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An associate member of

18th Naonal RATE Conference

for 21st
Learning, Life, Literacy

Cluj-Napoca, 17-19 November 2017

15:00 - 15:30 REGISTRATION
17:10 - 18:00 ANDRZEJ RACZKOWSKI Manageable Learning and
Plenary Room Empowered Teaching (Sitka)
15:30 - 15:50 OPENING 18:00 - 18:15 CLAUDIU DAMIAN Creative Approaches to Teaching
NIGEL BELLINGHAM Country Director Plenary Room (ISS EDU), Short Presentation
15:50 - 16:00 British Council Romania
18:15 - 18:45 COFFEE BREAK
16:10 - 17:00 RUXANDRA MERCEA Rethinking Leadership
Plenary Room Transylvania College 18:45 - 19:30 Mingling activities Interactive theatre
Plenary Room Quiz


9:00 9:50 STEVE LEVER Developing 21st Century Skills Through ELT (Uniscan)
Plenary Room

9:55 10:45 CHRISTOPHER VASILIOU Incorporating New Technology in the Classroom: a Transformation in Learning and Teaching
Plenary Room (MM Publications)
10:50 11:10 SIMONA BACIU The Teacher Within, a Mindful Approach to Teaching in the 21st Century (Transylvania College)
Plenary Room

11:10 11:40 COFFEE BREAK

11:40 12:30
Plenary Room PIOTR STEINBRICH 21st Century Skills in the English Classroom (Okian)

Room Room Room Room Room Room Room Room Room Room Plenary
12:40 13:30 A202 A203 A210 A211 A302 A303 A304 A308 A310 A314 Room
Luisa Nora Oana Rus
Sanda Nicoleta Shiralee Jen Mac Janie Andrzej Codruta Georgeta Plenary
Guina Petronela Matthews Filip Arthur Cook Gibbons Raczkowski Gosa Rarinca for
Iulia Cosma Apostol Carmen Students
Blaga A two-staged
Fostering Team approach to Online Teaching Using
Creative Innovative Overcoming Diana a spirit of work using games learning and Knowledge emoticons Presenta-
teachers - approaches communica- Berindeie lifelong to increase assessment Test, Young in the English tion
creative to teaching tion learning technology a hassle or a Learners class
young English difficulties Play, the in students literacy time saver? module
learners through drama is
music inside you

13:30 - 14:30 LUNCH BREAK


14:30 15:20 MARTIN JELINEK # shareastory (Macmillan)

Plenary Room
15:25 16:15 VIVIEN BERRY Understanding Language Assessment: Bridging the Gap Between Needs and Resources (BC)
Plenary Room
16:15 16:45 COFFEE BREAK
16: 55 17:45 Room Room Room Room Room Room Room Room Room Room
A202 A203 A210 A211 A302 A303 A304 A308 A310 A314
Larisa Irina Diana Mihaela Steve Catalina Sanda Gabor Martin Piotr Christopher
Guzun Neicu Cojocnean Romaniuc Lever Cocan Luisa Filip Jelinek Steinbrich Vasiliou
Gabriela Ana-
Formal, Practical Telecan Maria Its the The Learning Visually A kind of How to Build
informal activities Nasui way that teaching tools to wired magic 21st Century
and non- for holistic Using short you say it apron, merge with beyond the competencies
formal develop- films in Developing verbal a hand- students lock stock
education ment in language leadership and made digital lives of the
in the EFL the teaching habits in non-verbal tool for English
class- primary and learning the communi- teaching classroom
To be or classroom English cation young
not to be classroom
17:55 18:40 Room Room Room Room Room Room Room Room Room Room
A202 A203 A210 A211 A302 A303 A304 A308 A310 A314
Lilia Isac Carina Alina Elena Cristina Rusu Alexandra Dorel Martin Paula Ghetu Georgiana Colin
Branzila Cretu Diana Oana Muresan Jelinek Luminita Soficu Vandergraaf
Warmers, Monica Todoran Vlad Gliga Eliza Mocanu
icebreakers A toolbox Lepcaliuc Ioana Tudose Raduca Gateway 2 Teaching Using
and fillers for the TED-Ed Getaway Play the modernist MOOCs and
for the ESL young Improving New clubs in The princess (Gateway - Game! short stories developing
classroom learners students textbooks Romanian and the 2nd edition creatively media literacy
teacher life skills in new Schools knight. in advanced in the
in the 21st teching Encoura- classes classroom
Century contexts ging students
to write
Starting at 18:40
Plenary Room Cocktail and Social Programme
PLAY The Wall (Elf School Students) - Dan Leonard
Starting at 19:00 Young Talents - Transylvania College
Agenda SUNDAY 19th NOVEMBER 2017

9:00 9:50
Plenary Room MARK ANDREWS Changes In the English Language and What It Means for Us as Teachers (Sharing One Language SOL)

9:50 10:20 COFFEE BREAK

Room Room Room Room Room Room Room Room Room

10:20 11:10 A203 A210 A211 A302 A303 A304 A308 A310 A314
Teodora Diana William Sam Narcisa Milan Elena Delia Jen
Naiba Todoran Owen Stevenson Albert Vorzsak Maria Filipescu MacArthur
Cristiana Andreea Tunde Gherdan Lavinia Colin
Osan Curte The thinking Speaking A teachers Selyem Ungureanu Vandergraaf
classroom: first guide to Revised Cornelia
Developing Teaching philosophy teens English Cambridge Teaching Vlaicu
HOTS presentation and critical English debate English: life skills
through skills in the thinking in workshop Young through Learn more
questions 21st century ESL for advanced tests from drama about RELO
students January
2018, an

Room Room Room Room Room Room Room Room Room

11:20 12:10 A202 A203 A210 A211 A302 A303 A304 A308 A310
Cassandra Romana Consuela Vasilica Marcela Dana Blake Eliza Tunde
Ioan Conon Popa Mlesnita Cristina Grigorovici Fountain Raduca Minulescu
Storytelling Means of An insight Politeness Get on Stage! How to Playing, Emotion
and the introducing into content theory Teaching Sell English! writing, coaching
delights of idioms in and language insights for Literacy having fun in the
being English integrated social skills Through English
yourself classes learning development Film language

12:20 12:50 RAFFLE

Plenary Room
12:50 13:00 ROUND UP

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