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ACN 512 302 XXX

Green Heater Pty Ltd

New Logo Feedback Questionnaire
1. What is your association with Green Heater? (fill one circle)

O Employee

O Board of Directors

O Customer

2. What would you rate the new logo which be on all of Green Heater new designs and
documents? (fill one circle)

O Amazing

O Alright

O Unacceptable

4. What is your opinion about Green Heater new logos font?



5. What is your opinion about Green Heater new logos colors?



6. What is your opinion about Green Heater new logos overall design?



7. How would you change Green Heater new logos design for the better?



Once again, on behalf of Green Heater development team, we would like to thank you for your
participation in this questionnaire, your feedback is like treasure to us.

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