An Ant Colony Optimization of Fault Tolerant Router On Network On Chip

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T.Madhavkumar, 2P.Bharathi M.E, 3R.Ganesan M.E PhD
PG scholar, 2Asst.professor, 3Programme Head
M.E VLSI Design
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
1, 2, 3
Sethu Institute of Technology, Kariyapatti

Abstract -This project proposes a 6.4 tools has been used to demonstrate
fault-tolerant solution for a buffer-less existing and proposed results.
network-on-chip, including an on-line
fault-diagnosis mechanism to detect Keywords - FIFO, Shared buffer,
both transient and permanent fault. Network on chip, ACO
This brief proposes an on-line I. INTRODUCTION
transparent test technique for
detection of latent hard faults which The design of a chip is based on four
develop in first input first output distinct aspects: computation,
buffers of routers during field memory, communication and I/O
operation of NoC and also propose (Fig.1). The increase of the processing
fault tolerant solution by introducing power and the emergence of data
shared buffer in router. It provides intensive applications has attracted
alternative way in case of detection of major attention on the challenge of
faults otherwise used to improve the communication aspect in single-
efficiency. The technique involves chip systems (SoC).
repeating tests periodically to prevent
accumulation of faults. A prototype
implementation of the proposed test
algorithm has been integrated into the
router-channel interface and on-line
test has been performed with synthetic
self-similar data traffic. The Ant
Colony Optimization (ACO)
Algorithm is used to find the
minimum distance between senders to
receiver. xilinx 12.1and Model sim
Fig 1 NoC Architecture
Fault-tolerance or graceful Fault-Tolerant Routing
degradation is the property that Algorithms to Handle Permanent
enables a system to continue Faults for NoC Two kinds of fault-
operating properly in the event of the tolerant routing, which are known as
failure of (or one or more faults stochastic and deterministic, have
within) some of its components. If its been proposed for NoC to handle
operating quality decreases at all, the permanent faults. Stochastic
decrease is proportional to the communication transfers redundant
severity of the failure, as compared to packets through different paths to
a naively-designed system in which avoid faults Depending on the shape
even a small failure can cause total of the fault region, deterministic fault-
breakdown. tolerant routing algorithms can be
categorized into two classes: one can
Fault-tolerance is not just a handle regular fault regions (e.g.,
property of individual machines; it convex and concave shapes) and the
may also characterize the rules by other, which is also known as
which they interact. For example, the topology-agnostic, can handle
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) irregular fault regions.
is designed to support reliable two-
way communication in a packet- II. FAULTS IN FIFO BUFFERS OF NOC
switched network, even in the ROUTERS
presence of communications links On-line transparent test technique
which are imperfect or overloaded. for detection of latent hard faults
Within the scope of an individual which develop in first input first
system, fault-tolerance can be output buffers of routers during field
achieved by anticipating exceptional operation of NoC. The technique
conditions and building the system to involves repeating tests periodically
cope with them, and, in general, to prevent accumulation of faults. A
aiming for self-stabilization so that prototype implementation of the test
the system converges towards an algorithm has been integrated into the
error-free state. The SoC design router-channel interface and on-line
challenges concern at first the design test has been performed with synthetic
complexity; the goals are the self-similar data traffic. The
separation of computation from performance of the NoC after addition
communication, and the use of of the test circuit has been
structured communication means. It is investigated in terms of throughput
also important to achieve design while the area overhead has been
reliability in order to cope with studied by synthesizing the test
process variability, and to guarantee hardware.
resilience against soft and hard errors.
The algorithmic interpretation of are synchronized with two different
the transparent SOA-MATS++ test is clocks. The clock used for test
presented in below (fig.2). It describes purpose (referred as test_clk in this
the step-by-step procedure to perform brief) is a faster clock compared with
the three phases of the transparent the clock required for normal mode
SOA MATS++ test for each location (router clock).
of the FIFO memory. we present the
technique used for implementing the III .EXISTING SCHEME
proposed transparent SOA-MATS++ a. Shared Buffer
test on a mesh-type NoC. Data A new error mitigation
packets are divided into flow control mechanism suitable for dynamic
units (flits) and are transmitted in NoCs, where the number and position
pipeline fashion. of processor elements or faulty blocks
vary during runtime. Indeed, online
detection of data packet and adaptive
routing algorithm errors.

Fig.3 shared routing

Fig.2 SOA-MATS++ Both presented mechanisms are
able to distinguish permanent and
The flit movement in a mesh-type transient errors and localize
NoC infrastructure considered for this accurately the position of the faulty
work is assumed to require buffering blocks (data bus, input port, output
only at the input channels of routers. port) in the NoC routers, while
Thus, for a data traffic movement preserving the throughput, the
from one core to another, the online network load, and the data packet
test is performed only on the input latency. We provide alternate by-
channel FIFO buffers, which lie along passing capacity in the case of
the path. The buffers operate in two detection of faults.
modes, the normal mode and the test
mode. The normal mode and test
mode of operation of a FIFO buffer
IV. PROPOSED SCHEME trail using all the solutions produced
a. Ant Colony Optimization by the ant colony. Each edge
The ant colony optimization belonging to one of the computed
algorithm (ACO) is a probabilistic solutions is modified by an amount of
technique for solving computational pheromone proportional to its solution
problems which can be reduced to value.
finding good paths through graphs. At the end of this phase the
This algorithm is a member of the ant pheromone of the entire system
colony algorithms family, in swarm evaporates and the process of
intelligence methods, and it construction and update is iterated.
constitutes some met heuristic On the contrary, in ACS only the best
optimizations. The first algorithm was solution computed since the
aiming to search for an optimal path beginning of the computation is used
in a graph, based on the behavior of to globally update the pheromone. As
an ants seeking path between their was the case in AS, global updating is
colony and a source of food. The intended to increase the attractiveness
original idea has since diversified to of promising route but ACS
solve a wider class of numerical mechanism is more effective since it
problems, and as a result, several avoids long convergence time by
problems have emerged, drawing on directly concentrate the search in a
various aspects of the behavior of neighborhoods of the best tour found
ants. ACS was the first algorithm up to the current iteration of the
inspired by real ants behavior. algorithm.

The proposed route system, with
ANT COLONY algorithm are
simulated by using Xilinx ISE 12.1i
Fig.4 Minimal path searching and and implemented in Spartan FPGA
selection mechanism processor. Parameter existing Proposed
The merit is used to introduce the 1 Number
32 28
ACO algorithms and to show the of Slices
potentiality of using artificial 2 Number
pheromone and artificial ants to drive of 4 input 60 50
the search of always better solutions LUTs
for complex optimization problems. 3 Number
In ACS once all ants have computed of bonded 15 10
their tour (i.e. at the end of each IOBs
iteration) AS updates the pheromone Table1comparsionb/w existing and propose

After performing the synthesize

process, the RTL schematic has been
created automatically based on the
functionality. The routing between the
different cells can be viewed clearly
by this schematic

Fig 4 Simulation result from model

sim 6.4

In this paper, we provided a fault-

tolerant solution for a buffer-less NoC
to protect it from both transient and
permanent faults on the links based on
Ant Colony Optimization based
routing algorithm was implemented
The experimental results showed that
Fig 3 Schematic Diagram FTDR and FTDR-H routers are high-
reliability buffer-less routers, which
can protect against any fault
distribution pattern, as long as the
network is not cut into two or more
disconnected sub-networks


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M.E Instrumentation
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presently working as professor and
head of the department of M.E VLSI
Design at Sethu Institute of
Technology, India. He has published
more than 25 research papers in the
national and international Journals/
conferences. His research interests are
VLSI Design, Image Processing, and
Neural Networks and genetic

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