Soils of Coimbatore District: (Tamil Nadu)

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AUGU ST 1972.



In a predominantly agricultural couDlry, like ours, the soil is ou r wealth. It is therefore, but,
fitting that an aU out effort should be made t o protect our soils from possible damage aod to manage
them efficiently. Soil Surveys. soil conservation and soil fertility studies are therefore of paramount
importance for the development of Indian Agriculture.

Soil Survey. is an integral part of an effective agricultural research and advisory programme.
It plays an important role in planning of research, especially in the selection and location of experi-
mental fields and farms. When we know a certain soil area. it is possible to predict its management
practices. the crops that may be grown, and the long: time effect of various management systems on
their productivity.

In planning of farm systems, for optimum sustained production, differential but precise recom-
mendations have to be made . Soil maps serve as the basis for such differential rl!commendations.

RealiSing the importance of soil surveys in all round agricultural developm.:ot, the Soil Survey
and Land Use Organisation was started in Tamil Nadu in 1965, at Coimbatore, with the object of
identifying the different soils of Tamil Nadu and their behaviour and for correlating similar soils under
one nomenclature. Wo(k of this organisation commenced with the reconnaissance survey of the different
taluks of Coimbatore district. Those reports have been compiled, and this report is an outcome of
that compilation.

I hope this report will be of immense use to the agriculturists of Coimbatore district.


MADRAS- S. Director of Agriculture,

The implementation of the Soil Survey and Land Use Organisation, Coimbatore. by tbe Government
of Tamil Nadu, made it possible to undertake the soil survey, published in this report.

The administrative and technical guidance rendered by the Director of Agriculture, Madras and the
Additional Director of Agriculture (Research) Tiruchy, are gratefully acknowledged.

The valuable guidance and encouragement of Dr. S. V. Govindarajan and Dr . R. S. Murthy, the
P:lst and present Chief Soil Survey Officers of the All India Soil and Land Use Survey Organisation, New
Delhi, for conducting the survey and for critbally going through the manuscripts of the various soil survey
reports are recognized. Thanks are also due to Dr. D . Raj, Chief Scientist, Kovilpatti for the technical

Tbe assistance given by the district staff of the Agricultural and Revenue Departments. Panchayat
Union Officers, Forest Officers and Officers of the Statistics department of the Coimbatore District in colle-
ction of data. is gratefully acknowledged.

Acknowledgement is QIIade of tho tecllnical auistance from J!! Don Hansen. Water Use and mana-
gem !o t Ad vi!er. U~AID , CJimlatore-3 and th e finan .::ial assistance of the Agricultural Production programme
team "If t h ~ Ulliv.:riity of T~!100Sge~ I USAID, at Coim\utoce in publi ~h ing this consolidated report

Agricultural Chemist
(Soil Survey)

1.1 Location and Extent
1.2 Physiography, Relief and Drainage 1
1.3 Climate 2
1.4 Geology 2
1.5 Vegetation 2
]6 Irrigation 7
1.7 Settlement of Population 8
1.8 Public facilities 9
1.9 Tourist attraction ()

1.10 1ndustries 9
J.1 I Co-opera ti(')11 9
] . 12 Animal Husbandry 9
1.]3 Transport and Marketing 10
1.14 AgricultllTe and Present Land Use 10
1.15 Crops 11
1.] (i Socio - economics 12
3.1 Red Soils 14
(i) Red Soil - Calcareou 14
( ii) Red Soils - Non - calcareous 19
(iii) Red Colluvial Soils - Calcareous 27
(iv) Red Colluvial Soils - Non calcareous 28
3.2 Black Soils 29
3.3 Brown Soil s 34
(i) Brown Soils - Calcareous 34
(ii) Brown Colluvial Soils - Calcareous 39
3.4 Alluvial Soils 40
0) Alluvial Soils - Calcareous 40
(ii) Alluvial Soils - Non calcareous 44
3.5 Mixed Soils 45
Chapter 4 SOIL TAXONOMY 49
Chapter 7 SUMMARY 55
List of Illustrations

Location Map of Coimbatore District Fig.

Atmospheric and Soil Temperature Diagram Fig. 2

Rainfall Distribution in Coimbatore District Fig. 3

Profile Sketches of Soil Series - Red Soils ( Calcareous) ig. 4

Profile Sketches of Soil Series - Red Soils ( Non - Calcareous) Fig. 5

Profile Sketches of Soil Series - R ed Colluvial and Mixed oils Fig. 0

Profile Sketche!:. of Soil Serie - Black Soils Fig. 7

Profile Sketches of Soil Series - Brown Soib Fig. g

Profile Sketches of Soil Series - Alluvial Soils Fig. 9
Staff engaged in the Survey
The reconnaissance soil survey and mapping of the district which began with the taluk of Palladam
in the year 1962, was completed in the year 1971). The two taluks of Coimbatore and Dharapuram were
surveyed and mapped by the staff ()f Soil Correlator, Red Soil Region, All India Soil and Land U.e Survey.
Bangalore during the years o_r 1961 to 1!)~3 and the remaining taluks were surveyed by tbe soil survey staff
of Tamil Nadu Soil Survey and Land Use Organisation, Coimbatore As an outcome of the recoDnaisS&Dco
survey of Coimbatore district a soil map OD I" = 4 miles (1: 2,50.000) is prepared.

The officel s and'. staff who participated in the field survey, the taluks surveyed by them, and the
laboratory and cartographic staff who assisted in the analysis and map compilation are lilted below.

Field work (Survey and mapping)

Survey party Taluk Year of completion

All India Soil & Land Use~Survey Organisation,


1. Dr . S. V. Govindarajan , R S. Murthy.
Coimbatore 1962
P. K. Thomas and P . S. Anjaneya Reddy

2. Thiruvalarial
R. S. Murthy Dbarapuram 1963
T . Satyanarayana.
K. Unnikrishnan Nair

Soli Survey &. Land Use Organisation,

Tamil Nadu .

3. Thiruvalargal Palladam 1966

C. Ratnam, M. lndrasenan

4. C. Ratnam, R :: Balakrishnan. M Ameer,

S. E. M. Abdul Razack. V. Veerabadran. Pollachi 1967

5. C. Ratnam, M. Ameer, SEM. Abdul Razack. Avanashi 1967

6. C. Ratnam, U. Kamalaksba Nayak. Udumalpet 1968

D. Mohanraj, V. j Veerabadran, S. Arumugam

7. C. Ratnam, D . M. Samuel, Bhavaoi 1969

U. Kamalaksha Nayak, R.:Balakrishnan,
H. Hameed Khan.

8. C. Ratnam, U. Kamalaksha Nayak, Erode 1969

R. Balasubramanian, S . Arumugam.

9. C. Ratnam, D . M. Sa~uel , GobichcttipaJayam 1971

U. Kamalaksha Nayak,
K. Mayalagu, S. Ramanathan.
Laboratory Analysis
1. Thiru N. Oeeaadayalu
2. 1 I I R. Balasubramanian
3. I' K. PeriaswalDY
4. 0' K S. Velayuthan

Report and Map compilation work

Thiruvalars al
1. "K ~ S. Nair
2. M. Jay aralDan
3. G. Rajendran
4. H . Hameed Khan
5. S. Ramanathan
6. C. S. Balasundaram
7. T. M. T hiagarajan

Cartographic work
1. Thiru R . Venugopal
2. ,f A. C. Varkey
3. "M. Stephen
4. Tbirumathi S. VasanthaUlani

Correlation aDd classification

1. Thiru C. Ratnam
2. Of O. M. Samuel
3. .. K. S. Nair
4. M. Jay..araman
S. " U. Kamalaksha Nayak

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Fto. 1. Location map of Coimbatore district.

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Reconnaissance soil survey of the Coimbatore district was begun during 1962 and completed in 1970.
A soil and land use map of Coimbatore district comprising nine taluks on a scale 1"-1 mile has been
identified. described and mapped.

Mapping has been done at the series level and the boundaries between the differtnt .oil series bave
been delineated by undertaking field traverses, examination of soil profiles and auger bore samples and field
correlation. In addition to the above, the soil map a] so gives details about th natural drainage, important
highways and rail roads, cropping pattern , rock out crops etc. The map is expected to be of immense help
in exploiting the potentialities of the soils to the maximum, thus contributing to increased agricultural
production as well as improvement of the economic condition of the farmers of the district .

General description of the area

1.1. Location and extent

Coimbatore district, com prising a total area of 15586 sq. km. is spread over nine tatuks aamely
Coimbatore (1367.5 sq. km.), Po llachi (1792'3 sq. km), Uduroalpctt (14667 sq. km). Palladam (1515.8 sq.
km.), Dharapuram (2210.7 sq. km). Erode (1549 '2 sq km.). Gobichettipalayam (2916'1 sq km.) Avanashi
(1277.0 sq. km.) and Bhavani (1490 '7 sq km.) and occupies the southern part of the state of Tamil Nadu.
Lying between N. latitudes 1012'-1157' and B. Longitudes 7639' -7756' it is bounded by KollegaJ taluk
of My.ore state and Salem district on the North, by Salem and Tiruchirapalli districts on tbe eaat. Madurai
district and Kerala' State on the South, and by Kerala State, Mysore stato and Nilgiris district of Tamil
Nadu on the Weft.

1.2. Pbysiography, relief and drainage:

The entire area under the district is a vast stretch of undulating plain, bounded by hills in the
northern, western and southern boundaries. On the north, are the hill ranges of Gobichettipalayam and
Bhavani, tbe north-west, west and south arc bounded by the mountain chains of the western Ghats. The
rest of the district i an undulating plain, sloping aradually from west to the Cauvery in the east. The
sloping plain is gently undulating throughout. except in the black cotton soil tracts of Udumalpet, Palladam
and Coimbatore. It is also broken by a few scattered hills of slight elevation. such as the Chennimalai of
Brode and Swamimalai of Dharapuram taluks. The undulations consist of the great watersheds between
rivers. as for instance the Kangayam ridge between rivers, Noyyal and Amaravathi, as well as numerous
smaUer ridges and bottoms which diversify a large area.
1.3. Climate:
The climate is extremely variable from being pleasant in Coimbatore and Pollachi taluks during
celtain parts of the year, to being fairly good in Udumalpet taluk, tolerable in Dharapursm tsluk, hot in
PaUadam , tlnd very hot in Gobichettipalayam, Bhavani , Erode and Avanashi taluks. Taking the district as
a whole, J' Duary and February can be considered as pleasant months, From March, the climate becomes
oppressively hot and this lasts till May. Towards the cnd of May, the south west monsoon rains bring instant
relief to a greater part of the district, At about this period and during June, July and August the gusts of
wind through the Palgbat gap cool large parts of the district. The rainfall during the south west monsoon
is highly irregular and droughts occur very frequently. The north cast monsoon sets in October,
October aod November are the rainy months,

The district is exceptionally dry, and its rainfall is scanty, uncertain and ill-distributed. The mean
annual precipitation il about 690 mm distributed over 45 rainy days . Particulars of the distribution of rain-
fall, are Jl1ustrated in Fig, ~.

1.4. Ceology:
C ',imbatore district is made up of rocKS of Dharwar age followed by cbarDokites, peninsular gneiss
and youn ll _8t intrusives. The Dharwars are represented by rocks like chlorite schist, garnetiferrous quartz,
schistose, quartzites and guartzy magnetite schistl. The most widespread rocktype met with is the peninsular
gneiss, whi. h is very composite in nature, having hornblendic, biotite and garnetiferrous varieties. The older
rocks have been intruded by veins of pegmatite, quartz syenite and dykel of dolerite

The mineral wealth of the district is not insignificant. Limestone is found in abundance in the hUll
near Madukkarai. situated about seven miles south of Coimbatore town. Felspar of the finest variety is found
in abundance in Erode tal uk . Corandum occurs in several places in Bhavani and GobicbettipaJayam taluks,
Good quali lY mica is fvu nd in the Erappanayakampalayam village of Bhavani tal uk, Muscovite is said to
occur at Punjai-Puliampatty, about twelve miles from Satyamangalam. Asbestos occurs near Perundurai.
Iron occurs in several places, and in a ricb bod in tho Doddancomb forest in Gobichettipalayam taluk,
and in ab undance near Minkarai at the foot of the Anamalais Zircon (gemstone) is found in the nepheline
Iyenites of Sivamalai neae Kangayam .

. 1.5. Vegetation:
Coimbatore is one of the few districts of this state which hal a few dense forests as distioguilhed
from patcbes of scrub jungle of small trees in other forests. There are 2,272 sq . miles under reserved forests
and 24 sq, miles of private foresta, The vegetation in genenl is common, The general type of spcciea
encountered in the forests are given below.

1. Acacia latrorum Kodavolam

2. Acacia leucophloes Velvelam
3. Acacia sundara Karungali
4: Alb;zzia amona Unjal
5. Azudirate indica Neem
6. Balsamodendron bervi Kiluvai
7 Chloroxylon suietenia Porasu
8. Dichl'ostachys cauota Vedathalan
9. Erythoroxylon monogynum Sembulichan
Data OGoCording to Agr l' Mt'tttrologist Coll"nbato're
C 1959 - H>S7




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10. Harduilcla binata VaJamabiri
11 . Zizyph!ls ~%ylopyrus Rotti
12 Zizyp!t us jujuba Elandai
13. Carrissa . carandas Ktlakkat
14 eassia aurieulata Avaram
IS. Solonum pubesccns Sundai
16. Grewia histula Kalannu, Tavibu
17. Terminatia ehebula Kadukkai
18. Bambusa arundinaeca Moongil

.The flora of the plains and cultivated lands conlistl of mainly-

1. Borasses fiabellifer Palmyrah

2. Azadiraeta indica Neem
3. Tamarindus indica Tamarind
4. Acacia sp.
's. Albizla -lfbback Vagai
6. Pterocarpus masupium Vengai
7. Ficus bengolensis Banyan
8. Morinda tinetoria Nuna
9. Thespecia populnea Poo\'arasu
10. Zizyphus jujuba Elandai
11. Prosophis juliflora Veti - Karuvai
12 Commlfera berrii Mullukkilavai
13. Ca/otropis gigantia Erukku
14. Croton spareiflorus Nimilakai
15. Lantana camera Lantana
16. Cassia auriculata Avarai
17. .Itaropha gossjypifolia Kattamannakku
18. Cynodon daetylon Uariyal
19. Oyprru spp. Korai
20. Leueas spp. Thumbai

The vegetation of the plains c;Q'mprise of seattered trees on the fields, avenue trees and the shrubs
as live fences around the fields and along cart tracts. Some of the trees and shrubs arc used al greeD leaf
manures but they serve mostly only as shade trees.

t.6. Irrigation:
The C~ief sources of irrigation in the district are the rivers, a few rainfed tanks and wells. The
important rivers are the Cauvery and her tributories viz. Noyyal, Bhavani and Amaravathi. The imple-
mentation of tbe reservoir projects such as Lower Bhavani project, Amaravatbi project and Parambiku)am
Aliyar project has result~d in bringing vast area under irrigation in the taluks of Bhavani, Gobi, Ero'de,
Udumalpet and Dharapuram. Besides this, the check dams constructed across the jun&le streams also
cODtribute to the irrigatioD of a sizable area.
In addition to the above. taoks and caoals also serve as a source of irrigation. But agriculture,
based solely 00 these tanks, is mostly a gamble. Tile important tanks of the district are the Perur-Periya-
kulam, Coimbatore - Periyakulam and Valankulam tanks. Other series of tanks worthy of mention, are the
Appakkudal series in Bhavaoi taluk and Dali series in Udumalpet taluk. Wells are the cbief mainstay of
the farmers of the region . There are about 1,10,000 wells ill the district and each one can irrigate on an
average 3.5 acres. The age old methodo! uaiog Mhote of Kavali has been widely replaced by the electric-pump.

The quality of irrigation wells will be given more importance in soil survey. Patmen are using
well waters which vary greatly in quality from well to well and even within the same taluk and block areas
Underlying black cotton soils throughout the district - and in other districts of the Itate - it has been found
of most commooly occurrence tbat the~e aquifers carry a poor quality ground water. The well water from
these aquifers generally have an electrical conductivity of over 2..0 millimhos (2000 micromhol) which
indicatea a salinity of sufficiently high value which will reduce the productivity of maizo and other lensitive
crops. It is proposed to sample water wells as soils are mapped so that, al basic soil analytical data is
completed. more basic data on electrical conductivity and other analytical values sucb al boron, sodium
percentage etc., should be made available to give guidance to those farmers who are having to use the
poorer quality water available in their wells Often this is the only water resource he can use and
needs couosel, guidance and technical assistance in matching the crops that he should grow to the
quality of water he bas to use from his wells. Ground water in wells from COimbatore, Tiruppur, Palladam
and Udumalpet taluks are known to be of particularly poor quality.

The area irrigated by the different sources of irrigation is furnished below

Government canals 110309 Hectares
~~Me . 9"
Tanks 5554 "
Wells (Ordinary) : 135550 "
Source: Season and crop report Pasli 1380 (1970-11) "
1 7. Settlement of population :
The population of Coimbatore district as per census of India 1971 provisional report is 43,57,373
of which 22.27,668 are males and 22,29,705 are females. The agricultural communities predominate and
consist mainly of Vellala Gouodars, Kamma Naidu8, Vanniars and Okkaligas. Besides this, there are the
weaving, and artisan communities The averaae percentage of literacy is only 3140 of which that among
the males is 42.50 and females 19.88



S. No . Taluk Male Female Total
1. AvaDashi 1,74,632 1,67,711 3,42,343
2. Shavani 1,62,711 1,54,445 3,17,156
...3. Coimbatore
Dharapuram 1.88,909
S. Erode 3,16,679 3,00,787 6,17,466
6. Gobichettipalayam 2,43.963 2,36,428 4,80,391
7. Palladam 2,43.427 2,34,922 4,78,349
8. Pollachi 2,64,356 2,55,511 5,19.867
9. Udurnalpet 1,37,784 1,35,810 2,73,594
Special charges 1,403 '48 1,951
Total 22,27,668 21,29,705 43,57,373
1.8. Public facilities :

Coimbatore district provides nearly all the facilities needed for the urban and agrarian population.
Almost all the taluk headquarters aad t he nearby towns have facilities for college and high school education
and Villages without a primary school are a rarity. The Tamil N .idu Agricultural University is situated in
Coimbatore town . The cosmopolitan city of Coimbatore offers facilities for aU types of technical education.
The district has a net w\)fk of r 03.d~, tho: N. H. 47 and railw.lY s connecting tile north-south and east-west
portions of the tal uk.

There are 22 paochayat unions, llnd 13 municipalities which offer medical help through their 22
lovernment hospitals and several primary health centres, in the district.

1.9. Toorist attraction:

The places of antiquarian interest in the taluk which attract large number of tourists and pilgrims
are the famous temples viz the magnificiant Lord Siva temple at Perur, Lord Muruga temple at Marutha-
malai in Coimbatore tal uk , Lord Siva temple at Avanasbi (Daksbioa Kasi), Lord Sangameswarar temple
(South Prayag) at Bhavani and the Bannari temple near Sathyamangalam of Gobi talulc. The Lord Siva
temple at Kodumudi, one a m ':lOg the seven important "Sivalayams", Lord Subramaniya temple on the
Chennimllai hills an j L Hd S Jga o'l w.1ra temple a t S.irkarperiapalayam of Erode, temples at Pollachi,
Tensittur, Kanjaropatti, Acbipatti, Sholanur, Andipalayam, Sulakkal, Periapalayam and Aliyar Dam at Aliyar
Nagar of P.ollachi taluk, Tbirumoorthi koil at Thirumurthi hill and Amaravath i Dam at Thirumurthi hill of
Udumalpet taluk, are some of the important tourist attraction centres of the district.

1.10. Industries:
Coimbatore is the most industr ialised district in the state where about 47% of the population are
engaged in industrial undertakings, trade nnd other avocations. Coimbatore is also a most important textile
centre and is also refc:rrod to as the .. Manchester of South India". It has over 36 cotton spinning and
weaving wills. Many textiles industrial un its have flourished around Coimbatore city also. In addition to the
above, industrial estates which manufacture electric motors, pumpsets, textile machinery spare parts also
flourish around the city.

As regards cottage industries, hand woven carpets, bedspreads, towels, dhoties and saries are the
famous products of Avanashi, Erode, Bhavani and Gobi taluks. Metal industry, Basket making, Coit
industry, oil industry, cart making also employ a sizable number of population.

1.11. Co-operation:
Co-o peration has come to play an increasingly important role in agriculture, in industries and in
other ecooomic and social activities. There are several multivarious and multipurpose co-operative societic$
which offer credit and other faciliti es for the successful conduct of agricultural operations, industries etc.
in the distdct . Alm ost all the major Villages have some kind of Co- operative societies wbich give assistance
to the farmers. The Chintamani co -opertive Supermarket with branches in coimbatorc, and Udamalpet is
outstanding and is one of the most successful of its kind in the nation.

112 Animal H~sbaDdry,

The schemes undertaken by the Animal Hu bandcy department, such as the suppiy of pedigree bulls
for breeding, tbe Key village scheme and the Artificial insemination centres are fully utilis d by the agricul-
turist, to improve their cattle wealth Table II gives the Cattle popUlation of tbe district.

Statement showing the livestock strengtb of Coimbatore district.


A . Males i. Breeding 1463

Over three years ii Worl<ing 205626
iii Others 17891

B Females i. Breeding 135534

Over tbree years ji. In milk 132618

C. Dry i. Breeding 146424

and calved ii. Working 25260
iii. Others 32431
Young stock
A. Males over i. Breeding 12744
three years ii. Working 3693
iii. Others 83S0

B. Females i. Breeding 93008

over 3 years a) In milk 77230
b) Dry and not oalved 55043
ii. Working 5387
iii. Others 1062
C. Other Livestock and poultry
Sheep 577782
Goats 192863
Horses and Ponies 5253
Mules 12706
DGnkeys r 1S409
Pigs 228905
Chicken 499830
Duck 8528

1.13. Transport and marketing:

There are adequate facilities for marketing of produce of the village, through the village ,bandies
and also in the nearby towns. All the villages and towns are connected by well laid out road systems and
the towns have transport facilities botb roadways and railways,

1.14. Agriculture and present land use:

The present land use data for Coimbatoce district is given in table III below. Out of the total area
of 15 ,58,600 hectares only about 47 per cent are under cultivation and the remaining ~ ,?e?cent are under forests,
pasture., current and other fallows, cultivable wastes, misccllaneous land typcs and under non agricultural use.


Preseot laod use. Area (hectares)

Total geograpbical area 1558600
1. Total cropped area 724883
2. Ileserve forest 404730
3. Barren land and uncultivable waste 49820
4 . Land put to non-agricultural use 77160
5. Cultivable waste '-~' 1 39360
6. Permanent pastures and otbers grazing land 18190
7. Land under miscellaneous tree crops 6110
8. Current fallows 155700
9. Other fallow lands 82680

The 'cultivated area of the district can: be : divided into three types, wet, garden and dry. The wet
type includes areas under cultivation of paddy, sugarcane, turmeric, and betelvine. irrigated by canals under
assured water~supply, tanks and wells The garden type of lands is mostly irrigated by wells with water table.
at 20-25 metres In the gardeolands the~ crops under cultivation are cholam. ragi, grouodnut, chilliel,
onions, cotton, toba(;co, vegetables, flowers "aod ' grapes ' to ' a small extent, In the dry lands. the crops
include cholam , cotlon, Cumbu horsegram, ~bengal gr-am, pulses and groundnut Although traditional
cultivation practices are still j adopted,~the farmers of the district are highly progressive, and many of them '
have taken to modern technology and adopted improved_agricultural practices

1.15 Crops:
Paddy, cholam. rAgi and cumbu, which are ,the main staple food ' of the people of the district
are the crop' grown traditi onally Paddy is raised in about~ 98 ,OJ O hectares for two seasons depending on
the water: avaiIability, aod ~is' ~mostly co nfille d to alluviums of ; Cauvery, Bbavani, Amaravathi and Noyyal
rivers :and to a small extent~ io other The varieties "grown are ~ mainly the Coimbatore rleases, bat
at present a considerable rextent . is covered : by fhigh yielding varieties : such as IR8, IR20, IR22, Kancbi,

Ragi i( cultivated in ' about 34 . 000~ hectares mostly underJ~gardenland conditions. Cbolam and
ctlmbu are;: cultivated both ~under gardenlandl'conditions and as dry ;~crops in an area of 2.12,000 hectares
and 52,000 hectares respectively.

Since: there are:extensive~areas of soils )uitedJor ralslDg_ commercial cr~ps in the district, and
3S mucb emphasis :is"~being ~ given_for growing tbese~,crop8, ootton, -j sugarcane and groundnut. are also
intensiveIY"cultivated_!;adopting new variiies:: and ~ improved. management practices. The approximate area
under these crops, is as follows,

Crop area UDder cultlvatioD varieties

Cotton 1,0:),000 ha. MCV., MeU3. K6, K7, Sujatba.
Groundnut 1,20 ,000 II TMVI. 2. 3 &: 5 ane PoI!
Sugarcane 28.000 " C0419, C0449, Co658, Co740.

Besides , these crops, cultivation of grapell in Cojmbatore taluk and turmeric (Curcuma long) in
Bhavani, Erode and Gobi taluks as commercial crops, is done on a Jarge scale.

Tobacco and chilies (Capsicum annum) are grown ~$ garden laed crop in some parts of the district.
The other crops grown to a considerable extent aJ'e .Maizo, Bllogal gram, Coriaudar, Tenai, Yaragu, Samai,
pulses, Arecanut, and Coconuts.
1.16. Socio-economics.
The maj:>rity of tho rural population which constitutes over 50 per cent, being entirely dependent on
agriculture, industries oriented towards promoting agricultural production, have also developed. With large
areal under cotton, the main industry of the area is concerned with textiles. both hand looms and power-
looms Sugar and allied industries come next. Iron and steel Industries augment production of irrigation
pumpsets. agricultural implements and also of spare parts for textile machinaries These products cater
not only to local demands but are also exported to the other ar eas of the steile and country as w('.ll.
This promo tes a sound general economy 'and a higher standard of living of both the agricultural and
non-agricultur al classes .


The reconnaissance soil survey of Coimbatore district was carried out adopting the methods outlined
in the Soil Survey Manual , published by the All India Soil and Land Use Survey Organisation. Indian
Agricultural Research Institute, New Delbi (1960) .

Traverses were made witb the aid of permanent reference points on the one ineh to a mile topo
sheeta of Survey of India ulled as base maps in the survey. Soil profiles up to a depth of 175 ems. or up to
parent material or water table as the cale may be, were examined at intervals of 3 to 6 krns dependiog
upon soil uniformity as per standard procedures . Besides, road cuts and excavations were also examined for
profile features and also auger samples at the rate of 10 to 15 borings per square kilometer for colour,
texture and other characteristics.

The mapping unit is defined and named in terms of 'soil series' . In areas of complex terrain
features. where the s:>il characteristics change abrubtly within short distance,. the mappin& unit is identified
in terms of 'association' repre eating a group of soil series involved in tbe area.


Twenty ie soil series have beea established after final correlation, in Coimbatore district
They are broadly classified and grouped ioto the following categories .

1) i) Red Soils Calcareous ( 4 series)

ii) non-calcareous (6 )
iii) Red (colluviu/) soils calcareous ( I )
iv) OJ non -calcareous (1 )
2) i) Black soils calcareous (4 )
3) i) Brown soils calcareous (14 )
ii) colluvial (1 )
4) i) Alluvial soils calcareous (3 .. )
ii) non-calcareous (1 )
" "
5) Mixed soils (1 )

The descriptions of the soil series under each of these groups are given below .

3 1. Red soils

(i) Red Soils (Calcareous) :

D-: rived from the we.lthering of gnelsslc rocks, these soils are shallow to doep, well drained,
coarse to m )der:ltely fi l ~ te:'ttured with consl'icuous Cea h orizon. The colour of the surface horizon
ranges from 2.5 YR to 5 YR hue, 3 to 4 value, and chroma 2 to 6 and subsoil, of the same hue, same
value but chroma 2 to 8 They generally occur in level to nearly level topography.

Four soil series are grouped in this category. They are (1) Palladam (PJd), (2) Okkilipalayam
(Okp), (3) Tulukkanur (Tlk) and (4) Palatburai (Pth) series

Description of individual series is furnished below .


Palladam series consists of shallow insitu soil" derived from gneIssIc rock, inter banded with
calcium carbonate. They are reddish brown (2.SYR3/2) to dark brown (7.5YR4/4). This series Ii. in
geographical association with Irugur. DasaTapatty, Kangeyampalayam, Palathurai, Okklipalayam, N'ooyyal,
Vellalur, Pichanur and Chickarasampalayam series. Tbe Cca horizon in the Palladam series is quite cCDspi.
CUOUI and contains more than 90 per -= ent CaCo3 concretion, which are very often quite compact and in
places, form sheets and plates.

Typifying pedon: Palladam - loamy sand - cultivated.

Horizon Depth Description

Ap 0-5 cm Reddish brown (2.5YR3/2); loamy sand; single grained.

moderately hard when dry and friable when moillt; non
Horizon Depth Description

sticky a nd non plastic when wet; moderate permeability;

pH 8.2; small pieces of quartz present; fine roots in
plenty; diffu ' ed boundary.

B 5 IS cms Dark reddish brown (2 .5YR4/8); sandy loam; weak,

medium granular; ~lightly hard when dry and friable
when moist, nonsticky and non plastic when wet; mode-
rate permeability; pH 8.1; few roots; clear boundary.

15 cm+ Cae o s as nodules and sheets.

Range in characteri ~ tics,' Colour of -the Ap hor izon ranges from Dark reddish brown (2.5YR3/2) to
Dark brown (7.5YR -l/4); surface textu re~ from gravelly sandy loam, to loamy sand and that of the sub
soil colour from dark reddish brown l2.5YR4/3) to dark brown (7 .5YR4/2)- m) and texture from sandy
loam to gravelly saody clay l oam 10 higber slopes, sheet erosion is severe exposing the CaCo s beds
on the surface.

Competing series and their dtjfertmtia,'

The competing series are the Syamalayakavuodanpudur series of Dbarapuram taluk . The Palla-
dam series differs from the above in that the tSyamalakavundanpudur series is yellowish brown. The
geographically associated soils are [rug ur, Dasarpatty. Kangeyampalayam, Palathurai, Okkilipalayam.
Noyyal, Vell alur , Pichanur and Chibras,t1npalayam seri es. The Palladam series differs from Irugur seriel,
in that the [rugur series is non-calcareo us and ] from the Dasarpatty series, in that the Dasarpatty is a
very deep gypsiferous black soil and from the Noyyal and Kangeyampalayam series, in that they are
very deep alluvial soils and from the Pi ..:hanur series which is a very deep coarse textured insitu soil
and from the Vellatur series. in that t !.e VelLalur series is a dark re d very deep red, soil with a cons-
picuous iron gravel b:l od in the B2 h el l iZJn and differs fr om the PaJathurai, Chikarasampalayam and
Okklipalayam series. in lhat they have ardeep calcareo us solum. .

Drainage and Permeability,' Well drained with medium run off aod moderate )!lcrmeability.

Uses and v~g(!tafion: Mostly cultivated with raiufed cotton,- millets, pulses and ragi. In places of assured
water supply paddy is also grown. Natural vegetation includes Palmyrah, Tamarind Acacia spp etc.

Distribution and ex tent : Occurs in Avaoasbi (16.33 sq.kro-), Erode (654.32 Palladam (71108 sq_km ),
Pollachi (382.82 sqkm) taluks, which .is J 1.45 per cent of the total area of the district.

Se,ies estabUsheJ ,' Palladam village - Pall adam'ttaluk - Coimbatore district - Tamil Nadu.

Type location: Sukkampalayam vill age (at aboul 6 km. on the western side of Palladam) Palladam
taluk - Coimbatore district - Tamil Nadu.

Remarks.' The thickness of solum is barely 15 cm or less in places of severe sheet erosion. 10 certain
places lime is exposed 00 the surface.


The Okklipalayam series consists of dark reddish brown to reddish brown soils developed on gneissic
rocks. They occur in Coimbtore taluk o n level to nearly level land alon g the narrow valleY3. The soils
are characterised by their colour and friable' ;nature. The thickness of the Cca horizon ranges between
5 to 6 fee t, below which there is parent rock . Occasionally , Jime concretions and quar:tzite flagmeots are
spread on the surface aod withio the profile. Okklipalayam soils have a heavier sub-soil and are nOQ-
gravelly. Associ ated soils arc Palatburai, Pichanur and Palladam series .

Typifying P~ dof1,,' Okklipalayam loamy sand - cultivated .

Horizon Depth Description

Ap 0- 18 cms. Reddish brown (5 YR4/4) loamy sand ; fine, weak, granular

structure; loose when dry, very friable when moist; pH. 9.1;
clear smooth boundary; abundaLit roots; 4 to 8 inches thick .

B 18- 43 ems. Dark reddish brown (5 YR 3/2) sandy clay loam; mixed with
a few lime concretions; medium weak crumb to fine weak
blocky structure; slightly hard when dry, firm when moist 'a od
sticky aod plastic when wet; pH 8. 7; gradual to diffuse wavy
boundary; plentiful roots, 9 to 18 inches thick.

Cca 43 cm+ Hard lime Kankar .

Rang e in chararteristics.' The colour of the Ap Horizon ranges from dark grey brown <10 YR 4/2)
to reddish brown (S YR 3/2) aod tbat of the sub soil from dark brown (7'S YR 3/2) to dark reddish brown.
(S YR 3/4). The textu re of the surface soil raoges from loamy sand to sandy loam and the lub soil
from loam to sandy clay loam. Lime concretions and quartzite fragments are spread on the sllrface.

Comptl'ng series and rheir differentia :

The series occUr& in association with . Palathurai series. This differs from the Palathurai scrie.
by the presence of quartzite fragments on the surface as well as the Cca to thickness of 5 to 6 feet
above the pareot rock- It differs from Pichanur series which is a non calcareous red soil by its calcareous
nature and differs from Palladam by its deeper solum.

Drainage and Permeability: Moderately drained with moderate permeability.

Usel Qnd vegetation :

Cultivated to Cocoout, Betelvinc, Banana. Paddy and Cholam. Ve&etation coosists of Palms,
Tamarind and other shrubs.

~stribuUon and extent : Occurs in 7'77 sq. kms. in Coimbatore taluk. which is 0'05 per ceot of the
totalor area the district. ' ,

Series Established : Okklipalayam series Okklipalayam village-Coimbatore taluk-Coimbatore distri,1)t-


Remarks: The soils of Okldipalayam series arc tending to become alkaline aDd as such suitable
ameliorative' measures should be taken as a precautionary measure.

The Tulukkanur series consists of calcareous, deep, red insitu soils overlying beddings of calcareous
material sometimes thick, sometimes shallow. mixed with weathered quartz felspathic gneissic rock. The thickness
of the Cca horizon ranges between 4 to 6 feet below which there is parent rock. Occasionally lime concretion and
quartz fragments are spread on the surface and within the profile. Tulukkanur soils are of yellowish red colour,
clay loam texture and calcareous in nature. Tulukkanur soils are moderately deep, with lighter coloured Ap
hori zon . This serie occurs in association with Vannapatty. KaJlival asu. SyamaJakavundanpudur, Suriyanallur
and Da nrapatty series.

Typ~rying pedon : Tulukkanur clay loam - cu ltivated .

Hori:nll Depth Description

A 0-18 ems. Yellowish red (5YR4/6) : clay loam; medium moderate.

angular blocky; hard when dry, loose when moist. sticky and
plastic when wet ; pH 8.5: violent effervescence; diffuse and
wavy boundary; Abundant roots ; 9 to 20 cm thick .

B 18--45 ems. Reddi. h brown (5YR4/4): sandy clay loan ; medium. mOderate,
ub angular blocky; hard when dry , slightly hard when moi st,
very sticky and very plastic when wet; pH. 8.5; strong
effervescence: diffu se and wavy bounda ry; 25 to 30cms thick.

C 45cm + Weathered Quart z - felspathie gneiss - with limestone bands.

Range in characteristics:

The colour of A horizon ranges from yellowIsh red (5YR4/6) to reddish brown (5YR4/4) and that of the
B horizen from reddish brown (5YR4/4) to dark red (2.5YR3/6). The texture of the su rface soil changes from
clay loam to sandy clay loam and that of the sub-soil, gravelly clay loam to sandy clay loam. The structure varies
from granular to blocky. Tnclusions in this series are eroded soils on B slope having 7 to 8" thick solum with
quartz gravel and lime Kankar on the surface.

Competing series and their differentia:

Tulukkanur series occurs in association with Vannapatty. Syamalakavundenpudur, Suriyanallur,

Dasarapatty and Kallivalasu . It differs from Vannapatty series by its lighter colour and calcareous nature and
differs from Syanalakvundenpudur series by its darker colour and its origin from Quartz-fe)spatbic gnei ss unlike
SymaJakavundenpudur which is derived from weathered gneiss. This also differs from SuryanalJur which is
colluvial in origin and Kallivalasu which is alluvial and insitu origin and differs from Dasarapatty which is a
black, insitu, calcareous gypsiferous soil by its red colour and non-gypsiferous nature.

Drainage and permeability:

Moderately drained with moderate permeability.

Uses and vegetation:

Cultivated to Tobacco, ChoJam and castor. Natural vegetation cOllsi ts of Tamarind. Palms and
other grasses.
Distribution and extent:
Occurs extensively in Dharapuram taluk (1144.78 sq. kms) which is 7.34% of the total area of the district.

Series Established,'

Tulukkanur series - Tulukkanur village - Dharapuram taluk - Coimbatore district - Tamil Nadu-May 1964.
Type,..(ocation :

Tullikkanur village - Dharapuram taluk - oimbatore district - Tarnilnadll.


The Palathurai series consists of deep red insitu soils derived mainly from gneisSic rocks with calcium
carbonate. This series occurs in association wit!: Pichanur series which does not have a Cca horizon. The Cca
horizon in the Palathurai series is quite conspicuous and contains more than 90% concretions which are often very

TYPz(ying fll!dol1 : Palathurai loamy ~and cultivated .

Horiz.oll Deb tit Description

AI' 0-12.5 cm Yellowish red (SYR4/6); loamy sand; moderately hard when
dry , friable to some what firm when moist, very slightly
sticky, and slightly plastic when wet; pH 8.5; clear boundary:
abundant roots; 7.5 to 20 em thick.

BI 12.5 - 60 cm Dark reddish brown (2.5YR3/4); sandy loam; moderately

hard when dry, friable to some what firm when moi st; slightly
sticky when wet; pH 7.4; diJfuse boundary; plentiful roots;
30 to 49 em thick grades to horizon below.

B2 60-90 em Dark reddish brown (2.5YR3/4); gravelly loam with few

lime concretions; structuleless loose; pH 7.6; wavy boundary.

e ta 90 to 120+ Very few roots, 17 to 30 Col inches thick Hard Kankar .

Range in charaCleristics:

The colour of A horizon ranges fr In ycllowish red, (5 YR 4/6 to dark reddish brown (2.5 YR 3/2).
Tel{ture of the sub-soil ranges from sandy loam to gravelly clay loam. Over certain areas calcium carbonate
concretions are found right on the surf.llce. Thickness of the A horizon ranges between 5 to 20 em
decreasing with gradient and intensity of ero ion. The pH of the Ap horIzon ranges from 8.2 to 8.5 and that
of B horizon from 7.4 to 8.5.

Compe ting series alld thei,. diffel'l!lItia;

This occurs in association with Palladam, Chickarampalayam, Okkilipalayam, havadiparai , Periya-

naickenpalayam. Irugur, Pichanur, Vellalur and Sornayanur soil series. This series' differs from Palladam
by its deeper solum and from chickarasampalayam by its red colour. It differs from Periyanaickenpalayam series
Wllich is mUltiple profile by the absence of the black soil over the red soil and diffe~s from chavadiparai which
is a colluvial noncalcarcous soil by it insit\1 origin and calcareous nature. It differs frum Vellalur, Jrugur and
Pichanur series by its caJcareou Jl ature and differ from Somayanur which is a calcareous colluvium in origin .
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_._ - - ----- - - - - - - - - - -- -
Drainage and permeability:

Well drained with moderate permeability.

Uses and Vegetation ,'

Cultivated to cotton , c~olam, Ragi. Groundnut. and Paddy. atural vegetation consists of Palms,
Tamarind and Acacia p .

Di trihulion and ('xlenl ,'

This soil series is found distributed in Coimbatore (437.7] sq. kms) Avanusbi (122.30 q. kms) Erode
(41.39 sq. kms) taluks of Coimbatore district and the total ext:mt of the series in Coimbatore district is 60J.9
sq. kms. accounting for 3.86% of the total area of the district.

Series esf"tlh/ished ,' Palathurai series - Palathurai village - Coimbatore ta]uk - Coimbatore district - Tamil Nadu -
October 1963.

Type location: Palathurai village - Coimbatore taluk - Coimbatore district - Tamil Nadu.

(ii) Re~d Soils (Non-calcareous)

They are derived from weathering of gnessic rock. The soils are moderately deep to very deep, well
drained to excssively well drained , and medium to fine textured. The colour of the suface horizon ranges from
dark reddish brown to dark red and that of sub surface horizon from dark reddish brown to red. The soils are
generally finer in texture, sticky and plastic with a comparatively thick B horizon. Clay skins are present and al 0
iron concretions in some cases. They generally occur in level and gently sloping to undulating topography.
The following 6 soil scries are grouped in this category 1) Vellalur (VII) 2) Vannapatty (Vpt) 3) Anamalai
(Ami) 4) Talavadi (Tvd) 5) Pichanur (Pch) 6) Irugur (1gr). Profile descriptions of the above six series
are furnished below.


The Vellalur series consists of dark red , insitu soils derived from gneissic rock. They are very deep well
drained and fairly heavy soils. Vellalur ser.ies has a distinguished conspicuous iron gravel in the Bg horizon .
Soils of this series have a fairly thick Ap horizon, dark reddish brown in co!our underlained by heavy textured
soil-This series occurs in association with Patathurai, Palladam, Periyanaickenpalayam. Pilamedu, Irugur and
Somayanur eries.

Typ~ryil1g pedon.. Vellalur andy loam - cultivated.

Horizoll Depth Des('ript iOIl

Ap 0-20 cms Dark reddish brown (2.5 YR3/4), sandy loam, moderate.
medium, crumb structure, with rodent burrows moderately
hard when dry, friable to omewhat firm when moist, slightly
ticky and non plastic when. wet, pH 7.8, clear smooth
boundary; few root .
D 20-150 cms Dark reddish brown (2.5YR2/4) clay loam, fine moderate
angular blocky, slightly hard when dry, firm when moist,
sticky and plastic when wet. pH 8.5, diffused boundary.
D2 150 cms+ Red (2.5 YR 4/6 gravelly clay loam mixed with plenty of
iron gravel and few lime concretions, medium crumb structure,
slightly sticky and slightly plastic when wet, pH 9.1.

Range in characteristics:

The texture of the top oil varies from sandy loam to gravelly loam and that of the sub-soil from
gravelly clay loam to clay loam. Iron gravels are also present on the surface but it varies depending upon the
extent of erosion .

Com"etin~ series and their d({jerellfia :

Vellalur s ries occurs in a sociation with Palathurai, Palladam, Periyanaickenpalayam, Peelamedu.

omayanur and Irugur. Thi ~ series differs from Palladam and Palathurai series by its Ilonca)careous nature and
fr om Peelamedu and PeriyanaickanpaJayam series by its red colour and non-calcareous nature. It differs from
Somayanuf series which is a colluvial, calcareous, soil .by its insitu origin and noncalcareous nature and from
Irllgu r series by the presence of a distinct iron gravel band in tbe B2 horizon and by the absence of a distinct
quartz gravel band ahove the parent material.

Drainage and permeabliity,' Well drained from the surface, moderately well drained internally with moderate
permeability .

Uses and vegetation ,'

Mostly cultivated to Jowar and groundnut. Natural vegetation consists of Palms, Acacia sp and
short grass.

Distribution and extent:

This soil series is found distributed in Avanashi (407.80 sq. kms) Coimbatore (18 .13 sq. km) Palladam
(3 .89 sq. kms) taluks of Coimbatore district and the extent of the series in Coimbatore distric(S429.82 sq. kms
accounting for 2.76% of the total area of the district.

Series established: Vellalur series - Vellalur village - Coimbatore taluk - Coimbatore district - Tamil Natdu-
October 1963.

Type location : Vellalur village, Madukkarai block, Coimbatore tal uk, Coimbatore district - Tamil Nadu.


The Vannappatti series consists of sligbtly acid to neutral red insitu soils derived from highly crushed
gneiss. Moderately deep to deep, well drained , sandy to sandy loam, tbese soHs are medium textured and
reddish brown in colour, with a horizon underlain by B horizon of heavier texture compact and hard further
grading to C. Geographically associated soil are the Dasarappatti, Tulukkanur, Suryanallur, Syamalakavundan-
pudur and Kallivala u eries. The oil are cultivated to a variety of crops.
Typifying pedon.' Vannl:lpatty coarse sandy loam - cultivated .

Horizon Depth Description

A 0-18 em Reddish brown (5 YR 4/4); coarse sandy loam ; fine weak

granular structure, loose when dry and moist, pH 6.5; clear
to smooth boundary; plentiful roots, 15 to 20 em thick .

Tl 18-45 cm Dark red (2.5 YR 3/6); sandy clay loam; medium moderate
angular blocky; slightly hard when dry, friable when moist,
and slightly sticky and plastic when wet ; pH 6.5. clear to
. mooth boundary; 25 to 30 cm thick.

c 45f crnsT Soft weathered gneiss.

Range in characteristics .'

The colour of the surface soil varies from reddish brown (5 YR 4/4) to yellowish red (5 YR 4/6) and
that of the sub-soil from dark (2.5 YR 3/6) to red (2.5 YR 4/8). The texture of the sub-soil varies from sandy
clay loam to gravelly clay loam. On B slopes, the soils have moderate erosion and quartz gravel is distinctly
seen on the surface.

Competing series and their differentia.'

This series occur in association wilh Dasarapatty, Tulukkanur, Suryanallur, Syamalakavundampudur
and Kallivalasu series. This differs from Dasarapatty which is a black calcareous. gypsiferous soil by its red
colour and noncalcareous nature and from the Kallivalasu series which is an alluvial soil by its insitu orgin and
from the Suryanallur series by its insitu nature and noncalcareousness . It differs from Syamalakavundampl.ldl.lT
and Tulukkanur series by its noncalcareous nature.

Drainge and permeability:

Well drained with moderately rapid permeability.
Uses and vegetation:
Castor. Onion, Chillie , Tobacco and Groundnut. Grasses, Palm, Tamarind, Acacia and Neem .

Distribution and extent .'

This series is found distributed in Dharapuram taluk of Coi mbatore district over an area of 375.55 sq.
km accounting for 2.40% of the total area of the district.

erie. established.'
Vaonappatti serie. - Vannapatti village - Dharapuram taluk - oimbatore district - Tamil adu ,
May 1964.

Type location:
Village Vannapatti (about 6CO Metres we t of Vannapatti) Dharapuram tal uk, Coimbatore district,
Tamil Nadu.

The Anamalai series consists of dark brown (7.5 YR 4/2) soils derived from weathered gneisses and
quartzites and are deep to very deep , moderately well drained, sandy loam to sandy clay loam, and non-calcareous.
They have a relatively higher colored 'A' horizon underlain by darker heavy textured 'B' horizon. Few to
numerous small fragments of quartz aud gneissic material occur in the 'B' horizon, someti mes as quartz layer.
Geographically associated soils are the Irugur and PaJladam series.

Typify ing pedol!,'- Anamalai sandy clay loan - cultivated .

Hori zon Depth Descriptio"

A 0-15 cm Dark brown (7.5 YR 4/2); sand y loam to sandy clay loam ;
medium, moderate, granular ; slightly hard, slightly firm ,
lightly sticky and plastic; many fine prominent reddish yellow
(7.5 YR 7/6) mottlings present ; pH 6.5; abundant roots; clear
smooth boundary .

HJ 15-38 cm Dark brown (7.5YR3/2); sandy clay loam ; medium; moderate,

granular to s\lb-angular blocky: hard, firm slightly sticky
and slightly plastic many fine distinct light yeUcwish brown
(10 YR 6/4) mottlings seeel: pH 7.3; a layer of fine qua{z
pieces seen; clear smooth bondary.

B2 38- 66cm+ Dark red (2.4 YR3/6); sandy clay; medium; moderate, sub-
angular blocky; hard, fine, sticky and plastic, few fine light
yellowsih brown (10 YR 6/4) mottlings present: pH 7.0,
clear smooth boundary.
Range in cizaracteristic.1:

Texture of the 'A' horizon range from sandy loam to sandy clayloam and the color from dark reddish
brown to dark brown. Quartz pieces are seen throughout the 'B' horizon.

Competing series and their differentia :

This occurs in association with Irugur and Palladam series. This differs from the Irugur series by its
lighter color, presence of mottlings and by the absence of a distinct quart gravel band above the parent material
and differs from the Palladam eries by its noncalcareo\.ls nature.

Drainage and permeability :

Moderate to rapid from the surface and moderate internally.

Uses and vegetation :

. Grown to paddy, groundnut and cholam. Natural vegetation consists of gra ses, palms, tamarind
and Acacia sp.

Distribution and Extl'nt ,'

This soil series i found distributed in Pollachi taluck of Coimbatore district over an area of 28.49
sq. kms. accounting for 0.18% of the total area of the di trict.
Series established ,'

Anamalai series - Anamalai village - Pollachi taluk - Coimbatore district - Tamil Nadu - May 1969.

Type location,'

Anamalai village. PoJlachi taluk . Coimbatore district, Tamil Nadu .

8. TALAVADl SERrES (Tvd . )

he Talavaui series consist. of moderately deep to deep red, insitu oils developed from highly
weathered gneiss. The soils are slightly acidic, non-calcareous , well drained and coarse textured. The series
occurs on gently sloping to undulating plain. of the plateau and even on complex slopes.

Quart z gravel is invariably , een on the surface in eroded areas.

7) 'I'~rl'ing " edon : Ta lavadi sandy clay loam - cultivated.

Horizon Depth Description

Ap 0- 15 cm Reddish brown (5 YR 4/4) dry ' dark reddish brown (5YR3/4)

moist ; clay loam; weak, medium , crumb stucture; dry
slightly hard; moist friable; wet-slightly sticky and non-
plastic, moderately rapid permeability ; pH 5.4, fine plentiful
roots ; abrupt smooth boundary.

B2 75 cm plus Red (2.5 YR 4/6) dry ; dark red (2.5 YR 3/6) moist; gravelly
clay loam; weak, medium , sub-augular blocky structure;
breaking to granular; dry slightly hard, moist-friable, wet-
slightly sticky and non-plastic; rapid permeability; pH 6. 3,
fine abundent roots; clear smooth boundary.

c 75 cm plus Weathered gnei ss.

Range in characteristics ,'

The color of the surface soil ranges from reddish brown (5YR 4/4), Yellowish red (5YR 4/6) to brown
(7.5 YR 5/4). The texture of the surface soil ranges from loamy sand to sandy clay loam. 'The color of the sub
soil ranges frOID dark reddish brown (2.5 YR. 3/4) to red (2.5 YR 4/6) to dark red (2 .5 YR 3/6) and its texture
varies from gravelly clay loam to clay loam.

Competing series and their differentia:

Related but not associated soils are the VannapatH series, established in Dharapuram tal uk.

Drainage and premeability,'

Well drained. Rapid permeability.

Uses and vegelatioll:

Cultivated to Ragi, Field beans, castor, Groundnut, cholam, Horsegram etc. The natural vegetation
consists of Lantana camera, Af'gemone mexicalle, Tamarindus indira. Leucas species.
Distribution and extellt ,'

This serie is found distributed in Gobichettipalayam taluk of Coimbatore district over an area of
219.6] sq . kms accounting for 1.41 % of the total area of tbe district.

S(!ries proposed ,'

Talavadi series - Bayyannapuram village - Gobichettipalayam taluk Coimbatore district, Tamil Nadu-
ebruar:v 1971 .

Type /ocolioll :

Bayyanoapuram village. Talavadi Panchayat Union. Gobichettipalam taluk - Coimbatore district -

nllnil Nadu .

Remark ~ :

inclusions in Talavadi series are few localised patches of colluviums which are the results of local
relief conditions and scattered patches of calcareous soils which are secn to a very limited extent near the
water courses . The area under the above, however is very little.


The Pichanur series consists of moderately deep to deep red, non calcareous derived from weathered
gneisses and quartzites. Well drained to excessively drained, the soils have a relatively thick 'A' horizon underlain
by gravelly loam ' B' horizon grading towards light yellOWish brown weathered materia1. The thickness of
gravel many vary from 16 to 65 cm and gnessic fragments occur scattered on the surface. The associated
soi ls are Palathurai , Okklipalayam. Peelamedu. Irugur, Perianaickenpalayam, Somayanur and Chavadiparai

Typifying pedon: Pichanur loamy sand - cultivated

Horizon Deptn Description

A 0-46cm Dark reddish brown (2.5 YR 3/4); loamy sandy; weak fine
granular to crumb structure; loose, friable, pH 7.6; abundent
roots; smooth boundary.

B 46-112 cm Dark red (2.S YR 3{6); gravelly loam, medium. moderate,

granular to crumb; slightly hard, slightly fum, pH 8.0;
plentiful roots; diffuse wavy boundry.

112 cm+ Light yellowish brown (10 YR 6/4); weathered quartzite and
gn-eis . .

Range ill characteristics ,'

Texture of the A horizon ranges from loamy sand to coarse sand, depending upon the degrees of sheet
erosion. Colour ranges from dark reddish brown (2.5YR3j4) to dark brown (lOYR 4/3). Few to numerous
small fragments of q\lartz and gneissic material occur sometimes on the surface and throughout the B horizon.

Competing series and their differentia:

This series occurs in association with Palathurai, Peelamedu , Okklipalayam, Irugur, Chavadiparai,
Somayanur and Perianaickenpalayam series, This series differs from the Irugur series by the absence of a
distinct quartz gravel band and differs from Palatburai and Okkipalayam series by its non~calcareous nature and
graveJliness in the B hori zon . It differs from Peelamedu and Perianaickenpaiayam by its non-calcareous nature
and by its red colour. It differs from Chavadiparai , a non - calcareous colluvium and Somayanur, a calcareous
colluvium by it!) non-calcareous and insitu origin .

Drainage and p ermeability :

Well drained with moderatel y ra pid permeability.

L!.I('\' alld \'('gefatinn :

' ultivated to R ag i. C holam and oiton , NRtural vegetation consist, of Palms. Tamarind. grasses .
s hrub ~. firewood tree~ etc ,

/)islrihlllioll and exll'll l :

This cries i found distributed in oimbatore (160.58 km s) and Avana . hi talllk (14.27 sq. kms) of
oimbatore district and the total area ot this series in Coimbatore eli trict is 174.85 sq. kms accounting for).] 2%
of the total area of th e district.

Series established:
Pichanur series - Pichanur village - Coimbatore taluk - oimbatore district - Tamil Nadu -
October 196 3.
Type lo calion : Pichanur village - Coimbatore 'taluk - Coimbatore district - Tamil Nadu.


The Irugur series consists of dark, reddish brown , to red insitu soi ls developed from the weathered
gneisse. They are moderately deep, non-calcareous, medium textured , moderately well drained soils occuring
on gently sloping to undulating terrains. The soils occur in association with Picbanur, Vellalur, Palathurai ,
Chickarasampalayam , Koduveri, Sathyamangalam , Manupafty. Anamalai. Somayanur, Palladam. Peelamedu ,
Dasarapatti , KangayampaJayam and NoyyaJ ,

Typifying pedon : Irugur - loamy sand - cultivated

Harizon Thickness Description

Ap 0-12 .5 cm. Yellowish red (5YR4/6) dry, red (2.5YR4/6) moist, loamy
sand ; very fine to fine clQmb structure; dry slightly hard ,
moist friable: non -sticky and non plastic when wet ; few
fine roots; pH 6.7 rapid perm~a~ility ; abrupt smooth boundary .

BZ ]2.5-40 cm, Dark red (2.5YR3/6) dry; dark reddish brown (2.5YR3/4)
moist; sandy clay loam : moderate medium. subangular
blockly structure; dry hard: moist firm, sticky and plastic
when wet; pH. 6.7 moderately rapid permeability: clear smooth
B3 4 78 cm. Quartz gravelly sand mixed with soil of dark red (2.5YR3/6)
dry; aal dark reddish brown (2.5YR3/4) moist. gravelly
clay loam ; structureless; dry hard , moist friable, wet sticky
and plastic, pH 6.7 moderately rapid permeability very few fine
roots: clear smooth boundary.

(' 78 cm . + Weathered gnei .

Range ill characteristics :

The texture of the surface soil varie from loamy sand to sandy loam and the colour varies from
yellowish red (5YR4/6, 5YR3/6) to dark reddish brown (5YR3j4). The texture of the sub soil varies from sandy
clay loam to gravelly clay loam . The quartz gravel is absent in some places and is also seen coated with lime
which produces strong effervescence in some places where water stagnates, but is never a common feature on this

Competing series and their differentia:

Thi s series occurs in association with Vellalur, Pichanur, P alathurai, Palladam, Satyamangalam,
Chickarasampalayam, Manupatty, Ammapettai, Koduveri , Kangayampalayam, Peelamedu , Dasarapatty and
Somayanur series. This series differs from Vellalur series by the absence of an iron gravel band in the B3 horizon
aod differs from Pichanur by the presence of a distinct quartz band in the B3 horizon and by its non gravelly
nature. It differs from Palathurai a deep to very deep , calcareous red soi l. and Palladam, a moderately deep red
calcareous soil by its non calcareousness and by the presence of a quartz band. It differs from Satyamangalam,
Chickarasampalayam , Manupatty and Ammapettai by its red colour and noncalcareous nature and <]iffers from
Koduveri and Kaogayaropalayam by its red colour and insitu origin. and differs from Peelamedu, a black
calcareou insitu soil, by its red colour and non-calcareous nature .

Drainage and permeability-

Moderately well drained. Permeability rapid from the surface and moderately rapid interanally.

Uses and vegetation:

Used for the cultivation of groundnut, cholam and ragi , and in areas with water facilities for irrigated
crops slich as paddy and ragi.

Natural vegetation includes Pal myrah, tamarind, and Xerophytes.

Di. trihution alld extent :

This series is found distributed in Avanashi (J52.60 sq. kms) Bhavani (348 .10 sq. kms) Erode
(753.14 q. kms) Gobichettipalayam (917.80 sq. kms) Palladam (547.24 sq. kms) Pollachi (561.03 sq. kms) and
Udumalpet (532.398 sa. km) taluks of Coimbatore district accounting for 25.74% of the total area of the
di trict .

eries established :
lrugur serie . lrugur village. Palladam taluk, Coimbatore district Tamil Nadu - 1967.

Type location :

Kugalur village - Opposite to the Kugalur high school - Gobichettipalayam taluk Coimbatore distnct.
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(ii i) Red Col/uvial Soils (Calcareous)

One oil tries namely Somayanur series (Smy) whjch occurs in the foothills of BalaOlpatti range, is
included in thi category. This consists of colluvial soil formed by filling in of the valley bottoms with lateritic
outwash materials from the neighbouring hills and occurs in the nearly level to very gently sloping topography.
Eventhough the soils are deep to very deep, at places they have undergone different degree of erosion.

T e description of the typical soil profile of tbe scrie is furnished.


The Somayyaour series consists of dark reddish brown to yellowish red, ' calcareous colluvial soils which
occur extensively in Coimbatore taluk. The colluvium has resulted by the filling in of the valley bottoms with hill
wash materials from the neighbouring hills. They are deep to very deep, medium textured and well drained.
The bed rock is very deep and does not appear even at 30 to 40 feet from the surface. The light textured 'A' horizon
in underiain by a weakly developed B which further grades to Cca consisting of calcium carbonate concreations
extending upto several feet. The associated soils are Palathurai, Perianaickenpalayam, Noyal; Pichanur and
Jrugur seriss.

Typifying p[' doll : Somayanur sand - cultivated.

Horizon Depth Description

A 0- 15 em Yellowish red (5YR5/6); sand ; single grained loose when dry

and very friable when moist: pH 7.4; gradual boundary:
abundant roots.

B 15-120 em Dark red (5YR3 /6); sandy loam ; medium , moderate, granular
structure; slightly hard when dry, friable to some what firm
when moist ; pH 6.3: plentiful roots .
Cca 120 cm+ Lime concretions .

Range ill characteristics:

The colour of the A horizon varies from yellowish red (5YR5/6) to dark yellowish brown (5YR3 j 4) and
the sub soil from dark red(2.5 YR3/6) to dark reddish brown(2.5YR3/4). The texture of the surface soil is sandy
and the texture of the sub soil varies from sandy loam to loamy sand. OccaSionally a 5 to 8 cm thick Quart z
gravel is present in the B horizon . The pH of the sub soil ranges from 6.3 to 7.3

Competing series and their differentia :

This series occurs in association with Palathurai, Periyanaickenpalayam . NoyaJ, Pichanur and lrugur
red, non calcarou , insitu soils by its colluvial origin and differs from Noyyal , an alluvial soil by its colluvial
origin and calcareous nature. It differs from the Periyanaickenpalayam series which is a multiple profile
with black soil lying over the red soil by its colluvial origin and by the absence of the black soil in the
surface .

. Drain(lge and permeability :

Some what excessively drained from the surface, well drained internally with rapid permeability.
UI'es and I'<'gelation,'

Cultivated for Cholam. Groundnut, Sugarcane and Paddy Natural vegetation consists of shrubs, grasses
and trees typical of the reserved forest area of Coimbatore taluk .

Distribution and ext(,l1t "

This series is found distributed in Coimbatore(J 83.889 sq. Kms) and Avanashi (4.45 sq.kms) taluks of
Coimbatore district accounting for 1.21% of the total area.

Series established ,'

Somayyanur series - Sonlayyanur village - Coimbatore taJuk - Coimbatore district - Tamil Nadu - October

T)pe local ion,'

Somayyanur v illage - Coimbatore taluk - Coimbatore district Tamil Nadu .

(iv) . R D ('OllUV IAl SOTLS ( oll-calcareou~)

One soi l series namely 'Chavadipara',(Cvp) series' included in this category, is a colluvial. oil resulting
from the filling ill of the valley bottoms with the outwash of the neighbouring hill s in the south-west of Coimbatore
Iteserve Fore t . 1t is deep to very deep, non-calcareous and does not reveal any horizon development. It is
. usceptibJe for ~ervere erosion . The description of the serie. i. furni shed below.


The C havadipa rai series consists of non-calcarous colhlvial soils of Coimbatore tal uk. The ColluviuDl
ha resulted from the filling in of the valley bottoms with hill wash materials from the neighbouring hills. Deep
to very deep, medium textured- and welJ drained . the colluvial material does not reveal horizon differentiations.
The oils are mainly sandy loam with no textural variations.

Typifying pedon,' Chavadiparai sandy loam Cultivated


Horizon Depth Description

0-65 cm. Dark reddish brown(5YR3/2) sandy loam, medium, weak

granular structure; slightly hard when dry, friable to
somewhat firm wben moist , pH 6.9, gradual to diffuse wavy
boundary, plentiful roots.

65 cm+ Dark reddish brown(5YR3/2) sandy loam, medium, moderate

granular structure, slightly hard when dry, friable to some
what firm when moist, pH 6.9, few root.

Range in characteristics:

Both the colour and texture of the surface and sub soil remain somewhat uniform. Quartz gravel is
sometimes di stributed in the profile below 50 cm.

Competing series and their di.IJerentia:

This series occurs in as oeiation with Picbanur and Palathurai series. Tills differs from the Pichanur.
u 'iositu' red nODcalcareous soil and Palathurai a 'in itu' Ted calcareous soil by its colluvial origin.

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Drainage and p ermeability.'

Well drained from the surface and some what excessively drained internally with moderate permeability.

Uses alld vegetarion :

ultivated to Jowar, ragi aDd paddy. Natural vegetation cansists of shrubs and grasses typical of
Coimbatore reserve forest area and dry deciduous forest vegetatoin that includes Teak. Tamarind, Bombose
malabaricum etc.

Distribution and extf'lll .'

This series is found di stributed in oimbatore taluk over an area of 5.18 sq. kms accounting for 0.03%
of the total area of the district.

S eries established .'

Chavadiparai series - Chavadiparai village - Coimbatore taluk - Coimbatore district - Tamil Nadu -
October 1963.

Type localioll :

Chavadiparai village - Coimbatore taluk - Coimbatore district - Tamil Nadu.


Black soils (calcareous)

These are derived from micaceous schists, anorthite gneisses and other ba'iic rocks . They are deep to
very deep . moderately well drained, cracking clayey soils. Hard Kankar pan is invariably met with. The colour
of the surface soil is very dark grey brown and that of sub surface ranges from very dark brown to dark grey.
The e occur quite extensively in the di trict in the level lands.

4 soits eries are grouped in this category which are :

1. Peelamedu (Plm) 2) Dasarapatti (Opt) 3) Ammapettai (Amp) and 4) Chickarasampalayam (Ckm) series.

Description of the individual soil erie~ are furni cd below.


The Peelamedu series consists of 'insitu' black soil derived from micaceous chists and anorthite
gneisses. They are deep to very deep,' moderately well drained and clayey. The soils have a fairly thick A
horizon underlain by a thick moderately alkaline clayey B horizon; grading to Cca with Kankar. Associated
soil series ure Palathurai, lrugur, Manupatty. Palladam, Vellalur, Sathyamangalam, Koduvari and Cbikkarasam-
Typifying pedoll : Peelamedu clay loam - cultivat~d.

Horizon Depth Description .

A 0-25 cm Very dark gray brown (10 YR 3/2); clay loam; fine strong
sub-angular, blocky; slightly hard when dry, fine when
moist, sticky and plastic when wet; pH 8.6; gradual to diffuse
wavy boundary; very few roois ;

B 25-115 cm Very dark brown (10 YR 2/2); clay with a few lime concretions
fine moderate sub angular blocky; slightly hard when dry'
firm when moist. sticky and plastic when wet; pH 8.0;
gradual to diffuse wavy boundary.

Cca 115 cm+ Hard Kankar.

Range in characteristics:

Texture of the surfac: layer ranges from clay loam to clay and that of the colour ranges from very dark
gray brown (10 YR 3/2) to grayish brown (10 YR 5/2). Tn certain profiles mottles of reddish brown (5 YR 4/3)
C(lIOUT nre observed .

Competing series and their differentia ,'

Peelamedu series occurs in as ociation with -Palathuthurai , Palladam, lrugur. Manuppaty, Chikkarasam-
palayam, athiyamangalam, Koduveri and Vellalur series. This differs from Palatbural , a red deep 'insitu'
calcareous soil. PalJadam, a red shallow to modt:rately deep, calcareous red 'jnsitu soil' by its black colour,
heavier texture and deeper solum. It differs from Satbyamangalam, ChikkarasampaJayam and Manupatty
eries, which are browm medium textured by its heavier texture, darker colour. and deeper solum and differs from
Vellalur a red , non calcareous, 'insitu' soil with iron gravel band in the B3 horizon and from Irugur, a red
non-calcareous insitu soil with a distinct quartz bal,d in the B3 horizon by its black colour, heavier texture
calcareousness and by thc absence of iron gravel band and quartz gravel band.

Drainage and permeability:

Imperfectly drained. moderate permeabilit}' from the surface and slow internally.

Uses and vegetatio1l:

Mostly cultivated to Cholam, Cotton and l)addy. Natural vegetation includes Karuvelam, Velikaruvai.

Di tribution and extent:

This series occurs in Avanashi taluk (30.71 sq. kms), Coimbatore taluk (116.55 sq. kms), Gobichetti-
palayam taluk (20.07 sq. kms), Palladam taluk (12.69 sq. kms), Pollachi taJuk (36.26 sq. kms) and Udumalpet
taluk (171.02 sq. kms) accounting for 2.0J% of the total area of the district.

Seri('s established:

Peelamedu series, PeeJamedu village. Coil11batore taluk, Coirnbatore district, Tamil Nadu , October J963.
Type location:


The Dasarapatti series consists of dark grey soils derived from the weathering of certain basic rocks .
Deep the very deep, moderately drained and clayey, the soils have a fairly thick A horizon grading to Bl , B2 and
B3 in the sub soil. Geographically associated soils are the Vannapatti, Tulukkanur, Surianallur, Kallivalasu,
lrugur, Palladam. Syamalakavundampudur and Peelamedu series. Dasarapatti series .... ave a very conspicuous
gypsum horizon. Deep cracking, clayey texture, occurence of scattered lime concretions and sand strcaks within
the profile are some of the common features of this series.

Typifying pedon: Dasarapatti. clay loam cultivated .

Horizon Depth Description

A 0-38 cm Very dark gray brown (10 YR 3/2); clay loam; medium,
strong, angular blocky; hard when dry, slightly hard when
moist, sticky and plastic when wet ; pH 8.0; Violent efferves-
cence;. clear to smooth boundary.
Rl 38- 165 cm Dark gray (10 YR 4/1); clay; medium , trong subangular
blocky ; bard firm and very sticky and plastic; small fragments
of gypsum: pH 8.0: violent effervescence. clear smooth
boundary .
B2 165- 190 cm Gray brown ( 10 YR 5/2). clay; medium , stroog, angular
blocky hard , vety firm and sticky aud plastic; white massive
gypsum pieces: pH 8.0: violent effervescence.

190 cms+ Gyp urn .

Range ill characleristics:

The colour of the surface horizon range from very dark gray (10 YR 4/ 1) and the texture of the surface
s oil ranges from clay loam to clay. The colour of the ub soil varies from dark gray (10 YR 4/ 1) to gray brown
(IOYR4f5) .

Competing series and their differentia:

This series occurs in association with Vannapatti, Irugur, Palladam , Syamaiakavandanpudur, Tulukanur,
Suryanallur, Peeiamedu and Kallivalasu series. This differs form Vannapatti a red lnsitu noncalcareous soil ,
lrugur, a red non-calcareous iositu with a quartz band in the B3 horizn by ils black colour by the presence of
gypsum, calcareousnes and heavier texture and differs from Kallivalasu a calcareous alluvjal soil by its insitu
origin and heavier texture. It differs from Suryanallur a calcareous colluvial scil by its insHu origin and heavier
texture and differs from Syamalakavundanpudur, a calcareous shallow to moderately deep brown soil , Tulukkanur
a red calcareous. Moderately deep to deep, medium textured soil by it black colour, heavier texture and by the
presence of gypsum.

Drainage and permeabilIty:

Moderately well drained with slow permeability.
Uses and vegetation :

Cultivated to 'Cotton, Choiam, Paddy and Sugarcane. Natural vegetation con ists of Tamarind
Acacia Sp.
Distribution and extent:
Occurs in Dharapuram taluk (28.49 sq. kms) Palladam taluk (137 .63 sq. kms) Pollachl taluk
(64.65 sq. kms) and accounting for 1.48% of the total area of the district.
Series e.ltablished:

Dasarapatti series - Dasarapatti village - Dharapuram tah.ik, Tamil Nadu Feb. 1963.

Type 10catioll :

Dasarapatti village - Dharapuram taluk - Coimbatore district - Tamil Nadu .


The Ammapettai series consis ts of deep to very deep calcareous oils derived from gneissic rocks,
interbedded with calcium carbonate. These soils are heavy textured throughout and are inperfactly drained.
The soils occur in association with the KuppandapaJayam and Irugur series.
Typifying pedotl : Ammapettai clay loam - cultivated.

Horizon Depth Description

A 0- 35 cm Dark grayish brown (10 YR 4/2) dry; very dark greyish
brown (10 YR 3/2) moist; clay; slightly calcareous; strong
coarse, angular blocky structure; fine, few , faint mottles
of brownish yellow (10 YR 6/8); dry-very hard, moist - very
firm, wet very sticky, very plastic. very few fine iron
concretions, pH 7.8; moderate permeability; few fine roots,
abrupt smooth boundary .

D2J 35-82 cm Very dark grayish brown (IOYR3/2). moist; siJty clay; slightly
calcareous; strong, coarse, subangular blocky structure; dry-
very hard. moist very firm; wet-very sticky. and very plastic;
few. fine round to irregular iron concreations ; pH 7.7 ;
moderately alow permeability ; very few, fine roots . diffuc;e

B22 82- 123 em Very dark grayish brown (lOYR3/2) moist;. clay; strong
effervescence; strong coarse subaDgulur blocky structure;
dry-very hard; moist very firm. wet-very sticky and very
plastic; few round to irregular iron concretions; pH 7.6;
moderately slow permeability, roots nil.

Cca 123 cm+ Calcium carbonate.

Range in characteristics:
The colour of the surface soil varies from dark yelJowish brown (lOYR4/4) to very dark grayish brown
(lOYR3/2). The surface colour is also dark brown (7.5 YR4/2) in ome place. The texture of the sub soil
varies from sandy clay loam to clay loam. The thicknes of A horizon ranges from 11-25 cm.

Competlhg series and their differentia :

lrugur and Kuppandampalayam erie lie in a sociation with this eries. Kuppandampalayam series i
different from Ammapettai series in that the Kuppandampalayam series is shallower. The Irugur series differs
from the Ammapettai series in that it is a non-calcareous red soil, which does not have a Cca horizon.

Drainage and permeability :

1 mperfectly drai ned , Slow permeability .

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Uses and vegetation: Cultivated for two crops in a year, The important crops include cotton, paddy, sugarcane,
choiam, ragi. Borassefl flabellifer, Acacia _p. T.".,Dyindus indica etc.
Distribution and extenl: This series occurs in Bhavani taluk (35.20 sq. kms) and accounts tor 0.23% of tile
total area of the district.
eries established: Ammapettai seriss. Ammapettai village. Bhavani taluk. Coimbatore district. Tamil Nadu,
Novemher 71.

Type location : Ammapettai village, on the left side ab::>ut 200 metres from Ammapettai Mettur Road, Bhavani
tal\lk, Coimbatore district , Tamil Nadll.


Chickar~sampalayam eries consist of deep yellowish brown to light brown soils. The soils arc
calcareous in nature and are derived from weathered gneiss. They are well drained and have a bed of calcium
carbonate in the C horizon. It occurs in association with Irugur, Satyamangaiam, Palladam. Palathllrai,
VelJaJur and Koduveri serie ..

Typifyil1[: pedon: Chickarasampalayam - Sandy clay loam - cultivated.

Hori=on Depth Descriptioll

Ap 0- 22.5 cm Yellowish brown (IOYR5/4) clay; dark greyish brown

(lOYR4/2) moist; sandy clay loam, moderate; medium ,
crumb, dry-slightly hard, moist-friable, wet-slightly sticky and
slightly plastic, strong effervescence; pH 7.0; moderately
rapid permeability, roots many, clear smooth boundary,

BI 22.5-35 m Dark brown (IOYR4/3) dry and moist; andy clay loam;
coarse, sub angular blocky, dry-hard, moist-firm, wet-sticky
and plastic, strong effervescence; pH 7.5 moderate permea-
bility : roots few; clear wave boundary.

B2- lt 35-62.5 cms Brown (JOYR5/5) dry; dark brown (10YR4/3) moist, clay
loam, massive, dry-hard ; mOist-firm, wet-sticky and plastic
strong effervescence pH 7.0, moderately slow permeability,
few roots, clear smooth boundary.

B2- 2t 62.5-90 cm Brown (lOYR5/3) dry, dark yellowish brown (IOYR4/4) moist,
clay loam, massive, dry slightly hard, m9ist-friable, wet
slightly sticky and slightly plastic, violent effervescence
calcium carbonate nodules found distributed throughout the
horizon . pH 8.0. moderately rapid permeability. diffused

0-96 cm Gnei with inter bedded calcium carbonatt:.

Range in c/Ulracteriestics :
The colour of the surface oil ranges from light brown (7,5 R6/ 4) to yellowish brown (IOYR5/4). The
The texture of the surface soil ranges from loam to sandy clay loam and that of the ub-soil ranges from sandy
clay loam to clay loam.
Competing series and their diffnentia:
The geographically associated soils are the lrugur, SatyamangaJam , Palladam, Palathurai and Vellalur
series. The C'hickarasampalayam series differs from the Jrugur series in that the Irugur series is non-calcareous,
and differs from the Sathyamangalam series which is comparatively shallower from the Palla dam series which is
different in color, and from the Palathurai series which has a deeper solum and conspicuous Cca horizon .

Drainage and permeability :

Well drained. Moderately rapid permeability.

Uses and vegl!tation :

C ultivated to crops like paddy, cholam. turmeric . .Banana . Sugarcane etc. Natural vegetation consi ts
of Margosa, velikaruvai, K aruvelam etc.

Distribution and extellt :

It occurs in Gobichettipalayam taluk (87.56 q. kms) and accounts for 0.56% of the total area of the
di strict.

cries proposed :

Chickkarasampalayam series - Chickkarasampalayam village - Gobichettipalayam taluk, Coimbatore

district - Tamil Nadu.
Type locatioll :

C hickkarasampalayam village - Gobichettipalayam taluk - Coimbatore district - Tamil Nadu.

3:3 (i) Brown (Calcareous) Soils :

The e are derived from weathered gneisses. The soils are shallow to moderately deep, moderately well
drained, medium textured invariably with hard kankar pan. The colour of surface horizon ranges from dark
yellowish brown to dark brown and that of subsurface from dark yellowish brown to brown . They OCcur in
nearly level lands.

4 series grouped in this category are 1) Kuppandampalayam (Kpm) 2) Sathyamangalam (Sty) and 3)
Mnnupatty (Mpy) series.a.()d ..4) Sycuno.\o.. ~'f .... d ..., PI.N\",y g.mLS Cl.~")

The descriptions of the individual series are pven below.


Kuppandapalayam series consists of moderately deep to deep, dark yellowish brown, medium textured ,
calcareous, moderately well drained ' insitu ' soils developed from gneissic rocks interbedded with calcium

Typifying pedon: Kuppandapalayam sandy clay loam - cultivated .

Horizon depth Description

Ap 0-16 cm . Dark yellowish brown (10 YR 4/4) dry; dark brown (10 YR
3/3) moi t; sandy clay loam; weak moderate medium sub-
angular blocky' with very few concretions of calcium; dry
lightly hard-moist friable ; wet - slight ly sticky and slightly
plastic' strong effervescence' moderate permeability pH 8.5;
plentiful roots; clear smooth boundary.

B3 16-32 cms. Dark brown (10 YR 3/3) moist; clay loam ; moderate, medium
sub angular blocky; with very few concretions of calcium;
dry hard , moist firm wet slightly sticky and slightly plastic;
violent effervescence: moderately slow permeability' pH 8.4;
few roots: a brupt smooth boundary.

('ca 32 cm!l.+ Calcium carbonate.

Range ill characteristics:

The colour of the A horizon ranges from yellowish brown (10 YR 5/4) to very dark grayish brown
(10 YR 3/2). The texture of surface soil ranges from sandy clay loam to clay loam and even clay in some ca es.
In eroded areas the solum is barely 10 cm thick or less and in some places the lime is exposed to the surface.

Competillg series and their diffi>renlia:

This series occurs in geographical as ociation with the lrugur and Ammapettai series. lrugur series is
different from thi s series in that it has no Cca horizon and the Ammapettai is different, in that it has heavier
texture and a deeper solum .

Drainage and permeability :

Moderately well drained: Moderately slow permeability.

Uses and vegetation :

Cultivated to cotton, cholam , ragi , groundnut and in some places to paddy.

Palmyrah , Acacia sp; prosopis, neem etc;

Distribution and extent :

Occurs in Bhavani taluk(148 .60 sq. kms) which is 0.95% in the total area of the district.

Series established:
KuppandapaJayam series - KuppandapaJayam village - Bha vani taluk - Coimbatore district - Tamil Nadu -
November 1971.

Type lo cation:
Kuppandapalayam village (Attani - KuppandapaJayam road) .B havani taJuk ~ Coimbatore district-
Tamil Nadu .


The Sathyamangalam series consists of shallow to moderately deep reddish brown to yeJlowil'h brown
calcareous soiJs derived mainly from gneissic rocks with inter bedded calcium carbonate.

Typ~rying pedon: Sathyamangalam andy clay loam cultivated .

Horizoll Depth Description

Ap O-12.Scms Yellowish brown (IOYR 5/4) dry; dark yellowish brown
(I0YR4/4) moist; sandy clay loam; strong. medium, crumb
structure; dry slightly bard; moist friable. Wet sticky and
plastic; pH 7.9' moderate permeability ; many thin grass roots:
clear wavy boundary.
B2 12- 5-22.5 ems Brown (IOYR5/3) dry; yellowish brown (IOYR 5/3) moist;
sandy clay loam; weak medium subangular blocky structure
dry-hard; moist-firm, wet-sticky and plastic; pH 8.0;
moderately slow permeability; clear wavy boundary .

22.5cms+ Cemented lime stone.

Range ill characteristics .'

The colour of the A horizon ranges from yellowish brown (I0YR 5/4) to dark yellowish brown (lOYR4/4).
The texture varies from sandy loam to sandy clay loam in the surface soi l and sandy clay loam to sandy clay in
the sub soil. In some places due to the severity of erosion the horizon of calcium carbonate accumulations is
exposed .

Competing series alTd their differentia .'

Sathyamangalam series OCCl:lrs in association Wilh Chickarasampalayam, Irugur, and Pilamedu soil series.
hickara ampalayam series differs from this by its deeper solum and lrugur series differs from this by its non
calcareousness and l? the presence of a distinct quartz band in tbe B3 horizon. Pilamedu series differs from
this by its black color, 'deep solum and heavier texture,

Drainage and per

drained with moderate permeability.

Uses and vegetation.'

In these soils where irrigation facilities are not available dry crops of cumbu, Cholam, are grown and in
areas with irrigation facilities crops like paddy, tobacco and turmeric are grown. Natural vegetation consists of
neem, palmyrah, Karuvelam etc.

Distribution and ('xtelH :

Occurs in Gobichettipalayam tal uk over 88.86 sq.kms which accounts for 0.58 per cent of the total area
of the district.
Series established:
Sathyamangalam series - GobichettipaJayam ta1:uk, Coimbatore district, Tamil Nadu - 1971.
Type location :

Nalu road (Koduveri) village, GObichettipalayam taluk, Coimbatore district, Tamil Nadu.


The Manuppatty series consists of dark brown to dark yellowish brown, highly calcareous, moderately
deep, insitu soils, which have a conspicuous Cca horizon. These soils are mainly derived from gneiSSic rocks
interbedded with Calcium carbonate. Th~y occur in association with the Irugur and Pilamedu series,

Typ~fving pedon; Manuppatty loam - cultivated.

Horizon Depth Description
A 0-10 cms Dark brown (J 0 YR 4/3) dark yellowish brown (10 YR 3/4)
. moist loam, weak fine sub angular blocky; dry hard, moi t
firm wet slightly sticky and slightly plastic, no concretion,
, violent effervescence; pH 8.1: moderate permeability; few, fine
root clear smooth boundary.

Bl 10-25 cms Dark yellowish brown (10 YR 3/4) very dark grayish brown
(10 YR 3/2-m); loam ; medium, moderate, subangular blocky,
bard. firm slightly sticky and slightly, plastic, violent
effervescence; pH 7.8; moderately rapid permeabJility ; few
thick roots ; clear smooth boundary.

82 25-30 cms Dark yellowisb brown (10 YR 3/4): very dark grayish brown
(10 YR 3/2); moist loam; moderate, coarse, angular blocky,
hard, firm, ticky and plastic, violent effervescence, few
calcium carbonate concretion; pH 7.8 ; root nil. moderate
permeability, diffused smooth boundary.

ea 30 cms+ Calcium carbonate as nodules and sheet.

Range in charac'leristics:

The colour of the surface soil ranges from dark brown (10 YR 4(3) to dark yellowish brown (10 YR 3/4)
and its texture from sandy loam to sandy clay loam, the texture of the B horizon varies from sandy clay Joam to
clay loam and its colour from dark yellowish brown (10 YR 3/4) to very dark grayish brown (10 YR 3/2) and dark
brown (7.5 YR 4/4) . The structure of the sub soil remains sub angular blocky mostly.

Competing series and their differentia,'

Geographically associated are the Trugur series which is non calcareous and has no Cca horizon and
Peel a medu series which is very deep. black, calcareous soil with a prominent Cca horizon .

Drainage and permeability.'

Well drained with medium run off and moderately rapid permeability.

Uses and vegetation,'

Cultivated to rainfed cotton and pulses, where irrigation facilities are available, paddy , sugarcane, ete.
Palmyrah, Tamarind and Acacia spp are the natural vegetation.

Distribution and extent,'

Occurs over 255.244 sq. kms in Udu.malpet taluk which is 1.64% of the total area of the district.

Series established .'

Manuppatty series - Manuppatty village - Coimbatore District - October 1971.

Type location .'

At a di tance of 0.8 km from Manuppatty village on Kurichikottai Amaravathi road - Udumalpet taluk-
oimbatore district - Tamil Nadu.


The thickness of solum in eroded areas is barely J 5 em or less. In some areas lime i exposed
on the surface due to evere erosion.

The Syamalakavaundanpudur series consists of yellowish brown to brown calcareous soil derived from
gnessic rocks wi th limestone bands. These are shallow to moderately deep, moderately well drained coarse
textured soils. Geographically associated oils .are the Sur)anallur series, Vannappatty eries. and Tulukkanur
!. erie~.

Typlfving pet/oil yamal akavu ndanpudur coarse 'andy loam - cultivated.

Horizon Depth Description

A 0-13 cms Yellowish brown (10 YR 5/4); coarse sandy loam ; medium
fine granular structure : loose when dry, very friable when
moist; pH 8.0: strong effervescence: clear to wavy boundary
plentifull roots ; 4 to 6" thick.

B 13-20 ems Dark reddi sh brown (5 YR 3/4); sandy clay loam ; medium
moderate angular blocky; slightly hard when dry, loose
when moi st, slightly sticky and slightly pia tic when wet;
pH 8.0; strong effervescence, clear to wavy boundary: 2 to 4"
thick .

c 20 cms+ Partl y weathered gneiss with lime stone bands .

Range ill chara cteristics

The colou r of the surface soil ranges from yellowish brown (10 YR 5/4) to brown (10 YR 5/3) and dark
brown (10 YR 4/3) and texture from coarse san dy loam to fine sandy loam . The colour of the B horizon ranges
from dark reddi sh brown '(5 YR 3/4) to reddish brown (5 YR 4/4) and light brown gray (10 YR 6/2). Lime
nodul es of 2 to 3 cms diameter are di stri buted on the surface. Quartz gravel are not uncommon.

Competing series and their differen tia

Geographically associa ted soi ls are Suryanallur, Vannappatty and Tulukkanur series. This differs from
Suryallallur which i a deep colluvial soil by its in itu origin and differs from Vannappatty, a non-calcareous red
insitu soil by it brown colour and calcareous nature and from TuJukkanur which is derived from quartz felspathic
gneiss in that it is derived from weathered gneiss.

Drainage and permeability:

Well drained from the surface. moderately well drained internally with moderate permeability.

Uses and Vegetation:

otton and jowar in orne places tobacco is the main crop irrigated by well water. Short gras e and
palms with some Acacia species.

Distribution and extent :

This eries is found distributed in Dharapuram taluk over an area of 347.06 sq. kms. accounting for
2.23 % of t'he total ar a of the district. ,

3 ii 0


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Serit's Established:
Symalakavundanpudur cries - Symalakavundanpudur village - Dharapuram taluk - Coimbatore district-
T~i1 Nadu - May 1964.
Typl' {Mat ion :

Symalakavundanpudur village, Dharapuram taluk . oimbatOl'e, Tamil Nadu .

(ii) BROWN ( AL AR OUS) - Colluvial . oils :

One soil serie namely . uryanallur series' occurs in thi category. The3e are deep to very deep well
drained , medium textured , calcareous colluvium formed by the filling in of the valley bottoms by the outwash
of the nearby hill. .

The description of the typical profile of the es is given below.


The Suryanallur series consists of brown to yellowish brown calcareous colluvial soils. The colluvium
has resulted by filling up of the valley bottoms from hill wash. Deep to very deep, medium textured and well
drained loams. The bed mck is very deep and does not appear even at several feet from tbe surface. The soils
have a fairly thick A horizon underlain by heavy textured soil in the B hori zon. Small fragments of musco ite
mica are evenly distributed throughout the profile. Geographically associated soils are Syamalakavundanpudur
series. The surface soil texture of Suryanallur series is heavier than that of associated series . It occurs over
quite an extensive area in Dharapuram taluk .

Typ(fying p.'dotl: Suryanallur loam - cultivated.

Horizon Dept" Description

A 0-23 cms Brown (10 YR 5/ 3); loam; medium, fine, granular; slightly
hard, very friable and slightly sticky; pH 8.0; strong
etrervescence; plentiful roots; clear to diffuse boundary.

DI 23-45 ems Brown (10 YR 5/3); clay loam; medium, moderate, angular
blocky; hard, slightly firm , sticky and plastic, pH 8.0; violent
effervescence; clear to d'iffuse boundry. .

B2 45-75 ems Yellowish brown (10 YR 5/4); clay loam; medium , moderate,
su bangular blocky; hard, . lightly firm, sticky and plastic
pH 8.0: violent effervescence.

Range in characteristices :
The colour oftbe sub soil ranges from brown ( IOYR5/5) to dark yellowish brown (IOYR3 /4) and the
texture from sandy loam to clay and oeca sionally sandy clay loam .

. Competing serif'S and their differentia :

The geographically a ociated oils are the SyamalakavundLlnpudur series whicl1 differs from the
Suryanallur serie in tbat the former has a hallow solum and i in itu innature. The competing series arc
Chavariiparai and Somayyanur series of Coimbatore taluk. Chavadiparai differ in that it is noncalcareous and
Somayyanur series is differentiated by its medium textured nature and yellowish red colour.
Drainage alld permeability,'

W ell drained from the surface, well drained internally, having moderate permeability.

Uses and vegetarion :

ultivated to tobacco. paddy, sugarcane, cotton and chillies. Tobacco cultivation is confined to well
j rrigaled a reas.

Distribution and extent: 1t has a pread of 160.58 sq. kms in Dharapuram taluk only , which is 1.03% of the
lotal area of the district.

eries esrablisned: SuryanaJlur series, SuryanalJur village. Dharapuram taluk, May] 964.

TYJ1e location : Suryanallur village , Dharapuram tal uk , oimbatore district, Tamil Nadu.


J) Alluvial - calcareous:
These consist of soils of alluvial onglO and ale confined to the flood plains of the rivers Cauvery,
Amaravathy, Noyyal and Bhavani. The soils are deep to very deep, moderately well drained and fine textured.
The colour of the surface horizon ranges from dark gray brown to yellowish brown and that of sub surface from
strong brown to very dark gray.

3 soil series are grouped in thi s category which are (1) Kangayampalayam (Kgp) (2) Kallivalasu (Ksu)
and Koduveri (Kdv) series .

Description of the individua l series are given below.


The Kangayampalayam series consists of the river alluvium on the western hank of the river Cauvery.
The alluvium consists of dark brown to dark grayish brown, very deep non-calcareous, moderately well drained
soi l, with medium to heavy texture. In the areas adjoining the river. the profile is heavy textured on the surface,
followed by sandy loam to even sand nnd is calcareous below 257 ems. Generally the texture becomes lighter
with depth . The soils are very important for agriculture and brick making. The geographically associated soils
are the Irugur and PalJadam series .

Typ~fYing pedon.' Kangayampalayam silty clay - cultivated.

HorizOIl Depth Description

Ap 0-25 cms Dark gray brown (10YR4(2) dry, very dark gray (IOYR3j l)
moist; silty clay; strong, coar e subangular blocky structure;
very nard , very firm, sticky and plastic; pH 7.3; slowly
permeable; abundant roots ; abrupt smooth boundary.
A2 25-36 cms Dark brown (7.5YR4/4) dry; dark brown (7.5YR4j2) moist;
andy loam ; moderate, medium , sub aogular blocky structure;
hard firm, non sticky, and non plastic; many, fine promineut,
very dark grayish brown (IOYR3/2) mottlings; pH 7.6
moderately rapid permeability; few roots; abrupt smooth
BI 36-155 cms Strong brown (7.5YR5 j6) dry: dark brown (7.5YR4j4) moist,
sandy loam; strong coarse, crumb structure; hard, firm , non
sticky and non plastic; pH 7.6; rapidly permeable; abrupt,
smooth boundary.
B2 15 216 cms Dark brown (7.SYR4/4) moist, clay loam ; medium fine
crumb structure; friable, slightly sticky, non plastic, pH 7.6:
rapidly permeable, diffuse boundary.
B3 216 ems Clay loam with conca. slightly calcareous.

Range in rliaracferi.l'tics:

. The colour of the surface soil ranges from dark brown (JOYR4/3) to dark grayish brown (JOYR4/2) and
it lexture from clay loam to silty clay. The sub-soi l colour' ranges from dark brown (IOYR3/3) to dark yellowish
hrown (JOYR3 /4). The texture varies from andy Joam to even andy clay .

.ompelin1!, series and rheir d(f}prel1lia :

The competing series are the Noyyal, Koduveri , Kallivalasu series of Coimbatore, Gobichettipalayam
Dharapuram taluks reepectively. The ' Kangayampalayam eries differs from the Koduveri series in that the
above two are comparatively light te tured .

The as ociated soils are the insitu Palladam and Jrugur eries.

Drainage and permeability:

Moderatel y well drained. slow to moderately rapid permaability.

Uses and vegetatio/l :

This series is intensively cultivated for paddy, banana, turmeric, sugarcane. Mostly three crops are
taken per year due to the copious water availability through the Kalingarayan channel and the river Cauvery.
The natural vegetation consists of Barasses flabellifer, Acacia sp, Calatropis gigantia and Nerium sp.

Series established: Kangayampaltlyam series - Kangayampalayam village - Erode taluk Coimbatore district
Tamil Nadu ~ February 1971.

Type 10caliol1 :

Kangayampalayam village on the Erode, Kodumudi road , Erode taluk - Coimbatore district-
Tamil Nadu.


In Kodumudi area the soils are somewhat calcareous and are ir.cluded in this soil series as the area
cannot be delineated separately since the distribution is scattered and very much limited .


The Kal1ivalasu series consists of yelJowi h brown to brown calcareous alluvial soils in the rjver sides
of Noyal and Amaravathi and also on the banks of small streams. Very deep w II drained loamy soil. The
profile reveals stratified layers of yellowish brown to brown colour, loam to sandy Joam and clay loam texture.
Small lime conpretions are found scattered throughouL the profile. Kallivalasu soils are yellowish brown in colour
and calcareous in nature. Geographicallyassociated oil are Vannapatti , Syamalayakavandanpudur, Tuhlkkanur,
Suriyanallur and Dasarapatti series .
Horizon Depth Description:

0-25 ems Yellowish brown (IOYRS/4); loam; medium moderate, blocky,

hard when dry, slightly hard when moist and very slightly
sticky and plastic when wet, pH 8.0, violent effervescence;
abundant roots; clear to smooth boundary;

25-45 cms Yellowish brown(lOYR5/6); sandy loam, medium moderate

sub-angular blocky; hard when dry and friable when moist ;
pHS .O, Violent effervescence, lear smooth boundary.

45-58 cms Brown(7 .5YR5/4) ; loam ; medium. weak, angular blocky; hard
when dry , friablc when moist and very slightly sticky and
plastic when wet; pH 8.0: violent effervescence:

58-IOOcms Yellowi sh brown(lOYR5 /4): clay loam , mixed with small

lime concretions; hard when dry and loose when moist, sticky
a nd plastic when wet: pH 8.0: violent effervescence.

Range ill characteristics:

The col our o f the surface soil varies from yellowish brown(IOYR5/4) to brown (IOYR5/3) and tex ture
from fine sandy loam to loam. Depth of the soil ranges from 40 N to sevc:-ral feet .

ompeting a il'S alld their differentia :

Thi s seri es occurs in a ssociation with Vannapatti , Syamalakavundanpudur, TullJkkanur, SuryanaJlur and
Da arapatti serie. It differs from Suryanallur, a calcareous colluvial soil by its alluvial origin and differs from
Vannapatti . Tulukkanur, Syamalakavundanpudur fleries which are insitu soils and from Dasarapatti, a insitu
calcareou s, black gyp iferoll s soils by its alluvial origin .

Drainage and permeability:

Well drained from the surface, moderately well drained internally with moderate permeability.

Uses and vegetation:

Mostly cultivated to paddy, sugarcane, banana, and coco.nut. Natural vegetation consists of palms and
tall grasses.

Distributiol1 and extent:

This series is found di tributed in Dharapuram taluk of Coimbatorc district over an area of 137.27 sq.kms
accounting for 0.88% of the total area of the district.

Series established :

Kall ivalasu erie - Kallivalasu Village Dharapuram taluk - Coimbatore district - Tamil Nadu - October

Type location:

J~ 3l1ivalasu village, Dharapuram taluk , Coimbatore district, Tamil Nadu 9t9te.

Koduveri series consists of dark grayish brown to dark grayish brown to dark yellowish brown very deep
alluvial soils occuring in the banks of th e Bhavani river in Gobichettipalayam taluk . The soils are generally
calcareou. , fine textured and moderately well drained . ]t occurs in association with Chickarasampalayarn ,
Pilamedu and lrugur series.

Typl!ving pedon : Koduveri - clay loam - cultivated.

Horizon Depth Descript iOI1

Ap 0-20 ems. Dark gray brown (I OYR4/4) moist; clay loam; moderate
coarse crumb structure; moist firm; wet sticky, and plastic;
fine, common iron and lime concretion; moderately slow
permeability: pH 7.8; abundant fine roots , abrupt smooth

B21 20- 72.5 cms Dark grayish brown (2.5YR4/2) moist; clay; weak, medium
subangl.llar blocky structure; moist very firm, wet very sticky
and very plastic; flne, many iron and lime concretion. , slow
permeability; pH 8.5. very few fine roots: eleClr smooth

1322 72.5- 150 cm + Very dark graY(lOYR3/ 1) moist; clay; weak; medium angular
blocky structure: moi~t very firm ; wet very sticky and very
pla tic' many, fine. iron and lime concretations; slow
permeability; pH 8.9:

Rungp ill characteriSfics :

The colour of the surface soil ranges from dark grayish brown (I OYR4/2) to dark yellowish brown
(IOYR4/4) and very dark grayish brown(IOYR3/2). The texture of the sl..rface .oil ranges from clay loam to clay
and that of the sub-soil from silty clay to clay.

Competing series and their differentia :

The competing series are the Kangaya'mpalayarn, NoyyaJ and Kallivalasu series of Erode, Coimbatore
and Dharapuram taluks. The Koduveri series differs from Kangayam palayam and Noyyal series in that the
Koduvcry eries is calcareous from the Kallivalasu series which i comparitivcly coarse textured. Koduveri
series occurs in association with Chickarasampa]ayam, Pilamedu and lruguT series Koduveri series differs from
the above three soils l>eries by its alluvial origin and deeper solum

Drainage and permeability:

Moderately well drained. Moderately slow to moderately rapid permeability.

Uses and vpgetation:

The soils of th is series are mostly cultivated to paddy, and in some areas cultivated to sugarcane to a
limited extent. Natural vegetation ~on ists of velikaruvai, palmyrah, thespesia, banyan etc.
/)strihlltion ond extent:

The soils of tbis series are distributed along both the banks of the river Bhavani. They have n spread of
62. J 8 sq.kms. accounting for 0.4% of the total area of the district .

Series established :
Koduveri series. Gobichettipalayam tal uk, Coimbatore district, Tamil Nadu , February 1971.

Type location:

Savandapur Village, Gobichettipalayam taluk, Coimbatore district - Tamil Nadu.

(ii) Alluvial soils -non-calcareous:

One soil series namely 'Noyal series' which has been identified in this category consists of brown to
dark brown. verp deep, well drained, light textured alluvium of recent origin without much profile development
and occurs along the river No)'al.

The description of the typical profile is given below .

2. NOY AL SERIES (Nyl) {; '?"

The Noyal series consists of brown to dark brown, very deep, non calcareous friable alluvial . oil ' along
the banks of the river Noya!. The alluvium is somewhat recent and does 'not reveal much profile development.
It is well drained sandy loam to loam. The geograpicaJly a ociated soils are the Palathurai, Somayanur.
Pilamedu. Perianaickanpaluyam. Palladam and lrugur series.

Typif)'il1g pcdon.' Noya! fine sand loam - cultivated.

Horizon Dc>bth .Description

0-23 cms Brown (lOYR5/3); fine sandy loam' medium moderate granular
structure; loose when dry, friable when moist; pH 8.3;
abundant roots ; clear smooth boundary .

23 - 75 cms Dark brown (I0YR4/3); sandy loam; medium, moderate,

crumb structure; loose when dry. friable when moist; pH 8.4;
abundant roots; clear, smooth boundary.

75 ems + Very dark gray brown (10YR3/2); loam; medium, moderate.

crumb structure; loose when dry, friable when moist, slightly
sticky and sligbtly plastic when wet; pH 8.0; plentiful roots .

Range in characlerstics :

Depth of the soil ranges from 159 ems to several metres. Texture of the top soil ranges from fine
sandy loam to sandy clay loam and the colour from brown to very dark gray brown.

Competing series and their differentia:

The competing eries are the KangayampaJayam , serie., Kaduveri series, KallivaJasu series of Erode.
Gobichettipalayam and Dharapuram taJuks re pectiveJy. The NoyaJ series differs from the above two in that they
are heavy tf'xtured .

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The Noyal series djliers from its geographically associated soils of Palathurai, Somayanur, Peelamedu ,
PaJladam, Pcrianaickanpalayam and Jrugur series in that all the above are insitu soils while the Noya! is an
all uvial soil.

Drainage and permeability:

Well drained from the sUTface, moderately well drained internally with moderate permeability.

Uses and vegNarioll :

Mostly cultivated to paddy, coconut. sugarcane and banana and vegetation consists of palms and
tall f!rasses.

DistribuTion and exTent :

It occurs in Coimbatore taJuk (20 .72 sq . km) and Palladam taluk (17.33 sq. kms) whi ch is 0.24% of th .
total area of the di strict.

Series eSTablished :
Noyal series - hintrachavadi vi llage - Coimhatore taluk - oimbatore di strict - Tamil Nadu- ct. 1963.

1)p(' /ol'mion :

Chin trachavadi villaj1.~ - Cllmba" re talu k - oimbaturc district - Tamil Nadu .


These consist of black soi l (/v(!rlying the red calcareo us soi ls devel oped on calcareous gnl:isses . The
a b:Jve phenom enon might be due 10 rhe movement of black soil from its original place and deposition Over red
calcareou soils classified und er " Pal athurai " serie , thu s having a multiple profile development with the
characteristics of both Pilamed u (black) and Palathurai (red calcareou) series. The soils occur on the
~lopi ng lands .

The description of the typical profile of the above series is given below.


The Perianaickanpalayulll series con i ts of black soil overlying the red calcareous soi l developed on
calcareous gneisses . It is due to the fact that the black soil has moved frpm it original place and is deposited on
the red calcareous soil classified under the . Palathurai series. It is therefore a mUltiple profile having the
characteristics of both the Pilamedu and Pala thurai series. The friable horizon of calcium carbonate ill very
deep and extends to several centimetres. Deep to very deep, moderately well drained and clayey; the black soil
has a thickness ranging from 25 to 40 ems underlain by the red soil which consists of more than 60 to 70 percent
lim e concretions . The geographically associated soils are the Somayanur, Noysl , Palathurai and Pichanur series

Typ~r)'illg pcdon : Periyanaickanpalayam clay loam cultivated.

Horizon Deptfl Descriptioll

o 0 cms Dark brown (10 YR 4/3) clay loam with a few small calcium
carbonate concretions; fine moderate subaJlgular blocky
structure; lightly hard when dry, firm when moi st. slightly
sticky and pia tic when wet; pH 8.4; strongly alkaline;
abundant roots: gradual to diffuse wavy boundary :

40-75 ems Reddish brown (5 YR 4/4); sandy loam with many calcium
carbonate concretions, medium moderate granular structure;
soft when dry, friable when moist; non-sticky and non-plastic
when wet; pH 8.4: plentiful roots; gradual to diffuse wavy

75 em + Lime concretions.

Range in rllG,.acterl~'ttic.~ .'

The colour of the black soil ranges from dark brown (10 YR 4/3) to very dark gray brown (to YR 3/1),
clay and clay loam are the only types; soil is moderately alkaline and strongly calcareous; at places, pebbles of
quartz , quartzite and calcium carbonate nodules occur on the surace and within the profile.

Co"weting series and tlreir differel1tia .'

The geographically associated soils are the Somayyanur, Noyal, Palathurai and Pichanur series. The
above are different from the Periyanaickanpalayam series in that the above are all red soils.

DrainOffe ami permeability ,'

Poorly drained from the surface and internally , moderate to slow permeability.

Use, alld "egetation :

Largely cultivated to cotton, maize and paddy snd vegetation con ists of acacta and short gra ses.

Di.~trihllt jO/l and extent :

Occurs in Coimbatore taIuJe (4662 , q. km) which is 0.30% of the total area of the district.

Series established:

PeriyanaickanpaJayam series Periyanaickanpalayam village - Coimbatore taluk - Tamil NaduMay 1962.

Type location:

Periyanaickaopalayam village. Coimbatore taI~k - Coimbatore district - Tamil Nadu.

The analytical data of all tbe sojl series established in Coimbatore district are furnished in Table-ll lV
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The soils of the district have been classified according to the U. S. D. A. comphrehensive system of soil
classification - 7th Approximation, taking the guidelines given in the supplement to soil classification system (1967)
at the level of family and association of families.

Four orders of soils have been identified; they are Vertisols, Entisols, Inceptisols and Alfisols. The
classification at the lower categorical levels with the corresponding soil series is schematically shown below.



Typic chromustert Clayey Pilamedu,
Montmorillonitic Dasarapatti series. V""'"


1. Fluvents
Typic Ustifiuvents
Typic Ustifiuvents Fine loamy Kangayampalayam. l/

Calcareous Kal]ivalasu series.


2. Orthell's
Typic Ustorthents
I. Typic Ustorthents Shallow Palladam,
Coarseloamy yamalakavundanpudur,
Calcareous Manuplltti series.
I ohyperthermic

2. Typic Ustorthents Shallow TulukkanuT,

Fine loamy Sathiyamangalam series

3. Typic Ustorthents Sballow Vanna patti,

Fineloamy Irugur erie .
4. Typic Ustorthents Coarseloamy Pichanur series
lsohyperthcrm ic

5. Typic Ustorthcnts Fineloamy Talavadi series


Fluventic Ustochrepts
]. Fluventic Ustocbrepts Shallow Kuppandapalayam
Fineloamy series
Mixed .

Typic Ustivertepts
). Typic Ustivertepts C layey Perianayakkanpalayam
Calcareous series

*( Classification according to tl:e amendement suggested by T. R. Srinivasan ('1 al. to 7th approximation.)

Typic Rhoduslalf
I. Typic Rhodustalfs Coarseloamy Palathurai erleg

2. Typic Rhodustall1 FineJoamy VeJlalur series

* 3. Typic Haplustalfs ineloamy
Noyyal series
Mixed .

Aquic Haplustalf

I. Aquic Haplustalfs Clayey Koduveri series v

Mixed .

luventic Haplustalfs
L Fluvetic Haplustalfs CoaT e loamy Chavadipparai
Nonacid eries
lsohyperthermi c

Udi Haplustalf

I. Udi Haplustalfs Fineloamy . omayyanur series

Mixed .

2. di e Haplu sta lf" Clayey Ammapettai, V

Calcareous ' uryanaJlur serje~

Mixed .

Haplu tales
Typic Haplustalfs
1. ypic Haplustalfs Shallow OkkaJipalayam series
1 ohyperthermic
Mixed . .

2. Typic Haplustalf Fine loamy Chikkarasampalayam

Calcareous series


' Jrugur ser ies' (Igr) (non-calcareous Ted Soils) occupies the major area (4012.3 of the
Coimbatore district and comprises one fourth (25.6%) of the total cultivable lands including Reserved Eorest
areaS followed by 'Palladam series' (Pld) and Tulukkanur(Tlk) series - calcareous Red soils occupying an area of
1784.5 sq .km( 11.4%) and (7.33%) respectively. Palathurai series (Pth) calcareous red soil
occupies 601.9 sq .km(3 .8%).

The black soi ls ofPilamedu (Plm) and Dasarappaty (Dpt) series occupy only 454.29 and 830.87sq .km
respectively . The extent and distribution of the remaining soil series of the district with the percentage of
distribution to the total cultivable area are given in Table-5 .

The distribution of the variou s oil groups, discussed above, are given below.

Symbol of Area in Percentage

Group soil series to tbe total

I. Red oils(non- VIr, Vpt, Pch 5240.62 33.61

calcareous) AmI. Tvd,Igr

Red Soil!. Pld, Okp,Tlk. 3539.00 22.70

(calcareous) Pth.

Red Soils
Colluvial(non- Cvp 5.18 0.03
Red Soils(cal- Smy 188.34 1.21
Total 8973 .14 57 .55

Black soils Plm,Dpt,Amp 807.92 S.18
3. Brown soils Kpm. Sty,Mpy. 1000.34 6.43
(calcarou ) Skp, Snr
1000.34 6.43
4. Alluvial oil ' Nyl 38.05 0.24
(non-calcareous J

Alluvial soils Kgp.Ksu.Kd . 284.69 1.83

322.74 2.07

5. Mixed soH Pyk 46.62 0.30

46.62 0.30

6. Forest and 4435.22 28.47

Associationg ----
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The purpJse of soil survey is not fulfilled if a suitable land use plan is not projected on the soil map.
An inventory of the soils and an assessment of their potentialities .to grow a variety of agricultural as well as
commercial crops has been made. Under the existing conditions and with the available resources, it will be
necessary to make specific recommendations of crops in respect of each soil series identified and mapped in the
district. The cropping pattern in vogue. the preferential performance of certain crops on certain types of soils,
necessity for soil and water has been considered.
A vast area in Coimbatore district is suitable for dry crops only, due to lack of water resources. Land
Li se, therefore cannot be drastically changed in such areas. However, intensification of agriculture by a proper
selection of crop varieties, judicious and timely application of inputs, such as good seeds, fertilizers , adopting of
plant protection measures improved dry farming techniques , and better watcr and soil conservation practices
will go a long way in improving the crop yields particularly in Pall adam, Kuppandapalayam . Manupatty,
Syamalakavundanpudur and Sathyamangalam soil series. where erosion is severe. In lrugur. Vanna patty, Talavadi.
Pichanur, Anamalai, Vellalur. Somayyanur a nd Suryanallur series where the ero ion is moderate. more careftll
soi l and water management is necessary.

In the alluvial soils of Noyal, Kallivalasu, Koduveri and Kangayampalayam !teries where wet cultivation
is extensive improve package of practices such af; selection of high yielding varieties. application of fertilisel's,
adopting of plant protection measures etc. can be intensified to improve yields . Tn Palathurai, Ammapettai,
Chickara ampalayam and Okkaliapalayam serie'i. there are potentialities for good crops under gardenland
cond it i()n ~ .

Tht: recommt:nded land u e for various ~ojl serit:!. f the di strict are given below.

Snil!.1 Recommended land use

I. Irugur. Vannapatty, Talavadi. Dry crops: cholam. groundnut. Where irrigation facilities aval~
Pichanur. Anamalai. and Vellalur lable crops like Ragi , Chillies. Paddy and Sugarcane.

2. Palladam . Kuppandapalayam, Dry crops: cholam, cum bu. ragi and groundnut Cultivation of
PichanuT, Manupatty, Syamalakavun- tobacco can be intensified in Sathyamangalam series.
danpuduT and Sathyamangalam

3. Tulukkanur Dry crops: cholam, cumbu, Ragi and irrigated crops like
groundnut, cotton and tobacco.
4. Palathurai , Ammapettai, Gardenland crops like ragi , cholam, cotton, paddy, ugarcane,
Chickarasampalayam & OkkaJipalayam turmeric and banana.

5. Pilamedu and Rainfed cotton, cholam and pulses. Gardenland cultivation of

Dnsarapatti ../ raddy and sugarcane where water facilities are avai1~ble.
6, Periyanaickanpalayam Raillfed and irrigated cotton.
7. Noyal, KaUivalasu , Kodtlveri and Wet cultivation of Paddy, banana. sugarcane, betelvine and
Kangayampalayam turmeric.

8. Somayyanur, SuryanalluT and Dry crops: Groundnut, cholam, ragi . Tobacco cultivation can
Chavadiparai be intensified in Suryanallur series where irrigation facilities are


Reconnaissance. oil survey of Coimbatore district was begun in 196i and completed in 1970, adopting
the method outlined in the Soil Survey Manual (1960) published by the All India Soil and Land Use Organisation.
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.

Twentysi){ soil series have been established, and described after final correlation. Both calcareous and
non-calcareous red soils predominate ill the district accounting for 57.5 percent of the total cultivable land area .
According to the classification under the 7th approximation. tbe soils of the district come under fOUT orders, viz'
Vertisols. ntisols. Incepti . ols and Alfisol .

A . oil and Land Use map of Coimbatore district in a sca le 1,. = 4 mile. has been prepared.

Recommendations for land use for the different soil series. established. have been made.
I. Agricultural compendium ]972 - '73 Director of Agriculture, Madras-5.
2. Baliga, B. S. 1966 Madras District Gazetteer, Coimbatore.
3. Govindarajan , S. V., R. S. Murthy; 1965 Report No. 167, Soil servey of Coimbatore
P. K. Thomas and P. S. Anjaneya Reddy laluk, All India Soil and Land Use Survey,
4. Kri shnan , M. S. 1960 Geology of India and Burma
Higginbothams (Pvt) Ltd. , Madras.
5. Murth y, R. S., T. Satyanarn yana 1964 Report No. 182, Soil survey of Dharapuram
and K. Unnikrishnan Nnir. taluk. Ali India Soil and Land Use Survey,
6. Nambi yar P. K. 1964 District Census Handbook - Coimbatore
Vol. I & Ii.
7. Ratn um C. M. Ameer and J968 Report No . 9, Soil survey of Avanashi taluk
S. E. M. Abdul Razack Soil Survey and Land use Organisation ,
8. Ratnam C., R. Balasubramaniyan 1969 Report No. J0, Soil survey of Pollachi taluk.
M. Ameer., S. E. M. Abdul Razack Soil Survey and Land Use Organisation,
and V. Veerabadran Coimbatore.
9. Ratnam , C., U. Kamalaksha Nayak, ]971 Report No. ) 5, Soil survey of UdumaJpet taluk .
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10. Ratnam . c., D . M. Samuel , 1971 Report No. J 6, Soil survey of Bhavani taluk.
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H . Hameed Khan
11. Ratnam C. , U. Kamalaksha Nayak 1972 Report No.1 H, Soil Survey of Erode taluk.
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12. Ratnam , C . D. M. Samuel. )972 Report No. ]9. Soil Survey of Gobichetti-
U. Kamalaksha Nayak . palayam taluk. Soil Survey and Land Use
S. Ramanathan and Organisation, Coimbature Unpublished.
K. Mayalagu
13. Soil Survey Man\\el ]960 All India Soil and Land Use Organjsation,
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14. Soil Survey Manual ]951 USDA Handbook No. 18, Soil Survey Staff
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15. Souodararajan, R ., C. Ratnam ]967 Report No.1 , Soil Survey of Palladam taluk.
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16. Supplement to soil classification 1967 Soil Survey Staff,
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