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ISBT Science Series (2015) 10 (Suppl.

1), 295304

INVITED REVIEW 4C-S32-01 2015 International Society of Blood Transfusion

athalassaemia: a genotypephenotype correlation and

V. Viprakasit
Division of Hematology-Oncology, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand

Throughout the world, athalassaemia represents the most common monogenic

disorder in man [1]. A large number of mutations (mainly deletions and a few
nucleotide substitutions) of the human a-globin cluster have been described
which interact to produce one of three broad phenotypes, a-thalassaemia hetero-
zygote, Hb H disease and Hb Barts hydrops fetalis [2]. In terms of public health,
a-thalassaemia trait only causes a mild anaemia and Hb Barts hydrops fetalis is
usually fatal in late gestation [2, 3, 4]. In contrast, Hb H disease is a relatively
common cause of thalassaemia in individuals of Southeast Asian, Middle Eastern
and Mediterranean origins and is associated with a variety of clinically important
complications [3, 5]. This review will focus on the molecular basis of athalas-
saemia in general and more specifically illustrate a recent development in
molecular characterization of several, including novel, athalassaemia alleles
found recently. The complexity of globin genotypephenotype correlation in
athalassaemia disease will be discussed with particular regard to patients with
Hb H disease.
Key words: Barts hydrops fetalis, Hb H disease, athalassaemia

16 (a, last three boxes in Fig. 1). Heterozygotes for sin-

Molecular basis of athalassaemia
gle agene deletions (a/aa) are clinically and haemato-
Clinical phenotypes associated with athalassaemia result logically normal or present with mild microcytosis and
from mutations involving the aglobin gene cluster on cannot be definitively diagnosed without molecular-based
the telomeric region of the short arm of chromosome 16 analysis. There are two common molecular pathology-
(16p 133) [16]. There are two copies of the aglobin causing a0-thalassaemias, a 37-kb (rightward, a37)
gene per haploid genome, annotated aa/aa. deletion and a 42-kb (leftward, a42) deletion (Fig. 1).
In a0-thalassaemia (a condition in which aglobin The 37-kb deletion is more common and has been found
expression from one chromosome is completely abol- in nearly every region of the world [2, 7, 8].
ished), both of the linked aglobin genes are lost (--/aa), Less commonly, a+-thalassaemia results from mutations
most commonly by deletions that involve part or the in one or a few nucleotides in critical regions of the
entire aglobin gene cluster (Fig. 1). agenes. This is called non-deletional athalassaemia
Heterozygotes for a0-thalassaemia are clinically normal [6]. These mutations usually, but not always, affect the
but have a mild hypochromic, microcytic anaemia. In the more highly expressed a 2 gene (aTa) rather than the a 1
less severe condition (a+-thalassaemia), aglobin expres- gene (aaT). These nucleotide mutations are summarized in
sion from one chromosome is reduced but not abolished. Fig. 2 and Table 1. More than 50 different non-deletional
For example, this includes conditions in which a single mutations that cause athalassaemia have been reported
copy of the duplicated agenes is lost from chromosome so far (reviewed in [6]). These may affect mRNA splicing,
initiation of mRNA translation or disturb the poly
Correspondence: Vip Viprakasit, Department of Pediatrics & Thalassemia (A) addition signal leading to downregulation of the
Center, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok affected aglobin gene. These mutations, a0-thalassaemia
10700, Thailand. (--) and a+-thalassaemia (a or aTa), have different
E-mail: effects on aglobin expression and can be broadly cate-
Invited Review for ISBT Meeting 2014 (Seoul, Korea). gorized as shown (Fig. 3).

296 V. Viprakasit

Fig. 1 The aglobin cluster and deletions

resulting in a0- and a+-thalassaemia. Boxes in
the upper panel represent the extents of
deletions which give rise to a0-thalassaemia,
The --SEA, --THAI, --FIL, --MED deletions are
common in some populations and have a GAP-
PCR-based diagnosis available. Three boxes in
the lower panel represent a+- thalassaemia.
Small white boxes at the tip of each deletion
represent uncertain breakpoint ends. Some rare
deletions are not shown in this gure, which is
modied from [6].

Homozygosity for a0-thalassaemia results in a complete a 2 gene which lies upstream of the a 1 gene and is
loss of aglobin gene expression. This genotype causes a expressed two to threefold more highly than the a 1 gene
very severe clinical syndrome called Haemoglobin Barts (reviewed in [3]). The deficit in aglobin expression in
hydrops fetalis. Infants who inherit no agenes (--/--) these Hb H patients (--/aTa) appears to be greater than in
have a severe anaemia in which excess cchains form a the deletional forms of Hb H disease (--/a), and some-
non-functional tetrameric Hb called Hb Barts (c4). Such times the non-deletional mutations have additional dele-
infants survive until the third trimester of pregnancy terious effects on terminal erythroid differentiation and
because they continue to produce small amounts of the red cell metabolism. Therefore, the clinical phenotypes of
embryonic Hbs Portland I (f2c2) and Portland II (f2b2). Hb H disease found in non-deletional athalassaemia (--/
However, at this stage they often have multiple congeni- aTa) are often more severe than those caused by a+-thal-
tal abnormalities and die of heart failure as a result of assaemia resulting from simple deletion (--/a). Patients
anaemia (reviewed in [4]). in the former group have lower levels of Hb and higher
Compound heterozygotes for a0- and a+-thalassaemia levels of Hb H and some of them are transfusion depen-
(--/a) with only one functional a globin gene have a dent, whereas patients in the latter group rarely require
severe imbalance in globin chain synthesis. The excess regular transfusion. However, the clinical course of Hb H
bglobin chains precipitate and form a characteristic disease appears to be remarkably variable between differ-
abnormal haemoglobin, Haemoglobin H (Hb H) or bglo- ent patients. At one end of the spectrum, some individu-
bin tetramer (b4). This causes a phenotype of mild to als with Hb H disease have never sought medical
moderate chronic haemolytic anaemia named Haemoglo- consultation and are only identified during the course of
bin H disease (Hb H disease) characterized by readily investigation for other reasons (e.g. before routine sur-
detectable Hb H inclusion bodies in the peripheral blood. gery). In those who do seek medical attention, the fre-
Alternatively, Hb H disease can result from the interac- quency of complications and requirement for blood
tion between a0-thalassaemia and non-deletional athal- transfusion varies considerably. At the most severe
assaemia (--/aTa or --/aaT). The majority of mutations in extreme, some infants with Hb H disease die in the neo-
the non-deletional forms of athalassaemia occur in the natal period from profound anaemia and hydrops fetalis

Fig. 2 Summary of nucleotide mutations causing non-deletional athalassaemia. Nucleotide mutations have been observed at initiation codons, coding
regions, splice junctions, termination codons and polyadenylation signals (Poly A). Changes include single or oligonucleotide substitutions, deletion(s),
insertion(s) and deletions/insertions exerting effects on mRNA transcription including nonsense mutations, frameshift and transcriptional read through
(Poly A mutation). Missense mutations can produce abnormal globin chains resulting in unstable aglobin. White circles denote mutations described in
the a 1 gene whereas black circles represent those in the a 2 gene. Details of each mutation are available online at (the globin
gene server).

2015 International Society of Blood Transfusion, ISBT Science Series (2015) 10 (Suppl. 1), 295304
Genotypephenotype in a thalassaemia 297

Table 1 Summary of non-deletional mutations that cause a-thalassaemia

Affected sequence gene Mutation(s) Distribution Phenotype Reference(s)

mRNA processing
Cryptic splicing a2 Cd 22; C-T Surinamese a+ Harteveld et al. (2004)
IVS (donor) a2 IVS1; 5 by deletion Mediterranean a+ Orkin et al. (1981)
a2 IVS2; T-A North European a+a0 Harteveld et al. (2006)
a1 IVS1; G-A Thai a+ 51
IVS (acceptor) a2 IVS 1; 116 (A-G) Dutch a+ Harteveld et al. (1996)
a1 IVS 1; 117 (G-A) Asian Indian a+ Curuk et al. (1993)
a2 IVS 2; 142 (G-A) Argentinian a+a0 Nelida et al. (2001)
a1 IVS 2; 148 (A-G) Iranian a+ Lau et al. (1997)
Poly A signal a2 PA+30 UTR; 16 bp del Arab a+a0 Tamary et al. (1997)
a2 AATAAA-AATAAG Middle east a+a0 Higgs et al. (1983)
Mediterranean 45
a2 AATAAA-AATGAA Mediterranean a+a0 Yuregir et al. (1992)
Chinese Ma et al. (2001)
a2 AATAAA-AATA-- Asian Indian a+a0 Harteveld et al. (1994)
Thai Hall et al. (1994)
mRNA translation
Initiation codon a37 ATG-GTG African a0 Olivieri et al. (1987)
a37 ACCATG---CATG North African a+a0 Morle et al. (1985)
Mediterranean Morle et al. (1986)
Viprakasit (submitted)
a2 ATG-ACG Mediterranean a+ Pirastu et al. (1984)
a2 ATG-A-G Vietnam a+ Waye et al. (1996)
a1 ATG--TG Mediterranean a+ Paglietti et al. (1986)
Moi et al. (1987)
a2 ATG--TG Southeast Asian a+ Eng et al. (2006)
Exon I a1 Cd 14;G-A Iranian a0 Harteveld et al. (2003)
a2 Cd 19; del G Iranian a+ Harteveld et al. (2003)
a2 Cd 22; del C African Pereira et al. (2006)
a2 Cd 23; G-T Tunisian a0 Siala et al. (2004)
a Cd 30/31; 2 bp del African a0 Safaya and Raider et al. (1988)
Exon II a2 Cd 39/41; del/ins Yemenite-Jewish a+ Oron-Karni et al. (1997)
a2 Cd 90; AAG-TAG Middle Eastern a+ Twomey et al. (2003)
a1 Cd 51-55; 13 by del Spainish a+ Ayala et al. (1997)
a1 Cd 62; del G African Luo et al. (2007)
a1 Cd 78; del C Black/Chinese Eng et al. (2006)
Exon III a1 Cd 108; C del Jewish a+a0 Oron-Karni et al. (2002)
a2 Cd 113/114; del C Unknow Eng et al. (2006)
a2 Cd 113-116; 12 bp del (Leida) Spanish a+a0 Ayala et al. (1996)
a2 Cd 116; G-T African a+ Liebhaber et al. (1987)
a1 Cd 131; T ins (Pak Num Po) Thai a0 54
Termination codon a2 TAA-CAA (Constant Spring) Southeast Asian a+ Clegg et al. (1971)
a2 TAA-AAA (Icaria) Mediterranean a+ Clegg et al. (1974)
Efremov et al. (1990)
a2 TAA-TCA (Koya Dora) Indian a+ De Jong et al. (1975)
a2 TAA-GAA (Seal Rock) African a+ Bradley et al. (1975)
Merritt et al. (1997)
a2 TAA-TAT (Pakse) Laotian a+ Waye et al. (1994)
Thai 45
a2 TAA-CAT (Zurich-Altstetten) Thai Frischknecht and Dutly

2015 International Society of Blood Transfusion, ISBT Science Series (2015) 10 (Suppl. 1), 295304
298 V. Viprakasit

Table 1 (Continued)

Affected sequence gene Mutation(s) Distribution Phenotype Reference(s)

Post translational
Exon I a Cd 14; T- G (Evanston, W-R) African a+ Honig et al. (1984)
a2 Cd21; G-C French a+ Wajcman et al. (1989)
a2 Cd21; G-T Dutch a+ Harteveld et al. (2007)
a2 Cd29; T-C (Agrinio, L-P) Mediterranean a+ Hall et al. (1993)
a2 Cd 30; 3 bp del (del Q) Chinese a+a0 Chan et al. (1997)
a2 Cd 31; G-A (R-L) Chinese a+a0 Chen et al. (2000)
a2 Cd 33; T-C (Chartres, F-S) (Cd35?) Filipino a+a0 Lorey et al. (2001) (cloud it be in ex2?)
a2 Cd 35; T-C (S-P) French a+ PrehU et al. (2003) (cloud it be in
a1 Cd 37; 3 by del (Heraklion, del P) Greece a+a0 Traeger-Synodinos et al. (2000)
Exon II a1 Cd 38/39; 3 by del (Taybe, del T) Arabian a+ Pobedimskaya et al. (1994)
a1 Cd 59; G-A (Adana, G-D) Turkish a+ Curuk et al. (1993)
a1 Cd 59; G-C (G-R) Jewish a+a0 Oron-Karni et al. 2000)
a2 Cd 32; G-A (Amsterdam, M-I) Surinamese-Black a+a0 Harteveld et al. (2005)
a2 Cd 59; G-A (Adana, G-D) Chinese a+a0 Chan et al. (1997)
a1 Cd 60/61; 3 bp del (Clinic, del K) Spanish a+a0 Ayala et al. (1998)
a2 Cd 62; 3 bp del (Aghia Sophia, del V) Greece a0 Traeger-Synodinos et al. (1999)
a1 Cd 64-74; 33 by del Greece a0 Waye et al. (2001)
a2 Cd 66; T-C (Dartmouth, L-P) Caucasian a+a0 McBride et al. (2002)
a2 Cd 93; T-G (Bronte, V-G) Italian a+ Lacerra et al. (2003)
a1 Cd 93-99; 22 by dupl Iranian a+a0 Waye et al. (2001)
a2 Cd 104; G-A (Sallanches, C-Y) French a+ Morie et al. (1995)
Pakistanis Kahn et al. (2000)
Exon III a2 Cd 103 A-T (Hb Bronovo, H-L) Turkish a+ Harteveld et al. (2006)
a1 Cd 104; T-A (Hb Oegstgeest, C-S) Surinamese a+ Harteveld et al. (2005)
a2 Cd 108; C-A (Hb Bleuland, T-N) Surinamese a+ Harteveld et al. (2006)
a2 Cd 109; T-G (Suan Dok, L-R) Thai a+ 48
a1 Cd 110; C-A (Petah Tikva, A-D) Middle east a+ Honig et al. (1981)
a1 Cd 119; C-T (Groene Hart or Moroccan a+ Harteveld et al. (2002)
Bernalda P-S)
a2 Cd 125; T-G (Plasencia, L-A) Spanish a+ Martin et al. (2005)
a2 Cd 125; T-C (Quong Sze, L-P) Chinese a+ Goossens et al. (1982)
a37 Cd 125; T-A (L-G) Jewish a0 Oron-Karni et al. (2000)
a1 Cd 129; T-C (Tunis-Bizerte, L-P) Tunisian a+ Darbellay et al. (1995)
a2 Cd 129; T-C (Utrecht, L-P) Dutch a+ Harteveld et al. (1996)
a2 Cd 130; G-C (Sun Prarie, A-P) Asian Indian a+ Darkness et al. (1990)
a2 Cd 131; T-C (Questember, S-W) French a+ Wajcman et al. (1993)
Yugoslavian Rochette et al. (1995)
a2 Cd 132;T-G (Caen, V-G) Caucasian a+ Wajcman et al. (1993)
a2 Cd 136;T-C (Bibba, L-P) Caucasian a+ Prchal et al. (1995)

del, deletion; ins, insertion; dupl, duplication; Cd, codon; PA, poly(A) signal; UTR, untranslated region.

(Haemoglobin H hydrops fetalis, reviewed in [9]). The structural b-gene intact in patients with b-thalassaemia
pathophysiological basis for the variable clinical course [10] has lead to identification of b-globin locus control
between individuals remains unclear. region (b-LCR). This lies upstream of the bglobin cluster
and contains five regulatory elements associated with
DNAse I hypersensitive sites called HS1-5 [1113]. Similar
Unusual forms of athalassaemia
observations have been made for the aglobin cluster, in
Characterization of three unique, sporadic deletions of which nine sporadic deletions, each affecting single fami-
sequences located upstream of the b-cluster that leave the lies, have been reported that likewise remove sequences

2015 International Society of Blood Transfusion, ISBT Science Series (2015) 10 (Suppl. 1), 295304
Genotypephenotype in a thalassaemia 299

Fig. 3 Categories of athalassaemia mutations

and their impact on aglobin expression.

lying upstream of the a-globin cluster while leaving the regulatory elements results in substantially decreased
structural a-genes intact [1421]. These deletions all expression of both linked aglobin genes [21]. Compound
remove a major erythroid-specific DNAse I hypersensitive heterozygotes for these deletions and a+-thalassaemia
site (HS -40) lying 40 kb upstream of the f-globin gene alleles [(aa)/a] give rise to Hb H disease. Detail haemato-
(Fig. 4). This HS-40 element is the only cis acting regula- logical data, clinical phenotype and genotype correlation
tory element to be analysed to date and was demonstrated of all reported upstream deletions causing unusual athal-
to have an enhancer effect on aglobin gene expression in assaemia have been recently reviewed [21].
several in vitro assays [2225]. Upstream deletions in both Another unusual form of athalassaemia is caused by
a and bglobin gene clusters are of considerable impor- mutations in a chromatin remodelling factor, ATRX
tance in establishing the role(s) of putative regulatory ele- (alpha thalassaemia mental retardation-X linked syn-
ments in vivo as they represent true human knockout drome) [26, 27]. Downregulation of the ATRX gene,
mutations that exert their effects in these rare patients mostly by missense mutations involving its zinc-finger
throughout all stages of erythroid development and differ- motif, results in decreased expression of normal structural
entiation.21 Heterozygotes for these deletions [denoted as a globin genes by an unclear mechanism in patients with
(aa)/aa] have a haematological phenotype mimicking that ATRX syndrome and ATMDS (alpha thalassaemia and
of a0-thalassaemia carriers, suggesting that loss of the myelodysplastic syndrome) [28, 29]. The intriguing

Fig. 4 Diagram of upstream deletions of the acluster and their relative positions within chromosome 16p 133. Co-ordinate numbers (in kb) given are
according to GenBank accession number AE006462.1. HS-40 or a-major regulatory element (a-MRE) is represented by a white box. The grey, numbered
boxes represent known genes located in this region in addition to the globin genes, other genes are 1, DDX11P; 2, 16pHQG2; 3, IL9RP3; 31, POLR3K; 4,
C16orf33; 5, C16orf8; 6, MPG; 7, C16orf35; and 16, LUC7L (see [58, 59] for details). Black arrows represent the erythroid hypersensitive sites HS-40,
HS-33, HS-10 and HS-8 upstream of the aglobin cluster. The telomere is shown as a round oval at the end of the contig. [modied from Ref. 21]

2015 International Society of Blood Transfusion, ISBT Science Series (2015) 10 (Suppl. 1), 295304
300 V. Viprakasit

molecular mechanism caused by mutations in trans-act- 173 300 including the fglobin gene. We have previ-
ing factors underlying unusual causes of thalassaemia ously identified an interaction of this deletion with Hb
[30, 31] will be reviewed elsewhere. CS, which gave rise to the severe phenotype of Hb H-CS
disease [42]. It is thought that homozygosity for the THAI
deletion would cause early fetal death and spontaneous
athalassaemia in Asia
abortion due to lack of the fglobin genes during embry-
Some fifty years ago, Professor Supa Na-Nakorn and Pro- onic erythropoiesis, although such a case has not yet
fessor Prawase Wasi began their pioneering research into been reported. We have also predicted that compound
athalassaemia and Hb H disease in non-Mediterranean heterozygosity for the SEA and THAI deletions would
populations at the Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj hospital, produce Hb Barts hydrops fetalis syndrome [42]. This
Thailand. Their outstanding research on athalassaemia, prediction was substantiated by a recent report describing
including their prescient concepts regarding duplication such an interaction [43]. Although a0-thalassaemia was
of the aglobin genes and the molecular pathology included in the pilot study started since 1995 for the
underlying Hb H and Hb Barts hydrops fetalis (athal-1 Thailand national programme for the prevention and con-
and athal-2) described some ten years prior to the clon- trol of severe thalassaemias including Hb Barts hydrops
ing of the aglobin genes. fetalis, homozygous b-thalassaemia and Hb E-b-thal, only
In South-East Asia and the Southern region of China, the SEA type deletion screening using a PCR-based
athalassaemias are extremely common. This was previ- method was adopted in the program [44]. This is to detect
ously predicted from several cord blood studies detecting carriers for the SEA deletion and identify couples at risk
Hb Barts (c4), and subsequently confirmed by molecular of having a baby with Hb Barts hydrops fetalis resulting
analysis [3234]. The spectrum of genotypes associated from homozygous a0-thalassaemia (--SEA/--SEA). The
with these globin anomalies is heterogenous but some- THAI deletion may be more prevalent than was previ-
what specific to particular areas or regions since a set of ously thought, and misidentification of this deletion in
common mutations are responsible for nearly 8090% of our population may hamper the success and effectiveness
all affected individuals and these sets are different from of the control program for severe thalassaemia. It is
one area to another [8]. therefore justified to include this THAI deletion in the
There are estimated to be at least 7000 new cases of screening program, possibly using a multiplex PCR-based
Hb H disease born each year in Thailand since nearly method. The clinical importance of the aforementioned
13% of its population is heterozygous for either deletional THAI deletion has also minimize a benefit of the screen-
or non-deletional athalassaemia determinants. Previous ing test using anti-fglobin detection since there is no
studies from Thailand revealed that the molecular basis of reactivation of the fglobin in carriers with the THAI
the majority of patients with Hb H disease includes dele- deletion [40].
tional Hb H (--/a37 or --/a42) and non-deletional Hb There is emerging evidence that the molecular pathol-
H caused be a0-thalassaemia and Hb Constant Spring (ter- ogy underlying Hb H disease in Thailand might be more
mination codon mutation; TAA?CAA, aCSa) [3537]. heterogeneous than was previously thought. We have
In the majority of Thai patients with a0-thalassaemia recently shown that at least 15% of patients formerly
characterized to date at the molecular level, the Southeast diagnosed with Hb H-CS actually have Hb H-Pakse
Asian deletion (SEA, --SEA) is the most common mutation caused by another termination codon mutation (TAA?
underlying a0-thalassaemia, accounting for nearly 99% of TAT) [45]. Since there is no significant difference in elec-
cases (Vip Viprakasit, unpublished data). Approximately trophoretic pattern between Hb Pakse (Hb PS) and Hb CS
193 kb of both aglobin genes (nucleotides 155 400 and molecular analysis for both termination codon muta-
174 700 of GenBank accession number AE006462.1) is tions using Mnl I gives identical results [45], Hb PS has
deleted while an embryonic fglobin gene lying not previously been recognized in Thailand. Subsequent
upstream remains intact and is reactivated. A small studies have provided further evidence that Hb PS might
amount of globin peptide from reactivated fglobin be prevalent in the north eastern part of Thailand [46, 47]
genes has been observed in carriers of the SEA deletion. where its carrier frequency may be as high as 23%. Our
It has therefore been proposed that anti-fglobin could preliminary results suggest that Hb H-PS patients are not
be used as a rapid method for diagnosis and screening for significantly different in their clinical severity from those
the SEA deletion carrier (--SEA/aa) [3840]. with Hb H-CS. One may ask whether it is necessary to
However, there is another form of a0-thalassaemia distinguish between these two termination codon muta-
identified in Thailand, namely the THAI deletion (--THAI) tions. However, as there is currently insufficient evidence
[35, 41]. This deletion removes a total of 335 kb of the that both mutations have different clinical consequences,
aglobin cluster, between nucleotides 139 800 and correct genotyping of both termination codon mutations

2015 International Society of Blood Transfusion, ISBT Science Series (2015) 10 (Suppl. 1), 295304
ISBT Science Series (2015) 10 (Suppl. 1), 295304

INVITED REVIEW 4C-S32-01 2015 International Society of Blood Transfusion

athalassaemia: a genotypephenotype correlation and

V. Viprakasit
Division of Hematology-Oncology, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand

Throughout the world, athalassaemia represents the most common monogenic

disorder in man [1]. A large number of mutations (mainly deletions and a few
nucleotide substitutions) of the human a-globin cluster have been described
which interact to produce one of three broad phenotypes, a-thalassaemia hetero-
zygote, Hb H disease and Hb Barts hydrops fetalis [2]. In terms of public health,
a-thalassaemia trait only causes a mild anaemia and Hb Barts hydrops fetalis is
usually fatal in late gestation [2, 3, 4]. In contrast, Hb H disease is a relatively
common cause of thalassaemia in individuals of Southeast Asian, Middle Eastern
and Mediterranean origins and is associated with a variety of clinically important
complications [3, 5]. This review will focus on the molecular basis of athalas-
saemia in general and more specifically illustrate a recent development in
molecular characterization of several, including novel, athalassaemia alleles
found recently. The complexity of globin genotypephenotype correlation in
athalassaemia disease will be discussed with particular regard to patients with
Hb H disease.
Key words: Barts hydrops fetalis, Hb H disease, athalassaemia

16 (a, last three boxes in Fig. 1). Heterozygotes for sin-

Molecular basis of athalassaemia
gle agene deletions (a/aa) are clinically and haemato-
Clinical phenotypes associated with athalassaemia result logically normal or present with mild microcytosis and
from mutations involving the aglobin gene cluster on cannot be definitively diagnosed without molecular-based
the telomeric region of the short arm of chromosome 16 analysis. There are two common molecular pathology-
(16p 133) [16]. There are two copies of the aglobin causing a0-thalassaemias, a 37-kb (rightward, a37)
gene per haploid genome, annotated aa/aa. deletion and a 42-kb (leftward, a42) deletion (Fig. 1).
In a0-thalassaemia (a condition in which aglobin The 37-kb deletion is more common and has been found
expression from one chromosome is completely abol- in nearly every region of the world [2, 7, 8].
ished), both of the linked aglobin genes are lost (--/aa), Less commonly, a+-thalassaemia results from mutations
most commonly by deletions that involve part or the in one or a few nucleotides in critical regions of the
entire aglobin gene cluster (Fig. 1). agenes. This is called non-deletional athalassaemia
Heterozygotes for a0-thalassaemia are clinically normal [6]. These mutations usually, but not always, affect the
but have a mild hypochromic, microcytic anaemia. In the more highly expressed a 2 gene (aTa) rather than the a 1
less severe condition (a+-thalassaemia), aglobin expres- gene (aaT). These nucleotide mutations are summarized in
sion from one chromosome is reduced but not abolished. Fig. 2 and Table 1. More than 50 different non-deletional
For example, this includes conditions in which a single mutations that cause athalassaemia have been reported
copy of the duplicated agenes is lost from chromosome so far (reviewed in [6]). These may affect mRNA splicing,
initiation of mRNA translation or disturb the poly
Correspondence: Vip Viprakasit, Department of Pediatrics & Thalassemia (A) addition signal leading to downregulation of the
Center, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok affected aglobin gene. These mutations, a0-thalassaemia
10700, Thailand. (--) and a+-thalassaemia (a or aTa), have different
E-mail: effects on aglobin expression and can be broadly cate-
Invited Review for ISBT Meeting 2014 (Seoul, Korea). gorized as shown (Fig. 3).

302 V. Viprakasit

clinical heterogeneity even within those patients with an 2 Weatherall DJ, Clegg JB (eds): The Thalassaemia Syndromes,
identical genotype, mainly Hb H-CS (--SEA/aCSa). While 4th edn. Oxford, Blackwell Science, 2001
many patients with Hb H-CS do not require splenectomy 3 Higgs DR, Bowden DK: Clinical and laboratory features of the
or have never received transfusion and compensate quite a thalassemia syndrome; in Steinberg MH, Forget BG, Higgs
DR, Nagel RL (eds). Disorders of Hemoglobin. Cambridge:
well, achieving normal growth and pubertal development,
Cambridge University Press, 2001:431469
other patients with an identical genotype have a more
4 Chui DH, Waye JS: Hydrops fetalis caused by alpha-thalasse-
severe phenotype and require intensive management. mia: an emerging health care problem. Blood 1998; 91:2213
Acute haemolytic episodes, which are more common in 2222
the first decade of life, may contribute to clinical severity 5 Chui DH, Fucharoen S, Chan V: Hemoglobin H disease: not
in Hb H patients. Acute haemolysis appears to decrease in necessarily a benign disorder. Blood 2003; 101:791800
frequency after the second decade of life, with most 6 Higgs DR: Molecular mechanisms of a thalassemia; in Stein-
patients requiring no further transfusions by the time berg MH, Forget BG, Higgs DR, Nagel RL (eds). Disorders of
they reach puberty. It has been suggested that acute hae- Hemoglobin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press;
molytic episodes are associated, or partially caused by, 2001:405430
concurrent infection and raised body temperature [56]. 7 Bowden DK, Hill AV, Weatherall DJ, et al.: High frequency of
beta thalassaemia in a small island population in Melanesia.
There would be increased risk of haemolytic crises when
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