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Nowadays, presence of many grab car and uber car give many negative impact to the taxi
companys. By offering lower price went consumer used it compared taxi,of course it will be a
choice of consumers for get it their sevices. It different with taxi, because taxi drivers must offer
highest price then uber or grab car servise because they must to pay rent to taxi companys. As a
manager for one of taxi companys in Malaysia, of course it give promlem to me and my
company to solve it this problem.
The first effect is the number of taxi drivers will reduce. With existence grab car and uber
car, taxi drivers wil shift to be a uber drivers. It is because if there still work as a taxi drivers,
they must to pay high rate rent to the taxi companys although their collectioan per day is low.
The rate of rent per day that should their pay is in the range RM 75.00 to RM150.00 depend on
certain season, such as a public holiday and festivel season. If they as a uber drivers, may be
their profit will highest because they have not to pay rent per day because it only by used their
own car. That why the number of taxi drivers reduce they shift to be a uber and grab car drivers
because the income of uber and grab car highest that income of taxi drivers. It also will reduce
income for taxi company and that taxi not generate income for their company because we have
no drivers. If it happen in along time, taxi company will bankrupt.
Next, negative impact to the taxi companys is about income(companys income). With
existence grab car and uber car, consumer will choose their services because mine costis lowest
than taxi. Such as, if taxi services may be the mine cost from Parit Raja to Batu Pahat Station is
about RM 40.00 compare the grab car or uber car may be is only RM 30.00. Of couse the
consumer will choose grab car services and indirectly it will reduce income of taxi companys
because demand of taxi serviceses has declined. Lowest income will render that companys
undure highest demage because each taxi should has maintained.
Thirt it will increase the input cost because we must do promotion. That because to attract
the consumer to used their servises. For do promotion, we must spend some amount to used it. A
promotion such as lower mine cost,campaign and improve my condition of taxi in oder that
consumer confortable. Next we must spent some cost again because to search a new drivers for
my companys for replacing old drivers with change to uber drivers. That all must used some cost
to do it this. Without money, it will not happen.
In same situation, we must solve it the problem we face. First we want change the concept
from rent to monthly salary and give a bonus at and of the year. All taxi companys must change
their concepts from rent to consistant salary and give a bonus at and of the year. The bonus may
be depend on profit of compony. If at the year, their companys get the highest profit, may be
they will plus that bonus. It will render the drivers not run out from the companys. Bonus will
also rise the motivation of drivers to work much better and indirectly it will rise the income for
that companys and rise economic of Malaysia.
Next, we will prepare a good condition of taxi for consumer. With a good condition, the
consumer will confortable and will enjoy to used my servise. That will interact consumer tu used
taxi back and will increase back the income of companys taxi

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