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United States Army Recruiting Command March 2010

All American Bowl WOMEN
page 14
page 18

Teamwork -
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
Building a Stronger Team
Commanding General:

Maj. Gen. Donald M. Campbell Jr. verywhere I travel and every time I As teammates around you face stress
speak with USAREC officers, NCOs, and exhibit behaviors that are not normal
8 Public Affairs Officer:
S. Douglas Smith
civilians and families, I preach team- for them, it’s important for you, their battle
work. Everything we do every day as leaders – buddy, to ask those hard questions to ensure
whether leading a headquarters or a recruiting that if they need help, they know what is
Editor: station, should be focused on making our available and how to get it.
Julia Bobick Soldiers – our teams – successful. Let them know you care. Intervening is not
Associate Editor: Sharing ideas and TTPs makes every always the easy thing – especially when it is
Fonda Bock member of the team stronger, more capable unwelcome – but it is the honorable and brave

and more efficient. We have thing to do. Be blunt about

The Recruiter Journal (ISSN 0747-573X) some of the best training it if you need to, you might
is authorized by Army Regulation 360-1 going on in the Army, but save a life. We all carry our
for members of the U.S. Army Recruiting we can always learn, grow ACE card – have it with
Command. Contents of this publication are and improve. I urge you not you at all times and never
9 not necessarily official views of, or endorsed
by, the U.S. Government, Department of
to underestimate the value – ever – be shy in deploy-
of what you’re doing or ing it.
Defense, Department of the Army, or the assume that everyone else We must never leave a
FEATURES U.S. Army Recruiting Command. is doing business the same fallen comrade behind.
way. This month we are
Good Nutrition 7 The Recruiter Journal is published monthly
by the U.S. Army Recruiting Command
Share your successes – holding a stand down day
A healthful diet is an important part of a healthful and your failures – anyway. to focus on suicide preven-
Public Affairs Office.

We can learn from them tion, as well as sexual assault
lifestyle. Send submissions and correspondence to all. Information is power. prevention and recruiting
Hometown Shipping 8 Editor, Recruiter Journal
Each of us should strive
to improve ourselves in
with integrity. Don’t treat it
as a day off.
First active duty recruits enlist from hometown station in

Building 1307, Third Avenue some way every day – from These topics are im-
Radcliff, Ky., Recruiting Company. Fort Knox, KY 40121-2726. personal health and fitness portant – whether we’re
March 2010 Volume 62, Issue 3 USAREC - A Broadening Experience 9
Phone: (502) 626-0172, DSN 536.
to education or Soldier skills – and pass that hearing about them for the first time or what
commitment on to our Soldiers and even might seem like the hundredth time. An army
Former USAREC Commanding General and current Army Future Soldiers. command isn’t in existence just to get the
G1 Lt. Gen. Thomas P. Bostick shares recruiting insights. I challenge you to make this a team sport mission done – it’s also about getting it done
Deadline for submission of material is the
Facebook TTPs 13 first week of the month prior to publication.
as much as possible. Invest time and attention
on pulling each other up – taking the pressure
right – operationally and ethically.
While more than 99 percent of our recruit-
DEPARTMENTS Why use Facebook at your level? Learn the uses off the individual – and the whole team will ers exemplify our Army Values and recruit
Printed circulation: 13,200. benefit. with integrity, a couple of forms of recruiter
and functions of Facebook sites broken down by
4 Recruiting News Looking out for each other extends beyond impropriety remain a concern. In recent
organizational levels. Periodicals postage paid at Fort Knox, Ky.,
5 Command Sergeant Major making the numbers. We are leaders and months, we’ve seen an increase in reports of
6 Chaplain “Strong Bonds” Inspiring Command Sergeant Major 16 and at additional mailing office. Soldiers 24/7 in this Army and we need to sexual misconduct and inappropriate texting
Chicago Battalion Command Sgt. Maj. Renee Dozier take care of ourselves and each other on and with recruits or Future Soldiers. It’s almost
20 Pro-Talk “Recruiting Operation Plan” POSTMASTER - Send address changes to: off duty. impossible to put into words the seriousness
23 Safety “A Culture of Safety” shares recruiting experiences, inspires junior leaders. Cdr, U.S. Army Recruiting Command We had a Soldier in this command take his of these indiscretions. Regardless of your rea-
24 Field File Army Family/Wellness Resources 18 ATTN: RCMEO-PA (Recruiter Journal)
1307 Third Avenue
life this past month. He unfortunately could
not see another way out of his situation. The
son for sending an inappropriate or off-color
text message to a recruit or Future Soldier, it’s
28 News Briefs With so many support assets available with acronyms Fort Knox, KY 40121-2725 following week, another Soldier attempted wrong and the action will not be tolerated.
31 The Test like FRSAs, SFAs, CSCs, MFLCs and PFCs, there is some suicide, but someone who cared intervened in We’re professional Soldiers and civilians
confusion in the field. Find out who does what. Feedback: We want to hear from you. time. He is now getting the help he needs and working together as a team. We all must
32 Salutes Send your comments, ideas and story is very thankful that he did not go through focus on the seven Army Values in order to
Source Base Codes Explained 20 suggestions to the editor at julia.bobick@
with the task. I am thankful.
There will be no stigma in the command in
accomplish our mission. We will be successful
while maintaining our integrity and values.
Using source base codes is one of the most efficient asking for help – no matter what help is being Hooah! Army Strong!
ways to track how many leads are coming from local Find us on Facebook: sought.
ON THE COVER: Chief Warrant Officer 4 Melissa Leigh Farmer holds a copy of her book,
“Army Strong Women.” Photo by Fonda Bock. programs.

No Walk-In HRAP Soldiers

Follow Army Racing Effective Feb. 22, USAREC will no
longer permit “walk in” HRAPs. Unless
on a Soldier was scheduled, accepted (ap-

Asking for Help

proved) for duty in advance, USAREC
will not allow a Soldier to walk in and
perform HRAP duty.

Find NHRA Top Fuel and NASCAR

HRAP Policy Change
Company commanders are required
to approve/reject all HRAP Soldiers in
a projected (applied) status. When the
company commander receives the noti-
fication of an inbound HRAP Soldier,
is Army Strong
Sprint Cup Series Army racing team he or she will contact the station com-
information, schedules, news and mander to determine if the Soldier is a want to begin by inviting everyone to join reach out to someone if we feel pain and
wallpapers, as well as the NHRA Y.E.S. viable asset and provide a disposition. me this month, during Women’s History need help. Let there be no doubt in your
schedule on Month, in reflecting on the significant mind that reaching out for help is a sign
contributions women have made and will of strength, and no matter how desperate
Identify Recruits’ Foreign continue to make, not only to our Army, but to our situation may seem, there is always
our country as a whole. As you go about telling someone there that can get us over our
Language Capabilities the Army story in your communities, I encour- trying times.
348 - AT&T, Inc. - Dallas Bn - AT&T is The Army/Army Reserve is in criti- age you to find ways to highlight the stories of I love each and every one of you in
an industry-leading provider of wire- cal need of any and all Soldiers who women serving in uniform — past, present and this command and I am confident that if
line voice communications services have language capabilities. Proper future. This month’s Journal features articles I needed help, there would be more than
347 - JPMorgan Chase & Co., Credit in the U.S. Customers in 22 states use identification of these Soldiers for on Chicago Battalion Command Sgt. Maj. 11,000 Soldiers and civilians who would
Services Division - Baltimore Bn - AT&T-branded telephone, Internet, potential future operations can be Renee Dozier, as well as Chief Warrant Officer render it with no stigma attached. I hope
JPMorgan Chase & Co. is one of the VoIP, and digital video services; key achieved by capturing this information Melissa Leigh Farmer, who wrote a book about that every other Soldier, civilian and fam-
largest financial services companies markets include California, Illinois and at the time of enlistment. building the next generation of Army Strong ily member in USAREC feels the same
in the country with more than 5,000 Texas. AT&T is ranked No. 8 in the For- Recruiters will go to the eNSQ Pro- women. way.
bank branches. The Credit Services tune 500 annual ranking of America’s file Questionnaires screen and annotate This is also an important month for another Command Sgt. Maj. Take advantage of this training stand
Division is an integral part of the largest corporations. in the 680 AE and the Foreign Lan- reason. March 12 we observe a command wide Stephan Frennier down to reacquaint yourselves on the
corporation. guage sections if the applicant professes training and leader development stand down many resources available in the Army
to have foreign language(s) capability. day focusing on wellness, safety, recruiting with — you’ll find many on pages 18 and
Reference USAREC Msg 10-072. integrity, sexual harassment and assault prevention, and suicide 19 — and learn how to ask the tough questions that might
USAREC Developing Virtual Training Aides - With a Twist prevention. someday save a life. Thanks for what you do every day!!
Being a Soldier means being part of a team. Each of you is Hooah!
The USAREC Training Division is de- Each scenario is led by an instructor Education Credentials vitally important to your family, friends, your nation and your
veloping several games for the field, which who delegates student roles, responsibili- Recruiters should ensure they Army. You are depended upon every day.
are actually virtual training aids with a ties, and locations within the environment properly identify applicants’ education We are responsible for keeping our team, our families, our
twist. Listed below are sneak peeks of each via the Mission Editor. credentials (diploma and or transcripts), civilians, our contractors and ourselves safe — whether we are on Excerpt from “Lean on Me”
of the games coming at the end of May. Current environments include a high to include proper tier level placement. or off duty. by Bill Withers
The Interactive Army Interview - The school gymnasium, guidance counselor’s With thousands of secondary and As Soldiers, we will never compromise our integrity, never “Sometimes in our lives we all have
Interactive Army Interview is a single- office and recruiting station. postsecondary education institutions leave a fallen comrade or allow one of our brothers or sisters to pain, We all have sorrow. But if we are
player application designed to maintain Virtual In Progress Review - The nationally, schools with common names fall into harm’s way. Strive to always be safe in the execution of wise, We know that there’s always tomor-
the Army standards of recruiting in the Virtual In Progress Review (VIPR) trainer often appear numerous times/locations your duties and while you’re enjoying quality time with family row.
field. It consists of open ended scenarios is a single-player experience designed to when viewing or querying FAZR. It’s and friends. Lean on me, when you’re not strong, And
where the user is free to move about their target station commanders. This applica- critical to verify location (address, city, Continue to inspire your teammates and show them daily the I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on.
environment while interacting in a manner tion provides an interactive approach to state) when encountering such a school. appreciation they deserve — and, quite frankly, need. For it won’t be long, ‘Til I’m going to need,
as they see fit to accomplish the overall concurrently improving both leadership Reference USAREC Msg 10-065. In thinking about how to drive home the importance in all Somebody to lean on.
goal of conducting an Army interview. skills and the doctrinal practices of the In- of us being proactive when it comes to suicide prevention, I’m Please swallow your pride, If I have
Virtual Recruiting World - The Vir- Progress Review.
tual Recruiting World is a multi-player This application starts out by illustrat- Advertising Update touched by the words of a favorite hit song of mine from 1972,
Bill Withers’ “Lean on Me.” I encourage all of you to take to
things you need to borrow. For no one can
fill those of your needs, That you don’t show.
experience designed to enhance the Army ing a toxic In Progress Review between a Keep up with Army advertising and
heart these words if you ever feel hesitant about reaching out for
standards of recruiting both in the field station commander and one of his recruit- marketing information online through
help or taking action when you sense a battle buddy in need.
and at the school house. This application ers. It then allows the station commander the Marketing and Recruiting Update
I believe the lyrics to this song to be very true. Everyone expe- Lean On Me Lyrics by Bill Withers are
provides up to 31 users with an interactive to turn back the clock by re-evaluating Web site:
riences a tough time sometime in their life, but we must realize the property of the respective authors, artists
approach to recruiting based on proven each of the seven steps of the IPR in an Visitors must have an e-mail
that things will get better. Each one of us must be willing to and labels. The lyrics are provided for educa-
doctrinal practices. effort to improve overall outcome. address to view the site.
tional purposes only.

Family Bonds
From January into September our Strong Bonds
program operates in full swing.
By Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Doug Peterson
1. Who can participate? All military and their
immediate family members are eligible.
These are reputed to be from actual letters to a 2. What types of events are there? We do pro-
national advice column.. grams for singles, marrieds and families.

My mother is mean and short-tempered. I think she is 3. When do Strong Bonds events happen? They
going through her mental pause. generally begin Friday afternoon and run through
Sunday morning.
I have a man I never could trust. He cheats so much 4. Where do they take place? We try real hard to
I’m not even sure this baby I’m carrying is his. locate in an area with several attractions or a theme
park, utilizing a top tier lodging/meeting facility.
I am a 23-year-old woman who has been on the 5. Would I have the opportunity to take advan-
pill for two years. It’s getting expensive and I think my tage of these local attractions? Yes! Built into the
boyfriend should share half the cost, but I don’t know him weekend experience are blocks of free time for you to
well enough to discuss money with him. enjoy the area.
I suspected that my husband had been fooling around, 6. How is a Strong Bonds event structured? In
and when I confronted him with the evidence he denied order to qualify for funding we must adhere to a
everything and said it would never happen again. certain number of hours of curriculum and program
time. Usually, this involves 10-12 hours of group ses-
Apocryphal or not, their humor reflects some of sions focusing in part on relationship dynamics.
the quirks of life and relationships. 7. Will it put me to sleep? Well, if you arrive
Single folks, married folks, family folks, and in- after a full week of sleep deprivation, there’s prob-
betweener folks all have their particular concerns and ably very little we would need to do to assist you. Be
interests. The ability to handle the crises that come assured that our Unit Ministry Team members and
our way and deal positively with the ups and downs other facilitators work hard to provide engaging, fun,
of life could be termed resiliency. relevant, and practical sessions.
Individually, human beings are hugely complex
creatures. Add more human beings to the mix — be 8. What will it cost me? Three calendar days of
they family, friends, lovers, coworkers, etc. — and your time. Monetarily, perhaps nothing except what
relationship dynamics can get absurdly challenging. you expend on your free time.
In order to promote resiliency and healthy rela- 9. What will I gain from this experience? A
tionships, the Army, several years ago, adopted the great get away, a break from the rigors of recruiting,
Building Strong and Ready Families program. It’s relaxation, insights and encouragement for healthy
now known as Strong Bonds. relationships, good humor and fun.
Fiscal Year 2010 marks the first full year that So, what are you doing over the weekend?
USAREC has utilized this Chief-of-Chaplain’s Check with your Unit Ministry Team or SFA.
initiative to strengthen our Soldiers and families. Good times are coming your way!


Improving Nutrition
American Dietetic Association
from the Ground Up
For more information

t’s common knowledge that a healthful diet is an important Healthy Weight - it’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle!
part of an healthful lifestyle, but most people have trouble fig-
CDC Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and
uring out what to do when planning a complete diet overhaul.
This month, during National Nutrition Month®, the American Obesity
Dietetic Association reminds everyone that an easy way to focus
on eating better is to start with the basics: build your nutritional
health from the ground up. Balancing Calories
“By starting slowly and giving yourself a good foundation, you
can work towards a healthier life,” says registered dietitian and
ADA spokesperson Toby Smithson. “Change doesn’t have to be Hooah 4 Health
dramatic to make a difference.”
Smithson suggests ways to improve your nutrition:
1. Focus on fruits and veggies: “Take a good look at your
Hooah 4 Health Weight Management Tracker
current diet. You’ll probably realize you’re not eating enough
fruits or vegetables,” says Smithson. “Add a serving each day to Track daily food intake, physical activity, mood and weight!
one meal and increase it every few weeks. Adding more of these
foods into your diet is important whether you buy frozen, fresh or
2. Look locally: From farmer’s markets to community-sup- Avoiding Fad Diets, Quick Weight Loss
ported agriculture, you have many options to find new, fresh foods
in your area. “This can be a great way to eat well and support your
Keys to Keeping Unwanted Pounds Off
community at the same time,” Smithson says.
• The diet revolves around
3. Make calories count: “Too often, people think of foods as
Hooah4Health the consumption of pills, pow-
good or bad and that only those on the ‘good foods’ list are okay
ders or prepared foods such as

to eat,” says Smithson. “When you’re choosing between options,
hile it is tempting diet bars and shakes.
focus instead on the one with more of the vitamins and nutrients
to try a “fad diet” • The diet specifies eating
that you need. Sometimes, foods with fewer calories aren’t always
for quick results, particular foods or foods in
the healthiest options.” To figure out how many calories you need
slow and steady weight loss, certain combinations.
to achieve a healthy weight, visit
based on a change of lifestyle • The diet calls for the
4. Test your taste buds: A healthy eating plan emphasizes
and eating habits, is the way elimination of fat, sugar and/or
fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat or fat-free dairy and
to go. carbohydrates.
includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans and nuts. “Those are the
Weight loss doesn’t happen • Any diet that involves
basics, but within this wide range there are always opportunities
overnight - go for slow, steady skipping meals.
to try new things and find new favorites,” Smithson says. “Expand
and permanent progress. As Losing 1 to 2 pounds per
your horizons. Try a fish you’ve never eaten before or find a new
well as providing only tem- week, although gradual, is a
vegetable recipe. By testing yourself, you might find new healthy
porary weight loss, skipping strong indicator of long term
favorites to add to your regular grocery list.”
meals invariably leads to success.
5. Trick yourself with treats: “A healthful diet doesn’t mean
nausea and fainting, and over Long term weight loss relies
deprivation,” says Smithson. “If you have a sweet tooth, have
prolonged periods can lead to on a lifestyle change in long
fruit and yogurt for dessert. If you want a snack in the afternoon,
heart and kidney problems and term eating and exercise habits,
have some trail mix or nuts. There is no reason to go hungry just
even death. not a diet or temporary pro-
because you’re making healthful changes.”
The Federal Trade Commis- gram. To lose weight you must
For more tips on building your healthful diet from the ground
sion reports show that Ameri- burn more calories than you
up, during National Nutrition Month and all year long, visit
cans spend over $1 billion each eat. One pound of fat equals and click on “For the Public.”
year on weight loss gimmicks, approximately 3,500 calories
National Nutrition Month® is a nutrition education and informa-
reading materials and products. which means reducing one’s
tion campaign sponsored annually by the American Dietetic Associa-
How to Spot a Fad Diet intake by 500-1,000 calories
tion. The campaign is designed to focus attention on the importance
• The diet involves a drastic per day to lose 1 to 2 pounds
of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and
change in calorie consumption. per week.
physical activity habits.


Enlisting No 2d Trip to MEPS for 1st Active-Duty Hometown Shippers
from Home
With hometown shipping -
it takes place - the family
By Julia Bobick

can be right there for the final
ctive duty Future Soldiers for the first time in February
made a short drive to raise their right hands and review
briefing, review of the contract
paperwork with their families at the local recruiting
center, instead of making the lengthy return trip to the Military
Enlistment Processing Station (MEPS).
The Radcliff, Ky., Recruiting Company was the first to imple-
ment hometown shipping for active Army recruits, and joins
and swear-in.

— Sgt. Maj. Allen Simmons
the 6th Recruiting Brigade, which has been hometown shipping
Reserve recruits for about a year now. is for hometown enlistments to take place in other community
“The Hometown Shipping Program streamlines processing locations and involve local community leaders and members
and further facilitates the Pinnacle Program’s focus on freeing whenever possible. Swear-ins involving local leaders, celebrities or
Soldiers to prospect,” said Maj. Byron M. Trexler, Radcliff Re- dignitaries, or those that occur in community locations are a great
cruiting Company commander. way to gain media exposure, he added.
Hometown shipping is being implemented to make the enlist- “This also allows the families to be more involved in the
ment process more efficient, save recruiters’ time, reduce transpor- enlistment process than they can at the MEPS. With hometown
tation expenses and, most importantly, provide a better experi- shipping - wherever it takes place - the family can be right there
ence to recruits and their families, according to Sgt. Maj. Allen for the final briefing, review of the contract and swear-in,” Sim-
Simmons, USAREC G5 mons said.
sergeant major. He added that the parents and/or
Army enlistment is a spouses are invited to see the paperwork,
two-step process. Part which in many cases can help alleviate
one is the actual enlist- their concerns.
ment: taking the physical, Sergeant 1st Class Jimmy Franqui,
testing, choosing a job, Enlistment Eligibility and Processing
processing paperwork Division NCO, said the Future Soldiers
and swearing in, which and families he spoke with at the first
all take place at the shipping were more comfortable at the
MEPS. Part two is re- center with their families than at the
turning to the MEPS to MEPS. They also enjoyed the extra time

update and verify records, they had to spend with their families.
swear in again and depart “Unlike the larger group processing at
for training. the MEPS, the hometown shipping pro-
With hometown cess was simply an extension of the en-
shipping, there is no listment process,” said Master Sgt. Glenn
second trip to the MEPS, Chuck Tomerlin, 3d Brigade Operations, Sgt. 1st Class Jimmy Dawkins, 3d Brigade operations sergeant
according to Erick Franqui, USAREC G-3 Operations, and Guidance Counselor Daniel major. “The one-on-one with the Army
Hoversholm, G5 analyst. Heindl, of Radcliff Recruiting Station, review shipping information guidance counselor provided continuity
The records update and on 3d Brigade’s first hometown shipper, Robert Castle, sitting next to the red carpet treatment. This process
swear-in will take place to his mother, Diadre Castle. was lean and integrated seamlessly into
at the recruiting center or our business practices.”
another location the recruit may choose in his/her hometown. The Future Soldiers were also excited they did not have to go
“It’s hard to estimate the dollars saved, especially the man- through the “underwear Olympics” again at the MEPS, Franqui
hours invested,” said Simmons, who recalled his recruiting days in said.
Montana where some recruiters had to make a five-hour drive to Though the station has run into some minor challenges, none
the MEPS – each way. have stopped anyone from shipping.
However, when it makes more sense, such as when the recruit A timeline for further implementation of hometown shipping
lives in the city where the MEPS is located, the command will has not yet been set, according to Simmons. The Radcliff Com-
still use the MEPS facilities. pany is still refining the process. In addition, Hoversholm said the
“We’re hoping this better ties the recruiting center in the command is working with MEPCOM and the other services to
community,” said Hoversholm. Though the first Radcliff enlist- explore options that would save additional resources across the
ments have taken place at the recruiting center, he said the goal Department of Defense, not just the Army.


USAREC A Broadening Experience

By Lt. Gen. Thomas P. Bostick

U.S. Army Deputy Chief of Staff, G1

eaders assigned to USAREC have a unique opportunity
to broadly develop skills in a wide variety of areas that will
serve them and the Army well for many years.
I had the opportunity to see this first-hand as the Command-
ing General of this wonderful organization.
USAREC provides a unique opportunity for leaders to broad-
en their experiences in a range of areas including those common
to most units such as leadership and training, but it also offers
significant opportunities to develop a broad range of skills in
public speaking, marketing and advertising, and engagement with
government, business and education leaders, to name just a few.
Leaders in USAREC operate in an environment with small
units dispersed across the country engaging with the American
public. serve in leadership positions in basic training and other parts of
Beyond the many skills that a Soldier develops in a very chal- the Army.
lenging environment, service in USAREC is extremely rewarding. USAREC continues to transform organizationally, culturally
Leaders work with extraordinarily dedicated Soldiers and civil- and operationally. Many of the changes are executed by junior
ians who are focused on the important mission of providing the leaders within the organization.
strength of our Army — our Soldiers. As an example, physicals for medical professionals considering
the Army were always conducted in the same location as other
Leadership recruits, the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS). These
Leadership is equally important in USAREC as it is in any physicals did not showcase the great medical care professionals in
other part of the Army, particularly given the dispersion of units. the Army.
Soldiers serve in recruiting stations that are spread across the With the help of the Army surgeon general, then Lt. Gen.
country. Recruiting stations have five to seven Soldiers, on aver- Kevin Kiley, and further supported by Lt. Gen. Schoomaker,
age, so there are no platoon, company or battalion formations. new procedures were implemented to conduct these physicals in
Effective communications are essential for success. military treatment facilities such as Walter Reed.
Officers and non-commissioned officers must lead in a way On the first trial of this program, only three of 23 medical pro-
that motivates Soldiers while ensuring accomplishment of the fessionals had committed to the Army on the morning of their
mission. The demand for strong leadership is so important that physicals at Walter Reed. At the end of the day, 18 of 23 decided
Lt. Gen. Lloyd Austin, former 18th Airborne Corps commander to join the Army. Today, over 90 percent of medical professionals
who once served as a recruiting company commander, described visiting the medical treatment facilities for their physicals make
leadership in USAREC as “leadership in the purest form.” the decision to serve in the Army.
While permanent recruiters, Military Occupational Specialty Captain James Jones, working with the newly formed Medi-
79R, generally do not leave USAREC, a small number of them cal Recruiting Brigade, made this program successful through his
have deployed and are developing leadership skills in Iraq and tireless personal efforts. Recently promoted to major, Jones, now
Afghanistan. serves a physician’s assistant to the President in the White House.
USAREC converted some of its 79R — permanent recruiters Strong leadership is essential for success in the demanding
— to 79S — Retention NCOs — who then deploy with divisions environment of recruiting. USAREC provides the opportunity
and separate brigades across the Army. Similar programs have for officers and non-commissioned officers to innovate, create,
been arranged to give permanent recruiters the opportunity to and grow as leaders.
Captain Will Griffin represented the Army on the national Families are an important part of the USAREC team. All of
evening news after he and his Soldiers departed a university job the family programs in tactical units are necessary in USAREC
Specialist Brian Heffernan, Dallas Battalion, had the opportu-
fair due to unrest by student protestors. When the anchor asked where Soldiers and families are dispersed and living in communi-
nity to discuss Army education opportunities with 25 superinten-
Griffin whether the students that protested should lose their fed- ties that may or may not have any understanding of the military.
dents who covered over half a million students in the Dallas-Fort.
eral funds, he explained that the government use of federal funds USAREC uses the annual training conferences to bring
Worth area.
is not his area of responsibility. He went on to say that Soldiers spouses together to help them prepare for the great contributions
Leaders from across the Army are encouraged to visit their
protect the freedoms that allow students to speak freely, but that that they make to support their Soldiers.
high schools and colleges and participate in engagement events in
he was disappointed in how the protestors chose to express their Military Family Life Consultants provide USAREC families
order to better understand and assist in the recruiting effort. Lo-
views. private and confidential support in addressing life skills, such
cal recruiting units can assist with arranging the proper venue.
Master Sgt. Ricky L. Webb had a rare opportunity to testify on as anger management, conflict resolution, parenting and other
the Hill and he represented the Army extremely well. He spoke
about the challenges of recruiting during one of the most difficult
Marketing and Advertising important areas. Financial counselors assist families with finan-
Marketing and advertising are areas where USAREC Soldiers cial issues, goals and plans for the future. Military leaders along
years for the All-Volunteer Force, and he gave Congress a few have a very unique opportunity to develop skills that they would with the family support advisor assistant utilize a wide variety of
ideas on how they could assist. He was the consummate profes- not normally learn in other assignments. important programs to assist Soldiers and families in Recruiting
Training sional and did a brilliant job in representing the Army.
While these national level engagements are not the norm for
Through active engagements with local newspapers, maga- Command.
zines, radio, television and many other outlets, USAREC Soldiers
Training is another area where leaders continue to develop
their skills in USAREC.
junior leaders in the command, they highlight the range of op- can tell the Army Story in a unique and special way. Summary
portunities, and expectations for those serving in the command. They are engaged with the American public in many different Soldiers who want to broaden their skills should not avoid an
The large dispersion of units requires leaders to train in many
Junior and senior leaders in USAREC have a unique opportu- exciting venues such as NASCAR, National Hot Rod Associa- assignment away from tactical units. Some of our most senior
different and unique formats.
nity to engage with a wide variety of leaders including those from tion (NHRA), sports teams, medical conferences, colleges and leaders in the Army, such as those shown below, have served in
Once a year, battalions come together for their annual training
government, business and education to name just a few. high school activities, and many more. From local activities such USAREC as junior officers and noncommissioned officers.
conferences to recognize the success of their best Soldiers and
General officers and senior officers and noncommissioned of- as the Chicago Auto Show, Former Sergeant Major of the Army Glen Morrell was the
civilians and to train on critical skills.
ficers regularly visit recruiters in hometowns across America. Re- to engagement opportuni-
However, quality training is required every day, in small
cruiters are involved with local mayors and members of Congress.
groups, often one-on-one and through unique automation tech-
niques. Starting with hands-on recruiter training at the Recruit-
Civilian Aides to the Secretary of the Army (CASA) and
ties available on,
Soldiers have access to many “In an era of persistent conflict, we must think
Reserve Ambassadors assist recruiters with active and reserve
ing and Retention School, Soldiers learn the basics of recruiting.
Every Soldier carries a laptop which serves as their “weapon” as
recruiting on behalf of the Secretary of the Army and the Chief
marketing and advertising
tools to assist in their recruit- differently about how we develop our leaders.”
of the Army Reserve, respectively. They do this by opening many ing effort.
they perform daily recruiting duties.
doors for Soldiers. — Gen. George W. Casey Jr.
Soldiers can conduct their work at homes across America with America’s Army Video,
With all of the work in high schools and universities, Soldiers one of the most popular
a program called Future Soldier Remote Reservation System.
are constantly engaging educators in the classroom, as well as games in the world, gives
They sit with young men and women who are interested in the
principals, coaches and university deans and presidents all across young men and women the opportunity to explore the Army last senior noncommissioned officer in USAREC to depart the
military, along with their parents, in the comforts of their home
America. virtually. command for another assignment until 28 years later, when Com-
while reviewing more than 150 different military occupational
mand Sgt. Maj. Martin Wells was selected to become the com-
High-tech recruiting tools are utilized by Soldiers including
Grassroots support The Real Heroes action figures showcase Soldiers and their
contributions to the defense of freedom. mand sergeant major of the United States Military Academy.
This is a special time in the history of the All-Volunteer Army. Command Sgt. Maj. Stephan Frennier served as a young
Web-based tools such as the Graphical Accession Mapping and The Virtual Army Experience provides an interactive experi-
While few Americans will wear the uniform, many civilians recruiter in Texas 18 years before returning to become the
Analysis Tool (GAMAT). GAMAT allows Soldiers to see the ence of Soldiering in a high-tech, hands-on, environment that
and their organizations want to help the Army. Organizing the USAREC command sergeant major.
terrain in real time, providing situational awareness of the area stresses teamwork and leadership while men and women take part
efforts of the many individuals and groups that want to assist the Other 79R serving the Army outside of USAREC include
of operation with key overlays including high schools, colleges, in a virtual mission.
Army is very important. Command Sgt. Maj. Maurice Thorpe with the Military Entrance
homes, businesses and many other factors key to recruiting suc- Colonel Casey Wardynski from West Point and his America’s
Working with Weber Shandwick, a leading public relations Processing Command (MEPCOM), Command Sgt. Maj. Maria
cess. Army team have been recognized at the national level for their
firm, and McCann Erickson, the marketing agency for the Army, Martinez with the Diversity Task Force, and Sgt. Maj. Jeff Driver
Automation tools like GAMAT, Future Soldier Remote ingenuity, expertise and success in this area.
USAREC started a grassroots advisory board in the Dallas at Special Operations Command.
Reservation System and many others make training an area
where leaders will continue to hone their skills while assigned to
Recruiting Battalion that brings together organizations from gov-
ernment, education, professional sports, media and many others
Army Families in USAREC Assignments in USAREC, Cadet Command, Accessions
The strength of our Army families is vital success in Recruiting Command, TRADOC, Washington, D.C. and many other non-
USAREC. into a quarterly forum where they discuss opportunities to assist Command. tactical units throughout the Army provide unique opportunities
Public speaking and engagement the Army.
The Dallas grassroots advisory board arranged a meeting in
A new Soldier in recruiting once described service in where leaders can broaden their experiences and become better
prepared to serve in a variety of challenging assignments in the
Soldiers have many opportunities to further develop public USAREC to his spouse. He said, “I’ve been shot at, blown up,
the Dallas football stadium to provide the Army an opportunity served in Iraq and Afghanistan, but never experienced anything years ahead.
speaking skills while serving in USAREC.
to speak with educators. Retired Col. Marc R. Hildenbrand, Vice as challenging as recruiting duty. Consider me deployed, but I’ll These assignments provide a wealth of opportunity for per-
Recruiters have proudly represented the Army through local,
President at Hillwood International, and Dallas-Fort. Worth be home most nights.” sonal growth and enormous contributions to our Army.
regional, and national engagements. Engagements are both posi-
mayor Michael J. Moncrief have been active co-leaders of the There is no question that recruiting is challenging duty, but Soldiers who serve in USAREC develop a wide variety of
tive and negative, but all present opportunities for Soldiers to
grassroots advisory board, which includes many other community it is also rich with the rewards of serving for an important cause skills that will serve them and the Army well in any assignment,
tell their Army story which is always something that Americans
leaders coming together to support the Army. while also developing a broad range of skills. at any level, for many years to come.
want to hear.
Why Facebook?
Effectively Using
Social Networking
at Your Level
B Station Facebook Page
y the time this issue makes it to
you, you should have received a By Mark J. Howell
tasker with guidelines on setting up USAREC Public Affairs Suggestions:
and maintaining your Facebook accounts.
Several people have already received it • Promote Future Soldier events
and have posed the following question to • Post school news links
me: “Why should we set up a Facebook Companies • Publicize swear-ins with photos
account?” Company pages play a much smaller • Announce Future Soldier training events
So this month, I’m going to discuss external role than that of the station. Another function for Facebook at • Invite fans to local career fairs or high school set-ups
some uses and functions of Facebook sites While they can be a landing page for the battalion level is to network to your • Ask COIs to share their Army experiences
broken down by organizational levels. company-level COIs, the company page families. A few units have Family Readi-
can have great internal value. ness Group fan pages administrated by the
Companies should monitor their sta- battalion Soldier and Family Assistance Be sure to regularly check, post and
Stations tions’ fan pages for good news stories and program manager and/or the company respond to fan postings
Station pages are the most advanta- share them on the company page for the Family Readiness Group leaders.
geous to USAREC and its mission. other stations to see. This could be used as a forum to assist
The intended function of a station-level It’s also a great place to congratulate in getting information out to Soldiers’
page is to plug in to local communities. unit Soldiers and staff, such as for work families and to get answers when they
A good station page will highlight Fu- accomplishments, a promotion, a marriage need them. If you decide to do this, make
ture Soldiers and local schools and show or birth of a child. sure the posts are of a general nature and
ways recruiters contribute to the local personal details are not included.
community. Think about highlighting FS The privacy settings for these pages
accomplishments, as well as swear-ins and Battalions should all be set to “Only Friends.” If
training events. As always, be sure to re- Battalion pages can be used for a num- anyone has a family support page to share
quest their permission and follow OPSEC ber of internal and external functions. with the command, please send me a link.
and PII guidelines. Battalions with grassroots programs I hope this month’s article has given
The page should also mention and post should invite its members to become fans you some insight and ideas on how to
photos of community events recruiters to both highlight grassroots efforts and tailor Facebook to your own organization’s
attend and link to or repost any positive keep them informed of battalion activities. needs.
local media coverage. Suggest that station- Use the page to promote upcoming If you are finding uses for your pages
level COIs, veterans and key educators events, such as sports sponsorships, an other than what I’ve mentioned, please
become fans of the page. ASB asset or an America’s Army gaming share it with me so I can pass it on to ev-
Solicit COIs who have recently at- tournament. Always remember to invite eryone! You can also find Facebook TTPs
tended Army events or tours to share their fans to come check out your events. in a social networking folder on ProNet.
stories on the page. Internally, battalions should also In next month’s Recruiter Journal,
Posting items on benefits and Army highlight the accomplishments of their I’ll get back on track and discuss the use
programs will also draw interest from Soldiers, families and civilians. of photos on your site and how it can Sergeant John Dodson, Facebook
possible prospects who may view your fan Different pages are going to have dif- increase traffic. administrator for the Muncie, Ind.,
page but have been afraid to come into the ferent fans, so if you see good news on As always, if you have any Facebook Recruiting Station does a great
station to ask. your station and company pages, steal questions or need assistance in setting up job of posting links to Army news
Once a page is set up, don’t forget about shamelessly. Copy good posts and place your pages, feel free to contact me at (502) and program information on their
it. Be sure to check, post and respond to them on your page to get maximum 626-0167 or e-mail mark.howell@usarec. fan page.
fan postings regularly. visibility.
Warrant Officer Wants Women
to be Aware of the Benefits “I think it’s amazing,” said Recruiting Command’s
don’t enlist is because they’re not aware of what all the
Army can offer them.
Chief Warrant Officer 4 Melissa Farmer. “[It’s] the
of Becoming Army Strong reason I am where I am today, is because a woman
“I think a lot of women may view it as a masculine
profession [and] if you never really look into anything
wanted to be a part of something larger, where she was
then you just don’t know. Some women may be saying
not invited. She had to kind of force her way into it.
I’m too old for this, but if they were to pick up my
And that’s why I’m able to don this uniform every day
book, [they] may say there’s a chance for me to do
and wear it.”
something different. I’m not saying [the Army] is for
Now Farmer wants to help pave the way for future
everybody, but for those women who are seriously
generations of young women, by making sure they’re
considering the Army, hey, give it a shot, because what
informed about all the Army can offer them. To do
you don’t want to do, I think, is say, ‘If only I had, I
that, she’s written a book called “Army Strong Women.”
wonder what it would be like.’ Especially if it’s some-
Released in November, the book addresses the questions

thing you really wanted to do.”
young women constantly ask her about the Army.
Since the Civil War hundreds of thousands of
“When I’m on the street in my uniform, wherever I
women have served in World Wars I and II, Korea,
am, I get the question, what’s it like to be in the Army?
Vietnam, up through Iraq and Afghanistan. Along the
Do you like the Army?,” said Farmer.
way, they’ve been taken as POWs, injured and killed
in the line of duty, busted myths that
women couldn’t stand up to the chal-

lenges and broken down barriers for
For those women who are seriously the next generation.
Starting out in traditional nursing
considering the Army, hey, give it a shot, because jobs, women have worked their way
into practically every MOS except
what you don’t want to do, I think, is say, if only for those in Special Forces, infantry,

artillery and certain other combat
I had, I wonder what it would be like. — arms positions. Farmer thinks it’s just
a matter of time before more glass
Chief Warrant Officer 4 Melissa Farmer
Chief Warrant Officer 4 Melissa Leigh Farmer ceilings are shattered.
“One of the things I discuss in

the book is having a female division
commander one day — the Army
is moving in that direction,” Farmer
said. “It’s just a matter of timing and
A quick, easy read, the book explains the structure

having a woman to come and say, I want to be an
and pay of the Army, gives a brief history of women in
infantryman. It’s not me, but I think that if a woman
n 1792, Deborah Sampson put on male clothing, adopted the name this branch of the military and chronicles the stories of
really wants it, she’s going to be willing to do whatever
Robert Shurtliff and enlisted in the 4th Massachusetts Regiment 18 women who’ve recently served.
it takes to get there. I think that generation is coming,
The book is also her way of saying thanks.
Story and photo by Fonda Bock for three years. Wounded in her left thigh during battle, she treated “I wanted to give back. And this is my way of giving
and I think the Army will adapt and adjust just like
Associate Editor herself to keep her secret safe. they have all the way up until today.”
back because the Army has given me so much. I came
Farmer figures if she hadn’t joined the Army, she’d
During the Mexican War — 1846-1848 — Elizabeth Newcom en- in, 25 years old, misguided, not really knowing what I
be working in the post office now with the rest of
listed in Company D of the Missouri Volunteer Infantry as Bill Newcom. wanted to do with my life,” said Farmer.
her family, wouldn’t have gone to college, and would
Her intention was to just do four years to get money
She marched 600 miles to winter camp at Pueblo, Colo., before her true have traveled hardly anywhere. She wants to make
for college, but 16 years later, she’s still here.
sure young women are aware of the Army option and
gender was discovered and she was discharged. “I started to like it. I just discovered a lot of things
frequently buys her own books and gives them away.
Historians are not sure just how many women volunteered for the I took interest in and that caused me to reenlist,” said
“Hopefully it does influence some great women
military under the guise of men during the 18th and 19th century in Since then, she’s served in Korea, Baumholder,
to join the Army and become great Soldiers,” said
order to serve their country — since they weren’t recorded unless their Germany, Fort Campbell and Fort Jackson and been
More information about “Army Strong Women”
gender was discovered — but it’s known that many served on the front deployed to Kosovo and Iraq. Now, as Chief of the
can be found at
Warrant Officer Recruiting Team at Fort Knox, she is
lines during the Civil War as laundresses, cooks, spies and at least one as- responsible for recruiting warrant officers for the Army.
sistant surgeon.* *Historical accounts taken from the Women’s Memo-
Currently women make up only about 14 percent
rial Web site,
of the Army. Farmer thinks the reason more women
“ Doing the right thing is never hard. Female Recruiters
to Mirror Army
Some say that you should do the right thing
because you never know who is watching. By Julia Bobick

CSM I say, ‘If you are doing the right thing, it

hile women comprise 14
percent of the total Army,

doesn’t matter who is watching.’ they account for only 7
percent of the recruiting force, a disparity
Recruiting Command is working to
— Command Sgt. Maj. Renee Dozier, Chicago Battalion change.
The lack of female recruiters can pose
a challenge recruiting women in some
locations: recruiting policies prohibit
male recruiters from being alone with
most physically fit NCO I have seen in many years. She always scores the maximum female applicants.

on the Army Physical Fitness Test and embodies the creed of the noncommissioned In addition, female applicants may
officer.” not get that personal connection with
Sergeant 1st Class Joshua Schellhammer with Downers Grove Recruiting Station, a female Soldier. Although Soldiers all
thinks Dozier surpasses gender roles and biases. go through the same training, a man’s
“It doesn’t matter whether my leader is male or female, what matters are how well perspective of that training and his
the leader takes care of the Soldiers. CSM Dozier does exactly that — she takes care of experiences are going to be different than
her Soldiers!”, he said. a woman’s,” said Victoria Sorensen, G3
Evergreen Park, Ill., recruiting station commander Sgt. 1st Class Johnny Ford is Plans and Programs Division Chief and
inspired by how Dozier provides guidance and training. “As the Senior Noncommis- a former recruiter.
sioned Officer she motivates all NCOs to grow, encouraging them to pursue opportuni- “We need to look like the rest of
ties with increased responsibility.” the Army,” said Maj. Gen. Donald M.
It was Dozier’s trust in her NCOs’ leadership abilities that motivated Sgt. 1st Class Campbell Jr., USAREC command-
Audra Jones-Garcia to make mission. ing general. “We have some remarkable
“She does not just talk the talk but walks the walk. She has empowered the first ser- female Soldiers out there who’ve been in
geants in this battalion to do what needs to be done at the company level and thereby combat and earned awards — everything
empowered me, as a station commander, to make decisions at the station level and up to Silver Star. We need them as role
Chicago Battalion Command Sgt. Maj. Renee Dozier and Commander Lt. Col. Ed Box, review notes accomplish my mission,” said Jones-Garcia, Station Commander of Lyons Recruiting models out across America telling our
from a brief in February. Station. story for us.”
Dozier is a tremendous role model for all Soldiers and specifically African American One of USAREC G1’s goals is to
women, according to Box, achieving the rank of command sergeant major in the Army have a recruiting force that represents
By Audrey Hill the Army it recruits — from military
3d Brigade 17 years in USAREC. She’s been a field through hard work and tenacity.
recruiter, station commander — on-production As the only African-American female command sergeant major in USAREC, occupational specialties to ethnicity and

ne of only three female command ser- and limited production — instructor for the Sta- Dozier believes black women and women in general are looking at the Army as a viable gender, according to Col. Theresa Lever,
geants major in Army Recruiting Com- tion Commander Course at the Recruiting and career choice rather than just a stepping stone to achieve another goal. USAREC G1. Previous Army emphasis
mand, she is considered one of the most Retention School at Fort Jackson, S.C., NCOIC “I believe that the opportunities that exist in the Army today for women are more on increasing the number of women as
respected Soldiers in USAREC. She believes in of the Station Commander Course, first sergeant evident and attractive to the civilian female population. [Women] see women in the drill sergeants had reduced the num-
the Army, walks and talks the seven core Army of the Mid-Missouri Recruiting Company in St. military in very powerful positions and know that there are better opportunities for ber of female NCOs being assigned to
Values and she believes in her Soldiers. Louis Recruiting Battalion, and as NCOIC of advancement in the Army now than there have been in the past,” said Dozier. recruiting duty.
She is Command Sgt. Maj. Renee Y. Dozier, the doctrine division at USAREC headquarters. Jones-Garcia is inspired by the fact Dozier is a woman. “We’re America’s ambassadors, and
senior enlisted leader for Chicago Battalion. Her commitment to her Soldiers and strong “Because she has set an example for me to aspire to, as I progress in my career. She it’s important that hometown America
“I take full responsibility for the Soldiers in belief in allowing her subordinate leaders to is a consummate professional and a great role model. She has proven that she possesses see not only the male Soldiers, but also
the Chicago battalion. I believe the strengths lead have motivated her NCOs to aspire to the the skills and knowledge required to get the job done as the command sergeant major female Soldiers.”
I bring to the battalion, are my dedication and high standards Dozier has set for herself and her of a battalion. She lives up to what it means to be a leader every day by showing care The command is already seeing more
commitment to the Army and the mission that I team. and concern for the Soldiers in this battalion as well as demonstrating a commitment women being put on assignment to
have been given, and the strong belief in what I “CSM Dozier is a leader that knows how to to the Army and what the Army stands for,” said Jones-Garcia. USAREC, but because of the lengthy
do,” said Dozier. lead and take care of her subordinates,” said Lt. Dozier says she stayed in the Army because she truly enjoys what she does. process it will take several months before
“I have faith in the 300-plus Soldiers in this Col. John E. Box, Commander, Chicago bat- “The path I have taken has brought me to where I am and I would not change a they will be arriving in the stations, ac-
battalion, and I know the Soldiers in Chicago talion. “She always sets the example for others to thing. As long as I have been in the Army and as long as I stay — I will be a Soldier. I cording to Lever. In addition, she said
battalion are some of the best in the Army.” follow. Her professional appearance in wearing think that is what has kept me grounded for the past 24 years.” the staff is looking at the appropriate mix
Dozier’s been in the Army for 24 years, the Army uniform is impeccable, and she is the of women NCOs in the field force.
Military One Source
- 2 per brigade
- Direct support to Soldiers &
Military & Family Life Consultants

Sorting Through FRSAs Chaplains

families, as well as a training USAREC HQ:
resource for commanders (270) 319-2593 or toll-free (877) 302-8534
- Free, anonymous & confidential
- No records are kept

Support Resources
Medical Recruiting Brigade:
- Available for civilian employees (270) 319-2591 or (877) 241-0361

- Deployment & reintegration

(502) 378-2773 or (866) 629-9698
- Marriage & relationships
- Parenting & family issues 1st Recruiting Brigade:
- Care for aging parents (301) 974-5703 or (877) 382-7668

CSCs Chain of Command MFLCs

- Stress & anxiety
- Depression, grief & loss 2d Recruiting Brigade:
- Daily life issues (256) 267-6777 or (877) 629-9653
(256) 425-8727 or (877) 382-7680
3d Recruiting Brigade:
Military OneSource - 2 per brigade
By Julia Bobick (502) 378-2771 or (866) 629-6411
Soldiers and Family members can be provided up to - Direct support to Soldiers &
Editor (270) 319-2590 or (866) 947-6194
12 free, face-to-face short-term confidential counseling families, as well as a training

months at most, the 26 CSCs support resource for commanders
o one in this command – Soldier, civilian or family sessions. Trained consultants are available 24 hours a 5th Recruiting Brigade:
commanders and family program staff - Free, anonymous & confidential
member – should feel alone with nowhere to turn; no day, 365 days a year. (210) 426-9985 or (877) 629-9649
to provide better services for Soldiers - Available for civilian employees
one should feel ashamed to ask for help; and no one (800) 342-9647 (210) 845-6125 or (866) 949-7523
and families. - Financial planning
should be afraid to intervene when they see someone in need. online at
The CSCs are the integrators, from - Military benefits & pay
“There will be no stigma in this command in asking for 6th Recruiting Brigade:
a regional perspective, of all military - Budget development
help – there are options out there for you, just ask,” said Maj. DCOE Outreach Center (702) 556-7890 or (866) 947-6176
and civilian services available within - Credit card/debt management
Gen. Donald M. Campbell Jr., USAREC commanding gen- Defense Center of Excellence (DCOE) for Psychological (702) 232-9724 or (877) 629-9650
a region. They don’t interface directly - Student loans
eral. “We also need NCOs who go the extra mile — who ask Health and Traumatic Brain Injury Outreach Center
with Soldiers and families, according to - Insurance & loan advice
the tough questions — and get someone help when they need toll-free: (866) 966-1020
Frankie Stull, USAREC family readi- - Consumer rights
it, even when it’s not comfortable or welcome.” online at
ness officer. They work with the SFAs - Taxes
The Army has so many resources available to help Recruit- Personal Financial Counselors (PFC)
and chain of command to support all - Investments & estate planning
ing Command Soldiers and families, and the command is Suicide Prevention Lifeline USAREC HQ:
geographically dispersed Army forces:
committed to improving the quality of and access to those (800) 273-TALK (8255) (270) 319-2684 or toll-free (877) 883-4549
active, Reserve and National Guard
resources, according to Col. Theresa Lever, USAREC G1.
and Corps of Engineers, as well as CSC
“The more programs and support initiatives we make avail- Wounded Soldier and Family Hotline Medical Recruiting Brigade:
other military branches. - Contracted at headquarters level
able, the better it is for the health and welfare of the com- (800) 984-8523 (270) 319 2683 or (877 883-4531
As an example, Stull said the - Regional support to commanders
mand’s Soldiers and families,” she said. (270) 319 2687 or (877) 883-4489
Sacramento Battalion SFA was having and family support staff
But with so many assets available with acronyms like Chaplains/Chaplain NCOs
a challenge finding child care for a - Integrates all family support
FRSAs, SFAs, CSCs, MFLCs and PFCs, there is some confu- USAREC HQ: (502) 626-0535/0534 1st Recruiting Brigade:
battalion event. She went to the region assets within a region
sion in the field, according to Lever. They all have different 1st Bde: (301) 677-2943/2824 (301) 741-2163 or (877) 373-8705
CSC, who was quickly able to identify - No direct support to Soldiers &
roles, and knowing who to turn to for what type of assistance 2d Bde: (256) 450-9525/9526
the services the SFA needed. family members
can be a challenge. 3d Bde: (502) 626-1039/0704 2d Recruiting Brigade:
“Having them in our area is so
Family Readiness Support Assistant (FRSA) 5th Bde: (210) 221-1565/0089 (256) 270-3383 or (877) 278-2003
advantageous; they are right there and
The five FRSAs, part of a pilot program, are the com- 6th Bde: (702) 639-2026/2027 (256) 267-6821
we can tap into their vast network of
mander’s administrative link to the Family Readiness Groups FRSA
resources to help solve problems and
at each pilot unit. - 1 per brigade (pilot program) 3d Recruiting Brigade:
provide better support to our Soldiers
Soldier and Family Assistance program managers (SFA) - Admin support for FRGs (270) 319-2686
and families,” Stull said.
SFAs perform a wide range of duties. They are essentially - Maintains family rosters (270) 319-2681 or (877) 427-5214
Most importantly, Lever said she
the battalion or brigade’s one-person Army Community Ser- - Informs brigade commanders
wants to ensure that every Soldier,
vice Office, in addition to assisting with TRICARE benefi- sion and grief, parenting and more. of family issues 5th Recruiting Brigade:
civilian and family member in the com-
ciary counseling. Personal Financial Counselor (PFC) (210) 488-1692 or (877) 592-3870
mand knows that these and many other
Military and Family Life Consultant (MFLC) Part of the MFLC program, PFCs provide personal finan- (210) 426-9984
resources are available to them.
MFLCs provide family, wellness and life training and con- cial counseling, advice and group training on such topics as
“There are so many options for SFA
sultation for units and individuals (Soldiers, civilian employees budgets, retirement and estate planning, credit management, 6th Recruiting Brigade:
whatever challenge an individual might - Provides ACS-type services
and family members). consumer rights and taxes. (702) 277-5036 or (877) 243-1512
be faced with, and it’s OK to ask for - TRICARE beneficiary counseling
“The wonderful thing about these professionals is they Community Support Coordinator (CSC) (702) 232-6801 or (877) 629-9651
and get the help you need,” she said. - Direct support to Soldiers &
come with a huge skill set,” Lever said. They can consult on The Community Support Coordinators are the newest
conflict resolution, resiliency, caring for aging parents, depres- addition to USAREC resources. On board for just a couple of families at the battalion level
(800) 790-0963 (referral)
e a s u r i n g
M Based on the elements of your program,
your field marketing representative will
• Full name
• Street address

help determine if other unique compo-
• City
nents should be linked to your SBC. For
• State
example, you may need a unique toll-free
• ZIP code
number or a unique URL to track your
• Date of birth — actual date of birth,
program. Ultimately, all of these elements
not just an age
will show how many responses and leads

• Education level
are received as a result of the program.
It’s important to make sure all the
What’s the difference above information is included on each

paper lead before packaging them to-
between an SBC and a gether to send to Rocky Mountain. Rocky
Call to Action? Mountain will process the leads and, using
The SBC is the foundation for track- the SBC assigned to your program, link
ing your program and should be included the number of leads back to your program
in all local programs; however, there are in the system. As a result, the battalion and
anyone else evaluating the program can see

different ways to incorporate a trackable

call to action: in your marketing program. the number of leads generated.
These are beneficial for local programs that
How do I get an SBC and have multiple elements, such as a print ad,
If I’m sending leads to
Rocky Mountain, how can I
Web banner, and a radio spot.
what do I do with it?
All national and local events supported • Unique 800 number: A unique work them on the ground?
through the accessions targeting board toll-free number can be assigned and With the current process, you’ll see
(ATB) process or funded by USAAC are used in radio scripts, print ads, posters, your leads in the system within just a few

automatically assigned an SBC. Leads etc., to track calls back to the advertis- days of sending them to Rocky Mountain
from these events are sent by the agency ing source. Callers are routed through the Data for processing; there is no long delay.
POC or recruiter touring with the ATB 1-800-USA-Army call center. Typically, you will see your leads in no
By Amanda Huneke Wagner asset. For all other local programs, the bat- • IOM String: An IOM String can more than three to five days. However, if

Weber Shandwick talion is responsible for requesting an SBC be used for Web ads to track click-thrus you have specific leads you feel need to be

and ensuring paper responses leads cards from a vendor web site to worked immediately you can make hard
t is very difficult to move quickly and efficiently if you are unable to track which
are sent to Rocky Mountain Data Cor- This will provide the number of viewers copies prior to sending them to Rocky
marketing efforts are effective and productive and which are not. McCann
poration. Rocky Mountain incorporates that completed the Army eBRC linked Mountain Data Control.

Worldgroup’s process is now easier than ever to help track your local programs,
all response data applying the appropriate to that Web site. The vendor will tag the Sharing successful programs across
and we are committed to ensuring the proper tools are provided to the field.
source base codes and then sends it to the IOM string to Web creative i.e. Army the command is beneficial to all. Know-
The current process set up through the Army’s advertising agency, McCann
Army prospect database for further pro- logo, Web banner etc. ing your results determines a successful
Worldgroup, enables local commanders to evaluate their programs, make smarter
cessing before it is uploaded to Recruiter • Unique URL: Unique Web site program and an effective way to accom-

business decisions and accurately plan for the future. Using source base codes is one
of the most efficient ways to track how many leads are coming from local programs. Zone. links can be assigned and used in print plish this is through using an SBC. With
The battalion can request SBCs from ads, posters and flyers to track the tools and processes currently available,
What is a source base code? their field marketing representative. After Web visits back to the advertising source, the field force should be able to track their
Source base codes (SBC) are four digit alphanumeric codes that are unique to the local program is complete, the recruit- such as, programs and identify the successful ones.
each program or marketing activity. SBCs are assigned in advance of marketing ers should package their paper leads to- Your field marketing representative can For more information on local tracking,

activity hitting the market and they can be assigned to a variety of tactics such as gether with an SBC coversheet, and send assist in providing any of the call to ac- please contact your local field marketing
events, media, assets, school visits and advertising campaigns. All source base codes them on to Rocky Mountain. The SBC tions listed above. representative.
are generated by the McCann Worldgroup. Your local field marketing rep can assist coversheet will provide Rocky Mountain
you in obtaining source base codes. with the information needed in order to
What do SBCs have to do Amanda Huneke Wagner is an account
track leads. Prior to the local program, all with lead cards? executive with Weber Shandwick, the Army’s
SBCs should also be included in the me- In order for the lead card to make it public relations partner on the Army Strong
dia advertising placement system (MAPS) through the system as a lead, the following recruitment campaign and part of the Mc-
order when it is placed. information must be included: Cann Worldgroup.

Recruiting Operation Plan

Formula for Success Third step is applying the
or Just Another Requirement? commander’s intent
The commander’s intent represents
the overarching operational requirements
appendix (Appendix D) to this very as the commander sees them. It is the
subject. The appendix explains each step of commander’s visualization of the entire
the ROP process, gives examples of good operation, a clear statement of what the
fact finding questions to ask during each commander wants to accomplish.
step and shows what a weekly ROP might The commander’s intent may address
look like. seasonal opportunities or challenges, take
You’ll notice there are no USAREC advantage of historically proven opportu-
forms associated with the ROP; the nities or exploit historically unproductive
By Ray Kuklinski
manual only shows an example of what markets.
Doctrine Division
one might look like. This allows local com-

s the Recruiting Operation Plan manders to determine how they want their
Fourth and final step is
(ROP) a formula for success or just ROP to look and display the information construct the plan
another requirement? The correct that works best for them. The ROP is constructed by combin-
answer is a formula for success. ing market information derived from the
Without a plan it is almost impossible First step is SWOT analysis SWOT, data from the recruiting functions
to achieve a specific goal. Baseball Hall The SWOT analysis is the station analysis and the commander’s intent.
of Famer Yogi Berra, well-known for his commander’s assessment of the station’s The ROP must address every week of
grasp of the obvious, once said it best, capabilities and the state of the market. the PL and clearly state who, what, when,
“You got to be careful if you don’t know This step uncovers the station’s internal where and how the plan is to be executed.
where you’re going, because you might not strengths and weaknesses, and external The ROP is then shared with all members
get there.” opportunities and threats. An honest, of the station and their individual plans
There’s a lot of wisdom in that state- in-depth SWOT analysis will assist the adjusted accordingly.
ment. Bottom line, to be successful you station commander to make wise deci- There is no set format for the ROP but
need a good plan. A good plan can be sions when directing recruiting operations, it must be easy to understand, doable and,
defined as a list of actions arranged in a conducting station training, and engaging above all, flexible.
sequence that will most likely achieve the new markets of opportunity. What appears to be smoke and mirrors
mission. The ROP is such a plan and can is simply a tried and true method of plan-
lead you to success. Second step is the recruit- ning for success. The way we recruit hasn’t
There seems to be some confusion in ing functions analysis really changed much. The technology and
the field regarding the ROP, its intent, This step consists of a quantitative terms such as SWOT, ROP and functions
and why doctrine dictates it be done at the analysis of the prospecting, interview- analysis may be new to old-timers, but
station level. ing, processing, and FSTP functions and what they represent is still the same.
The intent of the ROP is to give station a qualitative analysis of the intelligence, I hope after reading this article you
commanders the ability to be innovative training, sustainment and command and will view the ROP for what it really is, a
and adaptive leaders. How better to ac- control (C2) functions. formula for success.
complish this, than to give them the tools The results should be consistent with If you have any questions or contribu-
and latitude they need to develop their the station commander’s SWOT analysis. tions regarding the ROP process, we are
ROP based on the station’s market, capa- In other words, what the station com- available through the Recruiting ProNet
bilities, and commander’s intent. And who mander perceived during the SWOT collaboration site. Just post a question on
knows the recruiting market any better analysis should be validated by the in- the site and you’ll receive a timely response
than those immersed in it every day. depth functions analysis. This step is where from the ProNet Team.
The recent edition of USAREC strengths, weaknesses and opportunities Not a member? Here is the ProNet
Manual 3-02, Company and Station are specifically identified forming the base link:
Recruiting Operations, devotes an entire of the station’s ROP. aspx?id=51486.



Safety Culture Evolution Requires

Creativity, Active Participation
By Brig. Gen. William T. Wolf
Director of Army Safety

he military has a language all its
own, and in the Army, we have our
own distinct dialect. Over the past
few years, we’ve adopted several new catch-
phrases to describe changes in the way we do
business. Among the most popular of these
expressions is “transformation” and “culture
change,” concepts we’ve applied to Army
safety as well. Since these terms may mean
different things to different people, I’d like
to share with you my ideas regarding “safety
Within our Army, there is a unique culture
built upon common core values and shared
historical traditions that transcend branch or
MOS. But when you look at units
individually, other distinct cultures agement process. This step
become apparent. For example,
infantry units have a culture differ-
ent from armor units, and within
“ Even the greatest safety
program won’t be effective if
is perhaps the most difficult,
but it also pays the greatest
rewards in protecting our
aviation, unit culture can vary with vast band of brothers and
aircraft type. These diverse cultures
are a good thing; camaraderie is
it isn’t put into practice every sisters.
The transformation to a
strengthened through shared experi-
ences and mutual understanding.
day with buy-in from Soldiers culture that embraces safety
doesn’t stop at the unit or
The great thing about safety is
it’s relevant in any culture. Unfortu-
nately, however, safety has often been
at all levels.
” Soldier level — our families
should be involved in the
process as well. Families are
treated as a regulatory requirement rather than a flexible process the source of strength for most of our Soldiers, and their inclu-
adapted to a unit’s unique needs. Making safety a fundamental sion in the safety culture is critical to our success. Soldiers who
value that’s part of every culture will require changing the way we are continuously exposed to cultures that embrace safety, both at
think about it, moving from a compliance-based mindset to one home and at work, will be well equipped to face the challenges
focused on creativity and active Soldier participation. unique to Army life.
How do we go about making this transformation? Leaders Eventually, culture becomes part of who you are, and that’s
can start by identifying the strengths, limitations and resources of what we want to happen with safety. We want our Soldiers to
their individual units. The next step is to take our Army’s exist- carry safety with them wherever they are and whatever they’re
ing safety programs, messaging and tools and tailor them to the doing, be it on duty in theater or off duty at home.
unit’s culture. We’ve learned there is no one-size fits-all “cure” for Ultimately, the key to culture change is engagement across
the safety issues we see most often, things like seat belt use and all levels of command, among Soldiers and within the intimate
speed in privately owned vehicles. Instead, our programs must be bonds of family.
driven by conditions within the unit itself. Factors such as average Our Army is the finest in the world due to its diversity in
Soldier age, unit OPTEMPO, deployment schedules and various people and missions, but we can all take pride in the common
other issues must be taken into account as leaders develop safety cause of protecting our band of brothers and sisters. Thank you
programs targeted to their units’ needs. for all you do every day to keep our Soldiers, families and civilians
Even the greatest safety program won’t be effective if it isn’t safe.
put into practice every day with buy-in from Soldiers at all levels. Army Safe is Army Strong!
Change has to come from the top and bottom simultaneously, For a variety of safety resources, visit
with both leaders and subordinates participating in the process. or follow the safety center on Facebook.
The end goal is to have a culture where every individual is an Reprinted from KNOWLEDGE, the official magazine of the U.S.
active owner of their personal safety and the composite risk man- Army Safety Center

PaYS Partner Signs Community Covenant

Brigadier Gen. Michael Garrett,
deputy commander of USAREC,
(third from right) met with Dave
Peacock, President of Anheuser-Busch
Companies, to thank him for the
brewer’s continued support of the men
and women of the armed forces.
Garrett thanked Anheuser-Busch, a
PaYS Partner, for signing the Army’s
Community Covenant and for the
company’s continued support of
recruiting programs. To commemorate
the visit, they exchanged military
challenge coins, which have become a


time honored tradition in the military
dating back to World War I.
Prior to meeting with Peacock, Garrett
and his group were led on a tour of
the St. Louis brewery and packaging
operations by brewmaster Mark
Fabrizio and assistant operations
manager Justin Lane, who is a

Lieutenant Col. Charlester White, commander of Columbia Battalion,

graduate of the U.S. Military Academy presented the Partnership for Youth Success plaque to Richland
at West Point. Private Zachary R. Gauthier and his recruiter, Staff Sgt. Brian R.
County Sheriff Leon Lott, officially starting the partnership between
the Army and Richland County Sheriff Department.

Hometown Honors Army Reserve Hero PaYS Partner Receives Plaque

By Jane Spass
Albany Battalion at Recruiting Office Grand Opening
A cold night in December turned out to be a warm night for Story and Photo by Candace Romero
Army Reserve Pvt. Zachary R. Gauthier. Called before a town Columbia Battalion
Community Covenant and Military meeting, the volunteer firefighter was honored for his bravery in
Soldiers and civilians mixed and mingled at the grand open-
helping carry a man out of a housefire on a chilly October night.
Appreciation Night He was then awarded for heroism.
ing of the new Pontiac recruiting office located in northeast
Columbia in the Village at Sandhills, S.C., Jan. 22.
Story and photo by Daniel Gilbert Gauthier always wanted to help his fellow man and being
Oklahoma City Battalion The ceremony was marked by a plaque presented to Sheriff
involved in the fire department was a chance to do just that. As
Leon Lott by Lt. Col. Charlester White, Columbia Battalion
Oklahoma dignitaries from various government offices and all a young teenager, he became a first responder. Later, he joined
commander, for his recent commitment to the Partnership for
military branches joined together to sign and demonstrate the the East Brooklyn, Conn., Volunteer Fire Department. With
Youth Success (PaYS) program.
Army’s Community Covenant Jan. 11, 2010, during half time at additional training, he became an emergency medical techni-
The PaYS program is an agreement between the Army
the Oklahoma City Thunder vs. New York Knicks NBA game. cian serving the Killingly, Conn., community. Motivated by his
and community businesses and organizations to help Soldiers
The covenant is a formal commitment of support by state and firehouse peers, he was enthusiastic to earn his interior fire fighter
transition to a post military career that utilizes their training
local communities to improve the quality of life for Soldiers and level 1 certificate. By age 19 he’d accomplished his goal.
and skills.
their families both at home and abroad, regardless of the branch Late on the night of Oct. 30, Gauthier heard the call come
“Through these doors walk the best and the brightest,” Lott
of service they belong to. over the radio reporting a housefire. Sensing the urgency in the
said. “Anyone that wears that uniform, I’d be proud of them to
The ceremony was part of the Oklahoma City Thunder’s mili- woman’s voice, he and fellow firefighter, Taylor Williams arrived
wear ours. We’re proud to be part of this program.”
tary appreciation night with the Oklahoma City Battalion. The at the scene withing minutes.Upon learning a man was in an
The Army established the PaYS program as a means to
event included outside military vehicle displays, a joint-service upstairs bedroom, Gauthier and Williams entered the fire and
share qualified individuals with employers. The Army carefully
enlistee swear-in, and a jumbo, 3 foot by 6 foot replica of the smoke-filled home.
screens, selects, trains and provides hands-on experience to
document for Thunder fans to sign as they entered the arena. Adrenaline rushing and a life at stake, this was Gauthier’s first
individuals with different skill sets.
Following the signing, a joint-service enlistee swear-in was real world entry into a burning building. Rushing to the sec-
“Any organization involved with PaYS will benefit with
conducted by Lt. Col. Tom Artis, commander of the Army Okla- Oklahoma Lt. Governor Jeri Askins signing the Community Covenant ond floor of a three story building, the young firefighters found
a pool of high quality candidates,” White said. “Upon their
homa City Recruiting Battalion. document. 59-year-old Alan Clang, unconscious, slumped on the floor in
separation from service, Soldiers will be given the opportunity
“Although we all may wear different uniforms, we are all one a rear bedroom. With the room engulfed in tall, hot flames and
to interview and possibly gain employment.”
military. Without you supporting us, what we do wouldn’t be pos- thick smoke, Gauthier and Williams carried the unconscious oc-
sible” Artis said cupant outside and performed CPR on him. The victim was then
More than 200 Oklahoma citizens signed the public taken to a local hospital.
document. Gauthier joined the Army in November as a combat medic.

CNN to Follow Brothers During BCT Texan Sheds Half of Himself to Join Army
Recruiting Station Opens Doors for ‘A Soldier Story’ Documentary Story and photo by John L. Thompson III
Houston Battalion
to Help Stranded Motorists By Capt. Adrien G. Humphreys either or both brothers could It truly was a battle of the bulge for Tony Boggess, whose 390
By Jamie L. Carson Jacksonville Battalion have walked into the offices pounds made his goal of joining the Army impossible. But the
Beckley Battalion Clute, Texas, native shed almost half his weight — 170 pounds
of any of the other branches
A late December winter storm plastered Mercer County, Va., with The enlistment of two of military service. However, — enough to make his trip in January to take basic combat
more than 17 inches of snow, but it also uncovered local heroes. brothers at the Jacksonville both brothers independently training a reality.
Among those rising above the snow drifts to aid stranded mo- MEPS in November has been decided upon the Army. His road to weight loss and Army service was spurred by a
torists was Sgt. 1st Class Jeremy Athy, commander of U.S. Army termed coincidental by their While they share the same few photographs.
Princeton Recruiting Station, Blacksburg Company, Beckley recruiter, but is regarded as a last name and desire to serve “In one of the pictures I found of myself with my grand-
Battalion, the weekend of the Dec. 19, offering shelter to stranded shared fate by the brothers, their country, the brothers do father, I was about 16. And then I flipped the page and there
motorists. who never planned on joining not share any physical resem- was a picture
Athy, who lives in viewing distance of the recruiting station, the military. Each began work- blance. Jason, 23, is 70 inches showing me at
didn’t think twice before calling his command and asking permis- ing with his respective recruiter tall and weighs 181 pounds, a wedding a few
sion to open the station’s doors. Pennsylvania House Representative Bill Kortz and Lt. Col. Stephen B. without prior discussion with while Eric, 21, is 68 inches tall years later. I saw
Though the recruiting station, which is located less than five Lockridge hold up the community covenant each other or any other family and weighs 141 pounds. Since how my weight
miles from both Route 460 and Interstate 77, doesn’t have beds members or mutual friends. they reside on opposite ends had just exploded.
or a continental breakfast, the noncommissioned officer with 14 Their decisions to enlist are I looked at that
years in service did his best to provide accommodations. Opening Doors: Community Covenants different and yet similar. Jason
of the city and were working
with different recruiters, it was second photo and
“I knew it wasn’t the Ritz, but I wanted to help,” Athy said. “If Story and photo by Bill Irwin Murray enlisted to obtain the almost a month before the said to myself, ‘I
people are in need, you help - it’s the right thing to do.” Harrisburg Battalion Army College Fund to com- brothers or recruiters realized need to do some-
A local radio station aired a sort of SOS Friday afternoon ask- The Community Covenant Program continues to open doors plete his undergraduate studies, the connection. thing.’”
ing listeners if they knew of any places where stranded motorists for recruiting efforts in the Harrisburg Battalion. On Dec. 7, while Eric Murray enlisted The brothers immedi- He was
could find refuge. — Pearl Harbor Anniversary — the Pennsylvania House of in order to travel and see the ately elected to work with one inspired by his
“Athy was the first person to call in and offer shelter,” said Representatives passed Resolution 533 supporting the adop- world. Both brothers said they recruiter, Staff Sgt. Richard grandfather, the
James DeBorde of the radio station. “Motorists started calling tion of a military community covenant throughout Pennsyl- were tired of working in the Townsend man who he refers
in asking his contact information. There was a 20-mile stretch of vania. The resolution was spearheaded by Representative Bill fast food and retail industries; Both scored exceptionally to as a father
Interstate 77 where traffic was completely stopped with a 12-to Kortz of Allegheny County. This resolution was unique in that they want job security, life well on the ASVAB and could figure and his
14-hour wait. If it hadn’t been for him, there were some motorists battalion staff were asked to author the resolution in conjunc- insurance and an opportunity have easily chosen any MOS, personal hero,
who wouldn’t have had anywhere else to go.” tion with the 204 house personnel. The resolution, passed with to serve their country. but both decided to become who was a Soldier
Athy brought blankets, board games and movies from his a unanimous vote, was presented to battalion commander Lt. Jason graduated from Coral infantrymen. in the 1950s.
home and used his own money to purchase food and beverages Col. Stephen Lockridge at the annual awards dinner Spring High School in 2004 “We will definitely be there Boggess said his
Tony Boggess displays a pair of pants he wore
from the local grocery. The Community Covenant Program is designed to foster and completed 43 college to have each other’s back,” Eric grandfather was a when he weighed 390 pounds. After losing
“I knew the stranded motorists would probably be hungry, cold and sustain effective state and community partnerships with credits toward a degree in math said. “At the same time, there man of action and 170 pounds, he left for basic combat training
and in need of something to do to bide their time,” Athy said. the Army and improve the quality of life for Soldiers and education, before relocating will be a huge competition”. in order to be like in January.
More than 60 stranded motorists stayed at the recruiting sta- their families. Currently, state and community leaders from 24 to Tallahassee in 2006. His Eric and Jason are look- him, he needed
tion at various times between Friday and Sunday night. different states plus Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia younger brother, Eric, gradu- ing forward to being fraternal to take action
have signed military community covenants. ated from Coral Spring High battle buddies during their himself. Boggess researched nutrition and diet and proper ways
School in 2007 and completed training and are hoping they of exercising while losing weight. In March 2009 he began
12 credits toward a certificate will be stationed together for working closely with Sgt. 1st Class Jermaine Baldwin of South
in physical therapy. While he at least their first duty assign- Company’s Lake Jackson Recruiting Station. With dedication
Community Covernant also relocated to Tallahassee,
the brothers reside on oppo-
CNN began filming the
and encouragement from his recruiter, fellow Future Soldiers
and fiancé, Boggess focused on his mission.
Well Received in Ohio site ends of the city and rarely
communicate with each other
brothers’ transition from To reach his weight loss goal, Boggess gave up carbohy-
civilian to military life Feb. 15 drates and sodas, increased his intake of vegetables and fruits
Story and photo by D. Charone Monday
due to their busy schedules. during President’s Day week- and cut down on fried foods, highly processed food and sugars.
Columbus Battalion
It was purely coincidently end. The next day, the brothers Receiving a bounty of positive feedback from family and
Medal of Honor recipient and Korean War veteran that both brothers decided to friends, he found the weight loss boosted his self esteem mak-
started their military career at
Ron Rosser signs the Columbus Recruiting Battalion’s walk into the same recruit- the Jacksonville MEPS. ing him feel good physically and mentally. Not satisfied with
Community community covenant at the Ohio State ing station, Tallahassee South Basic training will be very just his own improvement, Boggess worked with other Future
House Nov. 6 during a Veterans Day ceremony. The Recruiting Station, in search of public for the Tallahassee Soldiers he helped recruit, including one candidate who has
covenant was well received by local citizens as well as military career opportunities. brothers as their lives at Fort some weight issues.
government dignitaries and signed by community lead- Either of the brothers could Benning, Ga., become part of “The ones that he has brought in definitely see him and say
ers, veterans, active duty military from all branches of have easily chosen to pro- a CNN documentary called “A that if he can do it I can do it,” Baldwin said. “So they come in
service and government representatives. The battalion cess at the Tallahassee North Soldier’s Story.” It will air dur- and they are motivated about the Army. They want to lose the
commander, Lt. Col. Matthew Carran, and Command Recruiting Station, which ing the cable network’s regular weight. We do what we can and he does what he can to assist
Sgt. Maj. Charles Pulliam thanked those in support of is approximately 10 miles “American Morning” news them.”
the covenant. from the South station; and program.

Spring to mark start of personnel system transition between employees and the organization
about what their contribution means to
By Elaine Wilson 10 -- the highest step under the GS sys- the priorities and the direction of the or-
American Forces Press Service tem -- of their pay grade will retain their ganization,” James said. “As we develop the
pay upon conversion, James explained. new authorities and transition employees
The Defense Department is on track to An employee’s grade upon conversion to the GS system, in most cases, we plan
transition the majority of its more than will be determined by classification spe- to reinforce that directive and that effort
220,000 civilian employees out of the Na- cialists using the same criteria in use for to ensure the employees are aligned with
tional Security Personnel System by Sept. GS employees, James said. the organization.”
30, more than a year ahead of deadline, While DoD has a goal for transi- Officials also will examine the law’s
according to the official heading up that tion completion, James noted that each requirements for hiring flexibility and a
transition. organization and component will make a personnel performance fund that rewards
The 2010 National Defense Authori- determination on a timeline based on four employees or teams for their performance,
zation Act called for the termination of factors: he said.
NSPS by January 2012, bringing an end • No undue interruption to mission or These processes will continue to be
to a controversial personnel system that’s hardship to employees; open and transparent, James vowed.
been operational for less than four years. • Established processes to classify James emphasized the importance of
The majority of employees will transi- NSPS positions into the appropriate non- communication throughout the transi-
tion -- starting this spring -- back to the NSPS system; tion process and future personnel system
decades-old General Schedule system, but • Existence of a legacy performance modifications.
with an assurance in regard to pay. management system; and “You can’t over-communicate a change.”
“I am committed to ensure, as directed • An information technology system To that end, the NSPS Web site,
in the National Defense Authorization capable of handling the transition., now includes
Act, that employees experience no loss of, As officials work to ensure a smooth transition updates and a training module
or decrease in, pay upon conversion,” said transition, they also are turning an eye to called GS 101, he said.
John James Jr., director of the Pentagon’s the road ahead. Along with terminating “Employees who have never been in
NSPS transition office. “The department NSPS, the act gives DoD new authorities the GS system, and there are a few, can go
believes in that and believes it is the right to look at developing a successor perfor- in and walk through that,” James said. “It
thing to do.” mance management system that incorpo- really is informative and tells them how
This preservation of pay encompasses rates the best practices of NSPS and GS. the GS system works.” It’s also of value to
all employees. For instance, NSPS employ- “One of the best advantages under employees who were in the system before,
ees who are paid a salary that exceeds Step NSPS that we saw was the clear alignment he added.

DoD halts spouse employment program Military spouses who already have been approved for financial
assistance won’t be affected, and spouses who have an account can
By Elaine Wilson continue to use the Web site for career counseling and planning,
American Forces Press Service officials said. However, during this review time, spouses won’t be
able to create a new account and new applications won’t be ac-
The Defense Department temporarily halted a popular em- cepted.
ployment assistance program for military spouses in February The review will be conducted as quickly as possible, officials
while it conducts a “top-to-bottom” review of its services. said, while still ensuring a comprehensive look at the program.
The My Spouse Career Advancement Account program, also Nearly 133,000 military spouses have applied for the program
known as MyCAA, offers military spouses opportunities to pur- since it launched last March, officials said. To date, about 98,000
sue portable careers in high-demand, high-growth occupations spouses are enrolled in courses or have been approved for finan-
such as education and health care. cial assistance.
“We recognize that the military lifestyle calls for portable The program offers spouses assistance with training, job readi-
careers, and that military spouses need access to education and ness and employment services. Through the program, spouses can
training for careers that are portable and high-growth nationally,” receive financial assistance to pursue education and training, free
said Tommy T. Thomas, deputy under secretary of defense for the career counseling and access to military-friendly employers.
Pentagon’s office of military community and family policy. “This During the review process, officials encourage spouses to
short-term break will allow us to better assess the program to explore other government options such as the transfer of the
ensure we are achieving that goal.” Post-9/11 GI Bill and other programs available on installation
Officials said they will use the time to review procedures, and program Web sites.
financial assistance documents and the program in general. The Spouses also can visit Military OneSource online at
review was prompted by a need to ensure the program is meeting, for free consultations on education
its intent, which is to provide spouses with additional opportuni- and training, career exploration, assessment, employment readi-
ties for portable careers. ness and career-search assistance.



Army Tests Prospects’

Racing Skills in Reality
Computer Game
USAREUR’s Pfc. Gerardo Ortiz
U.S. Army Racing
puts the final touches on a
dessert dish during the field Directing Ryan Newman’s No. 39
competition last year. The field Army Chevrolet Impala NASCAR
competition was one of several Sprint Cup car to the front of a mili-
cooking events that took place tary convoy is the challenge for young
during last year’s Culinary Arts
and old playing Army - Race for
Competition held at Fort Lee.
Strength, the Army’s new interactive,
augmented-reality game.
The game is another extension
of the Army’s continuing effort to
showcase the high-tech skills training
and opportunities it offers.
“This new computer technology
will allow today’s youth to experience

the diverse elements of the Army, and

demonstrate the elite technology and
training used to develop our Army
Military Chefs Go “Here, they will get the opportunity to dis- Strong Soldiers” said Col. Derik W.
play and showcase their talents to not only Crotts, Director of Strategic Market-
Spatula to Spatula their peers, but the general public as well.” ing and Outreach for the U.S. Army
For the first time ever, the Field Cook- Accessions Command.
in Cooking Competition ing competition will take place at the Post The game, the newest element in
By Matthew Montgomery Field House and allow the general public the interactive, participatory Strength
Army News Service an opportunity to experience five-star in Action Zone exhibit at major
Attracting more than 200 competitors and quality food for $4.25. Each day March NASCAR and NHRA races, made
featuring over 500 judged events, the 35th 4-10, two teams will square off and be its debut Feb. 11 in four locations:
Culinary Arts Competition at Fort Lee, responsible for preparing and plating 75 • Daytona International Speedway
March 4-10, is the largest in the U.S. and high-quality meals, which will be available during Speed Weeks preceding NAS-
is shaping up to be one of the most thrill- to ticket holders. CAR’s Daytona 500.
ing shows ever at the post. Another highlight of the competition • Auto Club Raceway in Pomona,
Featuring individual and team chal- is a “Jeopardy” style event that includes Calif., as part of festivities surround-
lenges in a variety of categories, this spat- music and daily-double format. The junior ing the NHRA’s Kragen O’Reilly
ula to spatula competition, brings together enlisted are further tested in the Student Winter nationals.
military members from all branches of the Skills Competition where their knife skills, • McCormick Place at the Chi-
Armed Forces. One of the most highly butchering techniques and menu produc- cago International Automobile Show.
sought after award is the Armed Forces tion skills are graded and critiqued. • Online via a downloadable
Chef of the Year. The competition is open to active duty version
Some of the main events include the members of all services, Department of strength.
field competition, nutritional hot food Defense civilians, and U.S. Army Re- Drivers use a palm card to con-
challenge, ice carving and student team serve and National Guard personnel. The trol the No. 39 Army Chevrolet as it
skills. There will also be 12 large teams American Culinary Federation sanctions weaves through a convoy of speeding
competing this year for the highest team the competition. Medals received from Mine Resistant Ambush Protected
award of the show - Installation of the federation entries can be used toward chef (MRAP) and Stryker AV vehicles.
Year. certification. The card can be turned left and
“This competition is important to Some of the teams competing this year right for steering, tilted forward to
military personnel because it helps them will be representing Puerto Rico, Korea, accelerate and pulled back to brake.
sharpen their basic culinary skills while Europe, Hawaii, Fort Bragg, Fort Eustis, Players can stop playing the game and
continuing to expand their training and the Army Reserve, the Marines, Air Force, receive more information about the
level of professionalism,” said Chief War- Navy and Coast Guard. Fort Lee will also Army vehicles.
rant Officer 4 Russell Campbell, Chief, have a team in this year’s competition Newman offers commentary
advanced food service training division, comprising Soldiers from the 49th Quar- throughout the 45-second game.
Joint Culinary Center of Excellence. termaster Group.

lades in 2009. Henderson was featured

Military Marksmanship in Sports Illustrated’s “Faces in the
Crowd” section and got promoted over
Free Tax Filing Services The program is open to active-duty, Guard and Reserve ser- Association Selects the course of the year.
By Elaine Wilson
American Forces Press Service
vicemembers, regardless of activation status, as well as spouses,
dependent children and family members standing in for a
Soldier of the Year “This is a great honor,” Henderson
said. “I have to thank the guys in the
Free electronic tax filing services are again being offered to deployed servicemember. Story and photo by Michael Molinaro [custom firearms] shop. They help
Participants can e-file up to three state resident returns USAMU Public Affairs make this all possible. I have to thank
military families through Military OneSource.
The H&R Block at Home program can be accessed through for each federal return, Thomas said. However, he added, they Sgt. 1st Class James Henderson, a ser- my wife for all of her love and support. and clicking on “Tax Filing should ensure they’re filing through Military OneSource. vice pistol shooter with the U.S. Army “I couldn’t have done it without
Services.” People who file through H&R Block directly may be charged Marksmanship Unit, was selected as the support of my team. They push me
More than 200,000 servicemembers filed their tax returns for services, he cautioned. the Military Marksmanship Asso- every day and if I mess up I know one
through this resource last year. The program is set up for basic returns. People who wish to ciation Soldier of the Year for 2009. of them will win the match. Being on
“We have such a mobile force, and you have folks dispersed upgrade to the premium program may incur charges. MMA president, retired Col. Robert this team and in this unit is the best
all over the world. It’s a quick link for the family to link up For assistance, contact a Military OneSource tax consultant I. Hoidahl Jr., presented the Soldier of job in the Army.”
with the [servicemember],” said Tommy T. Thomas, deputy from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. EST, seven days a week, at 1-800-730- the Year Award — a .45-caliber pistol Henderson first served with the
undersecretary of defense for military community and family 3802. People with complicated tax returns can visit a legal — to Henderson in January. USAMU from 1991-1994 after tours
policy. “It’s a convenience for you to be able to go on that site assistance office on a military installation for more in-depth A Pasadena, Calif., native, Hen- at Fort Benning, Fort Sill and Korea.
and file that tax form.” advice, Thomas said. derson became the first Soldier in After a long stint in the Army Re-
24 years to win the National Pistol serve, Henderson signed back up for
Championship in 2009 at Camp Perry, active duty service and was assigned to
Ohio. He won the National Trophy the USAMU.
Pistol championship, the President’s Henderson has been awarded two
Defense Department Panel to Explore Ending ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Policy Retired Col. Robert I. Hoidahl Jr., president of the
Military Marksmanship Association, presents a
Pistol match, and the Interservice Army Commendation Medals, five
Service Pistol championship. He was Army Achievement Medals, five Good
.45-caliber pistol to Sgt. 1st Class James Henderson
By John J. Kruzel the issues associated with implementing a lead to a disruption in the forces. of the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit Jan. 29 at Fort a member of the first-place National Conduct Medals, Army Superior Unit
American Forces Press Service repeal to “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” “We would all like to have a better Benning, Ga. Henderson was named the 2009 MMA Trophy Pistol Team and the first- Award, Distinguished Pistol Badge,
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates has “The mandate of this working group is handle on these types of concerns, and this Soldier of the Year. place Interservice Service Pistol team, President’s Hundred Tab, and Acces-
established a Defense Department panel to thoroughly, objectively and methodical- is what our review will offer,” Mullen told which broke numerous national pistol sions Support Brigade Noncommis-
to prepare the military for the potential ly examine all aspects of this question, and the Congressional panel. shooting records and claimed count- sioned Officer of the Quarter, Fourth
elimination of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” produce its finding and recommendations The hearing on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” less other individual and team acco- Quarter, Fiscal Year 2007.
policy that bans openly gay people from in the form of an implementation plan by comes after Obama announced in his
serving in the armed forces. the end of this calendar year,” Gates told State of the Union address his desire to
The group is tasked with assessing the lawmakers. end the policy.
relevant issues of the controversial policy Appearing alongside Gates was Navy “This year, I will work with Congress Top ROTC Units Receive MacArthur Award
in an effort to prime the department to Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint and our military to finally repeal the law By George Whitley traditionally have produced high-quality Army officers and
adapt to any changes Congress makes to Chiefs of Staff, who echoed the secretary’s that denies gay Americans the right to Cadet Command together enjoy a tremendous reputation of excellence. This
the 17-year-old law. The legislative move endorsement of repealing the policy. serve the country they love because of who
Eight Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps programs have recognition demonstrates the high standards we expect from
is supported President Barack Obama and “Speaking for myself and myself only, they are,” Obama said. “It’s the right thing
been honored with the MacArthur Award as the top units in our battalion cadre as we prepare our cadets for their future
Gates. it is my personal belief that allowing gays to do.”
the nation for 2010. leadership duties to serve in the U.S. Army as officers.”
“I fully support the president’s deci- and lesbians to serve openly would be the As the group undertakes the year-long
Presented since 1989,the awards recognize individual units The Army ROTC battalions selected for the awards were
sion,” Gates told the Senate Armed right thing to do,” Mullen said. review and assessment, Gates said the
within the Army ROTC program that have achieved the stan- the most successful of the command’s 273 units in accomplish-
Services Committee in February. “The “No matter how I look at this issue, I department also will take measures to
dards that best represent the ideals of the watch words of “duty, ing the mission of training and commissioning the majority of
question before us is not whether the mili- cannot escape being troubled by the fact implement the current “Don’t Ask, Don’t
honor, country” as practiced by General MacArthur, said retired the lieutenants entering the Army each year.
tary prepares to make this change, but how that we have in place a policy which forces Tell” policy more fairly.
Marine Corps Col. William J. Davis, executive director of the This year’s winners are: 1st Brigade, North Georgia College
we best prepare for it.” young men and women to lie about who “The Department of Defense under-
General Douglas MacArthur Foundation. & State University, Dahlonega, Ga.; 2nd Brigade, Rochester
Noting the political climate in which they are in order to defend their fellow stands that this is a very difficult, and in
Cadet Command’s commanding general, Maj. Gen. Arthur Institute of Technology, Rochester, N.Y.; 3rd Brigade, Universi-
the policy debate is playing out, Gates said citizens.” the minds of some, controversial policy
M. Bartell, thanked Davis and the foundation for supporting ty of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N.D.; 4th Brigade, Campbell
a guiding principle of the department’s The chairman said “Don’t Ask, Don’t question,” Gates told lawmakers.
Army ROTC over the years with the awards and for keeping University, Buies Creek, N.C.; 5th Brigade, Cameron Univer-
effort will be to minimize disruption and Tell” is an issue that strikes at the integrity “I am determined that we in the de-
MacArthur’s legacy alive. sity, Lawton, Okla.; 6th Brigade, Georgia Southern University,
polarization within a military engaged in of the U.S. armed forces as an institution partment carry out this process profession-
“It means a lot to the schools to receive this award, and it is Statesboro, Ga.; 7th Brigade, University of Cincinnati, Cincin-
two wars. and that of individual servicemembers, ally, thoroughly, dispassionately, and in a
the pinnacle for the brigade leadership represented here today,” nati; and 8th Brigade, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, Calif
The panel, to be headed by Jeh Johnson, who Mullen believes would accommodate manner that is responsive to the direction
Bartell said. The Cadet Command brigades are based at Fort Knox, Ky.;
the Pentagon’s top lawyer, and Gen. Carter a change to the policy, praising troops’ of the president and to the needs of the
Colonel Glenn H. Goldman, Commander of the Rochester Fort Dix, N.J.; Great Lakes Naval Training Center, Ill.; Fort
Ham, the commander of U.S. Army adaptability. But he also acknowledged the Congress as you debate and consider this
Institute of Technology’s Tiger Battalion, one of the award Bragg, N.C.; Fort Sam Houston, Texas; Hunter Army Airfield,
Europe, will immediately begin reviewing likelihood that repealing the law would matter.”
winners, said he is “extremely proud of this program’s many Ga.; Fort Knox, Ky.; and Joint Base Lewis-McChord Air Force
successes and achievements. The RIT and its Tiger Battalion Base, Wash.


gold badges - recruiter rings - january 2010

morrell awards - january 2010

SSG William Knizek
SGT Ricardo Acosta
Recruiter Rings SSG Shawn Molloy
SSG John Somers
SFC Channon Green
SSG Ngetiu Aitaro
Morrell Awards HOUSTON
SFC Nadia Carter
SSG Wayne Christian
SSG Gene Moore 2d MRB SSG Kert St. John SFC Bernard Jackson SSG Samuel Palmer 2d MRB SFC Ramon Pereida SSG David Mcwhite
SSG Shawn Pack PORTLAND MAJ Katherine Murdock SSG John Wade SSG Roger Frazier SFC Randall Roberts SSG Roberto Galvan SSG Jeremy Paulus
SFC Nicholas Breton
SSG Jason Riney SFC Conese Moore 1LT Robert Hughes SSG Emily Wesemann SSG Joshua Underwood RALEIGH SSG Joshua Waller SSG Joseph Vernon
SSG David Bruce
SSG Patrick Stone SFC Chad Pappas SFC Keith Jackson SSG Patrick Worley SGT Thomas Alderson SSG Anthony Bridgeforth JACKSONVILLE SSG Garrick Williams
SSG Jason Miller
SSG Dwayne Williams SSG David Armstrong SFC Randall Roberts SSG Edwin Yancey CPL Stephen Mejean SSG Clarence Harris 5th MRB SFC Ray Berkitt
SSG Christopher Oneal
SGT Alfredo Burgosmartinez SSG Clint Castro SGT Steven Blankley SGT Morris Favors CPT Orlando Taylor SFC Novetta Robinson SACRAMENTO
SSG Nicholas Ruggiero
SSG Duane Gomes 5th MRB SGT Quinton Cooley KANSAS CITY SGT Byford Fitzgerald SFC Edward Gall SSG Robert Brown SFC Joel Jensen
SSG Ferdanan Wheelings
MINNEAPOLIS SSG Raymond Leonguerrero CPT Konni Hansen SGT James Moorhouse SFC Christopher Hill SGT Daniel Morrison SFC Mark Kisielewski
SGT Kenroy Anderson
SSG Donald Dormer SGT Matthew Freeman SGT Craig Stasko SFC Christopher Ulrich SGT Terrice Williams 6th MRB KANSAS CITY SFC Eric Van Houten
SGT Peter Dittoe
SGT Avlin Pangelinan 6th MRB SFC David Williams SFC Edward Carr SFC Brian Holzmark SSG Christopher Edwards
SGT Eric Glaude
NEW ENGLAND SGT Talanco Thompson SFC Lindsay Dally COLUMBUS SSG Bruce Stone SACRAMENTO SFC Gregory Kraft SSG Russell Schalk
SGT Howard Lindo
SSG Mickey Brigman SSG Joshua Burkheiser SFC Joseph Bushey SSG Luis Dejesuscorrea SSG Richard Surratt SALT LAKE CITY
SGT Alando South
RALEIGH ALBANY SSG Jason Smail LOS ANGELES SSG Agustin Fortanelli SSG Joseph Vincent SSG Peter Grain
SGT Aleatha Taylor
NEW YORK CITY SFC Norman Bunton SFC Juan Perez SFC Brent Schol SSG Michael Hussey ALBANY SSG Robert Young
SFC Leamon Grady SSG Charles Graham SSG Robert Butler DALLAS SSG Jeffery Harvey SSG Nicky Infante SFC James Young LOS ANGELES
SSG Gregory Alexander SSG Rusty Hurley SSG Dwight Harris SSG Robert Hernandez SSG Timothy Olson SSG Anthony Bartzis SSG Sovan Tea SAN ANTONIO
SFC Alicia Kates
SSG Derek Austin SSG Anthony Roberti BATON ROUGE SSG Isatta Kanu SSG Pedro Mckinnie SSG Urbano Paet SSG John Hand SFC Mark Pacheco
SFC Kevin Simpson
SSG Brandon Jeremiah SSG Ervin Stokes SFC Fergus Joseph SSG Taylor Schmidt SSG Jesse Sannicolas SSG Miguel Serrano MIAMI
SSG Chris Hisler
SSG Emmanuel Zapata SSG Mitchell Streeter SFC Keith Lewis SGT Jean Deonier MIAMI SSG Gary Warren SFC Pedro Garcia Pena SEATTLE
SSG James Malugin
SGT Christopher Kane SGT Steven Boyd SSG Christopher Chowske SGT Patrick Lopez SFC Vincente Martinezsantiago SGT Peter Borja BATON ROUGE SFC Christian Velazquezher- SSG Kari Ann Ley
SSG James Plyler
SGT Roberto Martinez SGT Michael Esenwein SSG Dwight Murphy SGT Wendy Perez-Fogg SSG Angel Aponte SGT Lopaka Pavitt SSG Charles Ellis nandez SSG Jarrod Phillips
SGT Jimmy Reese
SGT Christopher Smith SGT Daniel Honrine SSG Robert Palmer SSG Carlos Gonzalez SSG Randolph Muentes
SPC Harvey Dornellien SGT Antonio Jasinski SGT John Wilkinson DENVER SSG Omayra Sanantoniobarreto SALT LAKE CITY BECKLEY SSG Jose Rosario SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA
SGT Steven Smrcka SSG Bryan Auwaerter SSG Ruben Vega SSG Michael Dubinski SFC Germaine Green SSG Christian Tuestalopez SFC Jan Vermeulen
SFC Raymond Benning
OKLAHOMA CITY SGT John Vick BECKLEY SSG Edward Foust SGT Cesar Castellanos SSG Michael Garrett SSG Troy Acosta
SSG Michael Huff
SFC William Dobbs SSG Daniel Carpenter SSG Jedediah Remmey SSG Mark James CHICAGO MILWAUKEE
SGT Jason Rose
SSG Christopher Allee SALT LAKE CITY SSG Todd Sherman MILWAUKEE SSG Nathan Myers SFC Lee Hoenig SFC Gary Cooper TAMPA
SSG Felix Bermudez SFC Nathaniel Schultze SGT Marcus Evans FRESNO SSG Timothy Plymale SFC Robert Hogue SFC Joseph Mcguigan SFC Carlo Shaw
SSG Robert Blanshan SSG Robert Dodge SFC Jessica Dean SSG Machaerus Stephens SAN ANTONIO SSG Perry Flemon SSG Eric Mills SSG Serena Barze
SFC Timothy Matthews
SSG Kevin Bussard SSG Carl Orton CHICAGO SSG Alberto Bretado SSG Christopher Ullrich SSG Ronald Carpenter SSG Jason Magee SSG William Hunter
SSG Dale Behee
SSG Douglas Caban SSG Christopher Smith SSG Lamonte Bailey SSG Tanya Mays SSG Christopher Cates SSG Ronald Massey MONTGOMERY SSG Ashly Martin
SSG Keith Knittel
SSG Steven Granger SGT Robert Grabowski SSG David Chavez SGT Jonathon Morgan MINNEAPOLIS SSG Jason Pagan SSG Gregory Thurman SFC Anthony Waller SSG Sheena Mckinzy
SSG Alexander Lopez
SSG Michael Hernandez SSG Lori Darling SFC Charles Lingl SGT Mary Valdez SSG Christopher Jones SSG Hernan Ramos-Veguilla
SSG Christopher Millerroot
SSG Austin Policky
SSG Joseph Mack SSG Roland Benavides SSG Harold Garvey SFC Bryan Reeves SSG Brian Lockwood SEATTLE SFC Lionel Bratsveen NEW ENGLAND
SSG Hollie Still
SSG Christopher Nash SSG Miguel Cuellar SSG Anthony Hunt SSG Jayson Gauntner SFC James Walsborn SFC Bradley Burtch SFC Gregory Jencks
SSG Joaquin Torresarellano
SGT Donald Collins SSG Fernando Hurdle SSG Raymond Jackson SSG Ian Parker MONTGOMERY SFC Clayton Sikes SFC Johan Ponder
SSG Robert Williamson
SGT Todd Krebsbach SSG Richard Mendoza SSG Jacob Kerley SSG Terry Stenson SFC Ladarien Taylor SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SSG Richard Burbey SSG Timothy Oday
SGT Michael Bryant
SGT Shannon McBroom SGT Ruben Guevara SSG Christopher Madsen SSG Robert Taylor SSG Patrick Mcgrath SFC Javier Garcia SSG Michael Cosby
SGT Kelvin Campos
SGT Oren Mead SGT Kimberly Hambrick SSG Jeremy Mckinney SSG Charles Westbrook SSG Myron Metcalf SSG Jason Gaulke NEW YORK CITY
SGT Gaytha Ratzloff
SGT Kevin Tushka SGT Jaime Medinamaldonado SSG Tyrone Reed CPL George Goettler NEW ENGLAND SSG Jimmy Perry SSG Wayne Wright SFC Arlette Belgrave
SGT Sean Salie
SGT Donald Whitecotton SSG John Rivera SGT Shaun Collins SGT Michael Duffy SSG John Wurgler SFC James Laney
SGT Richard Schupp
PHOENIX SFC Jennifer Vanengen SGT Ronell Anthony SSG Dejon Davis NEW YORK CITY SGT Juan Trujillohuerta DALLAS SSG Jacques Blemur
SFC John Atnip SSG Franklin Cooper SGT Sophia Gonzalez SSG Clenten Lewis SFC Constance Campbell SFC Kevin Shaw
SSG Kyle Blue
SSG Daniel Beckman SSG Isreal Herrera SGT Jonathan Simmons SGT Jason Benson SFC Kenneth Wade TAMPA SSG Alicia Lomeli OKLAHOMA CITY
SSG Theodore Garcia
SSG Jorge Medranovaquiz SSG Gerard Lindsey SGT Ervin Taylor SGT Arthur Hornby SSG Brian Jones SFC Luther Agard SSG Kyle Matus SFC Gary Goliday
SSG Becky Kennedy
SSG Pedro Pena SSG Daniel Merritt SGT Mayur Patel SSG Christopher Jordan SSG Miguel Carmona-Gomez SSG Stepahanie Mcleod SSG Keith Harper
SSG Gary Pietrangelo
SSG Candice Tallis SGT Edward Clark CLEVELAND SSG Derrick Matos SSG Thomas Carter SSG Eric Petty
SSG Daniel Rodriguez
SGT Del Bouch SGT Adrian Lopez SFC Armand Davis JACKSONVILLE SSG Cardona Suarez SSG Andrae Facey GREAT LAKES
SSG Gregory Styles
SGT Wellmer Cerritos SGT Michael Morphis SFC Ricky Layne SFC Brian Baucom SGT John White SSG Michael Morrissey SSG Fredrick Brodie PHOENIX
SGT Eric Dusan
SGT Chad Dragan SGT Milton Valenzuela SFC Steven Mccarroll SSG Brad Balthrop SSG Jose Ortiz SSG Terence Carter SFC Justin King
SGT Benjamin Gloe
SGT Nicholas Garcia SFC Jason Mcfadden SSG John Frey OKLAHOMA CITY SSG Joshua Price SSG Richard Parker SSG Evan Martin
SGT Bruce Gooding
SGT Richard Martinez SFC Joshua Nitz SSG Kevin Lowery SSG Ubaldo Hernandezaldana SSG Peter Raba
SGT James Hale
SGT Anton Ragsdale SFC Thomas Ruppel SSG Miguel Lugo SSG Alnardo Rivera
SGT Craig Miller
SGT Christopher Reaser SFC Clint Stevens SSG Gregory McQueen PHOENIX SSG Robert Stebbins
CPL Winston Kirtley
SSG Robert Ferguson SGT Antoni Guerrero SSG Craig Ascher SSG Timothy Ward
SSG Robert Kinney SGT Veerachai Turapan SSG Caleb Smith SGT Calvester Herlong
The Test 6. You are reviewing your conversion data and discover
that you have interviewed 12 people and enlisted two.
What is your conversion data?
1. The difference between your recruiting success or a. 2:12
failure may well depend on your ability to _________, b. 6:1
inspire, and involve yourself in your community. c. 12: 2
a. Lead d. 1666:1
b. Plan
c. Communicate 7. The __________ network is your connection to
d. Counsel USAREC’s integrated information systems, staff ele-
ments, other recruiting leaders, recruiting units, Future
2. Which recruiter role is one of the most important Soldiers and recruiters.
things you will do, enough so that your mission de- a. External
pends on it? b. Internal
a. Public relations c. Recruiting
b. Planning d. Community
c. Marketing
d. Leading 8. On your way to work, you stop and get gas at the
corner gas station and chat with the owner while you
3. Training, tending to personal and family issues and buy a paper. Then, you stop at the local café and get
physical fitness are all examples of which type of re- the daily breakfast special. While having breakfast, you
cruiting operation? chat with the waitress and other patrons. What is this
a. Decisive an example of?
b. Shaping a. Internal networking
c. Sustaining b. Wasting time
d. Conditioning c. Community networking
d. Prospecting
4. You are at a community pancake breakfast with a
goal of building relationships within the community. 9. Which of the following is an example of a contact?
Which recruiting operation are you performing? a. You e-mailed the prospect and are waiting for a reply.
a. Decisive b. You called a prospect’s telephone number and spoke
b. Sustaining with intended person’s father.
c. Conditioning c. You stopped by the prospect’s home and left your busi-
d. Shaping ness card at the door.
d. You called a prospect’s telephone number and spoke
5. You have been assigned to a new recruiting station. directly to the intended person.
When you arrive, you contact the local schools and ask
for a student directory. This is an example of ________. 10. What is the main reason for lost enlistments?
a. Obtaining leads a. Failure to graduate
b. Sustainment b. Peer influence
c. C2 c. Lack of follow up
d. Decisive operations d. Parental influence

The answer key is on Recruiting ProNet. Look for the Recruiter Journal Test Answer link in the left column.
If you want to see the answer key, you must be a member of Recruiting ProNet. If you’re not already a member, you’re missing out on a great way
to learn from other recruiting professionals. To apply for membership, click “Become a member” on the Recruiting ProNet home page: aspx?id=51486 .


Phase line success

1st Brigade 2d Brigade 3d Brigade 5th Brigade 6th Brigade Medical Brigade

January Fiscal Year 2010

Top Large Station
Bronx-Allerton Ponce Lansing Seminole Burbank Bloomington MRS
New York City Miami Great Lakes Kansas City Los Angeles 3d MRB

Top Small Station

Norwich Birmingham Gallatin Beatrice Hawthorne Albuquerque
Albany Montgomery Nashville Denver Los Angeles 6th MRB

Top Company
Europe Company Sarasota Glenview Lewisville Tacoma Orlando MRC
Albany Tampa Chicago Dallas Salt Lake 2d MRB

Top Battalion
New England Tampa Nashville None Southern California 3d MRB

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