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Engineering Ethics & OSHA

Group Assignment (Video)

Nur Alia Binti Rusli(Author) Nur Alia Binti Rusli(Author)

Dept. of Electrical Engineering Technology Dept. of Electrical Engineering Technology
Faculty of Engineering Technology Faculty of Engineering Technology
Ayer Keroh, Melaka. Ayer Keroh, Melaka.

Abdul Hakim Bin Charim(Author) Mohamad Aiman Bin Mohd Ali(Author)

Dept. of Electrical Engineering Technology Dept. of Electrical Engineering Technology
Faculty of Engineering Technology Faculty of Engineering Technology
Ayer Keroh, Melaka. Ayer Keroh, Melaka.

Muhammad Azani Bin Azhar(Author)

Dept. of Electrical Engineering Technology
Faculty of Engineering Technology
Ayer Keroh, Melaka.

AbstractThis paper will discuss the factual issues and companys status as well maintaining a good appearance to the
conceptual issues presented in the video titled . The issues that public eyes.
present in the video are discussed and investigated to come up
with the effects of it. Other that the factual and conceptual issues, There are several issues arise from the video regarding
the moral issues also discussed as well their connection with code working ethics in oneself. One of the prominent issue displayed
of conduct. The code of conduct used in this paper is NSPE Code in the video is attire. Every company has its own standard rule
of Conduct and also Boards of Engineer Code of Conduct. This on attire for the worker. Proper attire is needed not only as a
paper will discuss mainly about the ethical issues that are present good appearance but also for health and safety issues.
in the video. Working ethics, discipline, integrity, attitude is some
of the topic that will be covered in this report. Other than attire of the employer, the video also raises an
issue on the workers discipline. Punctuality is very important
in an attitude of an employee.
Most of the issues in the video regarding the working ethics
The video is about Hakim who is always arrive late to work is concerning discipline. Procrastination also shown in the
with his improper attire. He was always getting scold for his video as Hakim working on the report late until 4 in the
lack of discipline and attitude. Hakim has co-worker that is morning when the work was given to him a month ago.
Azani and Hamiroel. In the video, it is shown that Azani is Procrastination reduce the quality of the work and also can lead
stealing Hakims work and give Hamiroel money to keep his to a lot more troublesome work later on.
mouth shut. At the end, Hamiroel blow up Azani cover by
telling their employer the truth. It tells the story on attitude that B. Integrity
exists in employer. Theres also issues on discipline, attitude
and many more related to working ethics. Integrity is the qualifications of being honest and having
strong moral principles or moral uprightness. It is generally a
personal choice to hold oneself to consistent moral and ethical
II. FACTUAL ISSUE standards. The video also brought up issues on integrity within
the company that is among the worker itself.
A. Working Ethics
Firstly, as a full time and fully pledged company employee, Bribe is a big issue in the video as we can see how Azani is
there are ethics, rules and regulation that need to be followed. bribing Hamiroel(Kojek) to remain silent as he steals Hakims
This set of rules usually set by the company to take care the
report. Other than giving bribe, taking bribe is also a big issue
in this video. Bribing wont happen if theres no giver and
taker. Other than bribe, integrity issues that was brought upon Exposing or reporting illegal or suspicious activities that
is stealing other peoples work. Stealing other peoples work happening in the working area is important. This can minimize
seriously shows the level integrity of oneself. the consequences of suspicious activities. Corruption can be
prevented from causing a bigger problem if it was report at the
C. Whistle Blower
early stage of the problem.
Whistle blower is a person who exposes any kind
information or activity that is deemed illegal, unethical or not
correct within an organization that is either private or public. IV. MORAL VALUE
Moral values that are shown in the videos are
In the video, at the end of it, Hamiroel exposed the true i. Irresponsible
nature of Azani by uncover the real story behind the missing ii. Unethical
report. This is the act of whistle blowing even though at the iii. Dishonest
start of it, Hamiroel received bribe to keep his mouth shut. iv. No integrity
v. Not trustworthy
Conceptual issues will take on more elaborate discussion vii. Attitude problem
on factual issues that was previously written. In this topic, we viii. Lack of discipline
will see on how the issues rise previously may and may not
affect the company as well the employee. These are the moral values that are present in the videos.
In the video, it is shown that the employer is lacking in The attitude and misconduct that were portrayed by the actors
discipline. Issues such as working ethics, punctuality, attitude
and attire are shown. Improper conduct of oneself,
continuously even after reprimand, will cause the employee to In this topic, the related code of conduct is listed to see how
be dismissed by the company. the correlations between the misconduct and attitude towards
what have been outlined in the rules of regulations
The lack of discipline my effecting the said employee
working performance. The quality of their work my decrease.
A. NSPE Code of Conduct
Going to work wearing improper attire shows that the worker is
not ready to work. If the employee is working in an area that Act 4: Engineers shall act for each employer or client as
involved in handling dangerous substances, his attire may have faithful agents or trustees.
got him into trouble or fatal wound. Also, the improper attire
a. Engineers shall disclose all known or potential
reflects the company image hence, makes the company looks
conflicts of interest that could influence or appear to influence
bad from outsider point of view.
their judgment or the quality of their services.
Punctuality is a grave issue wherever we go, be it at the b. Engineers shall not accept compensation, financial or
office, for a meeting or even for an event. Arriving late will
otherwise, from more than one party for services on the same
make we lose some of the information we may need, especially
during meeting. Also, it makes us unproductive as we missed project, or for services pertaining to the same project, unless
some part of it and sometimes makes us lose interest of it. This the circumstances are fully disclosed and agreed to by all
may decrease the employee performance as well the quality of interested parties.
his/her work. c. Engineers shall not solicit or accept financial or other
Procrastination is a very common issues as people love to valuable consideration, directly or indirectly, from outside
do their work at the very last minute. This attitude will not agents in connection with the work for which they are
bring the best of the employees ability. When the employee responsible.
procrastinates, he/she wont be able to improve his/her work
during the time the work given to them. When the employee Act 5: Engineers shall avoid deceptive acts.
completes the work last minute, he/she wont be able corrected a. Engineers shall not offer, give, solicit, or receive,
any mistakes he/she did when completing the task. This either directly or indirectly, any contribution to influence the
attitude unable to unravel the workers real ability and also award of a contract by public authority, or which may be
damage the company performance. reasonably construed by the public as having the effect or
Other that issues with discipline, the issues that are that are intent of influencing the awarding of a contract. They shall not
raised is about integrity. Giving and taking bribe is lawfully offer any gift or other valuable consideration in order to secure
and ethically wrong to be done. Lack of integrity will damage work. They shall not pay a commission, percentage, or
the companys name. Corruption, even as small giving brokerage fee in order to secure work, except to a bona fide
someone a gift can bring effects for a long time. Some may say employee or bona fide established commercial or marketing
its a courtesy, and some may say its just an act of grateful. agencies retained by them.
When self-interest is involved, that makes it corruption.
Corruption is not just bad for the employer but also employee.
B. Boards of Engineer Code of Conduct iv. Engineers shall not attempt to obtain employment or
According to Boards of Engineers, under the clause 3.31 advancement or professional engagements by
stated that a registered Graduate Engineer shall not accept any untruthfully criticizing other engineers, or by other
benefit or compensation, financial or otherwise, from more improper or questionable methods.
than one party for professional engineering services on the v. Engineers who believe others are guilty of unethical
same project, or for professional engineering services or illegal practice shall present such information to
pertaining to the same project, unless the circumstances are the proper authority for action.
fully disclosed and agreed to by all interested parties. vi. Engineers shall accept personal responsibility for
their professional activities, provided, however, that
Under the clause 3.3.3, it is stated that a registered engineers may seek indemnification for services
Graduate Engineer shall not solicit or accept any arising out of their practice for other than gross
consideration, financial or otherwise, directly or indirectly, negligence, where the engineers interests cannot
from outside agents in connection with the work for which he otherwise be protected.
is responsible. vii. Engineers shall give credit for engineering work to
those to whom credit is due, and will recognize the
proprietary interests of others
C. Professional Obligations of Engineers
In NSPE, professional obligations of engineers are
mention and below are list of the obligations that are related to ACKNOWLEDGMENT
the video. Our team would like to thank Madam Nursuhaila for her
guidance on making the video as successful projects. We also
i. Engineers shall be guided in all their relations by the thank everyone that helped us in the making of this projects.
highest standards of honesty and integrity.
ii. Engineers shall not disclose, without consent,
confidential information concerning the business REFERENCES
affairs or technical processes of any present or former
client or employer, or public body on which they [1] National Society of Professional Emgineers Code of Conduct. 2016.
iii. Engineers shall not be influenced in their professional ics/Code-2007-July.pdf
duties by conflicting interests [2] Board of Engineers Code of Conduct of Registered Person, 2016
[3] Integrity, 2017
[4] Whistle Blower, 2017.

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