Clark-Narrative Project

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Lowery/Clark Assigned: 11/13/17

Human Geography Draft Due: 11/17/17

Final Due: 11/27/17

Cultural Identity Narrative Project

How The Big 4 shape my identity and how my identity is connected to PLACE

PURPOSE: To understand how my identity is shaped by where Im from and the places I identify with.

BACKGROUND: After reading excerpts from Trevor Noahs Born A Crime, you can see how
culture is deeply intertwined with ones identity.

DIRECTIONS: Write a narrative (introduction and 4 short stories) about your own identity by
sharing how language, religion, gender, and race/ethnicity have shaped you.

Book Cover, Introduction, and 4-Chapter Narrative

Each chapter is a short story which focuses on how one of the cultural variables from
class has shaped your identity.
Each short story must include: character development, setting, plot, climax, resolution
In each chapter, place yourself within a larger geographic context. You should explain
how and why the setting (PLACE) of each chapter is significant. How did this place shape
your identity and influence your life? Does this place shape others identities similarly?
Book Cover with title and picture One-two pages per chapter
One-two pages for intro Double spaced
Title for each chapter 12 point font

*You can work on your rough drafts in any order of your choice, but the final product needs to be in the
order listed below.
1. Book Cover image, photo, art that captures your identity. It should include a
representation of your face. Be Creative!
2. Introduction: Describe a PLACE that is significant to your identity (large or small scale).
Why is this place significant to your identity? How has it shaped your identity? Give
details about its location plus human and physical characteristics. These can be places
of importance, travel, and heritage, places visited daily, etc.
3. Chapter 1: Language Describe the language you use in certain places, with certain
people, specific words or phrases that have meaning to you, online/texting language,
formal vs informal, academic, dialect, transferability and applicability, pronunciation,
body language, etc.
4. Chapter 2: Religion Describe experiences involving sacred sites, rites and rituals,
morals, ethics, lack of religious beliefs or practices that may have contributed to your
5. Chapter 3: Gender - Describe experiences of following gender norms, breaking gender
norms, hearing gender stereotypes, or sexuality.
6. Chapter 4: Race - Describe what society says you are, what you say you are, mixing of
ethnicity, experiences with different ethnic traditions, stereotypes, etc.
Lowery/Clark Assigned: 11/13/17
Human Geography Draft Due: 11/17/17
Final Due: 11/27/17

Due Dates and Timeline:

TUESDAY, 11/14
Chapter One brainstorm/outline
Begin rough draft in class
Teacher Progress check
Complete Ch1 rough draft for homework

Chapter Two brainstorm/outline
Begin rough draft in class
Teacher Progress check
Complete Ch2 rough draft for homework

Chapter Three brainstorm/outline
Begin rough draft in class
Teacher Progress check
Complete Ch3 rough draft for homework

FRIDAY, 11/17
Chapter Four brainstorm/outline
Begin rough draft in class
Teacher Progress check
Complete Ch4 rough draft for homework
Peer Review chapter of your choice

Process peer review suggestions/comments
Design Book Cover
Edit and complete Final Draft

MONDAY, 11/27
Complete Final Draft of BOOK DUE!
Group share - Authors Reading (choose one chapter to read to peers)

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