Experiences Gained and Lessons Learnt From The Training Workshop

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20. Experiences Gained and Lessons Learnt from

the Training Workshop
Steve Harrison, Ed Mangaoang and John Herbohn

This review module attempts to draw together some of the experiences gained and lessons
learned from conducting the training workshop on socio-economic research methods in
forestry research. A workshop of this nature had been an ambition of The University of
Queensland forestry research group for more than two years, so it was gratifying to see this
ambition fulfilled. As a first run by the research group at such a training workshop, this was
something of an experiment, and impressions gained here may be of assistance should the
training package be employed in other situations. This paper reflects on the workshop
experience and on the feedback obtained from delegates and presenters. No formal survey
was undertaken to gain impressions of participants, but considerable informal feedback was

1. OBJECTIVES OF THE WORKSHOP the researchers throughout the

remainder of the ACIAR project.
In designing the workshop, a number of
objectives were in mind: A further objective in planning the
workshop was to provide a stimulating
The workshop would fulful part of the and enjoyable experience for
capacity-building objective of ACIAR participants.
project ASEM/2000/088
Redevelopment of a Timber Industry A planned tangible output was this
Following Extensive Land Clearing. In training manual, to be supplied
particular, there would be subsequently to all participants.
development of new skills by
participants in socio-economic 2. PLANNED WORKSHOP
analysis and in modelling forestry ARRANGEMENTS
Formal presentations were designed on a
This would be an opportunity to number of specific topics, but with a view to
communicate the forestry research group participation and discussion. More
mindset of the Australian team to the specifically, the workshop meetings were
Filipino team, and obtain feedback, designed to include the following
and hence to explore interactively the components:
paradigms, methods of analysis and
assumptions upon which each group 1. Presentations by authors of the notes
is working. 2. Presentations by discussants
3. Small-group development and
The planning of the ACIAR project presentation of case studies
would be advanced, particularly 4. A fieldwork component
through the research case studies 5. Hands-on computing sessions.
which were tightly tied to objectives of
the project. This would include Ideally, the instruction papers would have
development of a prototype model for been prepared and distributed to delegates
simulation of community forestry in advance of the workshop. This would
systems. have allowed formal sessions to
concentrate on specific issues, and
The workshop would establish the provided a basis for contributions by
basis for improved communication discussants. Nominated discussants could
and closer understanding between have been invited to prepare brief
236 Socio-economic Research Methods in Forestry

presentations on the basis of materials 4. Grant seeking, research

provided to them in advance. In particular, administration and publication
they could have lead discussion on the strategy.
relevance of the particular concepts and
methods in forestry research, from their 5. Practical exercise in developing a
organizational perspective. However, in research project.
general this was not possible, and a folder
containing some of the printed modules was 5. SUITABILITY OF THE CONTENT AND
provided to participants at the time of ENGAGEMENT OF PARTICIPANTS IN
registration, with other modules provided DISCUSSIONS
during the workshop.
As a first run, it was to be expected that
An objective of the workshop was to have there would be some glitches. An ambitious
each participant prepare a small simulation agenda was planned for the workshop, and
model using the Simile package, and most though much material for presentations had
were able to achieve this. been drafted before the meeting, continued
module development took place between
The first three days of the workshop workshop sessions.
covered the main presentation sessions,
with the emphasis for the next three days The choice of topics of necessity depended
on case studies. The field trip was on the interests and skills of the group of
scheduled to provide a change from the presenters. In this regard, it was fortunate
formal sessions, and to collect data for that the visiting group covered a wide range
subsequent used in development of the of interests, and that senior staff from Leyte
prototype community forestry model. State University were also able to make
The program proved to be highly ambitious,
The organisation on the part of staff of in scope, complexity and amount of material
Leyte State University was excellent, in presented. However, flexibility was provided
terms of meeting facilities, copying of in the schedule, between presentations of
materials, transport and meals. This kind of new materials, discussion of case studies
meeting always imposes a heavy burden on and computing sessions. In general, days
the local organisers, and their efforts were ran from 8 am to 6.30 pm. Despite this
greatly appreciated. A number of social pace, by all impressions, delegates found
events were organised, which made the the workshop absorbing, sometimes
occasion memorable and built morale and continuing computing through coffee
cohesion in the group. breaks.

4. REVIEW OF TOPICS COVERED It was hoped prior to the meeting that the
presentations would simply be lead-ins to
Five major topic areas were covered, topics, and that there would be
namely: considerable interaction and debate at
workshop sessions. To some extent, this
1. Basic computing skills, using ambition was achieved. However, it is to be
spreadsheets, discounted cash flow noted that the material presented was
analysis and statistical analysis rather foreign to most of the participants,
software. and this at times constrained the
discussion. Although the participants had a
2. Specific research techniques (sample background in natural resource
surveys, cost-benefit analysis, non- management, and were engaged to some
market valuation, linear degree in policy and extension work, most
programming). had little background in economics or social
3. Modelling and simulation of
community forestry systems with No doubt, at times some participants felt
Simile. rather lost with the topics, and it will require
Experiences Gained and Lessons Learnt from the Training Workshop 237

further reflection to gain a working notebook computer, and so there is less

understanding of the techniques presented. familiarity with Excel, which was applied
Were a similar training workshop run in the widely in the modules for financial modelling
future, with the materials which are now (including discounted cash flow analysis,
available, it would be possible to provide cost-benefit analysis and linear
notes for reading in advance and hence programming). Hence it was necessary to
make greater use of meeting time. provide some background coaching in use
of Excel.
Areas found to be of high interest
One difficulty in holding a workshop for a
group of people from varying academic, There was clear enthusiasm for the
industry, local government, NGO and other modeling activities and hands-on computing
backgrounds is that the level of familiarity in relation to the simulation modeling
with the presentation topics and the level of package Simile, development of financial
expertise with computers can be expected analysis spreadsheets with MicroSoft Excel
to vary widely. In that the training workshop and linear programming using the Solver
was designed to broaden the skills base facility. The modules on research
and interests of the participants, and was administration and publication strategy also
outside the area of professional experience appeared to be of high interest.
for most, some of the concepts in
economics and sociology were found to be Benefits derived by delegates
new and strange.
In general, the workshop objectives as
The modelling package Simile takes listed above were achieved to a high
considerable effort to comprehend. degree. As well as the more formal training
Becoming adept at a complex computer aspects of the workshop, some practical
modelling package such as this by nature assistance in computing was provided to
takes a good deal of time, for assimilation, the delegates, e.g.
experimentation and consolidation, to gain
confidence as a user. The workshop providing practical tips in computing,
provided an ideal introduction to Simile, but particularly with regard to use of the
substantial further time will be required Excel spreadsheet package
before participants can start to develop and
run realistic models. An added complication providing access to the add-ins in the
here is the need to become familiar with the Excel spreadsheet package, such as
concepts and procedures of modelling and statistical techniques and the linear
simulation, which can be a hurdle for people programming package (Tools
without a background in this area. Solver).

It was found during the hands-on sessions providing copies of the Simile
that most of the delegates did not have the modelling and simulation package
level of computing experience expected of developed by the University of
the presenters, particularly in regard to the Edinburgh, which was downloaded
use of the Microsoft Office package and the from the developers Web site.
Excel spreadsheet. While a desktop
computer and this software is regarded as a Development of the prototype
standard facility at The University of community forestry model
Queensland, the high cost of computers
relative to university budgets can make An important objective of the workshop was
access more limited in lower-income to make some steps towards development
countries. In the College of Forestry at of a model of community forestry, which
Leyte State University, the stage has not could be used to simulate forest industry
been reached where each faculty member development and carry out simulation
can have exclusive access to a desktop or experiments with alternative reforestation
238 Socio-economic Research Methods in Forestry

policies. It was recognized that only limited the normal place of employment of
progress could be made during the short delegates, such that they become a captive
period of the workshop and with the audience, though this would of course
competing objectives planned. In particular, require an out-of-semester time window,
a field visit unless organised as a and would tend to increase costs in terms of
participatory rural appraisal meeting could travel and accommodation.
not be expected to provide a great deal of
detailed information for modelling purposes, 8. CONCLUDING COMMENTS
although it did provide an excellent chance
to gain first hand observations of a In general, the workshop appears to have
community forestry site. been highly successful. While some
tentative recommendations might be made
Suitability of Organisational for future training programs of this type
Arrangements e.g. make available more computers to
allow smaller user groups, gain a better
Some difficulty was found in providing idea of the computer access and computing
sufficient access to computers during the experience of participants it would seem
hands-on computing sessions. Three desirable to retain flexibility to meet the
notebook computers were brought to the needs of the audience and adapt
workshop, and another notebook computer presentations as suits the progress of the
and one desktop computer were available group.
locally, which meant that groups of about
five people were sharing computers. It was to be expected that some problems
Groups of three would have probably been would arise, but overall the workshop
preferable. appears to have been highly successful in
achieving its objectives. Lasting benefits are
It was noted that local delegates were expected for the ACIAR research project in
unable to attend all sessions. This was to a terms of a shared research methodology
large extent due to their involvement in the and vision, and progress in planning of
preparation of materials and other specific activities. This engenders
arrangements for the workshop, and partly confidence for conducting such a training
because of other commitments. This program as a capacity-building exercise in
suggests that there could be advantages in other locations.
holding workshops of this kind away from

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