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Expressing Fact

Created by :

1. Dhea Febrina Vianty (10 / XII MIPA 3)

2. Krismonalia Rizki (17 / XII MIPA 3)

SMAN 1 Wonosobo
Jl. T. Jogonegoro Km.2 Wonosobo Telp/Fax. (0286)321155 Wonosobo 56314
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Topic : Rice Cooker

General Fact:

Nowadays many people are using modern cooking tool. One of them is rice cooker, also
known as magic jar or magic com. By using this modern tool, the cooking activity can be
more easy and practical. Beside that, the cooked rice have a soft and gentle texture. The
process of cooking rice also take a short time. We only need an electricity as the energy
source of this practical cooker. On the outer surface, it has several lights as the sign when this
cooker are being used for cook rice. Automatically, the rice cooker turn off after the rice have
cooked. So, everyone who use this tool as rice cooker can avoid from getting any overcooked,
undercooked, or burned rice.

Fact About The Past :

In the past, people were still using a metal-traditional rice cooker pan. Compared to the
modern one, this traditional pan indeed wouldnt be more easy and practical. It used a heat
(fire) from the stove as the energy source. Then, the time that was taken for cooking rice
would be longer than modern rice cooker. It took 2 times of process to get the real rice and
ready to be served. We could not cook the rice with only one process. The rice had to be
cooked till a half cooked and then placed them to another pan for steaming process. We also
must turned the stove off by ourselves. If we couldnt set the time perfectly, we might get a
bad rice. It can be overcooked, undercooked, or burned.

Fact About The Future : In the future, as the development of technology the rice cooker
will have an upgraded performance. It will be more easy, practical, modern, and sophisticate
for the previous version. The rice cooker inovation in the future shall have a cooker machine
with an extra modern technology. The inside machine will have a processor for producing a
cooked rice from the raw rice. Beside that, we also can set the time as alarm for turn the
machine off. With the work of processor, the machine will not produce an overcooked and
undercooked rice. So that everyone will eat the rice produced by rice cooker machine with
the best quality.

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