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Mi.Data TM

from Mueller Systems

Improving customer service and water conservation through consumer education

As water rates rise, educating consumers on the importance of Mi.Data is part of the Mi.Net Mueller Infrastruc-
ture Network for Utilities and leverages stored
water conservation and how water usage can influence monthly
advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) data
utility bills will play an increasingly significant role in providing good to help:
customer service. Mi.Data from Mueller Systems enables munici-
Strengthen relationships with consumers
palities to strengthen relationships with consumers by providing a
Improve customer service
consolidated view of their water consumption online to help them
better understand and manage usage behavior and enhance com- Educate consumers on the
importance of conservation
munication with their municipality.
Address non-revenue water
According to recent industry reports:
76% of consumers are concerned about the need to Promote consumer understanding
of rate increases
conserve water**
67% of consumers are concerned about the cost of Reduce billing surprises

water service at their home** Enhance communication

36 states are predicting water shortages between now & 2013** with consumers

**According to Oracles research study:

Testing the Water: Smart Metering for Water Utilities

Access to detailed usage information enables consumers to quickly identify household water leaks and excessive
consumption, which helps to avoid potential billing surprises while improving conservation. Mi.Data also helps
municipalities improve communication with consumers, as it provides responses to frequently asked questions
related to monthly usage as well as information that educates consumers on the importance of conservation.


Mi.Data Web Portal
What is Mi.Data? How it Works for
Mi.Data is an interactive and easy-to-use web portal that
Utilities and Consumers.
The look and feel of Mi.Data can be customized by
enhances the Mi.Net System by graphically presenting
municipalities to include their logos, colors and impor-
usage data that is collected and stored by the System to
tant messages and educational information for consum-
consumers through a web-based portal they can access
ers on conservation. Consumers can set their preferenc-
through their utilitys website. Mi.Data allows consumers to
es to receive informational alerts on water bans, leaks
easily monitor their water consumption, compare current
and usage goals or budgets.
usage to previous periods, set preferences for individual
alerts, set budget and conservation goals and access edu-
cational information on conservation.

Easy-to-read graphs help consumers to easily monitor

their usage and estimate their usage costs before
The Mi.Net System.
getting the shock of a monthly bill. Answers to
Intelligence that Drives the Network.
frequently asked billing questions are also included;
The Mi.Net System is a communications network that fully
by answering potential questions and facilitating an
automates the meter reading-to-billing process and links
additional communication channel, Mi.Data provides
meters, distribution sites and control devices in a single,
extra support that can help customer service depart-
highly efficient data network. Its scalability enables utilities
ments assist consumers in a more timely fashion.
to deploy new technologies in stages that are best suited to
their needs and budgets.

Comparisons to previous time periods (by day, week,

or month) can help consumers better understand
their usage and identify data anomalies that indicate
potential water leaks in their households.

A consolidated view of
water consumption

Educational information
on conservation

Consumer FAQs and

Real-time alerts and

Consumer preference

Access to meter reads

Easy navigation

Numerous report formats

Online graphs that can

be exported to Excel
About Mueller Systems.
Where Intelligence Meets Infrastructure

Mueller Systems offers a full line of residential, fire line Find out how Mueller Systems can help you increase
and commercial meters, AMR/AMI systems and related efficiencies, reduce costs, conserve water and improve
products. Mueller Systems provides Smart Metering
customer service by calling us today at 800-323-8584
solutions to optimize the delivery and use of water.
or visiting
Municipalities that supply water innovative ways to
increase efficiencies, reduce costs, conserve water and
energy, and improve customer service. Mueller Systems
portfolio of metering systems meets that need.

Mueller Systems develops meters and metering

systems that are a Smart Move for the most demand-
ing applications including residential, commercial and
fire-line meters, advanced metering infrastructure
(AMI)/automated meter reading (AMR) systems and
related products.

We provide utilities with infrastructure technology

that enables them to access the intelligent, actionable
data needed to increase efficiencies, reduce costs,
conserve water and energy, and improve
customer service.

Mueller Systems is part of Mueller Water Products,

Inc., a leading manufacturer and marketer of products
and services used in the transmission, distribution and
measurement of water.

2016 Mueller Systems, LLC. All rights reserved. Mueller Systems, LLC is a Mueller Water Products, Inc. company.
All trademarks referenced herein are the property of Mueller Water Products, Inc., or an affiliate, unless specified otherwise. Printed in the USA. 04/16

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