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Once upon a time there lived in a montains a woman and her daughter. The daughter
liked to dress in red. Hence her name, Little Red. One day they were ploughing sowing in the

Little Red: Mom, you look so tired. Let me do this alone. Mm.. How about take a rest under
that tree?
Mother : Oh.. Thanks honey.. Can you do this alone?
Little Red: Sure, Mom.

All of a sudden, a gale blew up and in the sky there appeared an evil dragon who stretched down
his claws, caught Little Red in a tight grip and flew off with her towards the west. Her mother
vaguely heard daughter`s words carried on the wind.

Mother : Oh my God.. what`s that?

Little Red : What`s?
Mother : Little Red.. The Dragon in your back! Run! Come here quickly! Run!
Little Red : Mom... Wait!
Evil Dragon : Ho ho ho! I`m an evil dragon will catch everyone. Hey you! Come to me
sweety.. hahaha got ya!
Little Red : Oh mother, oh mother, as dear as can be! My brother, my brother will rescue
Mother : But I only have a daughter. Who can this brother be? (gazed into the sky and
wiping away her tears)
Evil Dragon : Good bye my old mother... Ha Ha Ha C`mon say good bye to mommy, Little
Little Red : No. Mom..Mommy
Mother : Little Red... Oh God! please save my daughter (crying and walking towards
her home)
Mother : Aw! My hair! (disentangling her hair) Uh! What`s that? Bayberry? (picked
bayberry and swallowed it)
When she arrived home, the woman gave birth to a boy with around head and red cheeks.
She named the boy Little Bayberry. Bayberry grew up very quickly an in a few days he was a
young lad of fourteen or fifteen

Crow : Ak.. Ak.. Ak.. Little Bayberry oh Little Bayberry.. your sister suffering out
there! She`s weeping in the evil dragon`s liar! Bloodstains on her back. She`s digging rocks with
hands so bare!
Little Bayberry: What do you mean?
Crow : Ask your mother and rescue your sister quickly! Ak.. Ak.. Ak (flew up into
the sky)
Little Bayberry : Mom.. Mommy (run approached her mother)
Mother : Yes son?
Little Bayberry : Do I have sister?
Mother : (tears streaming down her cheeks) Yes, my boy, you do. Because she loved to
dress in red, she was called Little Red. That evil dragon who has killed so many people came and
took her away
Little Bayberry: (picked up a big stick) I`m going to rescue Little Red and kill that evil dragon.
Then he can`t do any more harm
Mother : Oh my dear son.. Don`t go ( leaned againts the door frame and through
misty eyes watch her son march away)

Bayberry walked for miles and miles. On a montain road he saw a head of him, blocking
the way, a large rock. It was pointed and rubbed smooth by all the travellers who had had to
climb it. One wrong step would mean a nasty fall.

Little Bayberry : This is my first obstacle! If I don`t remove it now, it will be the undoing of
many more people. (Thrust the stick under the rock and heaved with all his might). Oops... my
stick broke in two. I must shift it will all my strength (push the rock)

The rock rolled down into the valley. Just at the moment, a shining golden reed pipe
appeared in the pit where the rock had been Bayberry picked it up and blew on it. It gave out a
resonant sound. Suddenly, all the earthworms, frogs, and lizards by the roadside began to dance.
As soon as the music stopped, they ceased dancing.
Little Bayberry : Aha! Now I can deal with the evil dragon (climb the huge rocky mountain)
Little Bayberry : That`s an evil dragon. Huh! I never give up until success subject the dragon.
Wait me, evil!
Little Bayberry : (saw a girl in a red dress) Who`s she? Little Red?
Evil Dragon : Day by day, rock by rock, hew me out a handsome cave. Or I`ll send you to
your grave! (whipped Little Red on the back with his tail)
Little Red : Please.. stop it evil dragon! Stop it! (cried)
Little Bayberry : Hey wicked monster! Evil dragon! To torment my sister so! Till your
wretched life shall end on this pipe I`ll bow and blow! (blow the golden reed pipe)
Evil Dragon : Ho ho ho brother you`re stronger! Bow no more! Torture me no longer! I`ll
send her home if you leave me alone!
Little Bayberry : (still blow the golden reed pipe)
Evil Dragon : Ho ho ho! Brother you`re the stronger! Let me alone and I`ll stay in this pond
and torture folk no longer!
Little Bayberry : Wicked monster! This is my bargain: stay at the bottom of this pond and
never do harm again
Evil Dragon : (nodding his head)
Little Bayberry : C`mon sister.. Let`s go home. Our mother waiting us at home (hold Little
Red`s hand)
Little Red : Wait. Who are you. What`s your name?
Little Bayberry : I`m your brother. My name`s Little Bayberry
Little Red : Ah.. Thank you my dear brother (look back)
Little Red : Oh.. watch out! The evil dragon over there!
Little Bayberry : Don`t worry Little Red
Little Red : Go deeep when digging a well: pull up the roots when hoeing a field. While
that dragon is still alive to kindly ways he`ll never yield
Little Bayberry : (rushed back to the pond and began blow his pipe once more)

Bayberry stood on the bank for seven days and nights, a fast tune blowing on his pipe.
Finally the evil dragon could move no longer and floated on the surface of the water. His days
had come to an end.

Little Bayberry : In the end we are the winner

Little Red : Yup you are strongest brother
Little Red : Mom.. we comeback..
Mother : Oh my child.. come to Mommy. Are you okay honey? What`s that?
Little Red : I`m okay, Mom. Oh..this is the evil dragon`s skin. What can we do with this
Little Bayberry : How about built a new home from this?
Little Red : Aa... It`s a good idea. Let`s do it

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