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Oct- 22, 1940- c. l.

McNElL ET'AL 2,218,760

Filed Nov. 5, 1937

Fig. l.

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C/mr/es X Mac /Ve/7

Fay and 7.Zwac/f
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Patented Oct. 22,1940 2,218,760


Charles I. MacNeil and Raymond '1'. Zwacir,
Orange, N. J., assignors to Eclipse Aviation
poration, East Orange, N; J., a corporatic
New Jersey
Application November 5, 1931, Serial No, 173,052
3 Claims. (01.2644 )
in said control will be effected through the gov
vThis invention relates to propeller control ernor modifying power screw in such manner
mechanism and more particularly to a speed con that a de?nite point of travel of the power screw
trol mechanism. corresponds to a definite engine speed; where
This invention ?nds particular use as a con- fore by de-energizing the electric driving motor
5 trol mechanism for controllable pitch propellers when the engine reaches the desired predeter
and especially as a means for maintaining con mined speed the governor modifying power screw
stant speed of the propeller and its driving (and hence the governor modi?er itself) will be.
mechanism by variations in the pitch of the pro set to maintain the desired pre-determined en 10
peller. gine speed. '
10 In connection with the operation of airplanes, Other objects and advantages of the invention
the desirability of having means by which the will be apparent from the'iollowing description
speed of the engine, especially an~ internal com and from the accompanying drawing wherein
bustion engine, could be maintained constant has Figure 1 is a diagrammatic representation of one
long been known. Among advantages to be ob-v embodiment of the invention, and'Flgure 2 is a
tained from maintaining a constant engine speed ' viewv partly in section and partly in elevation of
might be mentioned the improvement in take- - the centrifugal governor and certain associated
o?" characteristic... . ' parts that are shown diagrammaticallyin Fig
There- are, of course, many other conditions
of ?ight in which the constant speed control ure 1.
In the drawing the above described governor
mechanism is of p articular advantage. is shown at 5, the governor spring at 6, the-power
One of the objects of the present invention "
screw at 1, the actuating nut at 8, the reversible
is to provide a practical propeller pitch control electric motor at M, and the valve for governing
_ mechanism. the ?uid feed to the Caldwell pitch regulating
In Caldwell Patent No. 1,893,612 there is .dis hydraulic unit at "I. The motor circuit includes.
25 c1osed (see Fig., 7) a propeller pitch control battery ll (representing any suitable current
mechanism involving a hydraulic unit whose source), manual control switch l2,. automatic
control valve is open or closed to a degree su?i switch l3, manual directional (?eldlreversing)
cient to correct for any deviation of the engine switch 40, and a solenoid winding i4 controlling
_ from a speed pre-selected to be the normal, the release of the normally engaged vclutch elements
3 shifting of the'valve being brought about by the l8, l1 and simultaneous engagement of the nor
movement of a centrifugal governor and such mally disengaged clutch elements 2|, 22, the
movement being opposed by a spring whose ten latter ofwhi'ch is frictionally engaged-by a brake
sion (or' compression, as'the case'l'may be)" is element } 23 permanently integrated with the
variable, by manual manipulation of an adjusting housing. Other parts include a second source or
thumb screw, for the purpose of changing from current 26 and the circuit from said source to any
one pre-selected speed to another,_'if and when electromagnet relay or solenoid 2,5, controlling
desired. the interruption oi current ?ow to the motor M.
The present inventionadds to the Caldwell _ through energization of the relay winding 25. '
system the concept of automatic governor ad Switch I; is normally held closed by spring
justmentthe Caldwell thumb screw beingre 24. or its equivalent, and can be opened only as
placed by a power screw which'exerts upon the a result of current ?ow to relay winding 25, this
governor spring. (thus varying the hydraulic unit being a part of the circuit from source 26, above
valve setting) a. pressure proportionate to the described. Numeral 21 points to a key or lever
degree of rotation of the actuating nut with slidable along an arcuate slot 28 above the speed
4P5 which the power screw engages-this actuating indicator 29, said key 21 being also rotatable
nut being in turn driven by an electric motor about pivot 32 to avoid contact with current con
which remains energized only so long as is neces ducting arm 3| during the process of setting the
sary to establish the pre-selected speed setting key at the desired angular position correspond
of the governor, whereupon said motor is auto ing to the'desired speed setting for the governor
matically de-energized. This concept of auto
5. After being thus set in position, key 21 is
matic governor adjustment envisages a speed moved back into thepath of movementof arm
control arrangement wherein the control 01 the ll, so theta circuit-to relay 25 may be completed
hydraulic valve,. above referred to, will be the automatically when ' arm 3| (driven from the
. sole factor governing the bringing of the engine tachometer or engine sham-has swung for
5 to the desired pre determined speed; and where
2 2,218,760
enough to strike, and hence send current through smooth-bored governor head runs freely on the
the key or lever 21. This, of course, will not helical-surfaces of the screw, in such manner
occur until the change in the setting of the gov ' that each is movable relatively of the other.
emor collar 33 v(produced by the action of mo Screw arm l8_ may be provided with an aper
tor driven screw 1 upon governor 5) has become ture adapted to receive a ?xed rod We to act as
sumcient to shift valve I0 enough to vary the a guide and thereby positively restrain the screw
pitch of the propeller blades to the degree neces against any movement angularly, while permit
sary to cause the engine speed to reach the value ting unrestricted linear movement in response to
corresponding to the position into which key 21 _ rotation of nut 8.
10 has been placed-that is to say, the speed pre What is claimed is: 10
selected to be the standard. However, even in 1. In a device for use with a variable speed
the absence of a setting of key 21, the motor may internal combustion engine having an engine
be stopped at will by opening the manual con speed controlling governor thereon, means in
trol switch l2. Whenever the circuit from the cluding an electric motor for varying the governor
15 source I I is open either at the switch l2 or switch loading, means including a source of current and
l3, spring l5 becomes e?'ective to throw clutch a circuit for energizing said motor, said circuit
member 2| into me\;h with the braked element including a normally closed switch, electro
22, and at the same time to disconnect the gear magnetic means for opening said switch to in
train 34 from the armature shaft 36 of the mo terrupt current ?ow to the motor, and means for
tor M-the purpose being to relieve the armature energizing said electromagnetic means when. a
of any strain which might result from the sudden pre-selected engine speed is attained, said last
stoppage of the gear train when the-brake 22, 23 named energizing means including a second cir
becomes eifective. In this connection it is noted cuit, an engine speed indicating pointer in said
that brake supporting shaft 31 is rotatably free second circuit, and a settable contact key in the
of armature shaft 36, the latter being positively path of movement of said speed indicating point
connected to-the clutch element l6 only. er, to energize the latter when engaged by said
With switch 40 in the full line position shown. engine speed indicating pointer.
motor M will rotate in a direction to cause down 2. In a device for use with- a variable speed
ward travel of member I; in the other position internal combustion engine having an engine
the direction of rotation will be the opposite. speed controlling governor thereon, means in 30
Axial travel of the screw can be brought about cluding an electric motor for varying the governor
only by reason of, and in response to, rotation of loading, means including a source of current and
motor driven nut 8 in which it is threadedly re a circuit for energizing said motor, electro
ceived; the angle of the threads being such that magnetic means acting upon said circuit to in
axial pressure upon the screwv (as by the thrust terrupt current flow to the motor, and means for 35
reaction of spring 6) is ineffective to independ~ energizing said electromagnetic means when a
ently disturb the axial setting of said screw. ' vpre-selected engine speed is attained, said last
It will be seen that there are twov separately named energizing means including a second cir
operable means for de-energizing motor M and cuit, an engine speed responsive element in said
operating the clutch elements II and 2| :?rst, second circuit, and means in the path of move
the means 3|, 2'! operable at the pre-selected ment of said'speed responsive element to energize
point if and when key 21 is so set; and, secondly, the latter when engaged thereby.
the means I! by which the operator has manual 3. In a device for use with a variable speed
control of the circuit, for opening and closing internal combustion engine having an engine
5 thereof at will. speed controlling governor thereon, means in
In further. explanation of the spring loading cluding an electric motor for varying the governor
screw I and associated parts, it may be helpful loading, means, including a source of current
to point out that the axial travel of the screw and a circuit for energizing said motor, means
produces de?ection of spring 6, but produces no acting upon said circuit to interrupt current ?ow
corresponding axial movement of governor head to the motor, and means for energizing said in
to, the latter being axially ?xed within bearing terrupting means when a pre-selected engine
6b, and the said bearing constituting part of the speed is attained, said last-named energizing
'means for holding said governor head against means including a second circuit, an engine speed
axial movement, and at the same time supporting responsive element in said second circuit, and set
the governor mechanism as a whole. Bearings table contact means in the path of movement of
6b and 8b-the latter being part of the support said speed-responsive element to energize the
ing means for nut 8are mounted in recesses in latter when engaged thereby.
the supporting housing, as shown. Conversely,
rotation of governor head 6a (with the governor CHARLES I. MACNETL.
weights) produces no effect upon screw 1, as the RAYMOND T. ZWACK.

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