.
the old setup in 'Bank Account.Open (CRS692). Only the - CZ-CITIDF 'Foreign Supplier Pmt CitiBank Dir (CZ)' - SEPA-DD 'SEPA Direct Debiting - Advanced Drafts'
description differs from the formats that are used for the - CZ-CITIDL Local Supplier Pmt CitiBank Dir (CZ)'
'Financial Business Messages (FBM). - CZ-GEMIF 'Foreign Supplier Payments GEMINI (CZ)' DK electronic format
- SE-BGL-GM 'BankGiro, domestic - Global electr msg' - CZ-GEMIL 'Local Supplier Payments GEMINI (CZ)' The below new format is added as it was missing in
- SE-BGF-GM 'BankGiro, foreign - Global electr msg' - CZ-MULTIF 'Foreign Supplier Pmt MultiCash (CZ)' (CRS695) as not required for the 'Financial Business
- SE-PGL-GM 'PlusGiro, domestic - Global electr msg' - CZ-MULTIL 'Local Supplier Pmt MultiCash (CZ)' Messages' (FBM).
- SE-PGF-GM 'PlusGiro, foreign - Global electr msg' - DK-PBSLS 'Direct Debiting PBSLS (DK)'
PL electronic formats
SEPA related format The below new formats are added as they were missing in FR electronic format
The below new format is requested to handle messages (CRS695) as not required for the 'Financial Business The below new format is added as it was missing in
(using format pain.001.001.03) that includes SEPA Messages (FBM). (CRS695) as not required for the 'Financial Business
payments as well as other payment according to ISO - PL-PLA Foreign Bank Transfer PLA (PL)' Messages' (FBM).
20022. - PL-PLI Domestic Bank Transfer PLI (PL)' - FR-ETEBPR 'Bank remittance ETEBPR - Direct Debiting
- SEPA-CTMIX 'SEPA Credit Transfer - Mixed (ISO (FR)'
20022)' SK electronic formats
The below new formats are added as they were missing in
(CRS695) as not required for the 'Financial Business
Messages (FBM).
- SK-MT100 Foreign Supplier Payments MT100 (SK)'
- SK-SLSPF 'Foreign Payments Giro SLSPF (SK)'
- SK-VUBF Foreign Supplier Payments VUBF (SK)
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APL AP Payment Method and Country Codes
Problem Solution Benefit
A new concept is introduced to set a A new parameter is added to 'Country This will help standardizing the
Global Configuration for Electronic code. Open' (CRS045) and several message configuration across all
messages in order to set a standard for new fields are added to 'AP Payment countries, moving away from the
basic data to avoid Country and / or method' (CRS071) in order to support variation associated with country-
format specific solutions in the BOD 'Global Electronic Messages'. specific configurations.
mappings for version M3 13.4



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APL Bank Accounts and Bank Account Indicators
Problem Solution Benefit
A new concept is introduced to set a The panels K, L and M for GEMS have This will help standardizing the
Global Configuration for Electronic been added for the bank accounts in message configuration across all
messages in order to set a standard for (CRS692) containing reorganized and countries, moving away from the
basic data to avoid Country and / or new fields. variation associated with country-
format specific solutions in the BOD Field controls in bank account specific configurations.
mappings for version M3 13.4 indicators in CRS072.

Company. Connect Division (MNS100)

A parameter is added to panel K in 'Company. Connect
CRS072 Division (MNS100). The field indicates if the functionality
with payments using Global Electronic Messages is
If Alternative 0 is selected only panel E and F are
allowed in Bank Account. Open (CRS692). If option 0 is
selected, the payments are done via Financial Business
Messages (FBM).
For Alternative 1, only panel K, L and M are allowed in
If Alternative 2 is used, an additional setting 'Global
Electronic Messages' will be added to the settings of
Default (CRS692) so the user can decide if the panel E/F (0=Not
activated) will be used or the panel K/L/M (1=Activated)
in (CRS692).
Field Default
control values

control Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 24
APL Bank Accounts and Bank Account Indicators
Default values and
field controls set in New panel K and
CRS072 fields shown in

CRS072: New panel L

fields available, to be CRS072: New panel M fields
shown in CRS692 available for intermediary bank
information, to be shown in CRS692

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APL Payment Information for AP
Problem Solution Benefit
A new concept is introduced to set a Its now configurable how the payment This will help standardizing the
Global Configuration for Electronic information in a payment file (e.g. for message configuration across all
messages in order to set a standard for SEPA tag Ustrd) shall look like. countries, moving away from the
basic data to avoid Country and / or The new CRS071 setting controls the variation associated with country-
format specific solutions in the BOD use, the content of the payment info is specific configurations.
mappings for version M3 13.4 defined in new function CRS485.

CRS071 The payment information cannot be
displayed by any M3 but can be retrieved
using MI-program APS130MI transaction
'LstPayByDoc' with input field TAGG =
For further information regarding the
functionality of 'Manage Fields in MI
Strings' (CRS485), please refer to NCR

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APL Payment Information for AP
More details on CRS485 see NCR 6478


Settings for payment



Text if the number of

characters defined in
CRS071 is exceeded

User defined objects User defined texts

Payment information
can be defined per
language, payment
method and MyBank APS137/E

User defined payment information per

payment document

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APL End-to-end ID and Instruction ID for AP
Problem Solution Benefit
A new concept is introduced to set a Its now configurable how the tag End- This will help standardizing the
Global Configuration for Electronic to-End for SEPA tag Endtoend shall message configuration across all
messages in order to set a standard for look like. countries, moving away from the
basic data to avoid Country and / or The new CRS071 setting controls the variation associated with country-
format specific solutions in the BOD use, the content of the Endtoend info specific configurations.
mappings for version M3 13.4 is defined in new function CRS485.
More details on CRS485 see NCR 6478


End to End Reference

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TAX Control Object 'Customs Statistical Number'
Problem Solution Benefit
In some countries, the 'Customs The possibility to use 'Customs Items having a specific requirement on
Statistical Number' defined in 'Item. Statistical Number' as an object for VAT can now be handled much better
Connect Facility' (MMS003) is used to replacing VAT codes in 'VAT Exception. using the customs statistical number
indicate that a specific VAT decision Open' (TXS020) has been introduced. instead of a dedicated item number.
should be taken. Without this object it was almost
impossible to handle this requirement.

The object is available for VAT exception
types 2-External sales and 4-Internal
CMS017 sales.
The field CSNO is 16 positions long but
the object fields in (TXS020) are only 15
positions long. Hence only the first 15
positions of the customer statistical
number will be considered when
retrieving a replacing VAT code.


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ARL SEPA DD for Credit in Advance Drafts
Problem Solution Benefit
Countries which are using draft The use of agreements has been Enable countries like Spain and Italy
payments intensively in the SEPA have enabled for payment class 4 drafts . can now create electronic SEPA DD
to use an payment messgage called messages for drafts out of ARS300
Credit in advance. However SEPA DD using agreements (mandates)
requires mandates which were not
enables for drafts so far.


Payment class 4 drafts

ARS310 Payment class 4 drafts

Use of agreements possible

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ARL F17 Mass Deletion of Remittances for SEPA DD
Problem Solution Benefit
In the SEPA DD process, remittance New functionality for mass deletion of Much more effective options for
proposals are created ARS300 and remittances for SEPA DD is now cleaning up/reorganizing SEPA DD
when confirmed they are transfered to available. Unlike when a remittance is records where no risk for reverse exists
ARS350. The remittances must remain deleted with option 4 = Delete, this new any more.
for 8 weeks/13 month. Currently these deletion functionality will not reopen the
records must be deleted one by one. invoices for payment.

Minimal reverse time frame for SEPA
Direct Debiting is not considered. It is up
to the user to decide whether the
remittance can be removed or not.

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M3 13.4 NCRs Generic Financials

Module NCR No Description of Change(s) Function(s)

GLR 8080 Audit List Print changes (M3 13.3 correction/enhancement) GLS505

APL 8172 Non-deductible VAT handling with Simplified AP Invoice Accounting APS112 and GLS015

MUC 8213 Currency Gains/Losses when Inter-Division invoicing of Customer Orders MFS100

RIS 8278 Future Rate Agreements connected to Purchase Orders PPS200

FAS 8363 Fixed Asset Accounting for Bulk Items (Rental Companies) MMS001//PPS095/PPS300/FAS001 and MMS270

TAX 8477 Fiscal Representation support added for Country of Departure CRS065/TXS030

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General Ledger Audit Print - changes

GLS505/GLS506PF corrections and enhancements
Requirement Overlapping of Columns due to Prolonging:
Resulting from the increase in the seven accounting
dimensions in M3 13.3
In some audit reports columns were over-lapping
Solution Re-assess column widths and column contents:
For Layouts 01 to 04
VAT Code and Voucher Name Columns removed

The GLR Audit Trail Report:

Improved visibility
Rationalized content

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Non-deductible VAT in APS112
Changes in Accounting Templates, VAT Configuration and APS112

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Non-deductible VAT handling for APS112

GLS015 a new Standard Voucher Type=4 with SIA Template
Requirement Add non-deductible VAT handling in SIA flow:
If an invoice is for a non-deductible VAT expense then this
needs to be supported within the existing M3 Simplified
Invoice Approval (SIA) process
Solution New functionality with existing VAT Controls:
GLS015 New template type with VAT Code
CRS630 existing VAT Code controls
CRS030 existing non-deductible VAT Codes
APS112 supports the new template and VAT handling rules

The SIA process supports non-deductible VAT:

The new solution is based on existing functionality
Simple process to handle complex VAT requirement

Simplifed Invoice Re-coding with APS112 can only be used for clearing account lines Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 35

Nondeductible VAT in APS112

Invoice entered into M3 Clearing Re-coded to cost lines in APS112 Cost B is partially deductible to VAT at 50%

Account Debit Credit Account Debit Credit Account Debit Credit

AP 1 200 Suspence 1 000 VAT 40

VAT 200 Cost A 600 Cost B 40

Suspence 1 000 Cost B 400

Cost B represents 40% of total VAT (at 25%)
40% of 200 = 80
Only 50% deductible
50% of 80 = 40

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APS112 Non-deductible VAT for SIA

CRS650 connects User & Template SIA Application Message or.

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APS112 Supplier Invoice. Recode

From the Application Message Using the Template from CRS650

Simplifed Invoice Re-coding with APS112 can only be used for clearing account lines
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APS112 with Non-deductible VAT

After the template is used and
the entered lines have been
The accounting with any non-
deductible VAT adjustments is
The SIA process can also be
used to:
Change authorizer
Check invoice log
Add extra text to invoice

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APS112 Simplified Invoice Approval

APS200 Acc Payable. Display Additional text added during re-coding

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Currency Gains/Losses and Invoicing
Customer Order with MUC = 2
Requirement To reflect exchange rate changes between M3 Divisions

C of Division S
Inter-division accounting for Customer Orders when
MUC=2 should reflect exchange rate changes between
delivery and invoicing
Solution Internal accounting now uses saved Exchange Rates:
Invoice MFS001 Transfer Price rules unchanged
Order MFS010 Internal Accounting rule unchanged

Delivered by X Benefit
Exchange rate changes accounted for correctly
Between delivery and external invoice
E10 MUC=2 S M3 Division
E20 Between delivery and inter-division invoice
Customer Enhancement Request

S Division E20 (EUR) (based in IE)

and. Limitations:
Saved Exchange Rate handling applies to Customer Orders
X Division E10 (SEK) (based in SE)
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Internal Accounting in Division E10 (SEK)

MFS001 Item Transfer Price = EUR 9.00 At Internal invoice EUR 1.00 = SEK 7.600000

Amount Amount
Accounting event Accounting type oreign
F Recorded Recorded
(Dr) (Cr) Exchange
Accounting event Accounting type currency Currency amount amount
amount (Dr) (Cr)
OI20 (Invoicing - CO) 951 (Delivered/non invoiced) -63,00

MF01 (Internal invoicing) 100 (Accounts receivable) 9,00 EUR 7,600000 68,40
OI20 (Invoicing - CO) 971 (Cost of goods sold) 63,00
600 (Claim against receiving
MF01 (Internal invoicing) 9,00 EUR 7,000000 -63,00
OI20 (Invoicing - CO) 620 (Internal revenue) -63,00 MF01 (Internal invoicing) 301 (Realized exchange gains) 1,00 -5,40

600 (Claim against receiving

OI20 (Invoicing - CO) 63,00

Accounting Setups impacted by this change

At Delivery EUR 1.00 = SEK 7.00
Accounting event Accounting type

OI20 (Invoicing - CO) 301 (Realized exchange gains)

OI20 (Invoicing - CO) 302 (Realized exchange losses)
MF01 (Internal invoicing) 301 (Realized exchange gains)
MF01 (Internal invoicing) 302 (Realized exchange losses

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Future Rate Agreement & Purchase Order

The Foreign Currency P.O. can now be connected to an FRA
Requirement Exchange Rates and Purchase Orders:
To use future rate contracts (FRAs) when processing
purchase orders in foreign currencies

Solution Connection between FRA and P.O. Header:

RMS120 FRA for Suppliers (no change)
PPS200 with connection to FRA for Agreed rate

Minimising Risk if Purchasing in a foreign currency:

Customer Enhancement Request
Consistent with functionality for Customer Sales

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Variable Rate v Future Rate Agreement
Variable Rate USD:GBP = 0.783567 FRA Rate USD:GBP = 0.768696

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Purchase Order Processing
PPS200 with connection to FRA Agreed rate is then taken from the FRA

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Purchase Order & Goods Receiving
PO # 4002721 with Rate 0.768696 used for Goods Receiving

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Supplier Invoice Matching with PO
APS100 Supplier Invoice. Record . .and match to Purchase Order

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General Ledger - updated
GLS120 Accounting after Invoice Matching GLR and APL Updated via GLS040

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Accounts Payable is updated
APS200 Accounts Payable. Display Supplier Invoice is Connected to FRA

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RMS120 Future Rate Agreement
FRA Contract Position is updated. ..for supplier Invoices connected

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Fixed Asset accounting for Bulk Items

The M3 accounting for Serialized Equipment Items extended to Rental Bulk Items
Requirement To extend Fixed Asset Accounting for Rental Equipment:
M3 Items can be accounted and valued as inventory or
as fixed assets. Over an equipment life time the
appropriate accounting method can be switched
Solution Bulk items accounted as Fixed Assets:
Directly, from purchase order goods receiving
By re-classification from MMS235

Efficient integrated accounting:

Customer Enhancement Request
Fixed Asset accounting for Equipment:
M3 Serialized items NCR# 4503
M3 Bulk items NCR# 8363
Bulk items require lot control method 3 in lot master
Quantity control over fixed asset quantities and split of lots
MMS130 is blocked for split of lots if connected to a Fixed Asset Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 51

Rental Bulk Items MMS001

Lot Control Method:

3-in Lot Master

Lot Serial Number. Open

MMS235 (next slide)

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MMS235 Bulk Items Lot Numbering

Reclassify from Inventory to Fixed Asset Accounting

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Rental Bulk Items - Reclassification

Accounting Reclassification
MMS235 - Inventory

Move to Fixed Assets. Open

FAS001 Fixed Assets

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Rental Bulk Items in Fixed Assets

IES Search by ITNO in FAS001 with CMS047 Message from FFASMA

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Bulk Item Reclassification - accounting

Originally an Inventory Item when Purchased - now accounted as a Fixed Asset

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Summary for NCR # 8363

Bulk item configuration in MMS001 requires lot control method = 3
Solution Description
Purchased as a Fixed The bulk items can be bought into fixed assets with a preliminary fixed asset record:
Asset Created in Fixed assets. Open - FAS001
When goods receiving is performed in Purchase Order. Received Goods PPS300.
The Purchase order type PPS095 must be connected to a fixed assets type to be able to get a preliminary fixed assets record during
goods receipt.
An application message configured in CMS045 - CMS047 can be sent to the Fixed Asset Owner

Normal process for invoice matching has to be performed to activate the fixed assets record in Fixed assets. Open - FAS001.

Re-classified as a Fixed A stocked item can also be reclassified from Lot/serial number:
Asset Open/connect to item MMS235 via related option 48 Move to fixed assets.
When the item has been moved to fixed assets via MMS235 the Internal Account Entry. Create - CAS950 has to be run.
An application message can be sent to the Fixed Asset Owner
When CAS950 has been completed, a fixed assets type can be connected to the fixed assets record in Fixed assets. Open -
Bulk items can be sold via customer order and fixed assets will be updated automatically upon delivery.

When selling a bulk item that has a record in Fixed assets. Open - FAS001 a new FAS001 record will be created for the remaining
part of the lot quantity. The new sub number will be updated in Lot/Serial number. Open/Connect to item MMS235.

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M3 supports Fiscal Representation
The Configuration Rules apply for both VAT and Intrastat

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Fiscal Representation is Extended
Triangulation and Base Country The M3 Division is the Supplier of Goods

A in country A Requirement To support non-simplified Triangulation:
Under the rules for VAT and Triangulation it is allowed
to register for VAT in the Country from where goods are
Delivered by being delivered
X in country B Solution Extend the current Fiscal Representive solution:
TXS030 Fiscal Representative rule extended

B Supplier
CRS065 Fiscal Representative rule(s) added

C in country C
Triangulation Rules for VAT fully supported:
Customer Orders VAT and Intrastat
Distribution Orders VAT
Delivery Terms - Tax Point and Fiscal Representative
A VAT registered in this to Country
Or. Limitations:
Triangulation rules apply for M3 Divisions with Tax Method = VAT(MNS100/G)
B VAT registered in this from Country Intrastat and triangulation rules supported for M3 Customer Orders
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 59

TXS030 Fiscal Representation. Open

Rules in TXS030:
Rule 1 as today, the
Country to which
the delivery is made
Rule 2 is new, the
Country from which
a delivery is made
(and Del to Country
can be blank)

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Tax Point and Fiscal Representation

CRS065 Delivery Terms Tax Point and Fiscal Representation
Tax Point rules as follows
Tax Point 1 = goods leave inventory
Tax Point 2 = intermediate address
Tax Point 3 = goods arrive at final address
Fiscal Representation rule(s) as follows:
FR Rule 1 = deliver to country
FR Rule 2 = deliver from country
FR Rule 3 = do NOT use TXS030 lookup

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 61


Fiscal Representation and VAT for DOs

Where Internal Invoicing from MFS100 is used for MUC = 0; 1 and 2
Expected result internal AR invoice Expected result internal AP invoice
Fiscal rep Fiscal rep
Delivering Receving
Scenario Tax point MUC division division Fiscal rep rule BSCD FTCO Our VAT reg no from Your VAT reg no from BSCD FTCO Our VAT reg no from Your VAT reg no from
Distribution order from SE to DE 3 0 Yes Yes 1 DE DE Fiscal rep Fiscal rep DE DE Fiscal rep Fiscal rep
Distribution order from SE to DE 3 0 Yes Yes 2 SE SE Fiscal rep Fiscal rep SE SE Fiscal rep Fiscal rep
Distribution order from SE to DE 3 0 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Distribution order from GB to SE 3 0 No No 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Distribution order from GB to SE 3 0 No No 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Distribution order from GB to SE 3 0 No No 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Distribution order from SE to DE 1 1 Yes Yes 1 SE SE Fiscal rep Fiscal rep SE SE Fiscal rep Fiscal rep
Distribution order from SE to DE 1 1 Yes Yes 2 SE SE Fiscal rep Fiscal rep SE SE Fiscal rep Fiscal rep
Distribution order from SE to DE 1 1 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Distribution order from DE to SE 1 2 Yes Yes 1 DE DE Fiscal rep Fiscal rep DE DE Fiscal rep Fiscal rep
Distribution order from DE to SE 1 2 Yes No 2 DE DE Fiscal rep Warehouse DE DE Fiscal rep Warehouse
Distribution order from DE to SE 1 2 N/A N/A 3 DE DE Warehouse Warehouse DE DE Warehouse Warehouse

Distribution order from DE to SE 3 2 Yes Yes 1 SE SE Fiscal rep Fiscal rep SE SE Fiscal rep Fiscal rep
Distribution order from DE to SE 3 2 Yes No 2 DE DE Fiscal rep Warehouse SE SE Fiscal rep Warehouse
Distribution order from DE to SE 3 2 N/A N/A 3 DE SE Warehouse Warehouse GB SE Warehouse Warehouse
Distribution order from GB to GB 3 2 No No 1 GB GB Warehouse Warehouse GB GB Warehouse Warehouse
Distribution order from GB to GB 3 2 No No 2 GB GB Warehouse Warehouse GB GB Warehouse Warehouse

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Summary of Rules for Intrastat

Fiscal Representation Fiscal Representation is only used with Customer Order (not with DO and PO)

Defined in CRS065 Delivery Term for the selling division

3 alternatives
1 Customer country (To Country)
2 Delivering Warehouse (From Country)
3 Not Used (Fiscal Representative is not used with this Delivery Term)

Arrival country (To Country) Domestic External Invoice, from Fiscal Representative to Customer
The fiscal representative replaces Selling Division to issue invoice as domestic
The fiscal representative replaces Customer and receive intrastat transaction from Delivering
Warehouse or Supplier.
Departure country (From Country) Domestic Internal Invoice, from Warehouse to Fiscal Representative
The fiscal representative replaces delivering warehouse country; internal invoice is domestic.
The fiscal representative replaces delivering warehouse and receive intrastat transaction from
delivering warehouse or supplier.

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*All Authorization of Supplier Invoices Fixed assets
Problem Solution Benefit
When the invoice for the purchas of a Added connection for account Faster way to enter information for
fixed assets is entered is it essential to classified as fixed assets assets in the FA modules
enter the information in the FA module
at the same time. This connection has
not been available in APS112

If the account on a line in the template is classified as a fixed asset


Create a call to FAS180 in the same way as its done in GLS120 when
called from APS100
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 64
*All Authorization of Supplier Invoices - accruals
Problem Solution Benefit
Some invoices have costs that need to Added connection for account Faster way to enter information for
distributed over several periods. This is classified as part of the periodic routine periodic routines
done in the periodic routine in GL. This
connection has been missing in

If the account on a line in the template is classified as a periodic


Create a call to GLS470 in the same way as its done in GLS120

when called from APS100
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 65
TAX Exemption agreement in all invoicing function
Problem Solution Benefit
Tax Agreement Exemption functionality, Tax Agreement Exemption Type 5 is Infor M3 13.4 manages VAT Exemption
set in TXS020 type 5 using customer or now used by all Invoicing functions. agreement .
product item, is available in COM and
SOM but not in all invoicing functions.

In TXS020, user can set VAT exemption

agreement on type 5.
In CMS017 the selected objects from
customer and/or item permit to identify the
criteria for which the VAT exemption should
be applied.
The Tax Agreement Number and the
agreement date are included into the
invoices streamfile when applied.

Limitations: VAT Exemption Agreement is not used by


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TAX Type of Invoice moved from CRS406
Problem Solution Benefit
Function CRS405 is having specific A new function CRAR02 has been Infor M3 13.4 Country Version for
functionality for Argentina. created for Argentina. Argentina is using core M3 function
Country Version for Argentina is not
using standard program CRS406.

'Type of invoice' must be part of the invoice

numbering rule in Argentina.
To avoid incorrect invoice numbers, FAM
function AR20, AR45, AR50, AR95, FA50 and
MF01 must be defined with the type of
The new program/panel will be
automatically displayed when pressing enter
on CRS406/F for the FAM
functions mentioned above when 'Country
version' in program 'Company. Connect
Division' (MNS100) is set to 'AR'.

Limitations: This new panel is only available in the

Country Version for Argentina.

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Whats New in detail 13.4
Financial Controlling

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Product Cost calculation if fac material <> fac prod structure
Problem Solution Benefit
Customers use the ability in the product There is a new ability to retrieve cost Companies can now work with a solution
structure to define in what warehouse price from another facility if no cost is without the need of setting up Distribution
the material is to be reserved for. If the available for that material in the product Orders to gain the same effect. This
warehouse is in another facility than the structures facility. simplifies the flow.
product cost cannot be calculated and
FIC only working with DO would solve this

A new parameter CAS 900
068 User internal transfer price for WIP MO
if activated cost price can be retrieved using the
logic for intercompany pricing

Facility B01 is in Euro

Conversion around 1,27
and intercompany pricing
is set to 100% cost to use
Facility A01 is in USD Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 69
M3 13.4 Country Versions
The M3 Financial Management (FIN) Application

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M3 13.4 NCRs Brazil

Module NCR No Description of Change(s) Function(s)

COP 7172 COFINS 7,6% to 8,6% CRBR04, APBR02

APL 8017 Due date and Payment Term at invoice entry APBR01

CAS 8018 Standard Cost Method APBR01

CRS 8060 FCI Number request CRBR04

CRS610, OIS102, SOS102,
CRS 8062 Uniqueness control of CNPJ CRS620, CRS622

CRS 8274 Standard panel X used for localization CRBR11

COM 8364 Changes required for Nfe January 1st 2016 CRBR04, CRBR07, CRBR01

APL 8371 Invoice Nfe xml format entry for AP invoices APBR50, APBR53

CRS 8404 Public System of Digital Bookkeeping (SPED)

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 71

COP COFINS 7,6% to 8,6%
Problem Solution Benefit
A new law introduced in Brazil lead to New field Percentage COFINS Import M3 supports the COFINS tax calculation
an increase of the COFINS rate from added to Item complement. for importation.
7.6 % to 8.6 %. However, the increase
did not apply to the COFINS credit rate This new field is used for calculation of
on imports, which is still 7.6 credit amount in importation scenario

Function CRBR04 permits entry of COFINS

percentage in case of importation.

Display and calculation of the COFINS

importation credit amount during supplier
invoice entry in Supplier Invoice Line.
Record (APBR02/E).

Difference of the COFINS amounts is

automatically added to the cost of the invoice.

Limitations: The COFINS credit rate is only used in

accounts payable importation scenarios.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 72

APL Due date and Payment term in APBR01
Problem Solution Benefit
M3 Country Version for Brazil display Due date and payment term are added M3 country version for Brazil permits to
due date and payment term on F panel, to first panel E. adjust due date and payment at
but they cannot be changed. Supplier invoice entry.

Payment terms are retrieved from the

The due date is calculated based on the
invoice date, the payment terms and the
system calendar.
Payment terms and due date can be changed
If the payment terms is changed the
due date will be recalculated.
If the invoice date is changed, the due
date will also be recalculated

Limitations: No.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 73

CAS Standard Cost
Problem Solution Benefit
Within M3 Country Version for Brazil, The possibility to use standard cost as M3 country version for Brazil permits to
the average price inventory methord the inventory accounting method is use any inventory accounting method..
was the only one available. For stock added for country version Brazil.
The inventory accounting price is not
This method was the one accepted by anymore updated; it cans be used to
Brazilian general accounting. create accounting entries in CAS300.

The invoice matching in country version

Brazil is done in the country specific program
'Supplier Invoice. Record' (APBR01)

When the goods receipt lines are matched

and all taxes have been calculated the
acquisition cost is updated in the stock
transaction history.

To create account entries in CAS300,

parameter 065 should not be set to zero.

Limitations: no offset account entries to accounting rule

PP10/225 are created.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 74

CRS FCI Number request
Problem Solution Benefit
In order to get a FCI number for an This is triggered with a function key in M3 country version for Brazil permits to
item, a FCI request must be sent to the 'Item. Open Complement (CRBR04). use request FCI number electronically.
MBM initiator is triggered and an
It was not possible to do this from M3; outbound message for FCI requests is
external tool was needed and then sent to the authorities electronically.
manually entered.

By using function key F20=FCI request on

panel B or panel F in Item. Open
Complement (CRBR04), a FCI request panel
is displayed where selections can be made
for selecting which items that are included in
the FCI request.

A new MI transaction is created for this

purpose: LstFCIRequest in XBR001MI

Inbound transaction already exists.

Limitations: Only items with Items of origin = 1, 3, 6, 8

are selected..

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 75

CRS Uniqueness Control of CNPJ
Problem Solution Benefit
In Brazil companies are identified by a New field CNPJ/CPF code has been M3 country version for Brazil permits
registered number called CNPJ or CPF. added in the customer and supplier uniqueness control of CNPJ/CPF code.
master where the unique 8 or 11
The CNPJ/CPF number is registered in character long code is entered.
a specific field in M3 where a control is
done on its format. But uniqueness Test is performed to ensure that the
control of the CNPJ/CPF is not done. code does not exist on any other
Uniqueness control of the CNPJ/CPF code
has been added in the following functions:
Customer master (CRS610/M)
Customer address (OIS002)
Customer order address (OIS102)
Service order address (SOS102)
Supplier master (CRS620)
Supplier address (CRS622

Limitations: Uniqueness control is enabled when the

parameter CNPJ/CPF check in CRS045 is checked..

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CRS Standard Panel X used for Localization
Problem Solution Benefit
Country Localization for customer are M3 country localization for Brazil have M3 country version for Brazil handled
handled on panel M. been harmonized with M3 standard in like other country localization.
customer master file.
Localizations are normally handled on
panel X.

New panel X must be managed from F13-

Setting on panel B.

Limitations: No

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Changes required in Nfe for January 1st 2016
Problem Solution Benefit
The NFe (electronic customer invoice) There are new fields added to M3 country version for Brazil handled
layout is changed per 20160101 and Federation unit. Open (CRBR01), latest Nfe format for Electronic Invoice.
therefore it is needed to add some new Item. Open Complement (CRBR04)
fields in M3, which will support these and Settings - CFOP code (CRBR07).
changes. These fields are also added as output
fields in the MI-program XBR001 .
There are three new fields added in M3 for the
Brazilian country version.

1. IPI Framework which is added to

Item. Open Complement (CRBR04) and
to Settings CFOP Code (CRBR07).

2. ICMS CEST Substitution which is

added to (CRBR04).

3. Internal ICMS FCP rate which is

added to Federation Unit. Open

Limitations: No

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APL Invoice Nfe xml format entry for AP invoices
Problem Solution Benefit
When all customer invoices are under New functionality to integrate a supplier M3 country version for Brazil handled
xml format, supplier invoices are invoice via MI-programs has been quick entries of supplier invoices.
manually registered. added into the Country Version for
Brazilian companies need a function to
enter XML invoices via MI-programs for
faster processing of supplier invoices.

The invoice header is created via APBR50MI

transaction AddHead

The invoice lines are created via APBR51MI

transaction AddLine.

The invoice can be validated using APBR53

transaction ValidateInvoice.

Invoices are displayed in APBR50 awaiting

validation that all fields are correctly

Limitations: No mapping is delivered.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 79

APL Public System of Digital Bookkeeping (SPED)
Problem Solution Benefit
In Brazil, the electronic accounting file M3 generates data for the Public M3 country version for Brazil delivers
and the electronic fiscal file is part of System of Digital Bookkeeping (SPED). tables to external third party software
the Public System of Digital that will reports SPED to authority.
Bookkeeping (SPED) aiming to New function SPED Audit File
gradually switch statutory reporting (AABR01) creates tables for selected
from paper to an electronic medium. types of transactions.

The following SPED tables are available:

Item, Service codes
Customer/Supplier, Customer/Supplier addresses,
Customer/Supplier invoices, Customer/Supplier
invoice lines
Import and export invoices
Chart of accounts
Closing balance, Journal entries
Alternative unit of measure
Country, Federation units, Cities

Limitations: No.

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M3 13.4 NCRs Portugal

Module NCR No Description of Change(s) Function(s)
MFPT01, CRS610, MWS010,
8411 Invoicing Software certification ARS205, MWS260, TXP360

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FAA Invoicing Software Certification
Problem Solution Benefit
In accordance with the Portaria Major enhancement have been Infor M3 10.1 PT is the first version from
363/2010 of Jun 23th, any invoicing implemented in M3 Country Version for which this certificate applies.
software must be certified to be used in Portugal such as Series ID.
Portugal. All versions upward from M3 10.1 are
Infor M3 has been certified under certified.
Infor M3 is not registered under its own number 2524.
brand name.

Certification of Movex (724) reached in

2010 by our Partner NLS was mainly about
signature of invoices and access control.

Certification of M3 Country Version Portugal

(2524) : new Public and Private keys.

This certification includes SAFT-PT file,

WebServices for Transporation Document,
Document number series, signature of

New Series-ID handling (function MFPT01)

replaces MFS165 and CRS165.
Limitations: Working Documents, such as confirmation of
customer orders and pro-forma, are not part of this
certification. They are not included in the SAFT-PT.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 82

FAA Invoicing Software Certification

MFPT01 as Series
Numbers management
Replaces CRS165 and
MFS165; mandatory.
Permits over lapping of
numbers per Series ID.
Not set per fiscal year.
Automatic jump to next
Series ID when closed;
no need to update Order
Types and FAM functions.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 83

FAA Invoicing Software Certification

Uniqueness control of NIF
(VAT registration
Not possible to change it.
Special handling of NIF
999999990 (private
person) where name
cannot be changed.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 84

FAA Invoicing Software Certification

Chronological Delivery
Dispatch Policy MWS010
Series ID (from MFPT01)
Transaction Reason as
Document Type.

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FAA Invoicing Software Certification

Traceability of signatures
Invoice signature
Delivery signature
Transportation Document

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FAA Invoicing Software Certification
Streamserve document
is updated to fulfil legal
Dates under dd-mm-yyyy
Legal text format such as
Document number format
Document Type
Series ID
Sequential number
without prefix

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 87

FAA Invoicing Software Certification

Certificate number, Product
ID and Product Version.
Invoices and Deliveries.
Reference to Customer
Order or Delivery
Exemption text.

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M3 13.4 NCRs Italy

Module NCR No Description of Change(s) Function(s)

8119 VAT Split Payment ARIT70, CRIT60

8292 New report layouts for domestic reversed charges APIT70, CRIT60

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 89

TAX VAT Split Payment
Problem Solution Benefit
Following the enactment of the '2015 The ability to print VAT on sales in the Infor M3 13.4 IT handles VAT Split
Stability Law', Italy has introduced a VAT sales and VAT summary registers payment.
specific split-payment mechanism for has been added.
VAT due on goods and services
supplied to the majority of government A new Type of VAT Exemption has
and public sector bodies. been introduced in VAT Code CRS030.

In VAT Code. Open (CRS030), a new
alternative 8 (Split payment) has been
introduced for parameter Type of VAT
exemption for Combined VAT. Then the VAT
amount is printed on the invoices but not
added to the net amount.
The program VAT Exception. Open
(TXS020) can be used to add a VAT
exemption text that will be printed on the
Summary VAT Register. Print (CRIT60) and
the detailed and summarized section of
Sales VAT Register. Print (ARIT70) have
been changed to display VAT on sales.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 90

TAX New report layouts for domestic reversed charge
Problem Solution Benefit
In January 2015, Italy introduced the The possibility to print the VAT payable Infor M3 13.4 IT handles Domestic
possibility to use reverse charge of VAT part of reverse charge of VAT Reversed Charges.
on certain domestic service operations, transactions.
such as for example building
maintenance, as declared in art 17
TER comma 6 DPR 633/72.
When printing a domestic purchase report
from VAT Register Print Purchase
(APIT70) using a VAT register configured with
a VAT sales register, the new report
APIT84PF will be printed.

APIT84PF contains VAT payable and related

VAT base amounts of purchase transactions
for the selected period.


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M3 13.4 NCRs Country Specific R&S

Module NCR No Description of Change(s) Function(s)

CVIN 8048 Excise Tax Handling (M3 13.3 via R&S) Various including AHR

CVMY 8097 Sales and Purchase Book for GST Reporting in Malaysia (M313.3 R&S) Various including AHR

CVUS 8103 M3 Sales Tax for Supplier Invoices combined with Vertex for Customer Invoicing MNS100

CVIN 8185 Tariff Code available as a control object for Order Line Charges (M3 13.3 R&S) CRS275

CVUS 8216 Handling of Supplier Tax charge when Invoice Matching APS360

CVUS 8311 Vertex settings moved to Business Engine (from Foundation Properties) CRS794

CVUS 8422 Performance improvement for OIS100MI for a US Vertex Division GetHead and GetOrderValue

CVUS 8488 APIs for upload of Sales Tax Rates to M3 Tables CRS137 and CRS138

CVUS 8725 Vertex O-Series Version 7 now supported by the M3 Interface to Vertex CRS793/CRS794

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 92



Excise Tax Handling and Reporting

TXIN20 M3 Excise Register. Update, with XML Reporting via AHR Templates
R&S Requirement Excise Tax Reporting:
Register RG23-A for Raw Materials
Register RG23-C for Capital Items
Register RG23-D for Imported Products
Solution A new update function TXIN20 with AHR Templates:
Tax registers are updated with TXIN20
Transactions authorized for reporting by:
TXIN90; TXIN91 and TXIN93
Tax Reporting in XML using AHR Templates

Compliance for Excise Tax Reporting:

Excise Tax registers using M3 Lot Numbering
AHR templates provide reporting flexibility
Functionality only delivered for Country Version India CVIN
Report Templates are only delivered for the Ad Hoc Reporting (AHR) Module

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 93



GST Reporting in Malaysia st

(1 April 2015)
From the Net Change Document
R&S Requirement Goods and Services Tax (GST):
A new Indirect Tax Regime was introduced in
Malaysia with effect from 1st April 2015

Solution M3 VAT Functionality with AHR Templates:

Configuration of M3 Tax Method = VAT
Periodic VAT Reporting with TXS100 Templates
Limited Use AHR Module with template reports

Compliance for GST Reporting:

Global Support with Country Version for MY
AHR templates provide reporting flexibility

Report Templates are only delivered for the Ad Hoc Reporting (AHR) Module
LstVATUserDef must be defined in VAT reporting.ConnectMITransaction (TXS001)
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 94
Sales and Purchase Book for GST Reporting
User defined sorting keys and objects in TXS005
User defined columns to be used in view definitions

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New Tax Method for a US Division

R&S Requirement US Sales and Use Tax Support:

In the US our customers would like to use Vertex for
Customer invoicing, but use M3 Tax Tables for
Supplier Use Tax processing
Solution A new Sales Tax Method introduced
M3 Tax Codes and Geocodes are used for both:
Customer sales tax calculated by Vertex
Supplier purchases tax via M3 Tax Tables

US Taxation Support Merged and Extended:

M3 Interface to Vertex for Customer taxation
M3 Sales Tax for Supplier taxation

The two existing methods are combined but no new functionality is added
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New Tax Method for a US Division

M3 Company. Connect Division Tax Method = 5 (with Vertex)

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NCR # 8103 a New Tax Method

MNS100/F Tax Method=5 with Vertex and M3 Sales Tax functionality

Background The ability to use Vertex Sales tax on customer invoices and M3 Sales tax on supplier invoices has been required to
remove the current limitation that M3 does not allow the two alternative Sales Tax calculation methods to be used in
the same division.

Solution M3 Business Engine Changes as follows:

CRS793 - 'Settings - Sales tax' and

CRS130 - 'Tax Code. Open'

Fields used by both M3 Sales Tax and the M3 Interface to Vertex are now displayed when Tax method=5.

Additionally, a new check has been introduced: if browsing for a geographical code in:
MNS100 M3 Company. Connect Division and
MMS005 - 'Warehouse. Open'

Vertex is called to find the Geocode, but an extra validation is now made to ensure that the geographical code exists in
'Geographical Code. Open' (CRS137) since the field can be used for both supplier and customer invoices in these programs.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 98


Supplier Tax Charge and Invoice Match

Change in original functionality already delivered as a correction for M3 13.3
Background The invoiced tax basis from a supplier invoice should be used to recalculate the tax amount via M3 tax surcharges even when the
parameter 'Tax included' is disabled when invoice matching to a PO

Solution Existing functionality recalculates the tax base amount or tax amount on tax surcharges when matching a supplier invoice to a Purchase Order
Line if the parameter 'Tax included' is enabled.

With this correction the functionality now works in the same way regardless if the parameter 'Tax included' is enabled or disabled with the
difference that the final accounting transactions differs.

Invoice Matching Workflow:

The tax surcharges are displayed together with other charges in (APS361).
When 'Change' is selected panel (APS361/F) is displayed.
On this panel the tax base amount, total tax amount, tax code and geographic code are displayed.
The total tax amount and tax details are recalculated when the tax base amount, tax code or geographic code is changed. The tax base
amount is recalculated when the total tax amount is changed.

Accounting Setups for the Tax Charge:

The accounting transactions created are controlled by the Tax included setting being enabled or disabled.
If a supplier invoice is entered with Sales Tax included' one accounting transaction is recorded for the tax surcharge using:
PP20 226/236
If a supplier invoice is entered without Sales Tax then two accounting transactions are recorded for the tax surcharge and Use Tax
PP20 226/236 and an offsetting transaction
PP20 217 (Use or Self-assessed tax)

For more information regarding the functionality for US Sales Tax surcharges on supplier invoices see M3 13.1 NCR #5308.

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M3 Sales Tax - Standard APIs & List Panels

API program Transaction Description

R&S Requirement US Sales Tax Rate Tables:
CRS137MI API: Geographical code-Jurisdiction To provide a generic API for the import and upload of
AddGeoCode Add Geographical code
US Sales Tax rates per taxing Jurisdiction
DltGeoCode Delete Geographical code

GetGeoCode Retrieves Geographical code

Solution List Panel functionality for Sales Tax Functions
LstGeoCodes List Geographical codes
CRS137 List Panel Standard (see NCR #5418)
UpdGeoCode List Geographical codes
CRS138 List Panel Standard (see NCR #5418)
CRS138MI API: Geographical code-Tax rate
AddTaxRate Add a Geographical code - Tax rate CRS139 Configurable Views + bookmarks
DltTaxRate Delete a geographical code - Tax rate API for upload of US Tax Rates:
GetTaxRate Get data for a Geographical code - Tax rate Customer enhancement request
LstTaxRates List data for Geographical codes - Tax rate
Replace modifications with Mashup functionality
UpdTaxRate Update data for a Geographical code Tax rate

There is no API for CRS139 Geographic Code. Enter Exemptions
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 100

CRS137/CRS138 New List Panel(s)

Sort Orders; Personal Views; APIs and Filters enabled for Mashups..

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CRS137/CRS138 New List Panel

Sort Orders; Personal Views; APIs and Filters enabled for Mashups..

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Mashup with API to add new Tax Rate
Geocode 60010020 Tax Type 1 Before Update 25th August 2016

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 103

Mashup with API to add new Tax Rate
..Updating for August 25th 2016 after Update Tax Rate 1 4.55%

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M3 Sales Tax Tables (CVUS and CVIN)

Information on M3 Tables for Jurisdictions and Tax Rates and Exemptions

M3 Table CRS137MI Geocodes and Tax Jurisdictions

CGEOJU Geographical codes - jurisdictions
The table index CGEOJU10 has been extended to make it possible
GGEORT Geographical codes rates, amounts and tax types to search for different tax jurisdictions, not just geographical
codes, in CRS137.
CGEOEX Geographical codes exemptions

M3 Table CRS138MI Tax Types and Tax Rates by date

CGEOJU Geographical codes - jurisdictions

CGEORT Geographical codes rates, amounts and tax types

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 105

M3 Interface to Vertex Version(s)

R&S Requirement US Sales Tax Support:

Our Sales Tax Partner have released a new Version of
their O-Series Sales Tax Product (Version 7.0) and we
aim to support two Vertex Versions per M3 Release
Version 7.0.n from Vertex is Cloud Enabled
Solution A new Interface setting introduced
CRS794 Installation Settings Vertex

US Taxation Support Extended:

M3 Interface to Vertex Version 6.0.n
M3 Interface to Vertex Version 7.0.n
Both Versions are Generally Available according to Vertex Lifecycle
Maintenance Policies

The M3 Interface for M3 13.4 supports Vertex Version 6.0.n and 7.0.n
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 106

CRS794 Vertex Interface Settings

New Business Engine Function
Replaces settings in M3
properties file
Support for Vertex O-Series:
Version 6.n
Version 7.n

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NCR # 8422 Interface to Vertex for API
Change in API OIS100MI for performance when used with Vertex Interface
Background The MI transactions MI transactions 'GetHead' and GetOrderValue in (OIS100MI) fail when an order contains many lines. The error
occurs when the call to Vertex is NOT completed and the MI transaction fails before the reply from Vertex is sent back.

Solution Two new settings are introduced:

In Function CRS793 Settings. Sales Tax Include tax in MI and
In Function CRS794 Installation Settings. Vertex Timeout sec MI

CRS793 include tax in MI:

Indicates if tax amount should be included in the order totals calculated for the MI transactions 'GetHead' and GetOrderValue in (OIS100MI).
A call is made to Vertex to calculate sales tax and for large orders the call can result in a long response time. The field is used to avoid a
failure in the MI transaction.
Alternative * No = Order totals are excluding tax. No call to Vertex is made.
Alternative * Yes = Order totals are including tax. A call to Vertex is made. M3 BE will stop waiting for Vertex to respond if the call to
Vertex is not completed within the number of seconds set in CRS794 (See below).

If the call is interrupted or if no sales tax is calculated since 'Include tax in MI' is disabled the output field VXCL (Vertex tax not calculated) is set
to 1 indicating that no sales tax has been calculated.

CRS794 Timeout sec MI:

This setting is mandatory when Include tax in MI (above) is checked.
The field indicates controls a timeout value in seconds for the M3 Business Engine to wait for a response from Vertex
When Vertex is being called to calculate tax on order totals for the OIS100MI transactions
'GetHead' and GetOrderValue

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M3 13.4 NCRs Hungary

Module NCR No Description of Change(s) Function(s)

FAA 8489 XML Invoice List Tax Authority Audit Data AAS370

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FAA XML Invoice List - Tax Authority Audit Data
Problem Solution Benefit
In Hungary up from 2016 its mandatory A new function Accounts Receivable Comply with the legal rules in Hungary.
for all ERP systems with invoicing Audit Report. Start (AAS370) allows
facilities to be able to provide an XML the user to enter the required selections The new function is available in MVX to
report showing outgoing invoice details for the electronic invoice report be used in all divisions in case of the
on request to the auditor according to requested by the Hungarian tax use of fiscal representations.
the Decree No. 23/2014 (VI. 30.) authority..

Just one invoice per voucher number
AAS370 can be handled.
Summary invoices are not supported.
Just invoice details for; customer order
invoices (OIS350), manual invoices
(ARS120, ARS100, FAS130) and
internal invoices (MFS100) are included.
Details for other types of invoices will be
delivered in a second step
For one customer order invoice there
can just be one delivering warehouse.
The XML-file can just be created for one
division (DIVI) at a time.

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M3 13.4 NCRs Russia

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ARL New Open Item Report AR
Problem Solution Benefit
Countries working with pre payment A new Open Item Report AR sorted by Close the functional gap in pre payment
processing have a need to see invoices customer, payee and reference number processing giving a report showing the
and pre payments per reference has been introduced. items to be reconciled during the period
(contract) number in order to recognize end closing routine.
what to reconcile during period end
closing. Comply better with a legal requirement
in RU.


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APL New Open Item Report AP
Problem Solution Benefit
Countries working with pre payment A new Open Item Report AP sorted by Close the functional gap in pre payment
processing have a need to see invoices supplier, payere and reference number processing giving a report showing the
and pre payments per reference has been introduced. items to be reconciled during the period
(contract) number in order to recognize end closing routine.
what to reconcile during period end
closing. Comply better with a legal requirement
in RU.


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CRS Changes for Russian Master Data Tables
Problem Solution Benefit
Russian documents use Russian Changes for Russian master data table Comply with legal and market demands
statistical codes. Due to legal changes have been done: in Russia.
the classifying field OKATO has been Rename OKATO code to OKTMO and
replaced by OKTMO. prolong field to 17 characters and
Russian company names are quite prolong field for company / customer /
often longer than 36 characters which supplier name to 80 characters
is the max. length in M3
The functions CRRU01, CRRU02,
MNS100 / CRRU01 CRRU03 can be accessed by adding
the x-panel to the panel sequence of
CRS610 / CRRU02 MNS100, CRS610 and CRS620 in a
Russian market configuration.

CRS620 / CRRU03

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TAX Changes for S&P Book Russia Year 2015
Problem Solution Benefit
In 2014 the requirements for the Initial supplier and customer have been Comply with legal and market demands
Sales&Purchase Book changed added to RU master tables. in Russia.
regarding the format and layout. New New table for VAT operation code.
information, such as initial supplier, end Additional RU panels to maintain these
customer and VAT operation code, is new data during order entry are
also required. available for OIS100, APS100, PPS200

CRRU07/B The functions PPRU01, APRU01 and OIRU01can be

accessed by adding the x-panel to the panel
sequence of PPS200, APS100 and OIS100 in a
Russian market configuration.
Note that these new fields have been added to some
other panels or are filled in the background
automatically, where applicable.

OIRU01: Example for additional

panels with new requested
information for VAT reporting

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TAX Changes for S&P Book Russia Year 2015
The new fields are available as new objects for the
TXS004 user defined VAT report templates, see NCR 6633.

The VAT reports for Sales & Purchase Book can be

created based on table FVTUDL (user defined VAT

VAT operation code

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M3 13.4 NCRs Czech Republic

Module NCR No Description of Change(s) Function(s)

TAX 8077 Changes in EU Sales List TXS130

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TAX Changes in EU Sales List
Problem Solution Benefit
A new legal requirement in Czech for Functionality has been added to report Comply with legal and market demands
EU sales/purchase reporting to report: invoices connected to goods in Czech Republic.
- Transactions connected to goods movement separately in the 'EU
movement separately Sales/Purchase.Open Proposal'
- The number of invoices included in an (TXS130) and a new row Number of
EU sales/purchase report invoices

Indication of goods movement

In CZ transactions connected to goods movement must be reported separately in the EU sales/purchase reporting. To solve this requirement field VAT on
service is now replaced with VAT report type in VAT Code. Open (CRS030) and a new value Movement has been added to indicate that a transaction is
connected to goods movement. Previously this field was only used to separately report VAT on services.

Valid alternatives for the field VAT report type:

0 No
1 VAT on service
2 Movement

Transactions connected to goods movement are displayed in EU Sales/Purchase. Open Lines (TXS136) and EU Sales/Purchase. Open Transaction

Number of invoices
A new field is added in (TXS136) B and E panel to display the number of invoices in each transaction in EU sales/purchase proposal.

A new MI transaction 'LstInvEUSales' has been added in TXS130MI. The MI transaction contains all invoices included in an EU sales/purchase proposal.
The MI transaction can be used in the FBM to indicate the number of invoices in an EU sales/purchase proposal.
TXS133PF A new field W1NINV which represents the number of invoices per line, this is shown only on the Stream File.

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M3 13.4 NCRs Poland

Module NCR No Description of Change(s) Function(s)

TAX 8095 Intrastat reporting based on delivery date CRS600

The field 'Corrective invoice number serie' has been moved from CRS406/F to new
TAX 8219 CRS406 / CRPL01
country specific program 'CRPL01'

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TAX Intrastat Reporting Based on Delivery Date
Problem Solution Benefit
Polish VAT legislation has switched to A new selection criteria for delivery date Comply with legal and market demands
the delivery date as VAT relevant date has been introduced to program in Poland.
in year 2014. In CRS600 intrastat reporting.
consequence this principle also applies The intrastat transactions that have a
to Intrastat reporting. delivery date within this range are
included in the selection.

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TAX Field 'Corrective invoice number serie' moved
Problem Solution Benefit
Years ago the Internal Tax Invoice2 A new panel CRPL01 has been Clearer technical structure in M3 to
has been implemented for Poland. The introduced to keep the corrective keep localized settings in a separate
corrective invoice number series has invoice number series. The new panel panel. Easier maintenance.
been placed on the FAM functions shows up automatically after CRS406
MF01 and TX99. This creates in the Polish market configuration.
problems for the maintenance.

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What's New in detail
Application Foundation
M3 13.4

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AF Definition of customer defined fields (CDF)
Problem Solution Benefit
Customer Defined Fields cannot be A new function has been created Improves ease of extensibility by
added directly into the Custom (CMS080) where customer defined enabling customers to create additional
Extension Tables using normal M3 fields can be described fields connected to existing M3 Tables
functionality and other non M3 related tables.

Standard functions have been added to

enable the creation and managemente of the
customer defined fields, CDFs (previously
called customer extensions).
Base definitions such as field headings can
be managed with the new functionality in
addition to the setup of a simple list of valid
The functions can be utilized where CDFs
are used to expand an existing M3 table and
also where unconnected CDFs are used to
store standalone information.

Limitations: Where CDFs are used to define an extension to

a standard table, the function is limited to tables with 8 or less
primary keys. If the table to be extended has a greater
amount of keys, the user must storethe information as
unconnected CDFs using the tables CUGEX2 and CUGEX3
in the definition.
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 123
Customer defined fields > News
Ad Hoc reports

CMS080 New configurable XML

documents (Beta 13.4)
Add fields to any existing M3 Table
Strings, decimals, dates Configurable List Std
Name/Description/Language functions
Decimals/edit code
Lower/Upper/Multiples Mashups
Valid List of Values

Script to add field to any detail

panel in M3
Adheres to normal security in
functions/panels CMS100 based APIs

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 124

Then using a simple script the field can
be added to any related function in M3
The field that the Item File has always been
Atomic Value!

Currently a separate script is needed for each field on a single panel Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 125
Example Customer defined field
Using Script

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 126
Example Customer defined field
With value list (using script)

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AF Merge data in Configurable views
Problem Solution Benefit
Sometimes 30 column limit in A new virtual field type has been Reduces the numbers of columns
configurable views is a restriction on introduced (8) which enables the required in the view.
the data needing to be displayed. merging of fields into 1 field/column on
the view.

With the addition of a new virtual field type 8

in Virtual Fields. Connect (CMS012), data
from different fields can now be merged into
one single Description field, for example
order number and order line number can be
displayed together as 3953987-0020. This
reduces the numbers of columns required
and can be used as a workaround if the data
does not fit into the 30 column hard

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AF Merge data in Ad hoc reporting
Problem Solution Benefit
Sometimes even simple Ad hoc reports A new virtual field type has been Reduces the numbers of columns
require more than the 30 column limit introduced (8) which enables the required in the report .
merging of fields into 1 field/column on
the report.

With the addition of a new virtual field type 8

in Virtual Fields. Connect (CMS012), data
from different Ad hoc report fields can now
be merged into one single field, for example
order number and order line number can be
displayed together as 3953987-0020.

This reduces the numbers of columns

required in the report and can be used as a
workaround if the report data does not fit into
the 30 column hard limitation.

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AF e-signature
Problem Solution Benefit
Some companies wish to be able to New capability to enable specific Enables customers to control who can
control who can make certain changes functions/fields in M3 to enforce an e- make specific changes within specified
to information inside the M3 solution signature and/or a comment to be entered functions inside M3 and allows an audit
and to keep and audit of those changes before the M3 record is updated. An audit trail of who, what and when to be
trail is then retained of the key, before & after
value, user and comment. available of successful and failed

The E-signature functionality allows users to

sign and approve electronic records within
the system.

Selected programs, files and objects can be

set up to trigger a request for an E-signature
to ensure that review or approval of the
electronic record is performed before
changes are saved..

In this release we deliver one step e-signature functionality including audit
logging totally driven from within the M3 solution
This solution does not in phase 1 cover all FDA e-record requirements

Phase 2 plan is to create complete e-signature and e-record capabilities

required under the full FDA regulations in the next Major version of M3.
N.B. This solution does not cover all FDA e-
record requirements Phase 2 will require customers to acquire the Infor Mingle/ION
technology stack to enable the above capabilities.
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 130
AF New API against M3BE job scheduler
Problem Solution Benefit
Previously it has not been possible to A new API has been introduced Enables simpler management of
drive M3s Job Scheduler from 3rd party together with the ability to control which scheduled jobs in M3 when also using a
Job Scheduling tools being used by jobs are to be driven externally. 3rd party job scheduling tool.
several customers

To improve the flexibility of the M3BE job

scheduler functionality and introduce the
capability to trigger scheduled jobs outside of
M3BE, a new API (SHS010MI) has been
created so that a scheduled job can be
triggered from an external product.

In this case the job is flagged as External in

Job Schedule Information. Open' (SHS230)
to prevent it being processed by autojob
(CSCHJOB) until triggered by the external

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 131

AF Event-based web service calls
Problem Solution Benefit
Historically it has not been possible to New event-based subscription Allows building and automation of the
use user-defined triggers in M3 with functionality has been added where triggering of external code based on
external functionality based on events users can add a call to an external web events in M3 without need to code
that occur inside the M3 system. service (including Mongoose). modifications to the solution.

This definition includes filters to only perform the

call when it is required.
It also includes the possibility to append information
from other M3 tables than the table that triggered
the event.
All event information is passed to the receiver as a
Json message.
The calls are done according to the principle "fire
and forget", meaning that the function performing
the call does not wait for a reply from the called
To define this the user, need to activate the
subscription of the event (in function "Event
subscription", CMS045) for web service calls.
Secondly (in function "Event subscription web
service call", CMS049) the user defines when the
call should be made through filters, what should be
called (the Url for the call) as well as how the call
and possible authentication
Copyright should
2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. be done. 132
AF Event-based API calls
Problem Solution Benefit
Historically it has not been possible to New event-based subscription Allows building and automation of the
define event based triggers inside M3 functionality has been added where triggering of existing business logic
to activate existing M3 APIs. customers can add a call to an M3 API. (APIs) without need to code
modifications to the solution.

This definition includes filters to only perform the

call when it is required.
It also includes the possibility to append information
from other M3 tables than the table that triggered
the event.
Used event information is passed to the API in the
form of parameters.
The calls are done through an Autojob submitting a
generic batch job.
To define this the user, need to activate the
subscription of the event (in function "Event
subscription", CMS045) for API calls. Secondly (in
function "Event subscription API call", CMS041) the
user defines when the call should be made through
filters, which API should be called, as well as the
parameters included in the call.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 133

AF Configurable XML from Print programs
Problem Solution Benefit
M3 printed documents are hard for Generate standard XML with tooling Will reduce modifications that all
customers to modify either needing for customization and extension. Built customers have and will mean
modifications to java code or ODBC on existing capabilities in M3 for customers can upgrade much easier.
calls to the database, plus the support configurable lists. Plus use of more
of international formatting is too modern Opentext tools. Also means customers will easily be
complex. able to tailor their external documents

Print start Printer file Description

APS450 APS456PF Supplier Batch invoices
APS130 APS141PF Supplier Check
APS130 APS171PF Drafts
APS400 APS409PF Statement of account
ARS120 ARS121PF Manual customer invoice
ARS140 ARS149PF Statement of account
ARS150 ARS159PF Reminders
ARS160 ARS169PF Interest invoice
ARS200 ARS204PF Splitting invoices
ARS200 ARS206PF Grouping invoices
COS180 COS184PF Maintenance invoice
LTS800 LTS189PF Long time rental invoice
MFS100 MFS109PF Internal AR invoices
MMS300 MMS303PF Stocktake
MMS300 MMS304PF Stocktake difference
OIS125 OIS127PF Prepayment request
OIS125 OIS128PF Final payment request
OIS180 OIS199PF Customer order Invoice
OIS605 OIS606PF Customer order acknowledgement
PPS600 PPS601PF Purchase order
PPS820 PPS821PF Return to supplier notes
SOS135 SOS136PF Service order confirmation
SOS180 SOS189PF Service order invoice

In 13.4 tec(disabled at GA), will be enabled in coming months We are looking for 2 or 3 Pilot customers to work with
The Plan is to deliver more external documents continuously on top of 13.4 Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 134
New Configurable XML
for Business documents
Scope for M3 13.4 Easy extendable by customer
Focus on business documents
BUT not all M3 documents will be covered Add new tables, fields etc by metadata
Planned around 20 documents
Streamfiles will still be supported Eliminates modifications in documents

XML file including translations
and metadata
Invoice StreamServe Invoice.
StoryTeller PDF
OIS199PF Layout
controlled by
metadata Credit
Credit note

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 135

Additional Smaller Enhancements 1 of 2
NC Ref Description
8486 Automatic addition of customer defined fields when adding new custom list and Ad-hoc report (see restriction)
8188 Field security has been implemented in Ad hoc reporting to restrict the selection and inclusion of fields at a user level.
8639 List changes in API programs between 15.1.4 and 15.1.3
8638 List of API programs per Application Component Connector
8428 Activation status added to search setup (CMS021)
8185 Add tariff code as a control object in CRS275 - Order line charges - Indian M3 Sales tax configuration
8187 Field security in Configurable Views
8479 Global configuration for Electronic messages
8476 Language code according to ISO standard
8228 Removal of unnecessary calls to CRRTVIPR
8485 Sorting order description in user language
8023 New description field in job scheduler SHS010/SHS230
8062 Uniqueness control of CNPJ/CPF (Brazil only)

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Additional Smaller Enhancements 2 of 2
NC Ref Description
8399 New transactions added to PDS010MI in order to manage work centre/
work centre resource relationships
8370 Since M3 13.3 we have started to recommend to use SAML authorization
instead of LDAP, which means that our password authorization for functions
needs to work slightly differently.
8188 Field security has been implemented in Ad hoc reporting to restrict the
selection and inclusion of fields at a user level.
8321 A new API (MMS122MI) has been created in order to handle disablement
of auto allocation
8383 Function program MMS972 replaced by MMUPSTSFnc
8424 To control whether or not search functionality is available to the user, a status field is added to the search setup for M3
functions (CMS021). The default status for new records is 10 (not activated), meaning that search is not possible in the
corresponding sorting order of the function. Search is activated for the sorting order by setting the status to 20. For
customers using search in previous versions, backward compatibility is maintained by the use of status 00 as an activated
search setup.
8516 New standard for Time zone handling in MIs by introducing a UTC mode in a template MI (PMS070MI). By utilizing this
mode it is assumed that the times sent in to the MI transaction is in UTC, and what comes out from the MI is in UTC time
zone. Also, some additional time zone MI transactions have been added in DRS045MI.

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What's New in detail
SLS Sales Management

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SLS Proof of Delivery API
Problem Solution Benefit
CO Delivery. Approve (OIS155) is not Proof of delivery is now available Proof of delivery is now available
available through API transactions. through API transactions. Supported through API transactions enabling
transactions include list deliveries that customers and partners to build proof of
require proof of delivery, update delivery applications for mobile devices
quantities on delivery lines and confirm utilizing these API transactions.
proof of delivery.

Customer order deliveries in status

61=Approval required can be listed using
ListDeliveries in OIS155MI
Update delivery lines can be made using
Confirm proof of delivery can be made using
Approve by providing delivery number,
approver name/signature and delivery date.
This equates to F14 in OIS155.
Using Approve will set the delivery to status
60=Ready to invoice.

Limitations: Credit card authorization at proof of delivery

is not supported through the API.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 139

SLS Capture credit card transactions in batch
Problem Solution Benefit
Capture credit card transactions require A new program Credit Card Capture. Scheduling capture of credit card
manual intervention for each Submit (CRS444) is created to capture transactions will reduce manual
transaction. credit card transactions in batch. The invention and thereby reducing cost, as
process can also be scheduled in the well as helping to ensure credit card
job scheduler (SHS030). transactions are not forgotten.

A new program Credit Card Capture. Submit

(CRS444) is created to process credit card
transactions in batch
Transactions are displayed in CRS436 and
processing transactions in batch in CRS444
equates to F14/F15 in CRS436.
Executing CRS444 will send all transactions
in status 20 and 25 for processing.
This process can be scheduled in the job
scheduler (SHS030).

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 140

SLS Print pre-payment document automatically
Problem Solution Benefit
Pre-payment document must be The pre-payment document can be Printing the payment document
printed manually for each order. printed automatically after order automatically after order creation will
creation by enabling Print document in help to reduce manual intervention for
'CO Type. Connect documents' orders with advance invoicing.
(OIS011/E) for document 360.

In 'CO Type. Connect documents'

(OIS011/E) enable Print document for
document number 360 to print the pre-
payment document after order creation.
The payment document will be printed
automatically after leaving order entry in
OIS100 or confirming the order when created
through API.
The payment document will only be printed
after order creation. If the order is changed
after creation, reprinting the payment
document must be triggered manually.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 141

8338 Sales statistics for manually priced order lines from
Problem Solution Benefit
It is not possible to separate sales Enabling a parameter Price and This feature will enable users of the
tickets in the sales statistics that are discount origin in Settings - POS sales statistics to distinguish manually
manually priced in the Point-of-Sales (OPS700) will allow the external POS priced sales tickets from system priced
(POS) system from sales tickets where system to provide information in the sales tickets and thereby follow up on
the price is unchanged. API if the price of a sales ticket has potentially unwanted price overrides.
been manually changed.

Activating the parameter Price and discount

origin in Settings POS (OPS700) will
enable the external system to pass 8
(Manually entered, changed or copied) in the
field Price change indicator in
AddSlsticketLin or SndSlsTicketLin in the
Passing 8 in this field will set the sales order
line price origin to 8
If a blank value is passed the price origin on
the sales order line will be set to A (API).
Note that the field Price change indicator
only accepts 8 or blank as values.
If the parameter in OPS700 is not activated,
all sales order lines entered through
OPS270MI will have price origin 8
(unchanged behavior).
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 142
8389 Automatically use number in sequence when creating
SLS customer address numbers
Problem Solution Benefit
It is time-consuming to browse through Enter ? to automatically use the next This feature will enable users to
customer address numbers to find the available number in sequence when automatically use the next number in
next available number in sequence creating address numbers in sequence when creating new customer
when creating new address numbers 'Customer. Connect Address' (OIS002) address numbers without having to
and AddAddress in CRS610MI. browse through long lists of address

For address numbers in sequence ADR01,

ADR02 etc. enter ADR?? when creating a
new address number in 'Customer. Connect
Address' (OIS002) and AddAddress in
CRS610MI to automatically create a new
address number using the next available
address number in sequence, e.g. ADR78.
An error message will be returned attempting
to create an address number and there are
no available numbers in that sequence.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 143

8405 Sales statistics for manually priced order lines from
SLS external systems
Problem Solution Benefit
It is not possible to separate sales Enabling a parameter Price and This feature will enable users of the
order lines in the sales statistics that discount origin in Settings - Batch sales statistics to distinguish manually
are manually priced in an external Orders (OIS278) will allow the external priced sales order lines from system
system from sales order lines where system to provide information in the priced sales order lines and thereby
the price is unchanged. API if the price of a sales order line has follow up on potentially unwanted price
been manually changed. overrides.

Activating the parameter Price and discount

origin in Settings - Batch Orders (OIS278)
will enable the external system to pass 8
(Manually entered, changed or copied) in the
field Price change indicator in the API
Passing 8 in this field will set the sales order
line price origin to 8
Note that the parameter only is visible for
batch order source A and valid if the source
sales price parameter is set to 1 or 2.
Otherwise the price is retrieved as per
standard M3 BE price retrieval functionality.
Note that the field Price change indicator
only accepts 8 or blank as values.
If the parameter in OIS278 is not activated,
all sales order lines entered through API will
have price origin 8 (unchanged behavior).144
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com
SLS Credit card payment with CenPOS in Cash Desk
Problem Solution Benefit
Credit card is an efficient payment Credit card payment with 3rd party By integration of Cash Desk with
method for cash desk sales but there is provider CenPOS is now available in CenPOS, a multi country, multi currency
no standard integration to 3rd party Cash Payment (OIS215). The solution solutions is made available to reduce
credit card solutions. allows for integration to card readers the efforts of enabling credit card
and on-screen entry of card details payments for customers operating in
through a java script. multiple countries.

In Cash Desk.Open (OIS210) activate the

parameter Externally managed credit card
payments to enable externally managed
credit card transactions. This option is only
valid with physical cash desks.
Cash Desk is available as a control object in
'Connect Third party provider. Open'
(CRS439). In CRS439 also enter the URL to
access CenPOS (unique per
Third-party id and third-party provider is
available in OIS215 to be used in the
communication with CenPOS.
The communication with CenPOS must be
activated in OIS215 as a personalization by
activating script CenPosM3_v1

Related NCR 8406 Credit card payment 145

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com
with other 3rd party provider in Cash Desk.
SLS Credit card payment with CenPOS at order entry
Problem Solution Benefit
Credit card is an efficient payment Credit card payment with 3rd party By integration of Credit Card
method for order payment but there is provider CenPOS is now available in Authorization. Open (CRS435) with
no standard integration to 3rd party for sales order entry through Credit CenPOS, a multi country, multi currency
credit card solutions. Card Authorization. Open (CRS435). solutions is made available to reduce
the efforts of enabling credit card
payments for customers operating in
multiple countries.

CenPOS is called from Credit Card

Authorization. Open (CRS435) using a java
The response from CenPOS containing
reference number and status updates M3
through CRCCINMI.AddCCRefno.
The communication with CenPOS must be
activated in CRS435 as a personalization by
activating script CenPosM3_v1

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 146

8523 Review supplier invoice details before customer invoice
SLS is created in buy-to-order processes
Problem Solution Benefit
There is no easy way of reviewing A related option is made available in Review the connected supplier invoice
connected supplier invoice details 'CO Delivery. Display Lines' (OIS356) before the customer invoice is produced
before the customer invoice is created to call Purchase Order. Display Invoice to be able to decide if any additional
in buy-to-order scenarios Transactions (PPS410). charges from the supplier should be
passed on to the customer invoice or
absorbed by the company.

A new related option is available in 'CO

Delivery. Display Lines' (OIS356) to call
Purchase Order. Display Invoice
Transactions (PPS410) to be able to see the
supplier invoice details.
All supplier invoices connected to the
customer order line are displayed. If there
are several customer order deliveries
created for the same purchase order line all
invoices are displayed even if the supplier
invoice is not connected to the customer
order delivery.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 147

SLS Split customer return line with lot number
Problem Solution Benefit
Returning CO-line shipped with multiple Related option split available in Improve process for returning lot-
lot numbers. You may want identify and OIS391 to enable split when order line managed items. Support copy and
split returns lines into unique lot- was shipped with multiple lot numbers. advice of entire quantity and then split at
numbers already at the return receipt Will generate multiple returns lines to receipt to reflect logistics process more
step. be acted upon during the inspection accurately.

Customer Returns Lines OIS391 Improvements in CO-returns process in

Split of advised CO-returns for lot managed
items, copied from a reference CO.
Allow splitting into multiple returns lines in
this case one for each shipped lot number.

Note: Shipped lot numbers need to be

manually entered while splitting into new

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 148

SLS Improvement in 'Co Invoice. Restart Processing' (OIS980)
Problem Solution Benefit
If invoice job was interrupted in process New option Extended check added Covering more scenarios of jobs
without a record in the job-command to OIS980 allowing you to initiate interrupted during processing.
table the job could not be re-started. additional search for interrupted jobs in Allowing to re-start invoice jobs that
the invoice progress table (OINVIP) previously was beyond rescue.
Removing the need for manually re-
generating invoice data.

Further extending the capabilities of OIS980

to cover more scenarios where an invoice
job might have been interrupted due to
technical failures.
Co Invoice Restart ... OIS980

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 149

SLS Extend the number of decimals to use for sales prices
Problem Solution Benefit
In many regions its common to define Allow for defining sales price decimals Support increased decimal precision
the sales price with more decimals. The separate from the currency decimal in without needing to use the M3 concept
existing M3 solution was limited to 2 finance. Allow for up to 4 decimals on of price quantity.
decimals on sales prices and sales prices and discounts. More straight forward definition of prices
discounts. and allow printing prices in a format
compliant with regional expectations.

Co-line Workbench... OIS302 (new) Define price decimals per currency (CRS055)
allowing from 1 to 4 decimals
Price decimals affect prices and discounts per
Amounts are still expressed in the currencys
normal number of decimals.
Decimals extended for prices and discounts in:
Sales price list
Customer Blanket Agreement
Discount model
Sales costing elements up to 4 decimals
Prices & discounts
per unit with 4 dec. Limitations: The extention of sales price decimals is
limited to the customer order module (OIS)
Amounts with 2 dec

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 150

SLS Retrieve the sales price U/M from the price source
Problem Solution Benefit
Sales price U/M was defaulted from the New order type setting allowing to More flexible control of pricing unit.
items sales price U/M. control if sales price U/M should come
from item setup (current functionality) Allow for automatically expressing the
If a price list, or other source, was or from the source of the price (new customer order and the invoice in a
expressed in a unique price U/M the functionality). pricing unit agreed and defined in a
price was still converted to the items price list, agreement or promotion.
sales price U/M.

New parameter in CO-type settings:

CO Type. Update Field Selection OIS014 Sales Price U/M
BLANK existing functionality:
Price U/M retrieved from the
item settings
Price U/M retrieved from the
source of the sales price

This new feature is used with new

capabilities in Catch Weight sales
This feature can be used with items
with or without catch weight.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 151

SLS Parallel sales price units supporting Catch Weight pricing
Problem Solution Benefit
Some companies sell the same catch Extend Catch Weight sales pricing Remove the need for duplicating item IDs
weight items (same Item ID) to regions capabilities to allow variable pricing in for catch weight pricing purposes.
using metric (kg) and imperial units more than one catch weight unit. Can sell catch weight items globally using
(Lb). M3 could only support selling the sales price U/M applicable in different
same item ID in one Catch Weight UM. Auto retrieve pricing unit from pricing countries, communicate prices in a U/M
source familiar to the customer.

Item. alternate UM MMS015 Order Type - OIS010 If CW-pricing needed in additional UM then
define an additional CW price U/M' in Item.
Connect Alternate U/M (MMS015)
Define in CO Type. Update Field Selection
(OIS014/J) that the sales price U/M should be
retrieved from the price source
The sales price U/M on the customer order
line is retrieved from the price source (price
list, agreement, or promotion), allowing you to
communicate prices in a U/M familiar to the
If sales price U/M is flagged as CW price
Example: U/M then variable conversion from catch
Left: Priced in EURO and variable KG using 2 price decimals weight in standard CW U/M to pricing U/M will
Right: Prices in USD and variable LB (conversion 1 to 2.20462262) using 4 price decimals) happen.
If sales price U/M is NOT flagged as CW
price U/M then conversion to price U/M will go
from quantity in basic U/M fixed quantity
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 152
8382 API support for closing AND deleting a customer order
SLS line
Problem Solution Benefit
Closing a Customer order line not New capabilities added to customer More complete replication of online M3-
available as an API-transaction. order API - OIS100MI. functionality available for designing own
applications, user-interfaces and
Deleting a Customer order line through New transaction to close order line. workflows against the core M3 business
API-transaction did not update lost logic.
sales. New input to trigger update of lost sales
when deleting order line.

New capabilities in existing Customer Order

Interface API - OIS100MI

New transaction CloLine has been added.

Delete Behaves like close option in customer order
entry (option 24 in OIS101)

Improvements to existing delete transaction

DelLine allowing to trigger update of lost
sales with reason code.


Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 153

Aggregated Update of CO routes for change forwarder
Problem Solution Benefit
When you work with preordering it may A new capability is introduced to update Increases the speed and improves
not be known what forwarder will pick the route information at the customer quality of the information
up the goods. Also customers could order line level in an aggregated
change from forwarder. Changing a manner as well as in mass update
forwarder can be done at delivery or via
SLS the routes on each order line

Set up
New fields available in mass updating CO lines
toolbox (OIS300 OIS315) and in
Mass update CO lines (OIS260)

Del method
Del terms
Delivery specification

Update of route and route departure can be done
but not simultaneously with planning date/ del
method and requested delivery date
If joint delivery code is used the last date is
Kits (fixed) will get same route as the header.
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 154
8611 H5
Fashion Matrix Plugin CO for HTML5
Problem Solution Benefit
Currently the fashion matrix plugin The fashion matrix Plugin for customer Users can chose to work on both smart
works on smart office but not in the orders is now also enabled for thin office and HTLM5.
HTLML5 UI (thin client) client. HTLM5


Set Up
Using the Fashion Matrix installation Guide

The use in the thin client is the same as in smart

The CO matrix works in Customer Order Toolbox

OIS300 when selecting an order matrix button opens
Smart Office

The fashion plugin enables at the same time DO and

PO even if you dont use it.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 155

CPQ script for H5 enabled
Problem Solution Benefit
The integration with CPQ cannot run New Javascript and technical Users can now use either Smart Office or
with the HTML5 / thin client interface foundation changes to allow a script to HTML5
run from Customer order and for
indented bill of material opening PCM
instead of PDS605 (config simulation)

*Information all documented in

M3BEIPCINTG integration guide

Name of script Cpq_M3_v1
Add script to PDS605

When script is installed the solution
will run to CPQ / PCM interface

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 156

SLS Improvement in 'Co Invoice. Restart Processing' (OIS980)
Problem Solution Benefit
If invoice job was interrupted in process New option Extended check added Covering more scenarios of jobs
without a record in the job-command to OIS980 allowing you to initiate interrupted during processing.
table the job could not be re-started. additional search for interrupted jobs in Allowing to re-start invoice jobs that
the invoice progress table (OINVIP) previously was beyond rescue.
Removing the need for manually re-
generating invoice data.

Further extending the capabilities of OIS980

to cover more scenarios where an invoice
job might have been interrupted due to
technical failures.
Co Invoice Restart ... OIS980

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 157

Additional Smaller Enhancements
NC Ref Description
8028 Introducing configurable views in Credit Card Capture. Open (CRS436)
8116 Translate unit of measure in credit card transactions in Credit Card Translation Table (CRS443). Only
supported with CenPOS.
8118 Third party provider CenPOS is now supported in 'Credit card Interface settings. Open' (CRS434)
8225 The ATP (available-to-promise) check at customer order entry can now be limited to discontinued items (status
50) to prevent oversale against ATP inventory in the scenario that inventory still exists, but it is all reserved to
demand orders. In previous versions of M3 BE, the ATP check (if activated
at order entry) it was performed regardless of item status.
8264 OIUPSTSFnc replaces OIS910 frequently called function-program replaced to provide improved performance.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 158

Whats New in Detail 13.4
SCE Supply Chain Execution

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 159

SCE Sublots
Problem Solution Benefit
Demand from Industries like F&B and Sublots are unique entities within an Support for very detailed execution
Pharma to be able to transact and trace item/lot with a quantity of 1 (ONE). A down to the case and box level for
on serialized packages. Companies sublot in stock is also connected to a increased accuracy, productivity and
aiming at using containers in M3 for balance ID. All major stock transactions traceability. Separated from the balance-
this purpose have faced serious in M3 now supports sublots with or id level allowing the solution to perform
scalability and functionality issues. without catch weight. and scale to support large volumes.

F&B & Catch Weight Warehouse transactions from purchase,

Boxes of meat/fish
Lot Lot: L1
inhouse warehouse, distribution,
Block or wheels of cheese manufacturing to sales supports sublots.
10-100ths Balance ID Sublot Online functions in M3 BE and API provides
Lot:/Cont/Sublot: support for sublot transactions.
New sublot entity table viewed in MMS472
Catch Weight = 22.0
Location/ Container: L1/C1 (MITSUB) connected to lot and balance ID
Quantity = 3 L1/C1/S2 New sublot transaction history viewed in
Catch Weight = 67.5 Catch Weight = 24.0 MWS072 (MTRSUB).
Lot:/Cont/Sublot: GLT offers new views on sublots.
Pharmaceuticals L1/C1/S3
Catch Weight = 21.5 MRP, internal accounting, inventory valuation
Boxes of pills
, attributes etc remains on lot and balance-ID
Stored in cases on pallets Lot:/Cont/Sublot:
100-1000 ths L1/C2/S4
level for scalability and usability purpose
Location/ Container:L1/C2
Catch Weight = 22.5
Quantity = 2 Limitations:
Catch Weight = 45.5 Lot:/Cont/Sublot:
L1/C2/S5 - Factory Track for M3 not yet supporting sublots.
Catch Weight = 23.0
- Equipment / Maintenance modules not supporting sublots

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 160


Sublots - Scope for M3 13.4

In scope: Out of scope:
Manage sublots as a Sublots in PO Supplier Allow sublots to be partially
separate and detailed level delivery note-ASN flow processed Quantity = 1 Base UM
of lot and balance ID CO returns of sublots Status or QI on sublot level
Traceability of sublots Archiving of sublot data Spec matching / allocation on
Handle catch weight on sublot level
Physical inventory counting
sublot level of sublots Blending of sublots
Receipt of sublots (PO / MO Sublot tracing (to be Backflush issue
/ DO / RO) handled in GLT) Sublots are not supported in the
Internal movements of Catch Weight Update Equipment / Maintenance
sublots modules of M3
API / WHI-based
Item/lot reclassification
Issue of sublots (CO / DO /
RO / MO)

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 161

Product Classification
Problem Solution Benefit
Colors of styles that are being carried An ability to define at the season level Capabilities in selecting products for
over from one season may have a the classification of a product and later allocation to use the classifications by
different classification. In first season on use this field for managing season.
they might be fashion collection in allocations and or mass update
second season it could be a core
PDM collection.

CRS913 - A new table for classification is created
MMS016/E a new parameter for activating
season in MMS077 / MMS076

in MMS077 and or MMS076 the classification field
will show if selected in MMS016
The user can select a value and generate it
together with the SKU generation or carry over of
SKUs to other season
In the Alias File the classification will be stored
The alias information can also be added after SKUs
are created but then you need to use the API for
The classification field can be used in the batch
and joint delivery rules
2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 162
Batch Allocation possible for SCO managed orders
Problem Solution Benefit
When working with supply chain Orders that are managed via supply The use of supply chain managed orders
managed orders the capability to chains (SCO) are now enabled for use is helpful in many scenarios where visibility
reallocate stock through batch in batch allocation of supply chain is required. To extend the
allocation is not possible. This limits the batch allocation with orders that are supply
use of SCO managed orders if you chain managed means more capabilities
SCE work a lot with preorders and shortages for customers to work with SCO

A new setting on the batch allocation allowing to
Deallocate use the functionality to work for SCO managed
This capability allows If this parameter is selected,
demand order lines with existing supply chain order
Allocate links will be included in deallocation (only if demand
line was partly allocated) and in the allocation part
of batch allocation.

update SCO No new Supply chain order lines will be created by

the batch allocation
Material plan will update the links but no new
Recreate proposals will be generated only via MRP or
links that manually triggered
have no
allocation Only SCO with parameter Link existing order is 1 or
2 is applicable for this
Allocate stock parameter will be considered163
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com
as 0
always regardless of setting
Added item description in many places
Problem Solution Benefit
In fashion the SKU description contains In many places the description is added Improves the usability readability for
a lot of information with respect to color to the more static screens the user.
and size where name shows only the
name of the product. Also other
businesses may have more information
SCE in the description on top of name

.. Programs affected

MMS080, MMS100, MMS101,

OIS021, PDS002, PDS100,
PDS103, PMS040, PMS050,
PMS070, PPS040, PPS101,
PPS201 and RPS010.

See the NCR for the places

where it has been added
(sorting order, field group etc.)

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 164

Batch allocation with improved selection capabilities
and many new fields including markets and order info.
Problem Solution Benefit
Allocation is currently limited to some The solution allows customers to select The need for configuring certain fields
fields of the item master and limits the fields from product, customer and because of selection limitations can now
ability to allocate for certain markets or orders in a more free format and allows be reduced due to the flexibility of those
orders. Expanding the fields would lead users to enter styles / style colors selections. It also reduces potential
to pages of selections which becomes modifications
SCE unusable for the user

Set up
Ability to set up those fields that you as a company
want to use in allocations. This is done to the so
called dynamic selection ID (CRS325/CRS326) and
Customer Item master field group DS001 (dynamic selection info)
Info Info Batch Allocation
New parameter to suppress the old fields
(MMS189/P) - hide selection fields
Planning Ability to apply selected fields Dynamic Sel ID
(MITPLO) Ability to overwrite and add dynamically
Ability to enter only a from value
Ability to repeat a value (for instance for multiple
Customer styles)
Product Style color selections
order Info
Other selection programs with limited fields to chose
from could potentially be solved in this manner165
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com
Supply Chain Maintenance & Visibility
Problem Solution Benefit
For customers that work with style color Supply Chain Order view has been Whether you are a sourcing or production
information visibility and maintenance enabled for aggregated information at company information at order or within
at the style color level is not possible. the order level for CO and PO including order level at style or style color is
Many clicks are required to see the capabilities to view by style/ color and available and can help giving answers to
picture and to close/delete information to close and delete at those levels questions from internal and external
SCE persons

Fashion Specific set up in MWS150

new parameter for filtering by style / color
Fashion specific fields added (fashion only)

Generic in MWS150
New parameter to not show unconnected lines
Delete (option 4) enabled for categories 100, 101,
250, 251, 311, 500 and 501 if level is 0. This is also
applicable for aggregated lines (fashion)

Changes in MWS150
New list panel standard
Available from MMS100, OIS100, OIS300, PMS100
and PPS200
Status added
Schedule number added
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 166
Delivery value check
Problem Solution Benefit
When (replenishment) orders are Ability to check the delivery value Short term (replenishment) orders can still
placed today but customer also booked against the remaining credit (limit 2) at be delivered to the customer
orders for the next (future) season than the point of issuing the goods in the
current deliveries may suffer from order warehouse. If delivery
stops. Releasing the order stop means value+outstanding < credit limit the
SCE no controls at all anymore. delivery can be issued
Settings parameters
Dispatch Policy
Delivery value Check against Credit limit 2 540 must be payer
1400 570 delivery check must be 1 or 2
580 delivery check method must be 1 .
1200 New issue status in delivery toolbox and Delivery value
and discrepancy info
1000 New field Delivery value = the value per line as a sales
price minus line discounts, multiplied with the quantity
moved to a dock location. The calculated values will be
summarized for all lines on all active picking list suffixes
for that delivery
Delivery Delivery Process
400 NOK ok Delivery
Delivery A delivery value Check against remaining on credit limit 2
NOK is done when all goods are moved to dock
The delivery will be put on hold if not enough balance
It is possible to manually unlock the hold delivery
. Delivery 1 Delivery 2 Delivery 3 Delivery 4 .
Invoiced Dlvry Value Credit limit 2
Can only be for deliveries with One payer
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 167
More capabilities for checking deliveries
Problem Solution Benefit
When delivering goods to a store that Themes can be created for multiple The advantage of being able to add
are related to a theme (promotion, purpose / regional / customer / chain information at any moment in time and
opening / reopening / VIP person etc. it is now possible to use the joint use that information for controlling the
coming) there needs to be enough of delivery code in the customer order line deliveries
this theme before shipping. We lack a to update this value
SCE capability to create themes

Settings for delivery consolidation in

dispatch policy MWS010
A check that joint delivery code is not active if 290-
allocation check = 1
Object joint delivery code on 540 and 545 can be
New used for delivery consolidation

Pre-built On the fly New settings for joint delivery rules

Themes Themes New Object joint delivery code
after product New Object season dependent product
The joint delivery code can be used in the joint
delivery rule process
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 168
8420 SO
Fashion Matrix Plugin for Distr.Orders Smart Office
Problem Solution Benefit
In certain businesses like footwear Fashion matrix plugin is now extended Good visibility of orders entered for fashion
easily > 20 sizes of one color can be with Distribution Orders. The matrix can and new capabilities for updating and
ordered. Currently the distribution handle an endless number of columns, adding quantities in matrix format
orders cannot be updated using a three dimensions (X,Y,Z) and can do
matrix approach. updates, deletes and ability to add new
SCE lines.

Set Up
Using the Fashion Matrix installation Guide

Use the fashion Matrix User Guide. The function
works similar to the CO and PO matrix.
The DO matrix button can be used in
Req/distr Order.Open MMS100 when a DO
type 51 is selected.

This NCR covers the DO plugin info for Smart Office

NCR 8611 covers the DO for H5

The plugin is now available for DO,CO,PO on

smart office
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 169
8611 H5
Fashion Matrix Plugin for Distr.Orders H5
Problem Solution Benefit
In certain businesses like footwear Fashion matrix plugin is now extended Good visibility of orders entered for fashion
easily > 20 sizes of one color can be with Distribution Orders. The matrix can and new capabilities for updating and
ordered. Currently the distribution handle an endless number of columns, adding quantities in matrix format
orders cannot be updated using a three dimensions (X,Y,Z) and can do
matrix approach. updates, deletes and ability to add new
SCE lines.

Set Up
Using the Fashion Matrix installation Guide

Use the fashion Matrix User Guide. The function
works similar to the CO and PO matrix.
The DO matrix button can be used in
Req/distr Order.Open MMS100 when a DO
type 51 is selected.

This NCR covers Co,DO,PO plugin for H5

NCR 8420 covers the DO for smart office

in earlier versions NCRs were published for CO&DO

The plugin is now available for DO,CO,PO on H5

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SCE Transportation Interface Stop

Problem Solution Benefit
Need a standard place in M3 Add new functions to store freight Prevents disconnect of shipment from
transportation to store an interface status indicator and delivery stop codes deliveries and as a result orphaned
status representing a TMS integraton to prevent changes to CO when there records in both M3 and the TMS system
Need the ability to respect the TMS is an active shipment per the TMS when dispatching carriers for shipments
carrier dispatc status in M3 for COs interface.
and DOs.

Final Rate Standard functions have been added to:

Final Rate
Return Create a valid list of transportation status
Request indicators
M3 CO, DO Deliveries New/Updated Identify where in the process a stop code will
and Shipments Dispatch
be issued for a delivery: Allocation, Picking,
Issue, Freight Cost Distribution or no check
Store the freight status indicator on a
Simple TMS New delivery stop codes
Integration Flow Dispatch Optional use in M3. It will continue to work as it does
in release 13.3
See also NCRs 8453, 8452, 8427 for related
Tentative Dispatch Order Change /
Request Response Dispatch Change Limitations: Shipments must be used for COs and DOs to store
the transportation status indicator.
Confirmed / Denied Transportation
Dispatch Management System Integration will include: standard APIs, custom APIs, custom ION
Bods, custom Event Hub events, custom Mec Mapping, etc.
Dispatch Policy Auto Level setting 3 is the best setting. Others may
skip stop codes that can be generated
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 171

NCR: 8427 Transportation Interface Stop Set Up
Transportation Service ID (DRS025)
Indicator to determine if the transportation status indicator will be used to validate the freight status on the
shipment (DRS100) for stops
New field on the shipment (DRS100) for the transportation status indicator
Updated the value on the shipment from either an external TMS, an event hub created setting or user
entered value
New valid list of transportation status indicators (DRS029)
For transportation status indicator with settings to determine shipment stops
Shows on the shipment panel (DRS100)
Flag to indicate a default value when adding a new shipment (optional)
Shipments are required for COs and DOs to use the status indicator, but it is not required.
The full functionality of transportation interface exist for auto level 3 on the dispatch policy. For auto level 5
most of this functionality is not possible to use since picking list does not exist for this auto level and that
would be a way to avoid transportation interface control at release for pick. Also, for auto level 5 issue of
delivery is performed when order entry is completed, which would mean that the stops cant be performed at
release for allocation, release for pick and issue. However, for auto level 5 stops can occur at freight cost
For auto level 4 on the dispatch policy transportation delivery stop at issue is not possible. This since issue is
performed automatically when picking list is created.
It is recommended not to use automatic release for allocation together with transportation delivery stop 2-
from release for allocation.
Transportation delivery stop '2-from release for allocation' is not controlled at stock entry allocation.

New Set Up Panels

DRS025 DRS029

New Field on Shipment DRS100/E

New Delivery Stop Codes
Delivery stop codes created by transportation service and transportation
status indicator

See also NCR 8269 for more new delivery stop codes

New/Updated APIs

New MI program DRS029MI for Transportation Interface Indicator. Open

with standard transactions.
New field Transportation indicator added to GetShipment output data,
LstShipment output data, Update input data. All in DRS100MI.
New field Transportation delivery stop added to GetHead (MWS410MI)

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SCE Freight Cost Delivery Stop

Problem Solution Benefit
COs missing customer charges for Validate that the freight agreement is Reduces billing errors for invoices
freight causing incorrect invoices attached to a delivery or shipment and missing freight charges to a customer.
that charges and costs are stored as
DOs and COs missing freight costs well. This leads to a number of new Reduces the paying errors for freight
causing incorrect freight POs and stop codes to prevent further POs missing freight charges to be paid
payments. processing of COs and DOs. to the freight forwarder.

Standard functions have been added to validated delivery

and shipment data for:
Delivery stop codes created by terms and dispatch policy settings Freight agreement values where freight should be
charged to a customer
Freight agreement values for freight costs for
purchase orders
Valid forwarding agent status
CO charges and PO charges greater than 0.0
Numerous stop codes for the delivery identifying invalid
Settings to determine when to check for charges and
Optional use M3 will continue to work in the same wsy
as 13.3
Limitations: Dispatch Policy Auto Level setting 3 is the best
setting. Others may skip stop codes that can be generated.
Price and cost checks can only validate that the total in the
See also NCR: 8427 for additional new stop codes cost model for prices and costs exceed $0.0. There is not a
way to validate specific charges or costs for a delivery or
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 177

SCE NCR 8269: Freight Cost Delivery Stop Set up

Dispatch Policy (MWS010)
Determines when/if to check for freight charges and costs (495) for COs and DOs
NOTE: DOs will never have charges, but will have costs that need to be paid to a forwarder.
Delivery Terms (CRS065)
Indicate what charges, if any, to check for based on how freight is billed and paid
Only valid for payment values 0, 1, 2
TPL Standard Values CRS728
Freight cost on
The full functionality of freight cost control exist for auto level 3 on the dispatch policy. For auto level 5
this functionality is not allowed since picking list does not exist for this auto level and that would be a
way to avoid freight cost control at release for pick. Also, for auto level 5 issue of delivery is performed
when order entry is completed, which would mean that the user would never have a chance to confirm
the freight cost which is something that needs to be done in order to control the PO amount.
For auto level 4 on the dispatch policy, checkpoint for freight cost control alternative 3-At issue, is not
possible. This since issue is performed automatically when picking list is created.
Automatic release for allocation cannot be used in connection with checkpoint for freight cost control
1-from release for allocation.
Checkpoint for freight cost control '1-from release for allocation' is not controlled at stock entry

New/Changed Set Up Panels
New Setting on Delivery Terms
New setting on Dispatch Policy

MWS010/H CRS065


New Field on MWS410 B Panel
Delivery stop code shows why a delivery was stopped

Clearing Stop Codes
New related option on Delivery to evaluate corrections

MWS410 Trigger Delivery Stop

Check Related Option
New/Updated APIs
New MI program DRS029MI for Transportation Interface Indicator. Open
with standard transactions.
New field Transportation indicator added to GetShipment output data,
LstShipment output data, Update input data. All in DRS100MI.
New field Transportation delivery stop added to GetHead (MWS410MI)

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SCE Stop CO Line Changes Due To Externally Planned Shipments

Problem Solution Benefit
When deliveries and shipments get Respect the integration status with a Reduces billing errors for invoices a
disconnected from COs, orphaned records TMS and limit the ability to change customer.
on both M3 and TMS invalidate carrier COs that would cause deliveries and
dispatch events in the TMS shipments to be disconnected Reduces the paying errors the freight
Shipments disconnected from deliveries also
lose the freight agreement. Strengthens the integration to TMS

Standard functions have been added to prevent

Externally Planned some changes to CO lines when the shipment is
active with a TMS integration
Shipment: Optional if not using freight status indicator on
shipment M3 will work as it has in 13.3
CO line changes that are prevented are dimmed
When the delivery is when attempting to change them
connected to a shipment Prevented CO line changes are:
Delivery terms
AND the transportation Departure date and time
service ID (DRS025) has Planning date and time
NOTE: changes may still be made on the delivery or
the freight cost control shipment directly. Custom Event Hub events should
value >0 AND the then pass carrier dispatch cancellation message to the
TMS for the shipment. TMS can then re-plan the carrier
transportation status dispatch.
indicator is not blank/null Limitations: Only affects CO line changes. DOs are not
in DRS100. affected so those can still disconnect from an active shipment
and then lose the freight agreement causing invalid freight

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 183


SCE Propagation from Delivery to CO line

Problem Solution Benefit
Planning date on CO line is not Based on a setting in MWS010 allow Reduce or eliminate missed CO
updated from delivery when departure changes on a delivery to update CO shipments due to planning having the
date changes. This causes MRP/MPS lines with new dates correct planning date for CO lines
to have incorrect information and can
cause problems with inventory Prevents deliveries and shipments from
availability. disconnecting from CO lines

Standard functions have been added to

enable the update of the dates on CO lines
New setting on dispatch policy to allow

MWS010/J When shipment is connected to delivery,
there are limited changes permitted. The
changes must originate from the shipment.
Those changes automatically update the
delivery then the changes are passed on to
the CO lines.
Optional setting on MWS010 if set to OFF
(not checked), M3 will continue to work as it
did in 13.3
Limitations Only affects CO line changes. DOs are not

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SCE NCR: 8452 Propagation From Delivery To CO Line Set Up

Dispatch Policy (MWS010)
Propagate Delivery Changes (590 new panel J)
The fields on the connected order lines that are updated are: departure date,
departure time and delivery terms.
Propagation is limited to deliveries for customer orders, reference order category 3.
The new confirmed delivery date that is calculated based on route details doesnt
contain local transportation lead time from Route Selection Table. Open (DRS011).
This means that there would be a difference in confirmed delivery date, when there
is local transportation lead time on the record found in the route selection table,
before and after an update of the confirmed delivery date through propagation.
Hence, local transportation lead time in the route selection table should not be used
together with propagation.

Additional Smaller Enhancements

NC Ref Description
8478 Managing CPQ integration within M3.
Two new fields have been added (API key and Secret) to 'Settings. PCM Integration' (CRS587).
CPQ can be started in three different modes, depending on the environment M3 and CPQ are
running. The mode controls how the fields should be filled.
M3 on-premise to CPQ on-premise.
M3 on-premise to CPQ in cloud.
M3 in cloud to CPQ in cloud.
PDS804 import features / options from CPQ
Import of options from CPQ to M3 is no longer possible via M3 program PDS804
8240- API for Style Compositionthis is the API required for working with Composition as per NCR6840
Fsh. Impacts CMS470MI, CMS471MI, CMS472MI, CMS473MI, MMS028MI and MMS074MI. MI CMS470 existed
before but enhancements made to include the style composition
8369 API changes for support of DO matrix
Transaction AddDOLine is added to MMS100MI to enable functionality to add new distribution order lines to a
distribution order head. Mandatory input fields are Order number (TRNR), Item number (ITNO) and
Transaction quantity basic U/M (TRQT). A large number of non mandatory input fields are available.
Transaction DltDOLine is also added to MMS100MI. Mandatory input fields are Order number (TRNR) and
Order line number (PONR). Field Line suffix (POSX) is available as a non mandatory input field.
A new transaction is created in CRS207MI, named LstStyleDetByDO. This transaction is used by the M3
Fashion Matrix plug-ins in order to list order lines based on Order number (TRNR), Style number (STYN),
Transaction date (TRDT) and Warehouse (WHLO)
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 186
Additional Smaller Enhancements
NC Ref Description
8513 API to delete planned distribution order (DPS170MI.DelPlannedDO). Relates to NCR 8204
8439 Possibility to change purchase order type in 'Supply Model Availability (CTS200)

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Whats New in Detail 13.4
QMS Quality Management

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QMS QMS Implementation for Distribution Orders

Problem Solution Benefit
When shipping a DO to another Add QMS functionality in shipping Automates the creation of QI requests
warehouse a COA is required. warehouse of Distribution Order for DOs requiring inspection on receipt
Spec Matching is required for goods Add QMS functionality in receiving Automates the attachment of specs to
shipped to warehouses warehouse of Distribution Order DOs and provides for spec matching
Goods shipped on a DO need to be
inspected upon reciept Ability to create COA for outbound DOs

Add QMS functionality in shipping warehouse of

Distribution Order
COA for DO Automatically attach specifications to Distribution
Order line
Allow DO specifications to be manually
Provide attribute controlled selection of inventory for
QC attributes
Allow pre-shipment testing for Distribution Order
Print Certificate of Analysis for Distribution Order
Add QMS functionality in receiving warehouse of
Distribution Order
When enabled, automatically create a QI request for
the receipt of a Distribution Order line.
Allow test results to be copied from the shipping
warehouse of Distribution Order

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QMS set up for DOs


QMS200 Specification:
Add specification for test at
Can contain the same or different
tests from other specs for DO
QMS201 Spec Tests
Set copy DO results to DO
receipt QI request as desired
Tests can come from standard,
re-test, blending or pre-ship QI

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QMS set up for DOs


Set up warehouse quality plan for
ship-to warehouse
DO test at receipt:
Select the check box to enable automatic
creation of a Quality Inspection (QI)
request for a distribution order (DO) when
a DO is received.
DO copy tst res:
Select the check box to automatically copy
test results from the shipping warehouse
to the Quality Inspection (QI) request for a
distribution order (DO) when it is received.
This setting is available only if the check
box DO test at receiving (QDOR) has
been selected

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New for QMS300 for DOs


The ability to add a pre-ship QI

request to a distribution order
Either QI request auto attached to DO
Directly Added (use Option 2 for pre-
View for QI request for
Responsible person
New Document type (5) for DOs
Miscellaneous - View for PO
Receiving number on QI request

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New for QI request for DOs


Ability to print COA for Deliveries on
Distribution orders
Added function call to automatically
attach specifications to Distribution
Order line. (Auto Attach setting on
Added Related Option to Order
Added Related Option to view Order
Specifications and Order
Specification Tests.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 193


QMS Quality Re-Inspection Plans

Problem Solution Benefit
Goods in inventory for a period of time New functionality to automatically Reduces or eliminates manual effort by
need to be re-inspected to determine create re-test QI requests on either a providing an automated process to
current quality characteristics fixed or variable interval basis by item schedule re-inspection.
in a warehouse

Standard processes to provide a new

function for automated retesting of
inventory in a warehouse
request -
Tests mix can be the same or different from
auto the original standard QI request for
created manufacture or purchase of goods
based on
3 day Use a schedule with:
Fixed intervals
Variable intervals
QI requests created automatically for re-
Open re-test QI requests cancelled when
inventory is depleted for lot/location
depending on quality plan settings.
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 194

Re-inspection Set-up QMS009
Quality Plan Set Up
Auto Re-inspection Lot flag ON
QI Re-Inspection Level
Balance ID
Re-inspection generation basis
Create at next QI request approval
Create at next QI request release
Re-inspection calculate date
Use manufacturing date
Use re-inspect QI request generation

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Re-inspection Set-up MMS002
Fixed Interval Schedule
Use the re-inspect and time
for an item in a warehouse
Allows for different fixed
intervals based on different

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Re-inspection Set-up QMS014
Variable Intervals
Inspection Plan
Interval by days and
Optional use of intervals
by item and warehouse

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Re-inspection Set-up QMS015
Links a quality plan, item
number and warehouse
to a variable inspection
Re-inspection ID - If
blank, uses the value on
MMS002 for the item for
Optional use

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QMS Print Customer Order Line Texts on COA

Problem Solution Benefit
Need the ability to print customer text Add the COA report (73A) to the Improves the COA content for customer
based on customer/item OR unique to Standard Document Class set up for specific requirements.
the customer line on the COA pre an post text. Print pre and post text
on COA report QMS601pf

Document number 73A

has been added in
Standard Document.
Open (CRS027) to make
it possible to select which
customer order line texts
that should be printed on
on CRS016, so it willof Analysis.
Limitations: uses one of the existing document 5 classes as
be printed on other documents
such as Picking List if in the same document class. However

Standard customer order

Post-text that could be a good thing as well.

line texts for the 199

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QMS Preview Certificate of Analysis

Problem Solution Benefit
Need the ability to preview the life cycle A new panel QMS602 allows preview Reduces the chance of printing an
of tests for a lot/delivery prior to printing of the COA including several options for incorrect COA.
COA to validate all required test results viewing
are recorded. Reduces the time required to complete
the shipping documents for an outbound

Add new standard functionality to provide:

The ability to preview a COA prior to
printing with new panel
Available for customer orders and
distribution orders by delivery
Available for item, lot/location, QI request
Many settings options for what to
Print Certificate of Analysis directly from

Limitations: The COA preview might show one set of data

based on include/exclude settings, but the COA uses the
standard rules for evaluating the QI request priority to print the

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Whats New in detail 13.4
SCP Supply Chain Planning

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SCP Enhancements to Active Supply Chain (MWS150)
Problem Solution Benefit
Viewing and working with orders that Active Supply Chain (MWS150) have Offers an easy way to work with
are connected by pre-allocation or been redesigned with configurable connected orders that allows the user to
order initiation is cumbersome using sorting, aggregation and views. It see the information they want.
MWS150. allows users to work with connected
orders with single order lines as well as
on aggregated level.

Active Supply Chain (MWS150) have been

redesigned featuring configurable sorting,
filtering and views.
Information can be viewed by single order
line as well as for an entire order.
MWS150 is available as a related option
from MMS100, OIS100/300, PPS200 and
Fashion specific functionality includes
Aggregation by style (STYN), color
(COLO), size (SIZE), characteristics
(CHCS), status (STAT) and schedule
number (SCHN).
Delete connections (option 4)

Limitations: Delete connections and aggregations by

fashion specific fields requires the fashion industry
switch to be turned on.
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 202
SCP Delay Release of Replenishment Orders
Problem Solution Benefit
In a buy-as-sold scenario, you often Introduce a new feature than can delay A reduction in inventory value and
want to delay replenishment for a the release of planned purchase orders procurement costs by ordering
number of days to be sure that the for a number of days after its issue. unnecessary parts.
replenishment is really necessary, for
example, if a technician takes parts
just in case they are required.

A new parameter has been added to the planning policy (MMS037):

MMS037 "245 Number of days to delay release after last issue.

When new planned order is generated the release date will not get an earlier date
MOS101 than last issue date + number of delay days.

This parameter is only applicable to reorder point planning methods. Note that it
is possible to manually update the planned order and through this activate the
AM. It is also possible to manually release the order.

To avoid ordering too much and too early, reservations within lead time are
excluded from the replenishment quantity when this parameter is entered. Once
the reserved quantity has been issued it will be replenished, and subject to the
PPS170 5 working days
delayed release logic. An exception to this is when the reservations within lead
from the 7th
time exceed on-hand and ordered quantity, then, the replenishment quantity must
be increased to cover the negative projected on-hand. This planned order can get
a release AM since it would otherwise not be possible to fulfil the demand.
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 203
SCP Change of Purchase Order Ship-to Warehouse
Problem Solution Benefit
In some scenarios customers want to Provide a new parameter on the M3 A simpler process for delivering
be able to change the ship-to purchase settings (CRS780) that purchased items to a different
warehouse on a PO and then just controls if the ship-to warehouse can warehouse.
deliver it to that location without any be changed.
further processing, creation of DOs,
supply chain rebuild etc.

A new parameter has been added to the purchase settings (CRS780/H) that allows the change of
ship-to warehouse on a PO without initiating supply chain rebuild. The parameter is 'Allow change of
If the 'DO type for supply chain rebuild' is left blank on the PO type (PPS095) then it is possible to
change the warehouse on an active purchase order and a supply chain rebuild will not be triggered,
the new ship-to warehouse will therefore be the final destination of the goods.

The change of ship-to warehouse can be done in 'Purchase Order. Confirm - PPS250' and 'Purchase
Order. Advice Shipment - PPS260.
Purchase order category' must be 20 (POTC = 20).
If the purchase order should not be is part of a supply chain (pre-allocated or order initiated), then change of ship-to warehouse is only possible when a DO type for
supply chain rebuild exists.
No fixed asset type is entered onto the PO
Ship-to warehouse and PO header warehouse must belong to the same division
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 204
SCP New Excess Calculation Method
Problem Solution Benefit
Equipment companies tend to have Provide a new excess calculation A more accurate excess stock
very specific ways to identify and method and introduce a number of new calculation for the equipment industry.
calculate excess inventory which are fields to support the calculation and its
not used by other industries or result.
supported in previous versions of Infor

A new excess calculation method 2 has been added in Excess Material Calculation. Perform ('MMS515). The excess field in the item warehouse
record (MMS002) is updated when MMS515 is run. In MMS002, the excess quantity is shown for both calculation methods. A new field has been
added to show which calculation method that has been used.

The new method is setup to calculate an excess limit based on the following calculation and input parameters:
Excess limit = (AD/(CC%*IC ))* (TW*IW+WO - ((CC%*IC)/24))
AD - Annual demand
CC% - Carrying cost in percent
IC - Item cost
IW - Item weight
TW - Transportation cost per unit of weight
WO - Warehouse cost per 1 quantity

TW and WO has been added to 'MMS005 - Warehouse. Open' panel F.
CC% - Carrying cost is setup in 'CRS725 - Inventory Cost of capital' expressed in percentage.
To be able to use the new calculation method each of the fields mentioned above should have a value. If calculation results in a negative value the
field in MMS002 will be set to zero and all quantity will be considered excess.
The field is available in the supply model availability function (CTS200) and shows if there are any available excess quantity.
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 205
SCP Safety Stock Calculation Improvements
Problem Solution Benefit
Previously, some of the safety stock Enhance the buy-as-sold logic and Lower and more accurate stock levels
methods could give excessive stock correct the Poisson safety days for slow moving items.
levels for slow moving items, typically calculations (safety days was also in
items with less than 10 calls per year. the MRP calculation leading to double

New safety stock method number of average quantity per request is added to always keep a standard order on stock, and replenish
as soon as it has been consumed. Safety stock is by default set to the average quantity/issue, but a Safety stock unit may be entered
as a factor to multiply with.

Poisson safety days is today merged with safety time in the same field. Impacts MRP with Poisson safety as double impact on days
and general move to MRP.

Poisson safety days is today use safety time from MMS002 independent of which planning method is used.

MMS002/F New 'Safety stock method' = 8 number of average requests is added. When calculation of 'Safety stock' from MMS615 or
FCS100 if 'Safety stock method' = 8, number of quantity per issue during last 12 periods is calculated as demand divided with issues
from last 12 periods the parameter 'Use number of request' in FCS300 affects the calculation of average quantity per issue. if 'Safety
stock unit' is used 'Safety Stock' is multiplied with 'Safety stock unit'. The 'Safety stock' quantity is rounded upwards to nearest number
of decimals according to basic unit of measure.

'Safety stock method' = 7 has change logic for safety days. If 'Planning method' = 1 (MRP) is 'Safety stock unit' used as safety day
added to the lead time for calculate estimated issues during lead time otherwise use 'Safety time' from MMS002/E.
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 206
SCP Frozen Date Orders (FDO)
Problem Solution Benefit
In some situations, POs are created far Enhance the purchase order M3 will continue to ensure that current
into the future due to, for example, to processing to allow future POs to be parts demands are met via the PO
coincide with a special supplier offer, created but still allow new POs on that process whilst not affecting the frozen-
but in the mean time, M3 should still same supplier to be triggered. dated order.
continue to create new POs to cover
current demand.

Currently, M3 would not create additional POs to cover current demand, but would instead suggest re-
planning the frozen-date order. With frozen-date orders the future purchase order will not be re-
planned but new purchase orders will be created to cover the new demand instead.
A new check box has been added to the PO type (PPS095/K) - '770 - Frozen requested delivery date
(also PPS095MI). If enabled, the material plan records of the purchase order and planned purchase
order will get the code "FDO" assigned to the field ORI1. If the PO is outside the lead time date, the
purchase order will not be re-scheduled in the MRP calculation if a demand arises, instead a new
purchase order will be created to cover the new demand.

If the tick box is not ticked the MRP would suggest a re-planning for the existing purchase order since
the purchase order is covering the demand from the customer order.

A purchase order with planning date within lead time will not be affected by this setting.

As information for the planner, the order type column (TRTP) has been added to the material plan
MMS080 (MMS080) in sorting orders 1 - 7, 'Material Plan. Rescheduling' (RPS102), and 'Action Message. Open
per Item' (RPS002). Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 207
SCP New Concept 'Inventory Segment (min-type)
Problem Solution Benefit
For efficient material planning we need Implement a new entity to group the A new classification is now available to
more granular grouping / segmentation. planning values and find the correct manage planning parameters which
planning template. complement the existing grouping
criteria providing more flexibility.

New concept 'Inventory segment'. Inventory segment is a freely assignable classification field
(10 A/N) on the item/warehouse level (MMS002/F). This classification is normally assigned
based on demand/cost information, and could e.g. indicate what planning template should be
applied to the item/warehouse. Note, this field may have to be activated in order to display it by
adjusting the item type fields (MWS041/2F).

Inventory segment has also been added to 'Interface item. Connect Warehouse' - MHS002/F.
New setup program 'Inventory segment. Open' - CRS121 has been created as well as
CRS121MI with several transactions.

The field has been added to a number of MMS200MI and MHS002MI transactions.

Inventory segment (ISEG) has been added to field group in the inventory planning parameters
(RPS810) and the planning template rules (RPS185).

Also see NCR 8426

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 208
SCP New Statistics Table and Batch Program (CSS310)
Problem Solution Benefit
Certain customers require very specific Develop a new batch functions that Populating a table with specific, pre-
statistics data on parts availability and creates a new table that can then be calculated data simplifies the creation of
delivery precision per inventory analyzed by appropriate BI tools. analytical reports.
segment associated with customer
orders and work orders.

A new batch program CSS310 - 'Order Point Availability Statistics. Crt' to populate a statistics
table to monitor order delivery fulfilments for customer orders and work orders (note, this
program has to be manually added to an M3 menu). The table is called CSSOPA the purpose of
the statistics is to monitor the delivery fulfilment and which type of sourcing that was used to
fulfil a certain order line. The selection is done based on requested delivery date, warehouse
group, item type, supplier and the program should be ran on a daily basis to get a
correct picture of the fulfilment rate and sourcing. Its also possible to select a check box in
CSS310 if allocated quantity should be treated as filled our not. If the tick box 'treat allocated
qty as filled' then allocated quantity will be considered fulfilled.
Data stored in the table:
ORQA - Order quantity alternative IVQA - Invoice quantity alternative
ORCA - Order ref category PCYM - Period PLQT - Pick list printed quantity SUNO Supplier WHL1 - Warehouse on order line
CCS310 RIDN - Order number
WHLO - Warehouse from order
RNQT - Remaining quantity
PLQA - Pick list printed quantity
FONF - Order is fulfilled RPRT - Representative order
CUNO - Customer number from
head alternative U/M order head
RNQA - Remaining quantity
RIDL Line number ITNO - Item number DLQT - Delivered quantity SBDQ - Quantity sourced via DO ISEG - Inventory segment
alternative U/M
DLQA - Delivered quantity SERN - Sold against serial
RIDX - Suffix number BANO - Lot number ALQT - Allocated quantity SWHL - Sourced from warehouse
alternative U/M number from customer order line
ALQA - Allocated quantity PRHL - Sold against item number
RLDT - Requested delivery date ORQT Order quantity IVQT- Invoiced quantity SBPQ - Purchased quantity
alternative U/M from customer order line

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 209

Additional Smaller Enhancements
NC Ref Description
8455 Improved performance of Invent Control Value. Mass update (MMS350)
8388 Add two new columns as control object in the inventory planning settings(RPS810) and include new control

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 210

Whats New in detail M3
M3 Planning Tools

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SCP Enhancements to Active Supply Chain (MWS150)
Problem Solution Benefit
Viewing and working with orders that Active Supply Chain (MWS150) have Offers an easy way to work with
are connected by pre-allocation or been redesigned with configurable connected orders that allows the user to
order initiation is cumbersome using sorting, aggregation and views. It see the information they want.
MWS150. allows users to work with connected
orders with single order lines as well as
on aggregated level.

Active Supply Chain (MWS150) have been

redesigned featuring configurable sorting,
filtering and views.
Information can be viewed by single order
line as well as for an entire order.
MWS150 is available as a related option
from MMS100, OIS100/300, PPS200 and
Fashion specific functionality includes
Aggregation by style (STYN), color
(COLO), size (SIZE), characteristics
(CHCS), status (STAT) and schedule
number (SCHN).
Delete connections (option 4)

Limitations: Delete connections and aggregations by

fashion specific fields requires the fashion industry
switch to be turned on.
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 212
Main News in M3 SWB/PWB 15.1.5
Planned for Sept 2016
Redesigned homepage
Telescopic buckets
including KPI overview

Manual re-sequencing Omit pull-up of operations

enhanced usability after bottleneck

Demand types for external SWB Decisions in

demands Capacity- and Material WB

Material Sync within lead

Tech Stack 12
time for PO and/or MO

Cloud/Web Rest API Topic specific Web Help

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 213

SWB/PWB - Redesigned homepage including KPI overview
Problem Solution Benefit

User can select what to display in

Different company types have
User select main menu layout main menu and quickly getting
different whishes for how to
better overview.
improve main menu and display
New KPI overview
most relevant information.
Option to remove alert board

Layout options
- Scoreboard only
- KPI overview & scoreboard
- Scoreboard & alert board
- All three

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 214

SWB - Manual change resource sequence
Problem Solution Benefit
New actions for re-sequencing
Manual change of sequence was one or many operations. Instant Easier and faster manual
complicated. It required a view of new sequence without adjustment of sequence with
simulation to updated new need for re-calculating plan instant feedback
sequence. Example can be viewed in
Food guided tour

Mark one or many View instantly

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 215
SWB/PWB - Telescopic buckets
Problem Solution Benefit

It is not possible in one report to

Telescopic buckets allows shorter
view both short horizon with short One report covers both short and
buckets inside horizon and then
buckets and long horizon with long horizon.
longer buckets after horizon.
longer buckets.

Day buckets Week buckets

Supports: Utilization - Capacity Workbench - Material Workbench - Schedule Report

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 216

SWB - Push-pull point Omit pull-up after bottleneck
Problem Solution Benefit
Pull-up to due date can result in
long lead time e.g. if order is
Bottleneck controls order and
produced on bottleneck Tuesday New option to omit pull-up after
minimum lead-time after
and due day is Friday, then there bottleneck.
is 3 day extra lead-time from
bottleneck to due date.
Next operation should
start immediately to
minimize MO lead-time

M1 is

New With new rule

Scheduling operations after bottle-
rule neck is planned earlier
to remove gap

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 217


SWB/PWB - Demand types

Problem Solution Benefit

To handle overload it can be Demand types are calculated on

necessary to reduce order size orders.
Easier overview of what types of
and then it important to know
demand is covered by production.
what demand types each order Demand types are inherited to
covers. component order pro rata.

Demand types:
Customer Orders
Stock replenishment
Other demand

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 218

SWB Decisions in Capacity and
Material Workbenches
Problem Solution Benefit

Capacity Workbench and Material

Add SWB decisions (change
Workbench are flexible reports, Improved usability and
orders) in Capacity and Material
and SWB users would like to take productivity for SWB users.
decision directly from the reports.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 219

SWB - Material Synchronization within
lead time for PO and/or MO
Problem Solution Benefit

Leadtime handling can only be

Optional if external items
activated for all items at the same
(purchased) and/or internal items User can control which items use
time. It can be necessary to
(manufactured) use lead time lead time handling.
handle purchased items and
produced items differently.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 220

SWB/PWB - Tech stack 12
Problem Solution Benefit

Customer can now upgrade to

M3 logon according to
Tech Stack 12 which can give Support Teck Stack 12
Tech Stack 12
logon issues.

Customer can upgrade to Tech stack 12

Note that format of user ID is
infor/OSOMMER for logon (optional depending on M3 setup)
OSOMMER in API transactions

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 221

Problem Solution Benefit

Setup option: Allow PWB/SWB to participate

Cloud solution requires Rest API
Socket API and connect to M3 Cloud Edition /
instead of Socket API
Web Service API Multi-tenant Cloud via REST API

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 222

SWB/PWB - Topic specific Web Help
Problem Solution Benefit
Web Help is now opened on topic
Web help could only be accessed specific content. Web Help is online and up-to-
on product level and user
date. User is directed to proper
manually had to find relevant When products are GA then section in help.
topic inside help. docs.infor.com is updated.
Demo on doctest.infor.com

Tool-tip CHAR (99)

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 223
M3 SWB SWB/PWB - Additional Smaller Enhancements #1
NC Ref Description
8356 Customer name in Supply Chain Navigator
8357 Activity color as new aggregations option in Capacity WB
8376 Field filters in auto functions
8433 Latest demand date in Material control
8434 Total capacity output in Utilization report
8436 Longer description in Schedule Report
8437 Analysis of contributions for planned operations
8455 Enhanced method to delete predefined work flow
8380 Derived order and derived operation information
8395 Options for selecting a profile type in utilization report
8397 Updated file interface parameter files
8398 Enhanced Split Capabilities and Field filters
8429 Accumulated utilization percentages in Capacity Workbench
8378 Fill up plan of current date
8349 Web Service certificate expiry date
8351 Replace Dynazip with Microsoft .Net built-in compression feature
8400 More functions in Manual Operation Scheduling
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 224
M3 SWB SWB/PWB - Additional Smaller Enhancements #2
NC Ref Description
8432 Color coding in Scheduling Board
8396 New controls for coloring setup in Scheduling Board
8381 Warnings for quantity alignment in Scheduling board
8394 Keep from/to in Scheduling Board
8511 Added new function to propagate completed quantities in operations
8377 Export orders with new options for unfirming orders outside planning time fence
8430 Auto function Firming order proposals with new Filter based on planned end
8358 Enhanced method to define absolute capacity adjustment
8377 New parameter in exporting orders

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 225

M3 Demand Planner 15.1.4
News after May 2015
6 8
Workflow User Interface
Automate Productivity

8 11
Scripts Integration
Extend Processes

6 14
Forecast Engine Other
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 226
M3 DMP Using M3 REST Interface
Problem Solution Benefit
M3 DMP need to be able to M3 Interface Settings has been Allow DMP to participate and
interface to M3 in a true Cloud enhanced to allow M3 REST API connect to M3 Cloud Edition /
environment Multi tenant to be configured. Multi-tenant Cloud via REST API

M3 Interface Settings has been

enhanced to allow M3 REST API to be
Basic Authentication User and Password
or Certificate to be specified for direct
Each M3 DMP version (database) save
this information to allow different version
to integrate to different environments.
Support interface processes like:
Create a dataset
Import of datasets
Export of datasets
Import of M3 data such as
attributes, text keys and extra

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 227

M3 DMP - Three new Pivot Stack layouts
Problem Solution Benefit
Three new Pivot Stack layouts Accommodate customer request
Some processes can benefit from
has been added. to have these options.
having other pivot stack layouts to
Allow for new ways to swap, slice Improve usability and productivity
give better grid views
and dice data in forecasting grids. by organizing workflow better.

3 New layouts for the Pivot sheet:

Pear-Period (Measure per row)
On the left the option Year-Period
(measure per row) is compared to the
default Year-Period-Measure layout
Calculated Measures is available in all 3
new layouts

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 228

M3 DMP - New OFFSETREAL function in calculation engine
Problem Solution Benefit
The existing OFFSET function is
Allow parameter to control how
not reevaluated for each cell. The Add OFFSETREAL function
many periods is used for offset.
period parameter must be fixed.

Can be used for advanced calculations using a

parameter controlled or time phased lead time etc.

OFFSETREAL(periods expr, expression).

Dynamic recalculated offsets a Measures or formula

value by a number returned from 'periods expr'.
'periods expr' can be a formula with a result either
positive and negative decimal..

Example: OFFSETREAL( -[Lead time], [Forecast])

Where Lead Time is a Calculated measure itself. This
could be as simple as a a numeric key [NumKey1] or
more advanced conditional calculation.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 229

M3 DMP - New SUM functions in calculation engine
Problem Solution Benefit
Sum of previous periods can be
made with adding OFFSET, but Allow parameter to control how
Add SUM function
having a SUM function allows a many periods are added.
parameter for number of periods

Can be used for calculating open to buy and

rolling sales.

SUM(periods,expression) for a Measure or an

expression in a period range. Periods can be a
positive decimal.

Example: SUM(1.5, [dR])

Is equivalent to 0.5* [dR] + OFFSET(-1,[dR])

Example: SUM( 2, [dR] )

Is equivalent to OFFSET(-1,[dR]) + OFFSET(-

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 230

M3 DMP - New AVGNULL functions in calculation engine
Problem Solution Benefit
In some cases there is a need to
Add AVGNULL and AVGNULL2 Allow average functions to ignore
ignore NULL values in the
functions null values.
average calculations.

AVGNULL(<periods expr>,<expression>)
Dynamic recalculation of the range of the
Dynamic recalculation of the expression for
the average.
AVGNULL is the average excluding Nulls from
current period.

AVGNULL2 is the same except the average is

excluding Nulls from previous period.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 231

M3 DMP - Two additional functions in calculation engine
Problem Solution Benefit
Two new functions ZN() and
Sometimes null data means zero
ZIIF() are added to calculated Allow missing data to be
even it is not mathematically
measures and the calculation considered as 0 in a flexible way.

ZN(<expression>) returns 0 if the expression

evaluates to NULL else it will return the value of
the expression itself. Can accept complex
ZIIF(<exp1>, <exp2>, <exp3>)
If <exp1> is 0 or NULL
Then return <exp2> (0 if <exp2> is NULL)
Else return <exp3> (0 if <exp3> is NULL)

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 232

M3 DMP - Prevent other Workflows
Problem Solution Benefit
Workflows can interfere with other When running Important
workflows. Multiple users running A new workflow option Prevent workflows it is possible to prevent
workflow at the same time can other workflows is added other users from workflow that
create conflicts might interfere

Running a workflow with option

Prevent other workflows locks a
semaphore in the version. This
semaphore will prevent other users
from running a workflow.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 233

M3 DMP Workflow Enhancements
Problem Solution Benefit
Workflows are frequently used to Trace-log to research and monitor Better understanding the
automate processes in DMP. flows. processing of a workflow.
Need for better control and more Allow to run a command within a Support more scenarios using
advanced features. workflow. workflows.

A Workflow execution trace log is
now available to log the action status
to the DMP Client log file and event

Run command is a new action that is

added to Workflow to perform a new
process with arguments.
Run Command

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 234

M3 DMP - Workflows action Global Filter
Problem Solution Benefit
Workflows typically processes
Allow workflows to process part of
larger amount of data. For A new action Global Filter is
the data through applying and
validation and troubleshooting its added to workflows
additional global filter.
desireable to run with less data

Global filter allows a workflow to

run with only a part of the data
that would normally be
processed in the workflow.
This could for example be a filter
of a specific item, Product group
or customer channel.
Filters possible with wildcard * for
Basic Keys
Extra Keys
Text Keys
Some other keys e.g.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 235

M3 DMP - Shortcut menu Execute status and Open Workflow
Problem Solution Benefit
Need to see when workflows has Execution status Check marks
Improve Usability
been executed. added and other enhancements

New action Workflow to open the workflow dialog

without executing the workflow run. This allows the
user to double check the workflow before running it.
Shortcut menu entries are now checked when
Workflow and Execute Workflow execution
status are stored in the database so other
users can see the status.
Views and Scoreboards are execution status is
only displayed to the user.
Shortcut menu have two new options
Refresh - to reload the shortcut menu and get
the current status if others have executed
Clear Execute Status to clear the execution
status check marks.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 236

M3 DMP - Statistical forecast methods with Measure as Demand
Problem Solution Benefit
A new tab is added to Forecast
Allow the use of DMPs
In special cases the demand Methods properties. Demand can
calculation engine to extent the
baseline in a customized way. be taken from a column for use in
Forecast Engine capabilities
one or more Methods

This feature adds the power of DMPs

calculation engine to be used to create
the Demand Base Line for forecast
to make conditional formulas for
the Demand
to select a standard demand from
a Numeric for Keys values if
demand is small or missing.
Average of sales from this year
and last year same periods or

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 237

M3 DMP - Statistical forecast methods using Measure as Trend
Problem Solution Benefit
Allow trend factor to be read from Allow the use of DMPs
In special cases a customized
a column. This column could be a calculation engine to extent the
trend algorithm is desired.
calculated column too. Forecast Engine capabilities

This feature adds the power of DMPs

calculation engine to be used to create
the Trend factor for forecast methods.
to select one number trend factor
from a Numeric for Keys values if
Trend is missing or if already
calculated in earlier process step.
Trend calculated with custom
algorithm e.g. Average quarter
sales trend over 3 years

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 238

M3 DMP - Automatic Season Index calculation
Problem Solution Benefit
Simple forecast methods with
Seasonal index required a Added Automatic Index
trending and rolling seasonality
separate calculation prior to be calculation for Forecast Methods
calculation is now possible.
used in forecast calculation. Seasonality property
No data stored in database.

DMPs season index wizard assumes a season

index is pre calculated one time each year and
is stored in a data type.
By calculating season index automatically in
memory there are several benefits.
Simplify by not requiring the season to be
calculated and correct before forecast
Reducing the storage space required in
the database.
Faster because season index data is not
read from database.
Index is calculated from End point and one year
back. Then repeated for the entire time line.
Options are to calculated from Start point and to
offset the calculation. Offset -1 will be 1 period
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 239
8562 M3 DMP - Statistical forecast methods using Measure for
SCP Season Index
Problem Solution Benefit
Some In special cases a Allow season index to be read Allow the use of DMPs
customized Season Index from a column. This column could calculation engine to extent the
algorithm is desired. be a calculated column too. Forecast Engine capabilities

This feature adds the power of DMPs

calculation engine to be used to create
the Season Index for forecast methods.
Using a custom algorithm for the
season index
Using a CM (calculated measure)

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 240

M3 DMP - Automatic Season Index calculation
Problem Solution Benefit
Allow alpha factor to be set on
Added the Alpha Factor as setting Allow control of the alpha factor to
automatic index with exponential
with default 0.7 weight index generated.

New parameter Alpha Factor for

Exponential smoothing of last two years
indexes for seasonality.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 241

8563 M3 DMP - Option to Generate promotions exported to M3
SCP Dataset
Problem Solution Benefit
Promotions assigned into DMP
Added the option to create Allows assigned promotions to be
datasets are not exported to M3
promotion and mark cells for to be visible in M3 Dataset when
dataset. This feature could be
export. created and assigned.
used for reporting purposes.

With M3 Dataset having PIDE

(promotion id) as a Key, the M3 dataset
will collect statistics.
The new feature in M3 DMP allow
promotion budget quantity assigned into
a dataset to be exported to M3 Dataset
for follow up and reporting purposes.
One possible use could be to create M3
reports with promotions budget and
sales statistics
If this option Set change mark is not
used DMP will simple ignore exporting
the cells in dataset for the assigned
promotion, but still export the promotion
headers and lines if updated.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 242

M3 DMP - Option to Insert Keys for assigned promotions
Problem Solution Benefit
Promotions assigned to a dataset
without PIDE as key needs to be Added the option to insert missing Promotion can be created even if
able to create records for items keys they dont exists in the dataset.
missing in the dataset.

When importing promotion with newly

created items. The items may not yet
have any statistics or other values that
would cause M3 BE to insert them into
the dataset.
A new option Insert missing keys was
added to allow DMP to create the keys
so that promotion values can be
assigned and updated.
This behavior is default if PIDE is defined
as a key on the Dataset. In this case it is
not possible to deselect the option.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 243

M3 DMP - Assign and Refresh promotions
Problem Solution Benefit
A common situation is to both
assign new (not assigned) Added the option to perform both
Simpler and faster.
promotion and refresh existing operations in the same step

New option as a one step to assign all

new promotion and refresh updated

In the screenshot, PIDE is a key in the

Dataset. Insert missing keys is default
and can not be deselected

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 244

M3 DMP - Promotion List Improvements
Problem Solution Benefit
Promotion list now restores
Need to search within promotions. column width and Find and Auto
Ease of use
Size columns to fit content. size options are added to the right
click menu

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 245

M3 DMP - 4-4-5 period distribution in Favorite view copy
Problem Solution Benefit
Copy data between dataset with
Gives precise month to week
period type 1 (month) and period Add period distribution 4-4-5 to
distribution and is an expected
type 2 or 9 with fixed 52 periods favorite view data copy
needs a 445 distribution

1-month 2 - weeks - uses the normal

day calendar and date conversion
defined in Menu-Setup-Settings
Direct - Makes a copy from period to
period with no distribution
By 4-4-5 - distribute first period in
monthly from view evenly to the first 4
period in the weekly to view, the next
period to the following 4 periods and the
3rd month period to the next 5 period etc.
and vice versa
By 4-5-4 and By 5-4-4 are variations

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 246

M3 DMP - Expand Dataset BOM and Components forecast
Problem Solution Benefit
Ability to create Components or Ability to generate cross matrix of
Enhance Expand Dataset data
Materials forecast from an End- two favorite views to create a
manager with features
Product forecast Components forecast or budget

Transfer Key State

[From] view Key State
[Expansion] view Key State
Distribute by value using the
Expansion views measure for
Copy distribution values will transfer
the value from the Expansion view
Multiply by value will multiply the
From measure with the Expansion
Copy from value will transfer the From
views Measure to each matching cell

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 247

M3 DMP - Script to Save Grid to CSV
Problem Solution Benefit
Export of data from grids are A script is created to allow a grid
Allow simple save to excel and
limitted to copy paste via to be exported to a csv file. This
other systems from the current
clipboard. It would be better to be file can then be loaded into excel
able to export the view to csv or used for interfacing.

An example script that will export

data directly from a View.
Export of budgets to other
systems e.g. Infor Fashion PLM

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 248

M3 DMP - Script To set Default Forecast Method
Problem Solution Benefit
Script that can set a default
New Items should get a default Script can be added to workflow
forecast method or competitive
forecast method to set a default forecast method

Tables ForecastMethod and

ForecastCompFcst holds the IDs used in
the script.
Only 3 lines needs to be editted in the script.
G_DataSetName:Name of data. Script will
find the correct BaseNKey table name for
the dataset.
G_KUpdate: Values to Update
FcstMethodId : id in ForecastMethod
CompFcstId : id in
G_KFilter: Filter
PLMKey=1 Only if Key State is
FcstMethodId=0 Only if no forecast
method already set
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 249
M3 DMP - Script for Values based Coloring of cells in Favorite View
Problem Solution Benefit
How to construct a visual report of Example script for coloring a view Flexible solution for grid coloring
a forecast accuracy KPI. with a forecast KPI via a script

Accuracy signal is an easy to understand KPI

Close to 0 -> good forecast
> 0.2 some Over forecast
< 0.2 some Under forecast

Calculated measure for Accuracy Signal

A.S.KPI = ([Tot Fcst]-[Demand Fcst]) /
([Tot Fcst]+[Demand Fcst])
The script is copied to Scripts\View folder and
added to favorite view properties Settings
Coloring makes it easy to see biased forecast
and where it is good and bad

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 250

M3 DMP - Setting Script for active version
Problem Solution Benefit
Some implementations requires
Optional setting for version To simplify deployment and
different sets of scripts. A version
specific path for finding scripts is limiting the scripts available in a
level setting for the script path
added given version
would make it easier to manage

If the script path is empty the default script path is

If a Script path setting is not empty it will be used
for scripts.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 251

M3 DMP - Dialog for use in Scripts
Problem Solution Benefit
Scripts can sometimes need to A dialog with several options have Allow scripts to take some simpler
take user input from a dialog. been added input from the user.

The dialog will default show a list grid

The dialog can be configured with the controls
0-3 combo boxes
0-3 check boxes
0-3 input text fields
0-1 multi line text box

The script can populate the controls and also

read back the selections made
Example script OpenScriptSelect.srp is

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 252

M3 DMP - Script to open dialogs
Problem Solution Benefit
Users need to access a dialog as Example script showing how to Preconfigure some manual steps
part of the workflow or process. open different dialogs simple as part of the process.

Scripts can access some of menu items

in DMP.
One example the time mark dialog.
When views are configured to a time
mark, its a simple job to continues move
the time mark to the desired period and
all views and favorite view based
features will automatically adjust to use
the new period.
20 examples in the script shows how 20
of the most commonly used dialogs can
be opened this way
Can also be added to the shortcut menu
in a workflow.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 253

M3 DMP - Dataset Property button to empty the dataset
Problem Solution Benefit
Implementations requires existing
Easy way to remove data from
dataset to be empty but at the New button on Dataset properties
dataset but still keep the dataset
same time keep all views and general tab
definition and all views etc.

All Keys in dataset and all cells in the

dataset will be deleted
Tip: Compact database after Empty
using version control->action menu

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 254

M3 DMP - Enhancement to Key Group Filter Patterns
Problem Solution Benefit
More precise filters can be
Ability to filter out exact values defined. Also some benefit in Fast
Improved Filter Pattern
using Key Group Filter Patterns Filter to allow typed in exact

Using square brackets [ ] and explicit

value can be filtered
NOT [PROMO] gives records where
the Extra Key is not exactly PROMO
NULL gives all empty extra keys
Combining them is possible as

Exact filter [PROMO] can also be

typed into the fast filter
[100[125]]* gives any records starting
with 1001 1002 or 1005

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 255

M3 DMP - Key Filter patterns with size of 250
Problem Solution Benefit
Key Filter patterns is now
Key Filter patters is a good
extended to 250. This will prompt Longer key patterns allow data in
feature but it is currently limited to
the DMP Admin to update the view to be filtered more precisely.
49 chars in size
database (click Update)

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 256

SCP Attribute and Extra Key Import from CSV file fault tolerance
Problem Solution Benefit
Import continues even if the key
Import Attributes fail if the same Make csv files for Attribute more
appear 2 or more times in the csv
Key appears more than one time fault tolerant

Fault tolerance for multiple lines for the same Keys are build into
Attribute Import
Extra Key Import
Numeric / Text for Keys Import

In the case multiple lines for the same records is encountered

Import method is New. The first line is inserted and later lines are logged as
Import method update. Only existing records are updated and the last line will
take effect
Import method append. This will update existing records with the last line taking
effect and insert new lines where the first line takes effect.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 257

M3 DMP - Loading Pivot Sheet data model asynchronously.
Problem Solution Benefit
When larger favorite views are DMP Client appear more
loading it is not possible to cancel Loading data model responsive during load of large
and the DMP Client is not asynchronously models and the load can be
responsive cancelled

Icon and Cancel appear on the

right side of the grid toolbar during
load of the grid.
Click Cancel to abort loading.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 258

M3 DMP - Simple trend line in chart
Problem Solution Benefit
Simple regression line is needed
A simple trend line was added to Allow the user to visually identify
to assist the user visually
the chart options trending.
detecting trending.

User can define start offset and number of periods for the trend calculation
Trend line is displayed with the selected series color and small marker is showing
where the extended Trend line begins

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 259

M3 DMP - Slant Z report
Problem Solution Benefit
Make slant z report to review No new features added since this Example of a slant z report was
previous forecasts has been possible for a long time produced to inspire

The slant report gives an overview of how the forecast, sales and budget currently look and the estimated
end year precision. The report also shows how the forecast have changed during the year. ( definition of
view described in a ppt)
Example below shows the situation in Oct (and with F M10 just updated)

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 260

M3 DMP - Grid column sizing
Problem Solution Benefit
Grid column width can be control Right click menu Column option
Avoid users getting bored or
with drag but when view have to minimize the selected column
100s of columns its boring to do with in the value area

Auto size columns selected
Minimizes columns selected
Set size of columns select to a
pixel (This gives a hint about
changed values)
This can be seen below

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 261

M3 DMP - Time marks and Forecast calculation points in Chart
Problem Solution Benefit
Option to enable display of Time Display easier to understand
Using the chart would be easier if
marks and Forecast Calculation without the need to remember
some time fences was displayed
Points time fences

New button on chart legend

opens a dialog to select time
marks and forecast calculations
Select points
Time mark Time mark Time marks

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 262

M3 DMP - Change colors in chart with several fixed sets
Problem Solution Benefit
New button on chart allow the
Changing colors in the chart could
user to cycle through several Ease of use
be made easier
preset SOHO Colors

The default colors for the chart is defined

by the skin
The user can change color of each
series, but to make it easier to get colors
that look well together a new button was
Clicking the color preset button will
cycles though a number of preset colors
for the chart.
Some of these colors have been defined
by the Infor Xi standard while other are
existing DMP color defaults

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 263

M3 DMP - Drill to aggregated favorite view
Problem Solution Benefit
Need ability to navigate from one
Favorite view Drill to can now use Ability to navigate from one view
aggregated view to another
aggregated views as drill to to another view
aggregated view

Drill to allow user to navigate from

one view to another view using
the selected rows as filter

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 264

M3 SWB DMP Other Enhancements #1
NC Ref Description
8521 New option to connect to docs.infor.com for the online help. Always access to latest versions of help.
8567 Installation routine and guide - Best practices for security rights in SQL Server 2008, 2012 and 2014.
8568 Favorite views - The Values column contains a checkbox for columns and measures that can lock/open for
update in grid.
8573 Cost and price calculation using numeric keys. A cost and price calculation can now be created by using
numeric keys. This feature can be used for margin calculations.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 265

Whats New in detail 13.4
Manufacturing MAN

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 266

Warn or prevent changing of WC when PL is out
Problem Solution Benefit
Planners can change workcenters due A new parameter is introduced that Less disruptions in warehouse and work
to capacity constraints or for other controls the behavior of changing work centers
reasons. Outstanding pick lists in a centers so that planners are warned or
warehouse are not automatically blocked if they make a change and pick
changed. raw materials are brought to lists are outstanding
MAN the wrong operations / workcenters

New parameter in MO Order type
(PMS120/E)Disable Work center Change

0 - No (Change of work center is allowed)

1 - No, with warning (Change of work center
is allowed but with a warning)
2 - Yes (Change of work center is disabled)

When changing a work center (option 27) in a
production order via PMS230 or directly on
PMS100/G the parameter will be checked and
accordingly a message, block or no action will
be proposed.
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 267
Prevent over reporting of prev operation
Problem Solution Benefit
When producing products that follow a A new parameter is enabled to control The quality of the data will improve and
sequence of multiple operations the the behavior or reporting quantities of a less disruptions and corrections are
reported quantity is free to enter with no next operation and receipt of goods required.
control of feasibility of that quantity. This after the last operation.
could lead to unwanted withdrawal of
MAN materials for instance due to backflush

New Parameters
PMS120 prevent over reporting

Activates a New Check in PMS070

Total reported quantity in a single operation cannot be >
than approved manufactured quantity of previous
operation. (approved = manufactured scrap)

Total reported quantity in one operation cannot become <

less than manufactured quantity in following operation

Activates a New check in PMS050

Total received quantity cannot be larger than the quantity
reported on the last operation

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 268

Closing Orders Simplified + also for Schedule

Problem Solution Benefit

In the fashion business the quantities Closing of orders can now be done with Reduces the workload and or complex
planned and produced defer often. a simple close function at the MI triggers and increases the visibility of
Orders that are not closed show schedule or MO level. material availability
unneccesary material reservations.
Closing orders is a massive job due to the
MAN # of steps that need to be performed

New parameters
1 production schedule = 15 MOs CRS785 Allow MO close
1 style - 3 colors - 5 sizes CRS785 = MO close ratio
When is it allowed to close the line. % of MO
line quantity or checks % of Schedule
New program

45 Process
New Closing option 31 performs closing orders for
materials-, operations- and heading the
introduced on Manufacturing orders (PMS100
Closing of materials + operations + MO head Checks reported qty/ordered qty
in just 1 clic At schedule level is introduced - new program
Checks total reported / total ordered269
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com

Process Manufacturing Improvements 1(6)

Enhancing existing M3-manufacturing module to serve more advanced process-manufacturing
flows found in industries like Food & Beverage and Chemicals.
Enhance and streamline the process of defining products, planning- and executing
manufacturing orders.

Alternate Process MO -
Product Versions
Processes Item Pack

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 270

8450 Process Manufacturing Improvements 2(6)
MAN Product Versions
Problem Solution Benefit
In process industries the entire We have added an optional product More explicit control of product structure
recipe/formula is often versioned. M3 header version. Mtrl/operations/end- changes. Changes affecting the entire
manages versions on detailed material/ products etc are controlled by version. product/item are no longer hidden in
operation level. But without versioning the product detail screens.
the header visibility to change is limited Selected product header fields has
and fields like yield is not available. been versioned. Interfacing to PLM-systems and control
of header fields improved.

Product Structure PDS001 Product Mtrl/Oper PDS002

Major change to the way of interacting with
and controlling of new versions of products.
Much better usability and visibility when
working with existing and new versions of
product definitions.
Minor change to Costing and MRP since
primary key to materials, operations etc
remains the same.
Version handling is optional and can be
Product Version PDS028 Product Mtrl/Oper PDS002 decided on product level (new flag in

Limitations: Interface to PLM Optiva will be re-designed

to support M3 product versions. Launched separately
from M3 13.4

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 271

8450 Process Manufacturing Improvements 3(6)
MAN Alternate Processes Supported by Alternate Product Structures
Problem Solution Benefit
Identical output items can be produced New concept allows connecting an item Easy control of planned temporay or
combining varying production methods to be manufactured to multiple product seasonal changes of manufacturing
and raw materials. Ideal/available structures. procedures. Easier definition of alternate
processes may vary by season due to ways to manufacture the same output
material availability and environmental At any point in time only ONE product item with complete freedom of
conditions (crop, weight, temp, humidity structure is primary (preferred or combining materials, operations etc.
etc) standard).
Alternate Structures PDS023 Using Alternate Structures breaks the link
Item to
between Product number and Item number.
manufacture Item number can be connected to multiple
product structures per facility MMS003 ->
Primary flag used PDS023.
by MRP and
Product Costing
The Alternate structures are date controlled
allowing to control validity of the different
ways to produce an item over time.
Product structures
valid at selected SWISS-PR2 At any point in time only ONE Product
time periods SWISS-PR3
structure can be marked as Primary
SWISS-PR1 chosen by MRP (MO-proposals) and
product costing.
SWISS-PR1 At time of execution standard can be
overridden and any valid alternate product
SWISS-PR1 Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary structure can be chosen.
SWISS-PR2 Alternate
SWISS-PR3 Primary Primary

16-08-01 17-01-01 17-04-30 18-01-01 18-04-30 18-12-31 Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 272
8450 Process Manufacturing Improvements 4(6)
MAN Process MO Synchronize Bulk and Pack Manufacturing
Problem Solution Benefit
Process manufacturing involves Item-pack - connect packaged items to Use optimal batch size when producing
synchronizing manufacturing of optimal bulk item. bulk. Secure complete usage of bulk
and practical bulk batch sizes with the across packaged items to minimize
demand of packaged items (consuming At MO-execution consolidate into waste. Simplify the execution and
bulk) in various pack sizes and pack Process MO - connecting multiple reporting of new linked manufacturing
formats. packaged items MOs to bulk MO. orders.

1000 280 150 MRP Demand New Item-pack definition connecting bulk items to
3 ltr for each packaged packaged items (MMS023)
1 ltr 2 ltr items
New MO-consolidation rules in item/whs (MMS002/E)
MRP generates batch-sized planning proposal for
bulk item based on pull demand from packaged
Bulk Demand items. Consolidation flags set on MOPs based on
1000 560 450 from each pack order settings in item/whs.
990 560 450 New Consolidation and Re-Balancing functions used
MRP Bulk Demand
to add/remove connections and to adjust bulk MO
2000 from pack orders quantity and/or packaged MO quantities to balance
demand and supply of bulk.
MOP - PMS170 -> PMS172
Bulk MO - PMS100 -> PMS150
MRP Batch Sizing
of Bulk -> 3000 New Bulk-Redistribution function to auto-distribute
consumed bulk to pack MOs in PMS100 -> PMS155
3000 2000
- MRP-generated
- After Balancing Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 273
8450 Process Manufacturing Improvements 5(6)
MAN Process MO Product Structure Classes

Example of how to setup a process manufacturing flow in M3 Product structures

(PDS001) using new structure classes (classes inspired by the Adage ERP data-model)
New product Structure
Bottle 1L Classes in PDS001 to
Packaging BoM
1L (14)
organize and support setup
of typical process formulas,
Fill Operation recipes and routes:
Operation 1 Milk 1.5% 1L 00 Discrete (existing)
Pack Route (12) Milk 1.5% 1L
Bulk Route (12) Pack Operation
Packaged Item Recipe (15)
11 Formula
Operation 2
12 Routing
13 Bulk Item Recipe
Milk 1.5% Bulk Item
Skimmed Milk 1.5% Bulk 14 Packaging material BoM
Recipe (13)
Milk 15 Packaged Item Recipe
Milk 1.5% Bulk
Butterfat Formula (11)
* Explained in notes section
Ingredient ... Packaging BoM Milk 1.5% 2L Milk 1.5% 2L
2L (14) Packaged Item Recipe (15)

Pack Route (12)

Phantoms Packaging BoM
3L (14) Milk 1.5% 3L Milk 1.5% 3L
Operations Packaged Item Recipe (15)
Items Pack Route (12)
(Structure Class)
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 274
8450 Process Manufacturing Improvements 6(6)
MAN Process MO Flow from MRP to MO-execution
MO-consolidation rules in MMS002:
0 Discrete, no consolidation
1 Process Order, Consolidate and
Non-synchronized pull-demand for output items produce bulk item and then pack in
MRP (packs) and input items (bulk). Consolidation
same Process MO.
flags initiated
2 Pack Order, Consolidate and pack
Planned MO- from bulk item already in stock
Group and release MOPs to sync multiple
Consolidation packs to match bulk batch-size

Output Balance
Adjust grouped MO change/add/ remove
released Mos
bulk and pack quantities

New views to report grouped MO

Issue bulk and other Issue consumed bulk into
from PMS100: materials grouped MO
- Material issues across all outputs
- Operations/labor reporting Receive packaged Received packaged items
- Product receipt into stock items into stock

Auto Re-distribution of bulk:

- One or multiple times spread total bulk
Re-distribute Spread consumed bulk
quantity across packaged items using bulk to pack PMS100- across packs using received
received quantity and standard yield for >PMS155 pack item qty and std yield
bulk to calculate shares.
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 275

Additional Smaller Enhancements

NC Ref Description
8390 Schedule Number information in a new API
A new API program PMS270MI is created in order to introduce functionality to maintain schedule number via
an API

Four basic MI transactions are created in the new API program PMS270MI: AddScheduleNo,
GetScheduleNo, LstScheduleNo and UpdScheduleNo. These transactions are simple since the functionality in
PMS270 is very basic, but it gives the user the ability to maintain schedule number via an API and extract the
description of the schedule number.

8385 MI for MO Matrix development based on Schedule Number

API program CRS207MI is extended with a new transaction named LstStyleDetByMO. This transaction is
used to list manufacturing order lines based on Schedule number (SCHN), Style number (STYN), and
Warehouse (WHLO
8515 API support for deleting a planned manufacturing order (PMS170MI - DelPlannedMO)

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 276


Additional Smaller Enhancements

NC Ref Description
8390 Background
Many Fashion - customers use the substitution tables in Material. Connect Substitut Feature and Material.
Connect Substitut Options when creating the Bill of Material - structure. Customers cannot load data from
outside the system
A new MI program named PDS360MI is created with six transactions:
AddSubstitFeat: Add - transaction for PDS360
DltSubstitFeat: Delete - transaction for PDS360
LstSubstitFeat: List - transaction for PDS360
AddSubstitOpt: Add - transaction for PDS361
DltSubstitOpt: Delete - transaction for PDS361
LstSubstitOpt: List - transaction for PDS361

8013 API support to manage substitution tables in bill of material is introduced in PDS360MI

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 277

Whats New in detail 13.4
PUR Procurement

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 278

Aggregated update of Purchase Price
Problem Solution Benefit
Purchase Price changes can occur An ability to update the purchase price Increases the speed and diminishes the
quite often even before they have been for many PO lines for instance at style chance to errors
confirmed. Currently changes can be and or style color can now be
done at PO line level but not for performed at the aggregated level
multiple lines at the same time

New field on aggregated Purchase Order Lines

PPS220/E includes a new field for update :
Purchase price

When you perform a change on PPS220 on
aggregated level you can enter the new price to be

Whether or not a purchase price is allowed to be

changed depends also on the PO setting in
purchase order type.(161)

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 279

Mass update PO-head changes to PO lines
Problem Solution Benefit
Updates on PO lines are not reflected Ability to update the PO header when Increases the speed and diminishes the
to PO header and showing wrong mass updating lines in Purchase order chance to errors
information on PO documents. lines.


Two new settings are added to PPS220/E
- Update head Del Terms
- Update head Del Method

when updating (all) PO lines with delivery
method and delivery head it doesnt reflect this to
the PO head. This could cause some issues
when (re) printing a PO document.

Users can now chose to update the header if

they update the lines

For more information around mass update of PO

lines refer to NCR 6569
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 280
Copy PO line to other whse(same fac).
Problem Solution Benefit
In NCR6703 it was possible to copy a It is now possible to copy a single line Less retyping and thus reducing risk of
purchase order and copy the info to of a PO to another PO line in same error.
another warehouse. order but with a different warehouse as
long as the warehouse is in the same
It was not possible to copy a single line facility

New in copy screen -Purchase order lines - PPS201/C

Retrieve new price box is added
Use ref order is added

Set up
Add Auto permit in warehouse set up MMS005
must be activated

When copying the default warehouse is blank and
solution works as usual
When a warehouse is entered the line will be copied
with the new warehouse given the conditions

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 281

8611 H5
Fashion Matrix Plugin PO for HTML5
Problem Solution Benefit
Current Fashion Matrix plugin can run The fashion matrix Plugin can now be Users can chose to work on both smart
on smart office but lacks the ability to deployed on the HTLML5 interface and office and HTLM5.
run on a thin client (HTML5) for Purchase orders


Set Up
Using the Fashion Matrix installation Guide

Use the fashion Matrix User Guide.
Functionality is similar as in the Smart Office client
The Matrix button will open if a purchase order
is selected in PPS200.

The PO matrix works from Purchase Orders/PS200

Smart Office

The plugin enables at the same time DO and CO

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 282
Flag to indicate handling of purchase proposals from
external system
Problem Solution Benefit
When an external application is used PO MI PPS170MI and SPS101MI are Planning applications, SDKs or any other
for planning purchase proposal enhanced to cater for holding use of for an MI program can now hold
updates could not be send to M3 information from external system information that keeps changed Purchase
order information and brings it to M3


The planned purchase orders are tagged with an indicator (field PRAP in MPOPLP) upon being exported back to M3 BE from an
external planning system. This classifies the order as being externally planned.
A warning message is displayed to the user upon manually changing an externally planned purchase order proposal, to inform the user
that the specific order is being planned externally. If the user goes ahead with the manual change the planned purchase order is no
longer considered being handled by an external planning system (field PRAP is set to 0).
The planned purchase orders are tagged with an indicator (field PRAP in MPOPLP) upon being exported back to M3 BE from an
external planning system via the MI transaction PPS170MI.SndInboxPOP or MI transaction SPS101MI.SndPOP. This classifies the
order as being externally planned.

A warning message is displayed to the user upon manually changing an externally planned purchase order proposal, to inform the user
that the specific order is being planned externally. If the user goes ahead with the manual change the planned purchase order is no
longer considered being handled by an external planning system (field PRAP is set to 0).
Upon manually releasing or changing the planned purchase order lines in Planned Purchase Order. Open (PPS171), the warning
message is displayed. The same warning message is displayed upon changing the planned purchase order quantity or the planning
date in Action Message. Open per Item (RPS002) or Material Plan. Rescheduling (RPS102).
In the case that the external planning system has created new planned purchase orders, these orders are being automatically tagged
as externally planned (field PRAP is set to 1) upon being created in M3 BE via MI transaction PPS170MI.SndInboxPOP
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 283
PUR Stand-alone Purchase Order for Equipment Buyback
Problem Solution Benefit
In the previous version it was not Enhance the purchase flow to allow an A much easier and quicker flow
possible to buyback an equipment just equipment (serial number) to be involving fewer processes and screens.
using a PO, you had to use the trade-in purchased back off the customer.
and sales flows to achieve this.

A new purchase order category 55 has been created in Purchase

Order Type. Open (PPS095) for buybacks.

In the purchase order proposal and purchase order flows you can use
this order type and then enter the serial number that you want to buy
PPS095 back.

In the purchase order flow the price is retrieved from the serial
number-based pricing in MMS250 if its available.

PPS170/E During the receipt process in PPS300 the equipment record is updated
with the PO number and price.

Also during goods receipt, if the equipment previously has been in

fixed assets a warning message is being displayed and a confirmation
PPS170/G is required, if user proceeds the old fixed asset is updated with a new
sub number.
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 284

Additional Smaller Enhancements

NC Ref Description
8107 Minor Api changes to support fashion Matrix

Transaction AddLine is added to PPS200MI in order to enable functionality to add a new purchase order line to a purchase order head.
Mandatory input fields are Purchase order number (PUNO), Purchase order line (PNLI), Item number (ITNO) and Order quantity
(ORQA). A large number of non mandatory input fields are available. Transaction DltLine is also added to PPS200MI. Mandatory input
fields are Purchase order number (PUNO) and Purchase order line (PNLI). Purchase order line subnumber (PNLS) is available as a
non mandatory input field. Functionality is added to program PPOLINE in order to support the two new transactions.
Field Season control (SEAG) is added as output field in PPS095MI.LstOrderType.
PPS200MI.LstLine2 is created since no more output fields can be added to PPS200MI.LstLine due to maximum number of characters in the
summarized output string. Fields Configuration number (CFIN), Kit control (FSCD), "Planning date" (PLDT) and ""Date type" (DT4T) are
added as output fields in transactions PPS200MI.LstLine2.
Fields Project number (PROJ) and Project element (ELNO) are added as output fields to PPS200MI.GetHead.
Field "Confirmed delivery date" (CODZ) is added as an input field and an output field in CRS207MI.LstStyleDetByCO. Fields Requested
delivery date (DWDT) and "Planning date" (PLDT) are added as input fields and output fields in CRS207MI.LstStyleDetByPO. The fields
are used in the same manner as the previous input fields in the transactions.
OIS100MI.LstLine2 is created since no more output fields can be added to OIS100MI.LstLine due to maximum number of characters in the
summarized output string. Fields "Adress" (ADID), "Requested delivery date" (DWDZ), "Requested delivery time" (DWHZ), "Confirmed
delivery date" (CODZ) and "Confirmed delivery time (COHZ) are added as output fields

8514 API to delete planned purchase order (PPS170MI.DelPlannedPO). Relates to NCR 8204

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 285

Whats new in detail 13.4
MAI Maintenance Management

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 286

MAI Enhanced Maintenance Scheduling Board (MOS199)
Problem Solution Benefit
Customers requested to be able to see Enhance the scheduling board to Improved visibility at the start of the
work requests in the scheduling board display work requests and also closed scheduling process with work requests
and also see completed operations, work order operations. and also at the end of the process with
particularly from a field service mobility closed work order operations.

Two new F13 settings control if work

requests or / and closed work order
operations should be displayed.

Work requests will be shown as grey bars.

Limitations: It is not possible in this version to reschedule

a work request using the drag and drop capabilities.
Rescheduling can be achieved by editing the work request
using related option 10.
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 287
MAI Work Order Material Availability Enhancements
Problem Solution Benefit
Previously, it was not very easy to Enhance the material shortage It is now much more visible if there are
establish or visualize that their were capabilities within the work order flow. material shortages on a work order.
material shortages associated with, for
example, purchased items on a work
order operation.

A new print function, MOS675 now allows

you to print a list of work orders and show
material shortages. The function will check
both manufactured and purchased items.

The print function also updates an indicator

in the work schedule function (MOS195) so
you can easily see if there are material
issues. The new field is called QOMSPM.


Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 288

MAI Customer Name Available for WOs Without an MCO
Problem Solution Benefit
The customer name was previously not Enable the customer name to be It is now much easier to recognize the
available in work orders views unless available in various views even if no customer when viewing work order
the WO was connected to a maintenance customer order is linked information.
maintenance customer order, this didnt to the work order.
work well in the rental / WO flows ,
when MCOs are often not used.

If there is no connection to an MCO with a

reference order number, the customer number
from the work order (or planned work order) will
be used for retrieving customer information from
the customer table.

This is valid for the following programs:

MOS100 - Work Order. Open
MOS170 - Work Request. Open
MOS195 - Work Schedule. Open Toolbox
MOS197 - Work Request. Open Toolbox

The customer name is available as object

OKCUNM in View. Open (CRS020) for the above
mentioned programs.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 289
Additional Smaller Enhancements
NC Ref Description
8373 New MI programs created; PDS040MI, PDS041MI, PDS042MI, PDS043MI to enable the management of
inspection checklists within Infor Mobile Field Service (MFS).
8339 New MI transaction for Document Structure in CRS230MI.
8298 Equipment Installation Date Used as In-operation Date.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 290

Whats new in detail 13.4
MNT Maintenance Order Management

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 291

MNT Abnormal Demand on MCO - Work Order Lines
Problem Solution Benefit
Abnormal demand is available in other Implement support for abnormal Consistency across the M3 order flows
M3 order flows such as sales but it was demand in the work order process. and the ability to have more accurate
not supported in the maintenance work material requirements planning.
order flows, this can lead to unusual
material usage triggering unwanted
material requirements.

Abnormal material demands are sometimes generated when a special

MCO Line repair is carried out which is not part of the normal sales and service
(COS101) process. Parts usage drives the way in which the material forecast is
calculated and customers want to be able to exclude these abnormal
parts usages from that calculation, abnormal material demands provide
that capability.

WO Request A new parameter has been introduced into the work order type (MOS120,
WO Type parameter 105) to indicate the default setting for the abnormal demand
Material Line
(MOS120) flag on the work request material and work order material records, these
settings can then be updated by the user. This flag is also available on
Abnormal demand come the MCO line in COS101/F, this provides the default for work orders
from the order type if no created from the MCO line.
MCO line exists
WO Material Line When updating material plan (MMS080/MITPLO), the representative
(MOS101) transaction field is set to zero if field Abnormal demand is equal to 1 on
the work order line..
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 292
MNT MCO Quick Entry (COS130) - Redesign
Problem Solution Benefit
Customers requested a more intuitive Redesign the MCO Quick Entry A more tailorable entry function that will
way to create maintenance customers function (COS130). simplify and reduce the time it takes to
orders and have better control over create maintenance customer orders.
what information should be displayed to
the user and if it should be mandatory
or not.

New settings (F13) provide control over which fields should be

displayed and if they should be mandatory or not.

Fields have been grouped into logical sets, for example, all date
fields are now together rather than spread around the screen.

You can now control how many meters should be displayed and if
entry of meter values is mandatory or not.
Extra information such as customer name, agreement description
and product description have been added to the panel.

Sales prices are now displayed and can be updated if the

COS130/A combination of product, agreement and service exists on the
agreement lines (COS411).

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 293

MNT Automatic Numbering of Maintenance Agreements
Problem Solution Benefit
Previously, there was no way to Introduce auto-numbering capabilities. An easier way to number maintenance
automatically number a maintenance customer orders agreements for those
customer order agreement (COS410). customers that do not require any
structure to the agreements.

The agreement type (COS405) can be configured with a

number series. When creating a maintenance agreement
in COS410, with an agreement type having a number
series, the agreement number can be left blank. The
system will then scan for a free number from the number
series until a free number is found.

Please note, an agreement number may still be manually


To configure this process, a number series must be

created in CRS165. The type must be "MA" and can only
be maintained from a blank (central) division. Several
number series of that type can be created.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 294

MNT Maintenance Customer Order Agreement Index
Problem Solution Benefit
The prices associated with MCO Introduce an indexing capability to A faster and more consistent way to
agreements lasting for a number of allow the prices on an MCO agreement update a range of agreement prices.
years could not be increased by an to be increased by an index.
index, they had to be manually
increased taking time and effort.

A new selection function (COS404) has been created

that allows maintenance agreement equipment records
(COS433) to be updated by an index/rate.

Updates are only applied against the COS433 records

COS401 that match the criteria entered in COS404. Once
updated, the records in COS433 are flagged to prevent
double updates.

A new field is introduced into the MCO agreement

(COS410/F) called rounding-off category that defines
how rounding off to the nearest place is done when the
index is applied.

Use the price index function (COS400) to define a price

index type and connect one of more price index values
to it (COS401) to define the index (mark up) value and
validity. Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 295
MNT Material Shortage Check in MCO Quick Entry (COS130)
Problem Solution Benefit
Previously, material shortage checks Provide material availability capabilities Response times to customers can be
were carried out later in the MCO flow, at the start of the MCO flow, even much quicker, parts shortages can now
this meant that if you had a customer before the MCO has been created. be established much earlier then in the
waiting you could not quickly tell them if previous release.
you had the parts available to fix their

The shortage check can be carried out in two ways:

Firstly, function key 23 can be pressed in COS130 after entering the

service (so the required parts are know), this will activate the component
availability check (MMS085).

Alternatively, a new parameter has been added to the MCO order type
(COS010/F) that will automatically display MMS085 when you attempt to
press enter in COS130.

After exiting MMS085 the start and finish dates will be populated.


Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 296

MNT New Maintenance Agreement Status 05 -Template
Problem Solution Benefit
In the previous release, customers had Introduce template maintenance These new templates can be well
to use an existing maintenance customer order agreements. defined and controlled.
agreement as a template to copy to a
new agreement, this wasnt ideal as the
agreement used to copy from might not
have been well defined.

An agreement type (COS405) must be configured for template

agreements with agreement type code 9.

When creating a template agreement in (COS410), it must be

defined with a template customer, that is, a customer with customer
type 9 in the customer master (CRS610).

Template agreements cannot be used for processing orders.

The template agreement must be connected to a 'default

COS405/E agreement type' in (COS405). This agreement type is defaulted
when copying the agreement to a real customer agreement. The
default agreement type must be 1-Specific (customer specific).


Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 297

MNT New Panel Sequence '9' in MCO Quick Entry (COS130)
Problem Solution Benefit
When creating an MCO customers Add a new panel sequence to the MCO You will be able to offer a better service
wanted to also check to see if there Quick Entry function that will open up by combining more work on the same
was other outstanding work requests the request function (MOS170) and equipment at the same time thus
on the same equipment that could be allow other work requests to be added avoiding wasted time and cost making
added to the MCO that had just been to the MCO. additional service calls.

A new panel sequence 9 has been added to (COS130/P) for

launching the work request function MOS170 at MCO entry. The
panel sequence could for example be 391 meaning that when
the MCO is created then the work request for that line is also
MCO Quick Entry MCO Quick Entry
created (3) and then MOS170 is displayed (9) and then COS101
(COS130) (COS130)
is displayed when returning from MOS170 (1).

Sorting order '12-Maint object' will be displayed in MOS170 to

Panel sequence 9 review all available work requests for the item serial number.

Using option '95-Create MCO line' allows the work request to be

Open added as a MCO-line to the MCO that was just
New MCO line
Work Request created, the browsing of ref order number has been enhanced
(MOS170) and will now display the relevant (just created) MCO number on
Related option 95
In MOS170

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 298

MNT Create Retrospective WO from MCO Quick Entry (COS130)
Problem Solution Benefit
Its time consuming to have to create Introduce the retrospective order flow to A much faster and streamlined
an MCO and then a work order for the maintenance customer order approach to managing simple work.
simple work that might have already process to automatically create the
been completed, this process needs to MCO and the work order and then
be streamlined. open the time reporting function.

From COS130 a retrospective work order can now be created with

function F11 Crt retro WO.

The fields in (COS130) should be filled according to the normal order

entry process. If run time and/or employee is specified then these
values will be defaulted to the operation reporting screen (MOS070).
MCO Quick Entry MCO WO / WO Reporting
(COS130) Line Instead of pressing ENTER in COS130 to create the order function
Line (MOS070)
key F11 should be selected. This creates the MCO and a work order
in the background and automatically launches WO Operation Report
(MOS070) for time reporting. The values specified in (COS130) are
defaulted to (MOS070) but can be edited.

In addition, COS900 and MOS065 has been rewritten to run
interactively at operation reporting on a retro work order to prevent
having to wait for the auto jobs, if auto closure of the work order is
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 299
MNT Auto-created Service Error Report
Problem Solution Benefit
The Maintenance Customer Order Streamline the MCO process by A faster and more streamlined process
(MCO) process can consume more allowing service error reports to be which is less complex and requires
time and require more functions to be created automatically in warranty claim fewer screens.
used than customers expect, situations.
particularly when a warranty claim
situation arises.

To simplify the process and number of buttons to complete the MCO-WO-Warranty claim process, the service error report can
now be automatically created if the transactions (labor, material, subcontract or miscellaneous) are covered by warranty or if
service error report is mandatory as defined on the maintenance order type (MOS120 / parameter 96).

A new function program has been created (MOSERERFnc) which is called from the work creation program (MOS005) or from
MOS072 if "Retro WO" is used from COS130 but only if the work order type (MOS120) has parameter 96, Mandatory service
error report set to 2 (always mandatory). If the setting is 1 (Mandatory if warranty) then the service error report is created via the
MCO invoice function (COS900) when the different transaction types (labor, material, subcontract and miscellaneous) are created
and found to be covered by warranty.

In these scenarios, the service error report record (MOS057/MMOSER) is created with the work order in the reference order
category / number / lines fields (RORC, RORN and RORL) and the Maintenance customer order number in the reference identity
/ order number / line number fields (RIDC, RIDN, RIDL). Error codes, break down date/time and meter readings are taken from
the MCO line. In addition, the MCO line text is populated in the Problem fields TXIF.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 300

MNT MCO/Claim-Process Automation Parameters (COS010) (1/5)
Problem Solution Benefit
For simple service requirements, Introduce a number of configurable A faster and streamlined approach to
customers want to be able to skip or approval steps. managing customer service work.
automate steps within the maintenance
customer order flows.

MCO Order Type Scenario 1: No warranty claim
approve MCO Manual invoicing

Copy Auto-MCO
approval and
approval amount No No No

Auto- Within
New MCO line MCO line invoicing MCO line
approval approval
(COS101) Yes Yes approved permitted Yes invoiced
allowed? limit?

Sum of MCO line revenue plus COS104 (Maint CO. Connect Documents),
During work order closure check document type 380 and variant 07
invoice transactions and
compare to the approval limit and parameter 'Prt document

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 301

MNT MCO/Claim-Process Automation Parameters (COS010) (2/5)

Previous versions of M3
Approve MCO MCO line
Close work order Invoice MCO line
line for invoicing Invoiced

M3 13.4
-2 steps MCO line
Close work order

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 302

MNT MCO/Claim-Process Automation Parameters (COS010) (3/5)
Scenario 2: Warranty claim situation

MCO Order Manually approve MCO

Type (COS010) line and manual
warranty reset
Copy Auto-MCO Copy Auto-warranty
approval and reset, approval
approval amount amount, auto-create
claim No No No No

Auto- Within Auto-
New MCO line warranty MCO approved
approval approval warranty
(COS101) Yes approval & warranty reset
allowed Yes limit? reset Yes Yes

Sum the warranty

transactions and
compare to the
approval limit

Auto- Auto-
create Warranty claim invoicing MCO line
warranty Yes created permitted Yes invoiced
claim? ?

No No

Manually create Manually create

warranty claim invoice
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 303
MNT MCO/Claim-Process Automation Parameters (COS010) (4/5)

Previous versions of M3
Reset warranty Create warranty Approve MCO MCO line
Close work order Invoice MCO line
flag claim line for invoicing Invoiced

M3 13.4
-4 steps
Close work order MCO Invoiced

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 304

MNT MCO/Claim-Process Automation Parameters (COS010) (5/5)
Before an MCO line can be invoiced, it needs to be approved. In cases of warranty, additional processing can be needed. Settings for automatically
handling this are introduced for order type in (COS010) and are used as default values during order entry.

"Auto approval", "Approval limit" and "Approval limit Currency"

During creation of an MCO line the values from the customer order type's two fields "Auto Approval" and "Approval Limit" are defaulted to (COS101/F). As
order types are across divisions the approval limit amount requires a currency code, however it will be recalculated to order currency during order entry.
Service price method can be fixed price or time & material or any combination of these.
During closure of a work order the approval settings/limits in (COS101/F) are checked to see if the order can be automatically approved. The sum of
revenue fields on MCO line and invoice transactions (COS170) are summarized. If the sum of revenue fields on MCO line and invoice transactions
(COS170) is less than the approval limit, the MCO line will automatically get status 50-Approved for invoicing (provided the settings below does not
prevent this).

"Warranty auto approval", "Warranty approval limit" and "Warranty approval limit Currency"
During creation of an MCO line the values from the customer order type's two fields "Warranty auto approval" and "Warranty approval Limit" are defaulted
to (COS101/F). The warranty approval limit will just as the above mentioned approval limit be recalculated to order currency during order entry.
If the order has warranty transactions, field "Claim Warranty" (ACWA) on (COS101/E) is set to 9 and must manually be reset to 0 before approving the
order line. When closing a work order, the warranty transactions are summarized and compared to the warranty approval limit. If warranty auto approval is
activated and the sum is within the limit, claim warranty is automatically reset to 0.

Auto create claim

In cases of warranty, a claim must normally be manually created before approval the MCO line. If auto create claim is activated, a claim will be
automatically created during work order closure.

If all the above (applicable) settings are successful, the MCO line will be raised to status 50-Approved for invoicing.
Auto Invoicing MCO-line
In COS104 (Maint CO. Connect Documents), check document type 380 and variant 07 and tick 'Prt document'. When the parameter is set, invoicing can
be performed in the background by calling COS180 as a batch program as soon as the MCO line is approved to status 50 (Related option 24 from
COS101). Accounting date and invoice date will be set to the current date.
After invoicing MCO line status is set to 70 or to 60 if partial invoice is permitted. Auto create of invoice will be executed after auto approval of MCO line.
COS100MI/ApproveMCOLine can also be used to trigger auto invoicing.
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 305
MNT Fixed Price Based on Meter
Problem Solution Benefit
Customers have asked for a more Simplify the processing for meter based A much more simplified meter based
simplistic way to calculate the cost of invoice calculations whilst creating invoicing option than in the previous
an MCO line using meter-based MCO lines and provide a new versions of M3.
invoicing. calculation option in COS101.

If a meter is entered for price method 7 on the maintenance

agreement (COS411/E) then the price fields will indicate
meter prices (price per meter value), this will activate meter
based fixed price functionality on the MCO line (COS101).

In COS101, the meter prices are used to calculate usage

price according to the difference between the previous meter
value and the current one. Function key 21 is available to
calculate this price.

In this example, the equipment has been used for 10 hours

(100-90) and therefore the labor price has been calculated
as 10 hours * $100/hour = $1,000. Likewise, the same logic
has been used for the other price fields.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 306
MNT Move of Misc. and S/C trans. Between MCO and WO (1/2)
Problem Solution Benefit
Users often make mistakes and Extend the development started in M3 A much easier and more accurate way
allocate miscellaneous and sub- 13.3 for correcting labor and materials to correct transactions.
contract transactions to the wrong transactions and now include
MCO or WO and need a simpler way to miscellaneous and sub-contract.
correct these.

This development item enhances the functionality to manage the movement of transactions across work orders. Capability to move
miscellaneous and subcontract transactions is added to the existing capability for time and material transactions.

Where all the required criteria are satisfied on the product, purchase order, work order, goods receipt, material plan and invoice, a
move transaction operation can be performed against the invoice specification in Maint CO. Check Preliminary Invoice Spec
(COS170), resulting in a systematic adjustment of the corresponding accounting, stock and labor transactions.

During the process, the incorrect transaction is reversed and a new transaction is created for another work order before the MCO line
is approved for invoicing.

See the following documents and sections in UDI for a detailed description of the functionality:
Move Transactions Between Maintenance Customer Orders and Work Orders (updated from prior version)
Processing Maintenance Customer Orders
Check and Adjust Preliminary Invoice Specification
Credit an Invoice for Maintenance Customer Order

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 307

MNT Move of Misc. and S/C trans. Between MCO and WO (2/2)




Move transaction


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MNT Periodic Accounting of Maint. Agreement Accrual Revenues (1/2)
Problem Solution Benefit
Customers need to be able to accrue Introduce capabilities to accrue A much more streamlined and
for maintenance agreements that are advanced invoices according to a automated way to handle advanced
invoiced in advanced for more then one specified curve over a number of MCO invoices. Service Management
future month, this is a feature that M3s periods. customers moving to MCOs would
Service Management module has expect this functionality.
which was not available within MCOs.

It is now possible to account for revenues from service agreement invoicing periodically. An MCO line having a curve and number of
periods greater than one will create data to be periodized from the GLS-module.

For cases where an MCO agreement is invoiced in advance for a number of periods, the revenues may often not wish to be accounted
for that very same date. Instead the revenues should be accounted according to a specified curve over a number of periods.

In the maintenance agreement for equipment function (COS433), it is now possible to specify a curve and number of periods that the
revenues should be accounted over. The following accounting types need to be setup in CRS395 for events CO20 and CO25:



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Periodic Accounting of Maint. Agreement Accrual Revenues (2/2)

The maintenance agreement must be connected to a periodic invoicing order type (PIOT) in COS410. The PIOT itself must be
of order category 25, with next manual function being either:

6 = Approve (periodic invoicing)

7 = Invoice (periodic invoicing)

To run this routine, start COS610 - Create MCO for Invoicing and make a selection of what customer and agreements to
include. Please note that only agreements with a valid periodic invoicing order type are included in the selection.
An invoice round has been created, as can be seen in COS615 - Invoicing Round.Browse. It can also be easily found in
COS100 with sorting order 13-invoice round. Next step is to print the invoice in COS180 - Maint Invoice.Print, which can
also be accessed with related options from COS101 or COS615.
When invoiced, GLS470 is updated with amounts to be periodized from GLS140.


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MNT Power by Hour (PBH) Meter Based Invoicing (1/2)
Problem Solution Benefit
Previously, PBH processing was Introduce meter-based invoicing using A more accurate and flexible way to run
carried out by invoicing the MCO the invoice rounds process introduced power-by-the-hour contracts and better
agreement directly, this led to issues in M3 13.3 and provide additional visibility on pricing.
with tax calculations and limitations with enquiries to display the forecast, actual
the reconciliation or forecast equipment and reconciliation values and prices.
usage versus actual usage.

Equipment agreements (COS433) now support the base data for

managing meter based invoicing and its pricing. These agreements
can be used to invoice planned usage, actual usage or a
reconciliation between planned and actual.

Forecast of equipment usage is defined in MOS380 for period-based

usage or MOS382 for daily usage (as for normal scheduled

Actual meter values are entered via MOS160 as normal.

The invoice rounds are managed in COS615 as normal and the

process begins with triggering an invoice round (COS610) followed by
its the approval and printing of the invoice.

A new function has been created to display meter invoicing history

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 311
MNT Power by Hour (PBH) Meter Based Invoicing (2/2)

MOS382 Period Forecast
COS433 Daily Forecast

Actual Meter

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 312

MNT Support for OEM Warranty Claims (1/2)
Problem Solution Benefit
Previously, M3 focused on warranty Introduce a new process that allows A simplified way for OEMs to process
claims from the dealer prospective but OEMs to process warranty claims and warranty claims.
we have a number of customers who credit their dealers
are OEMs and M3 need to be able to
process a claim from their direction and
credit the dealer (customer).

This new process is designed to process warranty claims from the point of view of the OEM. The OEM will create a warranty claim and
then process that claim to provide a credit to the dealer (customer). A credit MCO is created by this process to create the credit and
necessary accounting.

A new function, Claim Type (MOS740) has been created to differentiate the different types of claim (warranty, marketing, OEM).

A new MCO type 45 (COS010) is used for OEM claims

An MCO agreement should exist in COS410 linked to the customer (dealer)

A warranty record (MOS490) should exist against the equipment

A claim and claim line is created in COS750 / COS751 either manually or automatically via an interface and processed in the
normal way. An MCO and MCO line will be created to generate the credit back to dealer.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 313

MNT Support for OEM Warranty Claims (2/2)
Claim Type Customer MCO Type
MCO Agreement
(MOS740) New (CRS610) (COS010)
Claim Cat = 3 (Dealer) (specific)


Claim MCO
(MOS750) (COS100)

Claim Line MCO Line MCO Invoice Spec Credit Invoice

(MOS751) (COS101) (COS170) (COS350)

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 314

Additional Smaller Enhancements
NC Ref Description
8320 Technical rewrite of the MCO batch invoice function COS900. Please read the net change report.
8277 COS100MI - new transaction ApproveMCOLine.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 315

Whats new in detail 13.4
RTL Rental Management

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 316

RTL More Rental Fields in the Customer Master (CRS610)
Problem Solution Benefit
Creating a rental agreement should be Provide more specific defaults when A reduction in the time it takes to create
as easy and quick as possible, creating a rental agreement and its a rental agreement and its lines and
particularly in the case of rental shop lines. improved accuracy by defaulting the
type environments. correct information for each individual

The customer master (CRS610/M) has been extended to include more fields that will default onto the
agreement header (STS100), agreement lines (STS201) and also in the fast entry agreement
function (STS085).

If the values are empty in CRS610 then those in the rental order type (STS020) will be used instead.

If however local exceptions exist in Customer. Open Local Exceptions MFS610 these settings will
override CRS610 and agreement order type.

Rental depot Rate type

When entering an agreement or agreement line via
Return period (year) Return period (month) STS100MI and STS201MI only fields that are not
Number of shifts Number of days per week mandatory during agreement head or line creation will be
Minimum days per week Invoice interval (year) defaulted according to the same logic mentioned above.
The new Invoice interval (month) Invoice interval (day)
fields in Two new MI transactions have also been created, in
Rate factor Minimum rental type CRS610MI - 'ChgRentalData' and 'GetRentaldata.
Minimum rental amount Minimum rental period
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 317
RTL Possibility to Select Line Type for a New Exchange Line
Problem Solution Benefit
During a rental equipment exchange it Enhance the exchange function so that Rental customer can now change the
should be possible to change the line it is possible to change the line type. line type when they need to re-rent an
type to re-rent / X-hire if there is no equipment from a competitor when their
alternative equipment in the rental yard rental equipment fails at the customer
this is not possible today. site.

A new program 'Rental Agreement Line, Create exchange' (STS203) has

been created that allows you to enter the exchange information, this
replaces the previous pop-up window.

A new field has been added called 'Line Type' where the valid options are 5,
7 or 8.

If select line type 7 or 8 then the serial number must be left blank. A new line
will be created with line type fetched from STS203. The price is retrieved
using the standard logic and the purchase price is fetched from purchase
agreement with the same logic as from STS201. The number of periods is
calculated in days from the exchange line validity period and considers the
STS203 days per week used.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 318

RTL Contact Person on the Rental Agreement Header
Problem Solution Benefit
Previously, it was not possible to have Allow contact persons to be linked to a Reduced effort and time when
a customer contact default to each rental agreement header and then managing rental agreement contacts.
rental agreement line, the contact had default this contact to each rental
to be added to each individual line. agreement line.
This was time consuming if it was the
same contact.

When creating a new rental agreement a contact person can be added via new related
options in Rental Agreement. Open STS100 panel A or B and via Rental Agreement.
Create STS085.

The contact person must exist in Contact Person. Open CRS618.

To default a contact person upon agreement creation the contact person and customer must
be connected in Customer. Connect Contact CMS055. The address type ADRT must be
set to 02 Location address and address number ADID must be blank to be valid for an
agreement head.

Several contact persons can be connected to the same customer and will be defaulted upon
STS119 agreement creation. If a contact person is connected to the customer in CMS055 according
to description above the contact person will be defaulted during agreement creation and
connected to the agreement head. The contact person will be visible in STS119 from
STS100 panel A and B and via related option in STS085. When agreement lines are added
the contact person on the head will be defaulted down to the lines.
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 319
RTL Enhance Over-usage Meter Calculation
Problem Solution Benefit
Invoice calculation problems can occur Create a new meter event type (16) Over-usage of rental equipment can be
if rental equipment over-usage is that provides enhanced over-usage invoiced in a more accurate way for
settled over multiple periods calculations both in-arrears and advanced invoice

Arrears invoicing example Advanced invoicing example

Agreed usage 8 hours / day for 5 days / week (40 hours) Agreed usage 8 hours / day for 5 days / week (40 hours)

Period 1 (week): Period 1 (week) - Invoice 1: sent with machine

Usage = 27 hours
Invoice 1 created: Period 2 (week) - Invoice 2 (including over usage for Period 1):
Allowed usage = 40 hours Usage = 27 hours
Actual usage = 27/5 = 5.4 therefore no over usage charge Base for over usage = 27 40 = -13 (no over usage)

Period 2 (week): Period 3 (week) - Invoice 3 (including over usage for Period 2):
Usage 120 hours Usage = 88 hours
Invoice 2 created: Base for over usage = 88 40 40 = 4 (4 hours over usage)
Allowed usage = 40 hours
Base for over usage = 120 - 40 - 40 = 40 hours over usage Note Best rate for meter event 16 works the same way as for meter event 14.
Invoice will show 40 hours over usage
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 320
RTL Split Rental Lines Based on Delivering Warehouse (1/2)
Problem Solution Benefit
Previous versions did not have good Create a new function that can be used A much easier and streamlined
enough support for bulk rental to source items across multiple approach to sourcing bulk items.
equipment, in this case it was not warehouses then automatically create
possible to source bulk items for a rental lines to manage the sourcing
single rental agreement line from process.
multiple warehouses.

A new function 'Rental agreement - Source lines' (STS081) has been created to source rental items from multiple warehouses. STS081
is available as related option 47 in the rental agreement line function (STS201).

The new program (STS081) displays availability similar to the program (MMS081), however in (STS081) is only displays yard
warehouses defined on a depot. The field order quantity is open for edit to fill in the split quantity per warehouse.

When quantity is selected for each warehouse action F14 - Split line' must be pressed. The original line is updated with the selected
quantity, if quantity is blank on the warehouse for the original line this line is being deleted. If a quantity is selected on a warehouse not
equal to the original line a copy of the original line will be performed.

Limitation: delivery DO status must be lower or equal to '23' to be able to split the quantity, if the line exist on pick list or in transit user will not be
permitted to split the line. There are no availability check in (STS081), if the quantity selected is higher than available quantity in a given warehouse no
error message is displayed.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 321

RTL Split Rental Lines Based on Delivering Warehouse (2/2)
STS201 quantity 50 required.
Related option 47 is used to
source the items.

STS081 the quantity of 50 is

sourced from warehouse 002
and 003. After pressing
ENTER and F14 to confirm, a
message is displayed.

STS201 the original rental

line (number 2) has been
deleted (as no inventory was
available in warehouse 001)
and replaced by two new lines
for warehouses 002 and 003.
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 322
RTL Mass Update of Rental Agreement Lines
Problem Solution Benefit
Some customers have a high number Provide a mass change capability. Its now much faster to make large
of rental agreement lines, they want to numbers of changes at the same time,
be able to mass update all or some of this will also increase accuracy by
the rental lines connected to an removing the manual update steps.
agreement when it concerns specific
fields on the agreement line.

In the rental agreement function (ST100) a new related option has been added to the A and B panels -
27-Mass upd of lines, the mass update function STS114 will be displayed. The fields in the table
below can be updated.

In the P-panel of STS114 you can decide if each update field is editable, display only or hidden.

The change process will adhere to the standard logic and validation.

The same functionality is available within the agreement lines (STS201), Rental logistics toolbox

Valid from Valid to Supplier Delivery method-delivery

Payer Invoice address Days/week Delivery day/time
Rate type Price list Hold invoicing Termination date

STS114 Number of shifts Rate factor Next invoice date Pick-up day/time
Reason termination Delivery terms-delivery Delivery method-return Return to warehouse
Delivery terms-return Customer site Delivery from warehouse

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 323

RTL Rental Price Simulation
Problem Solution Benefit
Customers, particularly that operate Create a new function (STS107) which Provides a way to quickly provide
B2C processes wanted to be able to provides rental price simulations customers with an estimated cost for
simulate rental prices without having to without the need to create a rental renting equipment. Reduces wasted
create an agreement first, ie the agreement. time creating rental agreements that
customer is waiting at the counter and may never be followed up.
just wants a quick price.

STS107 is a single entry function to simulate a rental equipment price. It

can be used to similar rental and sales prices.

Hourly rates are available if the rental order type is set to best price
method 3.

Related option and function keys has been added to the rental agreement
line (STS201), rental planning board (STS495), equipment search
(STS300) and the fast agreement entry (STS085).


Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 324

RTL Enable Bulk Items in the Rental Planning Board (STS495)
Problem Solution Benefit
Bulk items such as cables for Enhance the Rental Planning Board to More complete planning and allocation
generators are just as important to the allow bulk items (non-serialized items) capabilities.
rental contract as the main rental to be displayed.
equipment, however previously these
could not be planned in the rental
planning board like other equipment

Bulk items have a summery bar on top of the Gantt-chart containing the
current available quantity for that bulk item. Below that are all agreements
containing that bulk item. When scrolling in STS495 the available quantity on
the summery bar will vary over time depending on how many valid agreement
exist and how many pieces of the bulk item that are included in those

Drag and drop in the Gantt-chart works in the same way as for normal
serialized rental equipment.

Note to be able to display existing records in STS495 and calculate the

correct aggregation on item level, all records which are on rent must be
created in the rental diary. An Auxiliary program 'Create Diary for Bulk Items'
(STS916) has been created to process existing records. This program creates
records in STRDRY for all rental line on rent and where the lot control method
on the item number is not 2. STS916 has no selection, after the program is
run a message is displayed with information on how many record were
created in STRDRY. Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 325
RTL Enhance Quick Entry Agreement Panel (STS085)
Problem Solution Benefit
Several customers have created Add extra flexibility to STS085 by A reduction in the number of
modifications to add extra fields into adding extra fields to this function and modifications and more flexibility when
STS085, Infor would like to minimize allow customers to decide which ones creating rental agreements.
the number of modifications that to show.
customers are creating.

The following new fields are added in STS085, the rental agreement quick
Sales person
Customers order number
Your reference 1
Hold code
Project number
Project element
Number of shifts
Rate type

On the P-panel of STS085 you can also decide if these fields should be
displayed or not:
0-Not displayed
STS085 2-Editable.
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 326
RTL Update Planning Facility for Rental Equipment
Problem Solution Benefit
Rental equipment is often returned to a Provide an optional capability that will Scheduled maintenance will be
different facility than the one it update the planning facility on the connected to the correct facility and thus
originated from, this previously caused equipment record less likely to be missed which could
problems with scheduled maintenance potentially lead to low reliability, failures
as these remain at the originating at the customer site, customer
facility. dissatisfaction and lost rental revenue.

A new parameter 'Update planning facility' (UPPF) has been added to the
rental agreement order type (STS020/F) and the rental agreement line
(STS201/E). The value is defaulted from the order type but can be manually
overridden during order entry.

If the parameter is set in STS201 then the planning facility on the equipment
STS020 master (MMS240/G) is updated with the facility of the return warehouse after
receiving the equipment.

The purpose of updating the planning facility is to move the scheduled

services (MOS170). Scheduled services are regenerated by a nightly run of
'Master Schedule. Regenerate' (MOS999). The scheduled services can also
be updated manually in MOS170 by using F18.

STS201 Note scheduled services that have status 20 or above will not be changed
to reference the new facility using MOS999, these must be changed
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 327
RTL Enhanced X-hire / Re-rent for Bulk Item
Problem Solution Benefit
Previously, when re-renting bulk items Enhance the PO process for bulk items Reduced complication and number of
such as cables (non-serialized), the PO to create a single sub-number covering PO line records when re-renting bulk
would be generated with sub-numbers the full quantity of the bulk item. items.
for each bulk item which became very

The new solution generates two lines per item during purchase and
invoice matching process instead of new lines per order quantity in
STS201. The new solution generates one purchase order line with
sub number zero and one with sub number 700. The sub number
zero has not been changed and will be handled the same way as
described in previous net change report. However sub number 700
STS201 contains the full time period for all items included in the line.

Example, in this example, the agreement spans 23 days. The first

line and sub number zero has quantity ten and the second line has
quantity ten multiplied by 23, the total time period for all items; 230
days. If the matching is done for four weeks the first line and sub
number zero is received fully however the sub number 700 is only
received for four weeks for all items, 40 weeks. In the previous
process a new sub number higher than 700 would have been
created for each item and period.
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 328
RTL Invoice History per Equipment
Problem Solution Benefit
Customers want to see rental invoice Build a new sorting order in the rental Its now much easier to see all of the
history for an equipment rather than invoice function STS352. invoices associated with a rental
only seeing invoices per customer and equipment.

The new sorting order in STS352 lists invoice history per item number.

This sorting order can only be accessed via STS300 and STS495.

Input fields used to display records in STS352/B1for sorting order - 2 are:
Item number
Serial number

Three MI transactions were created for STS350MI:

MI transaction Description Mandatory fields
ListInvHistLine List invoice history line by customer Year, Invoice prefix, Invoice
site, similar to STS352 sorting order 1 number, Agreement number and
STS352 Payer
LslInvHistDet List invoice history details per Year, Invoice prefix, Invoice
agreement number, similar to related number, Agreement number,
options line details/STS353 Payer, Customer site and Order
line number
LstInvHistPrItm List invoice history per item, similar to Item number
STS352 sorting order 2
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 329
Additional Smaller Enhancements
NC Ref Description
8366 Possible to select if temp and quotes should affect availability in the Rental Planning Board (STS495)
8362 Delivery term and delivery method added to the rental agreement quick entry function (STS085)
8345 New related option in Rental Logistics Toolbox. Open - STS140 and a change in behaviour of an existing
related option.
8334 Auto create site in the rental agreement (STS100) and the fast entry agreement function (STS085)
8328 Include fields from the rental agreement line (STAGLI) and add status in STS300
8257 Add warehouse group as a filter in Rental Agreement. Sourcing (STS081).
8256 Add related option for commit reservation and unreserved to in the Rental Planning Board (STS495)
8211 Re-rent / X-hire warehouse should not be mandatory on rental depot
8183 Possibility to connect new fields from 'Customer. Connect Addresses' (OIS002) and 'STR Agreement. Open'
(STS100) to personalized sorting orders in 'STR Invoice Proposal. update' (STS810).
8037 Summary invoice per rental agreement number
8030 Warehouse group search available in in Rental Logistics Toolbox (STS140) and the Rental Planning Board

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 330

Whats new in detail 13.4
SRV Service Management

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SRV Programs for Converting from SRV to MAI/MNT (1/2)
Problem Solution Benefit
M3 13.4 will be the last M3 version to Deliver a package of migration Easier, quicker and reduced risk
support Service Management. programs that allow Service migrations.
Customers need to be able to migrate Management data to be converted to
to the replacement product in an easier Maintenance Management /
way. Maintenance Order Management data.

New auxiliary programs has been introduced for converting data from (SRV) to (MAI/MNT).
The data considered include service agreement, individual items, meters, contract items,
service expenses and service kits.

Depending on the type of migration the conversion function will have different selection

See the next slide for the details of the migration functions.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 332

SRV Programs for Converting Data from SRV to MAI/MNT (2/2)
The new function programs are:

1. Individual Item. Convert to Equipment (SAS925)

The auxiliary function Individual Item. Convert to Equipment (SAS925) creates serialized items in Equipment/Serialized Item. Open
(MMS240) based on a selected range of individual items from Individual Item. Open (SOS419).

2. Contract Item. Convert to Service (SAS927)

The auxiliary function Contract Item. Convert to Service (SAS927) creates service definitions in Service. Open (MOS300) with
pricing in Service. Enter Prices (MOS306) from a selected range of contract items in Contract Item. Open (SAS450).

3. Service Expense. Convert to MAI (SAS914)

The auxiliary function Contract Item. Convert to Service (SAS927) creates service definitions in Service. Open (MOS300) with
pricing in Service. Enter Prices (MOS306) from a selected range of contract items in Contract Item. Open (SAS450).

4. Service Kit. Convert to Service (SAS916)

The auxiliary function Service kit. Convert to Service (SAS916) creates service definitions in Service Definition. Open (MOS300)
from a selected range of service kits in Service Kit. Open (SOS450).

5. Service Agreement. Convert to MAI (SAS930)

The auxiliary function SRV Agreement. Convert to MAI (SAS930) creates maintenance agreements in Maint Agrmnt. Open
(COS410) from a selected range of service agreements in Service Agrmt. Open (SAS100).

Important Restriction: Whilst the activities described here explain the process by which Service Management data can be migrated for use by the
Maintenance Management functionality, it should be noted that data traceability and reporting capability is not currently available to support this
functionality, and it is the end users responsibility to manage and monitor the data migration activities in accordance with their business process
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 333
Whats New in detail 13.4
EQM Equipment Quotation Management

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 334

EQM Enhanced Ordering Through the Product Support (1/2)
Problem Solution Benefit
The Product Support mashup in EQM Enhance the EQM Product Support A more complete offering for supporting
is typically used for aftermarket sales Mashup the aftermarket sales process for parts
quotations, several enhancements and services.
have been suggested by customers.

A new item search function (QUS210) has been created and is used by the
Product Support mashup, its designed to find available parts using various
search criteria.

Quotation category - A new flag 'Quotation category' has been added to
separate a equipment quotations from aftermarket quotations. Aftermarket
quotations normally involve parts and services.

Quick entry of quotation lines - A new flag 'Entry option' has been added to
the program 'Quotation type' (QUS020). If entry option is set to '2 - Quick
entry' the quotation detail panel QUS101/E will not be displayed when
adding a quotation line in 'EQM product support'.
Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 335
EQM Enhanced Ordering Through the Product Support (2/2)
Open sub-file for adding parts - A feature within 'EQM product
support' to make it possible to add several quotation lines for
parts at the same time.

Enable all service definitions - Earlier it was only possible to

add pre-defined service definitions that had been setup in
QUS114. Now it is also possible to select any service defined in

MCO quick entry - A quick way to create a maintenance

customer order without needing a quotation has been added to
'EQM Product Support'. Just select customer and/or equipment
and when jump to COS130.

Shopping basket - A shopping basket displaying quotation lines

(with sales prices) which is automatically updated when a part
or service has been added to the quotation.

Add material to WO - Find an existing work order operation,

create a quotation and when add parts. Once the quotation has
been released the selected parts have been added as material
lines on the work order.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 336

EQM Customer Order Entry Message Displayed in EQM
Problem Solution Benefit
Its often important to automatically Implement the customer order entry The user creating a quotation receives
display vital information during the entry message capabilities into EQM important information during the creation
of an order. This capability exists in the of a quotation. A more consistent
sales order process but not in EQM. process with sales orders.

Customer order entry message can be setup

via OIS165 for quotation management and
will be displayed upon quotation creation
from Quotation. Create QUS090.

The text is setup in CO Entry Message.

Open OIS165. Used by can be setup as 0-
Customer order or 5 All application to be
valid for quotations management.

Limitations: Only qualifier one can be used in CO Entry

OIS166 Message. Open OIS165 for messages to show
in Quotation. Create QUS090.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 337

EQM Retrieve Price for Trade-ins from MMS250
Problem Solution Benefit
To standardize the price paid for trade- Retrieve the serial number pricing be More consistent pricing for trade-ins.
in equipment, customers have defaulting when creating a trade-in
requested that trade-in price should be record from the serial number-based
defaulted. pricing function.

When performing a trade-in from program Quotation.

Open Trade-in (QUS110/E) a specific serial number can
be select during quotation creation and if that serial
number has a valid price record in Serial Number Based
MOS250 Pricing. Open (MMS250) that price and meter value
should be fetched to QUS110/E.

The record in MMS250 is validated via valid from and to

date for the quotation, if the quotation is valid for a full
month and the price in MMS250 is not valid for that full
month the price will not be fetched from MMS250. Price
QUS110 is only retrieved if the price is valid for the full quotation
period. If several records exists for the same serial
number in MMS250 and for the overlapping date range
the newest record should be retrieved.

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 338

Additional Smaller Enhancements
NC Ref Description
8340 A new API QUS160MI has been created in order to handle target margin
8342 Add new fields to quotation line to store alias number and replacement to make the replacements process more
consistent with the sales order flow.
8313 A new field has been added to QUHEAD to be able to distinguish Equipment quotations from other quotations.
8312 Quick entry option for quotation order line in Quotation. Open Lines QUS101
8297 Auto create MMS002 records in EQM
8294 Default item charges are now copied to connected to an item to QUS108
8293 Add MCO order type in QUS114 and QUS104 rather than use the one from the MCO agreement
8275 Support additional calculation methods on charges connected to a quotation in Quotation. Add Miscellaneous
Costs QUS118
8267 Enable project and element field on quotation line level and not just the header

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 339

Copyright 2012. Infor. All Rights Reserved. www.infor.com 340

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