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This manual is intended

as SOP for PC-windows
based application
software for configuring
Sedemacs controllers


Doc # SED-MAN-
SEDEMAC-SMART Date: 29-Aug-2016


Product Manual Revision # 00

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Table of Contents
SEDEMAC Smart Config
1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 3
2 Installation Instructions .......................................................................................................... 3
2.1 System Requirements ................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Installation Process for Smart Config ............................................................................................. 3
2.3 Installation Process for USB Driver.... 5
3 Usage Instructions .................................................................................................................. 9
3.1 Starting with Smart Config ............................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Working with SEDEMAC Smart Config ........................................................................................ 11
3.3 Establishing Connection with Controller ....................................................................................... 14
3.4 Tools ..15
3.5 Help ...... 23
3.6 Shortcut Icons ..... 26
4 Configurable Parameters .... 26
4.1 Editing parameters ..... 27
5 Interpretation of Parameters ............................................................................................ 27
5.1 Module .. 27
5.2 Digital Inputs .............................................................................................................................. 29
5.3 Outputs ............ 31
5.4 Timers ... 32
5.5 Generator . 33
5.6 Engine .. 34
5.7 Rotary Actuator ... 35
6 Troubleshooting .... 39

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SEDEMAC Smart Config

1 Introduction
SEDEMAC's Smart Config offers greater flexibility to configure each individual input and output, timers,
generator, governor configurations and engine speed monitoring parameters. This Smart Config can be
installed on Windows operating system. It allows the SEDEMAC controllers to be connected to a
laptop/computer via USB.

2 Installation Instructions
2.1 System Requirements
Operating System: Windows 7,8,10 with Microsoft .Net 4.0 framework.
The response time in case of windows 7 is slower, so later versions are preferred over windows 7.
Communication: USB 2.0 Type B required for communication with the controller.

2.2 Installation Process for Smart Config

Following is the stepwise procedure for installation of Smart Config.
I. Locate the installer SEDEMAC Smart Config setup.exe on your system and double-click
the setup file or icon.

II. Click on Next.

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III. Click on Install to start the installation.

A progress bar will show installation progress.

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On completion of installation, a window will be shown as below.

IV. Click on Finish

2.3 Installation Process for USB Driver

When any device is connected with PC or laptop via USB, the device automatically gets detected
by the PC and its driver gets installed. However if it doesnt get installed of its own then we need
to install the USB driver manually on the laptop. Following is the stepwise procedure for USB
driver installation manually.
I. Connect a USB cable between the controller (Here it is EG1299) and laptop. Put the controller
in the Programming Mode. To enter into the Programming Mode in EG1299, one has
to long press Stop+Up keys simultaneously for 3 seconds approximately. Ensure that the
controller is in Programming Mode which is indicated on LCD screen of the controller as
shown below.

Different products may have different selection keys for entering into the
Programming Mode. The selection keys to enter the Programming Mode
for each product can be found in the mode selection diagram(refer section

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II. Once the controller enters into the Programming Mode, go to Device Manager Ports

III. Right click on GCUSMPL and select Update Driver Software.

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IV. Choose Browse my computer for driver software to select the correct driver software.

V. For driver installation on 64-bit Windows system, choose a driver path as C:\Program
Files(x86)\SEDEMAC and then click on Next.

Page 7 of 40

Please refer following links for Installing Unsigned Drivers in Windows 8.

Disabling Driver Signature Verification on 64-Bit Windows 8:

Installing Unsigned Drivers in Windows 8:

VI. On successful installation of USB driver, a confirmation screen will be shown as below. Click
on Close.

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VII. Ensure the successful driver installation by checking the entry of
SEDEMACController(COM4) under the Ports(COM & LPT) option in Device Manager.

3 Usage Instructions

3.1 Starting with Smart Config

Run the Smart Config installed on your system. Start-up screen will be displayed as shown below.

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The screen prompts the user to select between two options as follows.
Create new configuration and select your product:
Select the appropriate series (EG or GC series) depending upon the type of product (for example
EG 1299 is from EG Series), for which the configuration is to be deployed.
Example: Lets take the example of EG1299 controller
As in the example we have taken EG1299 controller, so we need to select EG Series as shown

Then select the products name. (Here in the example EG1299 is taken)

Existing product configuration:
The user can open and edit a configuration file saved on the disc in .smc format by clicking
Browse and browsing to the file.

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3.2 Working with SEDEMAC Smart Config

A configuration is a set of parameter values determines behaviour of the controller. There are some
options which help to create, open, view, save, etc. the configured parameters. They are all grouped
under File.

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3.2.1 New
To create a new configuration file, Click on FileNew.

3.2.2 Open
To open a previously saved configuration file from disk, click on FileOpen.

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3.2.3 Save/Save as
To save the current set of parameter values as a configuration, click on FileSave. Also
we can change the name/location of the saved file by clicking on FileSave As.

3.2.4 Print
If we have a printer connected to the PC then we can have the print out (hard copy) of the
configured parameters in the form of a table by clicking on FilePrint. Through this option
we can also create pdf of the same.

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3.2.5 Exit
To close the Smart Config or to exit from it, we need to click on FileExit.

3.3 Establishing Connection with the Controller

For establishing a connection with the genset/telecom controller, first open the Smart Config
Software, then connect a USB cable between the controller and laptop, and put the controller in
Programming Mode thereafter. To enter into the Programming Mode in EG1299 controller, one
has to long press Stop+Up keys simultaneously for 3 seconds approximately. To know the selection
keys used for the Programming Mode, one has to go to HelpMode Selection. Refer section

Different products may have different selection keys for entering into the
Programming Mode. The selection keys to enter the Programming Mode
for each product can be found in the mode selection diagram. Refer section

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A connection status message will be displayed at the bottom left corner of Smart Config screen.

It is possible to open, create and modify configurations without an active connection with the controller.
However, for read and write operations of the controller, an active connection is required.

3.4 Tools
The Smart Config allows a set of actions to be performed in addition to editing and saving the
configurations. These actions can be accessed under the Tools menu, as shown below. These
actions are enabled only if an active connection with a controller is detected.

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3.4.1 Write config to device
To write the currently chosen configuration in the controller, click on ToolsWrite config to

On selecting this action, pop-up window will be shown as below, which summarizes the
existing values of the parameters.

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To write the values, choose Write To Device option. The configuration will be written in the

A confirmation window will pop up once the writing process is completed.

3.4.2 Read config from device

To read the configuration of controller click on ToolsRead config from device.

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Select Read From Device option. The configuration will be read from the controller and
appropriately populated in the Smart Config.

A confirmation window will pop up once the reading process is completed.

3.4.3 Update firmware on device

To update the firmware in the controller without affecting configuration of the controller, click
on ToolsUpdate firmware on device.

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Click on Update Firmware to flash the latest firmware on the device.

A confirmation window will pop up once the firmware updating process is completed.

3.4.4 Read event log from device

To read and display the event logs in the connected controller, click on ToolsRead event
log from device. It will give the description of the last 100 events (like engine start, engine
stop, actuator failure, etc), their date and time of occurrence and the respective reading of
the engine run hours.

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The pop-up window will appear as below. The event log can also be saved to disc in a PDF format
clicking on Save As PDF.

3.4.5 Set date and time on device

To update the date and time in the controller (using the system's date and time), click on
ToolsSet date and time on device.

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Check if the date and time of your computer system are correct, if not then please correct the
same first.

On selecting Yes option, computer system's current date and time will be updated in the
A confirmation window will pop up as given below.

3.4.6 Show device info

The details about the product, software and other details in the controller can can be seen
by the user using this function by clicking Toolsshow device info after connecting the
controller in the Programming Mode. To enter into Programming Mode please refer

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The following window will pop-up.

3.4.7 Tools tips

There is a provision in our GUI software which will help the user to understand
the parameters and effect of the same while configuring the controller. When
one will keep the cursor of the mouse on any parameter, an information bar ap-
pears which will give a brief description of that parameter. Below is an example
which describes how the tool tip for actuator speed gives the information
regarding Actuator Speed.

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3.5 Help
The Smart Config also has some information and data stored in Help which help the user in
understanding the product so as to configure the device in a better way. It can be viewed even without
actually connecting the device. It gives information regarding the selections keys for different mode
selections. It also gives information about the device like the name of the product, version of the
software used, etc.

3.5.1 Mode selection

To know about different modes of the controller, the keys used for the selection of modes, etc.,
click on HelpMode Selection.

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An image will pop up as shown below

The Mode Selection diagram is taken as an example for EG1299

controller. Different products may have different Mode Selection
diagram. Programming Mode selection keys:

To connect a device to PC/Laptop, We need to know the selection keys to

enter into Programming Mode. To know the Programming Mode
selection keys, we need to open the Smart Config GUI without connecting
USB and go to HelpMode Selection and look for the keys in the image
that will pop up as shown below. Using the keys one can enter into the
Programming Mode.

Stop+Up long
pressed for
about 3
to enter into

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Clearly we can observe the selection keys being marked in red circle in the

3.5.2 About
To know the generic information regarding the Smart Config software, version, descriptions,
etc, click on Help About.

A window will pop up as given below

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3.6 Shortcut icons
Shortcut icons for New, Open, Save, Print, Read and Write are also given in a
separate bar in the GUI for easy access for the user as shown below. The user need not
required to go to File or Tools to access the same every time.

4 Configurable parameters
There are many parameters for example, Digital Inputs, Outputs, Generator, Mains,
Rotary Actuator etc which can be set and initialised according to the needs of the user and the

Primary level (Level 0)


Secondary level (Level 1)


Tertiary level (Level 2)


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4.1 Editing Parameters
Following are the options available for editing parameters.

Increment/Decrement Arrows

Text entry Box


Check Box
Check box
Check box is typically used to enable/disable a feature.
Text entry box
A value can be directly entered in a text entry box.
Increment/Decrement arrows
Increment/Decrement arrows can be used to progressively increase/decrease the
corresponding value.
A slider can be dragged to change the corresponding parameter value

5 Interpretation of parameters
This section describes the interpretation of parameters of EG1299 which are accessed via
Smart Config.

The configurable parameters can vary for different products. The

below explanation is just an example of interpreting the parameters
of EG1299 controller. Other products will follow only the procedure
but not while configuring the parameters.

5.1 Module
The Module allows configuration of a set of module-wide parameters.

Select Module to
GCU configuration

Then select appropriate tab

to configure parameters.

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Parameter Interpretation

Profile Name Allows to enter a text string to identify configuration as a Profile. This ID
will be displayed on Active Profile screen of the controller.
Engine ID The text string entered here will be displayed on Engine Sr. No. screen
of the controller. Keeping blank space, fills the corresponding space by a
hash (#) and can be used to adjust the maximum number of characters
to 12.
Power-On Lamp Test Enables or disables lamp test sequence. If enabled, all LEDs on front
fascia of the controller will illuminate for 3 seconds.
Deep Sleep Mode Enables or disables Deep Sleep mode. If enabled, the controller enters
Enable into low-power mode after Deep Sleep Mode Delay duration.
Table 1: Module-General

5.1.1 Display

Parameter Interpretation

Contrast Decides the percentage contrast of LCD display.

Power Save Mode Enables or disables power save feature for LCD display backlit. If
Enable enabled, the backlit of LCD display will be switched OFF after Power
Save Mode Delay duration.
Table 2: Module-Display

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5.1.2 Communication

Parameter Interpretation
Communication Mode The controller will communicate through RS485 port using MODBUS
Slave ID MODBUS slave ID you wish to communicate with.
Baud rate MODBUS baud rate (bits per second) you wish to connect at.
Parity Bit Parity bit provides the simple error checking for transmitted data. The
available types of parity checking are: None, Even, Odd
Table 3: Communication

5.2 Digital Inputs

Following is an example showing configuration of Digital Input A as User configured.

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Parameter Interpretation
Source Decides how the digital input will be interpreted by the controller. The input
can be assigned as one of a set of Digital Input Source.
Name It is enabled only if the Source is selected as User configured. The text
string entered here will be displayed on LCD screen when corresponding
user configured input is activated. The text string is also used as the event
description for the corresponding input event in the event log.
Polarity Allows to select polarity of the digital input. Available options:
Close to Activate: The input will be interpreted as active if the input is
Open to Activate: The input will be interpreted as active if the input is not
Action It is enabled if the Source is selected as User configured. Allows to select
the action taken by the controller when the input is found to be active.
Available options:
None: No action will be taken.
Warning: A warning will be displayed without affecting the operation of
Shutdown: Genset will be shutdown.
Activation It is enabled only if the Source is selected as User configured. Decides
when to start monitoring of the digital input. Available options:
Never: The input will never monitored.
From Engine Start: The input will be monitored from the start of genset.
From Monitoring On: The input will be monitored when the engine and
alternator safety monitoring begins.
Always: The input will always monitored.
Activation Delay It is enabled only if the Source is selected as User configured. Allows to
select duration in seconds, for which the input active condition should
persist before which preconfigured action will be taken.
Table 4: Digital input A

Rest of all Digital Inputs (B, C, D, and E) can be configured in the same way as that of
Digital Input A (Refer Table 4).

5.2.1 List of Digital Input Source

Digital Input Source Interpretation
Not used The digital input will not be used.
User configured Allows to enter a text string to identify the digital input.

Emergency Stop Emergency stop input.

Engine Start Engine start input.

Engine Stop Engine stop input.

Remote Fixed / By activating/deactivating this input, the genset can be commanded to

Variable Speed switch between Variable/Fixed speed mode. This input will override the
front fascia keys of the controller.
Table 5: Digital Input Source

The number and type of sources can vary with products. The above is just an example
of EG1299 controller

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5.3 Outputs

Parameter Interpretation
Source Allows to select the output as one of the set of Digital Output Source.
Alternatively, the outputs can be disabled.
On Activation Allows to select polarity of the output. Available options:
De-energise: The output will be disconnected from battery positive supply
if the corresponding source condition is active.
Energise: The output will be connected to battery positive supply if the
corresponding source condition is active.
Table 6: Outputs

5.3.1 List of Digital Output Source

Digital Output Interpretation
Active when... Inactive when...
Digital Input A Digital Input A is active. Digital Input A is not active.
Digital Input B Digital Input B is active. Digital Input B is not active.

Digital Input C Digital Input C is active. Digital Input C is not active.

Digital Input D Digital Input D is active. Digital Input D is not active.

Digital Input E Digital Input E is active. Digital Input E is not active.

Emergency Stop Emergency stop input is active. Emergency stop input is not active.

Over Speed Over Speed alarm is pending. Over Speed alarm is not pending.

Under Speed Under Speed alarm is pending. Under Speed alarm is not pending.

Engine Running Engine is running above 900 RPM. Engine is running below 900 RPM.

Table 7: Digital Output Source

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The number and type of sources can vary with products. The above is just an example
of EG1299 controller

5.4 Timers

5.4.1 General

Digital Input Source Interpretation

Safety Monitoring Decides the time from engine on for which engine and alternator safety
Start parameters are ignored. This timer should be selected sufficiently large
so that no false alarms are triggered due to transient during genset
start-up procedure.
Engine Stop Hold Decides the time for which the engine stop output command is kept
Delay enabled after detection of engine OFF condition. Used to ensure a
complete stop of engine.
Stop Action Delay Decides the time over which the engine stop output is on and engine is
not issuing Stop command before the Fail To Stop alarm is triggered.
Power Save Mode Decides the time for which, if no activity is detected and engine is OFF,
Delay the backlit of LCD display will be switched off. Go on page Module to
enable Power Save mode.
Screen Changeover The time after which a display screen will shift to the next screen.
Time When this time is set to 1, then screen will not scroll automatically. User
will have to scroll all the screens including ALARMS screen using
UP/DOWN keys.
Deep Sleep Mode Decides the time for which, if no activity is detected and engine is OFF,
Delay the controller enters Deep Sleep mode. Go on page Module to enable
Deep Sleep mode.
Table 8: General

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5.5 Generator

5.5.1 Configurations

Parameter Interpretation
No of Poles Allows to select the number of alternator poles.
Alternator AC System Allows to select the Alternator AC System as 3 Phase or 1 Phase.
CT Ratio The primary-side factor for interpretation of CT ratio. The controller
assumes that the secondary-side factor is 5.
Generator Rating Decides the genset rating in kVA

Table 9: Generator Configuration

The Generator Rating value must be specified as a total load rating and not as per
phase load rating.

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5.6 Engine

5.6.1 Speed Monitoring

Parameter Interpretation

Engine Speed Sense Allows to select electrical signal to be use for measurement of engine
Source speed.
Available options:
Magnetic Pickup: Engine speed will be sensed from Magnetic Pick-up
Unit (MPU).
Alternator frequency: Engine speed will be sensed from alternator
Flywheel Teeth Allows to select the number of teeth on flywheel ring gear. This
parameter provides conversion factor needed by controller to display
engine speed in RPM. This option is enabled, if Engine Speed Sense
Source is selected as MPU.
Under Speed Action Allows to select the action taken by the controller when the engine speed
is found below the Under Speed Threshold. Available options:
None: No action will be taken.
Warning: A warning will be displayed without affecting the operation of
Shutdown: Genset will be shut down.
Under Speed The engine speed below which Under Speed alarm will be triggered.
Under Speed Delay After this time, Under Speed Action will be issued in case of under
Over Speed Action Genset will be shut down when the engine speed is found above the
Over Speed Threshold.
Over Speed The engine speed in RPM above which Over Speed alarm will be
Threshold triggered.
Over Speed Delay After this time, Over Speed Action will be issued in case of over
Table 10: Speed Monitoring

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5.7 Rotary Actuator

5.7.1 General

Parameter Interpretation

Actuator Speed Actuator frequency multiplying factor. The frequency at which Actuator
controls the engine.
Actuator Direction Allows to select the Actuator direction to stop the engine. This direction
depends on the engine design. The Actuator is viewed from the shaft
side. Available options:
Clockwise: Actuator will rotate in clockwise direction to stop the engine.
Anti-clockwise: Actuator will rotate in anti-clockwise direction to stop the
Governing Mode Allows to select speed governing mode. Available options:
PID Fixed Speed: In a Fixed Speed mode, engine will use configured
PID gain parameters. On selection of this mode, Set Speed Selection
parameter will be enabled.
Auto Tune Fixed Speed: In a Fixed Speed mode, engine will auto set
PID gain parameters. On selection of this mode, Set Speed selection
parameter will be enabled.
PID Variable Speed: In a Variable Speed mode, engine will use
configured PID gain parameters.
Auto Tune Variable Speed: In a Variable Speed mode, engine will auto
set PID gain parameters.
Set Speed Selection Allows to select the speed selection type if Governing Mode is
configured as Fixed Speed mode. Available options:
Fixed Speed 0% Droop: Engine will run at fixed speed with a 0% droop.
Load Based Droop: Configurable % drop in the engine speed from no
load to full load.
Speed Bias Input (0-5 V): The EG1299 controller accepts the speed
bias signal (0-5 V-DC) from an external genset controller.
Cranking Steps Number of pulses issued to Actuator in every crank rotation.
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Load Droop This is a percentage drop in the speed of engine from no load speed to
full load. This parameter will be enabled, only if Set Speed Selection is
configured as Load Droop in Fixed speed Governing Mode.
Fixed Speed Switch Enables or disables Fixed Speed key on fascia of the controller.
RPM Step-up Rate Decides the rate at which RPM will step up to run the engine at
configured RPM, in variable speed mode
RPM Stepdown Rate Decides the rate at which RPM will step down to run the engine at
configured RPM, invariable speed mode.
Target Recovery Speed The target engine speed for electronic Governor.

Table 11: Rotary Actuator-General

5.7.2 Engine Start Strategy

Parameter Interpretation

Initial Low Speed Time for which engine stays at low idle (used for ramping-for smoke
Delay reduction)
Initial Low Speed Low idle speed (used for smoke reduction)
Crank Sense Speed The speed governor recognizes that the engine cranking action is initiated
once the engine speed exceeds this value. Upon recognition, the governor
executes the Cranking Steps and then initiates the low speed governing
Ramp Up Time Time taken by the engine to ramp the speed from initial low to target speed

Table 12: Engine Start Strategy

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5.7.3 Variable Speed

Parameter Interpretation

Recovery Mode Allows to select RPM value which triggers the Recovery mode.
Recovery Time Decides the time in which engine will be in Recovery mode.
Low Voltage Decides the voltage below which the controller will enter into the
Recovery mode.
Low Load Entry Limit The % load below which load is detected as low load. The controller will
display Low Load on a STATUS screen.
Low Load Exit Limit The % load above which controller will enter into variable speed mode
Initial Idle Time Decides the time for which engine will run at initial target speed.
Low Saturation Voltage Decides the lowest voltage threshold below which controller will not
follow load versus RPM table. The engine will run at speed
corresponding to this voltage.
Table 13: Variable Speed (EG1299)

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5.7.4 Generator EGov Configuration

Parameter Interpretation

Proportional Gain (Kp) Decides the response of the controller in terms of the responsiveness of
Integral Gain (Ki) the controller to an error, the degree of speed oscillations and the degree
Derivative Gain (Kd) to which the controller overshoots or undershoots the target governing
Friction Setoff To ensure wear and tear free operation of linkage and Actuator.
Gain Schedule Trigger Percentage RPM that triggers the engine overshoot/undershoot condition.
Loading Factor To scale the PID control loop parameters.
Unloading Factor
Table 14: Generator EGOV Configuration

Governor parameters are not intended to be changed in the field

without consulting the SEDEMACs experts

The configurable parameters can vary for different products. The above
explanation is just an example of interpreting the parameters of
EG1299 controller. Other products will follow the same procedure while
configuring the parameters.

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5.8 Troubleshooting
Sl. No. Faults observed Remedial-Actions
1. The user driver is not detected. Re-install the user driver as given in the
manual. Refer section 2.3
2. Read and Write icons are not Ensure that the controller should be put
visible. into Programming Mode To enter
into Programming Mode refer
section only after opening of
the smart config GUI.
Ensure that the right controllers name
with correct version is selected in the
No options will be visible. the GUI start-up screen or else the
following window will pop up. Press

3. Error in reading from the device or any Disconnect the USB and reconnect it
communication problem. once again.

Page 39 of 40
Disclaimer: Due to continuous development, the details provided in this document are
subject to change without any prior notice.

SEDEMAC Mechatronics Pvt Ltd

C9-10, C Block, MIDC Bhosari
Pune 411026, India

For any support write us at:


For any support call us:


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