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ITSS4312: Mobile Web Application Development

Deployment Environment: Application in Cloud

Prof. Thuan Nguyen, PhD

1. Overview
In order for the student to deploy his/her mobile application and release it to the public, the
student has to deploy it as a cloud-based application in the Red Hat cloud.

Any activity involving Red Hat cloud-based application files, e.g.: add, edit, delete files,
etc., must be done via Git command lines run in the Git-Bash software tool. Otherwise,
the whole deployment environment is messed up, which is very time-consuming to clean
up or even to re-start from scratch.

2. Cloud-Based Application
Each group of students is provided with a fully setup cloud-based application that is ready to
use for the purpose of deployment.

All the access to the application is authenticated with RSA key-based method. A public key
has been set with the application. The student needs to set up the private key in his/her
computing device so that the authentication can be done correctly when he/she needs to
access the cloud-based application using Git-Bash software tool.

NOTES: The details of how to set up RSA Keys in Windows is discussed in the file:

All the access to application must be done via command lines run in the Git-Bash.

The student cannot physically access the storage of the cloud-based application.

3. Name of Cloud-Based Application

3.1 Overview
Each group of students is provided with a fully setup cloud-based application whose name is
formatted as follows:

mwa<group id>
3.2 Application Names Assigned to Groups
(1) Group 1: mwa1
(2) Group 2: mwa2
(3) Group 3: mwa3
(4) Group 4: mwa4
(5) Group 5: mwa5
(6) Group 6: mwa6
(7) Group 7: mwa7
(8) Group 8: mwa8
(9) Group 9: mwa9
(10) Group 10: mwa10
(11) Group 11: mwa11
(12) Group 12: mwa12

4. Root URL of Cloud-Based Application

Each group of students is provided with a fully setup cloud-based application whose root URL
is formatted as follows:

http://mwa<group id>-mis4312gr<group id>

For examples:
The root URL of the application of GROUP 8 is

5. HOWTO Display the Cloud-Based Application Content

If trying to access the root URL, nothing is displayed.

The application files must be deployed before the content can be displayed in a web browser.

For examples:
It is assumed that a file grA_index.php has been successfully deployed.

The content of this file can be accessed at this URL:

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6. HOWTO Access Red Hat Cloud-Based Application Files
6.1 Overview

If user needs to view the list of the application files that have been deployed to the deployment
environment, he/she must use SSH command line run in the Git-Bash software tool.

6.2 HOWTO SSH to the Cloud-Based Folder of Application Files

Start Git-Bash

Open the Notepad file that contains the Git-Bash command lines
Highlight the command line to clone the Git repository

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Press CTRL+C to copy the command line text to Clip Board
Access Git-Bash window
Paste the command line into Gir-Bash
(HOWTO use Git-Bash is discussed in the file: howto_copy_paste_into_git_bash.docx)

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The user is asked to enter the passphrase for the authentication
ENTER the provided passphrase and press ENTER
NOTES: the passphrase is not displayed while the user enters it.
BE CAREFUL while entering the passphrase

The authentication is done successfully.

The user is allowed to access the root directory of the application.

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Run the command line "ls" to list all the folders and files inside the root directory

All the folders inside the root directory of the cloud-based application is displayed
Run the command line "cd" to change the directory to the sub-folder:
--> sub-folder repo is inside the folder app-root

Run the command line "ls" again to list all the folders and files inside this folder

The folder: <Application root directory>/app-root/repo/ is the cloud-based directory in which all
the application files are stored for viewing.

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