What Is A Good Investment Portfolio (SIP) For Long Term (8-10 Years) - Quora PDF

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FinanceandInvestments InvestmentAdvice Finance Investing RelatedQuestions

What is a good Investment portfolio (SIP) for Long Isgoldagoodshort/longterminvestment?

term (8-10 Years)?
planningtoincreaseitto3040KpermonthafterJune2016.(SIP). IsitgoodtoinvestinITsectormutualfundinIndia
Cananyonesuggestmeagoodportfoliotogowith? foralongtermperspective(1015years)?

(Howmuch%IneedtogointoMidcap,DiversifiedEquity,LargeCap,Debtetc) Ihavedecidedtoinvestaround8kinstocksevery
Aver...(more) canIbuyonamonthlybasisforalongt...

Request Follow 59 Comment Share Downvote Whichoptionisbetterforinvestmentonlongterm:


Havethisquestiontoo?RequestAnswers: Isthismutualfundportfoliogoodfor25years
Wewilldistributethisquestiontowriters,andnotifyyouaboutnewanswers. Whatshouldbetheidealinvestmentportfoliofora21
Aakash Bindroo, works at Decline To State
6AnswersinInvesting IhavebeeninvestinginAxislongtermequityforthe
Apurva Tewari, Stock Broker at India Infoline Ltd ShouldIcontinuetoinvestfurth...
Lalit Mishra, MBA Marketing & International Business, Garhwal University, India investin,SIPorPPF?


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12Answers Edits

Unnati Doshi, Co-founder at Munafe.com


You seem to be doing well in your eld and its wonderful and wise that you have
started to think about investments. You re young and have a time on your side which
is great. Also, you need to look into tax saving and making sure you are well covered
in terms of health and term insurance. For a balanced and secure Portfolio, we
suggest the following break up:

1. Make sure you have an emergency fund that can last you in extreme distress for
atleast 6 months. Your fund amount should be [your current/projected monthly
expenses (whichever is more) *6] Save the money in an FD and use it only when you
have no other avenue.

2. Make sure you have term insurance and adequate health cover. More than
anything, its the medical bills that can put a major dent in any capital you may create.
Also, if you have dependents, it is most important to safeguard them as well. For
details on term insurance visit December 2015 - Munafe /stay-a...

3. After this, start investing in PPF. PPF is 100% secure, and the corpus you build at
the end of your term will be TAX FREE. If you invest Rs. 150000 annually in PPF for
the next 20 years, you should have a tax free corpus of about Rs. 74 lakhs by the end of
20 years. If you invest Rs. 150000 annually for 15 years, you will get Rs. 43 lakhs. To
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know more about PPF visit

November 2015 - Munafe /ppf-wh... Internetconnectionproblem.Hidethismessage.

4. Look to invest in the National Pension Scheme (NPS) for upto RS. 50,000 annually
while choosing Class C Tier 1 and Class G Tier 1 options of the NPS account for the
next 20 years as well. This 50k is exempt from income tax and should amount to a
capital of about Rs. 25 lakhs in 20 years. If you invest for 10 years, you get Rs. 7 lakh.
To know more on NPS visit

November 2015 - Munafe /nation...

5. If you are considering investing in the equity markets and equity mutual funds and
you're unable to pick up individual equities, set up a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)
in a basket of 5 dierent Equity Mutual Fund Schemes with a ratio of 1:1:1:1:1 i.e.
equally in all 5 funds for the next 10 years or more. Your SIP Equity Mutual Fund
basket should consist of:

a) 1 Large Cap

b) 1 Mid Cap

c) 1 Small Cap

d) 1 Sectorial and

e) 1 Diversied Equity Fund.

I dene a Good MUTUAL FUND SCHEME to be one

a) which has been alive since at least last 15 years.

b) which has earned at least 15% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in the last 10
years and 5 years

c) whose FUND HOUSE and FUND MANAGER has not been charged with any
misconduct or other criminal activity.

Please note: Do not get inuenced by past one year and past 3 years performance
of any Mutual Fund Scheme.

If you invest Rs. 40000 monthly for the next 10 years in MF, you will end up with
a capital of Rs. 97 lakhs.

If you Invest Rs. 40000 For the next 15 years, you will end up with more than Rs.
2.2 Crores

If you invest the same for next 25 years, you will end up with Rs. 10 Crores.

As your income increases, you can increase your contributions and diversify
your portfolio.

Hope this answers your query and you are able to achieve your goal.

We at Munafe also provide our subscribers with exclusive stock recommendations.

We conduct in-depth analysis of various investment instruments and provide brutally

honest opinions to help investors Get Rich. Sensibly.

To receive regular stock recommendations and in-depth analysis of various stock

instruments subscribe to our blog for FREE

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For further queries, and consultation, contact us at http://info@munafe.com

Best of luck!
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First of all I would like to congratulate you on the fact that at 21 you have started
thinking of savings. This is a step that should be taken as soon as possible and should
be continued.

Now to your question, I would like to lay things out in a point wise manner :

Since you are 21, you have a good number of years to save and hence more
risk taking capacity. Do not yet think of a goal of 78 years. Yes you should
target your savings to be as high as possible but do not think that you will
withdraw this money after 78 years. Dont think of withdraws just think
about saving as much right now.

Now that we know that you can take risks and can invest in more risk taking
products you should predominantly invest in Equity Funds. Debt funds are
more of a security feature but since you can take more risks now being of a
young age and your investment horizon being bigger you should not yet
think about debt funds. Maybe 5% of your portfolio can be in debt right now
but not more than that and even that i wouldnt advise. But your call in the

In equity funds, go for Large Cap, Midcap and emerging equities/small cap in
equal proportions. Invest equally into them and you shall soon see your folio
gaining momentum.

Now comes the crucial part of selecting the funds. I would suggest you to
read this blog post of funds selection by a friend of mine. List of Mutual
Funds recommended by Goalwise

I would also suggest you to check out Invest in Goals, not Markets
(GOALWISE.COM ) for your MF investment needs. They have some pretty
good products in terms of Mutual fund selection and goal based investing.
You should go for their Wealth goal :)


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Anil S Purswani, Everything about investment and insurance

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Yes it's very good to plan for the future at this young age, I was not that lucky
although I have 5 dierent SIPs for Rs. 5000 monthly to each. Being a nancial
advisor I think in your particular case my portfolio is very suitable for you also. As I
have two tax saver funds that means Rs. 120000 under section 80c is covered. For
more details I am submitting here my portfolio as on today.


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Chandra Shekhar

You are WELCOME in stock markets. You can start investing by diversifying your
money across dierent sectors. A right stock allocation can make fortune for the

Once you select the best performing stocks in your portfolio, your stocks will start
earning money for you in the long term. But, they are often confused about which &
how many stocks to include in a solid portfolio. Here are some of the dierent
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categories of stocks that form solid & protable stock portfolio:

(1) Growth Stocks: 10 to 15% Of An Ideal Stock Portfolio


(2) Foreign Stocks Or Funds Or Indexes: 20 to 25% Of An Ideal Stock Portfolio

(3) Value Stocks: 10 to 15% Of An Ideal Stock Portfolio

(4) Defensive Stocks: 10 to 15% Of An Ideal Stock Portfolio

& MANY more. You can nd this interesting article in detail at following link: 10
Dierent Types Of Stocks That Makes Ideal Stock Portfolio | GetUpWise


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Ashutosh Tilak, I am investor and Finance Blogger

SIP is not the asset in which you are investing. It is the way to invest.
As other answers, I agree with them so pls upvote them as they are telling you many
positive things about SIP. In SIP you learn how to invest and where to invest as it
teach you to decide where you are investing.
Start with !Mutual Fund. I will tell you Reliance and UTI
If your target is strictly x then go with midcap heavily. Investment big part in them. I
don't have idea as what %you nead at least so check on Calculate it


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Narendra Kondajji, A Certied Financial Planner (CFP) certicate


This is the kind of question that can't be answered because it is too general, has too
less information about yourself and your requirements are too ambitious. I would
suggest that you get in touch with any AMFI registered mutual fund distributor to
nd an answer to your query.

Locate a Distributor Agent


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Ravi Dubey, Specialization in nance, Stock market trader since

I suggest youto start with 3 SIPs allocate 50% to large cap and rest to mid and small
cap you get good diversication

Top Ranked Mutual Funds check out this link I suggest you to go for

my suggestions to start with

Large cap go for : Franklin India Oppor. (G)

Small Cap: DSP-BR Micro Cap Fund - RP (G)

moneycontrol.com Sundaram Select Micro Cap - Series I - Direct Plan (G)

Mutual Fund :- Mutual Fund Investment, Performance, NAVs, Returns Calculator,

Compare funds this is direct link from where you can buy
some more from choose from moneycontrol.com Mutual Fund :- Mutual Fund
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Investment, Performance, NAVs, Returns Calculator, Compare funds

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Bhuvanes Waran, I'm a Financial Advisor, helping others to reach

better nancial future

You need to get 21.5% CAGR to get Rs. 1 Cr by investing 40k monthly for 8 years. It is
not easy to attain. You can plan for 15-17% CAGR. For 15% returns invest 54500
monthly, for 17% returns invest 49500 monthly. For allocation in fund categories
please let me know your risk prole and your exposure to investment classes.
I suggest you to get professional advise to choose the fund for your investment since
you are in the need of Handsome percentage of return.

Happy investing :)


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Ramamurthy Guruvayurappan, Three thousand followers.Most

viewed writer 90 plus subjects

If you are determined that you will not look at the NAV now and then, and either be
Jubilant or depressed with the NAV values, go for 100 percent equity funds, There are
lot of good funds. Dont invest more than 50 percent in mid cap funds. Midcaps are
the ones which will give you the maximum returns and also are susceptible to
volatality due to various factors. So put 50 percent in midcap funds, 50 percent in
large cap funds. Just keep investing and enjoy the compounding eect of them after 8
to 10 years.


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Sameer Aggarwal, Experience of more than 15 years , helping

Individuals managing Personal Finance

SIP is the best way to create long-term wealth with small investments. Lets look at an
example. If I need Rs.50 lacs after 25 years for my kids marriage, I have to invest Rs.
5.80 lacs at expected return of 9%. But it would be really dicult to invest such big
sum at one go. Another option is to invest a small amount of Rs.5000 per month for
next 25 years and I get Rs.50 lacs. This is a power of SIP.
Lets understand the advantages of SIPs in detail-
A habit of saving - SIP inculcates a habit of disciplined saving in the
investors. An individual always thinks that one should start investing but
never makes disciplined investing on a monthly basis. In SIP, there is no
need for manual transfer or funds every month for investment. Investment
amount is automatically picked from a bank account and invested. When an
investor invests through SIP, he/she is committed to save regularly.

Timing the market - The common wish of an investor is to buy low and sell
when the market is high. But it's nearly impossible for a layman investor to
time the market. In fact usually we sell low and buy when the market is high.
With SIP, one can invest automatically at all levels of markets. This helps to
average the cost of investment without getting into markets actively.

Goal Planning - Investor can plan for personal nancial goals with SIPs.
Suppose I have three nancial goals at dierent times, I can plan for 3 SIPs
for each individual goal based on duration and risk for each goal. For long
term goals, I can invest in equity funds and for near-term goals I can invest in
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balanced funds.

Flexible - Investor can discontinue investing in SIP at any time. Further, one
can withdraw the investment any time during SIP period without
discontinuing it.

Tax-Free Long-term Gains - All long-term gains on SIP in equity funds are
tax-free. There is not the tax on long-term capital gains of equity funds.

Regulatory Comfort - The regulator, Securities and Exchange Board of India

(SEBI), has mandated strict checks and balances in the structure of mutual
funds and their activities. These are detailed in the subsequent units. Mutual
fund investors benet from such protection.
Please visit our site advisesure to know which SIP to invest in


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Anil Rego, Founder & CEO of Right Horizons Financial Services


An SIP is always an ideal way to start ones investments. SIP helps to average out the
cost in long term which helps to enhance the Risk Adjusted Returns since the
purchase cost is reduced. SIP should be done with a minimum time horizon of 5 years
and should be spread across multiple funds and dierent categories like Large Cap,
Mid & Small Cap, Balanced Fund, Multi cap funds etc.

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Vikrant Darandale, Financial Planner


Invest 100% in good 3/4 diversied equity mutual fund schemes.

Rs 40k per month for 10years will grow to Rs 1crore in 10years & to
Rs 70lacs in 8years by 14% CAGR (Compounded Annual Returns).

I understand that for 1st 6 months you will be investing Rs 15k, though I have not
taken that it account because I guess you can invest for 3/4 months more to reach
your target amount also equity have potential to give higher return than 14%, hence
you might reach your target in less time.

Thank you for asking!


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