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Phase Three Suggestions

The purpose of this study was to positively affect L2 identity through creative writing

practice. During initial phases, I was hesitant to incorporate grammar or error correction into

discussions or writing assignments. All students stressed explicit interest in error correction and

grammar instruction from me to work on problem areas. I now believe that providing some

corrective feedback would benefit students because improving their grammar would improve

skill and confidence. Much of positive identity development is grounded in success and

accomplishment (Watkins-Goffman, 2001). Students can be empowered with improved

technical language mastery, and in turn more confident in English expression.

Phase three suggestions for Roman are to incorporate minimal error correction as

requested by him to improve his writing and speaking. I believe that very little correction will

improve his English writing and speaking skills, and as a result improve his comfort in
expressing himself in English. I will also continue basic grammar lessons with Madrona, in

preparation to more formal academic learning. I would like to prepare her for integration into

ESL classes as an extension of our work together. Patricia receives grammar instruction at

community college, therefore I do not see the need to practice grammar with her. I would like to

maintain an unstructured personal relationship with her.

I believe that all three students would benefit from an extension of their English based

relationships. The discussion portion of our meetings played a much larger role in supporting

students than I had initially anticipated. Even without being able to meet for writing sessions

with Patricia, I watched her continue to blossom during informal meetings during which she

shared her schoolwork and accomplishments with me. Roman was able to negotiate many of his

cultural ambiguities with me during our discussions, making him feel more at ease in an

American setting. By developing intimate relationships with each of the participants, I provided

them with a strong and personal relationship with a native speaker. I believe this type of

relationship is vital to healthy L2 identity development and would like to extend each

participants exposure to such relationships. In order to fill this need during phase three, I

suggest each student builds another English relationship by involving themselves in a group

activity such as intramural sports.

I also suggest an extension of the writing community that I built individually with each

participant during our meetings. In addition to meeting one on one with me weekly, I would

suggest students meet bi-weekly in groups to write and exchange ideas. The three participants in

this study are at different skill levels, but could provide support to one another in a communal

context. More advanced students could act as models for beginners, and all could support each

others understanding of the USD community and their place in it. Balance of individual identity
is partly reliant upon communal balance, and developing intimate relationships with people from

varying backgrounds within an otherwise segregated community could benefit individuals and

the community as a whole by allowing for exposure to the human similarities between

contrasting individuals.

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