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Pressure controls -1 to 250 bar Page

Series FF 31
Technical data and features 22/17
FF 31 pressure controls are u sed 1n large quantities to mon1tor pressu re 1n a1r cond1t1onmg equ1pment. o n heat pumps,
for refngerat1o n plant. 1ce ma kers. refngerated transport. refrigerated tanks, water chillers , milk coolers as well for
condenser pressure controls and for many other applications.

They are f1tted e1ther free s tand 1ng, with the pressure connectiOn sc rewed onto a p1pe, or w1th a console for
screw fixing ./

FF 31 pressure controls are manufactured with preset switch ing points according
to customer's specifications.
Minimum order quantity is 100 pieces.

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FF 31 with FF 31 with
Terminal cover Appliance socket

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Technical data
Rated operational current at 220/ 230 V/ AC

Type of contact Standard (SPOT) Micro (SPDT)

Non-Induc tive (AC 1) SA SA
3A 3A
Inductive (AC 11)
INductive (DC 11) 0,1 A (220/ 230 V/ DC) 0,1 A (220/ 230 V/ DC)
Motor rating, Full load Amp. (FLA) 8A 3A
Lock roto r. Locked rotor Amp. (LRA) 48 A 18 A Term1nals

Protection to DIN 400SOIIEC S29 IP 6S (with appliance socket)

IP 30 (with terminal cover)
Premissible ambient temperature - 20 to+ 70 C
Resistance to vibrat1on. 10 ... 1000Hz 4g

Accessories Type reference

- Appliance socket. IP 6S A DIN 43650
- Terminal cover, cable entry from top H 14 0-026.001
- Terminal cover. cable entry from side H 140026.002
- Flat brac ket, to mount 2-FF 31 pressure controls H 140-046
- Angle bracket, to mount 2- FF 31 pressure controls H 140046.001
Pressure controls -1 to 250 bar Page
Series FF 31
Nomenclature 22/18
L--'---'---.JI -

------------------'i ~J
_ _. _ 1

Pressure control switch

CII:=J = Pressure control
~ = Safety pressure limiter, I TUV Iapproved
[@ = Safety pressure cut-out, I TUV Iapproved . w1th external reset
~ = Safety pressure cut-out, I TUV Iapproved, w1th internal reset

Series - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - '

Enclosure fixing arrangement---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - '

0 = Panel mounting. with console on body for screw fixing
ITJ = Free-standing. supported by pressure connect1on only
Range _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

Diaphragm Plunger

ITJ= to 6 bar III= 0,5 to 40 bar

[}]= 0,1 to 12 bar 0= 2 to 60 bar

m= 0,1 to 7 bar [ I ] = 10 to 150 bar

ITJ = 7 (1 ' ) to 31 bar I I ! = 10 to 250 bar

only with M1cro sw1tch

Electrical connection
[TI = Spades swtable for 1nsulated push-on connectors 6,3 mm s1ze (DIN 46 245)
[BJ = Spades suitable for plugmg on appliance socket (DIN 43 650).
Appliance socket IS not w1th pressure control sw1tch (must be ordered separately).

Pressure sensing element ------------------------------------------------------------'

[I] = Bronze diaphragm
0 = Stainless-steel diaphragm
0 = Plast1c plunger
[TI = Steel plunger

Reset function - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '

0 = Automatic
[EJ = Manual reset mtn., low pressure cut-out
[ ] ] = Manual reset max., high pressure cut-out. external manual reset
W= Manual reset max., high pressure cut-out, internal manual reset
~ = Automatic. w1th micro-type switch, to achieve small differentials

Pressure connection - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ J

0 0
I .. l iS ,p T~ A I l l..

Setting information
e.g. 2.713 bar= Factory set to fixed values stated (upper- and lower switch1ng po1nts)
Pressure controls -1 to 250 bar Page
Series FF 31
Selection tab les 22/19
Pressure con trols with bronze diaphrag m VDE 0660
Type Pressure range Differential 6 p at lower D1fferenua1 6 p at upper Test

from to
I enc of pressure range
m1n max.
end of pressure range
mm. max
I pressure
1 max
bar bar bar bar

Low pressure controls VDE 0660

FF 31- . 1 . BA . -1 ... 6 0 0,8 1,6 1,6 . . . 2,6 12

FF 31 - . 3 . BA . 0, 1... 7 0 1,5 .. 3 2.5 .. 4 25
FF31 -. 3 . BD . I 0,1 ... 7 0 Manual reset m1n. a 1 25

High pressure controls VDE 0600

FF 31- . 5 . BA . 7 ... 31 6 1,6 ... 2,5 5 ... 8 36 (25) 0

FF 31- . 5 . BR . 7 ... 31 6 Manual reset max. 1 36

L--'-- - ' - -- Complete type reference when ordenng , see type designatiOn. page 22/ 18.

TUV-approved pressure control switches DIN 32733

with bronze diaphragm for refrigeration application VDE 0660
The German accident-prevention regulations VBG 20 reqUire safety pressure limiters or cut-outs to be fitted on
refrigeration plant. On excessive pressure or rupture of the pressure element (diaphragm), they switch the plant off.
Safety pressure lim1ters are to DIN 32 733.

High pressure safety limiter DWK 480 2291

FFW31- . 5 . BA . 7 ... 31 6 I4 ... 1

Safety pessure cut-out, with external reset button (manual) D6K 460 2391

FF6 31- . 5 . 6R . 7 ... 31 6

Manual reset max. 0 I_
Safety pressure cut-out with reset (using tool ) D6K 460 2391

FFS 31 - . 5 . 6 S . 7 ... 31 6 J Manual reset max. 0 1-

L - - ' - - - ' - -- Complete type reference when ordenng. see type designation, page 22/18.

Pressure controls to achieve small differentials and high pressure controls with plunger VDE 0660
Type Pressure range D1lferent1al 6p at lower Differential 6p at upper Test
end of pressure range end of pressure range pressure
from to fixed fixed max.
bar bar bar bar

Pressure controls with bronze dia phragm, with micro-type switch for small d ifferentials

FF 31- . 1 . 6M . - 1 ... 6 0 0.3 0.5 12

FF 31- . 2 . 6M . 0,1 .. . 12 0 0,3 0,6 20
FF 31- . 5 . 6M . 1 .. . 31 0 0.5 1 36

Pressure controls with plastic plunger

FF 31- . 6 . TAR 0 0,5 .. . 40 0 2 5 60

FF31 -. 7 . PAG 2 ... 60 0 8 15 100
FF31- . 8 . PAG 10 .. 150 0 20 40 250
FF 31 - . 9 . PAG 10 ... 250 0 40 75 400

Pressure controls with plastic plunger, with micro-type switch for small d ifferentials

FF31 - . 6 . TM R 0 0,5 ... 40 0 0.5 0,8 60

FF31-. 7 . PMG 2 ... 60 0 2 3 100
FF31- . 8 . PMG 10 ... 150 0 3 5 250
FF31- . 9 . PMG 10 ... 250 0 5 8 1 400

t t_ _ _ Complete type reference when ordering. see type designation. page 22/18.

0 Both switching po1nts lie w1th1n range.

a Manual reset only possible after pressure has increased about 1,5 bar above cut-out value.
1 Manual reset only possible after p ressure has decreased about 3 bar below cut-out value.
0 Fot settings below 10 bar and 6p S 2 bar, the max1mum test pressure IS 25 bar.
0 Manual reset only poss1bfe after pressure has decreased about 5 bar below cut-out value.
0 FF 31-. 6 . TAR and FF 31- . 6. TMR are fitted w1th steel plungers.
6 Upper switching pomt lies within range.

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