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chickensaltash: @colport thank you - will check out previous sessions! Looking forward to checking it out
tonight! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 19:45

colport: #ukedchat starts at 8pm, "•What are the main diff between prim & secondary teaching.
What can we learn from each other?" (@Ideas_Factory )
8/26/2010 19:46

chickensaltash: @colport Have always managed to take part in #edchat as I tweet in unsociable hours for
here in the UK ha ha! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 19:46

PTPIPaige: Quick note b4 #ukedchat begins: K-12 teachers in U.S. waiting 4 partner teachers - MOST
want UK! Register 2day!
8/26/2010 19:46

colport: @chickensaltash LOL - That was one of the main reasons for setting up a uk friendly
version #ukedchat
8/26/2010 19:47

colport: @Ideas_Factory Nearly was the "Does Learning have to be taught" question...submitted
by you! Only a few votes in it. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 19:48

chris_1974: Enjoy #ukedchat tonight. I'm out, but in pub with wifi, so may try to keep half an eye on
8/26/2010 19:49

colport: A quick plug for the proposed #ukedchat 2011 Conference. You opinion will help plan.
Please answer qu's at Thank you
8/26/2010 19:49

relativism: RT @colport: #ukedchat starts at 8pm, "•What are the main diff between prim &
secondary teaching. What can we learn from each other?" (@Ideas_Factory )
8/26/2010 19:50

colport: Please remember to use the #ukedchat hash-tag in your tweets to be part of the
conversation tonight. Archive process starts at 9.15
8/26/2010 19:52

mandared: Kids in bed, all set & ready to go. Hope they stay there! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 19:52

Baggiepr: main diff is multiple subject teaching vs specialism. make it easier to make case for ICT
integration in primary as all teach it #ukedchat
8/26/2010 19:53

realllara: Can I interest anyone in a still warm chocolate chip cookie to go with #ukedchat?
8/26/2010 19:53

daviderogers: @realllara Oh yes! That'll go well with my red wine and Nandos Crisps :-) #ukedchat
8/26/2010 19:55

mandared: Can I make a case for the voting on the topic to close earlier? The advance blog a few
weeks ago was really helpful... #ukedchat
8/26/2010 19:55

amweston: #ukedchat
8/26/2010 19:55

relativism: Goodbye to the next hr of my life. Very worthwhile though #ukedchat

8/26/2010 19:55

pavkahu: RT @colport: Please remember to use the #ukedchat hash-tag in your tweets to be part of

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the conversation tonight. Archive process starts at 9.15

8/26/2010 19:55

Baggiepr: @realllara Where is the photo of the cookie? #ukedchat

8/26/2010 19:56

daviderogers: Here is one way that 1ry and 2ry can work together #ukedchat
8/26/2010 19:56

daviderogers: The first thing to do is start talking to your feeder schools -nothing beats getting in there in
person,to find out whats going on #ukedchat
8/26/2010 19:57

daviderogers: RT @Baggiepr: @realllara Where is the photo of the cookie? #ukedchat

8/26/2010 19:57

daviderogers: Who should lead the collaboration - 1ry ideas up or 2ry ideas down? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 19:58

colport: Ok, let's get started then. Welcome to this 10th #ukedchat session. Should be good
tonight. Difference between primary & 2nd'ary #ukedchat
8/26/2010 19:58

daviderogers: What do people think / experience of schemes like Opening Minds and Learning to Learn?
8/26/2010 19:58

colport: Just also a polite reminder to use the hash tag of #ukedchat
8/26/2010 19:59

squiggle7: @daviderogers surely it should be best of both #ukedchat

8/26/2010 19:59

Baggiepr: @daviderogers Cant help thinking that joint planning even if just at a overview level would
benefit both sectors. Viewpoint #ukedchat
8/26/2010 19:59

colport: The idea is to latch onto a tweet, respond, RT - Share experiences. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 19:59

mandared: @daviderogers I like the idea, but I've only heard bad reports from those teaching them.
8/26/2010 20:00

colport: Has anyone transferred from primary to secondary teaching, or vice versa? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:00

mandared: How much responsibility do students have at end of Y6? Are expectations in Y7 high
enough? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:00

dailydenouement: I think that transition is key to sharing best practice across the phases but not all schools
good at it #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:00

daviderogers: @squiggle7 But in which direction? 2ry has to match 3ry or pupisl won't have skills needed
8/26/2010 20:00

squiggle7: this is a toughie tonight without experience of teaching in both #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:01

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Baggiepr: @daviderogers No one should lead collab should be shared maybe have independent ref
for first meeting :-) #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:01

dawnhallybone: communication between prims and feeder 2ndary vital - where is time for this? should it be
planned in in both areas #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:01

iamclairei: @daviderogers #ukedchat we're a feeder school for secondary that uses learning to
learn.Having a look at the primary version this yr.
8/26/2010 20:01

dailydenouement: I find Opening Minds exciting and scary all at once! But then I haven't had any practical
experience of it #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:01

relativism: #ukedchat I think it's great exp to spend time in each I've been able to visit local high
school for obs a few times, I take so much away
8/26/2010 20:01

daviderogers: @mandared my view from exp is that 1ry are independent with the skills - 2ry just treating
them as empty learners, not right #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:01

colport: I think one main issue/difference is the subject based nature of secondary schools. Less
chance to go cross-curricular? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:01

MissSMitch: As 2ry tchr I think we tend to underestimate Y7s. Joint planning would help to solve the
problem. #ukedchat #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:01

dawnhallybone: @dailydenouement wld compl agree with this! #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:01

asober: Well, the number of teachers they are taught by! Stating the obvious :-) #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:02

Smichael920: #ukedchat reciprocal visits between Y6&7 staff would help understand learners aptitudes
& needs. Particularly ICT skills
8/26/2010 20:02

dailydenouement: RT @colport: I think one main issue/difference is the subject based nature of secondary
schools. Less chance to cross-curricular? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:02

katie_hague: @colport Think people who've done both are key, as otherwise it's all perception. By
definition,don't know what other is like! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:02

colport: @squiggle7 I agree, but something a practitioner says/uses in a different phase of

teaching may help your pedagogical thinking #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:02

realllara: @Baggiepr @daviderogers Definitely a good idea. Generally more joined up thinking has
got to help #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:02

daviderogers: @Baggiepr so how do you factor in progression? e.g. 2ry leads to 3ry leads to higher ed...
8/26/2010 20:02

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dailydenouement: @colport Totally. We do little cross curricular unless project/themed weeks #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:02

squiggle7: @daviderogers from my exp. chn at pri can do at lot skills-wise that then gets lost in 2dry
eg group work #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:02

mandared: @colport I think at 2ry we need to do far more cross-curricular - we could learn a lot from
primary in this #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:03

dawnhallybone: next year will have role in borough as consultant working with both prim and 2ndary -
hoping to learn lots #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:03

daviderogers: @squiggle7 that matches my exp - 2ry start the spoon feeding - links to a control thing? c/r
mgt? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:03

Cgeo28: #ukedchat - links should be encouraged by the local authority subject advisors
8/26/2010 20:03

carolrainbow: In primary school I used to be able to block out a day for something - e.g. making a video
or similar, I think that is hard in Sec #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:03

relativism: @mandared problem is sometimes oldest primary pupils have lot responsibility then little in
high school #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:03

dailydenouement: RT @asober: Well, the number of teachers they are taught by! Stating the obvious :-)
#ukedchat << Yes, harder to get to know classes
8/26/2010 20:03

computermusic: Hey guys just relax and cheer your students and self up with this clip #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:03

KnikiDavies: #ukedchat It only seems to be Y6 teachers involved in transition. Maybe more of us should
be able to go and observe & share ideas?
8/26/2010 20:03

colport: @katie_hague Also, I think advisors who have worked between both are also important to
give an insight. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:03

amweston: In LA there is a transition programme between primary and secondary schools #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:03

dailydenouement: RT @squiggle7: @daviderogers from my exp. chn at pri can do at lot skills-wise that then
gets lost in 2dry eg group work #ukedchat <Agreed!
8/26/2010 20:03

daviderogers: @mandared indeed, start by using the x-curric dimensions that all should be covereing
anyway? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:03

deerwood: RT @deerwood: I just wish 2ry would take 1ry more seriously and not think they're just
playing #ukedchat. With #tag this time
8/26/2010 20:04

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daviderogers: RT @squiggle7: @daviderogers from my exp. chn at pri can do at lot skills-wise that then
gets lost in 2dry eg group work #ukedchat >>agree
8/26/2010 20:04

iamclairei: #ukedchat have timetabled sessions where secondary teachers come in to help with
groups in y5+6.had problems with consistency this yr though
8/26/2010 20:04

Baggiepr: This debate opens door for all through schools reception to a levels. #ukedchat joined up
8/26/2010 20:04

katie_hague: @Smichael920 Perception of ICT skills is big issue - local secondary came to teach my y5
class copy & paste + image on word! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:04

aangeli: RT @KnikiDavies: #ukedchat It only seems to be Y6 teachers involved in transition. Maybe

more of us should be able to go and observe & share ideas?
8/26/2010 20:04

herrn96: RT @mandared: How much responsibility do students have at end Y6? Are expectations in
Y7 high enough? #ukedchat. Expectations v diff for Y7
8/26/2010 20:04

colport: @Ideas_Factory I have iPad version, and not seen button for tweeting. Will investigate
later! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:04

carolrainbow: Twitterfall #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:04

asober: @dailydenouement I suppose as a consequence harder to chase things up! #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:05

tonycassidy: bells, the bells, the bells #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:05

mandared: @dailydenouement What could we get them to do in Y7 that we're not? Big schools make
it harder... #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:05

didactylos: #ukedchat massive incinsistency issues when taught by 7+ staff in 2ndry is one issue
8/26/2010 20:05

Baggiepr: RT @MissSMitch As 2ry tchr I think we tend to underestimate Y7s. Joint planning would
help to solve the problem. #ukedchat #ukedchat <agree
8/26/2010 20:05

NSRiazat: @dailydenouement @colport #Cross-curricular can definitely be difficult sometimes due to

balkanised nature of subject areas. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:05

amweston: A cpd that I attended last yr was a cooperation learning which had been used at ps and hs
8/26/2010 20:05

squiggle7: @daviderogers yes, partly due to management but often down to chn's attitudes too.
8/26/2010 20:05

aangeli: I've taught in both and have to say biggest difference for me was the relationships you
build with yr classes.... #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:05

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carolrainbow: @iamclairei Yes we had that in a lot of places in Oxfordshire - where it happens it seems
to help #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:05

Cgeo28: #ukedchat - I mailed out my year 7 baseline exam to all our feeder primary schools. Great
feedback and edits on suitability for learners.
8/26/2010 20:05

SkoorBttaM: RT @katie_hague: @Smichael920 Perception of ICT skills is big issue - local secondary
came to teach my y5 class copy & paste + image on word! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:05

dailydenouement: Does anyone teach or observe in both? #ukedchat I spent week in Y6 during GTP.
Seriously impressed by level of work being done in literacy.
8/26/2010 20:06

dannynic: astrazeneca did an interesting science transition project #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:06

TheHeadsOffice: @colport I started as a secondary teacher & ended up a primary HT! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:06

herrn96: Secondary tchrs would really benefit from seeing what goes on in Y6 class. Obvious CPD,
particularly for new tchrs. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:06

colport: @NSRiazat Also, GCSE's are not cross-curricular, therefore the problem is always going
to be there? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:06

Ideas_Factory: @dawnhallybone #ukedchat essential that Y6 & Y7 teachers meet plan & teach in each
others schools
8/26/2010 20:06

daviderogers: @dawnhallybone not about exams - more about progression - 1ry and 2ry working
together must apply to all sectors working 2gether #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:06

TheHeadsOffice: @mandared Expectations of yr 7 seems to be low #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:06

lamerch: RT @KnikiDavies: #ukedchat It only seems to be Y6 teachers involved in transition. > If

there's only 1 Y6 teacher that's a big responsbity
8/26/2010 20:06

cliffmanning: primary environment always seems better for supporting project based learning than
secondary boxes and corridors to me #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:06

daviderogers: @squiggle7 but children's attitude is shaped by staff? #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:06

mandared: RT @dailydenouement: Seriously impressed by level of work being done in literacy <<I
spent a day, but ditto #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:06

richscrich: @KnikiDavies #ukedchat seen some great transition work between Y2 and Y3 using our
LP, by @traceyab1 and others
8/26/2010 20:06

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colport: Should we, as educators, be more open minded to open our doors to others to see how
we manage classes? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:06

relativism: RT @TheHeadsOffice: @mandared Expectations of yr 7 seems to be low #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:07

carolinebreyley: @mandared New Scottish curriculum has expectation of more cross curricular teaching in
secondary #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:07

carolrainbow: @herrn96 @mandared: #ukedchat My pupils used to come back and tell me they were
learning what they have done in year 4, again & switched off
8/26/2010 20:07

katie_hague: @colport Agreed! Joint phase advisors or collaboration at LA level really important for
training. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:07

dawnhallybone: @daviderogers true but more about the accountability at the end - and getting them ready
for exams - #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:07

deerwood: A lot of people are following my lead and forgetting to put #tag on tweets #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:07

thegreatgar: #ukedchat secondary schools often ruled by "subject barons"

8/26/2010 20:07

daviderogers: @Cgeo28 I like that idea #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:07

KnikiDavies: #ukedchat Must be hard for 2ry to get to know quieter pupils - a week in prim is equiv of
6-25 wks in 2ry depending on hrs per week!
8/26/2010 20:07

relativism: RT @carolinebreyley: @mandared New Scottish curriculum has expectation of more cross
curricular teaching in secondary #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:07

TheHeadsOffice: @colport Yes, need to be more open. Once staff see it they are engaed! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:07

dawnhallybone: @Ideas_Factory agree when y7 teachers have been in to my class they are amazed at
work being undertaken #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:07

asober: RT @thegreatgar: #ukedchat secondary schools often ruled by "subject barons"

8/26/2010 20:07

dailydenouement: @aangeli Yes, I find it hard to instantly build the kind of rapport the Y7s have been used to
with their class teacher in my subj. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:07

cybraryman1: There needs to be more collaboration between different levels and sharing of expectations
8/26/2010 20:07

Baggiepr: @daviderogers teaching practitioners with an overview head on looking at bigger sweep of
curriculum, working across all sectors. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:08

squiggle7: @daviderogers yes, and hormones! And the whole not wanting to be a nerd? Things get
weird when you're a teenager #ukedchat

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8/26/2010 20:08

herrn96: RT @daviderogers: my view from exp is that 1ry are independent with the skills - 2ry just
treating them as empty learners #ukedchat ->Agree!
8/26/2010 20:08

mandared: @carolinebreyley Big difference between expectation and finding teachers willing to give it
a go seriously though #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:08

colport: @katie_hague I suppose it is up to individual teachers/school to do this, as LA are being

disbanded by gvt! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:08

daviderogers: @dawnhallybone But don't children want to succeed? Don't qualifications help them do
that? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:08

NSRiazat: RT: @katie_hague @colport Agreed - don't know what other is Katie says, only
perceptions. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:08

daviderogers: RT @aangeli: I've taught in both and have to say biggest difference for me was the
relationships you build with yr classes.... #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:08

iamclairei: @carolrainbow #ukedchat our maths link was really keen but ended up having timetable
8/26/2010 20:09

cliffmanning: students in year 6 interviewed pupils at secondary and shared with others to dispel myths
and fears #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:09

tonycassidy: But don't students also benefit from being in the presence of subject specialists #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:09

colport: @TheHeadsOffice It is then up to primary and secondary school leaders to make this
happen, for the best of the pupils #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:09

herrn96: RT @MissSMitch: As 2ry tchr I think we underestimate Y7s. Joint planning would help to
solve the problem. #ukedchat Yes, but logistics?
8/26/2010 20:09

lduffy85: our local 2dry schs start transition at y5 to build relationships with kids works well
8/26/2010 20:09

realllara: @mandared Our Y6s man the school office at lunchtime; set up hall for assembly; chair
SC and Eco commmittee... #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:09

dailydenouement: I think it is sometimes hard for parents to grasp the diff r'ships between teachers & pupils
in 2ry if they haven't had older kids #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:09

colport: @TheHeadsOffice ...being open minded about what they see / experience #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:09

MissSMitch: The PLaTS curriculum has encouraged more cross curricular projects in 2ry- could it be
used as a way to build links with 1ry? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:09

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lisibo: I've taught in both and they're so different. Both have their challenges. For a start, clash of
personalities is easier in 2ndary #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:09

daviderogers: @Baggiepr so 16+ years of education working together? Man will walk on the moon next
;-) #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:09

carolinebreyley: @mandared yes have been some vocal reservations but also great examples from sec
schools where have welcomed change #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:09

cybraryman1: RT @colport: @TheHeadsOffice It is then up to primary and secondary school leaders to

make this happen, for the best of the pupils #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:10

dawnhallybone: @daviderogers yes agree with that - but do exams encourage cross-curricular work and
thinking skills? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:10

dailydenouement: RT @lduffy85: our local 2dry schs start transition at y5 to build relationships with kids
works well #ukedchat << Sounds great. Gd practice
8/26/2010 20:10

TheHeadsOffice: @When yr. 7 staff have seen the pace of yr 6 they are gobsmacked. We need to get them
in! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:10

deerwood: Should we have more all age schools to help overcome diffs between prim and sec?
8/26/2010 20:10

aangeli: @dailydenouement.That's the biggest shock for them as a yr group.That's why transition
work with yr the 5's & 6's is v important.#ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:10

daviderogers: In my 2ry, the colleges and universities are excellent at working with us, but they have
dedicated teams to do so..... #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:10

lduffy85: @Ideas_Factory V. important to plan 2gether builds better understanding of kids and
abilities #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:10

Baggiepr: RT @KnikiDavies #ukedchat seems to be Y6 teachers involved in transition. more of us

should be able to go and observe & share ideas? <true
8/26/2010 20:10

ianinsheffield: Just a thought for #ukedchat , but what if schools taught pupils from 4 to 18? ie no 1ry/2ry
boundary. Just sayin'
8/26/2010 20:10

colport: @dailydenouement I think the 'parents' issue is different with vast number of pupils in
secondary schools? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:10

dailydenouement: RT @MissSMitch: @dailydenouement primary levels of literacy are very advanced and
independent - it seems to get lost in secondary? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:10

MissSMitch: @dailydenouement primary levels of literacy are very advanced and independent - it
seems to get lost in secondary? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:10

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Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat Main difference is that pupils no longer with just 1 teacher for all subjects.Pupils
have exp of many experts rather than just 1
8/26/2010 20:10

dawnhallybone: so what can we as prim and secondary teachers do in sept #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:10

cliffmanning: RT @deerwood: Should we have more all age schools to help overcome diffs between
prim and sec? #ukedchat >seems to work in scandenavia
8/26/2010 20:10

katie_hague: @iamclairei @Smichael920 Think part of ICT prob is staff training at 2dary -1 tech
primaryteacher = full year of advanced skills #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:11

daviderogers: @dawnhallybone I now what you are saying, but to me the change needs to happen to the
exam system first #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:11

lisibo: I agree that staff from each phase should spend time in the other to see what goes on.
Would benefit 'Joined up' learning ! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:11

KnikiDavies: #ukedchat We've been doing some maths link work with local academy, has been brilliant!
He brought some cool ideas & kids loved it
8/26/2010 20:11

mandared: RT @ianinsheffield: but what if schools taught pupils from 4 to 18? ie no 1ry/2ry boundary.
<we could call it an academy #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:11

dailydenouement: RT @deerwood: Should we have more all age schools to help overcome diffs between
prim and sec? #ukedchat Interesting idea.Perhaps would help
8/26/2010 20:11

TheHeadsOffice: Some Yr7 seem to pay lip service to transition time #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:13

tj007: It is an interesting 1st few weeks w/ Y7 when we take pupils in from approx 26 different
1ry schls. Lots of different experiences #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:13

dailydenouement: I think this year am going to set higher expectations of my Y7 class - I will have top set
English group. I will go for more gp wk #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:13

JoanneC23: @lduffy85 #ukedchat I like the idea of starting the transition in yr 5

8/26/2010 20:13

realllara: @carolrainbow I think the issue of 'turn off' in Y7 is a really big one - need to inspire them
to continue learning journey #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:13

lisibo: RT @cliffmanning: i loved my middle school - was great combo of best of 1ry and 2ry -
where have all middle schools gone? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:13

herrn96: my 2ry school used 1ry students for lesson obs as part of interviews - truly eye-opening.
Many cands underestimated the students! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:13

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Ideas_Factory: @dawnhallybone #ukedchat We can do it before Sept!Early transition should start in June
after Sats-planned with mtgs in Autumn term
8/26/2010 20:13

daviderogers: @dawnhallybone I hope so - testing at 11 for external mesaurement at 11 yrs is just wrong
8/26/2010 20:13

cliffmanning: some more 6 into 7 example podcasts and interviews #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:13

familysimpson: I work in an open plan department - there is no hiding from your colleagues! Pros of this
are: you see great teaching! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:13

tonycassidy: @daviderogers really- I struggle to see how, me teaching a combined humanities course,
is it better than being with a historian #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:13

carolrainbow: I ran a partnership transition project gave all resoruces ran meetings, gathered all work etc
they all loved it but let it drop :( #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:13

colport: Could ICT in secondary school be used to support primary school children with ICT skills?
8/26/2010 20:13

haylau: I have often thought it would be sensible to have subject teacher's in primary. Infact some
large primaries are starting to #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:13

lisibo: @cliffmanning - I always wanted to be a middle school teacher - teach everything but have
a speciality too. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:13

TheHeadsOffice: Each phase of ed seems to feel the previous one was not 'proper ' teaching & start again!
8/26/2010 20:13

Baggiepr: RT @colport @NSRiazat Also, GCSE's are not cross-curricular, therefore the problem is
always going to be there? #ukedchat <real prob arises
8/26/2010 20:14

dawnhallybone: @dailydenouement it is but also shows whats on offer so that they go down as first choice
school - cynical? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:14

Ariellah: curriculum is there to ensure progression, teachers make the transition. =communication
b2ween prim to high teachers critical #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:14

ForesterJo: sorry guys late to conversation tonight #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:14

carolinebreyley: RT @lduffy85: our local 2dry schs start transition at y5 to build rships with kids works well
#ukedchat would be gd if went on into S1 too
8/26/2010 20:14

dannynic: @IaninSheffield Chafford Hundred school in Thurrock does that. Ks1-4 in same building.
Not sure how successful it is in comparison #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:14

daviderogers: How would this lesson fit with the Year 6 class that left your 1ry in July?
/cT3SxU #ukedchat

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8/26/2010 20:14

katie_hague: @colport I taught in private sch aged 3-18, some collab btw yr 2/3 and 6/7, & some
teachers taught ks2 but most still ks specific #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:14

JoanneC23: RT @deerwood: Should we have more all age schools to help overcome diffs between
prim and sec? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:14

MissSMitch: @herrn96 it would be great to think that Twitter could help logistics if only councils would
unblock it! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:14

dailydenouement: @tj007 I agree - first few weeks is a culture shock. So many diff experiences of
rules/school cultures etc #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:14

iamclairei: @carolrainbow #ukedchat I know. Introduced to kids, explained why they were coming in
and then kept getting apologies :(
8/26/2010 20:14

tj007: RT @ianinsheffield: Just a thought for #ukedchat , but what if schools taught pupils from 4
to 18? <-- I would like it but alot of 2ry won't
8/26/2010 20:14

carolrainbow: @colport SOme of our secs take the primary pupils up there for ICT lessons during year 6
- seems to work well #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:14

familysimpson: RT @tonycassidy: But don't students also benefit from being in the presence of subject
specialists #ukedchat <~ unless they are charlatans!
8/26/2010 20:14

Baggiepr: RT @Ideas_Factory @dawnhallybone #ukedchat essential that Y6 & Y7 teachers meet

plan & teach in each others schools <agree, but all teachers
8/26/2010 20:14

lamerch: RT @JoanneC23: RT @lduffy85: our local 2dry start trans at y5:>> the earlier the better,
but 2ry Ts must know pupil capabilities #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:14

lisibo: RT @lduffy85: our local 2dry schs start transition at y5 to build relationships with kids
works well #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:14

SkoorBttaM: RT @lduffy85: our local 2dry schs start transition at y5 to build relationships with kids
works well #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:14

TheHeadsOffice: Brining sec specialists into prim to work with yr 5/6 is excellent for both groups! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:15

colport: RT @TheHeadsOffice: Each phase of ed seems to feel the previous one was not 'proper '
teaching & start again!<teaching culture :-( #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:15

cliffmanning: mixing 1ry and 2ry must help with discipline too - older pupils naturally start caring for
younger ones? or am i naive? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:15

daviderogers: @tonycassidy Although sometimes 2ry teachers can be 2 precious about their subject - all
it need is joined up thinking WITHIN 2ry #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:15

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ianinsheffield: Rather than *visit* each others schs., how about if we were timetabled across both, say
half a day a week? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:15

herrn96: Primary-Secondary transition needs to have strategic status in both school development
plans for it to have any chance of success. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:15

dawnhallybone: RT @cliffmanning: i loved my middle school - was great combo of best of 1ry and 2ry -
where have all middle schools gone? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:15

cleverfiend: RT Help me out UK Science teachers - done KS3 in 2 years, what next? Please fill in my
short questionnaire #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:15

squiggle7: @MissSMitch there are some ways round getting on twitter in some authorities #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:15

TheHeadsOffice: IT must play a part in removing the barriers that 'distance' can provide. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:15

aangeli: secondary and primary teachers need to meet more and share within LA's. So much can
be learnt from each practice #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:15

timaddicott: @chickensaltash will try and send picy to Rumpey...enjoy #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:15

andykemp: RT @Baggiepr: RT @colport @NSRiazat Also, GCSE's are not cross-curricular, therefore
the problem is always going to be there? #ukedchat <real prob arises
8/26/2010 20:16

colport: @carolrainbow Could/should this start well before Year 6 pupils? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:16

daviderogers: @theokk for sure, I'm all for that message, however who are we accountable to.?
8/26/2010 20:16

tonycassidy: @daviderogers of course, not precious, but passionate- #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:16

Ideas_Factory: @deerwood #ukedchat My wife works at a thru school & they still have problems-but
admitedily transition & pastoral care amazing
8/26/2010 20:16

lisibo: RT @TheHeadsOffice - each phase of ed seems to feel previous one was not 'proper '
teaching & start again! #ukedchat Oh yes! what a waste!
8/26/2010 20:16

relativism: RT @TheHeadsOffice: Brining sec specialists into prim to work with yr 5/6 is excellent for
both groups! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:16

reddeviljp: Our feeder primaries all use our sport facilities with our teachers and have health classes
also. Cross cooperation is the key #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:16

NSRiazat: @MissSMitch @colport - I think we are starting to move towards CC but early days yet.
:-) #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:16

TheHeadsOffice: Transition needs to have strategic role within the LA as well. All schs have same date for

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visits #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:16

dawnhallybone: @Ideas_Factory yes was more thinking what could we do going forward from this
8/26/2010 20:16

relativism: RT @TheHeadsOffice: Brining sec specialists into prim to work with yr 5/6 is excellent for
both groups! #ukedchat << and vice versa
8/26/2010 20:16

daviderogers: @tonycassidy I'm not talking about non-specialist teaching - sometimes off timetable,
working together projects are right #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:16

mandared: RT @andykemp: RT @Baggiepr: RT @colport @NSRiazat Also, GCSEs are not cross-
curricular < could still use shared topics though #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:17

familysimpson: @cybraryman1 little big planet prim/sec project - take any
ideas you want!! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:17

familysimpson: RT @familysimpson: @TheHeadsOffice I would say complete reverse in my LA!

8/26/2010 20:17

TheHeadsOffice: Sec staff visiting for a few days rather than individual sessions so that they are 'known'
faces in prim sch #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:17

NSRiazat: @Baggiepr @colport - Yes agree. #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:17

tonycassidy: But the transition also provides students with a 'release'- a chance to reinvent myself
8/26/2010 20:17

daviderogers: @tonycassidy Totally agree, although I would let Geog go all together if I thought that
learning would benefit (it wouldn't ;-) #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:17

herrn96: RT @MissSMitch: it would be great to think that Twitter could help if only councils would
unblock it! #ukedchat Fight them!Would be worth it
8/26/2010 20:17

Baggiepr: Need for joint projects across phase that are not just transition. These are often too loaded
around new school issues #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:17

deerwood: @Ideas_Factory what problems do they face? #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:17

ianinsheffield: @dannynic Are you saying you think it might be less successful Danny? Any reasons why?
8/26/2010 20:18

theokk: Forgot #ukedchat tag, used to teach in a middle sch, interesting model, more rapport with
students as they mature, less silos
8/26/2010 20:18

daviderogers: @dawnhallybone They are still here in W Sussex @cliffmanning #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:18

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Ideas_Factory: @lduffy85 #ukedchat Planning is good as long as it's done colaboratively-led by secondary
but in co-operation and equally agreed with feeder
8/26/2010 20:18

colport: Secondary colleagues who have come into our primary school really get a buzz out of it.
Doesn't happen the other way! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:18

familysimpson: @TheHeadsOffice #ukedchat I have volunteered to do this with primary schools and was
met with apathy. Shame.
8/26/2010 20:18

daviderogers: Out dept works with 1ry classes each year on geog projecs, but we can't hit all feeders
(14) #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:18

NSRiazat: @mandared @andykemp @baggiepr @colport ~skills are more easily transferable rather
than subject knowledge. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:19

realllara: @colport We are having a 2ry ICT teacher for an hour a fortnight . She will do some work
in Y5&6 - will be good cpd for staff too #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:19

janekilpatrick: Specialist teachers are great but what about bringing primary staff in to work in
secondaries rather than vv? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:19

herrn96: RT @deerwood: Should we have more all age schools to help overcome diffs between
prim and sec? #ukedchat Yes. Aren't all new builds this way
8/26/2010 20:19

dawnhallybone: @daviderogers lesson would wk well be what mine are used to - love the animaniac video
:) #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:19

ForesterJo: #ukedchat Are teachmeets not plugging a gap for teachers seeing how the other half live?
know I have taken gr8 deal away from them
8/26/2010 20:19

dailydenouement: @colport That is such a shame - but can understand why. Primaries are "buzzy" places
with display, tech etc that we don't have. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:19

mandared: RT @TheHeadsOffice: Sec staff visiting for a few days so that they are known faces in
prim sch <maybe 100 teachers in sec though #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:19

Baggiepr: RT @colport @katie_hague I suppose it is up to individual teachers/school to do this, as

LA are being disbanded by gvt! #ukedchat <true
8/26/2010 20:19

daviderogers: Terrible thing is Yr7 finding out about their local place, the same one they looked at in Yr3
and Yr 5 'local place' more chatting #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:19

TheHeadsOffice: I have run a work shop about planning with Sec staff using prim egs. They thought it great
& have adopted it!! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:19

Subatomic82: #ukedchat but would secondary teachers feel confident teaching cross curricular, rather
than subject based?
8/26/2010 20:19

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daviderogers: RT @tonycassidy: But the transition also provides students with a 'release'- a chance to
reinvent myself #ukedchat >> for sure
8/26/2010 20:19

lduffy85: 2ry teachers protectiveness of their subject can b hinderance, i.e hist teacher focus on the
history may not support eng skills #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:19

MissSMitch: @herrn96 our clc is on it but no progress yet! #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:19

janekilpatrick: We do lots of sec to pri but very little other way? Sec staff have lots to learn from pri
8/26/2010 20:20

chrismayoh: Missing #ukedchat tonight as am on the last day of my holiday in Edinburgh for #edfringe
8/26/2010 20:20

Ariellah: RT @herrn96: Pr-Se transition needs to have strategic status in both school development
plans for it to have any chance of success #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:20

herrn96: RT @TheHeadsOffice: @When yr. 7 staff have seen the pace of yr 6 they are
gobsmacked. We need to get them in! #ukedchat >Absolutely! Key CPD
8/26/2010 20:20

colport: @dailydenouement I think also, you have BIG teenagers in secondaries, who seem scary
compared to primary little ones! LOL #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:20

lisibo: When sec. MFL teacher visited my lesson, she was horrified 'That's what we do in Yr7!
The text book says so' #ukedchat Then I was horrified
8/26/2010 20:20

DrAshCasey: Is the change from primary to secondary too radical? From generalist companion to
specialist rotationalist? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:20

ianaddison: Enjoying #ukedchat? Find other teachers local to you by using Teachmap
8/26/2010 20:20

haylau: We had secondary staff coming in to test y6 reading because they did not trust the
primary results - how insulting #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:20

TheHeadsOffice: @mandared Not all of them! Just the few that will be in contact with pupils in the first term
8/26/2010 20:20

lisibo: RT @daviderogers: RT @tonycassidy: But the transition also provides students with a
'release'- a chance to reinvent myself #ukedchat >> for sure
8/26/2010 20:20

cleverfiend: #ukedchat most special schools have always been all age - but most still taught within key
stages and staff within phases. Works best?
8/26/2010 20:20

cliffmanning: 1ry and 2ry seem to speak different languages often - a shared glossary might be good
start #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:20

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daviderogers: Maybe 2ry should rotate the teacher instead of the pupils? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:20

colport: @sh1916 you have BIG teenagers in secondaries, who seem scary compared to primary
little ones! LOL #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:21

lduffy85: as many have said x curricular approach link between sub dep may support some chn
8/26/2010 20:21

Cgeo28: #ukedchat - pupils gain new experience when moving into yr7 -we should support them but
not make too easy otherwise no challenge to overcome
8/26/2010 20:21

realllara: @tj007 We had to 'design' a school like that as part of NPQH. Lots of great ideas. There
are issues of scale thoug #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:21

iamclairei: @colport #ukedchat ' doesn't happen other way' no opportunity to visit or no buzz?
8/26/2010 20:21

monietoteach: @colport #ukedchat very true. a secondary teacher came into a primary school i was at.
He loved it!
8/26/2010 20:21

lisibo: RT @cliffmanning: 1ry and 2ry seem to speak different languages often - a shared
glossary might be good start #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:21

Joga5: @dailydenouement There are some secondary schools which are buzzy and vibrant (tho in
my experience they were all girl schools) #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:21

TheHeadsOffice: Why do Sec sch not have the display culture that prim have? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:21

mandared: RT @Subatomic82: #ukedchat would secondary teachers feel confident teaching cross
curricular? <harder to plan, not so much confdce #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:21

colport: @iamclairei A bit of both? #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:22

daviderogers: The transition shouldn;t be too easy between 1ry and 2ry - otherwise what about the next
change from 2ry to job e.g.? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:22

Subatomic82: #ukedchat I used to teach in a one form entry school and if children have bot socialised
with other children a big secondary is daunting!
8/26/2010 20:22

carolinebreyley: RT @daviderogers: Maybe 2ry should rotate the teacher instead of the pupils? #ukedchat
<-Always wonder why this doesn't happen
8/26/2010 20:22

tonycassidy: I find the smaller ones much more scary #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:23

KnikiDavies: #ukedchat I've found tutoring GCSE in my main subjects to be really useful in my teaching
in primary - lets me see the destination
8/26/2010 20:23

cliffmanning: theres lots of work happening around music and transition - please fill out questionnaire

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here #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:23

familysimpson: @mandared @Subatomic82 #ukedchat would love to!! Art, drama, music, geography, he
with ict?! Bring it on!
8/26/2010 20:23

realllara: Any of our sec schools are going down the vertical tutor group/college route to scale the
schools down. They're big places #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:23

mandared: RT @TheHeadsOffice: @mandared Just the few that will be in contact with pupils in the
first term <but that is most of them #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:23

janekilpatrick: @TheHeadsOffice Display more difficult when staff dont have own rooms and kids move.
Lack of owenrship can make it shaky! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:23

monietoteach: @daviderogers #ukedchat i like this idea!

8/26/2010 20:23

ianinsheffield: @tj007 So maybe there's a way for the sch to have pupils 4-18, but for the staff to teach
the way they prefer ... at first! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:23

chickensaltash: We do many cross curricular, cross KS's 1-3, projects with all 8 partner schools & our sec
school - helps! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:23

lisibo: @aangeli - I think for many it is, but for some, secondary is far more rewarding. it depends
on what type of person you are. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:23

daviderogers: RT @TheHeadsOffice: Why do Sec sch not have the display culture that prim have?
#ukedchat >> time to do it. I teach 500 kids in an av week
8/26/2010 20:23

dailydenouement: @Joga5 I personally think mine is very vibrant (yes, all girls!) but prob in pockets of the
school - different vibe #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:23

MissSMitch: @cliffmanning we use vertical tutoring and that seems to work that way (11-16) #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:23

ForesterJo: @tj007 We had to 'design' a school like that as part of NPQH. Lots of great ideas. There
are issues of scale thoug #ukedchat MY CONCERN
8/26/2010 20:23

Baggiepr: pupils benefit from teacher sub specialism but don't benefit from strict separation of
subjects which restrict joined up thinking #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:23

TheHeadsOffice: The thing about size of bodies is mentioned when ch go into KS1 from Reception! We are
our own worst enemies! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:23

colport: Is there a CPD need for people to visit the opposite school? (primary -> secondary), or
vice-versa? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:23

mandared: RT @daviderogers: Maybe 2ry should rotate the teacher instead of the pupils? <I heard of
a school planning this... #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:24

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relativism: @daviderogers @carolinebreyley #ukedchat happened when I was in 1st yr tchrs hated
our class as they had to climb 100 stairs to get to us
8/26/2010 20:24

KnikiDavies: @carolinebreyley If you rotate the teacher then you don't get ownership of your
space,layout, display or specialised equipment :o/ #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:24

dailydenouement: RT @tonycassidy: I find the smaller ones much more scary #ukedchat <<<< So glad it's
not just me!
8/26/2010 20:24

lisibo: @daviderogers - I agree re transition but a bit of coordination and thought is always
adviseable ;o) #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:24

daviderogers: @carolinebreyley I know I wouldn't like not owning a space - also needs to tech to be up
to scratch - my room rocks with tech #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:24

MissSMitch: RT @herrn96: 1ry-2ry trans needs to have strategic status in both school development
plans for it to have any chance of success. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:24

Ideas_Factory: @deerwood #ukedchat Problems arising from taking kids from primary style teaching to
secondary!Only do 2 weeks transition but hve split site
8/26/2010 20:24

rantingteacher: @TheHeadsOffice because 'orrible little tykes rip down displays or graffiti them #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:24

Cgeo28: RT @TheHeadsOffice: Why do Sec sch not have the display culture that prim have?
#ukedchat >> don't agree sorry!
8/26/2010 20:24

familysimpson: #ukedchat friend in Dumfries primary school offers songwriting workshops - lots of cross
curricular work needed there, anyone interested?
8/26/2010 20:24

lisibo: RT @Baggiepr: pupils benefit from teacher sub specialism but don't benefit from strict
separation of subjects which restrict joined up thinking #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:24

colport: @sh1916 I get the feeling that secondary teachers do not value their primary colleagues,
as they are not subject specialists #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:24

cliffmanning: RT @TheHeadsOffice: Why do Sec sch not have the display culture that prim have?
#ukedchat >>yes! 1ry lots of color 2ry =factory!
8/26/2010 20:24

jkitchi: sorry forgot #ukedchat Our primary uses a lot of specialist teachers - ICT, Spanish, Music,
PE - a 2ry model that works well across Y1 - Y6
8/26/2010 20:24

katie_hague: We're being bit blase about x curr in primary,took 3 yrs for our staff to become confident &
move away from schemes. Big change! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:24

dawnhallybone: great first half hour of #ukedchat will have to catch up with rest later - dinner time
8/26/2010 20:24

didactylos: #ukedchat responsibility for a child's education much more on the class tch in primary,
2ndry its just one of many subjects

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8/26/2010 20:24

dailydenouement: RT @colport: Is there a CPD need for people to visit the opposite school? (primary ->
secondary), or vice-versa? #ukedchat <<Would love this
8/26/2010 20:24

Baggiepr: RT @JoanneC23 RT @lduffy85: our local 2dry schs start transition at y5 to build
relationships with kids works well #ukedchat <great idea
8/26/2010 20:25

chickensaltash: RT @chickensaltash: @TheHeadsOffice yes many primary classrooms have excellent

displays - although so many sec school classrooms! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:25

KnikiDavies: @daviderogers Primary teachers don't have time in week to do displays either. We have
to do it after school! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:25

TheHeadsOffice: @KnikiDavies Knowing the destination is ace. It's good for yr.3 to see yr. 6 for the same
reason! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:25

colport: @sh1916 However, I would maintain that a lot of primary teachers are 'child specialists'
8/26/2010 20:25

Joga5: @rantingteacher the comment was brilliant next to your avatar!!!! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:25

iamclairei: @colport #ukedchat. I see what you mean. Like anything else it depends on the teacher.
8/26/2010 20:25

daviderogers: @lisibo For sure - let's not let them sink or swim, that would be horrible! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:25

tonycassidy: Secondaries not vibrant- really #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:25

Ariellah: @Baggiepr "joint projects across phase that r not just transition">>Agreed! How about Sec
Kids being mentors to Prim kids? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:25

daviderogers: @KnikiDavies Do you have to also mark 500 books? ;-) #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:25

TheHeadsOffice: As a society, perhaps we need to understand education as a continum rather than

separate bits. Anyone from all thro? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:25

katie_hague: RT @colport: Is there a CPD need for people to visit the opposite school? (primary ->
secondary), or vice-versa? #ukedchat > Absolutely!
8/26/2010 20:26

aangeli: @lisibo I think sometimes it's a choice between love of yr subject or pedagogy #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:26

colport: @lduffy85 How do you put it into action? #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:26

Catriona_O: do you think use of textbooks has any bearing on prim/sec differences?#ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:26

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MissSMitch: RT @ForesterJo: #ukedchat Are teachmeets not plugging a gap for tchrs seeing how the
other 1/2 live? know I have tkn gr8 dl away from them
8/26/2010 20:26

Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat The mis-trust of primary results would stop if communication between phases
was better(same happens between seperate infant sch)
8/26/2010 20:26

lisibo: re displays - in primary TAs do lots. Not the same level of 'help' in Sec. however, my
displays were spectacular as Sec teacher!! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:26

rantingteacher: Sec kids see you as specialists: Mine are always astounded that I know French or history
or something outside of my subject #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:26

realllara: The timetable flexibility of primary makes things easier - organisation of collaborating with
other years or extended projects etc #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:26

carolinebreyley: @KnikiDavies understand for specialist subjects but what about pupil ownership of space?
8/26/2010 20:27

tonycassidy: I have the greatest respect for the range that primary teachers have to teach #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:27

dannynic: @IaninSheffield I mean I cant comment. Visited when new ages ago. Havent been in or
seen figures. Would be interested to know #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:27

familysimpson: @colport @sh1916 not all! I am amazed at some primary teachers who have well rounded
expertise! Many coasters too though... #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:27

deerwood: @Ideas_Factory has anyone asked why there needs to be a change in teaching styles
between prim and sec? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:27

didactylos: @IaninSheffield worked briefly in a Danish 4 -16 school, very interesting #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:27

chickensaltash: @daviderogers your right quite diff to follow - seems to be a bit of a hot debate - almost
arguing btw prim & sec lot to learn! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:27

daviderogers: RT @tonycassidy: I have the greatest respect for the range that primary teachers have to
teach #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:27

Subatomic82: #ukedchat defo harder to plan but 2ry teachers specialise in 1subject would they feel
confident in planning all?
8/26/2010 20:27

aangeli: RT @colport: Is there a CPD need for people to visit the opposite school? (primary ->
secondary), or vice-versa? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:27

cliffmanning: is there a big difference in training for 1ry and 2ry teachers? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:27

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Joga5: @daviderogers At least you should be able to read the writing in your 500 books!
8/26/2010 20:27

familysimpson: @colport @sh1916 and can I add I think the same of secondary teachers! :) #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:27

tonycassidy: But also remember some of us teach Geography, History, RE, Citizenship, PSHE..... and
cover.... #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:27

MissSMitch: @cliffmanning mixing age groups -we only do it in tutor time (pastoral) for 20mins a day bu
allows for stdet roles to be developed #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:27

Cgeo28: #ukedchat - the form tutor role in 2ry would benefit from training by primary teachers
8/26/2010 20:27

chickensaltash: RT @aangeli: @lisibo I think sometimes it's a choice between love of yr subject or
pedagogy #ukedchat Yes I agree - Teaching 1st or subject
8/26/2010 20:27

KnikiDavies: @daviderogers 34 kids x 3 lessons needing marking at least a day x 5 days = 510 so Yes!
8/26/2010 20:28

mandared: RT @cliffmanning: RT @TheHeadsOffice: display culture that prim have?>>yes! 1ry lots of
color 2ry =factory! <<Disagree!! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:28

Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat Secondaries ARE teacher cross curric topics with new KS3 curric at it's heart
8/26/2010 20:28

daviderogers: Not sure if tonight's #ukedchat is about transition or what we can learn from each other in
terms of pedagogy or both?
8/26/2010 20:28

philallman1: @TheHeadsOffice #ukedchat not all through but y5-y8 middle school in a Trust. Did lots of
work on transition to even out bumps. communicate!
8/26/2010 20:28

Ariellah: RT @deerwood: @Ideas_Factory has anyone asked why there needs to be a change in
teaching styles between prim and sec? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:28

TheHeadsOffice: @daviderogers Time - do prim teachers have spare time for display then? They don't have
non-contact periods! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:28

Sport_ed: Sport_ed @TheHeadsOffice am always amazed by the outstanding displays in 1ry

schools-inspired me to improve ours! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:28

monietoteach: RT @tonycassidy: I have the greatest respect for the range that primary teachers have to
teach #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:28

familysimpson: Best cross curricular primary class I saw was ict lessons being taught in french. P3 pupils
had to translate for me! Amazing #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:28

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colport: How do we, as teachers, convince SMT's that visiting another school (prim -> secondary,
for example) is good CPD? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:28

lduffy85: @familysimpson is that not the case for most professions, it's how do we upskill or
develop coasters. . #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:28

dailydenouement: RT @Subatomic82: #ukedchat defo harder to plan but 2ry teachers specialise in 1subject
would they feel confident in planning all? << No!
8/26/2010 20:28

daviderogers: @Joga5 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - come and have a look at some of mine ;-)

8/26/2010 20:28

katie_hague: Ouch! Some 'my workload more than yours' comments - surely this is part of prob? ALL
teaching v demanding & time consuming! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:28

MissSMitch: RT @lduffy85: 2ry tchrs protect subjects & can b hinderance, i.e hist teacher focus on the
history may not support eng skills #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:28

tonycassidy: Which is more important- display, or lesson? Unless the display is part of the lesson
8/26/2010 20:29

ForesterJo: @katie_hague: would agree lots of changes afoot in primary some still working on QCA
(boring) and focus on subjects #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:29

Baggiepr: RT @ianinsheffield Rather than *visit* each others schs., how about if we were timetabled
across both, say half a day a week? #ukedchat >yes
8/26/2010 20:29

chickensaltash: @rantingteacher ha ha yes we teach them Learning to Learn too empahsise that all are
teachers are learning to constantly! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:29

Cgeo28: RT @katie_hague: Ouch! Some 'my workload more than yours' comments - surely this is
part of prob? ALL teaching v demanding & time consuming! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:29

janekilpatrick: Disagree re pedagogy/subject. they must go hand in hand in secondary. Need to get past
"I teach Maths" to "I teach students"! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:29

iamclairei: @daviderogers @KnikiDavies can potentially have 165 to mark per day! :) #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:29

daviderogers: @KnikiDavies In terms of displays - I get the kids to do it #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:29

MissSMitch: RT @cliffmanning: 1ry and 2ry seem to speak different languages often - a shared
glossary might be good start #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:29

didactylos: @deerwood cos that's how 1800ish Public schools taught so must be right, we always try
to emulte them in our systems #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:29

daviderogers: @TheHeadsOffice But planning time is not for displays............ In reality as HoD I don;t
have NC either #ukedchat

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8/26/2010 20:29

SkoorBttaM: Does paperwork hamper the transition? We fill in a whole load of forms that never make it
to sec teachers. Why not face to face? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:29

herrn96: Projects such as this should be exploited more explicitly when considering Pri-Sec
transition, then built on #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:29

ianinsheffield: @dannynic Thanks for clarification - I'd be interested too. #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:30

daviderogers: RT @janekilpatrick: Need to get past "I teach Maths" to "I teach students"! #ukedchat >>
8/26/2010 20:30

familysimpson: CfE in Scotland encourages project based learning which primaries are so good at. Was
discussing this with non teachers on train #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:30

dailydenouement: RT @MissSMitch: RT @cliffmanning: 1ry and 2ry seem to speak different languages often
- a shared glossary might be good start #ukedchat Yes!
8/26/2010 20:30

relativism: RT @katie_hague: Ouch! Some 'my workload more than yours' comments - surely this is
part of prob? ALL teaching v demanding & time consuming! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:30

Baggiepr: RT @TheHeadsOffice Transition needs to have strategic role within the LA as well. All
schs have same date for visits #ukedchat > would help
8/26/2010 20:30

Subatomic82: @dailydenouement #ukedchat I don't blame. 2ry have to teach to a high level of
understanding in a subject.
8/26/2010 20:30

colport: I think it would be great for 2nd'ary pupils to be visited in their school by their former
primary teachers! #ukedchat (inc. emb stories)
8/26/2010 20:30

Mallrat_uk: @MissSMitch @lduffy85 #ukedchat as a sci teacher i do try to use literacy skills too.. I do
agree some teachers are very focussed though!
8/26/2010 20:30

lisibo: RT @tonycassidy: Which is more important- display, or lesson? Unless the display is part
of the lesson #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:30

janekilpatrick: @tonycassidy display/lesson hand in hand? Not just for prettiness. Examples of success
explained!! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:30

MatthewKoogler: always find it daunting that all teachers not on same page even in the same year as a pe
tchr i'm supposed to help all! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:30

Joga5: Is there greater bravery in 2ry in terms of approach to the curriculum? So many Prim
heads claim HAVING to teach Nat Strats / QCA #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:30

ForesterJo: RT @colport: @sh1916 However, maintain that lot of prim teachers are 'child specialists'
#ukedchat Would agree more time with indiv chdn
8/26/2010 20:30

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daviderogers: @Baggiepr We shoulnd't think about subjects linking to others, but skills, e.g. creative
writing, resaerch, team work..... #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:31

sellyeve: @familysimpson would love to know more about project based learning #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:31

chickensaltash: true, real partnerships' betwn primary feeder schools and their sec school are completely
2 way for both students & staff learning #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:31

rantingteacher: #ukedchat looks brilliant tonight but I'm round someone's house and I'm looking anti-social!
8/26/2010 20:31

didactylos: #ukedchat my problem is I'm not convinced about the validity of subject teaching anyway -
sorry Mr Gove
8/26/2010 20:31

colport: @JfB57 That was my train of thought! My justification as ICT co-ordinators would be to
see their infrastructure etc. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:31

dailydenouement: @cliffmanning Agree about glossary - I need to know the Literacy terms. Not same as
English subject speak at all! Confuses some. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:31

DrAshCasey: @aangeli it's the old question do we teach a subject or children? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:31

turbohat: @Mallrat_uk target and result driven culture forces us to focus on content (sci teacher too)
8/26/2010 20:31

ianinsheffield: Wndring 2 what extent difficulties caused by transition is due to difficulty managing
communcn streams between 10, 15 or more schs #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:31

familysimpson: @tonycassidy #ukedchat cover is seen as a nightmare by some but it is a great chance to
root around for new ideas!
8/26/2010 20:31

lduffy85: @colport our LA has working groups, 5 1ry and 3 2ry who work together. can you get
work groups with liked mind tchrs #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:31

MissSMitch: RT @Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat Secondaries ARE teacher cross curric topics with new
KS3 curric at it's heart <agree!
8/26/2010 20:31

carolrainbow: @colport I think many year 7s would be embarassed - it is a different relationship in

secondary #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:31

Mallrat_uk: @TheHeadsOffice #ukedchat I am secondary teacher and still do all my own displays..
8/26/2010 20:32

MatthewKoogler: RT @didactylos: #ukedchat my problem is I'm not convinced about the validity of subject
teaching anyway - sorry Mr Gove
8/26/2010 20:32

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SkoorBttaM: RT @katie_hague: Ouch! Some 'my workload more than yours' comments - surely this is
part of prob? ALL teaching v demanding & time consuming! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:32

chickensaltash: Finding it quite difficult to keep up with all the tweets on #ukedchat tis my 1st time so could
be my fault or is always like this?
8/26/2010 20:32

janekilpatrick: @colport totally agree - 1ry staff in 2ry also can make transiiton easier/more comfortable
for kids! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:32

lisibo: anyway - aren't displays one of the things on that list we're not supposed to do? ;o)
8/26/2010 20:32

tj007: I visited a 1ry schl as part of a Y10 work experience visit. Had never expd a multi-form
entry 1ry b4. would like more visits! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:32

colport: @ForesterJo Absolutely. More time possible to build relationships with pupils #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:32

dailydenouement: RT @sellyeve: @familysimpson would love to know more about project based learning
#ukedchat <~ Yes, me too. Def see benefits of x curric.
8/26/2010 20:32

ForesterJo: RT @aangeli: @lisibo I think sometimes it's a choice between love of yr subject or
pedagogy #ukedchat WOULD AGREE
8/26/2010 20:32

herrn96: RT @mandared @Subatomic82 would secondary teachers feel conf teaching Xcurric?
<harder to plan, not so much confdce #ukedchat >work in teams
8/26/2010 20:32

cliffmanning: will 1ry and 2ry work closer now in family of schools with new political set up / LA cuts
etc? economy of scale etc #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:32

cliffmanning: RT @colport: How do we, as teachers, convince SMT's that visiting another school (prim
-> secondary, for example) is good CPD? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:32

relativism: @chickensaltash always like this #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:33

carolinebreyley: #ukedchat I appreciate sec subject teachers who share recources on twitter; often very
useful for upper primary too
8/26/2010 20:33

chickensaltash: @kathleensorrell yes as a sec teacher in my opinion there are more constraints from
exams etc which does make it diff! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:33

squiggle7: @chickensaltash it's always a bit manic! #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:33

MissSMitch: @mallrat_uk just made links with sci dept abt persuasive writing - shockd how much it
lnkd. It's pushed others to work xcurricular #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:33

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familysimpson: @lduffy85 #ukedchat definitely! We need to make coasters feel they are missing out by
not creating engaging lessons
8/26/2010 20:33

TheHeadsOffice: @realllara Flexibiltiy is to a certain extent a mindset! Some Yr.6 staff want to teach to the
test! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:33

colport: @lduffy85 I think part of the problem is establishing opportunities for making the links
8/26/2010 20:33

katie_hague: @chickensaltash Always like this! Try downloading tweetdeck and having #ukedchat as
one of your columns. Recommended to me and much easier!
8/26/2010 20:33

monietoteach: RT @colport: I think it would be great for 2nd'ary pupils to be visited in their school by their
former primary teachers! #ukedchat (inc. emb stories)
8/26/2010 20:33

tonycassidy: Question- how do prin colleagues encourage responsibility for equipment? There is a
negative correlation between yr and equipment #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:33

daviderogers: @ForesterJo @iamclairei @KnikiDavies Frm speaking to friends in 1ry, the planning and
marking sound about the same #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:33

dailydenouement: RT @Subatomic #ukedchat I don't blame. 2ry have to teach to a high level of
understanding in a subject. << & I am woeful at Maths & Science!
8/26/2010 20:33

tonycassidy: RT @familysimpson: @tonycassidy #ukedchat cover is seen as a nightmare by some but it

is a great chance to root around for new ideas!
8/26/2010 20:33

MissSMitch: RT @daviderogers: RT @janekilpatrick: Need to get past "I teach Maths" to "I teach
students"! #ukedchat >> def!!!
8/26/2010 20:33

Joga5: @lisibo They are but wonder whether workforce reform measures could end up being
repealed as too expensive ? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:34

daviderogers: @chickensaltash always buddy ! #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:34

Ideas_Factory: @deerwood #ukedchat I've often thght that but prim have started down the specialist route
to cover PPA-with PE,MFL etc
8/26/2010 20:34

chickensaltash: ha ha finding the some of the tweets on #ukedchat v amusing! Like being in a staff room -
prim/sec teachers arguing who works hardest! lol
8/26/2010 20:34

tonycassidy: Learning to learn- someone has made a mint from that- what were we doing before?
8/26/2010 20:34

clairelowe2: #Ukedchat just wondering what thoughts are around Children's personal transition into y7?
That's an area I'd like to see improved
8/26/2010 20:34

ForesterJo: RT @familysimpson: @colport @sh1916 not all! I am amzd at some prim tchrs who have

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well rounded expertise! Mny coasters 2 though..#ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:34

monietoteach: RT @DrAshCasey: @aangeli it's the old question do we teach a subject or children?
8/26/2010 20:34

KnikiDavies: @lisibo Don't start on that list of things we're not meant to do that we have to do, that's a
topic in itself lol #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:35

trudianns: @colport I agree it would be good for all primary teachers to see how the kids develop
once they move on #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:35

TheHeadsOffice: RT @daviderogers: @ForesterJo @iamclairei @KnikiDavies Frm speaking to friends in

1ry, the planning and marking sound about the same #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:35

familysimpson: @sellyeve themes: eg when I was in P5 we did amazing project on derelict fishing village
near school: poetry, imag. writing, art.. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:35

Catriona_O: #ukedchat re project based leaning - CLIL is a good way forward. I think @icpjones has
been blogging about it recently?? check out MFLtimes
8/26/2010 20:35

tonycassidy: How can I help the children who turn into human snails from starting secondary? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:35

carolrainbow: aaagghhhh just found that Twitterfall does not automatically add the #ukedchat like
Tweetdeck :-(
8/26/2010 20:35

chickensaltash: @katie_hague yes I have done that but still very fast to keep up with what is going on!
8/26/2010 20:35

daviderogers: What can 1ry and 2ry teachers learn from each other about leading teams of teachers?
8/26/2010 20:35

herrn96: RT @katie_hague: RT @colport: Is there a CPD need for people to visit the opposite
school? (primary -> secondary), or vice-versa? #ukedchat > Absolutely!
8/26/2010 20:35

Baggiepr: When I do esafety sessions at 2ndry I am often treated as if I won't cope by secondary
teachers until the session has warmed up. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:35

MatthewKoogler: #ukedchat are 2yr more divergent in teaching styles, perhaps easier to be on same page
in elem. 2yr is specialty--teachers very different
8/26/2010 20:35

daviderogers: RT @tonycassidy: How can I help the children who turn into human snails from starting
secondary? #ukedchat >> I know what you mean!
8/26/2010 20:35

sellyeve: @familysimpson sounds fantastic! How did you know how to go about it? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:36

mandared: RT @herrn96: RT @mandared @Subatomic82 >work in teams <that's why it's harder to
plan ;-) Teachers don't all work together well #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:36

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relativism: @chickensaltash or just follow a few people then catch up on in betweens after archive
9:15pm #ukedchat :0)
8/26/2010 20:36

colport: The best transition practice I have heard is from a school in Blackpool, who keep the Year
7's together in a part of the building #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:36

lduffy85: @colport could initially start off with teachmeet movement, informal chats between HT's ,
HofDep, then show benefits?? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:36

Baggiepr: RT @DrAshCasey Is the change from primary to secondary too radical? From generalist
companion to specialist rotationalist? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:36

chickensaltash: Can we stop bashing each others Key stages and have more collaboration & discussions
about LEARNING! Has to be the main thing! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:36

familysimpson: @sellyeve #ukedchat .. Songs, baking, citizenship, surveys, history, maths, craft & design.
Shall I go on? Only limit is imaginaion!
8/26/2010 20:36

Cgeo28: @tonycassidy #ukedchat - I have introduced on the desk baskets to hold all equipment and
resources to my 2ry geog classroom - seen in 1ry
8/26/2010 20:36

realllara: @TheHeadsOffice Eurgh - yes! Luckily we've moved away from that. Was talking
generally across pri though, not just Y6 #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:36

carolinebreyley: RT @colport: I think it would be great for 2nd'ary pupils to be visitedby their former p
tchers! #ukedchat Agrre
8/26/2010 20:36

ForesterJo: RT @colport: How do we, as tchers, convince SMT's that visiting another school is good
8/26/2010 20:36

Catriona_O: @tonycassidy #ukedchat is this too simplistic? Find out what they know. (not by giving
them a test in wk1 like happened to my daughter!)
8/26/2010 20:36

tonycassidy: I have no display space, all windows in my classroom, banned from sticking on them- only
display space has pictures of myself ;) #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:36

colport: @realllara That's lovely. I am sure most primary school teachers would remember names,
even if appearances have changed #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:36

sellyeve: @carolrainbow tweetgrid will #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:37

relativism: RT @mandared: RT @herrn96: RT @mandared @Subatomic82 >work in teams <that's

why it's harder to plan ;-) Teachers don't all work together well #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:37

ianinsheffield: Must be some parents of chdrn who have gone through from 1ry to 2ry in #ukedchat What
do you folks think, from your child's experience?
8/26/2010 20:37

Mallrat_uk: RT @chickensaltash: Can we stop bashing each others Key stages and have more

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collaboration & discussions about LEARNING! Has to be the main thing! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:37

chickensaltash: @monietoteach ha ha yes here is 41 lol #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:37

janekilpatrick: @Cgeo28 ditto re baskets! right the way up to Y13!! works like a charm! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:37

didactylos: #ukedchat almost 30 yrs teachng 2ndry, last few yrs teaching primary too, if I had my time
again would choose Primary
8/26/2010 20:37

daviderogers: I have adopted the att of 1ry teachers I have worked with of having an 'open' c/rrom and
welcoming others #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:37

chickensaltash: @kathleensorrell yes many teachers just use that as an excuse so they don't have to make
an effort and be creative! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:37

katie_hague: @daviderogers WD be intersting to learn from 2dry as more hierarchical structure so more
authority when leading other teachers? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:37

cleverfiend: 1 of the biggest differences between phases is how well the teacher knows the students -
helps with AfL etc.How to do this at 2ry? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:37

lamerch: RT @lamerch: @tonycassidy environment v important for learning / behaviour #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:37

KnikiDavies: #ukedchat Can it be good to have non-spec'lists teaching - they can understand chn who
have diffs and show you can't be brill at everything
8/26/2010 20:37

Natty08: I am here I just don't have much to say tonight #ukedchat I really don't know what happens
in secondary
8/26/2010 20:37

sellyeve: @familysimpson did you have any training in this beforehand - would love to get involved in
this! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:38

Mallrat_uk: @chickensaltash completely agree.. Teaching is hard, I am sec sci and mum is primary.
We both work evenings and w/ends etc. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:38

TheHeadsOffice: Is there a need for more 'transition' type work with incoming parents to ease their worries?
8/26/2010 20:38

daviderogers: I learnt a lot from watcing Yr4 pupils working in diff spaces, and in and out of groups.
Something I have tried to adopt at 2ry #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:38

colport: @lduffy85 Get them involved in #ukedchat ;-) Remember to download the poster for staff
room at #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:38

TheHeadsOffice: RT @lduffy85: @colport could initially start off with teachmeet movement, informal chats
between HT's , HofDep, then show benefits?? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:38

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ForesterJo: RT @DrAshCasey: @aangeli it's the old question do we teach a subject or children?
8/26/2010 20:38

chickensaltash: @squiggle7 ha ha I am obsessed with reading every tweet! GRRRR here we go - guess
may still be here in 2 days time! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:38

tonycassidy: RT @lisibo: anyway - aren't displays one of the things on that list we're not supposed to
do? ;o) #ukedchat I was scared to mention that
8/26/2010 20:38

JoanneC23: @colport I've heard about a similar yr 7 separate from main body of school until they settle
in #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:38

lisibo: RT @chickensaltash: Can we stop bashing each others Key stages and have more
collaboration & discussions about LEARNING! Has to be the main thing! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:38

familysimpson: #ukedchat primary / secondary joint cpd? You teach me, I teach you? Advertise in staff
room - show feedback - make connections!
8/26/2010 20:38

carolrainbow: @sellyeve thanks will try tweetgrid for next week #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:38

janekilpatrick: Any good examples out there of 1ry staff spending time in 2ry school? #ukedchat?
8/26/2010 20:38

cliffmanning: RT @daviderogers: What can 1ry and 2ry teachers learn from each other about leading
teams of teachers? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:39

tonycassidy: @lisibo you can do displays as long as your not 'forced' #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:39

realllara: @chickensaltash I don't think people are 'bashing' but it's interesting to see
misunderstandings/preconceptions. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:39

lisacov19: At 1ry we move up to new year 3 weeks before end of term 2ry also move but won't have
out y6 #ukedchat -- right # this time!
8/26/2010 20:39

daviderogers: @katie_hague depends, my team is 15 strong, some of which are 20 years older than me
- set in their ways or scared of change? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:39

chickensaltash: @Mallrat_uk yes exactly - it isn't that hard though otherwise why would we all do it! We all
love learning & working with kids! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:39

Mallrat_uk: @trudianns @colport and vice versa for sec teachers to see where kids come from and
what they are capable of! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:39

colport: @JoanneC23 I was really impressed with the idea at Teachmeet Blackpool. I will try and
find video link #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:39

familysimpson: @Natty08 any ideas from leftfield then? #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:39

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dailydenouement: This yr with Y7 I will try & do more collaborative wk to build on their gp wk experience. I
will be picking primary folks' brains! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:39

tonycassidy: RT @carolinebreyley: #ukedchat I appreciate sec subject teachers who share resources
on twitter; often very useful for upper primary too
8/26/2010 20:39

lisacov19: RT @carolinebreyley: RT @colport: I think it would be great for 2nd'ary pupils to be

visitedby their former p tchers! #ukedchat Agrre <<yep
8/26/2010 20:39

ForesterJo: RT @colport: @ForesterJo Absolutely. More time possible to build relationships with
pupils #ukedchat That's why I teach infants!
8/26/2010 20:39

Cgeo28: @janekilpatrick - nothing missing from them yet! #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:39

daviderogers: RT @lisibo: anyway - aren't displays one of the things on that list we're not supposed to
do? ;o) #ukedchat >> indeed, we have TAs to help
8/26/2010 20:40

janekilpatrick: @tonycassidy RE displays. I teach in 6 rooms across 2 sites (on a 50%timetable!). One
class has 3 lessons in 3 rooms. Display? Eek #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:40

tonycassidy: @carolinebreyley agreed- would love to see more primary geography #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:40

chickensaltash: @realllara sorry I always call misunderstandings etc as bashing he he - haven't used the
word BASHING in years sorry! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:40

Natty08: When I was in 2ry it was so big I never settled wish i had of been kept in a diff part till was
more settled #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:40

alexfindlayVLE: #ukedchat Just joined.. Anyone mentioned use of vle to assist transition stage and coms
between schools?
8/26/2010 20:40

chickensaltash: @ForesterJo yes cool - never a dull moment on #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:40

cliffmanning: RT @Natty08: I...I just don't have much to say tonight #ukedchat I really dont know what
happens in secondary >isnt that the issue here?
8/26/2010 20:41

NSRiazat: @DrAshCasey Good point re: people or subjects. #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:41

dailydenouement: RT @alexfindlayVLE: #ukedchat Just joined.. Anyone mentioned use of vle to assist
transition stage and coms between schools? << Great idea!
8/26/2010 20:41

familysimpson: #ukedchat discussing with arts centre director about non teachers being more involved with
teaching - he on CfE panel - financially neces?
8/26/2010 20:41

MissBrannan: #ukedchat I was talking with @islayian about this and he had an idea of the hs employing
someone to teach a language in all feeder ps...
8/26/2010 20:41

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SkoorBttaM: RT @katie_hague: RT @colport: Is there a CPD need for people to visit the opposite
school? (primary -> secondary), or vice-versa? #ukedchat > Absolutely!
8/26/2010 20:41

JoanneC23: @Natty08 me neither! I loved primary, didn't love secondary so much! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:41

katie_hague: @daviderogers Ooh, tricky! How have you managed to win them over I had some middle
leader training which helped deal with blockers #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:41

colport: What can we learn from each other? #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:41

lisibo: I took ideas from teaching sec into pri - just adapted! learning from one another is what we
encourage in kids. Why not us too? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:41

chickensaltash: Any sec teachers working with all primary teachers in area collaborating on projects & joint
CPD? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:41

TheHeadsOffice: @tonycassidy If 2yr teachers are not to do displays what about the support staff. Have
you got lots of them? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:41

MissSMitch: RT @alexfindlayVLE: #ukedchat Just joined.. Anyone mentioned use of vle to assist
transition stage and coms between schools? gd idea :)
8/26/2010 20:41

herrn96: RT @colport: How do we, as teachers, convince SMT's that visiting another school 1ry->
2ry is good CPD? #ukedchat >Take them to visit first!
8/26/2010 20:41

janekilpatrick: @Cgeo28 I lost a couple of green pencils and a pritt stick over about 6 months!! (still
mourning that pritt stick!!) #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:41

MissBrannan: #ukedchat to support transition into hs and give them a familiar face.
8/26/2010 20:42

realllara: How do 2ry ensure that chn with behaviour needs are understood & supported?
Communication & relationship building must be tricky? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:42

squiggle7: @cliffmanning @Natty08 I live with a 2ndry teacher and I don't even know! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:42

carolrainbow: @janekilpatrick @tonycassidy #ukedchat others must use the rooms too, I am sure it
would be possible to have room reposibilities for display
8/26/2010 20:42

familysimpson: @tonycassidy any space in the corridor - catch them on approach? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:42

TheHeadsOffice: Curriculum teams from each phase working tog can produce great results. More teachers
to spread the word! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:42

tonycassidy: @TheHeadsOffice short answer, 'no'- but its one of those things that I think people should
be free to do #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:42

Catriona_O: RT @familysimpson: #ukedchat primary / secondary joint cpd? U teach me, I teach U?

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Advertise in staff room - show fdbck - make connections!

8/26/2010 20:43

ForesterJo: RT @Natty08: I am here I just don't have much to say tonight #ukedchat I really don't
know what happens in secondary
8/26/2010 20:43

squiggle7: @alexfindlayVLE using VLE could be good idea if pri and 2dry all use same VLE
8/26/2010 20:43

ForesterJo: RT @Natty08: I am here I just don't have much to say tonight #ukedchat I really don't
know what happens in secondary - ME TOO!
8/26/2010 20:43

Natty08: @cliffmanning indeed it is the issue! I think time to shadow to understand what goes on
would be invaluable even as student #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:43

DianneSpencer: following #ukedchat with great interest. My daughter benefited greatly from y7 block - v
safe environment & pastoral tchr always available
8/26/2010 20:43

Subatomic82: “@janekilpatrick: Any good examples out there of 1ry staff spending time in 2ry school?
#ukedchat?” not me interesting to hear if there is
8/26/2010 20:43

tonycassidy: @familysimpson No- windows one side- classrooms the other- #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:43

daviderogers: @carolrainbow @tonycassidy @janekilpatrick why not let pupils own the room and be resp
for the display in it of their learning? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:43

KnikiDavies: @TheHeadsOffice Our support staff are not allowed to do displays. They have to be
working with children at all times. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:43

iamclairei: @alexfindlayVLE #ukedchat would be brilliant, if secondary were on same vle as rest of
authority (@chickensaltash not secondary bashing! ;)
8/26/2010 20:43

monietoteach: @JoanneC23 #ukedchat i felt the same. I think more needs to be done to help the
8/26/2010 20:43

colport: So, what can we learn? If 2nd'ary teachers visited primary, would you appreciate more
where pupils are coming from academically? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:44

DavidDMuir: @SkoorBttaM Re: Is there a CPD need for people to visit opposite school? #ukedchat
Even visiting teacher in the same school would be good!
8/26/2010 20:44

Mallrat_uk: @daviderogers @lisibo #ukedchat i choose to do my own secondary displays.. Well I get
my classes to do them, so they have 'ownership'!
8/26/2010 20:44

mandared: RT @tonycassidy: @carolinebreyley would love to see more primary geography <I visited
a schl who said they didn't teach it at all #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:44

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DianneSpencer: #ukedchat However on the negative side she learnt how to use ppoint in y3 & says as soon
as she walks into a ppoint lesson she switches off
8/26/2010 20:44

daviderogers: RT @TheHeadsOffice: Curriculum teams from each phase working tog can produce great
results. More teachers to spread the word! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:44

KnikiDavies: #ukedchat I get an afternoon a week PPA this year. Inspired by this am going to ask to
visit our high school and see classes in action!
8/26/2010 20:44

ForesterJo: RT @janekilpatrick: Any good examples out there of 1ry staff spending time in 2ry school?
#ukedchat? still working on trans- inf to juniors!
8/26/2010 20:44

JoanneC23: RT @realllara: How do 2ry ensure that chn with behaviour needs are understood &
supported? Communication & relationship building must be tricky? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:44

chickensaltash: an example of a transition project - all primary schools in area took part - included CPD for
all teachers! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:44

familysimpson: @sellyeve I was a pupil! (with a good memory for great teaching) - loriston primary, cove,
1988. Burnbanks project. Mrs Smith. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:44

relativism: #ukedchat a transitions teachmeet? Daytime event with school release?

8/26/2010 20:44

daviderogers: @TheHeadsOffice Nice idea! #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:44

lisibo: used to put Spanish connectives / useful expressions on the ceiling so the 'rolling eyes' had
something useful on which to focus. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:44

Ideas_Factory: @colport: What can we learn from each other? #ukedchat Loads-there is great practice in
both phases-more should b done by LAs to foster this
8/26/2010 20:44

colport: What can we learn? Would primary teachers visiting 2nd'ary colleagues appreciate their
challenges/pedagogies? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:44

aangeli: does anyone work at an all through school (4-18) here on tonights #ukedchat?
8/26/2010 20:45

daviderogers: @Mallrat_uk Displays are a tircky sticking point at my school .... ;-) #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:45

MatthewKoogler: @cliffmanning I oftn think even the distinction between years possibly a hindrance--no
where but education are ppl seperated #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:45

chickensaltash: @iamclairei he he yes that would be a good start - although we dont share VLE's we
share nings etc with primaries! same thing? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:45

cliffmanning: online year book for kids at all levels to share hopes fears and thanks at end of school #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:45

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carolrainbow: RT @daviderogers: @tonycassidy @janekilpatrick let pupils own the room and be
responsiblr for the display #ukedchat Great idea ;-)
8/26/2010 20:45

ForesterJo: RT @colport: @JoanneC23 I was really impressed with the idea at Teachmeet Blackpool.
I will try and find video link #ukedchat AGREE- was GR8
8/26/2010 20:45

Cgeo28: #ukedchat - having over 30 feeder primaries makes projects, transition support etc difficult
8/26/2010 20:45

daviderogers: I'm trying to set up a local, cross phase geography teacher network inPortsmouth, from
1ry to University #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:45

realllara: If we've not been into the other setting, how do we understand? Just like those who know
who 'know' because they went to school #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:45

SkoorBttaM: @colport The time spent filling forms in to be used for face to face meetings. More
meaningful and what happens in primary already #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:45

alexfindlayVLE: #ukedchat @iamclairei Doesn't matter if vle not same, it's about access to vle
8/26/2010 20:45

Natty08: Fact is I hated 2ry school I was lost, no one to talk to etc. I think 2ry teachers are brave!
8/26/2010 20:45

colport: Does this sort of conversation have a plae in the #ukedchat 2011 Conference planning?
8/26/2010 20:45

DianneSpencer: #ukedchat our local 2ndry sch was so impressed by quality of our marking that they've
asked to come to our sch for some marking training
8/26/2010 20:45

duckinwales: #ukedchat oops - I'm late - sorry class! Catching up as quickly as poss.
8/26/2010 20:45

tonycassidy: I would like to get rid of bells, I would also like longer lessons with students #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:45

KnikiDavies: #ukedchat I took my maths set up to the high school for a maths day - great experience
for them and me!!!
8/26/2010 20:45

dailydenouement: @colport Yes. Think would be good to see lesson structure & take on board the 'lingo'
used.Would aid transition & improve teaching #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:46

herrn96: RT @alexfindlayVLE: #ukedchat Anyone mentioned use of vle to assist transition stage
and coms btw schools? Great potential. Cross-phase VLE?
8/26/2010 20:46

daviderogers: @carolrainbow @tonycassidy @janekilpatrick then teachers can move - as long as rooms
are equal in equip access #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:46

JoanneC23: @monietoteach do you think we should visit 2ry on pgce? Even a day or 2 would be
beneficial! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:46

daviderogers: RT @tonycassidy: I would like to get rid of bells, I would also like longer lessons with

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students #ukedchat >> Yes!!

8/26/2010 20:46

colport: @Ideas_Factory I fear that the role of the LA is diminishing though! Sounds ideal.
8/26/2010 20:46

mandared: RT @TheHeadsOffice: @tonycassidy displays-what about the support staff.Have you got
lots of them? <to support students,not teachrs #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:46

familysimpson: @sellyeve my advice would be to brainstorm then see who can help with expertise, give
yourself time and make it exciting! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:46

aangeli: RT @DianneSpencer: #ukedchat our local 2ndry sch was so impressed by quality of our
marking that they've asked to come to our sch for some marking training
8/26/2010 20:46

MissSMitch: @colport i think that visit is essential to know what they are capable of in their own
surroundings - new environ affects perf #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:46

cleverfiend: it isn't just primaries and secondaries that are different - there are special schools too -
how do we tap all this expertise? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:46

relativism: RT @colport: Does this sort of conversation have a plae in the #ukedchat 2011
Conference planning? << yes without a doubt
8/26/2010 20:46

daviderogers: @KnikiDavies was that easy to set up? Sounds like a great idea - we always go to the 1ry
8/26/2010 20:46

TheHeadsOffice: @tonycassidy Are 2yr staff discouraged from doing display? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:46

lisibo: RT @carolrainbow: RT @daviderogers: @tonycassidy @janekilpatrick let pupils own the

room and be responsiblr for the display #ukedchat Great idea ;-)
8/26/2010 20:47

DrAshCasey: RT @chickensaltash: an example of transition primary schools in area took part - included
CPD for teachers! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:47

mandared: RT @mandared: RT @tonycassidy: @carolinebreyley geography <I visited a schl who

said they didnt teach it at all (they were lying) #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:47

familysimpson: @tonycassidy open plan? Dividers? #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:47

dailydenouement: RT @KnikiDavies: #ukedchat get an afternoon a week PPA this year. Inspired by this am
going to ask to visit high school & see classes <Fab!
8/26/2010 20:47

tonycassidy: I'd also like to have a floor sitting area in my classrom, I'd love to introduce a topic in this
way #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:47

janekilpatrick: @colport I spent time in 1ries last year. Eye-opening re amount of active, student-led
learning. Wd learn skills students have #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:47

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chickensaltash: brill advice @daviderogers I have used blastfollow to follow all tweeps on #ukedchat make
sure you do it too!
8/26/2010 20:47

colport: Is the best idea for each area to organise Teachmeet, in a small, manageable way to
encourage collaboration of ideas? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:47

lisibo: @colport - I think so - I think time spent cross phase discussions would be time well spent!
8/26/2010 20:47

DavidDMuir: Is it helpful that new PGDE course at Jordanhill is unified? (I.E. students follow same
course and work in cross sector groups.) #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:47

aangeli: @colport I was just going to suggest that! Would be a great topic for the #ukedchat 2011
conference! :)
8/26/2010 20:47

pete_mulvey: @squiggle7 @alexfindlayVLE in Scotland we have Glow to allow communication in VLEs

between pri & sec. Worked well #Glowscotland #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:47

KnikiDavies: RT @realllara: If we've not been into the other setting, how do we understand? Just like
those who know who 'know' because they went to school #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:47

SkoorBttaM: @DavidDMuir It'd be nice to start in the same school yeh! Needs a push at LA level though
to get everyone moving #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:47

Natty08: Perhaps as uni training you should go into other sector and spend time observing and
learning from others - perfect time #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:47

dailydenouement: RT @JoanneC23: @monietoteach do you think we should visit 2ry on pgce? Even a day or
2 would be beneficial! #ukedchat << Yes. V useful
8/26/2010 20:47

monietoteach: @JoanneC23 #ukedchat that would be great. Especially as it has changed so much since
we were at school. Think it would help.
8/26/2010 20:47

Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat VLE use?I tried to float the idea that a 2dary hosted the VLE and all their
feeders use it.Now that would be colaboration!
8/26/2010 20:47

katie_hague: @herrn96 We're linking primary eportfolios to secondary vle, good way for chn to share
work. #ukedchat. Also, some y6/7 forums to ease fears
8/26/2010 20:48

chickensaltash: @kathleensorrell hey robots are good are they not - kids won't misbehave if they are not
allowed to think or work creatively lol! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:48

DianneSpencer: #ukedchat Do any primaries show pupil books to secondary schools?

8/26/2010 20:48

mandared: RT @janekilpatrick: @Cgeo28 (Baskets) I lost a couple of green pencils and a pritt stick
over about 6 months!!<OK, stealing this! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:48

relativism: @JoanneC23 @monietoteach I have gone for transition days the past 3 yrs it's great exp

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(p7 pupils follow S1 timetable for 2 days) #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:48

wizenedcrone: @tonycassidy We have no bells at our school and it's fantastic. Lessons = 1 hour.
8/26/2010 20:48

MissSMitch: RT @colport: Does this sort of conversation have a plae in the #ukedchat 2011
Conference planning? >> definately!
8/26/2010 20:48

ForesterJo: RT @DavidDMuir: @SkoorBttaM Re: Is there a CPD nd for people to visit opposite
school? #ukedchat visiting tchr in the same schl would be gd!
8/26/2010 20:48

Mallrat_uk: #ukedchat I think 2ry teachers underestimate chldn! I see work my mum does with Y4/5
and it's beyond where we start them in Y7 sci!
8/26/2010 20:48

alexfindlayVLE: #ukedchat for transition, if vle not same, secondary can create access for pupils before
they arrive (summer term) - great summer term proj
8/26/2010 20:48

realllara: RT @tonycassidy: I would like to get rid of bells, I would also like longer lessons with
students #ukedchat How long are lessons? We do 1hr
8/26/2010 20:48

daviderogers: @TheHeadsOffice our school are - we have a highly active union membership #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:48

familysimpson: RT @chickensaltash: an example of a transition project - all primary schools in area took
part - included CPD for all teachers! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:48

sellyeve: would love to have a ukedchat on problem/project based learning! #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:48

chickensaltash: @tonycassidy yes I would also love to have a sleep in the floor sitting area too! #ukedchat
he he (tongue in cheek!)
8/26/2010 20:48

janekilpatrick: @tonycassidy But we can do that - just shove all the desks to the side and away you go!!
NOt perfect but hey! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:48

KnikiDavies: @daviderogers They're an academy so think they had funding - they sent a coach to
collect us and we had use of the ICT suite. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:48

carolrainbow: @Natty08 #ukedchat - we had to do that when I trained - but that was a long time ago :-(
8/26/2010 20:49

herrn96: RT @DianneSpencer: #ukedchat on the -ve side she learnt how to use ppt in y3 as soon
as she walks into a ppt lesson switches off >
8/26/2010 20:49

squiggle7: @pete_mulvey unfortunately it's not that joined up down here. Lots of schools choose their
own so not necessarily compatible #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:49

colport: I thought this #ukedchat was going to be a tough one, but I have gained so much. We have
10 minutes remaining.
8/26/2010 20:49

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daviderogers: I think it's all about getting time to talk to one another -what about joint Inset days between
2ry and feeders? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:49

cliffmanning: RT @JoanneC23: @monietoteach do you think we should visit 2ry on pgce? #ukedchat
>i'm surprised this doesnt happen anyway
8/26/2010 20:49

SkoorBttaM: RT @janekilpatrick: Any good examples out there of 1ry staff spending time in 2ry school?
8/26/2010 20:49

familysimpson: Transition groups need to have positive teachers, not posessive teachers. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:49

Cgeo28: #ukedchat - on my 2ry PGCE I spent first week at 1ry but then never focussed on again.
Have things changed?
8/26/2010 20:49

daviderogers: @chickensaltash @tonycassidy I trialed a 'soft' zone #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:49

iamclairei: @alexfindlayVLE #ukedchat in the past we've kept some access open for past pupils but
not spoken2 2ry about access to theirs.might look in2
8/26/2010 20:49

Catriona_O: #ukedchat is there too much focus on literacy(language) and numeracy(maths ) in primary?
Given comments on geog? Same couldd b said 4 ML
8/26/2010 20:49

realllara: @Natty08 I try to encourage my NQTs to use their time to visit secondary. Ideal
opportunity #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:49

Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat Just a warning but my primary feeds into 2 academy 2dry. No communication-
little transition and very insular...
8/26/2010 20:49

lisacov19: RT @Cgeo28: #ukedchat - having over 30 feeder primaries makes projects, transition
support etc difficult << & being a 1ary with 10 different
8/26/2010 20:49

chickensaltash: @DianneSpencer yes we swap books in transitions meetings worked extremely well in
science! Also jointly levelled work with APP etc #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:49

trudianns: 1ry and 2ry should work together were developing better links with ours using their ast's
were lucky were physically very close #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:49

familysimpson: RT @colport: Is the best idea for each area to organise Teachmeet, in a small,
manageable way to encourage collaboration of ideas? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:50

herrn96: RT @chickensaltash: an example of a transition project - all primary schools in area took
part - included CPD for all teachers! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:50

familysimpson: @colport #ukedchat yes!

8/26/2010 20:50

MissSMitch: @Natty08 - I had to - it was a great start to the PGCE #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:50

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clairelowe2: RT @clairelowe2: @DianneSpencer we are presenting on a4l techniques at our local 2ry
sept 6 inset as they were imp with kids work #Ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:50

carolrainbow: @daviderogers that sounds good to me - a carousel of subjects maybe #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:50

colport: @sellyeve You can add your idea for future #ukedchat discussion ideas on the wiki
wallwisher #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:50

JoanneC23: @relativism @monietoteach love that idea, will try find a day to squeeze it in, or pitch to
tutors! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:50

daviderogers: Do many 1ry and 2ry teachers have teacher desks? I don't in my 2ry classroom.
8/26/2010 20:50

Mallrat_uk: @JoanneC23 @monietoteach 2ry PGCE have to visit primary as part of their standards!!
8/26/2010 20:50

sellyeve: @familysimpson thanks for the link! #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:50

dailydenouement: RT @APrimaryNQT: @dailydenouement We had to spend 2 days in sec on our GTP

course #ukedchat < We had to do week in primary. It was great.
8/26/2010 20:50

katie_hague: RT @daviderogers: what about joint Inset days between 2ry and feeders? #ukedchat .
sounds fab!
8/26/2010 20:50

herrn96: RT @relativism: #ukedchat a transitions teachmeet? Daytime event with school release? >
a transitions hashtag! Cool!
8/26/2010 20:50

DianneSpencer: RT @chickensaltash: @DianneSpencer yes we swap books in transitions meetings

worked extremely well in science! Also jointly levelled work with APP etc #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:50

Natty08: @carolrainbow I think it would be good! Maybe have a child to shadow so you would see
their timetable and a range of lessons #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:50

clairelowe2: RT @clairelowe2: @aangeli worked in a 3-18 in Saudi vg #Ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:50

cliffmanning: some more examples podcasts and interviews by kids in yr 6 visiting 2ry school and
sharing with family etc #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:51

familysimpson: RT @cleverfiend: it isn't just primaries and secondaries that are different - there are
special schools too - how do we tap all this expertise? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:51

tonycassidy: We have 45 minute lessons, love doubles #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:51

clairelowe2: RT @clairelowe2: @colport I have done that with a focus on pedagogy not subject
8/26/2010 20:51

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NSRiazat: @dailydenouement @JoanneC23 @monietoteach #ukedchat ~ had to do a 2 week

placement as prerequisite before #PGCE.
8/26/2010 20:51

monietoteach: RT @cliffmanning: RT @JoanneC23: @monietoteach do you think we should visit 2ry on

pgce? #ukedchat 2ry sometimes have to go to primary.
8/26/2010 20:51

daviderogers: How much X-phase exp did people get during training? I had to do 2 weeks as a condition
of enrollment #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:51

chickensaltash: @colport wow is there going to be a UKEDCHAT conference? #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:51

tj007: Looking at my timetable for next year, I can see a few opportunities to visit 1ry schools (in
potential 'gained' time). #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:51

Mallrat_uk: My old school had SEN primary students up to school summer camp to help with transition
8/26/2010 20:51

KnikiDavies: #ukedchat Primary is quite weighted towards lit & maths but I think it needs to be as
without them you can't do other subjects as easily
8/26/2010 20:51

carolinebreyley: #ukedchat I think we have got quite good at "social" transition but worry not gd enough at
sharing knowledge of skills etc
8/26/2010 20:51

clairelowe2: @janekilpatrick we linked up depts and visited each other teaching. Learning walks worked
well which moves it away from subjects, #Ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:51

Ideas_Factory: @Cgeo28 #ukedchat Thats why communication should be paramount-LA should devise
city wide transition and all should be on same dates
8/26/2010 20:51

monietoteach: RT @Mallrat_uk: @JoanneC23 @monietoteach 2ry PGCE have to visit primary as part of
their standards!! #ukedchat yeh but 1ry should do 2ry !
8/26/2010 20:52

tonycassidy: I want a soft zone with bean bags #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:52

Catriona_O: @daviderogers #ukedchat I think in Scotland we manage assoc school group meetings
reasonably well - easier, when less choice of schl?
8/26/2010 20:52

TheHeadsOffice: @colport Is that curriculum area or geographical? #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:52

chickensaltash: @daviderogers I had to do at least one day in a primary -but since teaching have spent
weeks in diff roles which has been awesome! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:52

DavidDMuir: @relativism RE A TeachMeet for pupils? Interesting! Pupils set the
agenda and deliver what's needed. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:52

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dailydenouement: RT @daviderogers: Do many 1ry and 2ry teachers have teacher desks? I don't in my 2ry
classroom. #ukedchat << I've a desk.I'd be lost w/out
8/26/2010 20:52

herrn96: RT @katie_hague: We're linking 1ry eportfolios to 2ry vle, good way for chn to share
work. #ukedchat. Also, y6/7 forums to ease fears > Yes!
8/26/2010 20:52

mandared: @realllara: How do 2ry ensure chn with bhvr needs are understood & supported?
Comm&relationship building must be tricky? <Badly! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:52

ForesterJo: RT @tonycassidy: I'd also like to have a floor sitting area in my classrom, I'd love to
introduce a topic in this way #ukedchat GREAT IDEA
8/26/2010 20:52

aangeli: think brighton and hove have all their primary and secondary insets on the same days for
this reason #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:52

tonycassidy: Floor learning is underrated - maps out, belly on floor... great #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:52

janekilpatrick: @daviderogers me too but that was it. Pretty well last mention of primary. Of course, I did
PGCE in dark ages! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:52

chickensaltash: RT @lisibo: @chickensaltash when pregnant, I took my own roll up mattress to school and
had a lie down at lunchtime. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:52

TheHeadsOffice: RT @SkoorBttaM: @DavidDMuir It'd be nice to start in the same school yeh! Needs a
push at LA level though to get everyone moving #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:52

daviderogers: @tonycassidy we have 2 hour long doubles, but it kills the kids #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:52

Joga5: @daviderogers #ukedchat Have been to several in two different schools but not
appreciated by 2ry staff as not subject related
8/26/2010 20:52

Sport_ed: RT @daviderogers: what about joint Inset days between 2ry and feeders? #ukedchat
>have excellent experiences of this
8/26/2010 20:52

sellyeve: @tonycassidy timetable flexibility will always be more restricted in secondary than primary
don't you think #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:52

deerwood: How often do prim and sec staff get time together to just chat or share? Or do they just
live in separate world? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:52

pete_mulvey: @squiggle7 We're lucky to have #Glowscotland but not enough teachers make use of it's
potential. Starting to happen though. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:52

clairelowe2: @tonycassidy is it more induvidualised targets, avoiding personalization cliche! at 1ry?

There are no hiding places 4 kids #Ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:52

colport: @chickensaltash You didn't know about the #ukedchat 2011 Conference? See
/bgWRZF for details, and your input ;-)

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8/26/2010 20:52

iamclairei: @daviderogers not really.just computer desk for laptop. Never sit there though! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:53

alexfindlayVLE: @Natty08 shadowing a child in secondary is such an eyeopener. I almost felt sorry for my
pupils... #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:53

JoanneC23: RT @janekilpatrick: Any good examples out there of 1ry staff spending time in 2ry school?
8/26/2010 20:53

colport: @clairelowe2 Sounds good, and very necessary #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:53

ForesterJo: RT @janekilpatrick: @colport In prim Eye-opening re amount of active, student-led

learning. - we are working very hard on this! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:53

trudianns: Having to duck out now #ukedchat will catch up later

8/26/2010 20:53

duckinwales: RT @DavidDMuir: @relativism RE A TeachMeet for pupils?

Interesting! Pupils set the agenda and deliver what's needed. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:53

tonycassidy: @sellyeve completely agree #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:53

NSRiazat: @aangeli That's a good idea - shared PD time. #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:53

realllara: Good if ITT providers found a way of supporting. We get 2ry trainees visiting us in last 2
weeks of term, not best experience #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:53

Mallrat_uk: @monietoteach @joannec23 I completely agree #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:53

Smichael920: @katie_hague we had similar experience w/well intentioned support from local sec. They
weren't ready 4 r children's blogging! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:53

rantingteacher: I feel sorry for new year 7s. Primary schools are lovely and most secondary schools seem
so grim in comparison! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:53

MissSMitch: RT @Sport_ed: RT @daviderogers: what about joint Inset days between 2ry and feeders?
#ukedchat >have excellent experiences of this
8/26/2010 20:53

Natty08: @alexfindlayVLE I can imagine! #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:54

carolrainbow: @tonycassidy It is brilliant - a huge part of primary school life. BSF looked like big spaces
and bean bags - would have been good #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:54

JoanneC23: @Cgeo28 as 1ry pgce I don't have to go near a 2ry, but think this is wrong I'm sure it
would be beneficial #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:54

colport: @TheHeadsOffice geographical, to encourage more local collaboration. Teachmeet

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Blackpool was a local success, #ukedchat #tmpool

8/26/2010 20:54

mandared: RT @colport: Does this sort of conversation have a plae in the #ukedchat 2011
Conference planning? <Yes!!! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:54

daviderogers: @Joga5 All 2ry want is 'time in departments' although it did day 8 hours to moderate
GCSE coursework last year #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:54

tonycassidy: RT @rantingteacher: feel sorry for new year 7s. Primary schools are lovely and most
secondary schools seem so grim in comparison! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:54

Ideas_Factory: @colport #ukedchat Agreed even more pressing to use funding or links with schools as LA
8/26/2010 20:54

sellyeve: @ForesterJo we are too - but want to take this to a new level! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:54

ForesterJo: RT @DianneSpencer: #ukedchat Do any primaries show pupil books to secondary

8/26/2010 20:54

herrn96: There are many things schools can share to encourage cross-phase visits[bunsen burners,
ICT suites, independent classes in action] #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:54

tonycassidy: @rantingteacher ha ha #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:54

janekilpatrick: @ForesterJo Have you seen the "banana seat"? Comfy tiered seating big enough for a
class? Looking for weblink to it...#ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:54

daviderogers: RT @tonycassidy: Floor learning is underrated - maps out, belly on floor... great
#ukedchat >> def! As is outside time, sitting round chatt
8/26/2010 20:55

colport: Is there scope for secondary teachers to try 'student-led learning' activities? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:55

familysimpson: @sellyeve it flowed quite effortlessly, it was locally important and was about to be
redeveloped so recording history of site 1st #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:55

TheHeadsOffice: I agree that special sch & PRUs have lots to share! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:55

mandared: RT @tonycassidy: I would like to get rid of bells, I would also like longer lessons with
students <visited a 2ry with no bells :-) #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:55

MissBrannan: #ukedchat I spent time in 2ry as part of pgce I'm 1ry and followed one class round for 2
days was a good part of training and only 3yrs ago
8/26/2010 20:55

Mallrat_uk: @deerwood they live in separate worlds!! Hence the chat tonight. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:55

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daviderogers: @JfB57 One word - diplomas. 1 class comes from a tripple in ICT to me for a double
8/26/2010 20:55

DrAshCasey: How much thought do we give to the transition from secondary to higher Ed or work?
8/26/2010 20:55

Cgeo28: RT @daviderogers: @tonycassidy we have 2 hour long doubles, but it kills the kids
#ukedchat >> we have triples for GCSE geography -difficult
8/26/2010 20:55

rantingteacher: Oh and the best school I ever worked in was a middle school: year 5 educated with one
teacher, years 6-8 with subject specialists #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:55

colport: How easy is it to transfer from being a primary school teacher to become a secondary
school teacher. Would this be frowned upon? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:55

familysimpson: @sellyeve you, pupils, colleagues, whoever you think can have valuable input! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:55

Baggiepr: @Ariellah Good mentoring idea sec to pri #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:55

deafdotty: @dailydenouement I don't have a desk in my KS1 class #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:56

Catriona_O: #ukedchat why is it so hard to build on what they know already?

8/26/2010 20:56

mandared: RT @JoanneC23: @monietoteach do you think we should visit 2ry on pgce? Even a day or
2 would be beneficial! <amazed you don't! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:56

ForesterJo: RT @wizenedcrone: @tonycassidy no bells at our schl it's fantastic. Lessons 1 hour.
#ukedchat Thnk for some chdn this still not long enough!
8/26/2010 20:56

Cgeo28: RT @JoanneC23: @Cgeo28 as 1ry pgce I don't have to go near a 2ry, but think this is
wrong I'm sure it would be beneficial #ukedchat >> agree
8/26/2010 20:56

KnikiDavies: @TheHeadsOffice #ukedchat Oh definitely! I visited a local special school and I loved the
atmosphere and learnt a lot
8/26/2010 20:56

daviderogers: @Cgeo28 Ouch! I would lose the will to live let alone the children! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:56

TheHeadsOffice: @rantingteacher We have lots of new academies. Buildings are fab! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:56

katie_hague: Found this #ukedchat absolutely fascinating! Real insight into 'other side', will def make
more effort to get in sec schools & not assume.
8/26/2010 20:56

MissSMitch: RT @colport: Is there scope for secondary teachers to try 'student-led learning' activities?
Nearly bt new specs are making it hrd #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:56

monietoteach: @monietoteach @joannec23 #ukedchat only had to spend two weeks in a 1ry but i spent
more. 2ry should be compulsory as well.

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8/26/2010 20:56

carolrainbow: @colport I did the other way round - secondary to primary :-) that was good! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:57

colport: I must admit, I love the IT/drama/music capabilities within secondary schools? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:57

familysimpson: @sellyeve #ukedchat 2nd was interviewing of old residents, developers, then photo
collage, drawings, baking with resident visit, writing
8/26/2010 20:57

tonycassidy: recent visit to primary school- yr8 produced books to read to infants, then did activities, I
nodded off on a bean bag- lovely #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:57

alexfindlayVLE: @mandared @tonycassidy #ukedchat Bells/No bells - made no difference in my school

when they were removed...Children just disputed the time
8/26/2010 20:57

dailydenouement: RT @deafdotty: @dailydenouement I don't have a desk in my KS1 class #ukedchat <<
Mine is filled with nail varnish remover pads - essential!
8/26/2010 20:57

daviderogers: @colport I know a few who have made the change, no stigma that I know of #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:57

TheHeadsOffice: @colport Excellent! Teachmmet Bristol anyone? #ukedchat

8/26/2010 20:57

chickensaltash: @colport yes probably - think it is awesome what you guys are doing with this! Much
needed a #ukedchat conf!
8/26/2010 20:57

mandared: RT @TheHeadsOffice: @tonycassidy Are 2yr staff discouraged from doing display? <Not
that I've seen #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:57

colport: @MissSMitch It's a shame I suppose. Dis scraping KS3 SATs allow more freedom
8/26/2010 20:57

theokk: unlikely much will change till the exam system changes, key drivers of 2ry are subject
based exams and that determines culture #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:58

Sport_ed: Spent wk at 1ry school as part of my PGCE-was done at start and gave me gd insight
before entering sec schools for 1st time #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:58

ianinsheffield: RT @DrAshCasey How much thought do we give to the transition from secondary to
higher Ed or work? #ukedchat <- how true!
8/26/2010 20:58

familysimpson: @katie_hague if you make it to Aberdeenshire you are very welcome to visit! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:58

JoanneC23: RT @rantingteacher: I feel sorry for new year 7s. Primary schools are lovely and most
secondary schools seem so grim in comparison! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:58

herrn96: Used to enjoy running a 'Passport to Secondary' Day for all partner school students. Lots
of Y7 helping Y6 mates, dispelling myths #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:58

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lduffy85: #ukedchat as part of our INSET our HT arranged a visit to other pri schs to see practise
etc, will try to persuade to do same but in 2ry
8/26/2010 20:58

alexfindlayVLE: #ukedchat I used to do transition project with skype -1pr pupils skype 2ry pupils from their
feeder school :)
8/26/2010 20:58

daviderogers: I find that it's easy to make KS3 more akin to 1ry, but harder at GCSE with a spec as long
as my arm to get through #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:58

rantingteacher: Most I learnt was working with primary cluster colleagues on levelling work Made me
realise how low our expectations can be in yr7 #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:58

Mallrat_uk: @colport not frowned upon.As long as you can convince school in your application &
interview. You can go 2ry to 1st & vice versa! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:58

realllara: @mandared Hmm... We've sent vulnerable kids up who we had to work hard with and they
were then excluded. Sad but understandable #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:58

ForesterJo: RT @KnikiDavies: #ukedchat Primary is quite weighted towards lit & maths - yes but hink
more time nds be spent on PSHCE esp at beg of year!
8/26/2010 20:58

janekilpatrick: @clairelowe2 Learning walks are great! We've started cross-phase but want to build on it.
Time is big factor #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:58

MissSMitch: @colport replaced with APP which is v. complex for eng so not really at the min! :(
8/26/2010 20:58

TheHeadsOffice: @daviderogers Blimey! I'm glad your room & lessons are fab!! ;) #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:58

Ideas_Factory: @IaninSheffield #ukedchat AllSaints-not sure they share VLE but have very close links-
slightly easier cause of Catholic status-not many fdrs
8/26/2010 20:58

Subatomic82: “@tonycassidy: recent visit to primary school- yr8 produced books to read to infants, then
did activities, #ukedchat excellent idea
8/26/2010 20:59

JoanneC23: RT @daviderogers: RT @tonycassidy: Floor learning is underrated - maps out, belly on

floor... great #ukedchat >> def! As is outside time, sitting round chatt
8/26/2010 20:59

monietoteach: @mandared @JoanneC23 @monietoteach #ukedchat me too! Maybe because of time

constraints? Not sure why!
8/26/2010 20:59

ukedchat: This is the 9 o'clock notification. Thank you for participating in #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:59

familysimpson: @DrAshCasey #ukedchat I link with universities and watch their course changes - if my
pupils are I'll prepared for higher ed I'm at fault
8/26/2010 20:59

sellyeve: @familysimpson - v. interesting that this was possible in a secondary context - what's your
subject area if u don't mind me asking #ukedchat

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8/26/2010 20:59

Mallrat_uk: @rantingteacher exactly what i said earlier.. Way too low sometimes #ukedchat
8/26/2010 20:59

Catriona_O: #ukedchat I've seen beanbags in secondary too - used well w (truly)dissafected MLclass,
loads of AIFL & Personalised learning @tonycassidy
8/26/2010 20:59

missbrownsword: looks like I missed #ukedchat again, what was the topic?
8/26/2010 20:59

chickensaltash: @MissSMitch @colport not alot of scope for sec teach to do student led learn but many of
us do - here is eg #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:00

ukedchat: @colport was your host moderator this evening. #ukedchat

8/26/2010 21:00

carolinebreyley: @Natty08 love idea of shadowing S1 - would get chance to see what we need to prepare
them for #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:00

TheHeadsOffice: @MissSMitch Would 2yr staff be nervous about student led learning? #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:00

TheNewHead: Just got here as it's ending - have to be more organised next week! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:00

tj007: RT @alexfindlayVLE: #ukedchat I used to do transition project with skype -1pr pupils
skype 2ry pupils from their feeder school <-- might try
8/26/2010 21:00

Catriona_O: Loads more questions than answers tonight I think!#ukedchat

8/26/2010 21:00

dailydenouement: RT @ukedchat: This is the 9 o'clock notification. Thank you for participating in #ukedchat
<< Much food for thought! Thanks all.
8/26/2010 21:00

daviderogers: @TheHeadsOffice I try my best , but it is hard going at GCSE level #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:00

rantingteacher: Yes! Vital! RT @colport Does this sort of conversation have a plae in the #ukedchat 2011
Conference planning?
8/26/2010 21:00

theotheralig: Joining right at the end - I don't have a teacher table #ukedchat in Junior School
8/26/2010 21:00

colport: Wow. An amazing #ukedchat tonight. Hope you enjoyed it. The archive pulling will start at
8/26/2010 21:00

DavidDMuir: @deerwood RE Tchrs in general cn be isolated & unaware of wht is

going on next door. Time 2 talk v important! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:00

ForesterJo: RT @sellyeve: @ForesterJo we are 2-but want to take this to a new level!#ukedchat US
TOO- hoping forest school ethos and days wll lead way!
8/26/2010 21:01

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mandared: RT @daviderogers: How much X-phase exp did people get during training? I had to do 2
weeks as a condition of enrollment <1 day #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:01

carolrainbow: Next week's #ukedchat poll here please vote as soon as possible :-)
8/26/2010 21:01

dailydenouement: RT @ukedchat: @colport was your host moderator this evening. #ukedchat <<< And thank
you kindly @colport, sir! Jolly good show.
8/26/2010 21:01

chickensaltash: Really enjoying following the tweets and feed from #ukedchat but haven't got any of the
work done that I was going to do lol
8/26/2010 21:01

alexfindlayVLE: @tj007 worked a treat! - Familiar faces in 2ry #ukedchat

8/26/2010 21:01

duckinwales: What single item would you take away from tonights #ukedchat?
8/26/2010 21:01

cliffmanning: RT @ukedchat: @colport was your host moderator this evening. #ukedchat > thanks
8/26/2010 21:01

MissSMitch: #ukedchat Learnt lots 2nite. Thanks you lot! V. inspired to make cross phase links in Sept!
8/26/2010 21:01

colport: If you return to school next week, and want to share #ukedchat you can print
/9ln6gf flyer to share on s/room board?
8/26/2010 21:01

tonycassidy: @Catriona_O I'm tempted to get bean bags- but it would be frowned upon, like my
magnetic dart door #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:01

Catriona_O: @dailydenouement thank you too!#ukedchat

8/26/2010 21:01

KnikiDavies: @ForesterJo Yes we will be doing lots of stuff on getting on with each other, teamwork
and "how to learn well" at the start. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:01

rantingteacher: We did! RT @Natty08 Perhaps as uni training you should go into other sector and spend
time observing and learning from others #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:01

monietoteach: #ukedchat is it finished already? i enjoyed that!

8/26/2010 21:01

alexfindlayVLE: #ukedchat I missed the first 45 mins :(

8/26/2010 21:01

janekilpatrick: #ukedchat My first time here and I enjoyed it but does anyone have any tips on how on
earth to keep track of what's going on? #threadlost!!!
8/26/2010 21:01

familysimpson: @sellyeve ict but no project was primary 5 (when I was 9/10!) I did project using little big
planet last year, link coming next #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:01

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TheHeadsOffice: @Michelle_Hill has produced some excellent GCSE results with her prim ch!! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:01

chickensaltash: @ukedchat Thank you has been awesome! #ukedchat

8/26/2010 21:01

ForesterJo: RT @daviderogers: RT @tonycassidy: Floor learning underrated-maps out, belly on flr.

#ukedchat def! As is outside time, sitting round chatt
8/26/2010 21:01

daviderogers: @chickensaltash that's cos you're a slacker though ;-) #ukedchat

8/26/2010 21:01

carolrainbow: thanks everyone - another wonderful hour :-) #ukedchat

8/26/2010 21:02

DavidDMuir: @Catriona_O Questions are better than pat answers! #ukedchat

8/26/2010 21:02

herrn96: RT @daviderogers: How much X-phase exp did ppl get drng training?Had to do 2 wks as
condition of enrollment #ukedchat Yes! But not enough..?
8/26/2010 21:02

realllara: @colport Thanks for #ukedchat

8/26/2010 21:02

Subatomic82: @DrAshCasey #ukedchat it's the otherside As well getting primary to work with EYFS
8/26/2010 21:02

cliffmanning: RT @big_ben_clock: BONG BONG BONG BONG BONG BONG BONG BONG BONG
#ukedchat :)
8/26/2010 21:02

familysimpson: @sellyeve #ukedchat

8/26/2010 21:02

tonycassidy: I think secondary students miss out on the 'play' aspect of learning- everything has to be
so tight #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:02

ianinsheffield: Much to mull over from tonight's #ukedchat Will be passing the archive on to the powers
that be in both phases that I serve.
8/26/2010 21:02

colport: If you want the #ukedchat flyer as a printed leaflet, I have got
thousands. If you send me SAE, I will post out to you.
8/26/2010 21:02

dailydenouement: @janekilpatrick just wait for the archive link to be posted and re-read! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:02

Laura_987: Don't feel qualified to contribute but have enjoyed reading #ukedchat tonight. Thanks
8/26/2010 21:02

familysimpson: @katie_hague holiday?! #ukedchat

8/26/2010 21:02

sellyeve: many thanks to moderators & contributors once again. Great chat - has left me wanting to
know more!! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:02

daviderogers: RT @tonycassidy: I think secondary students miss out on the 'play' aspect of learning-
everything has to be so tight #ukedchat >> agree

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8/26/2010 21:02

colport: Thank you for participating, and keep an eye on #ukedchat through the week for resource
sharing and ideas.
8/26/2010 21:02

carolrainbow: Don;t forget next week's #ukedchat poll here :-)
8/26/2010 21:03

chickensaltash: @daviderogers yes I didn't get where I am today by doing any work! lol #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:03

relativism: RT @colport: If you want the #ukedchat flyer as a printed leaflet, I have
got thousands. If you send me SAE, I will post out to you.
8/26/2010 21:03

sellyeve: @familysimpson - great - thank you!! #ukedchat

8/26/2010 21:03

squiggle7: @colport is the poster on the wiki? don't seem to be able to download from that link
8/26/2010 21:03

cleverfiend: @janekilpatrick I use Twitterfall - it seems more fluid than Tweetdeck when following a
busy hashtag on Twitter #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:03

Ideas_Factory: RT @colport: If you return to school next week, and want to share #ukedchat you can print flyer to share on s/room board?
8/26/2010 21:03

MissSMitch: @TheHeadsOffice I would def try it! I think its worth it despite time constraints but lots of
content might mean some might #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:03

relativism: RT @colport: Thank you for participating, and keep an eye on #ukedchat through the week
for resource sharing and ideas.
8/26/2010 21:04

familysimpson: @ukedchat brilliant chat. So inspirational. Thanks all & remember to blastfollow! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:04

colport: The #ukedchat 2011 Conference is getting close to a major venue/date announcement.
Keep an eye on for information :-)
8/26/2010 21:04

carolinebreyley: @Natty08 #ukedchat Also importance of personal organisation of books equipment etc
when on move - practical skills
8/26/2010 21:04

MissSMitch: @chickensaltash Thanks will check that out :) #ukedchat

8/26/2010 21:04

hashtager: # @janekilpatrick I use Twitterfall - it seems more fluid than Tweetdeck when following a
busy hashtag on Twitter #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:04

ForesterJo: RT @Catriona_O: Loads more questions than answers tonight I think!#ukedchat

8/26/2010 21:04

herrn96: Enjoyed the discussion tonight. Lots to process. Thanks. #ukedchat

8/26/2010 21:04

JoanneC23: @monietoteach yeh not much time, but we have to do alternative placement in

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museum/gallery/library do u do that too? #ukedchat

8/26/2010 21:04

daviderogers: Thank you all for interesting #ukedchat good lrning frm 1ry colleagues, have a renewed
respect for you. 2ry just messed up your good work?
8/26/2010 21:04

duckinwales: @colport #ukedchat flyer - very useful - will distribute to staff

8/26/2010 21:04

colport: @squiggle7 Oh, you can click on the poster at and should download as
PDF on your computer #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:04

familysimpson: @janekilpatrick #ukedchat wait 15 mins and tweetlog will be posted so you can catch up
with those missed! Glad you enjoyed it!
8/26/2010 21:05

tj007: After tonight's #ukedchat I really want to connect with feeder 1ry schools and tchrs (& for
me to understand more about 1ry Maths teaching)
8/26/2010 21:05

TheHeadsOffice: @chickensaltash This is the best 'work' you can do on your holidays! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:05

aangeli: tweeps 'The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery'- Mark Van Doren. Always a
pleasure discovering with u all :-) #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:05

carolinebreyley: RT @pete_mulvey: @squiggle7 We're lucky to have #Glowscotland #ukedchat <- enjoy
the Nat Glowmeets for upperprim/sec - feel v inclusive
8/26/2010 21:05

carolrainbow: vote for next week's #ukedchat discussion

8/26/2010 21:05

Baggiepr: RT @daviderogers: I'm trying to set up a local, cross phase geography teacher network
inPortsmouth, from 1ry to University #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:05

squiggle7: @colport thank you :) other one just being stubborn! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:06

LesLinks: @TheHeadsOffice Hi Leslinks here.. just droppin' in for a peek.. hope that's ok??
8/26/2010 21:06

TheHeadsOffice: Yet again it's just past 9pm on Thursday & I'm exhausted!! Thank you all - it was fab!
8/26/2010 21:06

tonycassidy: Thanks all #ukedchat

8/26/2010 21:06

JoanneC23: #ukedchat inspired me to get myself into a secondary for a day or two before my pgce,
thanks tweeps!
8/26/2010 21:06

ForesterJo: @cleverfiend @janekilpatrick I use Tweetdeck and follow #ukedchat

8/26/2010 21:07

daviderogers: I love the way that #ukedchat participants react so well to my devils advocate comments -
opens up debate.
8/26/2010 21:07

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daviderogers: @chickensaltash You know what they say, the higher up the ladder.... #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:07

monietoteach: @JoanneC23 #ukedchat would love to do this also but won't have any time! aaaargh!
8/26/2010 21:08

cleverfiend: Thanks to those UK Science teachers who answered my Q's on what should follow a 2yr
KS3 here --> #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:08

chrisleach78: Hopefully i'll make an #ukedchat in the future - keep missing them
8/26/2010 21:08

JaneDavis13: RT @colport: @chickensaltash You didn't know about the #ukedchat 2011 Conference?
See for details, and your input ;-)
8/26/2010 21:09

mandared: Phew! Struggled to keep up for a while there, but made it, just!! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:09

Baggiepr: Thanks for an interesting #ukedchat might see if I can get into my feeder secondaries
more to see end product. Respect to all
8/26/2010 21:09

chris_1974: Now #ukedchat is winding up if you want to be added to the #twittereducator list then
tweet that tag and I'll update in a bit.
8/26/2010 21:09

daviderogers: Don;t forget to use if you want to follow all #ukedchat particiipants
8/26/2010 21:09

ForesterJo: Great #ukedchat HEAD BUZZING AGAIN!!! so much to learn from eachother no matter the
age / subject you teach! THANKS @colport gr8 job! AGAIN
8/26/2010 21:09

mandared: RT @daviderogers: Don;t forget to use if you want to follow all
#ukedchat particiipants #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:09

cyberbrikkie: Main difference is that Primary is focused on children, learning & development: Secondary
on content - deals in generalities. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:10

chickensaltash: @JoanneC23 if you want to pop down to cornwall you are always welcome! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:10

relativism: Thanks to all for another great #ukedchat

8/26/2010 21:10

chickensaltash: RT @daviderogers: Don;t forget to use if you want to follow all
#ukedchat particiipants
8/26/2010 21:10

colport: Next week's #ukedchat poll is already available at hosted by

8/26/2010 21:10

mandared: @monietoteach You can ask - you should have plenty of time in your first term #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:10

NSRiazat: #ukedchat Many thanks everyone...useful discussion as always. #twittereducator

8/26/2010 21:10

cliffmanning: RT @carolrainbow: vote for next week's #ukedchat discussion

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8/26/2010 21:10

chickensaltash: @cyberbrikkie ha ha not all sec are focused on content you should visit my school or my
classroom! #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:11

squiggle7: RT @colport Next week's #ukedchat poll is already available at hosted
by @carolrainbow
8/26/2010 21:11

Ideas_Factory: Luckily for me-the Shambala festival was postponed today because of weather(going
Fri)Meant I could #ukedchat & what a brilliant one too!
8/26/2010 21:11

alexfindlayVLE: #ukedchat #i'm looking for a #moodle courses repository, to add/swap/share courses at
primary school level. Please RT
8/26/2010 21:12

ForesterJo: RT @chickensaltash: @JoanneC23 if you want to pop down to cornwall you are always
welcome! #ukedchat Are you having
8/26/2010 21:12

rantingteacher: Congrats, good session even though i was dipping in and out! RT @ukedchat @colport
was your host moderator this evening. #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:12

darynsimon: missed #ukedchat due to a visit from parents. V. much look forward to going through what
looks like an interesting/ informative discussion.
8/26/2010 21:13

chickensaltash: @JoanneC23 @ForesterJo hey truly open invite - come and see the pigs and chickens &
me a giant one! ha ha #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:13

carolinebreyley: @tonycassidy Call play active learning and you are OK at any age ;)#ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:13

chrisleach78: RT @colport: Next week's #ukedchat poll is already available at

hosted by @carolrainbow
8/26/2010 21:13

colport: Thanks for your input. The archiving process is now starting, so any #ukedchat posts will
not be included.
8/26/2010 21:14

carolinebreyley: #ukedchat Thanks to @colport and all for a great hour

8/26/2010 21:14

rantingteacher: Chinese takeaway is here! Can't catch up with multitude of #ukedchat tweets, but amazed
to read of huge range of diffs in experience!
8/26/2010 21:14

dakinane: @talesofthings working on creating tagged digital stories with students #in #edtech
#edchat #elearning #onlinelearning #c21skills #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:14

duckinwales: @clairelowe2 @relativism #ukedchat - go into 6th form to deliver keyskills (now essential
skills L1-3) - idea good but not enough planning:(
8/26/2010 21:14

chickensaltash: RT @chrisleach78: RT @colport: Next week's #ukedchat poll is already available at hosted by @carolrainbow Yes jst voted
8/26/2010 21:14

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chrisleach78: #ukedchat conference looks interesting :)

8/26/2010 21:15

creativetallis: RT @tonycassidy: I think secondary students miss out on the 'play' aspect of learning-
everything has to be so tight #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:15

Smichael920: #ukedchat got guests over so hard to keep up without appearing rude! They don't tweet!!
8/26/2010 21:16

dakinane: Working at Wakaaranga today. In class with the junior classes, creating independent
e-learners #in edtech #edchat #ukedchat #elearning
8/26/2010 21:16

chickensaltash: @rantingteacher hey that was great timing just as #ukedchat finished your chinese take
away arrives - wow were they following the feed?
8/26/2010 21:16

LindaBMancha: Luckily for me-the Shambala festival was postponed today because of weather(going
Fri)Meant I could #ukedchat & what a brilliant one ...
8/26/2010 21:16

alexfindlayVLE: #ukedchat don't forget to blast follow !

8/26/2010 21:17

Smichael920: #ukedchat will have to catch up via archive!

8/26/2010 21:17

deerwood: my daily news for #ukedchat will be published some time 2moro
have a look see if your contribution gets in it
8/26/2010 21:17

MissSMitch: RT @alexfindlayVLE: #ukedchat don't forget to blast follow ! What is a blast follow?
8/26/2010 21:18

iamclairei: @colport thank you! Managed to survive first #ukedchat :)

8/26/2010 21:19

Smichael920: 1st kidsmeet in Blackpool planned for next June. Will b a good opp 2 share pri/sec learner
practice #ukedchat
8/26/2010 21:21

JoanneC23: Hello new #ukedchat followers! I am following you back, look forward to chatting :)
8/26/2010 21:21

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