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(Javier Jr.

and Rosa are plodding down the back steps of a vacation house-what used to be a coffee
plantation house- in a wide meadow. An argument from within the house is rising.)
JAVIER Jr.: They always do this.
ROSA: Not always. They didnt fight when we went to the beach.
JJ: Yes, they did, idiot. They just acted like they didnt. And theyve yelled at each other on every
vacation before that. The mountain cabin, the camping trip, the park.
R: The park wasnt a vacation.
JJ: Who cares? They still fought.
(he sits on the steps)
R: Come on.
JJ: Where? Theres nothing to do.
R: What about the horses?
JJ: I dont want to ride horses. They dont have the right saddles for us.
R: We can do it bare-neck, like the Charros.
(He pauses, then realizes what she meant)
JJ: Its bareback, airhead.
R: Luisa said it was bare-neck.
JJ: Yeah, well Luisa doesnt know anything about horses.
R: Like you know everything about horses. Why cant we use the big saddles?
JJ: Dad told us not to. Its dangerous.
R: I really wanna try it.
JJ: Just wait, okay? Dad can take you later. Whats so exciting about the horses, anyway?
R: I wanna go with Mommy. She says riding horses is like being really tall and really fast, and you can go
JJ: I know. I wanna go with Mom, too.
R: To America?
JJ: What? Thats not what I was talking about.
R: Oh
JJ: I dont know. I think moving would be really hard.
R: But its America, Javi.
JJ: What does that mean? Do you really know anything about what it would be like to move there? We
dont know anybody there. Wed have to go to American school. All our friends and Grandma and
Grandpa would stay here. Mom would have to get a job. Have you thought about that?
R: Why?
JJ: Because we dont have enough money, idiot. If we go to America, Mom and Dad would work all the
R: Thats not what Mommy says.
JJ: Yeah?
(He rises)
Well thats what Dad says, and thats what hes saying to Mom right now. America is just a dream, but
were stuck in real life, so wake up, Gabriella! And wake up, Rosa. Its not gonna happen, and theres no
way to fix it.
(He starts down the steps again)
R: Wait!
(He continues down the stairs. She follows.)
R: (with a whine) Javi, wait!
(He keeps walking)
Why dont you believe Mommy anymore?
(He stops, but doesnt turn)
JJ: Moms been saying America for our whole lives, and nothings changed. Nothings changed.
R: What if theyre talking about it now? What if this time, Daddy changes his mind?
(A train whistles in the distance. Rosa is mesmerized)
R: Oh, I wanna see the train!
JJ: Its too far. By the time we get there, itll be gone.
R: What if we run really fast?
JJ: Still too slow.
(She walks around him, looking at his face)
R: Are the horses fast enough?
(He looks at her)
JJ: Come on.
(They run offstage)

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