Habtamu Fentahun Id 1044

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Name Habtamu FENTAHUN

ID NO 1044/06
Section A

Submitted to Instructor: - HABETOM

Submission Date:-01/03/2010 E.C
1. Explain all types of dam foundation treatment of each with example and net sketch?

Dam Foundation treatment.


Holes are drilled at shallow as well as deep and cement grouting is filled to establish an
effective barrier to seepage under the dam and to consolidate the foundation.

A, Consolidation grouting

Low-pressure grouting to fill voids, fracture zones, and cracks at and below the surface of the
excavated foundation is accomplished by drilling and grouting relatively shallow holes.

B , Curtain grouting

Curtain Grouting Construction of a deep grout curtain near the heel of the dam to control
seepage is accomplished by drilling deep holes and grouting them using higher pressure

foundationof a concret gravity dam. It is frequently used at all the other types of dam too and
is usually carried out before the dam is built over it.

This type of grouting
strengthens an area rather
than forming a curtain as
shown above.The illustration
shows its use at the

b) Proper Protection against piping should be made for dam stability

D, Dental treatment:

The procedure of reinforcing and stabilizing weak zones during drilling action and final
excavation is called dental treatment.

E, Cut-off
Is imprevious borrier constructed at shallow depth to ensure the H2O tightness of the dam

The bearing structure is ridged reinforced concrete

F, Plastic diaphragm
It is impervious borreir carried out by the plastic structure.ss

2. Explain all types of river diversion methods for dam construction

River Diversion
Before the dam can be constructed, diversion
of the river is necessary
Satisfactory handling of the stream flow during
construction is vital to the success of the work
cost of river diversion must be compared with the risk
of all or parts of the new dam in peak flood
types of diversion
tunnel, flume, concrete or steel pipeline and open channel .

River Diversion During Construction

In order to build a dam, one major temporary or semi temporary (but
essential and hardly avoidable) activity is required. That is river diversion
I.Provision of diversion tunnel or Channel Diversion tunnel or diversion
channel U/S coffer dam D/S coffer dam Costruction zone D/S U/S
Construction area diverted flow Coffer dam U/S D/S overtopped flow
Construction zone on the 2nd stage U/S D/S Completed portion of the dam

I . 1st stage diversion

Ii .2nd stage diversion

II. Two stage construction Applicable for Concrete dam

III. Through culverts in the body of the dam Example: Gilgel Gibe
Hydroelectric project.
3. What factors you will keep in mind while selecting a suitable
site for a dam reservoir?

It is almost impossible to select a perfect aidial reservoir site, but its selection is gided by the
following factors

1, a suitable dam site is available the cost of the dam is generally a controlling factor in the
selection of a reservoir site .

2; the geological formation for the reservoir bank walls etc..should be such as to entail
minimum lakege .

3,the geology of the catchment area should be such as to entail minimum water losses through
absorption and percolation .

4, the site should be such that a deep reservoir if formed . a deep reservoir is prefered to a
shallow one because of lower land cost per unit of capacity less evaporation loss and less
possibility of weed growth .

5 , the reservoir site have adequate capacity .

6; Too mach silt laiden tributories should be avoided as for as possible.

7; the reservoir basin should have a deep narrow opening in the valley, so that the length of the
dam is minimum.

11. How do you classify dams according to:

a. their use

b. hydraulic design

c. material of construction

Classification of Dams

Based on Function Served


Stores water excess supply

Behind dam reservoir

Water irrigation, power etc

Stone type, concrete, earth fill, rock fill types


Store water floods releases after flood

Two types one type stored water released outlet

Second no outlet water seeps lift irrigation is possible This type also called
water spreading dam

Also used to trap and release sediments called debris dam


Rises the water level

Water to canals, ditches

Small height

No reservoir

Eg : Weir, Barrages

Flood water diverted to

Diversion structures

Normal flow diverted to canal

USES - Irrigation, Industrial uses

Debris dams

Coffer dams - a temporary dam constructed for facilitating construction. It is an

enclosure constructed around a site to exclude water so that the construction can be
done in dry.

Based on Hydraulic Design


Surplus discharge carried


Crest level lower non over flow dams

Water glides down- strong material usage

Generally concrete or masonry

Overflow dam called spillway

At times non overflow and overflow types are combined


Top of dam higher level than high flood level

Water not permitted to overtop the dam

Materials rock fill, earth fill, masonry, concrete

Based on Materials of Construction

Rigid and non-Rigid dam


Solid masonry or concrete gravity dam

Arched masonry or concrete dam

Concrete buttress dam

Steel dam

Timber dam


External forces resisted by the weight of the dam itself.

it may be Constructed either of masonry or concrete

Masonry Gravity dams are now a days constructed of only small height

a gravity dam may be either straight and curved in plan.


Curved in plan

Carries its part load to the abutments by arch action

Water load amount of curvature

Balance water load to foundation


A number of piers divide space number of spans

To hold water panels placed between piers

Panels flat or arched


Made of timber struts and beams

Temporary dam proper construction 30 to 40 years

Adopted timber is plenty


i) A frame type

ii) Rock filled crib

iii) Beaver type


Consists of framework of steel

No Dams in India

Three dams in USA. One failed due to underpinning

Two types of steel dams 1. Direct strutted type

2. Cantilever type
Direct strut type load directly to foundation through struts

Cantilever type Struts anchored into foundation



locally available materials

Moderate height

Materials used in natural state

With modern machinery height greater


Rocks of various sizes

Rock fill dam has rock fill at the downstream, impervious

membrane, upstream cut off to check seepage

12. Discuss the various factors which govern the selection of a particular type of dam for a
particular project ?

Following are the factors affecting selection of dam site by dam type.


Geology and Foundation Conditions.

Availability of materials.

Spillway size and location.

Earth quake zone.

Height of the Dam.

Road way

Life of the dam

Other factors such as cost of construction and maintenance, life of dam, aesthetics etc

1. Topography

Low rolling plains land Earth dam with separate spillway

A low narrow V shaped valley Arch dam

A narrow stream between high rocky walls Concrete overflow dam

2. Geology and Foundation Conditions

Foundation of Sound Rock Any dam type

Granite, Gneiss, Schist good for gravity dam

Poor rock Earth dam, rock fill , low concrete gravity dam

Silt, fine sand foundations problems of settlement used as foundations for

earth dams, low gravity dams but not rock fill dams

Clay soils problems of settlement earth dams No gravity or rock fill dams

3. Materials of construction

Cost availability of materials nearby transportation charges reduced

Sand, Gravel, Crushed stone Concrete Gravity dam is suitable

Coarse , fine grained soils Earth dam

4. Spillway size and location

If large spillway area needed Overflow concrete gravity dam

Small spillway capacity earth dam

Large discharges during construction Concrete gravity dam

No site for spillway Concrete gravity dam having overflow section

5. Roadway

If roadway needed Earth dam or Gravity dam

6. Length and Height of Dam

Length long, height low earth dam

Small length, height more gravity dam

7. Life of the dam

Concrete and masonry dams very long life

Earth, Rock fill dams Intermediate life

Timber Dams Temporary life

14. Explain briefly with neat sketches the different forces that may act on a
gravity dam. Indicate their magnitudes, directions and locations
Forces Acting on a Gravity Dam

These forces fall into two categories as:

a) Forces, such as weight of the dam and water pressure, which are directly
calculable from the unit weights of the materials

and properties of fluid pressures; and

b) Forces, such as uplift, earthquake loads, silt pressure and ice

pressure, which can only be assumed on the basis of

assumption of varying degree of reliability.

It is in the estimating of the second category of the forces

that special care has to be taken and reliance placed on

availaible data, experience, and judgment.

It is convenient to compute all the forces per unit length of the dam.

Weight of Dam

Main stabilizing force in a gravity dam

Dead load = weight of concrete or masonry or both + weight of such
appurtenances as piers, gates and bridges.

Weight of the dam per unit length is equal to the product

of the area of cross-section of the dam and the specific

weight (or unit weight) of the material.

Unit weight of concrete (24 kN/m3) and masonry (23

kN/m3) varies considerably depending upon the various

materials that go to make them.

For convenience, the cross-section of the dam is divided

into simple geometrical shapes, such as rectangles and

triangles, for the computation of weights.

The areas and controids of these shapes can be easily

determined. Thus the weight components W1,W2,W3 etc.

can be found along with their lines of action. The total weightWof the dam
acts at the C.G.of

Water Pressure (Reservoir and Tail Water Loads)

Water pressure on the upstream face is the main

destabilizing (or overturning) force acting on a gravity dam.

Tail water pressure helps in the stability.

Although the weight of water varies slightly with temp.,

the variation is usually ignored. Unit Mass of water is taken as

1000 kg/m3 and specific weight = 10 kN/m3 instead of 9.81


The water pressure always acts normal to the face of dam.

It is convenient to determine the components of the forces in the
horizontal and vertical directions instead of the total force on the inc lined

Uplift Pressure

Water has a tendency to seep through the pores and

fissures of the material in the body of the dam and

foundation material, and through the joints between the

body of the dam and its foundation at the base. The seeping
water exerts pressure.

The uplift pressure is defined as the upward pressure of

water as it flows or seeps through the body of dam or its


Aportion of the weight of the dam will be supported on

the upward pressure of water; hence net foundation

reaction due to vertical force will reduce.

The area over which the uplift pressure acts has been a

question of investigation from the early part of this century.

One school of thought recommends that a value one third to two -thirds
of the area should be considered as

effective over which the uplift acts.

Earth and Silt Pressure

Gravity dams are subjected to earth pressures on the

downstream and upstream faces where the foundation

trench is to be backfilled.

Except in the abutment sections in specific cases, earth

pressures have usually a minor effect on the stability of the

structure and may be ignored.

Silt is treated as a saturated cohesionless soil having full

uplift and whose value of internal friction is not materially

changed on account of submergence.

Ice Pressure

Ice expands and contracts with changes in temperature.

In a reservoir completely frozen over, a drop in the air

temperature or in the level of the reservoir water may cause

the opening up of cracks which subsequently fill with water

and freezed solid.When the next rise in temperature occurs,

the ice expands and, if restrained, it exerts pressure on the


Good analytical procedures exist for computing ice

pressures, but the accuracy of results is depen dent upon

certain physical data which have not been adequately


Ice pressure may be provided for at the rate of 250 kPa

applied to the face of dam over the anticipated area of

contact of ice with the face of dam.

The problem of ice pressure in the design of dam is not

encountered in India except, perhaps, in a few localities

Wave Pressure

The upper portions of dams are subject to the

impact of waves.

Wave pressure against massive dams of

appreciable height is usually of little consequence.

The force and dimensions of waves depend mainly

on the extent and configuration of the water surface,

the velocity of wind and the depth of reservoir water.

The height of wave is generally more important in

the determination of the free board requirements of

dams to prevent overtopping by wave splash.

An empirical method has been recommended by T.

Saville for computation of wave height hw (m), which

takes into account the effect of the shape of reservoir

and wind velocity over water surface rather than on

Earthquake Forces

An earthquake sets random vibrations (waves) in the

earth's crust, which can be resolved in any three mutually

perpendicular directions. This motion causes the structure

to vibrate.

The waves impart accelerations to the foundations

under the dam and causes its movement.

Acceleration introduces an inertia force in the body of

dam and sets up stresses initially in lower layers and

gradually in the whole body of the dam.

The vibration intensity of ground expected at any

location depends upon the magnitude of earthquake, the

depth of focus, distance from the epicentre and the strata on which the
structure stands
3.What factors you will keep in mind while selecting a suitable site for a dam reservoir?
It is almost impossible to select a perfect ideal reservoir site, but its selection is gide by the
following factors
1, a suitable dam site is available the cost of the dam is generally a controlling factor in the
selection of a reservoir site.
2, the geological formation for the reservoir bank walls etc. should be such as to entail minimum
lakege .
3, the geology of the catchment area should be such as to entail minimum water losses through
absorption and percolation .
4, the site should be such that a deep reservoir if formed. a deep reservoir is prefered to a shallow
one because of lower land cost per unit of capacity less evaporation loss and less possibility
of weed growth .
5, the reservoir site have adequate capacity.
6, Too mach silt laiden tributories should be avoided as for as possible.
7, the reservoir basin should have a deep narrow opening in the valley, so that the length of the
dam is minimum.




External forces resisted weight of dam

Constructed either of masonry or concrete

Masonry Gravity dams small height

Major dams concrete

May be straight or curved in plan


Strong and stable than earth dams

Can be used as overflow spillway

Can be constructed to any height

Least maintenance
Failure not sudden
Deep set sluices can be used
Cheaper in long run to areas of heavy rainfall Disadvantages
Can be constructed only on
strong rocks
Initial cost is high
Construction time is longer
Require skilled labour
Height cant be increased
unless provisions are made


Curved in plan
Carries its part load to the abutments by arch action
Water load amount of curvature
Balance water load to foundation


Adopted in gorges of length < height

Requires less material

Problems of uplift pressure is less


Requires skilled labour

Speed of construction is slow

All sites are not possible for this dam

A number of piers divide space number of spans

To hold water panels placed between piers

Panels flat or arched.


Less massive than gravity dam

Extension of height is possible

Concrete volume used is less.


Skilled labour is needed

More susceptible to damage


Consists of framework of steel

No Dams in India

Three dams in USA. One failed due to underpinning

Two types of steel dams 1. Direct strutted type

2. Cantilever type

Direct strut type load directly to foundation through struts

Cantilever type Struts anchored into foundation


Speedy construction possible

Cheaper then rigid dams

Greater resistance to settlement

Not affected by frost action

Repairing can be done easily


Lighter can absorb shoocks

Life shorter than concreted dams

Requires constant maintenance

Made of timber struts and beams

Temporary dam proper construction 30 to 40 years

Adopted timber is plenty


i) A frame type

ii) Rock filled crib

iii) Beaver type


Low initial cost

Suitable for any foundation

Speedy construction


High maintenance cost

Short life

Small height is only possible

Seepage loss is more

11. How do you classify dams according to:
a. their use
b. hydraulic design
c. material of construction

Classification of Dams

Based on Function Served

Stores water excess supply

Behind dam reservoir

Water irrigation, power etc

Stone type, concrete,earth fill, rock fill types


Store water floods releases after flood

Two types
one type stored water released outlet
Second no outlet water
seeps lift irrigation is
possible This type also
Also used to trap and release
sediments called debris dam


Rises the water level

Water to canals, ditches
Small height No reservoir Eg : Weir, Barrages
Flood water diverted to Diversion structures
Normal flow diverted to canal

Debris dams

Coffer dams - a temporary dam constructed for facilitating construction.It is an enclosure

constructed around a site to exclude water so that the construction can be done in dry.

Based on Hydraulic Design


Surplus discharge carried


Crest level lower non over

flow dams
Water glides down- strong

Material usage

Generally concrete or masonry

Overflow dam called spillway

At times non overflow and overflow types are combined.


Top of dam higher level

than high flood level

Water not permitted to

overtop the dam

Materials rock fill, earth

fill, masonry, concrete

Based on Materials of Construction

Riged and non-Rigid dam


Solid masonry or concrete gravity dam

Arched masonry or concrete dam

Concrete buttress dam

Steel dam

Timber dam


External forces resisted by the weight of the dam itself.

it may be Constructed either of masonry or concrete

Masonry Gravity dams are now a days constructed of only small height

a gravity dam may be either straight and curved in plan .

Curved in plan

Carries its part load to the abutments by arch action

Water load amount of curvature

Balance water load to foundation


A number of piers divide space number of spans

To hold water panels placed between piers

Panels flat or arched


Made of timber struts and beams

Temporary dam proper construction 30 to 40 years

Adopted timber is plenty


i) A frame type

ii) Rock filled crib

iii) Beaver type


Consists of framework of steel

No Dams in India

Three dams in USA. One failed due to underpinning

Two types of steel dams 1. Direct strutted type

2. Cantilever type

Direct strut type load directly to foundation through struts

Cantilever type Struts anchored into foundation



locally available materials

Moderate height

Materials used in natural state

With modern machinery height greater


Rocks of various sizes

Rock fill dam has rock fill at the downstream, impervious

membrane, upstream cut off to check seepage

12. Discuss the various factors which govern the selection of a particular type of dam for a
particular project ?

Following are the factors affecting selection of dam site by dam type.


Geology and Foundation Conditions

Availability of materials

Spillway size and location

Earth queke zone

Hight of the Dam
Road way
Life of the dam

Other factors such as cost of construction and

maintenance, life of dam, aesthetics etc.1.
Low rolling plains land Earth dam with separate spillway
A low narrow V shaped valley Arch dam

A narrow stream between high rocky walls Concrete overflow dam

2. Geology and Foundation Conditions

Foundation of Sound Rock Any dam type

Granite, Gneiss, Schist good for gravity dam

Poor rock Earth dam, rock fill , low concrete gravity dam

Silt, fine sand foundations problems of settlement used as foundations for earth dams, low
gravity dams but not rock fill dams

Clay soils problems of settlement earth dams No gravity or rock fill dams

3. Materials of construction

Cost availability of materials nearby transportation charges reduced

Sand, Gravel, Crushed stone Concrete Gravity dam is suitable

Coarse , fine grained soils Earth dam

4. Spillway size and location

If large spillway area needed Overflow concrete gravity dam

Small spillway capacity earth dam

Large discharges during construction Concrete gravity dam

No site for spillway Concrete gravity dam having overflow section

5. Roadway

If roadway needed Earth dam or Gravity dam

6. Length and Height of Dam

Length long, height low earth dam

Small length, height more gravity dam

7. Life of the dam

Concrete and masonry dams very long life

Earth, Rock fill dams Intermediate life

Timber Dams Temporary life

17. Determine :
a. The normal stress;
b. The principal stress;
c. The shear friction factor at base of figure below.

Find the bead of the dam at the bese?

Free body diagram of the object

= 1
X= 63.4 =40
X= 63.4 =40

Types designatio dimension Force vertical (kn) Force Lever arm +ve -ve
of force n horizonta
l (kn) moment moment

self W1 *40*80*24 38400 2/3*40=26.7 1024128


W2 9600

5*80*24 40+5/2=42.5

W3 7200 408000


W4 *39*7.5*24 3510 40+5+1/3*7.5= 166725


Water Pv1 1/282.5*39*10 1462.5 40+5+2/3+4.5= 73125

pressure 50


7.5*1*10 3656.25
ph 75 75

32000 +20266.25

* *10 1/3*80=26 .67


= . 853440

Uplift V1 80/3*7.5*10 -2000 45+7.5/2=48.75 97500


V2 45+2/3*7.5=50 10000


-2000 2/3*45=30 2026634.25

V3 180000

= .

*80/3*10*45 -6000 32000 -1230940


stability analysis

case 1 when the reservoir is empty condtoin:

position of resultant from the toe
x= 1/ 1=1949853/58710=33.2m
it is distance from center (eccentricity b/6=52.5/6=8.75 no tension

E =2 - =52.5-33.2 = -6.96< fails to the left of center

Normal compressive stress at the toe

1 6 58710 6.96
Pn= (1 ) = (1 6( 52.5 ))=228.77 Kg/2
1 6 58710 6(6.96
At the heel pn = (1- )= (1- ))=2007.8
52.5 52.5

Principal stress at the toe

1 = ph 2 =228.77*(1+2 63.4)=1141.1
Shear stress at the toe
=pn2 =228.77*tan63.4 =456.84 no shear stress
Case2 when the reservoir full with uplift:
= 3
= 795694.25/502475=15.84

E = - =52.5/2-15.84 =10.4

Normal compressive stress

at the toe
2 6 50247.5 6(10.4
pn = (1+ )= (1+ ))=2094.67 Kg/2
52.5 52.5

At the heel
2 6 50247.5 6(10.4
pn = (1- )= (1- ))=-180.48 Kg/2
52.5 52.5

principal stress at the toe

=pn2 =2094.67*(1+2 63.4) =16442.8 Kg/2
Shear stress at the toe:

=pn2 =209467*2 63.4 =8353 Kn/2

Shear friction factor (sff)
2+ 0.7 50247.5 + 52.5
Sff =
=* *14004
18. Figure shows the section of a concrete gravity dam. Check the stability of this dam
section at the base. Assume any data not given and needed.

Free body diagram is shown in figer bel

=63.40 =1 2/20
=1 2 /20
1 (0.5)/
2 =1+0. 0.52 =1.25 +ve moment

The value of the forces, total vertical and total horizontal

forces, and moments:
Types designati dimension Force vertical Force Lever +ve -ve
of on (kn) horizont
arm moment moment
force al (kn)
Self W1 *10*20*24 2400 16008
W2 5*20*24 240
W3 480 7
= .
180 15+2/3*2=16.3 2939.4
Pv *2*18*10
press ph *18*18*10 1620 1/3*18=6 9720
ure +56469

= . 1620

-240 3600
V1 18/3*4*10 13+74/2=15

force 45+2/3*7.5=50

-240 13 +2/3 3760.8

V2 *18/3*10*4*2 *4=15.67

V3 *18/3*10*1 -390 2/3*13=8.67
= 1620 = . -20462.1
Stability analysis of the dam:
When Reservoir is empty condition
The position of resultant force
= 1
=53529.6/5280 =10.14m

Distance from the center

E=b/2 - =17/2-10.14 =-1.64 the resultant force at left of the
Normal compressive stress at the toe
1 6 1.64
pn = (1+ ) =5280/17(1+6( ))

At the heel
1 6 1.64
Pn = (1- ) =5280/17(1- 6( )) =490.36 kg/m2

Principal stress at the toe

= pn sec 2 =130.8*(1+tan2 63.4)=652.4 kg/m2
Principal stress At the heel
= pn sec 2 =490.36*(1+ tan2 34.3) = 49710kg/m2
Shear stress at the toe :

=pntan =130.8*tan 63.4) =261.2 Kg/m2

Shear stress at the heel:
=pntan =49036*(tan 63.4) =4912.77 Kg/m2
When the reservoir is full condition with uplift
= v3
=3600.9/4590 =7.8m

E=b/2 - =17/2 7.8 =0.66

Normal compressive stress At the toe:
v3 6e 0.66
pn = b
(1+ b
) =4590/17(1+6( 17 )) =332.89 kg/m2

at the heel
v3 6e 0.66
Pn = (1- ) =4590/17(1- 6( 17 )) =207.1 kg/m2
b b

Principal stress at ther toe:

= pn sec 2 = 332.89*(1+tan2 63.4)= 1660.4 kg/m2
At the heel:
= pn sec 2 -ptan2 p= 18*10 =180
Shear stress at the toe:
=pntan2 =332.89*tan2 63.4) =1327.5 Kg/m2
At the heel:

= (pn p) tan =(207.1-180 )tan =261.2 Kg/m2

Stability check for the hole dam
Factor of safety against overturning (fso)
+ m
Fso= =56469/20462.1 =2.75> 1.5 ..ok

Factor of safety against sliding (fss) =0.7

v3 0.7 4590
fss = h = * 1620 =1.98 >1 ok

shear friction factor:

v3+bq 0.74590+171410
sff = h
= =16.78>4 safe

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