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Learn Chinese the Easy Way

d din hu

Making a Phone Call

Bing gives his cousin Xiao Wen a phone call looking for a favor. Little does
he know fate is planning a surprise for him. Click on the video to check out
some words for telephone calls, asking for help, and describing people.
our first word is . This is the way that you answer a phone in China, just
like we say, hello. But its only used on the phone.
is a persons name, means, Can you do me a favor?
means to help. Its again a verb thats repeated to lighten the tone.
literally means busy. put together means to do a favor.
means What do you want? is kind of difficult to translate but
means something like thing. Here we could maybe translate as what thing
would you like me to help you with?
means need; means model. It takes an R sound at the end.
means one, the is what is called a measure word. Chinese has
many of them. Almost every time youre counting something in Chinese you
need to use a measure word. is the most common one and can be used
for almost any situation. Its something similar to English when we say one
piece of paper, or one bottle of beer. If youre confused on measure words
please do a search for some of our other lessons that talk more about them.
means beautiful, pretty, good looking, etc. means cute, and is
actually used very frequently in Chinese, and not only for young people.
means no problem; is tomorrow means place
means meet. means old, but in this sentence it means the same or
the same old. So, this sentence reads: No problem, meet you tomorrow at
the same old place.

Language Focus

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Learn Chinese the Easy Way

Key Words and Phrases

1. wi Hello (on the phone)

2. bngmng do a favor

3. n female; woman

nn male; man

4. mt model

5. pioling beautiful


hokn good looking

6. k i cute

7. miwnt no problem
xng okay

8. mngtin tomorrow


hutin day after tomorrow

xizhu next week

xngq r Tuesday

9. jin meet; see


jinmin meet; meet up

Key Sentences

wi bng bng mng

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Learn Chinese the Easy Way

Hello? Can you do me a favor?

wi bng w yg mng b

Hello? Do me a favor.

nng bng w yxi m

Can you help me?

w xyo yg nmt

I need a female model.

w xyo yg dinno

I need a computer.

shnmeyng de

What kind?

yu shnme yoqi ?

Do you have requests?
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Learn Chinese the Easy Way

mngtin lo dfng jin

Well meet tomorrow at the same old place.


bng wi xio wn bng bng mng

Bing: Hello? Xiao Wen, can you do me a favor?

xio wn shnme sh r

Xiao Wen: What is it?

bng w xyo yg nmt

Bing: I need a female model.

xio wn shnmeyng de

Xiao Wen: What kind of model?

bng pioling k i

Bing: Beautiful. Cute.

xio wn miwnt mngtin lo dfng jin

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Learn Chinese the Easy Way

Xiao Wen: No problem. Lets meet tomorrow at the same old place.

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