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Nov. 12, 1940. 'w. L.

CARNEGIE - 2,221,393

Filed July 1, 1958 6 Sheets-Sheet l


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Nov. 12, 1940. w. L. CARNEGiE 2,221,393
Filed July 1, 1938 6 Sheets-Sheet 2



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Nov. 12, 1940. w. L. CARNEGIE 2,221,393

Filed Jllly l, 1958 ' _6 Sheets-Sheet 4

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Filed July 1, 1958 6 Sheets-Sheet 5

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Nov. 12, 1940. w. 1.. CARNEGIE 2,221,393
Filed July 1, 1938 ' s Shets-Sheet e

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Patented Nov. 12, 1940} 2,221,393


William L. Carnegie, Detroit, Mich, assignor to
General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Mich., a
corporation of Delaware
Application July 1, 1938, Serial No. 216,889
20 Claims. (Cl. 74-262)
The present invention relates to motor vehicles, mm of the trains of the driving mechanism are
to driving mechanism therefor, and to- controls prevented from acting.
for changing speed ratios. It has for its princi An additional object is the provision of inter
pal object the provision of improved means for locking control means affording positive braking
initiating the drive of the vehicle through the of the vehicle if the engine should stall, or be
agency of manual and automatic controls, by disconnected from the drive throughI coupling
compelling gradual pick-up of the torque load means within the gearing of the driving mecha
of the vehicle through friction elements normal msm. v

ly utilized to establish one of the speed ratios of The invention is particularly applicable to
the driving mechanism or variable speed trans change speed gearing systems wherein the shift
mission. between speed ratios occurs normally without re
" The invention herewith relates to drive con lease of engine torque, but wherein for starting
trols, in particular to variable speed gear having and stopping purposes it is necessary for such
fluid pressure servo actuation, and controlled by release to be available.
fluid pressure devices, automatically operated. Among other objects, the invention is to pro
It also is an object of the invention to achieve vide a form of sequence control for forward
a method for initiating the drive wherein excep speed ratios derived through cross-compounding
tional advantages in smooth starting and accel of drive through multiple series units, wherein
eration appear, and wherein coordinate response entirely manual selection is obtainable with con
trolled graduation of drive between forward ra 20
between speed responsive, torque responsive and
driver responsive elements of a control system tios and during the speed-change intervals, with
yield new results in the application of engine out interruption of torque.
power to the inertia and torque of a vehicle. A further object is the provision of a pressure
An important object is the provision of means compensation action worked by a driver control
for obtaining the drive-initiating control effect to establish the net torque-capacity of friction 25
wherein the combined manual-automatic regula elements in the transmission supporting the drive,
tion of drive engagement operates cyclically in coordinated to operate for any of the selected
such a way that there is no hunting, the drive shifts of ratio, on a continuously effective basis.
pick-up being completed at one control speed, This enables the ratio selector to be moved from
and released for disengagement at a lower con any one position to any other, assuring a proper 30
trol speed. graduation of transfer of drive at all times to
i A further object is the provision of ?uid pres avoid shock to passengers or damage to the driv
sure servo means for performing the above noted ing parts.
objects, wherein a maximum of smoothness in The invention contemplates a system of drive
operation is obtained. in which ratio determining elements of variable 35
An additional object is the utilization of an speed gearing may also be used for initiating and
automatic control in which a self-metering hy establishing drive automatically, so that the cus
draulic governor furnishes variable ?uid pressure tomary main clutch may be dispensed with, and
for controlling the graduation of drive engage economies in construction and cost derived.
w ment referred to preceding. '
Other objects and advantages will be under 40
One of the objects of the invention is the uti stood from the following description.
lization of novel servo actuation means for the In the accompanying drawings:
friction elements of the transmission, having the Figure 1 is a vertical, longitudinal section of
dual utilities of the initiation of drive, and estab the two speed gear unit of an example of the
lishing of one of the driving speed ratios, where--' application of my invention, showing the drive 45
in new combinations of self-energizing means for the servo pump and governor device.
with the aforesaid means and controls appear, Figure 2 is a transverse, vertical section at
whereby the above objects are in part accom 2--2 of Figure 1 showing the energization and
plished. .
control method for the gearing of Figure 1.
A further object is the provision of a ?uid servo Figure 3 is a transverse sectional view at 33
system affording compound multiple speed ratio of Figure 1 showing the servo pump and hy
selections, while yielding interlocking controls draulic governor utilized to control the initiation
among plural transmission units such that for of drive and-the ratio transitions.
given manual selections of speed ratio, elements Figure 4 is a schematic diagram illustrating
which would normally set up drive through cer the control valving for the initiation of drive in 55
2 2,221,398
conjunction with the pump and governor of Fig
ure 3, and the servo and energization system of 51 at the opposite end of lever 54 accommodates
Figure 2. rod 58.
Figure 5 is a diagram of a typical governor Upon consideration of this structure, one will
speed-pressure curve for a governor of the type note that the ?xtures 38 and 39 may act inter
of Figure 4. changeably as anchor points depending on the
Figure 6 is a corresponding diagram of pres direction of rotation of drum l8, and the degree
sures derived from Figure 5 by the structure of of wrapping permitted in brake 30 which may
the valving, springs, plungers and pistons of Fig have only one or more than one turn about drum
10 ures 2 and 4, showing ther'non-hunting charac l8 between ends 36 and 31.
teristic of the arrangement. The normal hand of rotation of engine con
Figure 7 is a partial view, in transverse sec nected shaft 3 is shown by arrow :0 of Figure 2,
tion, of Figure 1 at 1--1, wherein the actuation and the ldling'direction of rotation of drum I8
means for the second unit of the drive assembly when clutch |5-20 is disengaged, and brake 30
15 is described. / unapplied, is shown by arrow Y.
Figure 8 is a schematic diagram of the con If brake be locked, the drive will be trans- ' ca
trols for the gearing of Figure 1 including in mitted from gear 4 to shaft |0~through planeta
outline the control groups of Figures 2, 3, 4 and tion of carrier I resulting from the reaction of sun
7 in conjunction with the actuation means for gear 2|. If the brake be released, and clutch
20 the reverse drive unit and valves controlling all |5-20 engaged, the locking couple between car
of the units. rier 1 and reaction drum |8 will establish direct 20
Figure 9 shows a control linkage for the valv- , drive between shafts 3 and I0. Brake band 30
ing of Figure 8, the schematic projection of consists of elastic material normally self
Figure 10 illustrating the external controls for stressed for release.
25 Cylinder 68 attached to, or integral with cas
the elements of Figure 9 and the graduating
control operated by the compensator and ac ing 2, is divided into two compartments, the 25
celerator-connected linkage of Figure 8. ' right hand one embodying cylindrical bore 6|
Figure 11 shows a supplementary control for in which piston 63 slides. Spring 64 recessed in
the band of thereverse unit wherein the oper cylinder 6| may engage piston 63 only when a,
ator may apply the band and establish a locking given motion of translation occurs on the part
' couple within the gearing when engine braking of the piston 63. Small piston 65 is recessed in 30
is not available. , sub-cylinder 66, connected to pipe I00. Fluid
The gearv assembly used to illustrate my in pressure is admitted to act on piston 63 through
vention shown in Figure 1 has engine~connected pipe l?l. Rod 58 is moved by piston 63 through
35 stops 15 and 65'.
shaft 3 to which is a?lxed annulus gear 4 with
ring of internal teeth 5 meshing with planet Rod 58 passes through wall 68a of cylinder 60 35
gears 6 spindled on carrier 1. Bearings 8 sup to chamber 1|, where it is a?ixed to piston 61,
port sleeve 9 and its sun gear 2| on output shaft between which and the wall 68a fluid pressure
IU of the ,?rst unit piloted in bearing II in may be admitted through pipe I02.
40 shaft 3. The left end of cylinder 60 is closed by ?anged
The carrier 1 is extended to form a clutch plate 12 and by plate 13 having recess 14, the 40
drum l2 splined externally at |3 to accommo extension of which acts as an abutment for rod
date clutch plates l5 having mating spline teeth 58. Cylinder 18 in ?anged plate 12 houses pis
|6.' Clutch plates 20 mating with plates | 5 are ton 11 of rod 48, and is connected to pipe I03.
45 Springs 18 held by .plate 13 are normally loaded
mounted on drum extension | 8 of sleeve 9 and
reaction sun gear 2| meshing externally with to hold piston 61 to the right, and thereby load 45
planets 6. The gear 2| is joined to sleeve 9 and brake end 31 through rod 58, lever 54 and thrust
rod 52. '
to drum l8, the bearings 8 supporting the assem
bly on the shaft I0. Small spring 19 exerts longitudinal pressure be
50 tween piston 63 and abutment 65' which transfers
Brakev band 30 may prevent the rotation of
drum l8 when locked. Clutch release springs force to rod 58 through abutment 15. 50
22 normally bias plates |52|I for disengage The parts to the left of Figure 1 show the ar
ment, by unloading presser plate 23 in tension. rangement of drive between the engine connected
shaft 3,,the driving shaft I 0 of the two-speed unit
55 The presser plate 23 may also slide longitudi just described, and the pump and governor as
nally with plates 20 on key bolts not shown. semblies.
The drum I8 is formed into cylindrical re 55
cesses 3|, for pistons 32, the cylinders 3| com The engine connected shaft 3 in Figure 3 car
municating through passages 33 with passage 34 ries .the master drive gear 18 meshing with gear
in gland 35 ?xed against rotation with respect 8| of vertical shaft 82 and gear 83 of transverse
to shaft I0, and having external pressure pipe shaft 84. The pump assembly P is located in
50. the lower part of the transmission casing 2 and 60
Figure 2 shows a section of Figure 1, giving draws oil from the sump 20| through suction pipe
details of external servo controls for the opera H8, and delivers it_-to pressure space I, con
65 tion of brake band 30. nected to line )5 and 5, as shown also in Fig
ure 8. -
The band 30 encircles drum l8, and its two
_ The supporting casing 2 is drilled at | | 2 for .65
ends 36 and 31 are equipped with ?xtures 38
and 39. Fixture 38 has notch 4| in which pipe ||3-and feeds pump pressure to hollow bore
thrust rod 42 is seated. Rod 42 is pivoted at 43 || 4 of shaft 84. The ?uid pressure metering
0 to lever 44, pivoted to the casing 12 at 48. Flat valve 80 ofgovernor G shown in detail in Fig
41 at the opposite end of lever 44 accommodates ure 4 controls the pressure to outlet pipe I04 70
rod 48. according to variations in speed of shaft 84 as
Fixture 39 similarly has notch 5| on which determined by the speed of engine shaft |.
thrust rod 52 is seated. Rod 52 is pivoted at 53 Figure 4 shows the sectional view of the parts
75 to lever 54, pivoted to the casing 60 at 56. Flat of the governor assembly. >
Governor body 90 is keyed to rotate with trans 75
2,221,393 3
verse shaft 94 of Figure 1, and is bored out at 9I Drum I8, because of the reaction of stopped
and at 92 for valve 80. The port 93 adjacent the carrier 1, spins backward, in a direction opposite
centerline of rotation is fed by pump pressure to that of gear 4. The torque reaction force is
through shaft passage I I4. therefore negative.
Connected ports 94 and 95 are the outlet pres Pump pressure is effective through pipe I02 on
sure ports of the governor; port 96 exhausts back piston 61 of Figure 2, holding off springs 18, so
to sump 20I, and bore 92 is vented at 91. The that band 30 is free from the drum I8.
portions 80a and 80b of valve 80 are machined to An increase in engine speed initiates governor
?t bore 9|. and portion 800 to ?t bore 92. The pressure to act on valve I20 through pipe I04
undercut spaces between the bosses provide the and port I23, which compresses spring I44. At 10
lap means between the ports for the various con about 500 r. p. m. of the engine, valve I20 has
ditions of operation. Weight W is integral with been moved toward the bottom of the drawing of
valve 80. Figure 4 far enough to close off port I26, and
At zero or low speed, the position shown, the open port I28 to exhaust port I29, to drain cyl
pump pressure in port 93 is sealed against ac inder 1 I.
tion. At some given increased speed point, boss The valve I20 is just on the point of metering
80b of valve 80 uncovers port 93 and pump pres pump line pressure from port I26 to the anchor
sure may pass through the adjacent undercut to piston port I24.
port 95 and to port 94. Since the area of boss During this interval, the cylinder H has been
800 is greater than that of boss 80b, the tendency drained through pipe I02, and the springs 18
for the pressure is to close off the port 93 and have forced piston 61 to the end of its stroke, car
oppose the centrifugal action of weight W. As rying rod 58 and lever 54 with it.
speed increases, the pressure characteristic is This establishes a very low minimum of slack
overcome by the speed effect so that the pressure remaining in band 30.
in output line rises, according to a scale such as Further increase in engine speed causes the
given in the example of Figure 5. governor pressure to rise, and valve I20 meters a
This varying output pressure is utilized to con higher and increasing pressure to anchor piston
trol the operation of band 30 acting as a starting 11, applying end 36 to band 30, establishing
clutch for the vehicle, as will be understood from torque reaction in the non-energising direction,
the description of the operation to follow. since the spinning direction of the drum is nega- 5
The valve control grouping at the left of Fig tive, as discussed preceding.
ure 4 is connected to the hydraulic governor At a given engine speed. in the example, about
just described, and to the servo control system 0 1050 r. p. m., the governor is delivering 70 pounds
Figures land 2. , ' I: to port I23 of the valve I20, which moves further
Conveniently located, the valve casing H9 is to compress spring I44 and also spring connect
bored to accommodate a number of plungers port ing ports I3I and I21.
ed to coordinate variations in pressure with the This puts full pump pressure on plunger I33
various control functions desired. through pipe I25 and the force transmitted
Mai-n control valve I20 is the selector valve for through pin I36 to plunger I31 and through pin
the action of band 30, and consists of bosses I20a, I42, shifts valve I20 to the limit of travel in the 40
I20b, I200 and I20d of common diameter to ?t direction to fully compress spring I44 and spring
bore I2I. At its upper end, port I23 is open to I46 as far as the end of rod I48 will allow.
output governor pressure through line I04, the In the consideration of the operation of the
adjacent port I24 is connected through I38 to line control valve assembly of Figure 4, the areas of
, I03 joining to cylinder 16 of Figure 2; port I26 plungers I33 and I31 are so taken that control
is .joined to pipe I05 carrying pump pressure, and valve I20 is held against the action of springs I44
likewise to counterport I21. The next port in and I46 whenever the governor G is supplying 16
order is I28 connected to pipe I02 and to cyl pounds to port I23. At below this pressure, the
inder H of Figure 2. The remaining two ports springs I 44 and I46 are active and valve I29
, I29 and I3I connect to exhaust, or sump, and starts to move toward the top of the drawing. 50
also through pipe I25 to the uppermost port I32, Continued diminishing of governor pressure
open to plunger I33 vented at I34. with engine speed causes the valve I20 to cut off
In order from the top of thedrawings, plunger port I29 which has been supplying full pump
I33 in bore I2I may press on sliding pin I36 pressure through I25 to plunger I33, and port
; which may transmit force to plunger I31 in bore I32 is open to exhaust through port I29.
I2I', ported at I39 to receive pressure from line The spring I44 then shifts the valve I20 to the
I38. Plunger I31, vented at I4I, may press pin upper limit of travel, and ports I26 and I28 are
I42 against boss I20a of valve I20. connected, supplying pump pressure to piston 61
The lower portion of bore I2I is ported to ex releasing band 30 completely. Plunger I33
) haust at I43 and contains spring I44 pressing up makes it possible to maintain the loop action of 60
ward against valve I20 and spring I46 of sliding the operating curve of Figure 6, to achieve a
abutment I41 on rod I48, the collar I41 being ?xed hysteresis loop effect.
arranged .to strike an extension of valve I20 at The diagram of Figure 6 is a typical response
a given limit of travel. curve for the valve action of Figure 4. with re
3 In Figure 3 a pressure regulating valve II6 of spect to the actuation system for band 30 as (i5
known type is shown connecting the pump outlet shown in Figure 2. - -
port II1 with pressure outlet line II5, the me It will be noted that at 500 r. p. m. the gover
tering spring II8 regulating the lift of the valve; nor pressure in line I04 and acting on plunger
the line II9' being connected to the transmission I20 becomes effective to overcome spring I44 and
3 lubrication system. direct the valving to drain cylinder H.
With the vehicle at standstill, engine idling at The pressure rises from zero to about 70 pounds
about 300 r. p. m., the load shaft I0 is idle, and at 1,000 r. p. m., giving a graduated loading to
if a driving couple has been established between end 36 of band 30, to maximum at that latter
the vehicle load and shaft I0, the unit input gear point. .
5 4 will be rotating at engine speed. If the engine be decelerated because of the re
4 2,221,893
quirement for traffic maneuvering on the part of
the operator, the loading achieved at 1000 r. p. m. character, is ?uid pressure energised in accord
is maintained, and the load shaft I0 remains ance with the driver's accelerator pedal action, as
coupled to the engine until the engine speed transferred into terms of engine speed by gov
ernor G.
diminishes to 400 r. p. m., when the governor
supplied pressure falls off such that springs I44 If the process of accelerating is interrupted by
and I 46 are fully effective to shift valve I20 to tra?lc conditions, the cyclic action of initiating
open position, relieving the band 30 from any drive is repeated between predetermined engine
energising whatever. - speeds, so that unnecessary slippage or abuse is
safeguarded against. , -
10 This attains a positive neutral or no-drive con Various forms of reverse gearing may be uti
dition at all times unless the engine stall, where lized, but for ease of control and other considera
in pump P will not be able to supply lines I05; I02
and cylinder 60. ' . tions, the form herewith to be described is be
In the arrangement of gearing thus far de lieved to offer certain advantages in compactness
scribed, the system of starting clutch control in and ease of control, as well as in the disposition
volving the functioning of valve I20 is applied of the servo and automatic control equipment.
Figure 1 represents a typical gear arrangement
to forward drive only, the added arrangement of for overall drive from the engine to the tailshaft
Figure 3 being necessary to attain a degree of
controlled graduated pick-up of drive in reverse, of the vehicle, the gearing being shown connected '
20 or some equivalent thereof. to a second form of planetary unit which in turn
is connected to a third gear, the latter being a
Referring back to Figures 2 and 4, the dupli reversing planetary. -
cation of the parts of cylinder 60 and rods 48, 58, In this ?gure the shaft I0 is joined to the car
and the control valve assembly of Figure 4 in rier 1 of the ?rst unit, and to the two pinions I5I
cluding the action of valve I20 makes it possible and I52 of the second unit, likewise having clutch
to install a simple directing valve in pipe I04 op drum I50 keyed to it. It will be noted that shaft
erated by the operators hand lever when shifted I0 is the output member of the ?rst unit and the
to reverse, so that the duplicate set of parts be power input member of the second unit.
comes active to control the action of brake end Carrier I56 and shaft 300 are joined together,
31, instead of brake end 36 as previously de the carrier being the output member of the sec
scribed. This would necessitate two cylinders ond unit. Carrier I12 of the reversing or third 30
similar to cylinder 60, one of which would be unit is likewise attached to or integral with out
connected as in Figures 2 and 4, the other of put shaft 300.
which would have rod 58 acting against lever As will be described later, the ratio drive com-
44, and rod 48 acting against lever 54. binations for these units are obtained through
The necessity for such a duplication of parts manipulation of clutch I5-20 and brake 30 of 35
is created by the fact that with a reversing .gear the ?rst unit; clutch I55-I60 and brake I10
placed ahead of the planetary gearbox, the re of the second unit, and brake I80 of the third
action member I8 would idle oppositely to the unit. .
direction of rotation of the input shaft 3 so that In Figure 1 shaft 3 is directly connected to the
40 the graduation controls for end 36 of brake 30 engine, with input gear 4, reaction sun gear 2|,
worked by valve I20 could not serve for ener planets 6, carrier 1, reaction gear sleeve 9 and
gisation control of end 31 of brake 30. drum I8. The output shaft Io extended to the
In order to make the arrangements of Figures 2 right carries the two pinions or sun gears I5I
and 4 practically useful, I therefore prefer to and I52, and clutch drum I50, with a splined set
45 connect shaft 3 directly to the engine shaft at of clutch plates I55. Pinions I5II52 are the
all times, and utilize a gear structure wherein the input gears of the second unit.
reversing gear train is between the described unit The pinion I 52 meshes with a set of planets
and the ?nal output shaft. I 54 spindled on carrier I56; the pinion I5I mesh
It will be seen that the illustrative arrangement - with a set of planets I58 spindled on carrier
50 of Figure l complies with the above requirement,
so that for either forward or reverse drive the re Annulus gear I51 meshing with I54 is rigidly 60
action element I8 of the unit in which I utilize joined to rotate with carrier I59. Annulus gear
the reaction brake for a vehicle starting means I6I is attached to drum I62, serving as the reac
will always have a negative idling direction of tion member of the second unit. Drum I62 like
55 rotation such that brake end 36 may be con
wise supports the set-of clutch plates I60 and a
trolled for graduating initial drive from rest in prmser plate I63, similarly to drum I8 of the ?rst
either forward or reverse, avoiding the self-ener unit, and has integral cylinders I65 accommodat
gising effect which would be harsh and abrupt ing pistons I66, engageable by ?uid pressure sup
in function, and not desirable from either a com
60 mercial, manufacturing, or a durability point of plied from gland 35 through passage 33'. Clutch
release springs are shown at I61. The ?uid pres
sure for clutch pistons 32 is fed through pipe I 95' 60
In the operation of the vehicle with the in through passages 34 and 33 to cylinders 3|.
vention as far as described the operator may start ' Carrier I56 of planets I54 drives the loadshaft
his engine, and warm it up in the regular way
65 without interference by any part of the described or tailshaft 300. Brake I10, like brake 30 of the
mechanism. -
first unit, is operable by ?uid pressure and spring 65
When ready to drive forwardly, the operator storage as shown in Figure 4. Drum I62 is sup
ported on shaft 300 by bearing 30I.
shifts the manual controls, and it is assumed that
shaft I0 is made subject to the load of the vehicle An extension of drum I62 mounts a?ixed in
70 thereby. put sun gear "I ofvthe reverse driving or third
The accelerator pedal is depressed, and the ve unit. Carrier I12 ?xed to tailshaft 300 has spin 70
hicle moves forward as the engine power is de dled planets I13 meshing with sun gear HI and
veloped, according to the torque reaction sus with annulus I15 having drum I16. '
taining ability of band 30, which instead of self For reduced forward drive in the second unit,
75 energising, as in common mechanisms of this brake I10 is locked; for direct, clutch I55-I60 is
engaged and brake I10 released.
2,221,898 5 .

Since the demultiplication ratio of the second when the control valving of Figure 8 is moved
unit is different from that of the ?rst unit, it is to establish drive therein.
possible to obtain four net forward speed ratios Figure 8 is a schematic representation of the
by proper combinations of brake and clutch ac entire control system. Governor G and pump
tuation. P are shown connected to the valving of easing
A typical speed ratio pattern for the forward wherein the starting control of unit I is derived;
drive combination, naming the elements engaged to the individual valves V1, V1, V, which select
or locked, is: ratio drive for units I, II, and III, by directing
the fluid. pressure of pump P to the servo cylin
First unit Second unit
ders of each for clutching and braking; and to 10
the compensator valve C moved by the operator's
Low .......................... .. Brake 30 ...... _. Brake 170.
engine speed control pedal or accelerator, to be
. Clutch 15-20. . .. Brake 170. described later.
Brake 30 ...... ._
Clutch 15-20. _ . _
Clutch 155-160.
Clutch 155-160.
The selector valves are all of the three-port
balanced type, V1 controlling the pump pressure 15
from pump line II5 to cylinder 60 through pipe
To obtain reverse drive, the ?rst unit brake 30 IN and to clutch cylinders 3| of the ?rst unit.
is energised, the second unit brake I10 and clutch Valve V2 controls in the same manner thepump
I55I60 are both released, and brake I80 of the pressure from line 5' to cylinder I90 and to
third unit is locked to annulus drum I16. clutch cylinders I65 of the second unit. Valve 20
It will be seen that if a slow forward speed be V3 similarly controls the pressure delivered to
imparted to shaft I0, with shaft 300 and carrier cylinder 2I0 arranged to load and actuate band
I56 stopped, sun gear I52 will rotate annulus I51 I80 of the third unit through thrust rod 2I2 and
backwards or reversely to the direction of input piston 2I3. All three valves are shown in exhaust '
torque. This causes a reverse speed component or draining position wherein brake I10 of the 25
on carrier I59. . second unit is applied by springs I9I, and brake
At the same time, sun gear I5I will be impart 30 of the ?rst unit may be manipulated by valve
ing a backward component to annulus I6I if I 20 of Figure 4. '
carrier I59 were stopped; but, carrier I59 is not The servo cylinder 2I0 for the brake I80 of
stopped, but has a reverse component, so that unit III is shown in section in Figure 8, the lever 30
annulus I6I is being driven reversely at increased 2 being arranged to actuate the band I80 in
or accelerated speed. the same manner as lever I83 of Figure '7 actu
Since brake I80 has locked annulus gear I15, ates band I10. Rod 2I2 moving in cylinder 2I0
the reversecomponent applied to sun gear "I may load band I80 through lever 2 when ?uid
by annulus I6I through drum I62 is demultipl'ied pressure is admitted to cylinder 2I0 behind pis-. 35
in the third unit, so that carrier I12 applies a ton 2I3 through pipe M5; and the pressure being
reduced ratio reverse component to shaft 800. relieved, springs 2I4a and 2I4b may release the
This method of obtaining reverse drive at low band I10, since piston 2I3 sliding on rod 2I2
ratio is believed novel, and provides a new result . and striking abutment 2 I6 thereof, may transfer
in the derivation of negative components from energy between rod 2I2, springs 2I4a and 2I4b '40'
positive directional torque, in compounded gear and the fluid pressure of cylinder 2I0. Weak
ing. spring 2I8 provides initial response .to pressure
For the purposes of the present application, it build-up in the cylinder 2I0 before piston 2I3
is not deemed necessary to show other than a strikes abutment 2I6 so that an initial brake
conventional form of control for the operation loading pressure of predetermined value is avail 45
of units II and III. able. It also prevents full retraction of piston
The disclosure of Figure 7 Is of the actuation 2I3 under the loading of springs 2I4a and 2I4b,
system for unit II, for brake I10 surrounding so that piston H3 is under constant stress at
drum I62. Brake end I10a at the left is pivoted all times. The-lost motion between abutment
to thrust rod I8I ?tting notch I82 of bellcrank 2I6 and piston 2I3 assures that when the ?uid 60
lever I83 pivoted to the casing 2 at I84. Brake pressure is released from cylinder 2I0, there is
end I86 is the ?xed anchor point, and is held by no direct interaction between the band I80 and
adjustable stud I81. ' = the piston 2I3, so that residual torque drag is
Servo cylinder I90 controls the application 0 allowed to dissipate and the band I80 free itself
brake I 10. Servo line I95 likewise feeds clutch without interference from the ?uid pressure 55
cylinders I65 of Figure 1. Piston I88 attached system. '
to brake applying rod I89 is loaded by springs Valve V1 has pressure port 2_2I connected to
I9Ia, Hill), and I9Ic for normal actuation. At pump line II5 servo port 222 connected to pipe
extreme rightward motion, abutment I92 sliding IOI for delivering pressure to piston 63 in cyl
on rod I89 may deliver the force of spring I9Ic inder 60 of Figure 2. Port 223 connects to ex 60
to pins I99 ?xed to the second piston I94 and haust.

protruding through holes in piston I88; thence The pressure port 225 of valve W connects
to piston I94 sliding on rod I89 in sub-cylinder to pump line II5, servo port 226 to line I95I91,
I96. and cylinder I90 of unit II, and port 221 is open
Pipe'l91 connects cylinder I90 to port 226 of to exhaust. - 65
valve W of Figure 8. When pressure is admitted Valve V3 has pressure port 228 Joined to pump
to cylinder I90, piston I88 shifts to the right, line H5, servo port 229 connected to line 2I5 of
compressing springs I9Ia, I9"), and I9Ic, and cylinder 2I0, and exhaust port 280.
relieving brake I10 from engagement with drum ' Valve V4 has pressure port 2, servo port 242
I62. - leading to line I95 and clutch cylinders I65 and 70
Pipe I98 connects to port 238 of valve 235 of exhaustport 243; biasing spring 244, and pres
Figure 8 so that compensating pressure from line sure shift port 245 connected to line 2I5.
I00 and valve 235 may act on piston I94 to vary The valves may be conveniently located in a
the pressure build-up in cylinder I90 reacting common casing such as 220 (Fig. 10), along
75 through lines H5 and I95 011 clutch 55-450 with valve 0, as space considerations permit. 75
6 2,221,393
The three ratio selector valves are, for the pur anchor point. When the engine is started, the
poses of this speci?cation, manually operated for load of the vehicle already applied to shaft I0
the four forward and reverse gear ratios. and carrier 1 may serve as a reaction means, and
The valve V1 is for the purpose of permitting the spinning of annulus gear 5 causes the sun
on valve W to hold off brake I10 when reverse drive gear U and connected drum III to spin reversely
is desired, but to prevent clutch I55--I60 from to the direction of rotation of the engine shaft 3.
being actuated. Valve V3, when shifted to ad If the operator were to race the engine by'de
mit pump pressure to cylinder 2I0 for applying pressing the accelerator pedal, governor G might
reverse band I80 to drum I16, also delivers pres deliver a pressure of a magnitude that valve I20 '
10 sure to shift valve V4. of Figure 4 would be moved to initiate drive in
Port 2 of valve V4 is connected to line I95-1, unit I,
port 242 is connected to line I95, and clutch It is believed a proper measure for increased
cylinders I65 of the second unit, and port 243 is safety to establish a positive no-drive neutral
open to exhaust. Spring 244 normally compels elsewhere in the assembly, so that an inexperi
the valve to remain in the down position, so as enced operator may not ever have a drifting of
to connect ports 24I-242, lines I95-I95, and the vehicle under power, therefore the valving
permit valve V2 to operate simultaneously on for controlling unit II is arranged to give a posi
brake piston I88 and clutch pistons I66. This tive neutral condition when the manual control
is for forward drive. When valve V3 is shifted is put in neutral. .
to reverse position, ?uid pressure from pump It will be noted that in Figure 8 valve V4 has
line I I5 passes through line 2I5 to cylinder 2I0, an extended stem protruding through the hous
loading piston 2I3 and brake I80 against the ing with a lip or ?ange for engaging with the
action of springs 2M; and also enters port 245 of external control lever such as shown in Figure 9,
casing 220 lifting valve V4 against spring 244 so that it can be moved manually against the
25 and cutting off clutch loading pressure from line
action of weak spring 244. This is so that valve
I95 to cylinders I65, connecting the latter to V4 can admit pressure to line I95-I91 and cyl
exhaust. inder I90 to hold out brake I10 of unit II, and
For reverse shift, therefore, brake 30 of unit I at the same time, ?uid pressure in line I95 can
is gradually applied, and brake I80 of unit III. be cut off, and clutch cylinders I 65 drained, when
30 Neither brake I10 nor clutch I55I60 of unit II
no-drive in unit II is desired, as in neutral. The
is actuated. manual means to shift valve V4 is described later
The automatic cutting out of clutch I55-I60 in conjunction with Figure 9.
while brake I10 is held off, when the reverse shift The coordinating of the various positions ofv
valve V3 is active, is believed a novel feature. As the selector valves may be done in many ways,
soon as valve V3 is returned to a draining posi according to the desires of the designer and the
tionpspring 244 reconnects valve V2 to control requirements of the installation. One method
over clutch I55--I60 of the second unit, so that of establishing the foregoing shaft pattern is
there is a constantly eifective ?uid pressure in shown in Figure 9.
Cam plate 250 rotating on shaft 25I is moved
40 terlock preventing wrong motion of the controls. by rod 252 pivoted to arm 253, the rod 252 being 40
It will be seen that the shift pattern of the
valving matches the ratio table given preceding moved by lever 202 and shaft 20I from hand
in the following manner: (This symbol 0 in lever 200 mounted to reciprocate over sector plate
dicates corresponding valve admission of servo
2I0, on the steering column of the vehicle, as
shown in Figure 10. -
pressure.) -
45 The showing is conventional, there being two
slots out in cam plate 250, each guiding a pin of 45
Reverse Neutral Low 2nd 3rd High a lever arranged to shift one of the valves. On
the opposite side from the slots, the cam plate
V1 _______ __ (*) - 0 0
VI _______ _, O - O O 250 is cut to a contour 255 such that two addi
50 V3 _______ __ O _ - -
tional pins of two additional levers may rock the
V4 _______ _. () () () 0 0
levers according to a predetermined pattern cor 50
responding to the ratio shift requirements of the
providing actuation of the clutches and brakes preceding tables.
designated: Referring to Figure 8, the four valves of that
55 diagram are shown in Figure 9 protruding from 55
Reverse Neutral Low 2nd 3rd High the casing 220, each to be worked by a lever.
The valves are moved by individual levers
_ . Applied Applied Applied
mounted to rock on the common rockshaft 249
Loaded Loaded of Figure 9.
Brake _ _ ~ Applied Applied - ,
It should be noted that when valves V1, V2, and 60
Clutch- - Loaded Loaded V3 are in their lower positions, the pump line H5
. Applied -- _ __ _.
is connected through to the actuators for the
units controlled, and when in their up positions,
65 In the above table, it will be noted that in re the pump line H5 is closed off and the unit con
verse, the valve V2 is admitting pressure to lines cerned is not actuated by the fluid pressure, but 65
I95-I91 to hold o? brake I10, but valve V3 is connected to exhaust. Valve V4 in the up po
furnishing pressure to maintain V4 in a position sition connects clutch cylinders I65 to exhaust,
to drain cylinders I65, and compel disengagement and in down position connects pressure line
of clutch I55-I 60 of unit II also. I95 to the clutch cylinders I65, when pressure
exists in line I95 by virtue of a down setting 70
In neutral it is preferable that the path of of valve V2.
torque be broken in unit I, therefore the ?uid These respective up and down positions
control is so arranged that while springs 18 may are identical in Figure 9 so that valve V1. con
be loading brake 30, the lack of fluid pressure in nected to lever 260 is in the up" position when
cylinder 16 has eliminated brake end 36 as an pin 36I occupies the longer radial distance from 75
2,221,898 7
the center of, shaft I in slot 254 for the ratio from either of shafts 3 or 300 or any other rotat
positions of reverse, neutral, low and 3rd, and ing part of the mechanism.
is in the down position when pin 26| occupies The lower part of Figure 10 shows engine ac
the shorter radial distance from the center of celerator pedal 205 arranged to exert a down
shaft 25!, for the positions of 2nd and High. ward thrust on rod 200 rocking lever 20'! of
Valve V2, attached to lever 262, is down cross-shaft 206 when depressed. Lever 204 of
when pin 263 occupies the longer radial position shaft 206 is connected to the engine throttle
in slot 256 in reverse, neutral, 3rd and High; rod 203, and lever 209 is pivoted to rod 231 for
and is up when it is in the shorter radial posi operating the compensator valve C, having the
tions for low and second. number 235 in Figure 8.,v The customary accel
Valve V3, moved by lever 26! and pin 266 is erator pedal retracting spring is shown at 206a.
down when pin 266 is at the longer radial To this point, no detailed explanation has been
positions of reverse and neutral, and up" for given of the auxiliary control of valve 235, and
all other settings. Spring 26'! loads lever 266 the operation of the lower part of the structure
so that pin 266 will follow cam 255 at all times. of Figure 10.
Valve V4 moved by lever 265 and pin 268 is Figures 8 and 10 show rod 23| which is moved
spring loaded by 260for following the cam 255 to the left with increase of engine throttle open
and is up for reverse but down for all other ing, as the engine accelerator pedal 205 is de
settings of camplate 250 and lever 253 moved pressed. The rod 23l is pivoted to lever 232
by rod 252 and the linkage of Figure 10 to the mounted on shaft 233 recessed in the casing,
> and as the pedal is depressed, lever 232 attached
handlever 200.
These up and down positions correspond to shaft 233 rotates counterclockwise.
to the tables of ratio shift given preceding so The valve 235 sliding in bore 236 of valve
that the operator of the vehicle may establish casing 220' is integral with stem 235a, which is
moved by spring 231 recessed in plunger 240,
25 a manual shift for any of the required conditions
by merely moving handlever 200 over sector plate which is engaged by the lever 232' noted pre
M0 to any ratio designation, and the servo ceding.

actuation system comprising the elements of the The plunger 240 is drilled out to accommo
showing of Figures 1 and 8 will immediately date the enlarged end of stem 235a so that after 30
given range of motion of lever 232 the stem
30 establish the selected ratio.
In Figure 10 the view of the steering column may be solidly engaged by the lever, instead of
and steering wheel of a vehicle shows the op the force applied to valve 235 being delivered
erators handlever 200 pivoted to reciprocate over through spring 231.
a sector plate 2|0 attached to the column, and ingThe porting in order from the top of the draw
of Figure 8 consists of port 234 connected to . Ct
ratio shift
N, 1,
to ben2,"
3, and by forservo pipe H5, port 238 connected to pipe I00, port
239 joined by drilled passage to exhaust excess
devices described. Button 200a operates a com pressure to the sump, and counterport 238a
mon poppet mechanism (not shown) for the cor
rect positioning of the lever with respect to the joined to port 238 by a side passage.
The valve 235 positioned by the movement of 40
40 plate, as well as for the controlled selector mech accelerator pedal 205 and by pressure in line
anism. H5 exerted through port 234 on the upper face
Lever 200 rotates rod 20l and attached lever of the valve 235, is a metering device for regulat
202 pivoted to rod 252, which reciprocates arm ing the degree of pressure in line [00, which is
253, shaft 25l and selector cam plate 250 shown connected to cylinder 66 of the control arrange
45 in detail in Figure 9. The positions shown in ment of Figure 2.
Figures 9 and 10 are for the selections of reverse It will be understood that changes in pressure
speed ratio. delivered by pipe IM to cylinder 6! are exerted
The operator's hand control lever 200 is mount on the normal brake locking action of springs
ed on appropriate brackets so as to rotate shaft 18 acting through piston 61 on brake pressure 50
50 20| with reciprocation of the handlever. The rod 50.
lower end of the shaft 201 is rigidly attached When rod 58 is moved to the left under pres
to a curved arm 202 pivoted to rod 252. The sure from pipe IN, the ?rst action is for spring
rod transmits the e?ort of the handlever 200 19 to be compressed before the abutting end of
to shift the valving, which selects actuation of the sleeve of piston 63 can strike abutment 65',
the ratio changing elements herelnbefore de which is locked solidly to shaft 58. When the
scribed. abutting action occurs, the value of whatever
Lever 253 is attached to shaft 25! mounted ?uid pressure is maintained in cylinder 66
in the housing 220 and shaft 25! is attached through pipe I00 is exerted against springs 18,
to cam plate 250 in which is cut slots 254 and so that the building up of pressure in pipe l0|
60 256 accommodating pins 26l and 263 of levers for a given linear movement of rod 58 to brake
260 and 262 pivoted to the housing at shaft 249. release position is proportional to the pressure
The opposite ends of the levers are forked so as in cylinder 66'. If the pressure in 66 acting on
to engage the upper ends of valves V1 and W piston 65 is high, the brake 30 will become dis
engaged at a low line pressure which is also
65 for moving the valves for distributing the ?uid acting on clutch |520. Since the movement
pressure from the pump line H5 to the various
ports controlling the fluid pressure servo system of the accelerator pedal is regulating the com
pensating pressure resistance in cylinder 66, the
of Figures 4, 8, and 9. operator may, by sharply depressing the accel
This is a purely manual control for establish
ing speed ratio in the various combinations noted erator pedal, quickly decrease the compensation 70
preceding. It is within the purview of my in pressure so that the full effective pressure on
vention to control the movement of the valving clutch l5--20 can provide maximum torque ca
by automatic means responsive to changes in pacity. At relaxed throttle, the net servo line
speed applied to a. second governor, similar to pressure being exerted on clutch l5-20 through
75 governor G shown in Figure 4, deriving speed pistons 32 in cylinders 3| may be as low as one
fourth of maximum pressure, giving the driver
a range of graduated pressures for meeting any In Figure 11 a fragmentary view of the servo
traffic conditions for heavy or light torque cylinder 2I0 of Figure 8 is given, the plunger 2I2
demand. projecting from the-cylinder to coact with lever -
When pedal 205 is depressed, the compensator 2I I and thrust rod 215 which-engages band I80
in the same way that thrust rod I8I of Figure 7
line I00 rapidly loses line pressure, and'when the engages band I10 of the second unit.
pedal is relaxed'to decelerate the vehicle engine,
, the compensator pressure As will be understood from the preceding'de
in I00 and connected scription of the gear relationships of the second
cylinders I96 and 66 buildsup.
10 The purpose of the driver-will control over the and reverse units, if both of brakes I10 and I80
compensator pressure is to aiford graduated regu be simultaneously applied, a locking couple will 10
lation of the engaging pressure on clutches I520 be established between drum I62, sun gear "I and
and I55-I60 when a ratio shift selection of valves annulus I15, preventing rotation of cage I12 and
shaft 300. >
V1 or V2 is made in which pump line pressure
" from pipe I I5 is admitted to either of lines IM In referring back to the control relationships
described preceding in connection with Figures 15
As noted preceding, the admission of pressure 3, 4 and 8, one will note that if the engine should
to line IOI sets up a force tending to store energy stall with the car drifting backward downhill,
in brake springs 18 of Figure/2, the net pump-to there would not be any engine braking, since the
springs resistance plus that of clutch pistons 32 stalled engine would prevent the pump of Figure
and spring 22 of Figure 1 determining the effec 3 from operating, and without pump pressure in
tive loading pressure on the clutch plates. Now main II5 of Figure 8, the band I10 of the second 20
when the resistance of .springs 18 is already par unit would be applied by springs I9I of Figure '1,
tially canceled, the loading pressure being sus however, the reversal of the direction of torque
25 tained on the clutch I5-20at the interval of by backward drifting of the vehicle would tend
release of brake 30 is going to be less than that to de-energize band 30 of the primary unit be
when the full resistance of springs 18 is felt by the cause of the wrapping direction with- respect to
pump pressure. At full throttle the clutch torque arrow Y of Figure 2, hence the torque'forces
capacity is therefore at maximum, while at re militate against engine braking under these cir
30 laxed throttle it is at some predetermined smaller cumstances. ~

value. . Therefore the structure of Figure_11 includes

In the same manner, the variationsof pressure rod 2" pivoted to lever 210 rocking on spindle 212, 30
in compensator line I00 .are applied to piston I94 and engaging stop 214 of lever 2 at 213.
of cylinder I96 of Figure 7 through line I98. The such The rod 2" is normally in a left-hand position
35 piston I94 may act directly on piston I88 to com that portion 213 of lever 210 cannot inter- ~
press springs I 9Ia and I9Ib as Well as fere with the normal control of plunger 2 I2 over
through the action of brake I80 of the reverse unit. 85
pins I99 take out springs I9Ic through their
striking abutment I92. When, however, a rightward thrust is applied
' The feature of compensator action which en to rod 21I, lever 210 rocks clockwise, and through
40 ables the driver to adjust over a continuously stop 214, applies a force through notch 2160f
variable scale of pressures, the net driving torque lever 2 on thrust rod 215, pivotedto brake I80
of the friction elements being established for driv of Figure 1. The application of brake I80im
ing is believed novel in combination with the mediately sets up a locking couple through the
other features of this disclosure, wherein selected gears as above described, so that the car driver
shift between any of the ratios may occur under is equipped with supplementary braking means
all driving conditions. , other than the vehicle brakes to take the place
Attention is directed to the arrangement of of engine braking, and yield a positive safety
gears between shafts I0 and 800, whereby a. re means against the car getting out of'control in
duction reverse gear drive is obtained by multiple mountainous country.
compounding of the gearing in the second and Rod 2'" is attached to the ordinary emergency
7 third units. brake lever of the'present day vehicle, to remain
Assuming a forward driving component ap in the left-hand position aforesaid when the
plied to shaft I0 and pinions I 5I ,and I52, if the emergency brake lever is in theoif_ position;
output shaft 300 be stopped, the cage I55 will be and to be thrust to the right when the emergency
55 stopped, and forward rotation of pinion I52 will brake is applied, to apply the brake I80 of the
impart a reverse component to annulus I51. reverse unit.
Now if it be assumed that cage I59 be stopped, It is not deemed necessary to show the con
pinion I5I, would impart a reverse component to nection of rod 2" to a lever or pedal operative
annulus I6I through planet I58. But cage I59
upon the vehicle brakes, such construction being
, co is not stopped but already has an imparted re common and well understood. This feature is
verse component from the interaction of pinion
I52. annulus I51 and'pinion I54, therefore the believed novel, and useful, and is not known to
the present applicant as existing in the prior
resultant of these motions on annulus I8I and
drum I62 is an accelerated reverse motion. art. It relates to all forms of transmission de
65 Sun gear "I of the reverse unit therefore re- 1 vices in which there is a loss of engine braking
ceives a reverse component, demultiplied when when the engine is stalled, since it provides sup
brake I80 is applied, to give cage I12 connected to plementary braking through a locking couple
output shaft 300, for reverse drive in- reduction. within the gearbox, controlled .by the vehicle
Brake I10 is, of course, not applied when driving braking controls. It is within the purview of the
70 in reverse. invention to connect rod 2" to an entirely sup
This arrangementis believed novel in the art, plementary .lever, manually or otherwise oper 70
and affords useful demultiplication of drive in ated independently, rather than through the
reverse obtainable otherwise only through more control for the vehicle braking system, such as
complicated, expensive means, whereas the ar a pedal in the position of the customary main
rangement herewith is neat and compact. clutch pedal, now dispensed with in the present
invention. Such a pedal may be labeled no u
means effective upon said actuation means for
back" or "anti-reverse", the driver being taught selective operation of said devices for action or
. to use it for driving in hilly country. reaction according to the direction of torque of
Although a specific embodiment of the inven
tion has been illustrated and described, it is to said element.
6. In power control devices, a change speed
be expressly understood that it is not limited gearing having a rotatable reaction element, a
thereto, but that various changes may be made friction member mounted for limited rotational
in detail, design and arrangement without de motion with respect to the rotation of said ele
parting from the spirit and scope of the inven ment., a pressure exerting device normally biased
tion. to load said member and displaced with respect 10
Reference is therefore directed to the appended to the idling direction of rotation thereof when
claims for proper de?nition of the scope of the said load shaft is stopped that said member is
invention, wherein I claim: energised for engagement by force applied to it
1. In power control devices for motor vehicles, from the rotation of said element, a second pres
a power shaft and a load shaft, a change speed sure exerting device arranged to load said mem 15
gearing embodying a speed ratio determining ber and displaced such that it may act oppo
member, a governor driven in accordance with sitely to the action of said ?rst named device,
the speed of one of said shafts, ?uid pressure and controlmeans effective to select actuation
means controlled by said governor effective to of said devices whereby initial actuation of said
actuate said member, including valving for vary member on said element is obtained without ro
ing the value of and directing the ?uid pressure, tational energisation of said member by said ele
and control means responsive to driver-deter ment.
mined action operative to establish graduated ac '1. In a transmission braking device, for estab
tuation of said member by said ?uid pressure lishing speed ratio, an input shaft, an output
means, whereby smooth initial transfer of torque shaft, gearing intermediate said shafts, a braking 25
25 between the shafts is obtained. member biased for disengagement from a reac
2. In power controls, a motor vehicle having tion drum, a movable anchorage for said member
power and load shafts connected to a primary displaced with respect to the normal reaction ro
gear unit including manual controls for said tation of said drum to yield a self-wrapping action
unit, and with a secondary gear unit including of said member when energised, a second movable,
30 automatically operated speed responsive con anchorage for said member displaced with respect
trols therefor; a control system arranged to es to the normal reaction rotation of said drum to
tablish initial actuation of speed ratio in said yield non-wrapping action when energised, and
last named unit according to speed response of control means adapted for selective energisation
said automatically operating controls, and con of said anchorages whereby non-wrapping or self 35
35 necting means operative between said system and wrapping action of said member is selectively
said manual controls whereby initial selection
of drive in said ?rst named unit renders said obtained. 8. In transmission ratio control devices, an in
system and said automatically operating con put shaft, an output shaft, and change speed
trols effective to establish said actuation in said gearing coupling said shafts including reaction 40
40 last named unit for starting the vehicle from supporting means for establishing drive through
rest. said gearing between said shafts, a braking mem
3. In power controls, a motor vehicle embody ber for said means, and movable anchorages for
ing a change speed gear unit, a friction member said member oppositely disposed with respect to 45
normally arranged to establish speed ratio
change in said unit, additional friction mem rotation of said means, actuation mechanism for
said member effective upon said anchorages,
bers arranged to establish a different speed ratio selector controls arranged to establish selective
from that of said ?rst named member, actu actuation by said mechanism on said anchorages
ating means for said members, ?uid servo means
controlling said actuation, ratio changing con and upon said member, and a supplementary 50
trols effective upon said fluid servo means where manual control to said selector controls operative
by selective shifts of speed ratio are obtained by to regulate the degree of actuation by said mech
anism on one of said anchorages whereby gradua
selective actuation of said members, and sep
arately controlled means separately acting upon tion of the force of said member upon said reac
said ?uid servo means effective upon one of said tion supporting means is in accordance with the 55
members to controllably actuate initial drive movement of said supplementary manual control.
gradually in starting the vehicle from rest. 9. In power controls for motor vehicles, a trans
4. In automatic power control devices, a motor mission gearing system comprising a power shaft,
vehicle having power and load shafts, a varia a servo pump driven by said shaft, three transmis
ble speed gearing coupling said shafts including sion units arranged in series and a load shaft, 60
a speed ratio determining brake band; a speed controls for the output pressure of said pump
responsive governor, manually controllable means adapted to shift the speed ratios of said units for
normally active to control the action of said forward, neutral, reverse, and a plurality of for
band for establishing speed ratio in said gear ward speed ratios, at least one of said units
ing, and separate control means connected to including friction driving means operated by ?uid
said governor effective to set aside the ?rst pressure, and a supplementary manual control for
named means, and control the action of said the output pressure of said pump arranged to ap
band for initiating drive between said shafts. ply a graduated ?uid pressure to said friction
5. In power control mechanism, a variable driving means for initiating the drive between
speed gear having a rotatable reaction element, said shafts when said load shaft is not rotating. 70
a friction member subject to the directional 10. In power controls for variable speed gear
torque of said element, action and reaction sus ing, a power shaft and a load shaft, a servo pump
taining devices for said member, ?uid pressure driven by one of said shafts, a plurality of trans
actuation means for said devices arranged to mission gear units arranged sequentially between
load said member
for stopping the rotation of the said shafts, a plurality of friction elements 75
said element, and selectively operated control
10 2,221,898
for establishing various speed ratios of drive by
said units between said shafts, a plurality of ?uid speed gear unit therebetween having a reaction
servo devices for actuating said elements by ?uid member for establishing drive through said gear
pressure derived from said pump, valving ar ing, a friction element adapted to prevent rota
ca tion of said member and to connect the shafts
ranged to distribute and release ?uid pressure
derived from said pump to and from said servo for drive at initial driving speed ratio for start
devices, and supplementary servo control valving ing the vehicle from
for making the pump pressure e?ective upon at

shaft is not rotating.

11. In power control devices, a power shaft and
a load shaft, transmission mechanism adapted to
transmit forward and reverse drive between said
afts, '
ing said power shaft.
17. In power handling mechanisms, a motor
:30 vehicle having a power shaft and a load, shaft,

12. In transmission controls for motor vehicles,

a power shaft, a load shaft, gearing coupling said actuation of said devices,
governor coacting with said means, and a sup 25
plementary manual control coacting with said
governor and said means operative to establish
30 initial drive by one of said elements for either
forward or reverse drive of the vehicle.



to graduate the driving engagement for, the one

said ratio controlled by said governor.
19. In motor vehicles, a power shaft and a load
shaft, a step ratio gearing between the shafts, 45
a plurality of friction elements adapted to es~
tablish a series of step-ratio drives in said gear
50 ing, a plurality of actuators for said elements
including one actuator effective to initiate geared
drive only between said shafts through one of 50
said elements, ?uid pressure responsive means
_,operative upon said' actuators, a pump supplying

pressure to all said actuators, including that 55

actuator utilized to. initiate drive between. the
shafts, and speed operated valwng adapted to
60 pressure from said pump
to said ?uid pressure responsive means.
20. In a combination such as, described in 60
claim 19, the subcombination of a further man
ual control member coacting with said valving
65 15. In power control devices for motor vehi for varying the regulation of the ?ow of said
cles, a powershaft pressure to said ?uid pressure responsive means.

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