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Validities present in this research were outcome, democratic, and catalytic validities.

These were chosen to enhance the primary research objective and to encourage positive L2

identity development in ELLs through self-exploration. Democratic Validity was fulfilled with
one-on-one conversation topics evolving from participant need and interest. Writing prompts

were developed in response to these. Through all phases of the research, individual thoughts,

feelings, and needs of students played primary roles in the progression of interaction and plan

development. Need and interest were determined during the discussion portion of research, my

observations, and review of student writing. I listened to students carefully when they spoke. I

valued their opinions. A primary focus of this research was to empower students through self-

expression and exploration of self and values in English. Madrona and Patricia were very family

oriented, so writing and discussion centered on family. Roman was very interested in exploring

his creative side making creative expression a focus of his discussion and prompts. (See

appendix A)

The use of Catalytic Validity set a path for further introspection and openness to further

acculturation. Meetings and personalized writings provided students with the opportunity to

explore and share their intimate selves with a native speaker, with the intention of helping to dispel

feelings of outsider status. I was highly motivated to provide students this opportunity based on my

personal motivation behind this research to strengthen university community ties. Even the act of

meeting Madrona on the student side of the deli counter was an opportunity for her to feel a part of

a community she was otherwise segregated from. Outcome Validity was established by

introducing students to reflective and flexible forms of writing. I provided them with a lifelong

tool to aid in further introspection and balanced acculturation.

Following the cyclic fashion of Action Research, at the end of each phase, data was

collected and reflected upon with reference to relevant validities, leading to the development of

each consequent phase.

Summary Chart
Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Survey Personal Journaling Personal Journaling Personal and Shared

Initial Interview One on One One on One Group Discussion
Discussions Discussions Development of a
Writing Community
Writing Prompts Differentiated Story Compilation
Instruction in including Peer
Process Writing Reviewed Process
- Character Writing
Instruction and
Story Compilation

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