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Mechatronics 19 (2009) 457462

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Improvement of strain gauges micro-forces measurement using Kalman

optimal ltering
Y. Haddab *, Q. Chen, P. Lutz
FEMTO-ST Institute, UMR CNRS 6174 UFC/ENSMM/UTBM, Automatic Control and Micro-Mechatronic Systems Department, 24, rue Alain Savary, 25000 Besanon, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Manipulation of small components and assembly of microsystems require force measurement. In the
Micro-force measurement microworld (the world of very small components), signal/noise ratio is very low due to the weak ampli-
Measurement noise
tude of the signals. To be used in feedback control or in a micromanipulation system, a force sensor must
Kalman lter
allow static and dynamic measurements. In this paper, we present a micro-force measurement system
Piezoelectric cantilevers
Strain gauges based on the use of strain gauges and a Kalman optimal lter. Using a model of the measurement system
and a statistical description of the noise, the optimal lter allows ltering the noise without loss of
dynamic measurement. The performances of the measurement system are improved and fast force vari-
ations can be measured.
2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction on the device and their performances depend on the characteristics

of the deformable device. Cantilevers with a length in the centime-
Force measurement is very important to perform manipulation ter range allow resolutions in the mN range and microfabricated
and micro-assembly tasks in the microworld. Small components cantilevers can reach lN resolutions.
are often fragile and may be damaged or destroyed if they are To be used in feedback control or in a micromanipulation sys-
grasped without force control. Size reduction makes it difcult to tem, a force sensor must allow static and dynamic measurements.
build and integrate very small force sensors. However, in the last PVDF materials are not suitable for static measurements. Capaci-
decade, various methods have been used in order to measure the tive sensors are very sensitive but give limited stroke. Optical
force applied on the manipulated objects. Generally, micro-forces sensors are often external sensors and are not adapted for embed-
are evaluated from a deformation measurement of a small device ded applications or conned environments. Strain gauges consti-
(cantilever, membrane, etc.) whose stiffness is known. This defor- tute low-cost easily integrated sensors and represent good
mation is measured using a position sensor. candidates for multi-purposes micro-forces measurement.
According to the resolution wanted, various effects can be used A general approach consists in gluing one or more gauges on a
[10]. For measurements below 0.1 lN, piezoelectric materials, in cantilever close to the xed end for best sensitivity. When a force is
particular PVDF (polyvinylidene uoride) are often used. These applied at the tip, the deformation induces a resistance change in
materials give high resolutions but do not allow static measure- the gauges.
ments because of the electrical discharge. Fung et al. integrated Kemper designed a microgripper equipped with a strain gauge
PVDF sensors into commercial probes in order to characterize [7]. The force measurement resolution is 2 mN. Nasir et al. devel-
MUMPs (Multi-user MEMS Processes)[3]. Microfabricated electro- oped a multi-DOF microfabricated force sensor based on the piezo-
static sensors are characterized by a good linearity and are able to resistive effect in order to measure insect ight forces [13]. The
measure forces as great as 25 lN with a resolution as small as sensor has a lN range resolution. Woods et al. used piezoresistive
10 nN. For better resolutions, optical sensors can be used. AFM gauges to measure ight force of a micromechanical ying insect
(atomic force microscope) cantilevers with laser sensor permit [15]. Dao et al. designed, fabricated and calibrated a 6-degree of
force measurements in the nanometer range. Arai et al., detected freedom forcemoment micro sensing chip utilizing the piezoresis-
forces as small as 3 pN using mechanical characteristics of a cali- tance effect in silicon [2]. Kim et al. implemented a piezoresistive
brated carbon nanotube probe whose deformation is measured MEMS cantilever for force measurement in micro/nano robotic
by a FE-SEM (eld emission scanning electron microscope) [1]. applications. For a limited stroke, the resolution obtained is better
Small strain gauges are also very often used. They can be glued than 1 nN [8].
Many other papers reported successful implementation of
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 (0)381 402 808; fax: +33 (0)381 402 809. strain gauges for force measurement. However, the performances
E-mail address: (Y. Haddab). presented are often based on a theoretical resolution combining

0957-4158/$ - see front matter 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
458 Y. Haddab et al. / Mechatronics 19 (2009) 457462

a high gain amplier, a high resolution ADC (analog to digital con- 2 mm

verter) and a very low-pass lter. In real microsystems, signal/
noise ratio is very low due to the weak amplitudes of the signals
for high resolution measurements. Low-pass ltering allows high cantilever
resolution measurements of static and slowly varying forces but
fast forces are ltered. This is a severe limitation for the use in high
performance controlled micromanipulators.
In this paper, we present a micro-force measurement system 16 mm
based on the use of strain gauges and a Kalman optimal lter.
Using a model of the measurement system and a statistical Strain
description of the noise, the optimal lter allows ltering the noise gauges
without loss of dynamic measurement. The performances of the
measurement system are improved and fast force variations can
be measured. This measurement system is well adapted for critical
applications where dynamic error must be low.
First, the designed system is described. Second, both static and
dynamic characterizations are performed and a model is built.
Fig. 2. Bending cantilever equipped with strain gauges.
After that, Force measurement results using strain gauges are pre-
sented. A Kalman optimal lter is then implemented and measure-
ment results are given. Finally the performances of the optimal
lter are discussed.
PZT layers

2. Description of the system

The system designed for this study is used to perform microma- V

nipulation tasks. It is made up of two parts (see Fig. 1). The rst one
is a linear motor from PiezoMotor. This motor uses piezoelectric
actuators in stick-slip mode and is characterized by a resolution
of 10 nm and a stroke of 35 mm. The second one is a piezoelectric F
direction of
bimorph cantilever equipped with electrodes. The dimensions of polarization
this cantilever are: 16 mm  2 mm  0.5 mm. When a voltage is
Fig. 3. Input/output signals of the piezoelectric cantilever.
applied across the electrodes, the cantilever bends.
The whole system constitute a half of a gripper and the tip of
the cantilever is used to handle a micro-object.
Two small strain gauges from ENTRAN are glued on the two When a force is applied at the tip of the cantilever, it bends
faces of the cantilever close to the xed end (see Fig. 2). They are causing the deformation of the gauges. Assuming small deforma-
used for force measurement. The dimensions of the gauges are: tions and a calibration, the measurement of the displacement of
1.27 mm  0.38 mm. the tip allow us to measure the applied force.

3. Identication of the system 3.1. Static characterization

The designed system allows us to use both parts as actuator: the First, a calibration of the cantilever is done. Calibrated weights
linear motor for high stroke/high resolution displacements and the are used to apply forces at the tip of the cantilever and the dis-
piezoelectric cantilever to perform fast displacements. However in placement is measured by a high resolution (10 nm) laser sensor
our study, we use the cantilever equipped with the strain gauges from KEYENCE. The results show a good linearity and a compli-
only as a force sensor. Moreover we will not study the control of ance of 1.23 lm/mN.
the linear motor.
3.2. Dynamic characterization

Static force measurement is useful to evaluate the force applied

Piezoelectric Strain gauges by the gripper or the compliance of a micro-object. However dy-
cantilever namic force measurement is required to perform dexterous manip-
ulation of fragile micro-objects.
Linear motor The piezoelectric cantilever can be considered as a two inputs
(PiezoMotor) one output system (see Fig. 3). The two inputs are the force F ap-
plied at the tip and the voltage V applied on the electrodes and
the output is the deection d.
For small displacements, the behavior of the cantilever can be
considered as linear. It has been shown [4] that the dynamic rela-
tionship between F and d and between V and d are similar.
The three signals are linked by the following equation:
1 cm ds k1 GsFs k2 GsVs; 1
where s is the Laplace variable, F(s) and V(s) are the Laplace trans-
Fig. 1. Constitution of the designed system. forms of F(t) and V(t), G(s) is a transfer function describing the dy-
Y. Haddab et al. / Mechatronics 19 (2009) 457462 459

namic behavior of the cantilever, k1 and k2 are the static gains be- 1.2
tween F and d, and V and d, respectively.
From the previous static characterization, we can deduce that
k1 1:23  103 m=N: 2
The gain k2 can be easily identied by applying voltages and 0.8
measuring the deection using the laser sensor

k2 9:17  107 m=V: 3 0.6

In order to determine G(s), a voltage step is applied and the step re-
sponse is recorded using the laser sensor (see Fig. 4). 0.4

Using ARMAX identication algorithm, a discrete transfer func-

tion G(z) is obtained 0.2
3 2
0:03790z  0:07201z 0:03941z
Gz : 4
z4  2:75595z3 2:50860z2  0:70475z  0:04258 0

With a sampling period of

T s 4  105 s: -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08

4. Force measurement using strain gauges Fig. 6. Measured voltage Vout in response to a voltage step of 15 V.

In order to measure the force, the two strain gauges glued sym-
metrically on the cantilever are included in a Wheatstone bridge.
higher signal/noise ratio. In order to obtain a good signal, the stan-
This conguration results in better thermal compensation and
dard bonding process (specied by the manufacturer) must be
strictly respected. Two other resistors are used to complete the
bridge, an amplier is used to increase the voltage level and the
signal is ltered using a low-pass lter (see Fig. 5). The 4 V supply
x 10
voltage has been chosen according to the characteristics of the
2.5 gauges. The amplier has a gain of 51.3 and the cutoff frequency
of the lter is 3100 Hz which is more than four times greater than
the resonant frequency of the cantilever.
As the dynamic behavior is similar for a force input and a volt-
age input, in order to characterize the measurement system, we
1.5 have chosen to use a voltage step because it is easier to apply.
Fig. 6 shows the measured voltage in response to a voltage step

of 15 V. The measurement system using strain gauges (calibrated

1 using the laser sensor) has a transfer of 52344.6 V/m. The calibra-
tion of the measurement system has been done with the laser
From the previous step response and the modelization, we no-
tice that the passband of the measurement system is sufcient to
0 reproduce the dynamic behaviour of the cantilever. However, we
notice that the level of the measurement noise is high and it limits
the measurements accuracy. Due to the noise, force measurement
-0.5 can be affected by a maximum error of 1.98 mN in the worst case.
-0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
time(s) This noise can be attenuated by reducing the cutoff frequency of
the lter but it will result in a loss of dynamic measurement.
Fig. 4. Step response of the cantilever according to a voltage step of 15 V.

5. Kalman ltering

In order to lter the measurement noise without loss of dy-

namic measurement, a discrete Kalman optimal lter is imple-
gauge mented. Several authors have reported successful use of a
Kalman lter for force estimation or noise reduction, mainly in
macroscopic systems. In Katupitiya et al. [6], a Kalman lter has
Vout been used for identication of contact and grasping uncertainties
Amplifier Filter
and for monitoring of force controlled assembly operations. Ma
gauge R et al. [11] and Liu et al. [9] have used a Kalman Filter to estimate
forces applied on beam structures. In Nilsson et al. [14], a Kalman
Filter is used to help controlling the position of exible mobile
In this section, we present a state space model of the noisy pro-
Fig. 5. Setup for force measurement using strain gauges. cess, the design of the Kalman lter and the obtained results.
460 Y. Haddab et al. / Mechatronics 19 (2009) 457462

5.1. State space modeling and Kalman ltering x 10


From the transfer function G(z), a discrete-time state space

model is obtained. Only one input is considered (the voltage V)
X k1 A  X k B  V k 1
dk C  X k ;
where X is the state vector, V is the input voltage, d is the deection

delta (m)
0 1 0 1
0 1 0 0 0 0
B 0 0 1 0 C B0C
AB C; B B C; -0.5
@ 0 0 0 1 A @0A
0:04258 0:70475 2:50860 2:75595 1 -1
C 0 3:6139  108 6:60332  108 3:47543  108 :
If we consider the measurement and the process noises, the sys- -2
tem can be represented by the following linear stochastic -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
time (s)
Fig. 8. Measurement noise.
X k1 A  X k B  V k wk
dk C  X k v k
where w and v represent the process and measurement noises, 700
Assuming that the noises are independent from each other,
white and with normal probability distributions, a discrete Kalman
lter provides an efcient recursive method to estimate the state of
the process (and therefore the output) in a way that minimizes the 500
number of samples

mean of the squared error. Fig. 7 presents the general structure of

the estimation process. X ^ k and ^
dk are the estimated state and out- 400
put respectively. The algorithm is based on repetition of two steps:
time update and measurement update. 300
In the time update (predict) step, the lter estimates the next
state (a priori) of the process according to the current state and er-
ror covariance.
In the measurement update (correct) step, the measurement is
taken into account in order to obtain an improved state estimate (a 100
More details on the implementation of the Kalman lter are gi- 0
ven in [5,12]. -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
delta (m) -6
x 10
5.2. Noise characterization
Fig. 9. Distribution of the measurement noise.

In order to characterize the noise, we assume that:

The process noise is mainly due to the input V (noise produced -50
by the voltage generator).
The process and measurement noises are independent from
each other because they are generated by different devices. -100

magnitude (dB)

Vk Process k

Kalman X k
filter C k

Characteristics of the -350

process and measurement 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
noises frequency (Hz)

Fig. 7. Estimation of the process state and output using a Kalman lter. Fig. 10. Spectrum of the measurement noise.
Y. Haddab et al. / Mechatronics 19 (2009) 457462 461

-6 -6
x 10 x 10


10 0.5
delta (m)

delta (m)

0 estimated

-0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2
time (s) time (s) -3
x 10

Fig. 11. Measured deection d in response to a voltage step of 15 V. Fig. 13. Comparison between the measured deection d and the estimated
deection ^
d in static mode.

x 10
20 x 10

15 1.5
delta (m)

delta (m)




1.25 measured
-0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
time (s) 0.04 0.042 0.044 0.046 0.048 0.05
time (s)
Fig. 12. Estimated deection ^
d using Kalman ltering in response to a voltage step
of 15 V. Fig. 14. Comparison between the measured deection d and the estimated
deection ^
d in dynamic mode.

5.2.1. Measurement noise

The measurement noise is recorded using the strain gauges noise. It has shown similar characteristics to those of measurement
measurement system when no input is applied (see Fig. 8). noise (Gaussian, centered and white) with a variance of
Fig. 9 shows that the measurement noise has a Gaussian distri- 8.14  109.
bution with a mean of 0 and a variance of 9.02  1014.
The spectrum of the noise, shown in Fig. 10, allows us consider
the measurement noise as a white noise. 5.3. Results

5.2.2. Process noise In this section we present the results of the implementation of
The process noise is assumed to be mainly due to the input the Kalman Filter. In the algorithm, the process noise covariance
noise. (covariance of wk) and the measurement noise covariance (covari-
ance of vk) are calculated from noise characteristics.
wk B  v nk : 8
Figs. 11 and 12 show the measured deection and the estimated
In the previous equation, vnk is the input noise. deection using Kalman ltering (respectively) in response to a
vnk is measured at the input when a zero input is applied. voltage step of 15 V. These results show that Kalman ltering
(zero input means that the generator is connected to the system allow obtaining a signicant decrease of measurement noise (see
and therefore the noise produced is applied at the input of the sys- Fig. 13) without loss of dynamic behaviour measurement (see
tem). The same analysis was performed to characterize the input Fig. 14).
462 Y. Haddab et al. / Mechatronics 19 (2009) 457462

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