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Premium-Horse Feed


The right feed for every horse

Page Contents

All you need to know about feeding your horse

4 marstall Expertise, that pays

6 marstall For every horse the right feed
8 Horse and feed Past and present
10 The marstall-ABC of horse feed Terms for reference
12 Colour guidance system and packaging units A straight forward overview
14 Topics, products, recommendations The right product ... at a glance!

Our products

Universal Line

16 Haferfrei The original of marstall. The classical muesli, ideal for every horse whatever its needs
18 Freizeit Complete oat-free muesli for horses doing light work
20 Nutri Pellet marstalls fully satisfying pellet economical, complete, simply ideal.
21 Complete Practice-oriented feeding from yearling to performance horse
22 Naturell Premium muesli with cool energy. The exceptional muesli in a class of its own!
24 Senior Plus Vitality well into old age
26 Naturgold Maisflocken and Gerstenflocken Pure energy from macerated cereals
27 Schwarz Gold Hafer Oats in Premium-Quality

Cereal-free Line

28 Faser-Light Grain free light-feed

30 Vito A special feed for troubled horses

Sport Line

32 Turnier When power is needed - instant energy!

34 Cornmsli The power muesli for strength, stamina and calmness
36 Champion The tasty high energy formula!
38 Amino-Sport Msli Feeding for performance with essential amino acids

Breeding Line

40 Zuchtmsli For breed mares and stallions

42 Fohlenmsli The perfect start with amino formular marstall ProAmin
43 Fohlen-NOT-Paket and Fohlen-Milchpulver When problems arise
44 Fohlen-Mix The starter- mix and concentrate for rearing with marstall ProAmin

For every horse the right feed.

Publishing Texte: Manuela Muth, Alfred Reichert, Friedhelm Donde

marstall GmbH Graphic design: Stephan Grundl, Manuela Muth, Gnter Fink
Mhlenstrasse 15 Image processing: Gnter Fink, auchtermedia - Birgit Auchter, 88099 Neukirch
D-87534 Oberstaufen Printer: Holzer Druck und Medien
Tel.: +49 (0) 83 86 / 93
33 15 Printers and Press
Fridolin-Holzer-Str. 22+24
88171 Weiler im Allgu
Assistant managing director:
Michael Kberle, Friedhelm Donde 11. Edition, Okt. 2015

Individual Line

46 Islnder Robust-Msli Supports good health, balanced and rich in active ingredients
48 Western Struktur-Msli Breed optimised for Quarter, Paint, Appaloosa ...
50 Condicin A special muesli for P.R.E. and other dressage talents

Fibers Line

52 Wiesen-Cobs Structure and herbs from the region of Allgu. Purely natural!
53 Wiesen-Fasern Gently warm air - dried hay fibres!
54 ProCaval-Struktur Roughage extruded, low in protein and aromatic!
55 Basis Dust free lucerne-structured-feed. Encouraging chewing, nutritious chaff.


56 Sinfonie The traditional natural-herbal muesli.Vitalising and invigorating

58 Optimal The muesli concentrate to support the liver!
60 Mash and MashToGo Regulates the digestion in a practical ready mix
62 Force The mineral- and vitamin concentrate
63 Stall-Riegel and Weide-Riegel Minerals and vitamins fed by hand
64 ExZem-Msli The special muesli for exzema sufferers

Special Line

65 ExZem-Plus The new approach for afflicted horses

66 Darm-Regulator The 3- way based approach against excrement water.
67 Huf-Regulator Quick healing success for bad hooves!
68 Amino-Muskel PLUS Amino acid supplement for power, stamina and performance
69 Subito Electrolyte-complex - by heavy sweating
69 Salzstein Salt of the earth
70 Piano Magnesium-Fumarate and more, for calmness and composure
70 Allegro Vitamin E und selenium for the heart and performance
71 Glissando For joints and cartilage
71 Rondo Biotin and zinc for hooves and coat
72 Magen-Schutz Brassica-shoots for sensitive stomachs
72 Kabaro Garlic, insect repellent and for well-being
73 Sonnenlein Omega-3 fatty acids, for good digestion and more
73 Lein-Distel-l Coldly pressed linseed-thistle oil, for a gleaming coat and energy

74 Bonus The way to a horses heart - the valuable treat

76 fan merchandise Helpful aids for horse owners

Our service

78 marstall Service feed analysis, ration calculations, advice, weighing scales for horses...
79 Last but not least What means the most to us

marstall exper

marstall a success story marstall science and research

More than 35 years ago, Moritz Spring from Swit- We base our knowledge on the latest proven sci-
zerland developed the first muesli purely for horses entific findings in the fields of horse nutrition, feed
and launched it onto the market under the name of science and technology. We sponsor and support
marstall. He didnt realise that marstall would both private and government based research pro-
take on such dimensions, but was driven only by jects and have implemented their scientific findings
his clear vision of horse feed. After starting off on into our business successfully, for decades. Many
a small scale with a factory and 20 employees, innovative products have been included in our horse
marstall has become a growing consortium feeds. We listen to the constantly changing custom-
throughout Europe with three manufacturing works er demands as well as problems and requirements
employing over 150 people. of horse and rider. As a result we are able to react
quickly to these trends and start straight away in de-
marstall-vision as important today as at the veloping a solution.
The partnership between humans and horses is marstall expertise that pays
based on trust. Horses need to be fed according to In recent years we have constantly improved and de-
the different breeds, different lifestyles and differ- veloped our products, always concentrating on the
ent circumstances in order to stay fit and healthy practicality of feeding. Our customers and their horses
in the long run. marstall constantly develops and gain the full advantage of our knowledge and expertise.
produces the right feed for every horse, in order to We know what horses need!
guarantee you as rider and horse-owner pleasure
and enjoyment with your horse day after day. marstall premium horse feed
We discovered early on in our research that horses We produce first-class quality horse feed. In all of
fed only on forage and oats are not being provid- our lines of feed, quality is given greater importance
ed with sufficient energy, nutrients and roughage. than quantity. It is the small details that make the
These vital ingredients are usually found in the plant difference. Discover it for yourself!
reserves that are drastically diminishing.
This knowledge led us to become the first feed marstall hydrothermal maceration process
producer in Europe to develop varied, natural pre- The marstall team places great value on the hy-
mixed mueslis tailored to the horses requirements. drothermal maceration development of the cereal
The basis of all our mueslis being our hydrotermally flakes. The impact of moisture, warmth and pres-
maceratedcereal flakes. sure on the cereal flakes results in the nutrients be-
ing successfully predigested as well as being effi-
The marstall team passionate about horses ciently absorbed by the horse. With marstall horse
We, the marstall employees, do not only develop feed your horse is adequately provided with nutri-
feedstuffs. All members of the team have one mu- ents and additional supplements can be diminished.
tual goal, to put all their energy and enthusiasm into
implementing the marstall vision. Fit and healthy marstall technology and manufacture
horses lead to satisfied, loyal customers that value We produce the marstall premium horse feed
our products. We are convinced of our ideas and with the help of sophisticated production facili-
products, and know about their quality. If we hadnt ties. Many years ago we were the first company
found this to be the case - we would have done to develop and install various technical innova-
things differently. tions that have now become established as the
current standard. Modern technology, should
marstall cares for the most essential, for your horse! not be given too great an emphasis but is vi-
Do you know why we call ourselves experts in horse tal for the manufacture of high-class products.
feed? This is because we care exclusively about your
horse and its needs, week after week. All year round.

rtise, that pays

marstall tradition marstall contact

Today, our consortium is managed from Ober- We have always kept in close contact with our cus-
staufen in the region of Allgu, southern Germany. tomers through our extensive network of qualified
The headquarters the Weissachmhle has a 250 sales representatives and our constant presence at
year old history in the milling industry and feed pro- regional and national trade fairs and exhibitions. It
duction. Our other manufacturers have also pro- is vital for us to keep in touch so that we know what
duced feedstuffs for generations and have gained the horse and rider needs. Feel free to contact us!
a wealth of experience and insight into the industry.
This is highly beneficial for you and your horse! marstall sales and distribution
Over 1200 distributors in Europe stock the range of
marstall three heads are better than one marstall products. To find out where your nearest
Our three individually run manufacturing sites pro- retail stockist is, contact us or have a look at our
vide us with a unique advantage within Europe. homepage. If the desired product is not in stock,
More people produce more ideas. your nearest marstall-dealer will be able to order
Having individual regional sites can be strenuous, it for you, or give us a call and we will arrange it for
but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages by you!
far. A good example being that we are able to ca-
ter for the different customer requirements in each marstall service
region. The customers benefit through the shorter The type of feed is crucial! But before you decide
transport of the feed, as we are able to deliver even which feed you need, take a look at the different
fresher goods and the transport is friendlier for the components to check that you have thought of eve-
environment! rything! We are glad to offer you various tools to as-
sist you in your decision (see page 78):
marstall our safety guarantee The marstall-horse scale has been popular with
At marstall the quality of our products are certified. our customers for many years. It determines the
Each one of our manufacturing works has set up a exact weight of the horse - required in order to
quality management system that allows us to follow calculate the correct amount of feed.
the goods from the delivery of the raw materials to We can advise you on-site, per telephone or email
the sale of the finished product. and compile an individual feeding plan for your
We take our responsibility seriously for you and your horse. Our team of advisors are at your disposal
horse. and will gladly be of assistance.
As part of our service we examine your compound
marstall success both in sport and breeding feed at no extra cost.
The success confirms our theories. Our specially designed vehicles deliver the horse
In the last ten years, lots of horses that have been feed to your stables quickly and reliably. The goods
fed with marstall feed have won major titles in na- are delivered in big bags or as loose goods in silo.
tional competitions, European World Champion- Please feel free to visit one of our public lectures
ships and Olympic medals in dressage, equestrian, and find out the new trends and ideas in the world
endurance - long distance riding, show-jumping, of horse feed.
eventing and carriage driving. These are just a few
of the major triumphs in classical horsemanship. It is important to us that you can place your trust in
The icelandic ponies and western horses have also our hands. After studying our brochures and gaining
achieved great success. Famous breeders both at advice from our team you should be able to make
home and abroad trust our products and are suc- your own decisions about our company and our
cessfull. Everybody that feeds a healthy and pow- products!
erful horse with the marstall feed is in our opinion
already a winner.

marstall for every

marstall for every horse the right feed Packaging that guarantees freshness and information
Whatever the feeding purpose, whether for Our new innovative sacks are designed for easy use,
marstall Universal-, Sport- or Breeding, the and our colour guidance system (see page 13) helps
compound marstall feed is packed full of en- you gain a clear overview of all our product ranges.
ergy and nutrient extracts taken from the diver- The inner foil used in all of our sacks keeps your
sty of our nature. In our certified feed mills we marstall premium-horse feed fresh from start to fin-
manufacture an inter-balanced product using a ish. Thats the way your horse likes it.
mixture of components, ensuring a high quality and
well flavoured fodder. With marstall, you know what you are feeding
Our products are designed to suit every horses All of our products dont just only look good, you can
individual needs, taking into account the breed with actually see what the ingredients are. We entrust
Individual- feed mixtures, the supplement PLUS- you with the full percentage composition.
products , ideal for problem solutions. Optimal feed- Openness, information transparency and mutual
ing programmes with Fibers-products and marstall- trust are of great importance to us, so we can find
SPECIAL-products for complementary feeding. the perfect feed for you and your horse!
We are one of the major suppliers within the
European market specialising in horse feed. Innovative products for problem issues
Sadly certain horse health problems have increased
Straightforward and economic within the last few years. For instance with the
All our compound feed products are of high-quality digestive systems, metabolisms, hooves and the
and are easy to dose. They are very economical, be- horses coats, etc. A whole range of such ailments
cause vitamin and mineral supplements are already can be positively influenced by correct feeding.
included, which means extras are usually not needed. marstall have been constantly improving their
Our products are highly digestable and nutritious for products and through research made new
your horse. By using marstall-horse feed your horse developments, and have found the ideal solutions for
will obtain all the nourishment it needs for a healthy troubled horses.
staple diet
Satisfaction creates trust
Flavour and freshness For well over a decade we have experienced hun-
Our aim is to produce best quality feed using fresh dreds of thousands of satisfied customers, with
raw materials. The short delivery routes to our four healthy competitive horses, right throughout Europe.
manufacturers guarantee that our marstall premium- This is of no doubt the highest possible praise any-
horsefeed will always be pleasant tasting and enjoy- one can ask for. Our aspirations are reflected in our
able for your horse. attitude to keep up the high standards, whilst looking
to the future.
Quality assurance
Due to our quality management system, implied by all Bagged goods, Big Box, Big Bag and loose Silo
of our manufacturers, we can provide a high degree We deliver quickly and reliably to your stables, what-
of assurance. Quality starts with the cultivation and ever the packaging. Due to our specialised vehicles
purchasing of raw materials. A consistent traceability we are in the position to offload and deliver silo
of components within the supply chain ensures our goods with care, which in return is economical and
end product is of top quality. good for nutrients and high quality standards.

Visible results Consistent formulations and quality

The positive feedback we recieve from our clients, re- Thanks to computer controlled production, the quali-
porting their horses improvements and performances, ty of our goods remains consistent. This enables you
due to feeding with marstall products, is another rea- to carry out feeding without changes for your horses
son why you should try us out. digestive system.

horse the right feed

marstall-grains Quality protein and amino acids

We only use the best cereals for the production of Raw protein is essential for growth, regenera-
our muesli flakes. A large surface area, with a high tion of body cells and for your horses perfor-
hectoliter weight and with a low amount of protein mance. It is not the quantity, its the quality that
value are the requirements needed for marstall- matters. The extraction of protein-supporters in
muesli flakes. After thorough inspection of incoming natural products of plants, containing high levels of
raw materials, the grain gets washed several times essential amino acids, are known as the building
and then processed gently. The marstall team plac- blocks of protein. Together with Prof. Spona, who is
es high demands on all of the suppliers involved, renound in the field of amino acid research, we have
with strict and stringent requirements of all products developed an amino acid formula which is used in
that are used. our muesli feeds, and is the first of its kind on the
market (see page 32).
Hydrothermal treatment
We see ourselves as pioneers in the field of modern Rapeseed oil and linseed-safflower oil
horse feeding. marstall introduced this process into Certain plant oils contain essential fatty acids which
Europe 35 years ago, and has perfected it since. The are providers of energy, needed for your horses de-
results are easily digestable, light cereal flakes. The velopment. Gently extracted rapeseed oil has a high
horse gets all the goodness and nutrition it needs. It amount of unsaturated fatty acids, omega-3- and
is also an economic way of feeding- small portions omega-6 and is rich in vitamin E and carotenoids.
with a big impact (for details see page 8).
Herbs in natural quality
Highly digestable fibre Herbs have played a major role in marstall-feeds for
The horse is a steppe animal, and depends on many years. Not only because of the taste but also
crude fibres as a part of its staple diet, in order for its due to the positive effects that herbs have on your
digestive system to work properly. Sadly, fact is that horse. Herbal mixes are indispensable and have
the diversity, of nature, earlier found in our pastures proven to be successful in practice. We use them
and grazing lands have diminished in latter years. exclusively in their natural state, de-stemmed or cut.
There are less and less grasses and herbs found
growing in the wild. Our team from marstall became Dried-apple-pommace
aware of this problem and reacted early enough, by An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
integrating various components into our formula- Horses not only love eating apples, they have a very
tions. Our products are tailored to every horses positive effect on their organism. We use an ex-
needs, helping them to keep a healthy balanced diet. tremely gentle extracting process, keeping the good-
We also use sources of raw fibres with less starch ness and energy needed. Tastes good and does the
but high in fibre. horse good.

Secondary plant substances Natural vitamins and trace elements.

The positive influences of secondary plant Horses need vitamins and trace elements daily.
substances, such as the antioxidative effect in They are better for their oraganism when taken in
cells, is commonly known and object of numer- their organic form. marstall use special vitamin
ous medical research activities. In the sector of formulas, which have proven successful over the
horse feeding, brassica plants are of particular years. Whenever possible, we prefer to add the vi-
relevance. They have high contents of glucosi- tamins to our mixtures in their native forms, ie. with
nolates, sulphoraphane and flavonoids. This ingre- beta-carotene through carrot flakes.
dient has shown a postive effect on horses suffering
from stomach problems and cribbing and weaving
(see page 72).

Horse and Feed
past and present
1. History
Hyracotherium, also known as Eohippus, is the horses
ancestor. This species lived in woodlands and fed on
leaves and bark. The subspecies, Equus Przewalski
evolved nearly 3 million years ago. These were the first
wild horses native to the steppes, which adapted to life
in the wild, feeding on steppe grass.


2. Feeding behavior
Originally Domestication
Whether millions of years Quite often, grazing in the
ago in the steppe, or today open doesnt take place,
as animal friendly pasture for up to periods of 24
keeping: The horse spends hours. Instead, the horse
up to 1216 hours with is given a less concen-
its food intake, gradually trated daily feed ration.
progressing at a slow pace.

3. Nutritional basis and digestion

Originally Today
Steppe grass. The crude fibre content corresponds to Mixed rations, divided into small rations: basic
the yearly growth. Various herbs, forbs and grasses. feed (hay/straw/grass/silage), concentrated feed
(cereals,grains/pellets/muesli), supplements (minerals/
vitamins/vital nutrients).

4. Carbohydrate-digestion
Originally Today
Mainly structured carbohydrate (NDF, hemicellu- Larger starch content, degradation depending on
loses, cellulose) breakdown in the caecum through the type of grain enzymatically (amylase) in the
microorganisms. small intestine: oats are excellent, barley, maize
Less starch content, degradation enzymatically difficult and inadequate.
(amylase) in the small intestine. Poor in crude fibre species (hemicelluloses, cel-
lulose) with less variation of nutritional content,
breakdown in the caecum through microorganisms.
Source: in acc. to Kienzle E, et al. (1994): acvity of amylase in the gastrointestinal tract of the

Amylase-activity in the gastrointestinal tract - comparing the species

Small Colon Rectum
Mouth Esophagus
horse. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 72, 234-241

Jejunum Large Colon

Horse Sheep Cat Dog Pig

Amylase = main enzyme of starch seperation

The horse is not initially specialised in the enzymatic degradation of
Small Intestine: Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum Large Intestine: Caecum, Colon, Rectum starch-carbohydrates.

The horse has a lower amylase activity, therefore, has a limited capacity to digest cereal starch.
When large amounts of undigested starch reach the caecum, it will be degraded by microorganisms. In the course
of this process, short-chain fatty acids would be produced, sinking the pH value in the caecum. This causes an in-
balance of bacteria of the normal flora.
The effects would be noxious fermentation, energy loss, vitamin B deficiency and ailments such as acidosis, hoof-
laminitis, diarrhoea and colic could be provoked.

Therefore, starch feeds need to be digested in the small

intestine enzymatically in high amounts, so that absorbtion can take place.
Easily digestible starch is achieved through hydrothermal treatment processing.

Hydrothermal cereal treatment The digestibility of starch in the stomach and small intestine depending on the
using maize as an example method of cereal preparation



oats barley maize

The original marstall hydrothermal process encases the cereal starch. The impact of moisture, warmth and pres-
sure on the cereal flakes results in nutrients being successfully predigested, and enzymatic degradation of starch to
maltose in the small intestine can be efficiently absorbed by the horse. The optimal combination of macerated cereals
is the basis of all marstall-feeds. Practicality and highly competent scientific research of our components, play an
important role in all our products.

Ration Planning
A balanced ration is based on:
1. Maintenance requirements (depends mainly on the weight of the horse, see marstall-horse-scales page 78)
2. Energy demand (based on the nature and the level of activity, and also the stage of life, i.e. growth, gestation, lacta-
tion, etc.)
Make use of our free marstall-ration-calculation service (see page 78)

3 Rules of horse feeding

Rule 1: Forage (hay/straw/marstall-Structured Products) in sufficient quantities and several daily amounts (given before
the concentrate feed!)
Rule 2: Concentrate feed (cereals/pellets/marstall-muesli) in several small daily portions, as a supplementary nutrition.
Rule 3: Supplements (minerals/vitamins/muscle builders) used in addition to the whole animal feed or for certain
supplementary needs.

or 1-3 kg

6-8 kg 3x15 litres 3-5 kg 80-120 g

hay / straw water cereals minerals / vitamins

Schematic representation from the individual components of a daily ration for a horse with a bodyweight of 550 kg doing light to middle work

The marstall-AB
Ad libitum (ad lib.): for free use
Amino acids: Building blocks for proteins, essential amino acids ie. lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan need to be added to the daily dietary intake (tip: marstall Amino-
Muskel PLUS!)
Aniseed: for cramps and for relief of mucus build-up and anti- bacterial
Antioxidants: Protects the cell membranes and combats free radicals. Antioxidants in feeds: i.e. vitamin E, selenium, vitamin A, beta-carotene.
Acidoses: Hyperacidity (a too low pH- value), often in the caecum and the colon (see: marstall Magen-Schutz!)
Barley: Rich in starch (released slowly), low in protein and fat, hard to digest if not hydrothermal treated (tip: marstall Naturgold Gerstenflocken!)
Beta-Carotene: Natural preliminary stage to vitamin A, important for breeding/fertility (tip: marstall Zuchtmsli!)
Brewers yeast/spent-grain: High quality protein with effective amino acids. Prebiotic effects on the intestines. Increases the biotin production- and vitamin-B-supply.
Biologically highly available: Due to the natural origin and organic structure it is easier to be absorbed by the body as inorganic compounds (tip: marstall Huf-Regulator!)
Biotin (vitamin B7): Important for skin, hooves, hair and coat (tip: marstall Rondo!)
Bran: The outside layer of a cereal grain, rich in fibre, with a high amount of phosphorous! (tip:marstall Mash and marstall Faser-Light!)
Calcium: For healthy bones, functioning of nerves and muscles, milk production in lactating mares (tip: marstall Zucht-Msli)
Calium: See sodium or electrolyte
Carbohydrates: Carbon compounds such as starch and sugar but also crude fibres. This is where the horses energy derives from.
Chlorine: See sodium (tip: marstall Subito! and marstall Salzsteine!)
Choline chloride: See pantothenic acid
Colostrum: The first milk given off the mare (beestings) with a high amount of immunoglobulin! (tip: marstall Fohlen-NOT-Paket!)
Copper: Enzymatic processes, development of nerves, blood, pigments (coat colouring), connective tissue and bones.
Diarrhoea: Occurs due to various reasons ie. permanent over acidity, deficiency of crude fibres, wrong feeding, worm attacks etc. (tip: marstall Mash! or marstall ProCaval-Struktur!)
Cushings Syndrome: An illness triggered off by the over production of cortisol . Grains and low sugar, fibres-/fat based feeds are recommended (tip: marstall Vito! )
Dietary fiber: Fibre-carbohydrates. Low glycemic energy sources for your horse. Valued for their positive intestinal microbes as a feed. Improves gastro-intestinal environment and digestion.
Digestion: The difference between the intake of nutrients in the feed and the nutrients excreted in the faeces. Technical treating increases the digestibility, ie. hydrother-
mal treatment process
Electrolyte:Major elements like sodium, calium, chlorine, magnesium etc., that are lost due to diarrhoea or sweating (tip: marstall Subito!)
EMS: (=Equines Metabolic Syndrome) Metabolic disorder. Usually apparant in light-feeding, obese horses. Grains and low -sugar, fibre/fat based feeds are recommended.
(see: marstall Vito and marstall Faser-Light!)
Energy: As digestible energy,D.E. (unit =MJ/kg), basic measurement for calculating rations (tip: marstall Champion!)
Energy Demand: Requirements (beyond maintenance requirements) for every type of achievement, e.g. the build up of body mass (musculature, growth), milk produc-
tion, gestation, etc. (tip: marstall Turnier!, marstall Cornmsli!, marstall Zuchtmsli!)
Essential: Cant be produced by the body so the intake takes place over the food
Fennel: Relieves mucus and cramping and helps digestion
Fat: Combination of glycerine and fatty acids, an energy transporter. Important for competitive horses and for grain intolerance. (tip: marstall Lein-Distel-l! )
Free radicals: Aggressive molecules, which attack the cells (see antioxidants)
Fructan: Plant carbohydrate reserves, quickly fermentable, suspected of causing laminitis. High amounts found in young grass shoots, mowed and well grazed pas-
tures, especially after night frost which is then followed by a warm, sunny day (tip: marstall Vito and marstall ProCaval-Struktur! )
Garlic: Antibacterial, antimycotic (antifungal), antiviral, regulates blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, insect repellent, rich in natural selenium. (tip: marstall Ka-
baro! and marstall ExZem-Msli!)
Glycemic index: Gives information about the contents of none structured carbohydrates in feeds and easy digestable carbohydrates (sugar and starch), also about the effects
and rise in blood sugar. Roughage as a compound feed on a cereal base has a high glycemic index. (tip: marstall Faser-Light)
Glycogen: Storage for glucose in muscles (see also PSSM), also known under animal starch, is used by the horse when physical performance is needed.
Hydrothermal treatment: A cereal treatment process for starch degradation, the main principle of marstall grain flakes production
Hyperlipidemia: Malfunction of the fat metabolism, often found in donkeys (tip: marstall Vito and marstall Faser-Light!)
I.E.: International unit = measure for certain components, what cant be measured due to their mass, but instead are measured by their functioning ie. vitamin A and D3
Insulin resistance: Reduced response of the bodys cells towards the insulin hormone. This happens due to a surplus intake of high glycemic food components. Feed-
ind grains and low sugar, fibre-/ fat based nutrition is recommended. (tip: marstall Vito and marstall Faser-Light)
Iodine: Function of the thyroid, hormone production
Iron: Building of blood and muscle pigment, binding and transport of oxygen
Lactation: Lactation period. The time that the mare provides its foal with milk! (tip: marstall Zuchtmsli and marstall Fohlen-Milchpulver!)

BC of horse feed
Laminitis: Multi-factor metabolic illness, probable trigger: fructan-over dose, undigested starch in the colon, illnesses such as EMS or cushings syndrome (tip: marstall Vito! )
Linseed: Anti-inflammatory, aids digestion, the mucous membranes of stomach and intestines benefit from the high mucilage content. Rich in Omega-3-fatty acids!
(tip: marstall Mash!, marstall Sonnenlein!)
Lucerne: Pulse, rich in nutrients, a leafy roughage plant (tip: marstall Basis!)
Magnesium: Calming effect on excitable nerves and muscle cells, involved in many enzyme reactions as enzyme component or coenzyme (tip: marstall Piano!)
Maintenance requirements: Basal metabolism for the conservation of the bodys life functions
Maize: Rich in energy and starch, low in protein (released slowly), quicker as flakes and easily digestible as untreated maize (tip: marstall Naturgold Maisflocken!)
Manganese: Essential trace element, important co-factor of many enzymes, vital for insulin synthesis, lipometabolism, fertility etc.
Meadow Cobs: Freshly harvested grass, dried in the warm air, in pellet form! Important: feed after soaking! Especially suitable for older horses with or horses with prob-
lems chewing! (tip: marstall Wiesen-Cobs!)
Molasses: By-product of sugar production, tasty, binds dust, rich in potassium and sodium!
Minerals: Essential inorganic chemicals, that the body cant produce itself. Separated into major elements like e.g. Ca, P, Mg, K and trace elements, e.g. Fe, Cu, Zn, Se
(tip: marstall Force!, marstall Stall-Riegel!)
Microorganism: (Microbes) Microorganism like bacteria, protozoa and fungi etc. (mainly found in a horses colon)
Montmorillonite: Natural layer of fibrous fabric from the weathering of volcanic ash, heavily absorbed, inactive for toxins and allergens in the intestine, radical scaven-
gers, acid buffer (tip: marstall ExZem-Plus!)
NDF: (neutral soluble fibre) Stands for the whole of the cell wall, so-called structure carbohydrate. Vital for chewing, salivation (pufferung gastric acids) and colon mi-
crobes. Particularly in horses with metabolic disorders! (tip: marstall Vito!)
Oats: Highly digestible, the easiest way to supply the horse with starch for quick energy with valuable proteins.
Oil: Rich in energy and dust binding. Special vegetable oils deliver a high content of essential Omega-3 fatty acids that are important for brain development of the foetus,
vascular functions, lowering the blood fat levels etc. (tip: marstall Lein-Distel-l!)
Oversaturation: Stresses the metabolism (risk of insulin resistance), bones and joints. Feed only the required rations!
Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5): Vital for carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, production of red blood pigments and bile acid
Phosphorous: Stuctural substance of bones and teeth, always in connection with calcium
Previta-Faser: Pre (from prebiotic) & vita (Life). Intelligent, functional and a rich filling fibre mix from marstall. Different to the usual crude fribres. Varied fibre-mix
encourages the selective good colon microbes. Low glycemic, bowel activating and prebiotic.
Protein: Is made of amino acids, protein is the major buliding block of the body, i.e. for the brain, blood, circualtion, posture and muscular skeltal strength, muscles, inner organs,
skin, coat, hair, hooves, immunesystem, enzymes etc. (tip: marstall Amino-Sport Msli! and marstall Amino-Muskel PLUS!)
PSSM (Azoturi): Metabolic disease, increased glycogen storage in musculature. Horses move less, become stiff and have no energy. These horses need to be fed a diet
low in sugar and starch , a fibre-/ fat based feed is recommended. (tip: marstall Vito!)
Quality management: marstall is subject to the highest quality standards and is certified to the current standards
Roughage: Feedstuffs rich in crude fibre like hay, straw and silage. Basics of horse nutrition! See NDF (tip: marstall Basis! marstall Wiesen-Cobs and marstall
Ribwort: Expectorant, decongestant, decreases swelling, reduces inflammation, antibacterial and immunemodulatory
Selenium: Antioxidant, protects cell membranes from damage caused by radicals, important for muscle metabolism, effective in combination with vitamin E, higher
demand in older horses (tip: marstall Allegro!, marstall Kabaro!, marstall Senior Plus! )
Sodium: Important major element, regulates the water balance, neural transmission in nerve and muscle cells, activates various enzymes (tip: marstall Lecksteine!)
Spelt: So called ancient grain. encouraging chewing, satiating fibres (tip: marstall Naturell!, marstall Faser-Light!)
Sugar Beet Chips: A low sugar by-product of sugar production, rich in pectin and calcium, low in protein and phosphorous, only to be fed after soaking! Trace elements:
See minerals, must be fed through the daily nutrition (tip: marstall Force!)
Thyme: Contains essential oils, suppresses coughing, expectorant, healthy for the respiratory tract , regulates digestion, desinfectant
Undersupply: Signs of all kinds of deficiencies lead to many problems and illnesses. Balanced rations!
Vitamin A (retinol): For growth, metabolism, vision, nerve function, immune system, function and construction of skin and mucous membranes etc. (tip: marstall Zuchtmsli!)
Vitamin B1,B2, B6, B12: Carbohydrate-, protein-, lipometabolism, growth, immune system etc.
Vitamin C: Defense against infection , protects the cell membranes
Vitamin D: Bone formation, absorbtion of calcium and phosphorous from the intestine
Vitamin E: Protects the cell membranes and tissue. lipometabolism, see selenium. (tip: marstall Allegro!)
Vitamin K: Blood coagulation
Water: Essential for all cell functions, fresh water must always be available!
Zinc: Important for carbohydrate and protein metabolism, healthy hair and hooves, healthy coat, supports the healing of wounds

The marstall colou
Staple feed-lines according to the horses
operating field
Universal-Line Cereal-free-Line
yellow-green yellow-olive
Food supplements for every horse and every life- A supplementary feed that is low in starch and su-
style. gar without containing any cereals or molasses but
The following products belong to the with a lot of texture.
The following products belong to our
Haferfrei Cereal-free Line:
Complete Faser-Light
Naturell Vito
Senior Plus
Naturgold Mais-,
Gerstenflocken and

Sport-Line Breeding-Line
yellow-red yellow-blue

Our successful premium-sport mueslis to meet the Optimized feeds for pregnant and lactating mares
demands of amateur and professional athletes. and foals, weanlings and yearlings.

The following products belong to the The following products belong to our
Sport-Line: Breeding-Line:

Turnier Zuchtmsli
Cornmsli Fohlenmsli
Champion Fohlen-Mix
Amino-Sport Msli Fohlen-NOT-Paket

The following products belong to our

Individual-Line Individual-Line:
yellow-brown Islnder Robust-Msli
Western Struktur-Msli
Breed optimized complete feed (e.g. for western Condicin
horses, icelandic ponies and robust horses).

ur guidance system
Specialities for every horse

Fibers-Line PLUS-Line
yellow-light green yellow-purple
High quality dust free hay substitute, Special- and additional feed mixes to help optimise
extruded, chaffed or as cobs. and supplement a varied basic daily feed.

The following products belong to our

The following products belong to our PLUS-Line:
ExZem-Msli Optimal
Basis Stall-Riegel Sinfonie
Wiesen-Cobs Weide-Riegel
ProCaval-Struktur MashToGo
Wiesen-Fasern Mash

SPECIAL-Line Bonus-Line
yellow-red yellow-red

Premium-nutritional supplement for muscles, ten- Leckerli-Treats of marstall-quality

dons, joints and many other areas of application, to
strengthen and for prevention. The following products belong to the
The following products belong to the SPECIAL-Line:
Huf-Regulator Allegro Subito Karotte
Kabaro Glissando Piano Apfel+Karotte
Lein-Distel-l Sonnenlein Rondo Leinsnack
Magen-Schutz Salzstein Lakritz
ExZem-Plus Dinkel Bckerli
Amino-Muskel PLUS

Our colour guidance system, the feed guide provides our customers with a straightforward overview of our prod-
ucts. It is easy to find out which marstall-feed is suitable for each breed and each energy level. It is possible to
combine different feeds.

The five marstall staple feed product lines contain all the types of feed, according to the varying usages.
The marstall special feed is suited to all horses, at all performance levels, from each breed.

Topics, products, r
The right product

respiratory tract:
Sinfonie p. 56
Cereal-free: Piano p. 70 low dust:
Faser-Light p. 28 ProCaval-Struktur p. 54
Vito p. 30 Basis p. 55
Force p. 62 Wiesen-Cobs p. 52
Basis p. 55
ProCaval-Sruktur p. 54
Wiesen-Cobs p. 52
Wiesen-Fasern p. 53

Subito p. 69
Force p. 62
Huf-Regulator p. 67

Optimal p. 58
Sinfonie p. 56
Huf-Regulator p. 67
Vito p. 30 joints:
ExZem-Msli p. 64 Glissando p. 71
Mash p. 60
Kabaro p. 72

Optimal p. 58

low in protein: free of oats: structured feed: sport feed,

Faser-Light p. 28 Haferfrei p. 16 Basis p. 14 energy feed:
Naturell p. 22 Freizeit p. 18 ProCaval-Struktur p. 54 Amino-Sport Msli p. 38
Islnder Robust-M. p. 46 Naturell p. 22 Wiesen-Cobs p. 52 Amino-Muskel PLUS p. 68
Vito p. 30 Champion p. 36 Wiesen-Fasern p. 53 Champion p. 36
Optimal p. 58 Cornmsli p. 34 Naturell p. 22 Cornmsli p. 34
ExZem-Msli p. 64 Western Struktur-M. p. 48 Western Struktur-M. p. 48 Turnier p. 32
ProCaval-Struktur p. 54 Islnder Robust-M. p. 46 Islnder Robust-M. p. 46 Naturgold p. 26
Optimal p. 58 Vito p. 30 Allegro p. 70
ExZem-Msli p. 64 Faser-Light p. 28 Lein-Distel-l p. 73
Sinfonie p. 56 Basis p. 55

t ... at a glance!
western breeds:
stomach, intestine, Western Struktur-M. p. 48
digestion: Amino-Sport Msli p. 38
Naturgold p. 26
Mash p. 60 skin, hair, insects : Amino-Muskel PLUS p. 68
Magen-Schutz p. 72 Huf-Regulator p. 67
Sonnenlein p. 73 Rondo p. 71 robust- and pony
Vito p. 30 Sonnenlein p. 73 breeds:
ProCaval-Struktur p. 54 Lein-Distel-l p. 73 Islnder Robust-M. p. 46
Lein-Distel-l p. 73 ExZem-Plus p. 65 Faser-Light p. 28
Kabaro p. 72 ExZem-Msli p. 64 Optimal p. 58
Faser-Light p. 28 Kabaro p. 72
Darm-Regulator p. 66 Condicin p. 50 body building:
Basis p. 55
Mash p. 60
Condicin p. 50
Western Struktur-M. p. 48
Amino-Sport Msli p. 38
Senior Plus p. 24
Lein-Distel-l p. 73
reduced energy:
Faser-Light p. 28
Freizeit p. 18
Wiesen-Cobs p. 52
ProCaval-Struktur p. 54

free of molasses:
Naturell p. 22
muscles: Faser-Light p. 28
Amino-Sport Msli p. 38 Vito p. 30
Amino-Muskel PLUS p. 68 Naturgold p. 26
Condicin p. 50 Wiesen-Cobs p. 52
Western Struktur-M. p. 48 Mash p. 60
Weide- /Stall-Riegel p. 63
Nutri-Pellet p. 20
hoof, horn growth: pasture feed:
Huf-Regulator p. 67 Weide-Riegel p. 63
Vito p. 30 Kabaro p. 72
Rondo p. 71
Condicin p. 50 herbs:
Sinfonie p. 56
Optimal p. 58
Champion p. 36
breeding, foals, feed for seniors: vitamins, minerals, Naturell p. 22
rearing: Senior Plus p. 24 trace elements:
Zuchtmsli p. 40 Optimal p. 58 Force p. 62 cereal flakes:
Fohlen-NOT-Paket p. 43 Mash p. 60 Weide-/Stall-Riegel p. 63 Naturgold p. 26
Fohlen-Milchpulver p. 43 ProCaval-Struktur p. 54 Optimal p. 58
Fohlenmsli p. 42 Wiesen-Cobs p. 52 Huf-Regulator p. 67 hay substitute:
Fohlen-Mix p. 44 Wiesen-Fasern p. 53 Allegro p. 70 Basis p. 55
Complete p. 21 Glissando p. 71 Subito p. 69 ProCaval-Struktur p. 54
Amino-Muskel PLUS p. 68 Salzstein p. 69 Wiesen-Cobs p. 52
Force p. 62 Wiesen-Fasern p. 53
Basis p. 55
Glissando p. 71

Haferfrei - the
The classical oat free muesli, ideal for ev

Rolf-Gran Bengtsson (SWE), fourth

in the final4 of the Alltech FEI World
Equestrian Games 2014 in Normandy
with Casall ASK:
When only the best is good enough:

marstall Haferfrei marstalls most popular mu-

esli! The classical muesli without oats proven
to be a much loved recipe. It has been minera-
lized and vitaminized twice. It can be fed on its
own or economically, it can be individually com-
bined with your own cereals. Ideally suited as
part of the staple diet, for every horse whatever
its individual needs!

Haferfrei, the original oat free muesli by marstall

constantly being improved and popular for over
25 years.

Haferfrei is a particularly tasty and popular mar-

stall-Universal horse feed in muesli form, which
has proven through the generations to be the basic
component of the daily feed. Horses that are fed on
Haferfrei perform well and are even-tempered. The
consistently high quality of our original feed recipe
has been confirmed by the loyalty of our customers
over the years.

Haferfrei is composed of hydrothermally macera-

ted muesli flakes, that are easy to digest, and highly
nutritious special pellets. Due to that and the even
higher content of vitamins, minerals and trace ele-
ments, horses are satisfied with a low dosage of
feed which provides just the right amount of daily
nutrients. It is therefore possible to reduce the to-
tal amount of concentrated feed per day. This sti-
mulates the metabolism without imposing a severe
strain on the body and has an additional benefit of
reducing costs and workload.

e original
Feed-Guide Sport

Amino-Sport Msli
Nutritional supplements for horses
Hydrothermally macerated cereal flakes: barley

very horse, whatever its needs. flakes (30 %), maize flakes (20 %)
Ingredients: barley flakes (30 %), maize flakes (20 %), wheat semolina
bran (18 %), dried apple pommace (9,5 %), sugar beet pulp molassed
(8,5 %), sunflower shells (7,5 %), sugarbeet molasses (3,5 %), calcium
carbonate (1 %), sodium chloride (0,4 %), monocalcium phosphate
(0,25 %) #

Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):

Crude protein (RP) 9,80 %
Digestible raw protein 7,20 %
Crude fat 3,60 %
Crude fiber 10,00 %
Crude ash 6,00 %
Energy (DE) 12,50 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 11,00 MJ
Calcium 0,90 %
Phosphorous 0,30 %
Sodium 0,20 %
Magnesium 0,20 %
Nutritional additives (per kg):
Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A as Vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 18.500,00 I.E.
Vitamin D as Vitamin D3 (E 671) 800,00 I.E.
Vitamin E as Vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 550,00 mg
Vitamin K3 as menadion-nicotinamide-bisulfite-compound 6,30 mg
Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin C as L(+)-ascorbic acid-pure substance 38,00 mg
Vitamin B1 as thiamin mononitrate-pure substance 18,50 mg
Vitamin B2 as riboflavin-compound 4,40 mg
Vitamin B6 as pyridoxolhydrochloride-pure substance 13,40 mg
Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12-compound 36,70 mcg
Biotin as biotin-compound 225,00 mcg
Folic acid as folic acid-compound 6,50 mg
Choline chloride as choline chloride-compound 180,00 mg
Pantothenic acid as calcium-D-pantothenate-compound 20,60 mg
Nicotinic acid as nicotinic-compound 30,00 mg
Trace elements
Iron as monohydrate iron (II) sulphate (E 1) 130,00 mg
Copper as cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 42,00 mg
Zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 260,00 mg
Manganese as manganese-(II)-oxide (E 5) 130,00 mg
Iodine as calcium iodate, hexahydral (E 2) 1,30 mg
If fed as recommended, an additional mineral feed Selenium as sodium selenite (E 8) 0,95 mg
product can be spared. Haferfrei is therefore ex- Haferfrei fully fortified single food supplement:
tremely economical. Small horse / Pony approx. 180 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Thoroughbred approx. 310 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
As cereals have a close ratio of Ca: P, Haferfrei has Warm blooded horse approx. 350 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
been specially designed with a ratio of 3:1 of Ca: P
Feeding recommendation per day for a horse with a bodyweight of 550 kg:
making it the ideal combination feed. The two-fold
mineralization and vitamination makes Haferfrei suit- Haferfrei as an additional supplement to a forage diet
able for the targeted 1:1 ratio to be mixed with your Light work approx. 1,5 1,7 kg
Moderate work approx. 2,0 3,0 kg
own oats, pellets or another cereal / type of muesli.
In this way an in-house or individually balanced con- # Specific pre-mixed vitamins and trace-elements (1,35 %)
centrated feed can be put together according to per-
formance demands.

Haferfrei meets the demands of all horses and pro-

vides enough vitamins, minerals and above all trace
elements which cannot be sufficiently found in hay
(copper, zinc and selenium).

Our economical and top quality original marstall Haf-

erfrei is equally popular amongst private horse own-
ers as well as in horse boarding stables, riding stables 1 litre = 525 grammes
or competition stables. It is freshly produced daily at
a consistently high quality and is available in the fol- 20-kg- 750 kg

lowing packages: 20 kg sack, 550 kg Bigbox, 750 kg sack

550 kg

Bigbag and loose goods in silo from 2000 kg. Box

A low in protein com
For horses doing light work, a

marstall Freizeit a high quality muesli based

on easily digestible cereal flakes. Low in protein
and energy with a lot of extra crude fibers! Ideal
for horses doing light work and stationary hor-
ses. A balanced supply of vitamins and minerals.
A cost-effective universal feed.

Light to moderate working horses and light-feed

breeds tend to gain weight quickly. Thats why muesli
for these horses should contain lots of crude fibers
with a low energy and protein content. Also a large
amount of vitamins and minerals are essential so
that the daily feeding dosage can be kept at a low

Inexpensive horse feeds found on the muesli market

are often very low in mineral and vitamin contents
and they often dont contain broken-down cereals.
Hydrothermal macerated cereal flakes are easier
to digest and can be completely digested, in com-
parison to crushed grains or whole maize and bar-
ley. That doesnt only protect the intestines but also
helps minimise the loss of energy.

Even though Freizeit is a cost-effective alternative

to universal mueslis, it still contains, like all of our With Freizeit horses having to take box rest or lon-
marstall mueslis, the easily digestible hydrother- ger periods of low exercise and are kept on the pa-
mally macerated cereal flakes. Due to the high cru- sture or in open stables, are adequately provided for.
de fiber content Freitzeit is an energy reduced and
low protein product with all of the essential minerals, If Freizeit is fed less than the stated amount, then
trace elements and vitamins needed for an optimal the missing minerals and vitamins can be supple-
nutritional diet, ideally suited to leisure horses. The mented by feeding marstall Force.
content of copper, zinc and selenium supplement the Horses needing higher energy levels (e.g. due to
low levels found in German hay. Freizeit is therefore regular riding, lunging or driving) can combine Frei-
ideal for horses of all breeds that are resting or doing zeit with extra oats or with one of our marstall-Sport
light to moderate work. feeds.

Feed-Guide Sport

Amino-Sport Msli
Nutritional supplements for horses
Hydrothermally macerated cereal flakes: barley

a cost-effective solution+ flakes (15 %), maize flakes (15 %), wheat flakes (10 %)
Ingredients: flaked barley (15 %), maize flakes (15 %), oat hulls
(15 %), sunflower seed husks (11 %), wheat flakes (10 %), semolina
bran (10 %), maize gluten feed (6,5 %), wheat middlings (5,5 %),
sugar beet molasses (4 %), sugar beet pulp molassed (3 %), calcium
carbonate (2 %), sodium chloride (0,8 %), monocalcium phosphate
(0,7 %) #
Analytical constituents and concentrations (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 9,80 %
Digestible raw protein 6,90 %
Crude fat 3,00 %
Crude fibre 12,00 %
Crude ash 7,00 %
Energy (DE) 10,70 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 2014 9,30 MJ

Calcium 1,00 %
Phosphorous 0,50 %
Sodium 0,35 %
Magnesium 0,15 %
Nutritional additives (per kg):
Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A as vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 11.000,00 I.E.
Vitamin D as vitamin D3 (E 671) 500,00 I.E.
Vitamin E as vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 190,00 mg
Vitamin K3 as menadione-nicotin amide-bisulfite-compound 4,30 mg
Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin C as L(+)-ascorbic acid-pure substance 25,00 mg
Vitamin B1 as thiamine mononitrate-pure substance 12,00 mg
Vitamin B2 as riboflavin-compound 3,00 mg
Vitamin B6 as pyridoxolhydrochloride-pure substance 9,00 mg
Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12 compound 24,50 mcg
Biotin as biotin compound 152,00 mcg
Folic acid as folic acid-compound 4,00 mg
Choline chloride as choline chloride-compound 120,00 mg
Pantothenic acid as calcium-D-pantothenate-compound 14,50 mg
Nicotinic acid as nicotinic acid-compound 20,00 mg
Trace elements
Iron as monohydrate iron (II) sulphate (E 1) 120,00 mg
Copper as cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 22,00 mg
Zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 160,00 mg
Manganese as manganese-(II)-oxide (E 5) 102,00 mg
Iodine as calcium iodate, hexahedral (E 2) 0,50 mg
Selenium as sodium selenite (E 8) 0,45 mg

Freizeit fully fortified single food supplement:

Small horse / Pony approx. 230 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Thoroughbred approx. 400 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Warm blooded approx. 480 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day

Feeding recommendation per day for a horse with a bodyweight of 550 kg:
Freizeit as an additional supplement to a forage diet.
Resting approx. 1,52,0 kg
Light work approx. 2,03,0 kg
Moderate work approx. 3,03,5 kg

# Specific pre-mixed vitamins- and trace elements (1,5 %)

1 litre = 525 grammes

20-kg- 750 kg
550 kg

Practice orien
Feed-Guide Universal

Nutritional supplements for horses
Hydrothermally macerated cereals: maize (15 %),
barley (15 %), wheat (10 %)
From yearling to
Ingredients: maize (15 %), barley (15 %), oat hulls (15 %), fruit
pommace (apple) (15 %), wheat flour (11 %), wheat (10 %), semo-
lina bran (8 %), brewers yeast (3 %), extracted linseed shred (3
%), calcium carbonate (2,2 %), sugar beet molasses (2 %), sodium
chloride (0,3 %) #
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 10,80 %
Digestible raw protein 8,20 %
Crude fat 4,00 %
Crude fiber 11,70 %
Crude ash 6,20 %
Energy (DE) 11,70 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 2014 10,20 MJ

Calcium 0,90 %
Phosphorous 0,40 %
Sodium 0,35 %
Magnesium 0,16 %
Nutritional additives (per kg):
Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A as vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 13.000,00 I. E.
Vitamin D as vitamin D3 (E 671) 580,00 I. E.
Vitamin E as vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 230,00 mg
Vitamin K3 as menadione-nicotin amide-bisulfite-compound 4,50 mg
Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin C as L(+)-ascorbic acid-pure substance 25,00 mg
Vitamin B1 as thiamin mononitrate-pure substance 17,10 mg
Vitamin B2 as riboflavin compound 4,10 mg
Vitamin B6 as pyridoxolhydrochloride-pure substance 11,00 mg
Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12-compound 27,00 mcg
Biotin as biotin-compound 165,00 mcg
Folic acid as folic acid-compound 5,10 mg
Choline chloride as choline chloride-compound 320,00 mg
Pantothenic acid as calcium-D-pantothenate-compound 14,00 mg
Nicotinic acid as nicotinic acid-compound 35,00 mg marstall Nutri-Pellet the modern compact feed in pel-
Trace elements
let form. A single concentrated feed based on hydrother-
Iron as monohydrate iron (II) sulphate (E 1) 150,00 mg mally macerated cereals. It contains a complete vitamin
Copper as cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 24,10 mg and mineral formula for the daily feed of horses of all
Zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 153,00 mg
Manganese as manganese-(II)-oxide (E 5) 103,00 mg
breeds and performance levels. It is ideal for every kee-
Iodine as calcium iodate, hexahedral (E 2) 0,50 mg ping method and stock size.
Selenium as sodium selenite (E 8) 0,55 mg
Nutri-Pellet, the high quality and highly digestible marstall-
Nutri-Pellet fully fortified single food supplement (by light work):
pellet, also based on hydrothermally macerated cereals, just
Small horse / Pony approx. 300 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
as our marstall-mueslis are. In addition, the recipe has been
Thoroughbred approx. 450 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day refined with apple pommace, linseed and further valuable sub-
Warm blooded horse approx. 550 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day stances. The fiber rich content and coarse components of Nu-
tri-Pellet have a lower tendency to swell and therefore encou-
Feeding recommendation for a horse with a bodyweight of 550 kg: rage the natural chewing action of the horse. This produces
Nutri-Pellet as an additional supplement to a forage diet a more intensive saliva secretion which relieves the burden
Light work approx. 2,53,5 kg per day on the digestive tract and promotes the breaking down pro-
cess and digestion of the whole ration. The flavour of the apple
# Specific pre-mixed vitamins and trace-elements (0,5 %)
pommace enhances the taste and even keeps fussy horses
feeding from the trough. Nutri-Pellet doesnt contain any oat
grains and so can be fed to sensitive or nervous horses. It
doesnt contain any binding agents or preservatives.

Nutri-Pellet is practical, compactly formed and has a high bulk

density, therefore needing less storage space and lengthening
the shelf life. The feed can be rationed, there is no diluting
and therefore is ideally suited to firms with automatic feeding
1 litre = 770 grammes
The feed ration can be combined, as preferred, with oats,
25-kg- cereals and muesli or mixed with chaff. In special cases,
sack Nutri-Pellet can be soaked and fed as mash.

nted feeding
Feed-Guide Sport

Amino-Sport Msli
Nutritional supplements for horses
Hydrothermally macerated cereal flakes: flaked

performance horse barley (20 %), maize flakes (15 %), oats (15 %)
Ingredients: barley flakes (20%), maize flakes (15%), oats (15%),
wheat semolina bran (11%), sunflower shells (9%), oat hulls (9%),
sugarbeet pulp molassed (4%), maize gluten feed (3.5%), beet mo-
lasses (3.5%), dried apple pomace (3%), calcium carbonate (1.6%),
sodium chloride (0.5%), monocalcium phosphate (0.5%)
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 10,20 %
Just a tip: Digestible raw protein 7,80 %
As an oat free alternative for bulk buyers, marstall Economy Crude fat 3,80 %
Crude fiber 11,30 %
is at your disposal. Crude ash 6,30 %
We deliver Economy in Bigbags and loose goods in silo from Energy (DE) 11,00 MJ
2000 kg. Energy (ME) GfE 2014 9,70 MJ

Calcium 0,90 %
Further information available on request. Phosphorous 0,45 %
Sodium 0,20 %
Magnesium 0,20 %
Nutritional additives (per kg):
Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A as vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 11.500,00 I.E.
Vitamin D as vitamin D3 (E 671) 450,00 I.E.
Vitamin E as Vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 250,00 mg
Vitamin K3 as menadione-nicotin amide-bisulfite-compound 4,30 mg
Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin C as L(+)-ascorbic acid-pure substance 25,00 mg
Vitamin B1 as thiamin- mononitrate-pure substance 12,30 mg
marstall Complete a wholesome muesli with a balanced Vitamin B2 as riboflavin-compound 3,00 mg
Vitamin B6 as pyridoxolhydrochloride-pure substance 8,80 mg
mix of oats, hydrothermally macerated barley and maize Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12 compound 24,50 mcg
flakes. It contains a complete vitamin and mineral mix and Biotin as biotin compound 147,00 mcg
is ideal for use both in private and commercial horse care! Folic acid as folic acid compound 4,40 mg
Choline chloride as choline chloride compound 120,00 mg
Combined with Fohlen-Mix it is an ideal feed for rearing Pantothenic acid as calcium-D-pantothenate-compound 13,00 mg
foals. Nicotinic acid as nicotinic acid-compound 19,00 mg
Trace elements
Complete is, with its oat content, the ideal single feed or food Iron as iron-(II)-sulphate, monohydrate (E 1) 120,00 mg
supplement for training, riding and horse boarding stables. But Copper as cupric (II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 25,00 mg
Zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 180,00 mg
also riding clubs and private horse owners appreciate the eco- Manganese as manganese-(II)-oxide (E 5) 110,00 mg
nomical advantages of this complete feed in marstall-quality. Iodine as calcium iodate, hexahedral (E 2) 0,70 mg
Selenium as sodium selenite (E 8) 0,60 mg
Complete enables you to feed your horse economically wi- Complete fully fortified single food supplement:
th just one product. Complete is fed according to the horses Small horse / Pony approx. 280 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
needs and provides all the necessary nutrients, energy, vita- Thoroughbred approx. 375 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Warm blooded approx. 360 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
mins and minerals needed by leisure horses, small horses,
yearlings and riding school horses even up to horses that are
Feeding recommendation per day for a horse with a bodyweight of 550 kg:
trained on a regular basis or that are taking part in competitive
sports. Yearlings are provided with all they need due to the Complete as an additional supplement to a forage diet
economical mix of Complete and Fohlen-Mix (see page 42). Light work approx. 2,0 kg
Moderate work approx. 3,03,5 kg

Feeds that are especially suited, for a change, are marstall-

Mash, the aromatic herbal mix Sinfonie or the optimized feed
Optimal with its abundance of active substances.

During times of high sportive activity, e.g. during the tourna-

ment season, it is possible to change to the other complete
marstall-Sport feed Turnier, without any problems for your

If your whole company or club wants to switch over to the

marstall Complete feed, please dont hesitate to contact our
marstall feed advisor. 1 litre = 525 grammes

Complete is suitable to be used in feeding machines and is 20-kg-

available in all retail forms (20 kg sack, in a 750 kg Bigbag and sack 750 kg

loose goods in silo from 2000 kg).

Natural-muesli wit
Reduced protein, pellet free, w
the exceptional muesli, a c

marstall Naturell Pelletfrei + Struktur is a

different kind of muesli for everyone who is
looking for something special for their horse.
A natural muesli containing apples, carrots and Naturell is a varied, tasty and complete natural mu-
omega-3 oils. Without pellets and molasses, ba- esli for low to moderate energy levels. Naturell is
sed on the hydrotermally maceratedcereal flakes free of molasses, without pellets and without oats.
(without oats). This extraordinary and gentle mu- It is low in protein and sugar and this tasty and ba-
esli ideal for very sensitive horses with allergy lanced single supplementary feed guarantees reli-
problems. ability that the daily feed is right for sensitive horses
and hasty eaters.
marstall Naturell counteracts the problems that a
basic feed with good quality hay often cant. Envi- The versatile, tasty recipe that is low in protein and
ronmental pollution, intensive cultivation and varying rich in active ingredients supplies both excitable hor-
plant diversity lead to changing qualities of struc- ses and horses with low energy requirements of all
tured feed and this can have a negative effect on breeds comprehensively. Fiber-spelt husks, apple
sensitive animals. The results are allergies and into- pommace, lucerne structural components, carrot
lerances that occur more and more frequently. At the flakes, natural herbs and omega-3 oils that is rich in
same time the expectations of vitality and well-being fatty acids all make Naturell into a premium muesli
and constant willingness to perform are increasing. with extraordinary ingredients and cool energy.

th cool energy
Feed-Guide Sport

Amino-Sport Msli
Nutritional supplements for horses
Hydrothermally macerated cereal flakes:

without molasses, maize flakes (35 %), flaked barley (30 %)

Ingredients: maize flakes (35 %), flaked barley (30 %), fruit

class of its own! pommace (apple) (11,5 %), spelt husks (6 %), lucerne hay (6 %),
sunflower seeds (4 %), carrots (diced + dried) (3 %), rapeseed oil
ref., (3 %) #
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 9,50 %
Digestible raw protein 6,90 %
Crude fat 7,50 %
Crude fiber 9,00 %
Crude ash 3,00 %
Energy (DE) 13,00 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 2014 11,70 MJ

Calcium 0,40 %
Phosphorous 0,20 %
Sodium 0,20 %
Magnesium 0,15 %
Nutritional additives (per kg):
Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A as vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 13.500,00 I.E.
Vitamin D as vitamin D3 (E 671) 570,00 I.E.
Vitamin E as vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 250,00 mg
Vitamin K3 as menadione-nicotin amide-bisulfite-compound 4,50 mg
Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin C as L(+)-ascorbic acid -pure substance 27,00 mg
Vitamin B1 as thiamin mononitrate -pure substance 13,20 mg
Vitamin B2 as riboflavin-compound 3,00 mg
Vitamin B6 as pyridoxolhydrochloride-pure substance 10,00 mg
Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12-compound 25,00 mcg
Biotin as biotin-compound 150,00 mcg
Folic acid as folic acid - compound 4,50 mg
Choline chloride as choline chloride-compound 125,00 mg
Pantothenic acid as calcium-D-pantothenate-compound 15,00 mg
Nicotinic acid as nicotinic acid - compound 22,50 mg
Trace elements
Iron as monohydrate iron (II) sulphate (E 1) 98,20 mg
Copper as cupric (II) sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 23,00 mg
Zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 150,00 mg
Manganese as manganese-(II)-oxide(E 5) 85,00 mg
Iodine as calcium iodate, hexahedral (E 2) 0,55 mg
Selenium as sodium selenite (E 8) 0,50 mg
Hydrothermal macerated cereal flakes are easy Naturell fully fortified single food supplement:
to digest and provide the ideal amount of conver- Small horse / ony approx. 230 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
tible energy for a calm, performing horse. Thoroughbred approx. 380 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Lucerne is rich in crude fiber which encourages Warm blooded horse approx. 400 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
intensive chewing.
The fiber-spelt husks also promote chewing and Feeding recommendation per day for a horse with a bodyweight of 550 kg:
ensure longer feeding times which help the horse Naturell as an additional supplement to a forage diet
to feel satisfied. Light work approx. 1,52,5 kg
Coarse apple pommace guarantees a pleasant Moderate work approx. 2,03,0 kg
taste and a healthy bowel. # Specific pre-mixed vitamins and trace elements (1,0 %), specific
Carrot flakes enhance the mixture and provide a pre-mixed herbs (0,5 %)
natural form of beta-carotene.
Sunflower seeds and high quality vegetable oil
which is rich in energy and omega-3 fatty acids,
provide a gleaming coat and robust energy
Naturell also contains a special mixture of 16
carefully chosen natural herbs, which in a
destem med form, supply the feed with additional
taste and variety.
This natural muesli is rounded off by adding
all the important vitamins, minerals and trace
elements. 1 litre = 450 grammes

Naturell conforms to the modern aspiration of a 15-kg-

muesli in a class of its own due to its varied combina- sack

tion of natural ingredients.

Vitality well int
Muesli rich in nutrients
and for horses in re

marstall Senior Plus the especially pleasant

tasting, highly digestible and substantial anti-
aging muesli for older (and convalescing) hor-
ses. When fed on a regular basis, prevents a Senior Plus is an especially high-quality premium
gradual loss of substances which are related to muesli that is highly digestible and dense in nutrients
old-age. Stimulates the metabolism and preser- and active ingredients. It provides a well-balanced
ves a positive radiance. Provides greater vitality, and nutritious feed for horses that suffer from lethar-
resilience and zest for life well into a horses old gic digestion and a slower metabolism due to old
age! age.
Senior Plus contains easily digestible and high
A warm blooded horse is called a senior from an age quality energy components such as hydrotermally
of approximately 20 years old. The special needs of maceratedcereal flakes and nutrients that are rich in
an aged horse need to be taken into account in order protein, such as brewers yeast, linseed meal and
to preserve the vitality, resilience and zest for life, pea flakes. Tasty and high-quality components such
well into a horses old age: fussy eating, problems as golden yellow linseed, carrot flakes and apple
with chewing, lethargic digestion and a slower meta- pommace even keep fussy seniors feeding from the
bolism, skin disorders and problems of coat changes trough and supply them as well with polyunsatura-
are all typical ailments found in old age. This often ted omega-3 fatty acids, natural vitamins and further
results in weight loss, reduction of muscle mass with nutrients. Marine algae extracts and a higher con-
longer periods of recovery and rest phases, being tent of copper, zinc, iodine and selenium as well as
essential. vitamins A, E, B-complex and C cover the increased
Due to the deterioration of the metabolism older hor- needs of an ageing horse. Important fiber from the
ses need 20% to 25% more energy and protein than linseed, bran flakes and apple pommace take care
younger horses. This is why it is important to feed of the intestine.
high quality protein sources such as linseed meal
or brewers yeast. In particular the vitamins (A, E, The easy digestibility and high density of nutrients
C and B-complex) are needed, as well as a double and active ingredients of Senior Plus provide horses
amount of zinc and selenium. Calcium (amounting of every age with a comprehensive and balanced
from hay and supplementary feeds) shouldnt be feed. That is why it is also suited to being very good
overfed. The ideal Ca: P ratio is between 1.5 2.5:1. for re-building the body. With Senior Plus and the
It is important to make sure, through regular dental products Mash (page 60), ProCaval-Struktur (pa-
checks that the masticatory apparatus functions well. ge 54) and Wiesen-Cobs (page 52) marstall offers
If necessary it is recommended to soak the feed ra- a complete and proven nutritional concept for both
tion. areas of feeding.

to old age
Feed-Guide Sport

Senior Plus Msli
Nutritional supplements for horses
Hydrothermally macerated cereal flakes: barley

for all older horses

flakes (35 %), maize flakes (25 %), oat flakes (10 %)
Ingredients: flaked barley (35 %), maize flakes (25 %),

oat flakes (10 %), brewers yeast (6 %), linseed (5 %), fruit pommace
(apple) (5 %), extracted linseed shred (3 %), sugar beet molasses
(2,5 %), pea flakes (2 %), carrots (diced + dried) (1,5 %), semolina
bran (0,8 %), sodium chloride (0,6 %), wheat flour (0,5 %), sugar
beet pulp molassed (0,5 %), seaweed meal (0,5 %), calcium carbon-
ate (0,5 %), monocalcium phosphate (0,3 %), magnesium oxide (0,2
%) #
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 12,00 %
Digestible raw protein 9,50 %
Crude fat 4,60 %
Crude fiber 6,00 %
Crude ash 5,00 %
Energy (DE) 12,50 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 2014 11,30 MJ

Calcium 0,60 %
Phosphorous 0,40 %
Sodium 0,30 %
Magnesium 0,30 %
Amino acids
Lysine 0,50 %
Methionine 0,20 %
Nutritional additives (per kg):
Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A as vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 30.000,00 I.E.
Vitamin D as vitamin D3 (E 671) 1.450,00 I.E.
Vitamin E as vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 480,00 mg
Vitamin K3 as menadione-nicotinamide-bisulfite-compound 8,00 mg
Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin C as L-ascorbyl phosphate 85,00 mg
Vitamin B1 as thiamin mononitrate-pure substance 28,00 mg
Vitamin B2 as riboflavin-compound 8,80 mg
Vitamin B6 as pyridoxolhydrochloride-pure substance 20,00 mg
Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12-compound 100,00 mcg
Biotin as biotin-compound 570,00 mcg
Folic acid as folic acid-compound 12,00 mg
Choline chloride as choline chloride-compound 410,00 mg
Pantothenic acid as calcium-D-pantothenate-compound 29,00 mg
Nicotinic acid as nicotinic-compound 49,00 mg
Trace elements
Iron as iron-(II)-sulphate, monohydrate (E 1) 280,00 mg
Copper as cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 55,00 mg
Zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 360,00 mg
Manganese as manganese-(II)-oxide (E 5) 185,00 mg
Iodine as calcium iodate, hexahedral (E 2) 1,30 mg
Selenium as sodium selenite (E 8) 1,10 mg
Senior Plus as a single concentrated feed:
Small horse / Pony approx. 300 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Thoroughbred approx. 400 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Warm blooded horse approx. 550 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Feeding recommendation per day for a horse with a bodyweight of 550 kg:

Senior Plus as an additional concentrated feed to a forage diet

If necessary, e.g. by problems with teeth, Senior Resting / light work approx. 2,03,0 kg
Plus can be soaked before feeding. Soaked ProCa-
# specific premixed vitamins and trace-elements (1,1 %)
val-Struktur and Wiesen-Cobs replace the ration of
roughage. Small portions of Mash balance the ration
and support digestion.

marstall Vito is suitable as an alternative to grain

muesli, by horses suffering from cushing syndrome
due to old age!
1 litre = 480 grammes
Another suggestion:
In order to preserve the vitamins, dont use hot water 20-kg-
for soaking. Always prepare the feed when needed, sack

and feed immediately.

Pure energy from th
In their natural form or hydro

marstall Naturgold pure cereals without any

further additives. Available as whole Schwarz-
Gold-Hafer (black-gold oats) or as hydrother-
mally macerated Mais and Gerstenflocken (mai-
ze and barley flakes) according to the original
marstall principle. The best cereals are used to
create an optimized energy feed that is easily di-
gestible and rich in starch.

Hydrothermal maceration (see page 9) is the term

used to describe a type of pre-cooking of the cereal
which is proven to increase the digestibility of starch
in the small intestine. As a result the feed conversi-
on is improved and the risk of digestion problems
is considerably reduced. marstall-cereal flakes
enable, therefore, a more efficient and altogether a
higher energy supply than with untreated maize or Naturgold Schwarz-Gold-Hafer (black-gold oats)
barley. if uncooked cereals are desired, then take oats.
Uncrushed oats are the healthiest and lightest ce-
Naturgold Maisflocken (maize flakes) the popu- real, for active horses with healthy teeth and a well
lar hydrothermally macerated maize-flakes supply functioning digestion. It is important though that the
a lot of energy for performance and weight gain. Th- oats are thoroughly cleaned beforehand, as this re-
ey have a crispy-crunchy bite and are low in protein duces the dust content in the husk by at least 50%.
(low allergenic potential). Our uncrushed marstall Schwarz-Gold-Hafer, as
a whole grain, is washed 3 times, so that it is to the
Naturgold Gerstenflocken (barley flakes) when best of our knowledge dust free. Also Schwarz-
the oats are felt, horse owners substitute oats for Gold-Hafer is of top quality which is signalized in
barley, as barley produces cool energy. It is often the high litre weight of at least 560 g/l. The mix of 1/3
ignored that the starch in whole or crushed barley is black oats and 2/3 golden oats makes our Schwarz-
more difficult to digest than in oats, sometimes resul- Gold-Hafer look nice and when regarding the taste,
ting in digestion problems, if large amounts are fed. something very special.
Hydrothermally macerated Naturgold Gerstenflo-
cken are 3.5 times easier to digest than barleycorn The Naturgold-products dont contain any additives.
and are recommended to be fed as an individual ra- Therefore when feeding rations that contain large
tion when stamina, endurance, weight gain or a high amounts of Naturgold it is necessary to add mineral
saturation is desired. and vitamin supplements.

he best grains
Feed-Guide Sport

Amino-Sport Msli
Single feed for horses
100 % hydrothermally macerated cereal flakes

othermally macerated! (individual-components)

Naturgold Maisflocken (maize flakes)
Maize flakes (100 %)
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 9,30 %
Digestible raw protein 6,80 %
Crude fat 3,80 %
Crude fiber 2,30 %
Crude ash 1,50 %
Energy (DE) 13,50 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 2014 12,60 MJ

Naturgold Maisflocken in combination with other concentrated feeds:

for body building approx. 1,0 kg

for continuous power approx. 1,02,0 kg

Naturgold Gerstenflocken (barley flakes)

Barley flakes (100 %)
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 10,90 %
Digestible raw protein 8,70 %
Crude fat 2,20 %
Crude fiber 4,80 %
Crude ash 2,40 %
Energy (DE) 13,00 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 2014 11,50 MJ

Naturgold Gerstenflocken in combination with other concentrated feeds:

for performance feeding approx. 1,02,0 kg

100 % Oats (cleaned, in their natural state)

Naturgold Schwarz-Gold-Hafer (whole grain)
Oats (100 %)
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 10,00 %
Digestible raw protein 8,50 %
Crude fat 4,40 %
Crude fiber 10,90 %
Crude ash 2,70 %
Energy 12,00 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 2014 10,50 MJ

Schwarz-Gold-Hafer in combination with other concentrated feeds:

for performance feeding approx. 1,02,0 kg

1 litre = 445 grammes 1 litre = 410 grammes 1 litre = 590 grammes

Tasty, easy to dispense and good value!

The perfect supplement to cereals: marstall Force 20-kg- 25-kg-
(without cereals) or the Weide-/Stall-Riegel sack sack

(see page 63).

Grain free lig
marstall Wellfeed: free from molasses


Permanent high starch and sugar amounts in a feed

can cause metabolic disorders in particular horses
with previous tendencies, as found in light feeders,
obese and low working horses. Ailments such as
insulin resistance, EMS or laminitis may occur as
such. These horses must not just be fed a calorie
reduced diet, they should also receive a feed free
from cereals and molasses. Pasture grass also has
higher levels of sugar, therefore the grazing period
should be reduced.

marstall Faser-Light a feed that is gluten and

molasses free, a prebiotic light-feed without any
cereals with a low content of energy and starch. It
encourages chewing due to the added hay chaff
and lucerne. Rich in marstall Previta-Faser fibers
(13%) it activates the bowel, and is ideal for light
feeders and for all breeds doing light work.

For all light feeding horses and those doing little

work, rich feeds with starch and sugar can lead to
metabolic disorders. Faser-Light is suited to the
needs of these horses, containing no cereals or
molasses and therefore with only very low levels of
starch and sugar. This keeps the insulin levels down
and helps to nourish your horse and take care of its
metabolic processes, so that EMS or laminitis dont
materialize in the first place.
Faser-Light is rich in Allguer hay chaff and other
fibers, to help encourage chewing. It stimulates the
horses need to chew and therefore the saliva pro-
duction which in turn caters for a balanced digestive
system and with an adequate water intake, establis-
hes a healthy water electrolyte store in the intestine,
which is typical in horses.
The prebiotic effect of Faser-Light is due to the spe-
cific marstall Previta-Faser fibers. with low requirements the horse still has its daily ra-
This is a mix made out of various bowel activating tion of feed in the trough. Calorie reduced, low in
dietary fibers, with a functional fiber fractionation (i.e. sugar and starch, but with extra structured chaff to
1.4% pectin) and contains all typical positive prebio- help stimulate the chewing action, rich in minerals,
tic roughage. Through this intake a healthy environ- trace elements and vitamins. It is an ideal Light-feed
ment of microbes in the bowel and colon are created with an added prebiotic bonus.
and the flora is balanced and a caring nutrition for
the cells is established. This provides the horse with In general, an extra addition of minerals isnt needed.
energy without burdening the levels of blood sugar
and the insulin system. marstall Faser-Light: Wellfeed for your horse.
Faser-Light is a daily light cereal free feed. Even Tip: Faser-Light is also ideally suited when prepared

Feed-Guide Sport

Amino-Sport Msli
Nutritional supplements for horses
Light feed free from cereals and molasses

and starch and low in sugar. With 13% prebiotic fiber mix
Individual components: growth of permanent grassland, dried and
as pellets (39%), dried apple pomace, Sunflower shells, pea flakes,
dried lucerne (5 %), dried chicory pulp, carrot flakes, brewers grains,
rapeseed oil, refined, brewers yeast, Lignocellulose, sunflower seeds,
calcium carbonate, monocalcium phosphate, sodium chloride, magne-
sium oxide, milk thistle seed, nettle, hawkbit root, hawthorn
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 9,50 %
Digestible raw protein 5,20 %
Crude fat 7,00 %
Crude fiber 21,00 %
Crude ash 11,00 %
Energy (DE) 9,50 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 2014 8,00 MJ
Starch 2,60 %
Sugar 5,90 %
Calcium 1,00 %
Phosphorous 0,50 %
Sodium 0,50 %
Magnesium 0,90 %
Nutritional additives (per kg):
Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A as vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 29.000,00 I.E.
Vitamin D as vitamin D3 (E 671) 1.200,00 I.E.
Vitamin E as vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 585,00 mg
Vitamin K3 as menadione-nicotinamide-bisulfite-compound 4,50 mg
Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin C as L-ascorbyl phosphate 80,00 mg
Vitamin B1 as thiamin mononitrate-pure substance 24,00 mg
Vitamin B2 as riboflavin-compound 9,00 mg
Vitamin B6 as pyridoxolhydrochloride-pure substance 15,00 mg
Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12-compound 100,00 mcg
Biotin as biotin-compound 1.600,00 mcg
Folic acid as folic acid-compound 10,00 mg
Choline chloride as choline chloride-compound 410,00 mg
Pantothenic acid as calcium-D-pantothenate-compound 20,00 mg
Nicotinic acid as nicotinic-compound 35,00 mg
Trace elements
Iron as iron-(II)-sulphate, monohydrate (E 1) 200,00 mg
Copper as cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 50,00 mg
Zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 300,00 mg
Manganese as manganese-(II)-oxide (E 5) 180,00 mg
Iodine as calcium iodate, hexahedral (E 2) 2,40 mg
Selenium as sodium selenite (E 8) 1,40 mg
Faser-Light as a single concentrated feed:
Small horse / Pony approx. 140 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Thoroughbred approx. 180 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Warm blooded horse approx. 220 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Feeding recommendation per day for a horse with a bodyweight of 550 kg:

Faser-Light as an additional concentrated feed to a forage diet:

Resting approx. 1,52,0 kg
Light work approx. 2,02,5 kg
Ration for weight loss* ca. 0,75 kg
(*always in combination with a lot of exercise. To obtain the muscles: Amino-Muskel PLUS)

If necessary feeding as recommended no additional mineral feed!
Always provide adequate fresh water

as a cereal free mash. Using hot water should be

avoided in order not to destroy the vitamins.
Horses on a reduced diet should be fed in addition
Amino-Muskel PLUS, in order to preserve the mu- 1 litre = 400 grammes
Faser-Light is also ideally suited to the demands of 15-kg-
leisure donkeys. sack 450 kg

A special feed for
Free from cereals and low

Relieving posture of a horse with laminitis

marstall Vito a special feed, free from cereals,

meant for all horses with metabolically related
feeding problems. Without molasses, low in
starch and sugar yet rich in crude fibers, oils, vi-
tamin E, zinc and selenium. The recipe has been
optimized according to scientific findings. En-
hanced with tasty natural components such as
carrots and garlic flakes.

It is also ideal for sport horses!

It is clear that a horse suffering from PSSM, EMS

or Cushing syndrome has restricted usage, but that
doesnt need to be the case!

Vito is based on hay fibers and contains no cereals

or molasses. This special feed is low in sugar and
starch and is therefore the ideal feed for horses with
sugar and starch intolerance, or for horses with a ten-
dency to laminitis through feeding (see Infocenter).

Due to scientific recommendation, Vito contains

high levels of zinc, vitamin E and anti-inflammatory
omega-3-fatty acids. The high oil content in Vito
supports all sport horses with a cereal free, gentle
to the stomach-feed and supplies lots of energy.

For horses with dental problems, or for those who

tend to rush their feed, we recommend you to feed
Vito soaked in water (1 litre Vito to 1 litre of water).

troubled horses
Futter-Guide Cereal-free

Nutritional supplements for horses
Grain and molasses free Feed. It is also ideal for

in starch and sugar sport horses!

Individual components: growth of permanent grassland, dried and as
pellets (78 %), rapeseed oil, refined (5 %), dried lucerne
(4 %), carrot flakes (3 %), dried apple pomace (2 %), garlic flakes (1
%), sunflower shells (1 %), sodium chloride (0,9 %), calcium carbo-
nate (0,8 %), brewers yeast (0,5 %), linseed (0,5 %), monocalcium
phosphate (0,5 %), magnesium oxide (0,3 %)
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 11,50 %
Digestible raw protein 6,20 %
With increasing frequency, the veterinarians dia- Crude fat 8,00 %
gnose diseases related to metabolic imbulances or Crude fiber 19,00 %
Crude ash 12,00 %
wrong feeding such as, insulin resistance, laminitis Energy (DE) 10,50 MJ
through feeding, EMS (equine metabolic syndrome), Energy (ME) GfE 2014 9,00 MJ
PSSM (polysaccharide storage myopathy) or, more Starch 3,50 %
Sugar 3,90 %
apparent in older horses, the ECS (equines cushing
syndrome). Specifically overweight (adipose) horses Calcium 0,90 %
with a high BCS are extremely prone. Also genetic Phosphorous 0,40 %
Sodium 0,50 %
predisposition factors and age play a role in horses Magnesium 0,40 %
developing such problems.
Nutritional additives (per kg):
Horses suffering from such diseases should avoid Fat-soluble vitamins
high levels of starch and sugars in their feeds. Cau- Vitamin A as vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 25.800,00 I.E.
Vitamin D as vitamin D3 (E 671) 1.000,00 I.E.
tion is needed with cereals, bread, molasses or beet Vitamin E as vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 610,00 mg
chips, fruits rich in sugar such as bananas, also Vitamin K3 as menadione-nicotinamide-bisulfite-compound 4,50 mg
grass and pure hay, depending upon the vegetation Water-soluble vitamins
and time of harvest. Vitamin C as L-ascorbyl phosphate 79,00 mg
When these feedstuffs are fed in large amounts it Vitamin B1 as thiamin mononitrate-pure substance 18,00 mg
Vitamin B2 as riboflavin-compound 6,50 mg
can cause negative reactions in the metabolic sys- Vitamin B6 as pyridoxolhydrochloride-pure substance 15,00 mg
tem of predisposed horses. Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12-compound 100,00 mcg
Biotin as biotin-compound 630,00 mcg
Folic acid as folic acid-compound 10,00 mg
It is redommended by veterinarians to avoid cere- Choline chloride as choline chloride-compound 270,00 mg
als and molasses and instead, to use feed based on Pantothenic acid as calcium-D-pantothenate-compound 15,00 mg
fibres in combination with oils to keep blood sugar Nicotinic acid as nicotinic-compound 25,00 mg
and insulin levels in balance. Trace elements
Iron as iron-(II)-sulphate, monohydrate (E 1) 170,00 mg
Copper as cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 42,00 mg
Zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 280,00 mg
Manganese as manganese-(II)-oxide (E 5) 125,00 mg
Iodine as calcium iodate, hexahedral (E 2) 1,00 mg
Selenium as sodium selenite (E 8) 0,90 mg
Vito as a single concentrated feed:
Small horse / Pony approx. 250 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Thoroughbred approx. 300 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Warm blooded horse approx. 350 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Feeding recommendation per day for a horse with a bodyweight of 550 kg:

Vito as an additional concentrated feed to a forage diet:

Light work approx. 1,52,0 kg
Moderate work* approx. 2,03,0 kg
(*supplemented with additional oil if necessary)

We recommend feeding Vito soaked (1 litre Vito to 1 litre water,

allow to steep for 15-20 min.). Above all for hasty and greedy eaters,
dental problems and poor digestion etc.

1 Liter = 540 Gramm

Now free from cereals - ideal for all horses with ce-
real intolerances and metabolic disorders (i.e. EMS, 20-kg-
insulin resistance, PSSM, Cushing etc.). Our mine-
ral food supplement Force (p. 62).

When speed
Struktur un
aus dem

marstall Weidemsli Die Rezeptur zur spezi-

ellen Regulierung der Herausforderungen bei
Weideftterung. Wirkt ausgleichend auf Wasser-
haushalt, Mineralstoff- und Vitaminversorgung.
Beugt Rohfasermangel vor und ermglicht die
marstall a feed for top performance le-
vels with 40 % oats. Quick release energy and
lots of vitaminwird
Weidehaltung E- for power,
speziell im when its needed
Freizeitbereich the
most! (Complies
beliebter. to the ADMR)
Die Beweidung von Wiesenflchen gilt
gemeinhin als pferdegerecht und wird als kosten-
Quick release
gnstige, bequemeenergy undatkomplette
short notice and liveliness
are very important in disciplines such as show-jump-
Dabeieventing, carriage-driving,
bringt besonders and racing. Dressage
die Frhjahrsweide einige
or gaitedmit
Risiken horses
sich. also have to be fed according
Eiweissberschuss, hoher Wasser-to the
gehalt im temperament.
Grundfutter, Mineralstoffknappheit, Calci-
um-Defizit und Rohfasermangel bei gleichzeitigem
marstall Turnier
an den is fettlslichen
a completelyVitaminen
balanced A, power-
D, E
und K. for competitive horses, whose performance
is dependent
Schnell kann uponjunges quick energy release
Weidegras and when
zu Verdauungs-
large reserves
strungen of energy
fhren, die sichareoftneeded! It has
nur durch been es-
Kotwasser Weidemsli wirkt diesen Problemen mit der ganz
pecially adapted
oder Durchfall to suitaber
zeigen, the nutritional
immer mitrequirements
einem mas- speziellen Rezeptur regulierend entgegen. Wertvolle
of competitive
siven Verlust anhorses and contains
lebenswichtigen large amounts
Mineralstoffen ein- Komponenten, wie hydrothermisch aufgeschlossene
gehen, die aber treated
gerade cereals. These are quickly
bei Weideftterung auch Getreideflocken, Meeresalgen, Apfeltrester, Bier-
nur knapp down in the small
verfgbar sind. intestine, releasing instant hefe, Knoblauchgranulat, sowie weideergnzende
Besonders Thedas highnachwachsende
content of oats (40 Gras %)mitsupports
wenig Mineralstoffe und Spurenelemente, wie Calcium,
the speed and enthlt
Strukturanteil jumpingoft power
hoheand also provides
Fruktanwerte the
(siehe Magnesium, Eisen, Kupfer, Zink und Selen sind in
horse with the
auch Vito, essential
S. 24) amino
und birgt acids
somit dieand important
Gefahr einer ausgewogener Mischung kombiniert.
fatty acids.
Hufrehe. Das eiweiarme Weidemsli reguliert den Wasser-
Im Gegensatz dazu steht bei starker Beweidung haushalt und aktiviert den Stoffwechsel.
The large
kleiner amounts
Flchen oderofbei vitamins,
geringem minerals
Graswuchs and trace
hu- Vor dm ersten Weideaustrieb empfehlen wir eine
elements and electrolytes
fig nicht gengend Futter zurcontained
Verfgung,in the
einen einwchige Vorbereitungsftterung, in der die Kraft-
Mangel areansuited to the horses
Nhrstoffen mit sichperformance levels.
bringt. Unbeachtet futterration kontinuierlich durch Weidemsli ersetzt
oft auch thediehorse with fully balanced
nachlassenden vital de-
Nhrstoffgehalte wird. Nach dem Weideaustrieb sollte Weidemsli
zum Ende der Weidesaison. mindestens 4-6 Wochen in den Mengen der Vor-
Magnesium improves
Wir, bei marstall, the concentration
sprechen von einer Weide-duringoderthe bereitungsftterung weiter gefttert werden, bis die
Grnftterung, andwenn
high levels of vitamin E aid the
die Grundftterung zu mus-
zwei Mikroorganismen im Verdauungstrakt an das Grn-
cles andoder
Dritteln cell regeneration
vollstndig aus after a peak performance.
Weidegras besteht. futter gewohnt sind.

is needed:
Feed-Guide Sport

nd Kruter Amino-Sport Msli

Nutritional supplements
fr for
macerated Getreideflocken:
aufgeschlossene cereal flakes: oat flakes

t energy
m Allgu
(40 %), barley
Maisflocken (25 %),flakes (25 %), maize
Gerstenflocken flakesgeflockt
(20 %), Hafer (15 %)(10 %)
Einzelbestandteile: Maisflocken
Ingredients: oat flakes (25 %),
(40 %), flaked Gerste
barley (25geflockt
%), maize(20flakes
%), Hafer
(15 %),(10 %),pommace
fruit Mais gemahlen
%),Weizengriekleie (7 %), Sonnen-
oat hulls (3 %), semolina bran
blumensaat (5 %), Weizenfuttermehl
(3 %), sugarbeet (5 %), Pflanzenl
molasses (3 %), sugarbeet aus Raps(2raff.
pulp molassed %),
%), Weizenkleie (4 %), Rbenmelasseschnitzel (3 %), Calciumcarbo-
bran (2 %), calcium carbonate (0,5 %), dicalcium phosphate
chloride (0,2 %) #(1 %), Rbenmelasse (1 %) #
Analytische Bestandteile
Analytical constituents andund Gehalte, Energie
concentrations, energy(je kg):
(per kg):
Rohprotein 12,00 %

r pur!
Crude protein (RP) 10,00 %
verdauliches Rohprotein 8,30 %
Digestible raw protein 7,50 %
Rohfett 9,50 %
Crude fat 3,50 %
Rohfaser 4,60 %
Crude fiber 8,20 %
Rohasche 5,50 %
Crude ash 5,00 %
Energie (DE) 13,50 MJ
Energy (DE) 13,00 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 2014 11,00 MJ
Calcium 0,80 %
Phosphor 0,40 %
Calcium 0,40 %
Natrium 0,20 %
Phosphorous 0,20 %
Magnesium 0,30 %
Sodium 0,16 %
Magnesium 0,26 %
Cystin 0,17 %
Amino acids 0,65 %
Lysine 0,37 %
Methionine Zusatzstoffe (je kg):
0,15 %
Nutritional additives (per kg):
L-Lysin 0,75 %
Fat-soluble vitamins 0,65 %
Vitamin A as vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 0,92 %I.E.
Vitamin D as vitamin D3 (E 671) 0,31 %I.E.
Vitamin E as
Fettlsliche vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate
Vitamine 560,00 mg
Vitamin alsasVitamin-A-Prparat
(E 672) 16.300,00
Vitamin D als Vitamin
Water-soluble D3 (E 671)
vitamins 710,00 I.E.
VitaminE Calsas
Vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-Tocopherylacetat
L(+)-ascorbic acid -pure substance 450,0027,00mgmg
Vitamin thiamin mononitrate - pure substance 5,80
VitaminK3B1alsasMenadion-Nicotinsureamid-Bisulfit-Prparat 13,00mgmg
Vitamin B2 as riboflavin-compound
Wasserlsliche Vitamine 3,30 mg
Vitamin als as
VitaminC B6 pyridoxolhydrochloride-pure substance 33,00
L(+)-Ascorbinsure-Reinsubstanz 9,50mgmg
Vitamin als as vitamin B12-compound
Thiaminmononitrat-Reinsubstanz 25,00mgmcg
Biotin B2
Vitamin as biotin-compound
als Riboflavin-Prparat 160,00
4,10 mgmcg
Folic acid
Vitamin as Pyridoxolhydrochlorid-Reinsubstanz
B6 als folic acid-compound 4,90mgmg
Vitamin chloride
B12 as choline
als Vitamin chloride-compound
B12-Prparat 135,00mcg
33,00 mg
Biotin als Biotinacid as calcium-D-pantothenate-compound 215,00
Prparat 15,00mcg
Folsure as nicotinic acid-compound
Folsure-Prparat 26,00mgmg
Turnier can be fed to working horses that are train- Cholinchlorid
Trace elements als Cholinchlorid-Prparat 165,00 mg
ing averagely or hard for competitions, as an ad- Pantothensure
Iron as monohydrate als Calcium-D-Pantothenat-Prparat
iron (II) sulphate (E 1) 18,00
Nikotinsure als Nicotinsure-Prparat
Copper as cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 990,00 23,50mgmg
ditional concentrated feed to a sufficient amount Zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 160,00 mg
of hay. The addition of vitamins or minerals is not Spurenelemente
Eisen as manganese-(II)-oxide
als Eisen-(II)-sulfat, Monohydrat (E (E1)
5) 103,00mgmg
needed, even during peak performances. Iodineals
Kupfer asKupfer-(II)-sulfat,
calcium iodate, hexahedral
Pentahydrat(E(E2)4) 0,50mgmg
Zink as sodium
als Zinkoxid (E 6) selenite (E 8) 0,50mgmg
Turnier can be fed to working horses that are train- Mangan
Turnier als fully
fortified single(Efood
5) supplement: 135,00 mg
Jod als Calciumjodat, Hexahydrat (E 2) 0,65 mg
ing hard for competitions, as an additional concen- Smallalshorse
Selen / Pony (Eapprox.
Natriumselenit 8) 430 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day0,60 mg
Thoroughbred approx. 680 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
trated feed to a sufficient amount of hay. Zootechnische
Warm blooded horse Zusatzstoffe
approx. 680(je kg):
g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
The addition of oats or other vitamins and minerals Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-1077 (Levucell SC) 1,76 x 109 KBE
are not needed. An increase in weight is avoided if Feeding recommendation
Amino-Sport Msli als peralleiniges
day for a horse with a bodyweight of 550 kg:
the feeding recommendation is followed. Kleinpferd
Turnier/ Pony
as an additional supplement
ca.to400 g je 100
a forage dietkg LG/Tag
Vollblut ca. 500 g je 100 kg LG/Tag
Moderate work approx. 3,04,0 kg
The feed ration can be combined with the following Warmblut
Heavy work
ca. 550 g je 100 kg LG/Tag
approx. 4,55,5 kg
marstall products: Beispiel-Ration pro Tag fr ein Pferd mit 550 kg Lebendgewicht:
marstall AminoSport-Msli (page 38) for a # Specific premixed vitamins and trace elements (0,8 %)
Amino-Sport Msli als alleiniges Ergnzungsfutter zu Heu
healthy substance and muscle building and for a mittlere Arbeit ca. 3,04,0 kg
better stamina-endurance-performance. schwere Arbeit ca. 4,05,0 kg
marstall Basis (page 55) gentle to the stomach, # spezielle Aminosuren-, Vitamin- und Spurenelementvormischung (6,5 %)
with a handful of structure for active chewing
and saliva production.
By excessive perspiration we recommend the
addition of Subito (page 69) electrolyte-complex
and for excitable horses the extra magnesium 1 litre
product Piano (page 70).
Amino-Muskel PLUS (page 68) for the 20-kg- 750 kg

strengthening of muscles and for rapid muscle sack

550 kg

regeneration. Box

The power- muesli
Strength, stamina and calmness

marstall Cornmsli supplies horses with power

for all sport disciplines during training and tour-
naments! Ideally combined energy components: ma, a gleaming coat, calmness and composure.
80 % easily digestible cereal flakes and ome- marstall Cornmsli fulfils all these demands, with a
ga-3 plant oils. Free from molasses and reduced combination of easily digestible hydrothermally mac-
protein, without oats. With extra lecithin, vita- erated cereal flakes and valuable omega-3 plant oils.
min E and selenium! Ideally fed in combination The addition of lecithin supports the digestion and
with oats and pellets (complies to the ADMR). metabolism of fatty acids.
Now available with an improved recipe! The high levels of antioxidants such as vitamin E
and selenium ensure a healthy cell protection and
Sport horses, demanding strength and hard muscle regeneration after performance.
work and horses in the conditioning phase, need an
easily digestible feed with a high energy release, rich Due to the rich recipe and the high digestibility, a
in antioxidants and a good feeding acceptance. They moderate portion of feed is enough, even after hard
also need all the nutrients for performance, charis- work!

Feed-Guide Sport

Amino-Sport Msli
Nutritional supplements for horses
Hydrothermally macerated cereal flakes:
maize flakes (40 %), barley flakes (40 %)
Martin Schaudt, Olympic medallist twice
over with Durgo in Atlanta and with Weltall Composition:
Ingredients: maize flakes (40 %), flaked barley (40 %), rapeseed
VA in Athens; shown here on Loesdaus oil, refined (5 %), semolina bran (4 %), wheat bran middlings (4 %),
Loriot: sugarbeet pulp molassed (2 %), sunflower shells (2 %), maize gluten
I have great trust in the products of feed (1 %), calcium carbonate (1 %), brewers yeast (0,5 %), sodium
chloride (0,5 %), monocalcium phosphate (0,4 %), magnesium oxide
marstall when it comes to feeding! (0,1 %)
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 9,70 %
Digestible raw protein (pcvXP) 4,80 %
Crude fat 8,60 %
Crude fiber 5,00 %
Crude ash 5,10 %
Energy (DE) 13,50 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 2014 12,00 MJ

Calcium 0,70 %
Phosphorous 0,40 %
Sodium 0,20 %
Magnesium 0,25 %

Nutritional additives (per kg):

Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A as vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 22.500,00 I.E.
Vitamin D as vitamin D3 (E 671) 990,00 I.E.
Vitamin E as vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 800,00 mg
Vitamin K3 as menadione-nicotinamide-bisulfite-compound 7,50 mg
Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin C as L(+)-ascorbic acid pure substance 45,00 mg
Vitamin B1 as thiamin mononitrate-pure substance 23,00 mg
Vitamin B2 as riboflavin-compound 5,50 mg
Vitamin B6 as Pyridoxolhydrochloride-pure substance 16,00 mg
Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12-compound 45,00 mcg
Biotin as biotin-compound 270,00 mcg
Folic acid as folic acid-compound 8,00 mg
Choline chloride as choline chloride-compound 236,00 mg
Pantothenic acid as calcium-D-pantothenic-compound 25,00 mg
Nicotinic acid as nicotinic acid-compound 37,00 mg
Trace elements
Iron as monohydrate iron ll sulphate (E 1) 160,00 mg
Copper as cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 36,00 mg
Zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 250,00 mg
Manganese as manganese-(II)-oxide (E 5) 144,00 mg
Iodine as calcium iodate, hexahedral (E 2) 0,85 mg
Selenium as sodium selenite (E 8) 0,85 mg
Technological additives (per kg):
Lecithin (E 322) 1.000,00 mg
Cornmsli fully fortified single food supplement:
Small horse / Pony approx. 260 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Thoroughbred approx. 380 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Warm blooded horse approx. 450 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day

Feeding recommendation per day for a horse with a bodyweight of 550 kg:
Cornmsli as an additional supplement to a forage diet
Light work approx. 2,02,5 kg
The tasty crunchy muesli flakes in Cornmsli are a Moderate work approx. 2,53,5 kg
tasty eating experience even for fussy horses. The
oat free muesli is ideal for the lively spirited horse or
for horses that are sensitive to protein. Fussy eat-
ers or horses that rapidly lose substances will benefit
from Cornmsli. Depending upon the age, training
progress and energetic state, it will help build up
body mass, expression, and improve stamina.

Cornmsli is ideally used as an additional feed to

hay, or as an energy building block in combination 1 litre = 540 grammes
with oats, pellets or other marstall muesli mixes.
The amount given of Cornmsli feed, depends upon 20-kg-
the individual energy demands and upon the work- sack 750 kg

load done by your horse.

The high-energy
Oat free structured muesli for s

marstall Champion the oat free high-energy-

structured-muesli, with valuable proteins for
muscle building, strength, stamina and the will
to perform in all disciplines! Highly palatable
and effective due to structured lucerne, liver
cleansing herbs, apple, brewers yeast, lecithin,
omega-3 fatty acid plant oils and marine algae.
With extra amounts of vitamins to help support
the muscle metabolism during stressful phases!
(Complies to the ADMR). Now with a new recipe!

Often its that little grain of luck what decides which Plenty of antioxidants in the form of vitamin E help
highly talented horse becomes the prize champion. to neutralize the oxygen based free radicals, which
But behind each win hides an intensive complex is essential when horses are competing and mus-
training, hard work, strict discipline and a burning cle power is demanded! Tasty structured lucerne in-
ambition, both for horse and rider; and last but not creases chewing and in turn the saliva production.
least an individual, balanced high performance feed! Omega-3-fatty acid plant oils are not only meant for
marstall Champion is a concentrated nutritional quick energy supplies but also for a gleaming coat.
recipe, ideal as an additional sport-feed to hay or Lecithin increases the utilization of the fat-energy
grass. The reduced starch, rich in protein and en- sources.
ergy mix, supplies the muscles with all the nutrition Champion shows excellent results when it comes
needed for short or longer periods of performance! to feeding acceptance! It keeps horses at the trough
Organic calcium from the marine algae, the rich in even when only short feeding times are available or
vitamin B brewers yeast, the liver cleansing herbs during periods of performance stress.
and apple fibers, all aid towards a healthy digestion
and metabolism. This oat free recipe is ideal to mix with oats.

y formula!
Feed-Guide Sport

Amino-Sport Msli
Nutritional supplements for horses
Hydrothermally macerated cereal flakes:

strength and endurance. maize flakes (30 %), barley flakes (24 %)
Ingredients: maize flakes, barley flakes, soybean flakes, semolina
bran, dried apple pomace (5 %), rapeseed oil, refined (5 %), wheat bran
middlings, sunflower shells, sugarbeet pulp molassed, beet molasses,
growth of permanent grassland, dried and as pellets, dried lucerne (1
%), maize gluten feed, calcium carbonate, brewers yeast (0,8 %),
milk thistle seed, seaweed meal (0,5 %), sodium chloride, nettle,
monocalcium phosphate, hawkbit root, hawthorn, magnesium oxide
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 11,20 %
Digestible raw protein 6,20 %
Crude fat 9,50 %
Crude fiber 6,70 %
Crude ash 6,40 %
Energy (DE) 13,50 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 2014 12,00 MJ
Calcium 0,90 %
Phosphorous 0,40 %
Sodium 0,20 %
Magnesium 0,30 %
Amino acids
Lysine (pcv) 0,25 %
Threonine (pcv) 0,25 %
Methionine (pcv) 0,20 %
Nutritional additives (per kg):
Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A as vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 22.500,00 I.E.
Vitamin D as vitamin D3 (E 671) 990,00 I.E.
Vitamin E as vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 880,00 mg
Vitamin K3 as menadion-nicotinamide-bisulfite-compound 8,00 mg
Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin C as L(+)-ascorbic acid pure substance 50,00 mg
Vitamin B1 as thiamin mononitrate-pure substance 25,00 mg
Vitamin B2 as riboflavin-compound 6,00 mg
Vitamin B6 as pyridoxolhydrochloride-pure substance 18,00 mg
Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12-compound 45,00 mcg
Biotin as biotin-compound 285,00 mcg
Folic acid as folic acid-compound 8,20 mg
Choline chloride as choline chloride-compound 244,00 mg
Pantothenic acid as calcium-D-pantothenate-compound 26,00 mg
Nicotinic acid as nicotinic acid-compound 40,00 mg
Trace elements
Iron as monohydrate iron (II) sulphate (E 1) 180,00 mg
Copper as cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 39,00 mg
Zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 260,00 mg
Manganese as manganese-(II)-oxide (E 5) 150,00 mg
Iodine as calcium iodate, hexahedral (E 2) 0,90 mg
Selenium as sodium selenite (E 8) 0,85 mg
Technological additives (per kg):
Lecithin (E 322) 1.000,00 mg
Champion in combination with other supplementary feeds in addition to a forage diet:
Small horse / Pony approx. 260 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Thoroughbred approx. 380 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Warm blooded horse approx. 380 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Feeding recommendation per day for a horse with a bodyweight of 550 kg:
Champion in combination with other supplementary feeds in addition to a forage diet:
Light work approx. 1,0 kg to the concentrated feed
Moderate work approx. 1,5 kg to the concentrated feed
Heavy work approx. 2,0 kg to the concentrated feed

Christoph Sandmann,
several times German
Champion and World 1 litre = 560 grammes
Champion in four-in-
hand carriage driving: 20-kg-
Success due to sack 750 kg

marstall Power!

The peak perfor
With essential amino acids


Additional feeding with essential amino acids to

sport horses improves the building of muscles,
by moderate training, for middle aged horses,
in older horses (Graham-Thiers and Kronfeld,
2005) and in young stallions (Koslowski, 2008).
marstall Amino-Sport Msli - the peak perfor- Harness racing horses, when fed with amino ac-
mance feed of the newest generation. Using ami- ids in their purest form, feel the positive effects,
no acids as proven in scientific findings from the with the availability of free amino acids in the
human sports! Highly digestible energy for de- muscles, reducing proteolysis, which in turn aids
layed muscle tiredness and for short regenera- the regeneration (van den Hoven 2009).
tion periods. Tasty, glycogen reserves, reduced Basic feeds, rich in protein, lead to a better
starch, rich in structure. Extra rich in vitamins E amino acid supply and a tendency to a quicker
+ C! (Complies to the ADMR) muscle glycogen build up (Essen-Gustavsson,
What has been known for a long time in human
sports is: single amino acids supply the muscles and
liver with energy. This saves glycogen (stored en- marstall Amino-Sport Msli is suited to the specif-
ergy in the muscles), improves the functions of the ic nutrition for peak performance horses in competi-
muscles and reduces tiredness, especially when en- tive sports. As found in human sports, the most im-
durance and performance are needed. An optimal portant essential amino acids, in a crystalline form,
muscle building is only possible when the essential L-/DL-pure, are added!
amino acids are added to the nutrition in correct Besides low levels of highly digestible cereal flakes
amounts. Dietary supplements, in human sports, and quality oats, the muscles are supplied with ome-
work with crystalline amino acids in their purest form, ga-3-fatty acids, rapeseed oil, structured fibers and
because they are to 100 % available and are ab- the specific amino acid formula, reduced starch, with
sorbed instantly in the blood, and in return directly easily digestible glycogen reserves, for long term
in the muscles. energy. Lecithin supports the fat metabolism and
strengthens the nerves.
Essential amino acids can only be found in small Vitamin C strengthens the antioxidant effect of vita-
amounts in hay and in the average quality feeds and min E. Both antioxidants are contained in Amino-
are usually hard to digest, which can cause prob- Sport Msli at high levels. Probiotic brewers yeast
lems for the horse during increased requirements. and structured fibers are contained to encourage
Especially sport horses are dependent upon a suf- chewing and for a balanced intestinal flora, healthy
ficient intake, if only one amino acid is missing it can digestion and nutritional supply, even during stress-
cause a decrease or slower muscle build up. ful phases!

Reduced starch in feeding is becoming more and marstall Amino-Sport Msli is the reduced starch
more important in sports. Horses have to be fed alternative to other sport feeds, which are rich in ce-
more often low starch feeds, due to metabolic dis- reals!
orders such as PSSM and other ailments, like stom-
ach ulcers. Therefore the energy supply has to marstall tip: Our special amino acid mix is available
come from elsewhere, as an alternative this can be in a concentrated form, to help balance every ration:
reached by feeding fats, amino acids and fibers. Amino-Muskel PLUS ( see page 68).

rmance feed
Feed-Guide Sport

Amino-Sport Msli
Nutritional supplements for horses
Hydrothermally macerated cereal flakes:
in their purest form maize flakes (15 %), barley flakes (10 %), oat (10 %)
Ingredients: maize flakes, soybean flakes, oat (10%), barley flakes,
oat hulls, wheat bran middlings, semolina bran, molasses, rapeseed
oil, refined (4 %), hay-chaff dried, soybean meal, sunflower shells,
sugarbeet pulp molassed, lucerne-chaff dried, rapeseed oil, hardened
(2 %), calcium carbonate, pea flakes, maize middlings, monocalcium
phosphate, sodium chloride, magnesium oxide
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 16,00 %
Digestible raw protein 10,70 %
Crude fat 11,20 %
Crude fiber 8,60 %
Crude ash 6,60 %
Starch 22,00 %
Energy (DE) 13,50 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 2014 12,00 MJ
Calcium 0,85 %
Phosphorous 0,35 %
Sodium 0,18 %
Magnesium 0,30 %

pcv* Lysine 0,90 %

pcv* Threonine 1,20 %
pcv* SAS (Methionine+Cysteine) 0,80 %
pcv* Tryptophane 0,15 %
(*pcv = precaecal digestible (digestible in small intestines=available for horses!)

Nutritional additives (per kg):

Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A as vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 16.300,00 I.E.
Vitamin D as vitamin D3 (E 671) 710,00 I.E.
Vitamin E as vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 950,00 mg
Vitamin K3 as menadione-nicotinamide-bisulfite-compound 3,00 mg
Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin C as (L(+)-ascorbic acid - pure substance) 500,00 mg
Vitamin B1 as thiamin mononitrate pure substance 11,00 mg
Vitamin B2 as riboflavin compound 4,50 mg
Vitamin B6 as pyridoxlhydrochloride - pure substance 9,00 mg
Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12-compound 75,00 mcg
Biotin as biotin compound 440,00 mcg
Folic acid as folic acid-compound 7,00 mg
Choline chloride as choline chloride-compound 180,00 mg
Pantothenic acid as calcium-D-pantothenate-compound 10,00 mg
Nicotinic acid as nicotinic acid-compound 16,00 mg
Trace elements
Iron as monohydrate-iron-(II)-sulphate (E 1) 120,00 mg
Copper as cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 35,00 mg
Zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 250,00 mg
Manganese as manganese-(II)-oxide (E 5) 100,00 mg
Iodine as calcium iodate, hexahydral (E 2) 1,20 mg
Selenium as sodium selenite (E 8) 0,90 mg
Zootechnical additives (per kg):
Saccharomyces cerevisiae CBS 493.94 6 x 109 KBE
Amino-Sport Msli fully fortified single food supplement:
Small horse / Pony approx. 400 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Thoroughbred approx. 500 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Warm blooded horse approx. 550 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Feeding recommendation per day for a horse with a bodyweight of 550 kg:
Amino-Sport Msli as an additional supplement to a forage diet
moderate work approx. 2,03,0 kg
hard work approx. 3,04,0 kg

Photo: Peter Thomsen, several times Olympic winner,

world and European champion in eventing. Seen here 1 litre
with his young-champion horse, Unessa:
Healthy horses means best results, thanks to 20-kg-
marstall. sack 750 kg

For successful
Optimal amino acid con

marstall Zuchtmsli The high quality muesli mix

containing lightly digestible hydrothermally mac-
erated cereals, with high quality protein compo-
nents (i.e. pure L-lysine) and omega-3-fatty acids.
Perfectly balanced with trace elements and miner-
als (copper, organic selenium) and extra beta-caro-
tene. For broodmares and covering stallions.

Broodmares are often undernourished whilst only fed

on rations of oats, hay and grass during the important
final trimester of their pregnancy (from the 8th month
of pregnancy) and during the lactating phase. The es-
sential amino acids such as leucine and lysine and
other trace elements like copper, zinc and selenium
are then not covered for.(See Info Centre).

Highly digestible hydrothermally macerated muesli

flakes and omega-3-fatty acid oils contained in
Zuchtmsli cover the energy amounts needed by
the mare. In addition to the 100 % absorbable L-
lysine Zuchtmsli contains other high quality pro-
tein componenents (soya, brewers yeast) with high
levels of leucine, methionine and other essential
amino acids. These are responsible for the foetus
development and for the production of milk proteins.
The correct amounts added of calcium, phosphorus,
copper, zinc and manganese, are important for the
healthy development of joints and bones of the foal.
Organic selenium (selenium yeast) improves vitality
and the immune system of the unborn foal and later
for the milk quality of the mare. Together with vitamin
E and beta-carotene and selenium yeast, these help
the seperation of the placenta and give protection for
a future, healthy fertility. Also the colostrum quality is
increased postively with the addition of zinc-, beta-
carotene- and portions of vitamin A and E .

marstall-tip: broodmares, which are poor eaters or

are going to be covered during winter feeding, need
a better beta-carotene- and amino acid supply . They
should be fed Zuchtmsli approx. 4 weeks prior to
covereing and up to the 3rd week of pregnancy. Later
they can be fed their usual concentrated feed.

A covering stallion is optimally fed with Zuchtmsli

supplying it with energy and protein, minerals and
vitamins and trace elements. Essential amino acids
such as lysine, methionine and cystine are also im-
portant, in addition, selenium, beta-carotene, vitamin
A and E improve the quality and sperm count. Successful breeder Heinrich Ramsbrock:
Zuchtmsli is of great importance for the radiance We feed marstall, because energy and per-
and condition of the horse and for a calm composure. formance lead to success.

Feed-Guide Sport

Amino-Sport Msli
Nutritional supplements for horses
Hydrothermally macerated cereal flakes: maize

ntent and more...! flakes (22 %), barley flakes (20 %), oats (15 %)
Ingredients: maize flakes (22 %), flaked barley (20 %), oats (15
%), extracted soybean meal, steam-heated (15 %), semolina bran
(10 %), maize gluten feed (6 %), rapeseed oil ref. (3 %), sugar beet
molasses (3 %), brewers yeast (2 %), calcium carbonate (1,5 %),
sodium chloride (0,5 %), magnesium oxide (0,25 %) #
INFO CENTRE: Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 16,00 %
Especially when pasture feeding isnt possible, then it Digestible raw protein 13,50 %
is recommended to feed a broodmare, prior to cover- Crude fat 6,00 %
Crude fiber 5,50 %
ing, with extra beta carotene and high quality protein Crude ash 6,00 %
(essential amino acids) during this time. After this peri- Energy (DE) 13,00 MJ
od, the pregant mare doesnt need an increased level Energy (ME) GfE 2014 11,50 MJ
of nutrients right up to the 7th month of pregnancy, Calcium 0,95 %
and an adapted feed is enough. Phosphorous 0,45 %
From the 8th month onwards the foetus develops Sodium 0,25 %
Magnesium 0,25 %
rapidly in the womb. Correct feeding is now essen-
tial to guarantee the best possible development and Amino acids
Lysine 1,10 %
growth of the foetus! In the womb the unborn foal Methionine 0,30 %
now needs a high level of essential amino acids and Leucine 1,20 %
enough selenium for a great start in life, also cop- (contains additional amino acids!)
per for the mare. The mares milk is relatively low in Nutritional additives (per kg):
copper and during the last phase of the pregnancy
Fat-soluble vitamins
the foetus will store copper in its liver so that it will Vitamin A as vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 18.000,00 I.E.
be able to use these reserves once born. Copper is Beta-carotene as beta-carotene-compound 50,00 mg
responsible for a healthy cartilage maturity. Vitamin D as vitamin D3 (E 671) 1.800,00 I.E.
Vitamin E as vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 300,00 mg
After the birth the lactating phase starts (the suck- Vitamin K3 as menadion nicotinamide -bisulfite-compound 4,00 mg
ling phase). This is probably the most strenuos
Water-soluble vitamins
time for the mare. New studies have shown that Vitamin C as L(+)-ascorbic acid-pure substance 65,00 mg
the lactating phase reaches its peak middle of the Vitamin B1 as thiamin-mononitrate-pure substance 18,00 mg
Vitamin B2 as riboflavin-compound 10,00 mg
1st up to the end of the 2nd lactating month. It has Vitamin B6 as pyridoxolhydrochloride-pure substance 5,00 mg
been proven scientifically that the mares milk is Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12-compound 80,00 mcg
rich in essential amino acids, leucine (key to the Biotin as biotin-compound 160,00 mcg
Folic acid as folic acid-compound 5,00 mg
foals growth) and vitamin C. The supply of energy, Choline chloride as choline chloride-compound 300,00 mg
amino acids (most importantly leucine & lysine), Pantothenic acid as calcium-D-pantothenate-compound 20,00 mg
Nicotinic acid as nicotinic acid-compound 45,00 mg
minerals, vitamins and trace elements are crucial
for an ample milk production and for protecting the Trace elements
Iron as monohydrate iron (II) sulphate (E 1) 130,00 mg
mare, so that her reserves dont become depleted Copper as cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 50,00 mg
over this time. Zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 180,00 mg
Manganese as manganese-(II)-oxide) (E 5) 120,00 mg
Iodine as calcium iodate, hexahedral (E 2) 0,80 mg
Selenium total: 0,70 mg
Zuchtmsli fully fortified single food supplement: of which is sodium selenite (E 8) 0,40 mg
of which is selenium methionine (inactive selenium yeast)
Gestation: month from saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3060 (3b8.10) 0,30 mg
8 910 11
Small horse / Pony 350 500 660 g per 100 kg weight/day Feeding recommendation see table opposite.
Thoroughbred 380 520 610 g per 100 kg weight/day
Warm blooded 410 500 600 g per 100 kg weight/day Always ensure that there is an adequate supply of water, especially
Lactation: month during lactation!
1*2 3 46
Small horse / Pony 800 750 550 g per 100 kg weight/day # specific premixed of vitamins and trace elements 1,6 %, L-Lysine
Thoroughbred 900 770 560 g per 100 kg weight/day 0,4%
Warm blooded 820 660 500 g per 100 kg weight/day
*The amounts stated should be met during the first 2 lactating weeks

Recommended-ration per day of a mare with a body weight 600 kg :

Zuchtmsli fully fortified single food supplement in addition to a forage diet.
8. month 2,02,5 kg/day
9.10. months 2,53,0 kg/day
11. month 3,03,5 kg/day 1 litre = 520 grammes
1*.2. months 4,55,0 kg/day
3. month 4,03,0 kg/day 20-kg-
from 4. months 3,02,5 kg/day sack

The perfe
Feed-Guide Breeding

Amino-Sport Msli
Nutritional supplements for horses
Hydrothermally macerated cereal flakes: maize
flakes (20%), barley flakes (17 %), oat flakes (10 %)
Starter muesli with Pro Amin
Ingredients: maize flakes, flaked barley, extracted soybean
meal, (steam-heated), oat flakes, maize, maize gluten feed, oats,
semolina bran, skimmed milk powder (2,5 %), sugarbeet molasses,
dextrose, rapeseed oil ref., monocalcium phosphate, calcium
carbonate, sodium chloride, magnesium oxide # marstall Fohlenmsli a concentrated rich in copper starter
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg): muesli, lightly digestible and ideal as a feed from the 2nd
Crude protein (RP) 17,00 % week of life. Optimal amino acid mix - marstall ProAmin, a
Digestible raw protein 14,50 % high quality dried milk powder with organic selenium. Bal-
Crude fat 5,00 % anced contents of minerals, trace elements and vitamins. For
Crude fibre 5,00 %
Crude ash 7,50 % happy growing foals with healthy joints and strong skeletal
Energy (DE) 12,50 MJ development.
Energy (ME) GfE 2014 10,50 MJ
Calcium 1,10 %
Phosphorous 0,60 % The mares milk doesnt supply enough of the required amount of
Sodium 0,30 % nutrients after the first month as a foal develops very quickly within
Magnesium 0,25 % the first few weeks. However, young foals have difficulty feeding
Amino acids concentrates independantly. They need an extremely concentrated
Lysine 1,50 % and palatable starter feed like Fohlenmsli, with a high content
Methionine 0,60 %
Threonine 0,80 % of high quality proteins, amino acids, energy and trace elements
Leucine 1,20 % (copper). New scientific findings have confirmed the postive effects
(contains additional amino acids!) of feeding with essential amino acids, necessary for bone develop-
Nutritional additives (per kg): ment (Krumbiegel, 2011). See also Info Centre p. 44.
marstall Fohlenmsli contains the optimal mix of essential ami-
Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A as vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 25.000,00 I.E.
no acids (marstall ProAmin) with lysine, methionine, threonine,
Vitamin D as vitamin D3 (E 671) 2.500,00 I.E. leucine etc.. The palatable taste with extra milk powder and hy-
Vitamin E as Vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 250,00 mg drothermally macerated cereals with omega-3-fatty acid oils, are
Vitamin K3 as menadion-nicotinamide-bisulfite-compound 5,00 mg
easily digestible and relieve the sensitive unmatured stomach and
Water-soluble vitamins intestine. Vitamins, minerals (such as calcium, phosphorous and
Vitamin C as L(+)-ascorbic acid pure substance 90,00 mg
Vitamin B1 as thiamin mononitrate-pure substance 20,00 mg
magnesium) and trace elements (such as copper and zinc) are
Vitamin B2 as riboflavin-compound 10,00 mg contained in balanced amounts and serve the purpose of a healthy
Vitamin B6 as pyridoxolhydrochloride-pure substance 5,00 mg growing foal with strong joints and bones, building muscles, and
Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12-compound 100,00 mcg
Biotin as biotin-compound 200,00 mcg
due to selenium, vitality and a resilient immune system.
Folic acid as folic acid-compound 5,00 mg Fohlenmsli is a complete starter muesli with all the valuable
Choline chloride as choline chloride-compound 250,00 mg nutrition needed, in the best quality and all in one sack.
Pantothenic acid as calcium-D-pantothenate-compound 25,00 mg
Nicotinic acid as nicotinic acid-compound 50,00 mg
Trace elements
Iron as monohydrate-iron-(II)-sulphate (E 1) 95,00 mg Fohlenmsli as a single supplementary feed (in g / per 100 kg bodyweight/day):
Copper as cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 50,00 mg suckling foal month 1 litre = 500 gramme
Zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 180,00 mg
Manganese as manganese-(II)-oxide (E 5) 120,00 mg Warm blooded 1. 2. - 3. 4. - 6. 7. - 12.
Iodine as calcium iodate, hexahedral (E 2) 0,80 mg
Selenium total: 0,70 mg (600 kg adult) feeding 500-530 g 780-1000g 860-640g
of which is sodium selenite (E 8) 0,40 mg
of which is selenium methionine (inactive selenium yeast)
Small horse / Pony: approx. 50% less
from saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3060 (3b8.10) 0,30 mg Thoroughbred / slender breeds: approx. 10 - 15% less
Cold blooded / heavy breeds: approx. 20 - 25% more
Feeding recommendation see table opposite.
Breeding combination (see P. 42) Feeding recommendation per day, expected end bodyweight of between
550600 kg:
# specific premix of amino acids (total 2,0 %) premix of vitamins and Fohlenmsli as a single supplementary feed to mares milk and coarse fodder
trace elements (Amount should be reduced during pasture feeding)
Foals supplementary feed
Month approx. weight (kg) Fohlenmsli Fohlen-Mix + Complete
1. 50 - 90 feeding
2. - 3. 90 - 190 0,5 - 1,0 kg
4. - 6. 190 - 280 1,5 - 3,0 kg
7. - 8. 280 - 320 2,0 - 2,5 kg*
9. - 12. 340 - 390 2,0 - 2,5 kg
or 9. - 12. 1,0 - 1,25 kg 1,0 - 1,25 kg
1 litre = 500 grammes 13. - 18. 400 - 450 1,25 kg 1,0 kg
19. - 24. 460 - 500 1,0 kg 1,25 kg
25. - 36. 500 - 580 0,75 kg 1,5 - 2,0 kg
Fohlenmsli fed up to 2 months after weaning. Afterwards change to Fohlen-Mix +
marstall Complete. For further information:
*Quantities are in compliance with the recommendations for restrictive breeding (Mack,2007)
ect start
Feed-Guide Breeding

Amino-Sport Msli
Nutritional supplements for sucklings
For the first 5-6 days!
For safe & secure initial care! Contents:
2 x 200 g foal-colostrum-milk powder (30 % IgG)
1 x 3 kg foal-milk powder in reclosable container
1 x measuring spoon for the correct dosage
1 x bottle teat
1 x drinking schedule


Feed-Guide Breeding

marstall Fohlen-NOT-Paket basic provision for a foal in Milk substitute - formula feed for sucklings
the first few hours. Colostrum- and follow-on milk powder.
Milk substitute for motherless rearing!
Including application assistance and drinking schedule .
A newly born foal has no antibodies, these are contained in the Ingredients: skimmed milk powder(48 %), whey powder
mares first milk or colostrum milk. It is therefore essential that (32,5 %), vegetable fat (ref. palm, cocos) (10,5 %), dextrose
(5,0 %), calcium formate (1,5 %), linseed oil (0,5 %) #
a foal consumes the colostrum milk within the first few hours.
If the foal isnt given the possibility to drink this milk during this Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
period then immediate action must be taken! For such incidents Crude protein (RP) 22,00 %
we have the marstall Fohlen-NOT-Paket (emergency pack). Digestible raw protein 17,60 %
Crude fat 12,00 %
This pack contains the high quality colostrum milk substitute Crude fiber 0,01 %
and a dry powder as well as the Fohlen-Milchpulver a follow- Crude ash 8,00 %
on milk substitute for the first few days. Included are scoops, Lactose 46,00 %
Energy (DE) 16,50 MJ
feeding bottle and teats and a drinking schedule. Calcium 1,10 %
Phosphorous 0,80 %
Sodium 0,30 %
marstall Fohlen-Milchpulver high quality follow-on milk Amino acids
substitute. With extra lysine, vitamin C and copper. With Lysine 1,95 %
improved recipe! Nutritional additives (per kg):
If the mare cant provide enough milk, or the foal refuses the Vitamin A as vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 25.000,00 I.E.
mares milk, then the marstall Fohlen-Milchpulver is the ideal Vitamin D as vitamin D3 (E 671) 2.500,00 I.E.
substitute. Vitamin E as vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 90,00 mg
Vitamin C as L(+)-ascorbic acid-pure substance 925,00 mg
Fohlen-Milchpulver - foal milk powder and the drinking sched-
ule are based on the newest scientific research - with correct Trace elements
Iron as monohydrate iron (II) sulphate (E 1) 88,00 mg
amounts of milk needed during the lactation phase and also Copper as cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 11,00 mg
suited to the mares milk. Rich in lactose, lysine and vitamin C, Zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 20,00 mg
Fohlen-Milchpulver corresponds to the natural content of the Manganese as manganese-(II)-oxide (E 5) 20,00 mg
Cobalt as basic cobalt(II)carb., monohydrate (E 3) 0,08 mg
suckling foals first feed. Rounded up with a high copper supply, Iodine as calciumiodate, hexahedral (E 2) 0,60 mg
proven important for the prevention of OCD in the joints (cartilage Selenium as sodium selenite (E 8) 0,25 mg
disorder), the Fohlen-Milchpulver is a high quality milk substi- Amino acids
tute, freely accepted by foals. The feed is also supplied with a L-Lysine 10.000,00 mg
specific drinking schedule and preparation suggestions to help
Feeding recommendation see feeding plan (inside the sack or
you raise your foal without its mother . download from website).
marstall Fohlen-NOT-Paket and Fohlen-Milchpulver are not # specific premixed lysine-, vitamin- and trace elements (2 %)
kept in stock by all our distributors. It is recommended for all
breeders to order in advance. 20-kg-
A list of all our distributors can be found on our internet site sack 1 level measuring jug = 70 grammes

The starter and breed
A special blend of essential amino

marstall Fohlen-Mix The high quality concen-

trate is made from essential amino acids (marstall
ProAmin), skimmed milk powder and carefully
balanced vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
It is especially rich in copper and organic sele-
nium. It can be used as a starter pellet or in com-
bination with muesli, for rearing young horses.

The main period of growth takes place in the first 9-12

months (according to breed). After that the energy
input should be reduced (Mack, 2007), however the
need for a supply of high quality nutrients exists until
the development has almost been completed at ap-
proximately 3-3.5 years old.
The supply of essential amino acids (marstall
ProAmin) has proven to improve bone development,
support steady growth and well-being and to lessen
the strain on liver and kidneys as other more com-
mon rations that are rich in protein (see Info Centre).
The balanced supply of vitamins, minerals and trace INFO CENTRE:
elements supports a healthy skeletal and joint devel-
opment and satisfies the requirements of growing In the last few years, marstall has supported and ac-
horses. companied various research projects of the Faculty of
Fohlen-Mix is a high quality concentrate of all vital Veterinary Medicine at LMU in Munich.
nutrients that a young horse needs in this phase of Hereafter the overfeeding of horses during growth,
high performance. The palatable 4mm pellet that con- which has been widely discussed in Germany, has
tains marstall ProAmin, skimmed milk powder, or- been found to be a theoretical problem. On the con-
ganic selenium and a similar proportion of copper and trary, in practice foals grow in accordance with the
zinc, acts as a supplement and provides all essential recommendations (GfE 1994) for restrictive breeding
nutrients that the basic feed ration may not sufficiently (Hois et al., 2005).
contain. It is suitable to be used in accompaniment However, the currently established energy recommen-
with home-grown cereals to provide an economical dations (GfE 1994) are probably too high (Mack, 2006).
Horse owners are often prone to believe that protein
Fohlen-Mix is to be used as follows: for foals is harmful. But the amount of protein per day
is much more important than the protein composition
as a Starterpellet in combination with home-grown (content of essential amino acids)! The most recent
rolled oats, from the second week of age. Feed until 2 study, supported by marstall, shows that the targeted
months after weaning. (Afterwards: see feed recom- supply of specific essential amino acids (basic ele-
mendation, right side) ments of protein) have a significantly positive effect
on growth and bone development. Furthermore the
as a breeding concentrate from yearling, to be com- strain on liver and kidneys is lower than with feeds
bined with the muesli marstall Complete. Feed ap- containing increased soya (Krumbiegel, 2011).
proximately until 3 years of age. (see feed recommen- The amino acid mix marstall ProAmin has been de-
dation, right side) veloped after receiving these positive results.

ding concentrate
Feed-Guide Sport

Amino-Sport Msli
Nutritional supplements for horses
Breeding concentrate in pellet form! To be used as

acids with marstall ProAmin a starter pellet or in combination with muesli from
yearling onwards.
Ingredients: soy extraction meal, steam-heated, maize, maize
gluten feed, oats, semolina bran, skimmed milk powder
(4,5 %), vegetable oil from rapeseed ref., dextrose, monocalcium
phosphate, calcium carbonate, molasses, sodium chloride, magne-
sium oxide #
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 24,00 %
Digestible raw protein 21,00 %
Crude fat 6,50 %
Crude fiber 4,50 %
Crude ash 12,50 %
Energy (DE) 12,50 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 10,00 MJ

Calcium 2,20 %
Phosphorous 1,30 %
Sodium 0,60 %
Magnesium 0,50 %
Amino acids
Lysine 2,80 %
Methionine 1,00 %
Threonine 1,40 %
Leucine 1,50 %
(Contains additional amino acids!)
Nutritional additives (per kg):
Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A as Vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 50.000,00 I.E.
Vitamin D as Vitamin D3 (E 671) 5.000,00 I.E.
Vitamin E as Vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 500,00 mg
Vitamin K3 as menadion-nicotinamide-bisulfite-compound 10,00 mg
Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin C as L(+)-ascorbic acid-pure substance 150,00 mg
Vitamin B1 as thiamin mononitrate-pure substance 40,00 mg
Vitamin B2 as riboflavin-compound 25,00 mg
Vitamin B6 as pyridoxolhydrochloride-pure substance 12,00 mg
Fohlen-Mix as an additional food supplement to be mixed with oats Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12-compound 200,00 mcg
Biotin as biotin-compound 400,00 mcg
(in g / per 100 kg bodyweight & day): 1 litre = 650 g Folic acid as folic acid-compound 12,00 mg
Choline chloride as choline chloride-compound 500,00 mg
Suckling Age in months Pantothenic acid as calcium-D-pantothenate-compound 50,00 mg
Nicotinic acid as nicotinic acid-compound 100,00 mg
1. 2. - 3. 4. - 6. 7. - 12.
Warm blooded horse feeding 250-270 g 390-470 g 430-330 g Trace elements
Iron as iron-(II)-sulphate, monohydrate (E1) 190,00 mg
(600 kg adult) Copper as cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 100,00 mg
13. - 18. 19. - 24. 25. - 36. Zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 360,00 mg
330-270 g 260-200 g 200-130 g Manganese as manganese-(II)-oxide (E 5) 240,00 mg
Iodine as calcium iodate, hexahedral (E 2) 1,60 mg
Small horse / Pony: approx. 50% less Selenium total 1,40 mg
Thoroughbred / light-weight breeds: approx. 10 - 15% less of which is sodium selenite (E 8) 0,80 mg
of which is selenium methionine (inactive selenium yeast)
Cold blooded horse / heavy breeds: approx. 20 - 25% more of which is saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3060 (3b8.10) 0,60 mg
Feeding recommendation per day, expected final weight of 550 - 600 kg bw:
Fohlen-Mix in combination with rolled oats (afterwards marstall Complete) add to Feeding recommendation see table opposite.
mares milk and roughage (when grazing, reduce the amount of oats)
Foals Supplementary feed # specific amino acids (total 3,80 %) premix of vitamins and trace
Months approx. weight (kg) Fohlen-Mix Oats (rolled) Complete elements
1. 50 - 90 Feed
2. - 3. 90 - 190 0,25 - 0,5 kg 0,25 - 0,75 kg
4. - 6. 190 - 280 0,75 - 1,25 kg 1,0 - 2,0 kg
7. - 8. 280 - 320 1,0 - 1,25 kg* 1,5 kg
9. - 12. 340 - 390 1,0 - 1,25 kg 1,0 - 1,25 kg
13. - 18. 400 - 450 1,25 kg 1,0 kg
19. - 24. 460 - 500 1,0 kg 1,25 kg
25. - 36. 500 - 580 0,75 kg 1,5 - 2,0 kg 1 litre = 650 grammes

Fohlen-Mix + oats please feed for 2 months after weaning. Afterwards change to
Fohlen-Mix + marstall Complete. 25-kg-
For further informations: 600kg

*Mengen richten sich nach Empfehlungen fr restriktive Aufzucht (Mack, 2007).

Active and balance
For all horses kept in a robu

marstall Islnder Robust-Msli specially de-

veloped for horses kept in robust environments,
guaranteeing a healthy, nutritional care.

That icelandic horses are robust and easy to care for,

and that paddock grazing is the ideal way to manage
this breed, is incorrect in terms of health and fitness.
It is difficult to feed just on hay and grassland be- of vitamins, minerals and trace elements covers the
cause the plant diversity has decreased significantly. nutritional demands of small ration feeding. Natural
herbs, purifying garlic granules add to the positive
One-sided hay and pasture grazing can result in effects of this Islnder Robust-Msli.
health problems, when practiced over long peri-
ods. For instance a dull coat and a long duration of Islnder Robust-Msli has been developed for
change of coat, itching, mallenders, brittle hooves good doers and for horsebreeds which need to be
and poor performance can occur. fed a wholesome, close to nature diet. When fed
Weight gain and lack of energy is also typical by daily with Islnder Robust-Msli,your horse will be
such coventional feeding. provided with all the essential care and active ingre-
Icelandics and robust breeds need daily saturating dients needed.
rations, containing all the essential, valuable bal- It is particularly suitable for Icelandics, Haflinger,
anced ingredients needed. Fjord horses, Irish Connemaras, Freiberger horses,
marstall Islnder Robust-Msli has been espe- Criollos and cold blooded horses etc.
cially devised. It is low in protein and oat free. Be-
sides the hydrotermally macerated cereals which When fed correctly, Islnder Robust-Msli is ideal
are easily digestible, the crude-fibre cobs and lu- for all areas: leisure riding, trail-riding, show- or spor-
cerne mix help retain a sufficient satiety, encourage tive activities. The combination with oats or marstall
chewing and provide positive energy. A special mix Sport mueslis is easily possible.

ed ingredients
Feed-Guide Sport

Islnder RobustMsli
Amino-Sport -Msli
Nutritional supplements for horses
Hydrothermally macerated cereal flakes:

ust environment barley flakes (35 %), maize flakes (15 %)

Ingredients: flaked barley (35 %), maize flakes (15 %), grass from
permanent grassland dried and in pellet form (10%), fruit pommace
(apple) (9 %), semolina bran (6 %), oat hulls (3 %), sugarbeet
molasses (3 %), sugarbeet pulp molassed (3 %), wheat bran (3 %),
lucerne hay (2 %), calcium carbonate (1 %), garlic granules (0,5 %),
monocalcium phosphate (0,5 %), sodium chloride (0,5 %) #
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 9,50 %
Digestible raw protein 6,50 %
Crude fat 3,80 %
Crude fibre 10,10 %
Crude ash 6,90 %
Energy (DE) 10,80 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 9,50 MJ

Calcium 0,80 %
Phosphorous 0,50 %
Sodium 0,45 %
Magnesium 0,30 %
Nutritional additives (per kg):
Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A as vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 22.000,00 I.E.
Vitamin D as vitamin D3 (E 671) 1.100,00 I.E.
Vitamin E as vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 400,00 mg
Vitamin K3 as menadion-nicotinamide-bisulfite-compound 6,10 mg
Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin C as L-ascorbyl phosphate 67,50 mg
Vitamin B1 as thiamin mononitrate-pure substance 20,40 mg
Vitamin B2 as riboflavin-compound 6,30 mg
Vitamin B6 as pyridoxolhydrochloride-pure substance 16,00 mg
Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12-compound 82,50 mcg
Biotin as biotin-compound 500,00 mcg
Folic acid as folic acid-compound 10,00 mg
Choline chloride as choline chloride-compound 265,00 mg
Pantothenic acid as calcium-D-pantothenate-compound 20,00 mg
Nicotinic acid as nicotinic acid-compound 31,00 mg
Trace elements
Iron as iron-(II)-sulphate, monohydrate (E 1) 220,00 mg
Copper as cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 42,00 mg
Zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 285,00 mg
Manganese as manganese-(II)-oxide (E 5) 160,00 mg
Iodine as calcium iodate, hexahedral (E 2) 1,10 mg
Selenium as sodium selenite (E 8) 0,90 mg
Islnder Robust-Msli fully fortified single food supplement
Small horse / Icelandic approx. 250 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Thoroughbred approx. 330 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
Warm blooded horse approx. 400 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day

Feeding recommendation per day doing light work:

Islnder Robust-Msli as an additional supplement to a for-
age diet. (1,21,5 kg hay per 100 kg bodyweight and day):
Icelandic-/ small horse / pony approx. 0,81,2 kg/day
Warm blooded horse approx. 1,52,5 kg/day

# specific premixed herbs (4,5 %), specific premix of vitamins and

trace elements (4,0 %)

1 litre = 500 gramme


Fully satisfying and b
For Quarter, Paint,

marstall Western Struktur-Msli is fibre struc-

tured muesli with valuable protein (essential ami-
no acids in their purest form) for a perfect muscle
build up! Energy through hydrothermally mac-
erated cereal flakes (oat free) and omega-3-fatty
acid plant oils, also containing high levels of anti-
oxidants (vitamin E and selenium) which are ideal
for strength, endurance, speed, manoeuvrability,
calmness and motivation to perform. With pom- Specific performance needs specific nutrients!
ace, brewers yeast, lucerne and pea flakes! When you add protein to a feed, it isnt the amount
which is important rather the quality of the protein (the
The western Sport places high demands on your content of essential amino acids such as lysine, me-
horse: strength, speed and dynamics, manoeuvrabil- thionine, threonine etc.). A horse has only the amino
ity, calmness, quick reactions, top condition and an acids available which are digested and absorbed at
immense resilience with a motivation to perform. the end of the small intestine. Amino acids added in
their purest form to a feed are not only easily digest-
A stable skeletal frame, defined pronounced muscles ible, they can also be completely used and absorbed
and efficient muscle power are essential for success to 100 % by the horse. This means that not only the
and stamina. Due to strong muscle endurance, radi- muscle build up is perfected but also that the nutrition
cals are present in increased amounts; it is essential of the muscle cells and muscle fibres are cared for
that the radicals are then degraded by the antioxi- during high performance and by the regeneration and
dants. repairing phases.

breed optimised!
Feed-Guide Sport

Western Msli
Nutritional supplements for horses
Hydrothermally macerated cereal flakes:

Appaloosa ... barley flakes (40 %), maize flakes (20 %)

Ingredients: barley flakes (40 %), maize flakes (20 %), semolina
bran (10 %), dried apple pomace (4,5 %), sugarbeet pulp molassed
(4,5 %), sunflower shells (3,5 %), dried lucerne (3 %), pea flakes
(3 %), beet molasses (3 %), rapeseed oil, refined (2 %), wheat bran
middlings (1,2 %), calcium carbonate (1,2 %), sodium chloride
(0,6 %), maize middlings (0,5 %), monocalcium phosphate (0,35 %),
magnesium oxide (0,2 %), brewers yeast (0,1 %)#
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 11,00 %
Digestible raw protein 9,30 %
Crude fat 5,00 %
Crude fibre 8,00 %
Crude ash 5,60 %
Energy (DE) 12,00 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 2014 11,00 MJ
Calcium 0,75 %
Phosphorous 0,40 %
Sodium 0,30 %
Magnesium 0,25 %

Amino acids
Lysine 0,70 %
Methionine 0,55 %
Threonine 0,70 %
contain additional amino acids added

Nutritional additives (per kg):

Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A as vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 21.500,00 I.E.
Vitamin D as vitamin D3 (E 671) 950,00 I.E.
Vitamin E as vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 550,00 mg
Vitamin K3 as menadion nicotinamide -bisulfite-compound 5,00 mg
Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin C as L(+)-ascorbyl phosphate 60,00 mg
Vitamin B1 as thiamin mononitrate - pure substance 18,00 mg
Vitamin B2 as riboflavin-compound 5,00 mg
Vitamin B6 as pyridoxolhydrochloride-pure substance 14,00 mg
Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12-compound 75,00 mcg
Biotin as biotin-compound 450,00 mcg
Folic acid as folic acid-compound 9,00 mg
Choline chloride as choline chloride-compound 240,00 mg
Pantothenic acid as calcium-D-pantothenate-compound 18,00 mg
Nicotinic acid as nicotinic acid-compound 25,00 mg
Trace elements
Iron as iron-(II)-sulphate, monohydrate (E 1) 180,00 mg
Copper as cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 42,00 mg
Zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 300,00 mg
Manganese as manganese-(II)-oxide (E 5) 140,00 mg
Iodine as calcium iodate, hexahedral (E 2) 0,95 mg
Selenium as sodium selenite (E 8) 0,95 mg
Western Struktur-Msli as a single concentrated feed:
Small horse / Pony approx. 250 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
marstall Western Struktur Msli with its special Thoroughbred approx. 300 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
amino acid mix has been specifically developed to Warm blooded horse approx. 400 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
western horses. In addition, the Western Struktur- Feeding recommendation per day for a horse with a bodyweight of 500 kg:
Msli has a balanced amount of minerals, trace ele- Western Struktur-Msli as an additional supplement to a forage diet
ments and vitamins, with the antioxidants vitamin E Light work approx. 1,01,5 kg/day
+ selenium responsible for the reduction of radicals Moderate work approx. 1,52,5 kg/day
and for the protection of the muscle cells. Easily di- Heavy work approx. 2,53,5 kg/day
gestible carbohydrates, broken down maize and bar- # specific premixed amino-acids (1,2 %), premix of vitamins and trace
ley flakes with high quality omega-3-fatty acid plant elements (1,15 %)
oils are needed for endurance and strength and for
a concentrated energy. The added structured lucerne
encourages chewing which in turn increases the sa-
liva production, aiding digestion. Tasty apple pomace,
brewers yeast and crispy pea flakes round up this
1 litre
Another suggestion:
There is no need for additional muscle supplements 20-kg-
or special mineral feeds when feeding your horse with sack

the marstall Western Struktur-Msli!

Special muesli
other dressa
for beauty and

marstall Condicin the high quality muesli for

Pura Raza Espagola (P.R.E.) and other dressage
talents. Based on the original Iberian feed, with
especially high quality protein and finely tuned
essential amino acids (added in the pure form)
and a healthy proportion of oats. It contains oil sential amino acids which are added to Condicin,
which is rich in omega-fatty acids. It is easily di- in a pure form, supply the needs for a horses well
gestible and contains hydrothermally macerated proportioned muscle build and round body contours
maize and barley flakes and is extra rich in crude as well as enhancing skin, hair and hooves. omega-
fibre to stimulate the chewing process. It contains 3-vegetable oil. golden linseed and precious silicon
organic selenium and is rich in copper and zinc to from kieselguhr all emphasise these effects.
provide a beautiful coat, an impressive mane and As hay in our part of the world is mostly low in cop-
healthy hooves. per, zinc and selenium, these trace elements are
supplemented through Condicin and brought into
Originally, the feed of Spanish horses often con- perfect harmony.
sisted of low protein feeding straw and an additional Organic selenium (selenium yeast) is especially bio-
ration rich in protein and energy from oats, lucerne, available and in combination with vitamins E and
peas, beans and carob as well as sunflower seeds A, increases the antioxidant capacity of the muscle
containing oil or oil fed directly. The result is well- cells. A balanced supply of calcium, magnesium and
formed, lively, expressive horses with strong nerves sodium support the activities of the muscles and
that have a noble exterior and a solid noblesse. nerves. Due to the large proportion of structured fib-
These horses need a special supply of high-quality ers, the feeding time is lengthened. The chewing and
protein (above all the essential, sulphurous amino salivation processes are intensified.
acid methionine) for round, well-formed muscles and
for the development of keratin proteins for thick hair, marstall Condicin is suitable for all types of hors-
a beautiful mane and strong hooves. es specialising in dressage. To gain a gleaming coat,
marstall Condicin has been adjusted to meet the thick and beautiful mane hair and strong hooves. To
requirements of Spanish horse breeds and all types develop noble body proportions for typical, expres-
of horses specialising in dressage, as it has been sive movements and to increase stamina as well as
based on the Iberian feed and aligned with the basic provide self-confidence, strong nerves and a calm
hay feed in Germany: temperament.
The starch content has been deliberately reduced and marstall Condicin: is ideally suited to Pura Raza
highly digestible hydrothermally macerated muesli Espagola, Andalusians, Lusitanos, Cruzados, Ber-
flakes, golden oats and vegetable oil rich in omega- bers, Lipizzaner, Menorcans, Paso Fino, Paso Pe-
3-fatty acids satisfy the energy requirements. High ruano, Hispano-Arab stallions and also Kladrubers,
quality proteins from soya, rapeseed or brewers yeast Knabstruppers, Baroque pintos and various other
as well as peas, lucerne and most importantly the es- dressage breeds.

Feed-Guide Sport

i for P.R.E. and Amino-Sport Msli

Nutritional supplements for horses
Hydrothermally macerated cereal flakes:

age talents
whole oats (20 %), maize flakes (15 %), barley flakes (10 %),
Ingredients: oats (20 %), maize flakes (15 %), flaked barley (10 %),
semolina bran (10 %), rapeseed meal (6 %), cut grass from permanent
pastures dried and in pellet form (5 %), fruit pommace (apple) (9 %),
soy extraction meal, steam-heated (4 %), sugarbeet pulp molassed (4
%), dried lucerne (3,50 %), pea flakes (3,50 %), fruit pommace (apple)
(3,20%), sugarbeet molasses (3 %), vegetable oil from rapeseed, ref.
(2,50 %), oat hulls (2 %), brewers yeast (1 %), golden linseed (1 %) cal-
cium carbonate (1 %), sodium chloride (0,8 %) monocalcium phosphate

(0,40 %), magnesium oxide (0,30 %) #
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 13,80 %
Digestible raw protein 10,20 %
Crude fat 6,00 %
Crude fibre 10,00 %
Crude ash 7,00 %
Energy 12,00 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 2014 10,50 MJ
Starch 28,00 %

Calcium 0,90 %
Phosphorous 0,50 %
Sodium 0,35 %
Magnesium 0,30 %

Lysine 0,95 %
Methionine 1,30 %
Threonine 0,95 %
Nutritional additives (per kg):
Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A as vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 18.000,00 I.E.
Vitamin D as Vitamin D3 (E 671) 1.350,00 I.E.
Vitamin E as vitamin/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 390,00 mg
Vitamin K3 as menadion-nicotinamide-bisulfite-compound 5,00 mg
Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin C as L(+)-ascorbic acid pure substance) 50,00 mg
Vitamin B1 as thiamine mononitrate-pure substance 19,00 mg
Vitamin B2 as riboflavin-compound 7,00 mg
Vitamin B6 as pyridoxolhydrochloride-pure substance 10,00 mg
Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12-compound 60,00 mcg
Biotin as biotin-compound 200,00 mcg
Folic acid as folic acid-compound 6,00 mg
Choline chloride as choline chloride-compound 260,00 mg
Pantothenic acid as calcium-D-pantothenate-compound 20,00 mg
Nicotinic acid as nicotinic acid-compound 40,00 mg
Condicin as a single food supplement:
Trace elements
Small horse / Pony approx. 290 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day Iron as monohydrate iron (II) sulphate (E 1) 150,00 mg
Thoroughbred approx. 340 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day Copper as cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 45,00 mg
Zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 200,00 mg
P.R.E. approx. 350 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day Manganese as manganese-(II)-oxide (E 5) 140,00 mg
Warm blooded horse approx. 420 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day Iodine as calcium iodate, hexahedral (E 2) 0,70 mg
Selenium total: 0,70 mg
Feeding recommendation per day for a dressage of which is sodium selenite (E 8) 0,58 mg
horse with a bodyweight of 500 kg: as selenium methionine (inactive selenium yeast)
of which is saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3060 (3b8.10) 0,12 mg
Condicin as an additional supplement to a forage diet Technological Additives (per kg):
Kieselguhr (E 551 c) 12.000,00 mg
Light work approx. 1,5 1,7 kg
Moderate work approx. 2,5 3,0 kg # premix of vitamins and trace elements (0,60 %), premix of amino acids
Young stallion (450 kg) approx. 2,5 3,0 kg (L-lysine, DL-methionine, L-threonine) 2,00 %, kieselguhr (1,20 %)
Warm blooded dressage horse to
enhance body form approx. 2,0 3,0 kg

marstall Condicin has been developed in co-operation

with Mllers Pferdeparadies, the pleasant paradise for ani-
mals and people in the region of Allgu.
It is well-known for breeding the noble Pura Raza Espagola 1 litre = 500 grammes
or for importing horses for renowned breeders and it has a
wide range of first class horses for sale. Professional train- 20-kg-
ers and thorough riding lessons round off this exclusive offer. sack 750 kg

For further information:

Structure a
Futter-Guide Fibers
Amino-Sport Msli
Single feed for horses
Produced from pure meadow grass! from the region of All
Ingredients: Grass from permanent pastures (dried and in pellet form)
(100 %). Consisting of various different herbs and grasses:

Perennial ryegrass, cocksfoot, tall fescue, red fescue, italian

ryegrass, timothy, meadow fescue, red clover, white clover, kentucky
bluegrass, oat-grass, golden oat-grass, panicle, birdsfoot, meadow
foxtail, red ragweed, alexandrine klee, ribwort, wide plantain,
camomile, vernal grass, ladys smock, quaking grass, cotton grass,
cuckoo flower, marsh orchid, crested dogstail, cleaver and many

1. Growth, cut in the main flowering, chaffed and dried in the warm air
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 9,30 %
Digestible raw protein 6,10 %
Crude fat 2,50 %
Crude fiber 25,10 %
Crude ash 7,80 %
Energy (DE) 8,20 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 2014 7,20 MJ
Fructan 3,90 %
Major elements marstall Wiesen-Cobs aus dem Allgu taken
Calcium 0,50 % from the luscious natural meadows, the cobs are
Phosphorous 0,30 %
Sodium 0,20 % gently dried in warm air. In a natural condition,
Calium 1,20 % dust-free, low in protein and rich in crude fibres.
Magnesium 0,30 % Low in fructan and molasses-free, ideally suited
Fat-soluble vitamins to older and sensitive horses.
Vitamin E 80,00 mg
Carotene 41,20 mg
The horse derives from the steppe animal, and by
Trace elements nature feeds on roughage. Its digestive system is de-
Iron 225,00 mg
Copper 7,80 mg signed for constant feeding of luscious grass. How-
Zinc 30,00 mg ever, due to the increasing exploitation of grassland,
Manganese 140,00 mg todays grass often contains too much protein, not
Cobalt 0,13 mg
Iodine 0,22 mg enough crude fibre and the variety of grasses is one-
Selenium 0,10 mg sided.
Wiesen-Cobs aus dem Allgu as a high-quality substitute to hay: Scientific research has shown that hay dried in warm
Small horse / Pony approx. 1,01,5 kg per 100 kg bodyweight/day air posesses less fructan than hay which has been
Thoroughbred approx. 1,01,5 kg per 100 kg bodyweight/day dried by the sun (Hoedtke, 2010); probably due to
Warm blooded horse approx. 1,01,5 kg per 100 kg bodyweight/day the better temperature conditions, ideal for fructan
decreasing enzymes.
Recommended basic feed ration per horse and day:
Warm air dried Wiesen-Cobs means that even dur-
Wiesen-Cobs aus dem Allgu as a single roughage: ing times of wet summer months, the harvest is hy-
Small horse approx. 3,05,0 kg gienic and cleaner.
Thoroughbred approx. 5,06,0 kg
Warm blooded horse approx. 6,08,0 kg
marstall Wiesen-Cobs aus dem Allgu are a sub-
Wiesen-Cobs to improve poor quality hay: stitute to hay. Guarantees a basic feed for your horse
Warm blooded horse approx. 1,02,0 kg
that is clean, absolutely dust-free and without mould
We recommend, at the beginning, to soak marstall Wiesen-
and fungus, rich in crude fibres, nutrients and active
Cobs in water and feed as mash. Mix per 1 kg Wiesen-Cobs ingredients.
with approx. 2,55 l water, soak until all the cobs have disolved. Due The grasses used originate from local farmers from
to it being natural, the time taken until the Wiesen-Cobs soften
may differ.
the Allgu region, that are under contract. In the high
altitude, the natural meadows produce a wide variety
of plant species and herbs. Only natural fertilisers
are used and thanks to the later cutting time after the
main flowering phase, the careful chaffing (1-2 cm)
and the immediate drying in the warm air, Wiesen-
Cobs are the ideal substitute for horses to hay. They
deliver valuable crude fibre and can be used as a
complete feed or as a supplement to the the com-
pact feed.
1 litre = approx. 550 grammes Wiesen-Cobs are characterised by a low fructan and
protein content, an optimal density of energy and an
ideal ratio of calcium to phosphorous. The natural
sack fibres in the structure of the 16 mm cobs have been
carefully preserved.

and herbs
Feed-Guide Fibers

Amino-Sport Msli
Single feed for horses

lgu, purely natural! Produced from pure meadow grass!

Ingredients: 100 % Grass from permanent pastures (dried and in
pellet form). Consisting of various different herbs and grasses. See
marstall Wiesen-Cobs
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 11,00 %
Digestible raw protein 7,60 %
Crude fat 2,50 %
Crude fiber 20,20 %
Crude ash 10,60 %
Energy (DE) 8,60 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 2014 7,00 MJ
Major elements
Calcium 0,80 %
Phosphorous 0,30 %
Sodium 0,30 %
Trace elements
Copper 7,80 mg
Zinc 30,00 mg
Selenium 10 mg
Contains additional native minerals and vitamins
Wiesen-Fasern as a high-quality hay substitute:
Horses of all breeds approx. 1,01,5 kg per 100 kg bodyweight/day

Feeding recommendation per day for a horse with a bodyweight of 550 kg:
Wiesen-Fasern to optimise the basic feed ration:
INFO CENTRE: Warm blooded horse approx. 2,0 kg Wiesen-Fasern + 6 kg hay

It is wrongly stated that laminitis can be caused by

the high amounts of protein content found in pasture
grass. It has since been proven scientifically that the
high amounts of fructan found in grass, but also the
high amounts of insulin in the blood after feeding high
amounts of carbohydrates, can bring laminitis on.
Fructans act as storage for carbohydrates in plants.
Their deposits are steered through light, temperature
and humidity. If fructans reach the colon as ferment-
able starch, they can affect the intestinal microbes of
the horse. If large amounts reach the large intestine
then the feared damaging laminitis can occur.

A piece of Allgu in your feeding bag!

The Allgu region, renowned for its beautiful landscape! During the
winter season you will find the snowboarders and skiers and in the
summertime it changes to a walkers paradise. The attraction being
the fresh mountain air and the splendour of the abundant meadows!
The hay used for the marstall Wiesen-Cobs and Wiesen-
Fasern originates solely from this countryside, packed full of fresh
marstall Wiesen-Fasern carefully chaffed, mountain herbs. There are no other ingredients or additives in both
warm air dried, loose hay fibres cut from the first of these products and are therefore of pure Allgu origin. For this
harvest of the natural Allguer meadows! A later reason, marstall is officially allowed to use the Allgu Logo on
cut, low in fructan, without additives. Can be fed both products, what certifies the quality, sustainability and proof of
without soaking.

Wiesen-Fasern is a fully- or additional -high quality

hay substitute. It acts as an alternative to hay and
can be used instead of soaked hay cobs.
Cleaned more times over, low in fructan, without
additives and with a chaff length of 1-2 cm, can be
mixed with Wiesen-Fasern for an improved rough-
age ration. Wiesen-Fasern is also ideal as a daily 1 litre = approx. 310 grammes
2-3 hand full structure, mixed under the compact
feed, to create a good chewing action and to in- 15-kg-
crease the saliva, which in turn is responsible for sack

maintaining a healthy colonic flora.

Feed-Guide Fibers

Nutritional supplements for horses
High quality roughage with macerated cell fibres
Ingredients: barley straw (40 %), wheat straw (22 %), lucerne meal
Extruded and
(7 %), sugarbeet molasses (7 %), rape cake (4,3 %), wheat bran (4

low in protein
%), wheat (4 %), spelt husks (3 %), oat husks (3 %), sugarbeet pulp
molassed (2 %), wheat bran middlings (2 %), calcium carbonate (1
%), dried apple pomace 0,5 %, sodium chloride (0,1 %), soya bean
oil (0,1 %)
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 5,00 %
Digestible raw protein 2,10 %
Crude fat 1,70 %
Crude fiber 27,00 %
Crude ash 6,90 %
Energy (DE) 7,70 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 2014 6,30 MJ

Calcium 0,70 %
Phosphorous 0,20 %
Sodium 0,10 %
Magnesium 0,50 % marstall ProCaval-Struktur macerated and
Starch 3,50 % highly digestible crude fibres per extruder tech-
Sugar 4,60 % nology. Aromatic, substantial and low in protein.
Easy to mix with the concentrated feeds. Acti-
ProCaval-Struktur can be used for all equids and breeds, vates the stomach and intestine, a structured
either as a supplementary roughage or as a single roughage feed. feed ideal for hasty feeders and problem horses.
ProCaval-Struktur can be fed dry. We recommend for hasty
feeders or jealous eaters soaking ProCaval-Struktur
(e.g. feed 1 litre ProCaval-Struktur with 1 litre water)! marstall ProCaval-Struktur The so-called extru-
sion process of the high-fibre components means
Feeding recommendation per 100 kg of bodyweight, for a daily ra- that the straws protective paraffin-like wax layer
tion as a single source of roughage, for all horses and all breeds :
becomes separated into fibres though pressure,
1,01,5 kg per 100 kg bodyweight divided into 35 daily rations!
warmth and moisture. The microbes in the colon can
Feeding recommendation per day for a horse with a bodyweight of 550 kg:
completely break down the secondary ingredients of
the cells so that they can be utilised by the horse.
ProCaval-Struktur as a single roughage feed: ProCaval-Struktur largely consists of straw that has
Maintainance / light working * been separated into fibres. Extruded straw fibres
Small horse / Icelandic pony 4,55,5 kg bind water and help to stabilise the stomach and
Thoroughbred 5,56,5 kg intestinal environment. ProCaval-Struktur is there-
Large horse 6,57,5 kg fore suitable for horses with stool water problems.
* The amounts are to be reduced when grazing! The extruded fibre-chips are light and bulky. The spe-
cial structure triggers a kind of chew-suck mecha-
The above ProCaval-Struktur -rations must be supplemented
nism in all horses which guarantees the necessary in-
either with a marstall muesli feed containing the appropriate take of roughage, even by senior and problem horses.
amount of minerals and vitamins or with a marstall mineral-
vitamin concentrate, depending on the horse and the field of ProCaval-Struktur is ideal for hasty feeders. Just
one or two handfuls mixed into the concentrated
feed, considerably increases the chewing and feed-
ing time. The horses feel full and are contented and
calm. Sport horses with not much time between
competitions easily gain the necessary requirements
of crude fibre with ProCaval-Struktur. As ProCaval-
Struktur consists of straw, the content of fructan
and crude protein are very low, therefore ideal for
horses sensitive to fructan. In a high- protein feed,
e.g. by competition horses, the protein content of
the whole ration can be specifically reduced when
mixed with ProCaval-Struktur. Due to the special
production process, ProCaval-Struktur is dust-free
and therefore is ideal for horses with dust or fungal
spore allergies. Each daily ration can be upgraded
with ProCaval-Struktur. The typical, aromatic odour
of ProCaval-Struktur entices even fussy eaters to
1 litre = 230 grammes feed.
Practically packaged in rectangular packs, it is easy
23-kg- to handle, stack and take on journeys .
bales marstall tip: ProCaval-Struktur should be soaked
before feeding.

Feed-Guide Fibers

Amino-Sport Msli
Nutritional supplements for horses
Lucerne-structured feed

Encourages chewing Composition:

Ingredients: lucerne-hay (75 %), barley / wheat straw (15%),
rapeseed oil, ref. (5 %), sugarbeet molasses (5 %)

and is substantial Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):

Crude protein (RP)
Digestible raw protein
11,00 %
7,20 %
Crude fat 4,80 %
Crude fiber 26,00 %
Crude ash 5,50 %
Energy (DE) 10,00 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 2014 7,80 MJ

Calcium 0,90 %
Phosphorous 0,30 %
Sodium 0,20 %
Basis as a high-quality hay substitute:
Horses of all breeds approx. 1,01,5 kg per 100 kg bodyweight/day

Feeding recommendation per day for a horse with a bodyweight of 550 kg:
Basis as a single roughage:
Small horse approx. 3,05,0 kg
Thoroughbred approx. 5,06,0 kg
Warm blooded horse approx. 6,08,0 kg

marstall Basis a popular roughage and hay

substitute. Carefully chaffed, lightly oiled and
molassed. Contains a large amount of lucerne.

marstall Basis the carefully chaffed, lightly oiled

and molassed lucerne-straw-structure-mix. The high
protein lucerne with valuable omega-3 fatty acid
plant oils are important for body building or as a
roughage supplement for sport and breeding horses.
The tasty raw fibre components intensify the chew-
ing process. It activates the production of saliva and
enhances the utilisation of the feed.
Basis is a popular single roughage (substitute to
hay) in horse clinics, professional sporting stables
and everywhere where a dust-free, easily digestible,
consistantly high-quality roughage is required.
It is especially recommended for hay-dust and fun-
gal spore allergy sufferers, older and rehabilitating 1 litre = 120 grammes
horses, horses with dental problems and poor feed
utilizers. It is a high quality hay substitute. 20-kg-
Basis is easy to transport and is the ideal roughage bales

feed for travelling (e.g. for competitions or riding trails).

The traditional natural-
Vitalising... and

marstall Sinfonie this muesli is revitalising and

refreshing, full of herbs and oat free. Especially
chosen natural herbs are destemmed and cut,
keeping their natural form, helping your horse
to stay fit with a sense of well-being, resulting
in open and free airways. Ideally used as a daily
supplement with pellets, cereals or mueslis.

It has always been a known fact that herbs and es-

sential oils have a strengthening and revitalising ef-
fect on the organism and have been appreciated by
humans for a long time. Herbal treatments have a
stimulating influence on the metabolism and circula-
marstall Sinfonie contains all the essential,
destemmed aromatic herbs. Each herb having a
certain effect. Some of the herbs in Sinfonie work
soothing and have a relieving effect on the airways.
Others have regenerating and expectorant proper-
ties, antiseptic or are diuretic and responsible for
regulating the immune system.

Sinfonie is an oat free, aromatic muesli-mix ideal for

every horse. Besides all the natural herbs contained,
we have added single components such as brewers
yeast. Sinfonie-Vital-pellets, linseed and structured
lucerne to round up the ingredients. It supports the
horses respiratory system, increases the horses
well-being and strengthens the immune system.
When Sinfonie is soaked for 15 min. in hot water
(1:1), the essential oils vapours will unfold, which
will then be inhaled when feeding takes place. This
is what makes Sinfonie a good solution for horses
suffering from breathing problems.
Fed before the coat change, in spring and autumn, a
40 day period of feeding Sinfonie also activates the
metabolism.and is highly recommended.

-herbal muesli
Feed-Guide Sport

Amino-Sport Msli
Dietic feed as a nutritional supplement for horses
Hydrothermally macerated cereal flakes: barley

d invigorating flaked (30 %), maize flakes (15 %)

Ingredients: barley flakes (35 %), maize flakes (15 %),
semolina bran (11 %), dried apple pomace (6 %), beet molasses
(6 %), sugarbeet pulp molassed (5,7 %), dried lucerne (5 %),
sunflower shells (4 %), linseed (3 %), calcium carbonate (1,2
%), brewers yeast (1 %), sodium chloride (0,6 %), monocalcium
(0,4 %), magnesium oxide (0,2 %) #

Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):

Crude protein (RP) 9,60 %
Digestible raw protein 7,40 %
Crude fat 4,30 %
Crude fibre 9,20 %
Crude ash 6,80 %
Energy (DE) 11,50 MJ
Energie (ME) GfE 2014 10,00 MJ

Calcium 0,90 %
Phosphorous 0,40 %
Sodium 0,30 %
Magnesium 0,25 %
Nutritional additives (per kg):
Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A as vitamin-A-compound(E 672) 25.700,00 I.E.
Vitamin D as vitamin D3 (E 671) 1.100,00 I.E.
Vitamin E as vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 450,00 mg
Vitamin K3 as menadion-nicotinamide-bisulfite-compound 6,40 mg
Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin C as L(+)-ascorbic acid-pure substance 68,00 mg
Vitamin B1 as thiamin mononitrate-pure substance 21,70 mg
Vitamin B2 as riboflavin-compound 6,80 mg
Vitamin B6 as pyridoxolhydrochloride-pure substance 16,00 mg
Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12-compound 83,00 mcg
Biotin as biotin-compound 505,00 mcg
Folic acid as folic acid-compound 10,30 mg
Choline chloride as choline chloride-compound 300,00 mg
Pantothenic acid as calcium-D-pantothenate-compound 22,00 mg
Nicotinic acid as nicotinic acid-compound 35,00 mg

Vitamin E and selenium are important antioxidants. Trace elements

Iron as iron-(II)-sulphate, monohydrate(E 1) 150,00 mg
They protect the cell membranes against harmful Copper as cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 43,00 mg
oxygen compounds, the so called free radicals. Sin- Zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 285,00 mg
fonie is the ideal feed to help support and maintain Manganese as manganese-(II)-oxide (E 5) 154,00 mg
Iodine as calcium iodate, hexahedral (E 2) 1,00 mg
the sport horses muscles, due to the high amounts Selenium as sodium selenite (E 8) 0,80 mg
of vitamin E and selenium!
Sinfonie to optimise the feed ration :
With Sinfonie every other feed can be upgraded. Daily ration:
Thanks to the moderate energy and low protein Small horse approx. 0,20,5 kg
Large horse approx. 0,51,0 kg
content and natural herbal mix, it is an ideal supple-
ment mixed with normal cereals, pellets or muesli Sinfonie replaces the amount of supplementary feed which is
usually fed.
mixes The lucerne structures in Sinfonie slow down
feeding, this in turn stimulates the intestinal activity. # specific premix of vitamins- and trace elements (0,9 %), specific
Sinfonie can also be combined with oats and other premix herbs (5 %)
complete feed mixes.

The special double membrane marstall-packaging

keeps the products fresh and aromatic during stor-
age time.

marstall tip: With marstall feed products like

Sinfonie, Optimal (p. 58) and Mash (p. 60) from
the violet PLUS-series, you can offer your horse an
alternative supplement feed to its normal basic daily 1 litre = 525 grammes
15-kg- 7-kg-
marstall: We have given the meaning well-being a sack con-

The muesli concentrate un
aus dem
The small ration for a good
A natural way to support

marstall Weidemsli Die Rezeptur zur spezi-

ellen Regulierung der Herausforderungen bei
Weideftterung. Wirkt ausgleichend auf Wasser-
haushalt, Mineralstoff- und Vitaminversorgung.
Beugt Rohfasermangel vor und ermglicht die
unkomplizierte Angewhnung.

Weidehaltung wird speziell im Freizeitbereich immer

beliebter. Optimal
marstall a muesli
Die Beweidung concentrate rich
von Wiesenflchen gilt
in vital nutrients
gemeinhin with natural
als pferdegerecht und structured herbs,
wird als kosten-
gnstige, activate
bequeme theund
action. Organic trace el-
gentzt. and mineral substances, all originating
Dabeinatural components,
bringt besonders die complement
Frhjahrsweide each dai-
einige Optimal contains hydrothermally macerated cereals
ly ration.
Risiken mitItsich.
covers the daily requirements,
Eiweissberschuss, even
hoher Wasser- as well as valuable natural componenents, the body
gehalt fed on small amounts.
im Grundfutter, It helps support
Mineralstoffknappheit, the
Calci- can absorb and utilise these efficiently. Brewers
liver, kidneys
um-Defizit und and heart and thebei
Rohfasermangel circulation sys-
gleichzeitigem yeast assists the intestinal flora and delivers vitamin
berschuss an den fettlslichen Vitaminen A, D, E B and essential amino acids. Kieselguhr is a vital nu-
und K. trient for connective tissue, hooves and skin. Gold-
For goodkann
Schnell doersjunges
a usual ration recommendation
Weidegras zu Verdauungs- for yellow linseed is responsible for healthy hair and a
a horse doing
strungen lightdie
fhren, work,
nurtoo much.
durch It would
Kotwasser Weidemsli
shiny wirkt diesen
coat. Omega-3 fatty Problemen
acids act as mit der ganz
a membrane
oder important
such cases
aber to immerfeed mit
a concentrated
einem mas- speziellen Rezeptur
protector, regulierend
garlic supports entgegen.
the immune Wertvolle
system and
siven Verlust anfeed, rich in vitamins
lebenswichtigen and minerals
Mineralstoffen or
ein- Komponenten,
seaweed mealwie hydrothermisch
serves as an acidityaufgeschlossene
regulator and
herwe suggest
gehen, die a muesli
aber gerade concentrate, where a small
bei Weideftterung auch Getreideflocken,
organic Meeresalgen,
activator, as Apfeltrester,
well as the main source ofBier-
nur knappwould cover the
verfgbar daily amounts needed.
sind. hefe, Knoblauchgranulat,
trients for organic mineralssowie weideergnzende
and vitamins with a high
marstall Optimal is just that! A muesli
das nachwachsende Grasconcentrate
mit wenig Mineralstoffe
biological und Spurenelemente,
availability, such as calcium,wie Calcium,
with mixed herbs
Strukturanteil aiding
enthlt oft the
hoheliver, a real alternative,
Fruktanwerte (siehe Magnesium,
trace elements Eisen,
suchKupfer, Zink und zinc
as manganese, Selenandsind in
auch Vito, 750S.g Optimal
24) und birgtis enough
somittodiecover the needs
Gefahr einer ausgewogener
per. Also lucerne Mischung kombiniert.
chaff encourages chewing and the
of a large horse.
Hufrehe. Das eiweiarme
building Weidemsli reguliert den Wasser-
up of saliva.
Im Gegensatz dazu steht bei starker Beweidung haushalt und aktiviert den Stoffwechsel.
Optimal is an ideal
kleiner Flchen feedgeringem
oder bei to support the liver func-
Graswuchs hu- Vor dm ersten
Optimal can beWeideaustrieb
introduced to theempfehlen wirlevels
feed for all eine
fig nichtThe high dosage
gengend Futterofzurherbs are contained
Verfgung, was einenin a einwchige
of performance,Vorbereitungsftterung,
from basic maintenance in derupdie
to Kraft-
Mangelherbal mix (milk thistle,
an Nhrstoffen mit sichwith the liver
bringt. protect-
Unbeachtet futterration
ing rations, askontinuierlich
a single feed durch
or asWeidemsli ersetzt
an added ration to
ing active
bleiben oftingredient silymarin, dandelion
auch die nachlassenden root, nettle
Nhrstoffgehalte wird. Nach dem Weideaustrieb sollte Weidemsli
zum hawthorn), which are an excellent aid for the liv-
Ende der Weidesaison. mindestens 4-6 Wochen in den Mengen der Vor-
Wir,urinary tract and
bei marstall, cardiovascular
sprechen von einer system.
Weide-In addi-
oder bereitungsftterung
Optimal weiter gefttert
should be administered aswerden,
a healthbis die
tion, fodder withwenn
Grnftterung, reduced diestarch and easily digestible
Grundftterung zu zwei Mikroorganismen
ment for periods ofimupVerdauungstrakt an das
to 6 months, in order Grn-
to support
Dritteln oderrelieve the organism
vollstndig of sensitive
aus Weidegras horses.
besteht. futter
the gewohnt
liver sind.

Feed-Guide Sport

nd natural
ith Kruterherbs Amino-Sport Msli
Dietic feed as a nutritional
supplement for horses
fr Pferde
macerated Getreideflocken:
aufgeschlossene cereal flakes:
Maisflocken (25 %), Gerstenflockenflakes
barley flakes (20 %), maize (20 %),(20 %)geflockt (10 %)

Ingredients: barleyMaisflocken
Einzelbestandteile: flakes (25 %), maize
(25 %), flakes
Gerste (20 %),
geflockt (20semolina
%), Hafer
bran (6(10
geflockt %),%),apple
gemahlen(5 %), lucerne
(7 %), hay (5 %), brewers
Weizengriekleie yeast
(7 %), Sonnen-

(4 %), wheat
blumensaat branWeizenfuttermehl
(5 %), middlings (4 %),(5sugarbeet pulp molassed
%), Pflanzenl aus Raps (4 %),
(4sunflower shells (4 %), linseed
%), Weizenkleie (3 %), seaweed (3
Rbenmelasseschnitzel meal
%), beet
natmolasses (3 %), milk thistle (2,7(1%),
(1,5 %), Leinextraktionsschrot %),extracted linseed(1shred
Rbenmelasse %) # (2 %),
nettle (1,7 %), sodium chloride (1,5 %), calcium carbonate (1,5%),
hawkbit root (1Bestandteile
%), monocalcium undphosphate
Gehalte,(1 Energie (je kg):
%), hawthorn

the liver!
r pur!
(0,9 %), magnesium
verdauliches Rohprotein
oxide (0,5 %), garlic granules (0,212,00
constituents and concentrations, energy
%) %
8,30 %
% kg):
Crude protein (RP) 4,60
Digestible raw protein 5,50
Crude (DE)
fat 13,50
Crude fiber 7,50 %
Crude ash 0,80
Starch 0,40
Energy (DE) 0,20
Energie (ME) GfE 2014 0,30
Calcium 1,70 %
Phosphorous 0,17
Sodium 0,65
Magnesium 0,70 %
Methionine Zusatzstoffe (je kg): 0,18 %
Nutritional additives (per kg):
L-Lysin 0,75 %
Fat-soluble vitamins 0,65 %
Vitamin A as vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 0,92 %I.E.
Vitamin D as vitamin D3 (E 671) 0,31 %I.E.
Vitamin E as vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 780,00 mg
Fettlsliche Vitamine
Vitamin K3 as menadion-nicotinamide-bisulfite-compound 9,50 mg
Vitamin A als Vitamin-A-Prparat (E 672) 16.300,00 I.E.
Vitamin D als Vitamin
Water-soluble D3 (E 671)
vitamins 710,00 I.E.
VitaminE C alsas
phosphate 450,00
Vitamin thiamin mononitrate-pure substance 5,80
VitaminK3B1alsasMenadion-Nicotinsureamid-Bisulfit-Prparat 40,00mgmg
Vitamin B2 as riboflavin-compound 13,00 mg
Wasserlsliche Vitamine
Vitamin B6 as pyridoxolhydrochloride-pure substance 30,00 mg
Vitamin C als L(+)-Ascorbinsure-Reinsubstanz 33,00 mg
Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12-compound 180,00 mcg
Vitamin B1 als Thiaminmononitrat-Reinsubstanz 17,20 mg
Biotin as biotin-compound 1.000,00 mcg
Vitamin B2 als Riboflavin-Prparat 4,10 mg
Folic acid as folic acid -compound 20,00 mg
Vitamin B6 als Pyridoxolhydrochlorid-Reinsubstanz 12,10 mg
Choline chloride as choline chloride-compound 600,00 mg
Vitamin B12 als Vitamin B12-Prparat 33,00 mcg
Pantothenic acid as calcium-D-pantothenate-compound 35,00 mg
Biotin als Biotin Prparat 215,00 mcg
Nicotinic acid as nicotinic acid-compound 60,00 mg
Folsure als Folsure-Prparat 6,00 mg
Trace elements als Cholinchlorid-Prparat 165,00 mg
Pantothensure als Calcium-D-Pantothenat-Prparat
Iron as iron-(II)-sulphate, monohydrate (E 1) 18,00
Copper totalals Nicotinsure-Prparat 990,00
Of which is copper as cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 78,00 mg
Of which is copper as glycine-copper chelate, hydrate (E 4) 2,00 mg
Eisen als Eisen-(II)-sulfat, Monohydrat (E 1) 135,00 mg
Zinc total 590,00 mg
Kupfer als Kupfer-(II)-sulfat, Pentahydrat (E 4) 30,00 mg
Of which is zinc as zink oxide (E 6) 576,00 mg
Zink als Zinkoxid (E 6) 210,00 mg
Of which is: zinc as glycine-zinc chelate, hydrate (E 6) 14,00 mg
Mangan als Mangan-(II)-oxid (E 5) 135,00 mg
Manganese total 280,00 mg
Jod als Calciumjodat, Hexahydrat (E 2) 0,65 mg
Of which is manganese as manganese-(II)-oxide (E 5) 265,00 mg
Selen als Natriumselenit (E 8) 0,60 mg
Of which is manganese as glycine-manganese chelate, hydrate (E 5) 15,00 mg
Zootechnische Zusatzstoffe
Iodine as calcium iodate, hexahedral (je(Ekg):
2) 2,60 mg
Selenium as sodium
Saccharomyces selenite
cerevisiae CNCM (EI-1077
8) (Levucell SC) 1,76 2,00x 109mg
Technological additives
Amino-Sport Msli als(per kg): Ergnzungsfutter:
1) Optimal as a single concentrate, helping to support Kieselguhr (E 551 c) 10.000,00 mg
Kleinpferd / Pony ca. 400 g je 100 kg LG/Tag
the liver function (to 1,2 - 1,5 kg hay per 100 kg bodyweight & day): Vollblut
Feeding recommendation see table opposite.
ca. 500 g je 100 kg LG/Tag
Warmblut ca. 550 g je 100 kg LG/Tag
All horse breeds: approx. 150 g per 100 kg bodyweight / day
Beispiel-Ration pro Tag fr ein Pferd mit 550 kg Lebendgewicht:
Example of Optimal as a single concentrate with hay:
Amino-Sport Msli als alleiniges Ergnzungsfutter zu Heu
Small horse approx. 0,40 - 0,50 kg / day mittlere Arbeit ca. 3,04,0 kg
Thoroughbred approx. 0,50 - 0,75 kg / day schwere Arbeit ca. 4,05,0 kg
Warm blooded horse approx. 0,75 - 1,0 kg / day # spezielle Aminosuren-, Vitamin- und Spurenelementvormischung (6,5 %)
cold blooded horse approx. 1,25 - 1,5 kg / day

2) Optimal for optimisation of an existing ration*

(per 100 kg bodyweight and day):
All horse breeds: approx. 75 - 150 g per 100 kg bodyweight / day 1 litre

3) Example of an optimising ration (550 kg bodyweight):

6-7 kg hay + 1 kg pellets + 1 kg barley + 700 g Optimal* 15-kg-
* Amounts are according to each ration and requirements: A ration
calculation is recommended!

The ready-mix that is

marstall Mash the formula for a gleaming

coat and an active digestion. Contains golden
linseed, tasty dried apple pommace, high-fibre petite and is ideal for poor doers. Due to its porridge-
bran and many other components that stimulate like consistency it is suitable for horses with dental
digestion. The ready-mix has pure natural ingre- and chewing problems and especially for senior
dients, it is palatable and easy to digest and is horses.
suitable for all horses.
Mash is also ideal for building up a horses physi-
marstall Mash is an easy to digest ready-mix, manu- cal and mental strength- especially after stressful
factured using a traditional recipe with many ingredi- phases as found in situations such as competitions,
ents that naturally stimulates the appetite, metabolism transport, breeding or change of stables etc.
and digestion. Produced using traditional ingredients,
the formulation has been further developed using marstall Mash is produced without the addition of
the latest nutritional findings. marstall Mash aids molasses, preservatives or essential oils. Free of vi-
the natural function of the intestine and is ideally tamins additives and is nutritionally neutral, so that it
fed as a change, having an extra positive effect. may be combined with all vetinary treatments. Mash
has a balanced Ca:P ratio and can be used gener-
The mucilage of the golden linseed has a positive ally as a substitute to a concentrated feed. In such a
effect on the mucous membranes of the gastro-in- case, adding minerals would be essential.
testinal tract and the digestion. When regularly fed,
with the high quantity content of omega-3-fatty acids, Used as a feed between main meals or as a warm
this is responsible for a gleaming coat. alternative to oats or other typical feeds, Mash is
A warm meal of Mash can be helpful after e.g. con- always welcomed. Horses take to Mash and really
stipation, operations, worm treatment as well as after appreciate it.
a foal birth or sudden changes in weather, changes Mash stimulates both appetite and digestion. No cook-
in feed and during the change of coat in spring and ing necessary, very short soaking time needed! Regu-
autumn. A warm meal during the cold winter months lates the bowel function if taken 1-3 times per week
makes the horse feel content. It stimulates the ap- and is suitable as a tasty, warm meal for your horse.

Feed-Guide Sport

Amino-Sport Msli
Dietic feed as a nutritional supplement for horses
Hydrothermally macerated cereal flakes:

easily digestible barley flakes (47 %)

Ingredients: barley flakes (47 %), wheat bran (18,50 %), linseed (10
%), extracted linseed shred (10 %), fruit pomace (apple)
(10 %), rapeseed oil ref. (2 %), calcium carbonate, sodium chloride,
fenugreek, stevia
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 13,50 %
Digestible raw protein 9,50 %
Crude fat 7,50 %
Crude fiber 8,30 %
Crude ash 5,20 %
Energy (DE) 12,50 MJ
Energie (ME) GfE 2014 11,20 MJ

Calcium 0,80 %
Phosphorous 0,40 %
Sodium 0,30 %
Magnesium 0,20 %

Feeding guide:
Mash to regulate digestion:
Small horse / Pony approx. 0,5 kg per day
Thoroughbred approx. 0,75 kg per day
Warm blooded horse approx. 1,0 kg per day

Prepare 13 x per week approx. 0,51,0 kg Mash with hot water

in a bucket.
Preparation instructions:
e.g. add 1L Mash to 1L hot water (1 Liter = ca. 0,5 kg Mash).
Leave to steep for approx. 1520 minutes before feeding, then stir
well and feed lukewarm.

Dietic feed for horses to balance a chronic disorder of the colon1),

a chronic insufficiency of the small intestine1) and in convalescence
when underweight2).
marstall Mash is also suitable for senior horses.

Recommended feeding period:

at first up to 6 months. 2) until recovery. It is recommended to consult the veterinarian

before feeding or before lengthening the feed period.

marstall MashToGo The practical Mash-

Portion Pack!
This Mash is easy and quick to prepare. Without a
bucket or a kettle or sticky spoons

The stable standing- and heat resistant 500-g-portion

bags fill with approx. 1 litre of hot water, leave to soak and
cool down - finished, ready to feed.
1 litre = 450 grammes
For the Mash-ration inbetween on the
road, during competions and travels or - 15-kg- 7-kg- 500-g-
ideally meant as a little treat for your horse! sack con-

Minerals and
Feed-Guide Sport

Force Msli
Mineral food supplement for horses
Minerals, vitamins, electrolytes
Out of the troug
Ingredients: dried apple pomace (15 %), sunflower shells (15 %),
sodium chloride (15 %), sugarbeet pulp molassed (14 %), calcium
carbonate (12 %), monocalcium phosphate (8 %), magnesium oxide
(6 %), brewers yeast (4 %), rapeseed oil, refined (2 %) #
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
marstall Force - the totally tasty, complete and top quality
Crude protein (RP) 4,30 %
Digestible raw protein 3,30 % mineral feed suited to all horses, whether leisure or up
Crude fat 3,90 % to high performance sports! With valuable brewers yeast
Crude fibre 12,00 % and essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements! Now
Crude ash 48,00 %
Energy (DE) 3,40 MJ oat free!
Energy (ME) GfE 2014 3,20 MJ
Starch 0,15 % Recommendable for high performance sport horses, studs,
Sugar 5,00 %
Calcium 6,00 % foals, young horses, seniors, leisure horses, ponies and Ice-
Phosphorous 2,00 % landic and western breeds.
Sodium 5,80 %
Magnesium 4,50 %
Force has a wide Ca: P ratio which makes it an excellent ba-
Nutritional additives (per kg): lance to hay-/cereal rations, but can also be combined with
Fat-soluble vitamins
any other marstall feed.
Vitamin A as vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 480.000,00 I.E.
Vitamin D as vitamin D3 (E 671) 20.000,00 I.E.
Vitamin E as vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 6.500,00 mg
Vitamin K3 as menadion-nicotinamide-bisulfite compound 80,00 mg
Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin C as L-ascorbyl phosphate 1.500,00 mg
Vitamin B1 as thiamin mononitrate-pure substance 300,00 mg
Vitamin B2 as riboflavin-compound 120,00 mg
Vitamin B6 as pyridoxolhydrochloride-pure substance 250,00 mg
Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12-compound 2.000,00 mcg
Biotin as biotin-compound 12.000,00 mcg
Folic acid as folic acid -compound 200,00 mg
Choline chloride as choline chloride-compound 5.100,00 mg
Pantothenic acid as calcium-D-pantothenate-compound 270,00 mg
Nicotinic acid as nicotinic acid-compound 440,00 mg
Trace elements
Iron as iron-(II)-sulphate, monohydrate (E 1) 2.800,00 mg
Copper as cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 700,00 mg
Zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 5.000,00 mg
Manganese as manganese-(II)-oxide (E 5) 2.000,00 mg
Iodine as calcium iodate, hexahedral (E 2) 17,00 mg
Selenium as sodium selenite (E 8) 16,10 mg

Force provides a sufficient vitamin and mineral intake:

Small horse / Pony approx. 2050 g/day

Thoroughbred, warm blooded Leisure approx. 7080 g/day
Sport approx. 90120 g/day
Senior approx. 100 g/day
Studies have shown that just under half of the horses in Ger-
Icelandic-, western horse Leisure approx. 4060 g/day many are undersupplied with selenium (Mller et al., 2012).
Sport approx. 80100 g/day This mirrors on one side how little selenium is contained in the
Foals 7.12. months approx. 2050 g/day average feeds, and on the other side, the lack of awareness of
Yearling 13.36. months approx. 6080 g/day how important it is to balance out feeds with quality minerals.
# specific premix of vitamins and trace elements (6 %)
marstall Force is a Premium mineral feed with a concentrated
content of minerals, vitamins and trace elements (i.e. seleni-
um, copper or zinc). Hay-/cereal rations are completely bal-
anced out when Force is added.

Force is totally tasty and has a high acceptance in horses.

The extra small pellets are ideal to dispense precisely in every
working situation and cover the daily needs of your horse. With
valuable brewers yeast, Force is also an essential provider of
1 scoop = 100 grammes high quality protein and essential amino acids.

20-kg- 10-kg- 4-kg-

In addition Force is free from cereals and therefore ideally suit-
sack con-
ed to horses with cereal intolerance and metabolic disorders
(i.e. EMS, insulin resistance, PSSM, Cushing).

d vitamins
Feed-Guide Sport

Amino-Sport Msli
Nutritional supplements for horses

gh or the hand.. Composition:

Ingredients: wheat flour (45 %), lucerne meal (15 %), semolina
bran (10 %), oatmeal (7,5 %), sodium chloride (6 %), malt extract
(2,5 %), magnesium oxide (3,5 %), calcium carbonate (3 %),
dicalcium phosphate (3 %) #
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
2-kg- 5-kg- 20-kg- Crude protein (RP) 11,50 %
marstall Stall-Riegel and Weide-Riegel con-
sack Digestible raw protein 7,50 %
Crude fat 3,50 %
available in: Crude fibre 8,00 %
Crude ash 20,00 %
Calcium 2,50 %
Phosphorous 0,80 %
Sodium 2,40 %
Magnesium 1,90 %
Nutritional additives (per kg):
Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A as vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 480.000,00 I.E.
Vitamin D as vitamin D3 (E 671) 20.000,00 I.E.
Vitamin E as vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 5.500,00 mg
Vitamin K3 as menadion-nicotin amide-bisulphate-compound 70,00 mg
Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin C as L-ascorbyl phosphate 1.270,00 mg
Vitamin B1 as thiamin mononitrate-pure substance 250,00 mg
Vitamin B2 as riboflavin-compound 110,00 mg
Vitamin B6 as pyridoxolhydrochloride-pure substance 210,00 mg
Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12-compound 1.690,00 mcg
Biotin as biotin-compound 10.100,00 mcg
Folic acid as folic acid-compound 170,00 mg
Choline chloride as choline chloride-compound 4.000,00 mg
Pantothenic acid as calcium-D-pantothenate-compound 200,00 mg
Nicotinic acid as nicotinic-compound 360,00 mg
Trace elements
Iron as iron-(II)-sulphate, monohydrate (E 1) 2.450,00 mg
Administration of Stall-Riegel / Weide-Riegel: Copper as cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 600,00 mg
Pony bar / day (approx. 25 g) Zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 4.200,00 mg
Small horse 1 bar / day (approx. 50 g) Manganese as mangan-(II)-oxide (E 5) 1.800,00 mg
Large horse 2 bars / day (approx. 100 g) Iodine as calcium iodate, hexahedral (E 2) 14,40 mg
Selenium as sodium selenite (E 8) 14,00 mg
# Specific pre-mixed vitamins- and trace elements (4,5S%)

Feed-Guide PLUS

marstall Stall-Riegel and Weide-Riegel, used individually, Weide-Riegel

for the daily intake of minerals and vitamins. The deli- Nutritional supplements for horses
cious bars can be fed by hand when given as a treat and
easy to portion. The Stall-Riegel can be ordered all year
round, whereas the Weide-Riegel is seasonal, and is only Composition:
offered during the grazing period. Ingredients: wheat meal (40 %), wheat flour (20 %), wheat bran
(10 %), sodium chloride (7 %), oatmeal (6 %), magnesium oxide
(4 %), calcium carbonate (4 %), malt extract (3 %), dicalcium
marstall Stall-Riegel is a top quality vitamin and mineral sup- phosphate (2 %) #
plement with tasty lucerne, used all year round, for horses
kept in stables, outdoor keeping, or doing low sport activity. Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Besides all the vitamins and minerals there are also valuable Crude protein (RP) 10,50 %
Digestible raw protein 6,80 %
trace elements included. The Ca:P-ratio is with 3:1 especially Crude fat 4,20 %
construed for the one-sided hay-cereal feeding. Crude fibre 5,00 %
Crude ash 20,00 %
The Weide-Riegel is a high fibre food bar, targeting a healthy Calcium 2,60 %
supply of minerals and trace elements during extensive pas- Phosphorous 0,90 %
ture grazing. Pasture grass usually contains enough vitamins, Sodium 3,40 %
Magnesium 3,00 %
and therefore when feeding Weide-Riegel, added vitamins
arent needed. In order for the digestive system to function Nutritional additives (per kg):
properly, high fibre bran has been added. Trace elements
Iron as iron-(II)-sulphate, monohydrate (E 1) 2.700,00 mg
Stall- and Weide-Riegel are ideal for all horses. The practi- Copper as cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 480,00 mg
Zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 3.450,00 mg
cal portioning and shape of the bars is very helpful, especially Manganese as mangan-(II)-oxide (E 5) 1.800,00 mg
when feeding robust kept horses. Jod als Calciumjodat, Hexahydrat (E 2) 13,00 mg
Selen als Natriumselenit (E 8) 11,00 mg
* Specific pre-mixed trace elements (4 %)
ExZem-Msli &
Feed-Guide Sport

ExZem-Msli Msli
Dietic feed as a nutritional supplement for horses
Hydrothermally macerated cereal flakes:
barley flakes (27 %), maize flakes (15 %)
for afflict
Ingredients: barley flakes (23 %), maize flakes (15 %), semolina
bran (13 %), dried apple pomace (7 %), oat hulls (7 %), seaweed
meal (5 %), growth of permanent grassland, dried and as pellets (4
%), linseed (4 %), herbs (nettle, camomile, balm, dandelion root, marstall ExZem-Msli activating skin-muesli (oat free),
pansy, wide plantain, salvia, walnut leaves) (4 %), brewers yeast on a natural basis for an optimised diet for horses having
(4 %), sunflower shells (3 %), wheat bran middlings (3 %), beet a tendency to skin irritations. With organic trace elements,
molasses (2 %), rapeseed oil, refined (1 %), sodium chloride (0,8 %),
garlic granules (0,7 %) herbs and other natural ingredients, to help strengthen
the skins functions and to relieve the organism.
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 10,50 %
Digestible raw protein 5,30 % In general, the skin mirrors the blood. A balanced and healthy
Crude fat 5,00 % feed strengthens the body and immune system, which is es-
Crude fiber 8,70 % sential for a healthy resilient horse. marstall ExZem-Msli
Crude ash 11,80 %
Energy (DE) 10,50 MJ has been especially developed for a correct feeding for afflict-
Energy (ME) GfE 2014 9,50 MJ ed horses with sensitive skin.
Calcium 1,50 %
Phosphorous 0,40 %
Sodium 0,30 %
Magnesium 0,50 %
Nutritional additives (per kg):
Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A as vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 19.300,00 I.E.
Vitamin D as vitamin D3 (E 671) 1.000,00 I.E.
Vitamin E as vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 530,00 mg
Vitamin K3 as menadion-nicotinamide-bisulfite-compound 7,00 mg
Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin C as L(+)-ascorbic acid-pure substance 40,00 mg
Vitamin B1 as thiamin mononitrate-pure substance 24,00 mg
Vitamin B2 as riboflavin-compound 7,00 mg
Vitamin B6 as pyridoxolhydrochloride-pure substance 15,00 mg
Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12-compound 40,00 mcg
Biotin as biotin-compound 255,00 mcg
Folic acid as folic acid-compound 7,50 mg
Choline chloride as choline chloride-compound 320,00 mg
Pantothenic acid as calcium-D-pantothenate-compound 25,40 mg
Nicotinic acid as nicotinic acid-compound 44,00 mg
Trace elements
Iron as iron-(II)-sulphate, monohydrate (E 1) 200,00 mg
Copper total 41,00 mg
Of which: cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 38,60 mg
Of which: glycine-copper chelate, hydrate (E 4) 2,40 mg
Zinc total 315,00 mg
Of which: zinc oxide (E 6) 285,00 mg
Of which: glycine-zinc chelate, hydrate (E 6) 30,00 mg
Manganese total 175,00 mg Horses with sensitive or damaged skin need a high amount of
Of which: manganese-(II)-oxide (E 5) 145,00 mg
Of which: glycine-manganese chelate, hydrate (E 5) 30,00 mg organic trace elements and a balanced level of nutrients with
Iodine as calciumiodate, hexahedral (E 2) 2,00 mg low concentrated feed amounts.
Selenium as sodium selenite (E 8) 1,00 mg ExZem-Msli provides the horse with high quality organic
Technological additives (per kg): trace elements, such as copper, zinc and manganese, which
Kieselguhr (E 551 c) 20.000,00 mg are all important for skin care. ExZem-Msli suits the individu-
ExZem-Msli as a supplementary special muesli al needs of allergy-sensitive horses, with high quality nutrients
Recommended daily ration*: to prevent dietry deficiency.
Pony approx. 0,300,50 kg Also, ExZem-Msli provides the horse with lots of valuable
Small horse approx. 0,500,75 kg single components: seaweed meal and kieselguhr (diatoma-
Warm blooded horse approx. 0,751,25 kg ceous earth) are important for skin and hair, garlic granules

ExZem-Msli replaces the amount of concentrated feed which plus specific natural herbs help cleanse the blood and skin
is usually fed. function. Brewers yeast is responsible for the good taste and
supplies the essential amino acids needed, omega-3-fatty ac-
ids and linseed work anti-inflammatory.
The high concentration of nutrients in ExZem-Msli enables
a low feeding amount, which doesnt only help the digestive
1 litre
Gramm system, ExZem-Msli also helps to save, as it is a very eco-
nomical way to feed.
ExZem-Msli should be fed from February to October. For
sack very sensitive horses we recommend an all year feed with

& ExZem-Plus
Feed-Guide Sport

Amino-Sport Msli
Additive for horses
Feed additives ( per kg):
ted horses Binders, anti-caking agents and coagulants:
Bentonit-montmorillonite (E 558) 100 %

ExZem-Plus as a supporting food supplement:

Pony (approx. 250 kg bodyweight) approx. 1015 g/day = approx. 1/2 scoop
INFO CENTRE: Small horse (approx. 450 kg bodyweight) approx. 1520 g/day = approx. 2/3 scoop
Large horse (approx. 550 kg bodyweight) approx. 2030 g/day = approx. 1 scoop
An allergy is caused by an over reaction of the bodies immune
system, deriving from our environment. Typical symptoms are Feeding guide:
Feed in combination with a supplementary feed and in the dosage
an inflammatory response. indicated. The natural clay is neutral in odour and taste.
Summer eczema is due to an existing genetic predispostion Due to the fine particles, ExZem-Plus is best fed when mixed
and a weakened organism. with the horses favourite feed or with a particularly aromatic feed
e.g. marstall Sinfonie or marstall Mash.
Summer eczema is often triggered by salivary proteins car-
ried by biting midges (gnats and blackflies), causing allergic Maximum content per kg of feed:
reactions of the horse. The result is terrible itching forcing Bentonit-montmorrilonite 20.000 mg
This complies to: for a large horse of 550 kg bodyweight approx:
the horse to scratch and the wounds then become infected. max. 120 g ExZem-PLUS / animal & day
The horse experiences pain and discomfort, leaving the most
horse owners feeling helpless. Feeding duration:
It has become a widespread problem due to open-stable gra- From February to October for a duration of 1 to 3 years, depending
on the horse. For horses that are highly vulnerable it is advisable all
zing, and is found in all breeds. In general, factors such as year round.
breed, keeping, feeding, lack of nutrients, pasture manage-
ment, sunlight etc. play a major role. Tip: ExZem-Plus und ExZem-Msli - a strong duo!

Please see the documentation form that is enclosed in the tub.

INFO CENTRE bentonite-montmorillonite:

The layered clay mineral bentonite-montmorillonite

originates from the weathering of volcanic ash and be-
longs to the layered silicates.
It has the following characteristics:

Large surface area (400600m/g)

High caution exchange capacity
High water absorption capacity
Swelling capacity

marstall ExZem-Plus a natural based food supplement

for horses prone to skin disorders and allergies. Crystal-
line mechanically processed natural clay minerals, helps
cleanse the body of toxins and strengthens the organism.
marstall ExZem-Msli is a purely natural clay mineral.
The crystalline mechanically processed clay minerals,
bentonite montmorillonite (see Info Centre) are able to
cleanse the body due to their layered structure. They are water, toxin
able to bind toxins and radicals, heavy metals and other minerals
contaminants. The clay minerals, fully packed with toxins
arent reabsorbed in to the body, instead they are excreted
out of the lower rectum. The body is cleansed before the
harmful substances can reach the blood.
Due to the high affinity to H+ -ions, bentonite-montmoril-
lonite can regulate the acid based balance.
The large area of the clay minerals is perfect for populat-
ing the good intestinal bacteria. This regulates the diges-
tion and supplies the horse with vitamins and nutrients. 1 scoop
Liter = =525
30 Gramm
Minerals from the bentonite-montmorillonite are set free,
or exchanged in the intestine, depending on the concen- 1-kg-
tration. These minerals are then made available through- tub
out the body.

Darm- &

Nutritional supplements for horses
The triple treatment against watery stools & co.
Ingredients: lignocellulose (45 %), soya hulls (20 %), sugarbeet
Triple treatment
pulp molassed (3 %), rapeseed oil, ref. (1 %) #
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 3,20 %
against loose,
Digestible raw protein 0,50 %

watery stools
Crude fat 2,20 %
Crude fiber 36,80 %
Crude ash 21,30 %
Energy (DE) 3,50 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 3,50 MJ

Calcium 2,00 %
Phosphorus 0,01 %
Sodium 0,01 %

Technological additives (per kg):

Kieselguhr (E 551 c) 195,00 g
Apple pectin (E 440) 50,00 g

Zootechnical additives (per kg):

Saccharomyces cerevisiae CBS 493.94 10,2 x 1010 KBE INFO CENTRE:

Darm-Regulator with lots of natural ingredients to soothe the Loose stools in horses is a sickness which has in-
intestine: creased dramatically within the last 20 years. The rea-
In the case of very watery stools approx. 30-40 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day sons vary and are very individual and most of the time
In the case of slight watery stools / approx. 15-30 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day unclear. Fact is, that for the horse and its owner it is
To activate and re-balance the unpleasant and takes up lots of time and care.
digestive tract

Recommended feeding period:

At first up to 6 months. It is recommended to consult the veterinarian before lengthening
the feed period.
marstall Darm-Regulator the triple treatment
# Kieselguhr (19,5%), apple pectin (5%), specific herbs (4%), live against loose stools made from pure ingredients.
yeast (2,5%) Water binding. Prebiotic components activating the
digestive tract. Natural fibres, probiotic living yeast.

marstall Darm-Regulator is a feed to help the horses

digestive tract stay balanced with natural components
restoring an optimal intestinal flora.

In a natural way, the Darm-Regulator offers a triple

treatment effect against loose, watery stools.
Stabilises the fluid- and electrolyte levels
Regulates and helps the healthy microbial
population in the large intestine due to the addition of
probiotic living yeast
Regulates the intestinal flora with the addition of
calming herbs and a special mix of active prebiotic
natural fibres in the marstall Previta-Faser.

Fibres arent all the same!

The difference lies in the detail. Previta derives from
prebiotic and Vita (life) and represents a special com-
bination of activating components and fibres responsi-
ble for a healthymicrobial digestive tract. The prebiotic
fibres activate and cleanse the intestine. All in all the
digestive tract is optimally cared for.
Ideal is also the combination of the probiotic living yeast,
1 measuring jug = 100 grammes found in the recipe marstall Darm-Regulator

3,5-kg- 9-kg- marstall Darm-Regulator is therefore also ideally used

as a gentle recovery feed to help balance the intestinal
flora after deworming or antibiotics etc.

Feed-Guide Sport

Amino-Sport Msli
Dietic feed for horses
The Huf-Regulator on a natural basis!

Quick healing success Composition:

Ingredients: wheat bran middlings (27 %), brewers yeast (15 %),
extracted linseed shred (15 %), seaweed meal (13 %), beet molasses

for bad hooves!

(4 %), garlic granules (2 %), sodium chloride (2 %), monocalcium
phosphate (2 %) #
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 16,80 %
Digestible raw protein 12,00 %
Crude fat 2,90 %
Crude fiber 2,20 %
Crude ash 29,00 %
INFO CENTRE: Energy (DE) 8,40 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 7,30 MJ
Laminitis can be triggerd off through various chain reac-
Calcium 4,80 %
tions the main factor being the disturbance of the blood Phosphorous 0,90 %
circulation in the corium. This causes shedding of the Sodium 0,80 %
laminae and can result in rotation and sinking of the Magnesium 1,20 %
Methionine 2.500,0 mg
pedal bone and in the worst case result in damage of
the coffin bone, penetrating the sole of the foot. Nutritional additives (per kg):
Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A as vitamin-A-compound (E 672) 50.000,00 I.E.
Vitamin D as vitamin D3 (E 671) 2.000,00 I.E.
Vitamin E as vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 800,00 mg
Vitamin K3 as menadion-nicotinamide-bisulfite-compound 20,00 mg
marstall Huf-Regulator with organic trace ele-
Water-soluble vitamins
ments and lots of natural products. A good blood Vitamin C as L(+)-ascorbic acid-pure substance 100,00 mg
circulation and active cell building feed, supports Vitamin B1 as thiamin mononitrate-pure substance 60,00 mg
the regeneration process of damaged tissue and Vitamin B2 as riboflavin-compound 15,00 mg
Vitamin B6 as pyridoxolhydrochloride-pure substance 40,00 mg
acts as a long-term prevention method for healthy Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12-compound 100,00 mcg
hooves. Biotin as biotin-compound 675,00 mcg
Folic acid as folic acid -compound 20,00 mg
Choline chloride as choline chloride-compound 800,00 mg
Porous, brittle, cracked, soft or slowed hoof growth are Pantothenic acid as calcium-D-pantothenic-compound 65,00 mg
not uncommon in horses. Also serious health problems Nicotinic acid as nicotinic acid-compound 115,00 mg
such as laminitis and malanders (fetlock eczema) can Trace elements
cause your horse great discomfort. Iron as monohydrate-iron (II)-sulphate (E 1) 400,00 mg
Copper total 100,00 mg
Of which is: copper as cupric-(II)-sulphate, pentahydrate (E 4) 84,00 mg
When it comes to hoof health, a lot of feeds have too Of which is: copper as glycine-copper chelate, hydrate (E 4) 16,00 mg
much biotin added and arent what theyre made out to Zinc total 680,00 mg
be. marstall with Huf-Regulator has chosen a natural Of which is: zinc as zinc oxide (E 6) 560,00 mg
Of which is: zinc as glycine-zinc chelate, hydrate (E 6) 120,00 mg
way to cure. Manganese total 460,00 mg
Through many years of experience and in collaboration Of which is: manganese as manganese-(II)-oxide (E 5) 340,00 mg
with veterinarians and blacksmiths (farriers), we have Of which is: manganese as glycine-manganese chelate, hydrate (E 5) 120,00 mg
Iodine as calciumiodate, hexahedral (E 2) 5,00 mg
been able to compile the perfect formula. Selenium as sodium selenite (E 8) 3,00 mg
Technological additives (per kg):
Huf-Regulator is a nutritional building block for your Kieselguhr (E 551 c) 70,00 g
horses hoof-health. Due to a special mix of vitamins,
minerals, proteins (large amounts of brewers yeast) vi- Huf-Regulator for top-hooves on a natural basis:
tal substances, herbs and organic trace elements (zinc,
copper, manganese), the blood flow and circulation For intensive treatment over 35 months approx. 30 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
For an increased supply over 12 months approx. 15 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
within the capillaries of the hoof corium, are stimulated. For constant administration approx. 8 g per 100 kg bodyweight/day
This increases the amount of oxygen and nutrients re-
sponsible for a quicker rate of hoof growth and improves
# specific premix of herbs, trace elements and vitamins (13 %),
the elasticity, strength and general hoof quality. kieselguhr (7 %)

Huf-Regulator can be used to support the regeneration

and growth of damaged hooves.

Huf-Regulator, besides the supportive effect dur-

ing illnesses it acts as an advantage for the general
health care of your horses hooves, improving the hoof
horn quality, preventing chronic health problems and 1 measuring jug = 100 grammes
strengthening porous, cracked hooves. It is a fact that
poor, incorrect feeding and maintenance are the major 3,5-kg- 9-kg-
reasons for such ailments. In a reduced dose and fed con-
regularly this will help maintain your horses hoof health.

The Plus for to
Feed-Guide Sport

Amino-Sport Msli
Amino-Muskel PLUS
Nutritional supplements for horses
Amino acid-concentrate
Ingredients: wheat bran middlings (17% ), semolina bran (16 %),
skimmed milk powder (13 %), Maize middlings (10 %), rapeseed oil,
refined (4 %), beet molasses (3 %), fenugreek (1 %) #
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg): Infocenter
Crude protein (RP) 37,60 %
Digestible raw protein 34,50 %
Crude fat 6,30 % Studies have shown that just under half of the horses
Crude fibre 2,80 % in Germany are undersupplied with selenium (Mller
Crude ash 4,60 % et al., 2012).
Energy (DE) 14,00 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 2014 11,00 MJ This mirrors on one side how little selenium is con-
tained in the average feeds, and on the other side,
Calcium 0,20 % the lack of awareness of how important it is to bal-
Phosphorous 0,35 %
Sodium 0,10 % ance out feeds with quality minerals.

Amino acids marstall Force is a Premium- mineral feed with a

Lysine 7,60 %
Methionine+Cystine (SAS) 8,30 %
concentrated content of minerals, vitamins and trace
Threonine 15,20 % elements (i.e. selenium, copper or zinc). Hay-/cereal
Tryptophane 0,50 % rations are completely balanced out when Force is
Amino-Muskel PLUS For muscle building and muscle regenera-
For leisure:
Small horse/ Pony approx. 80 g/day
Thoroughbred approx. 100 g/day
Warm blood approx. 120 g/day

For sports:
Small horse / Pony approx. 60 g/day
Thoroughbred approx. 80 g/day
Warm blood approx. 100 g/day

The sports horse should be administrated with the feed within marstall Amino-Muskel PLUS - for a concentra-
1 hour, after sportive activity (training / events).
ted supply of essential amino acids. For rapid
# Specific premixed amino acids (36 %) muscle building and short regeneration phases
(complies to the ADMR). With amino acids in
their purest forms added!

The body needs a balanced amount of essential

amino acids in order to function properly (balanced
amino acid ratio). This is necessary for tissue forma-
tion and an optimal muscle build - up. A missing ami-
no acid can cause limited and slow muscle growth.
(For more info: see page 38).

In todays modern horse feeding, a low protein diet

is the norm. With sports horses it is vital to supply
them with high quality protein that is rich in amino
acids, as this is an important source of nutrition for
the muscles.
In addition, horses meant specifically to lose weight
and leisure horses being fed predominantly hay, also
profit from the intake of high quality amino acids.

Amino-Muskel PLUS has an ideally balanced

amount of amino acids, just like those found in mus-
cle fibres and it supplies the muscles with all the
1 level measuring spoon important essential amino acids needed. Amino-
= 90 grammes Muskel PLUS improves muscle build-up and a rapid
regeneration after high performance. Sports horses
benefit from its energy source for muscles and liver,
con- con-
which in turn betters the functioning of the muscles
and reduces muscle tiredness.

Feed-Guide Sport

Amino-Sport Msli
Dietic feed for horses
Electrolyte complex
Ingredients: dextrose (33,4 %), sodium chloride
(27,5 %), sodium bicarbonate (16 %), potassium chloride (15 %),
magnesium acetat (0,8 %), magnesium oxide (0,3 %) #

marstall Subito Electrolyte-Complex replenish- Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
es the electrolytes lost by heavy sweating and Crude ash 57,00 %
severe diarrhoea. Calcium 1,50 %
Sodium 15,00 %
Horses can lose up to 30 litres of sweat a day Magnesium 0,30 %
Potassium 7,00 %
during the hot summer months or due to spor- Chlorine 23,00 %
tive activity (through intensive training, event- Glucose 33,40 %
ing, high performance sports or distance riding). Technological additives (per kg):
Valuable amounts of electrolytes are flushed out. Calcium formate (E 238) 50.000,00 mg
This can lead to a sudden drop in the horses per- Fumaric acid (E 297) 125,00 mg
formance. Electrolytes such as sodium, chlorine and
Subito, the electrolyte-supplement:
potassium regulate the fluid levels outside of the
cells and the pH levels in the blood. Also they are Normal performance approx. 4060 g/day
important for good functioning of nerve and muscle High performance-dispensed over 23 days approx. 60120 g/day

cells. It is of great importance for a horse to have # Special additives (7 %)
the lost electrolytes replaced as soon as possible,
especially active horses. 1 level measuring scoop
= 25 gramme
Subito Electrolyte-complex contains all the impor-
tant electrolytes, that are lost after heavy sweating 1-kg-tub 3-kg-
or severe diarrhoea. High quality magnesium ace- con-
tate found in Subito is easily available. Magnesium
compounds are responsible for the functioning of
the enzymes needed for muscle buliding and nerve
cells. Subito is water soluble and therefore the feed
supply is quick and practical. The administration by
every watering is recommended, especially for those
horses during endurance disciplines. The horses
willingness to to perform is maintained.

Single feed for horses
Salt lickstones with cord
marstall Salzstein (with cord) A natural salt Na:Cl > 98 % as well as Mg, Cu, Fe, Zn, J, Mn in its natural content
from the region of the Himalayas! Table salt qual-
ity >97,5 % NaCl. Every stone is unique! Natural, hand-worked, each stone is unique!

During the formation of the Himalayas for over 250

million years ago, along the south west ridges, mas-
sive areas of salt deposits were formed. marstall
Salzstein are mined here, washed in clear brine and
sun dried, then individually packed. In comparison to
other salts, which are extracted using water vapour
pressure, the Himalaya salt stones retain all of their
natural minerals and trace elements. Every stone is
unique and so pure and rich in minerals, just like at
the beginning of time. Every marstall Salzstein has
high levels of NaCl >97,5% according to the Alimen-
tarius Codex.
marstall Salzsteine are extremely hard and highly
durable. The animals cant bite bits off. Due to the
borehole and cord, it is easy to attach.

Feed-Guide Sport

Amino-Sport Msli
Dietic feed for horses
Magnesium-fumarate and more!
Ingredients: dextrose (58 %), magnesium oxide
for calmness
(16,3 %), whey powder (5 %), calcium carbonate (2,7 %),
magnesium fumarate (1,3 %) #
Analytical constituents and concentrations:
Crude protein (RP) 0,50 %
Crude fat 4,00 %
Crude ash 26,00 %

Calcium 1,50 %
Magnesium 8,30 %
marstall Piano the special magnesium-dietic for hors-
Nutritional additives (per kg): es. A magnesium-fumarate with valuable vitamin B and
Fat-soluble vitamins
E complexes, calcium, selenium and dextrose! Tried and
Vitamin E as vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 42.000,00 mg tested during times of intense competititions and stress-
Water-soluble vitamins
ful journeys, and for nervous and restless horses. Sup-
Vitamin B1 as thiamin mononitrate-pure substance 600,00 mg ports muscle regeneration after busy periods.
Vitamin B12 as vitamin B12-compound 83.000,00 mcg
Trace elements Horses by nature are flight animals. Unfamiliar and new situa-
Selen as sodium selenite (E 8) 12,50 mg tions, threatening sounds and visual impressions, e.g. flutter-
Piano for serenity and calmness: ing tarpaulins or unusual obstacles, can lead horses to quickly
Small horse / Pony approx. 2040 g/day take flight. Magesium is responsible for the functioning of en-
Large horse approx. 4060 g/day zymes and are vital in order to activate the muscle and nerve
# Specific additives (16,7 %) cells.
Specific doses of magnesium can generally reduce stress. Or-
1 level measuring spoon = 25 grammes
ganic magnesium compounds i.e. magnesium fumarate, are
made highly available for the body.
marstall Piano is a high-quality feed supplement based on
tin tainer organic magnesium compounds with vitamins and selenium.
Piano has a calming effect. Piano helps horses under great
strain e.g. in times of intense competitions, to optimise the en-
ergy metabolism and supply of oxygen in the body cells, lead-
ing to quicker recuperation.

Nutritional supplements for horses
Vitamin E + selenium-complex!
Ingredients: wheat starch (89 %), dextrose (2 %) #
marstall Allegro a feed supplement to optimise the mus-
cle metabolism of horses. Improved regeneration and
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg): resistance due to cell regulating vitamin E and selenium
Crude protein (RP) 8,90 % complex!
Crude fat 5,40 %
Crude fiber 0,80 %
Crude ash 4,80 % A deficiency in vitamin E and selenium can lead to cell dam-
Nutritional additives (per kg): age (muscle cells) in horses and a general weakening of the
bodys defences. A shortage over a long period can however,
Fat-soluble vitamins lead to permanent damage of the cardiac muscle. Timing er-
Vitamin E as vitamin-E/all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 45.000,00 mg rors, a poor rideability and muscle tension in the back and
Trace elements neck are obvious symptoms of a deficiency. If in doubt, it is
Selen as sodium selenite (E 8) 15,00 mg worth doing a blood or hair analysis.
Allegro for vitality and relaxation:
Small horse / Pony approx. 2030 g/day marstall Allegro supports horses with a deficiency in vita-
Large horse approx. 5060 g/day min E and / or selenium. The empty depots are substantially
re-filled. Allegro is in the sport and high-performance sector
# Specific additives (9 %) an important building block in processing trainings and peak
loads and responsible for positive achievements.
1 level measuring spoon = 20 grammes The vitamin E and selenium components in Allegro, play an
important part in improving the muscle metabolism and help-
ing to activate the cell protection antioxidants functions.
tin con-
The fertility of mares can be increased due to specific doses
of vitamin E.

cial ...
Feed-Guide Sport

Amino-Sport Msli
Single meal for horses
Collagen hydrolysate with essential amino acids!

and drive Composition:

Ingredients: collagen hydrolysate (100 %)
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 92,00 %
Crude fat 0,00 %
Crude ash 1,50 %
Crude fiber 0,00 %
Lysine 3,40 %
Glycine 17,90 %
Proline 12,30 %
marstall Glissando a pure collagen hydrolysate for horses
with valuable amino acids. For strong tendons, ligaments, Glissando for the supply of supporting nutrients:
cartilage and joints! Ideal for prevention in young foals, Small horse / Pony approx. 1020 g/day
sports horses and seniors. Also supports during degenera- Large horse / Remonte approx. 2040 g/day
Intensive treatment / older horse approx. 5060 g/day
tive diseases like for example spavin or arthritis.

Scientific research on humans, dogs or horses have proven the

postive effects of collagen hydrolysate and gelatine on cartilage
and bone metabolism (Moskowitz et al 2000; Weh&Petau 2001;
Weide 2004; Appelt 2005). The effects due to the supply of amino
acids glycine and proline, play an important role in the collagen
metabolism. It is apparent that this helps against the degenera-
tion of cartilage and supports the building up of cartilage and aids
for a better tissue structure. The administration is recommended 1 level measuring spoon = 15 grammes
for young horses during training (Appelt 2005).
Glissando is a pure collagen hydrolysate in a high food-grade
quality and supplies and supports the supporting and connective 1,5-kg-
tissue (cartilage, ligaments and tendons) with amino acids, in a con-
natural form.
A regular dose of Glissando is recommended as a prevention
measure for young foals, horses during growth or due to hard
work and sport. Also for seniors, or horses with hereditary health
problems and those that are already impaired or injured. Feed-Guide

Nutritional supplements for horses
The biotin-product!
Ingredients: wheat starch (87 %), dextrose (2 %) #

marstall Rondo the special biotin product with zinc. For Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
naturally beautiful hooves, skin and hair, also as a sup- Crude protein (RP) 8,70 %
Crude fat 0,90 %
port for pregnant and lactating mares as well as growing Crude fiber 0,80 %
foals. Crude ash 1,80 %
Methionine 0,15 %
Many horses suffer from poor hoof horn. Problem hooves are
often soft, greasy, brittle and rough. In addition to poor main- Nutritional additives (per kg):
tenance, a deficiency in biotin, zinc and amino acids are of- Water-soluble vitamins
ten the reasons for continuos hoof, skin and coat problems. A Biotin as biotin-compound 2.000.000,00 mcg
deficiency also becomes obvious when the horse develops a Trace elements
dull coat, skin problems, hair root inflammation and excessive Zinc as zinc sulphate, monohydrate (E 6) 5.000,00 mg
hair loss.
Rondo to supplement biotin:
for very bad hooves over 1420 months approx. 1530 g/day
marstall Rondo,with its valuable biotin and zinc formula, for support over 14-20 months approx. 1020 g/day
makes a worthwhile contribution to re-filling empty biotin and
zinc depots. As a result the quality of the hooves, skin and coat # Specific additives (11 %)
1 level measuring spoon = 20 grammes
of the horse is improved and the elasticity, tensile strength and
healthy horn structure is achieved on a permanent basis.
Rondo is also recommended for pregnant and lactating mares 3-kg-
as well as for growing foals to ensure a sufficient intake of tin
biotin and zinc.

Feed-Guide Sport

Amino-Sport Msli
Single food supplement for horses
Vegetable - natural stomach stimulant!
for well
Brassica-shoots and sprouts (Brassica oleracea) (100 %)
Analytical constituents and concentrations (per kg): marstall Magen-Schutz granulated fibre with second-
Crude protein (RP) 26,00 % ary plant substances: rich in native antioxidants, glucosi-
Crude fat 32,00 % nolates and flavonoids! Approved by sensitive horses
Crude fibre 16,10 %
Crude ash 0,20 % with delicate stomachs and by horses dealing with high
mental and physical pressures.
Magen-Schutz as a stomach stimulator:
In extremly stressful situations and to aid the gastrointestinal function
It is a well known fact that stress can cause stomach problems
over a period of 2-3 months approx. 3 g/day per 100 kg bodyweight* in humans. Various studies have shown that stomach ailments
are more common in horses than first thought. In contrast to
For general support of the gastrointestinal function humans, the horse produces gastric acids permanently. Horses
over a period of 3-6 months approx. 2 g/day per 100 kg bodyweight*
fed for longer periods incorrectly with no roughage or too large
For foals during the weaning period amounts of carbohydrates, or poor quality hay, and horses deal-
3 weeks befor up to 3 weeks after approx. 3 g/day per 100 kg bodyweight* ing with high pressure and physical stress, are more vunerable.
(* live bodyweight)
Stress can be due to various reasons, such as a change of
environment or incorrect keeping or through stressful transport,
such situations can cause stomach irritations. Even the weaning
of foals can cause a life long nervous stomach.
marstall Magen-Schutz uses the positive experiences gained
with crucifer plants. Magen-Schutz consists of 100 % pure
freeze dried Brassica-shoots and sprouts in a fibre granule
form, with a high amount of secondary plant substances, such
1 level scoop = 10 grammes
as glucosinolates, sulforaphanes and flavonoids. These have
anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and immune modulating prop-
erties. They are also responsible for keeping a healthy acid
base balance and regulate the gastro intestinal tract. With its
tin anti-oxidative properties it protects against oxidative stress.
Overall this balances and protects the intestinal flora.


Single food supplement for horses
marstall Kabaro garlic is rich in essential oils and
Natural garlic-flakes natural selenium! With the active plant substance alliin.
Composition: Strengthening the immune system and acting as a natural
Ingredients: garlic flakes (100 %) insect and parasite repellent. Regulates and activates the
metabolic system.
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 14,80 % Garlic was already appreciated in ancient times and well
Crude fat 0,30 %
Crude fibre 2,00 % known for its healing properties and used as a dietary supple-
Crude ash 2,70 % ment. The Egyptians would give their pyramid workers garlic
daily, to help protect them against parasites and to strengthen
Kabaro mixed under the daily feed ration: their immune systems. In Germany, 1989, garlic was nomi-
Small horse / Pony approx. 1020 g/day nated as medicinal plant of the year. Garlic contains the sul-
Large horse approx. 2040 g/day phorous component alliin, this a natural source for selenium.
Other positive effects of garlic are its anti-bacterial, anti-viral
and blood cleansing and anticoagulant actions, it acts as car-
dio protective and also works liver protective.
marstall Kabaro is composed of dried garlic flakes, which
have a high amount of active ingredients. In comparison to
fresh garlic, Kabaro can be stored longer, is easy to dose and
1 level scoop = 10 grammes can be mixed under other feeds. It needs to be mentioned that
there have been some fears of toxic reactions found in horses,
750-g- 5-kg-
when fed on high amounts of garlic. marstalls Kabaro-prod-
con- con-
uct lies well below these levels and can be fed without any

Feed-Guide Sport

Amino-Sport Msli
Single food supplement for horses
Yellow-gold linseed!

l being Composition:
Ingredients: yellow-gold linseed (100 %)
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
marstall Sonnenlein The approved natural product Crude protein (RP) 20,00 %
for well-being, strong resistance and charisma. Rich in Digestible raw protein 13,60 %
omega-3-fatty acids for a shiny coat. High in fibres for a Crude fat 33,00 %
Crude fiber 6,00 %
healthy digestion. Natural vitamin E provides the horse Crude ash 4,20 %
with extra energy. Energy (DE) 21,50 MJ
Energy (ME) GfE 2014 17,50 MJ
Linseed belongs to one of the oldest cultivated plants, which Calcium 0,25 %
was even used in the stone age. This was renound for its high Phosphorous 0,55 %
fibre properties and was a commonly used household remedy. Sodium 0,10 %
Calium 0,70 %
marstall Sonnenlein is made from the yellow gold linseed, Magnesium 0,50 %
in food quality standard. The high amounts of natural muci-
Fat-soluble vitamins
lage and dietary fibre are released during swelling in hot wa- Vitamin E 30,00 mg
ter. These are responsible for relieving the intestinal tract and
helping the digestion. Linseed also has a positive anti-inflam- Sonnenlein for a shiny coat and as a digestive aid:
matory effect on the intestine. A recommended ration per day over a period of 23 months or on a
A constant feeding with Sonnenlein is recommended due to permanent basis.
the valuable unsaturated omega-3-fatty acids (ideal omega-3 Small horse / Pony / Foal 2050 g 12 scoops
Thoroughbred 6080 g 34 scoops
/ omega-6-fatty acid ratio). Sonnenlein has lots of natural vi- Warm blooded horse 60100 g 35 scoops
tamin E present and high quality amino acids, providing the
horse with more energy, a shiny coat and elastic skin and
a general strong immune system, which protects the horse
against bad weather influences. 1 level scoop = 20 grammes

1,5-kg- 3,5-kg- 25-kg-

con- con- sack
tainer tainer


Nutritional supplements for horses
Cold pressed!
marstall Lein-Distel-l This linseed-thistle oil is cold Composition:
pressed. Rich in omega-3-fatty acids. For a gleaming coat, Ingredients: linseed oil (95 %), milk thistle oil (5 %)
outstanding performance and healthy digestion.
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Linseed and milk thistle oil belong to the highest quality ta- Crude fat 98,50 %
Energy (DE) 39,00 MJ
ble oils with lots of essential unsaturated omega-fatty acids, Energy (ME) GfE 2014 39,00 MJ
important for the build up of healthy cells and an optimal cell
metabolism. It is also essential for a healthy development of Lein-Distel-l for concentration of energy:
the foetus its blood vessels and circulation. Linseed oil has Recommended ration for a horse with 550 kg bodyweight:
a high amount of omega-3-fatty acids and shows a healthy Normal requirements approx. 2050 ml/day
omega-3 / omega-6-fatty acid ratio. Milk thistle oil is a natural Tournament season approx. 50200 ml/day
supplier of vitamin E. The plant substance sylmarine acts as a Last feed before high performance approx. 200300 ml/day
liver protector and has a detoxifying effect. Please start to feed slowly over 5-7 days!
marstall Lein-Distel-l is ideal for competitive sports hors- Distribute high dosages over 3 meals per day!
es, where concentartion and high energy levels are needed.
Rich in unsaturated omega-3-fatty acids with natural vitamin E
amounts, it is made easily digestible for the horse. The energy
1 tablespoon = 10 millilitre
is then available and the concentration apparent. Besides the
function of strengthening the cell membranes and the resil-
ience of the horse, the lipometabolism is also improved. In ad-
dition, Lein-Distel-l aids the stomach and colon and gives 1,5-L-
the horse a gleaming coat.

The way to a
Feed-Guide Bonus

Bonus Msli
Nutritional supplements for horses

Leckerli of marstall-quality
The valuable reward!
- the valua
Healthy, delicious with an intense banana flavour ...

Banane in 1-kg-container
Maize, wheat, semolina bran, vegetable fat (palm), calcium carbon-
ate, whey powder sweet, banana chips 1 %, sodium chloride
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 9,70 %
Crude fat 6,60 %
Crude fiber 2,50 %
Crude ash 4,00 %
Sodium 0,25 %

available also in a 20-kg sack

Carotty crisp. marstall treats with a lot of carrots...

Karotte in 1-kg-container
Maize, wheat, carrot pommace, dried 10 %, vegetable fat (palm),
whey powder sweet, calcium carbonate, sodium chloride

Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):

Crude protein (RP) 9,00 %
Crude fat 6,00 %
Crude fiber 3,50 %
Crude ash 5,30 %

available also in a 20-kg sack

Crunchy and fruity liked by every horse ...

Apfel + Karotte in 1,5-kg-container

Wheat, semolina bran, barley, maize, oat hulls, carrot pommace,
dried 5 %, fruit pommace (apple) dried 5 %, calcium carbonate,
sodium chloride
Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):
Crude protein (RP) 9,40 %
Crude fat 3,00 %
Crude fiber 11,40 %
Crude ash 11,90 %
Sodium 0,04 %

available also in a 25-kg-sack

Aromatic and intensive in taste with a lot of crude fiber ...

Lakritz in 1,5-kg-container
Fruit pommace (apple) dried, lucerne meal, oat hulls, barley,
sugar-cane molasses, sugar beet pulp molassed, maize, calcium
carbonate *

Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):

1 Liter protein (RP)
= 525 Gramm 6,30 %
Crude fat 3,40 %
Crude fiber 16,90 %
Crude ash 8,50 %

available also in a 25-kg-sack

*Sensorischer Zusatzstoff (je kg): Lakritzaroma 0,75 %

horses heart
Feed-Guide Bonus

Amino-Sport Msli
Nutritional supplements for horses

able treat Leckerli of marstall-quality

The valuable reward!

Pampers and spoils with an extra portion of linseed ...

Leinsnack in 1-kg-container
Wheatmeal, wheat flour, linseed 20 %, oatmeal, malted flour, carrots

Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):

Crude protein (RP) 14,50 %
Crude fat 8,90 %
Crude fiber 3,90 %
Crude ash 2,40 %

available also in a 5-kg-container and in a 20-kg-sack

Crispy and delicious with vital nutrients from spelt and sourdough.

Handmade following the traditional recipe ...

Dinkel Bckerli in 750-g-container

Spelt 46 %, rye, linseed, wheat, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds,
maize, barley, millet, carrots, yeast, sodium-chloride, sesame seeds,
soy extraction meal

Analytical constituents and concentrations, energy (per kg):

Crude protein (RP) 17,00 %
Crude fat 21,10 %
Crude fiber 6,30 %
Crude ash 5,00 %

available also in a 10-kg-sack

1 Liter = 525 Gramm

fan merc
Helpful aids for

Feeding bucket
The marstall feeding bucket is made out of
durable yellow plastic with a capacity of 60 l.
The accompanying lid allows the bucket to be
closed tightly, enabling hygienic and dry stor-
age of your feed.

Feeding container
The universal marstall container (5 l and 15
l) with lid. Aids feeding, storage and transport,
is a practical help when watering the horses
or washing the hooves .

Feeding beaker Baby-Collection

Practical and robust for easy
feed withdrawal. Has a baby arrived in your family or circle of
The marstall-Ration is easy to friends?
dose due to the beaker hav- We have the perfect present:
ing a capacity of 1,5 l and a The marstall Baby-Collection! Available
measuring scale. online at

horse owners

The fashionably cut, fleece lined and
water resistant marstall jacket with a Cap
strong zip and wide cuffs. The fashionable marstall-cap matches
A classic and a real eye-catcher when the jacket.
riding or in the stables. A high quality baseball cap made from
Available in black with yellow stitching 100% brushed cotton.
in the sizes: SXXL. Available in black with yellow stitching.

Blanket Saddlecloth
An extra low-cut parade blanket made Our top quality marstall-saddlecloth is
from high-quality wool with an exclu- available for dressage and show jumping:
sive red edge trimming, plastic buckle Dressage: white with red company logo
and back strap. Show jumping: black or white with red
Available in the sizes 135 cm, 145 company logo.
cm and 155 cm.
Colour: black

Breeding board
PVC-board with areas to display the Feeding board
descent of your horse. Feeding board with space for individual notes.
Four perforated holes for simple mounting. Four perforated holes for simple mounting.

marstall Service
All in all a complete package!
marstall Equine weighing scale marstall Advice-Hotline
To calculate the basis value for maintenance require- Do you have any queries about our products, or ques-
ments of energy and protein the weight of the horse has tions in general about feeding and preparation? Or do you
to be accurate. marstall offers an exclusive service the need expert advice on certain subjects?
mobile equine weighing scales- weighing on location. It marstall has a low cost hotline available The Advice Hot-
provides accurate information for equine feeding man- line is open from MoFr daily between 812 a.m and 1-5
agement. marstall offers this service for only 12 per p.m on: 0 180 5 / 01 09 44*.
horse. We bring our equipment to you, on site to your (*0,l4 /min. using the main German line, mobile max. 0,42 /min.)
stables, weigh the horse to find out the exact weight and As an alternative you are welcome to email us for any
afterwards calculate the perfect feeding ration. Check advice:
out our dates and appointments at:
It is also possible for stables, or if horse owners join to- marstall special vehicles
gether, to order our weighing scales service. marstall deliver loose feed goods in bulk, starting from
2.000 kg onwards. Muesli flakes can often arrive dam-
marstall Basic feed analysis aged when delivered by normal trucks, this is why we
The quality of basic feed changes by every bought batch have invested in special vehicles that deliver muesli
or new harvest. Varying degrees of nutrient amounts can flakes in top condition, carefully and gently. We can guar-
cause fluctuations in the ration calculations. This can re- antee that you receive the best quality marstall products
sult in ineffective feeding. This is why it is essential to Unique is the wide range of packaging sizes and amounts
have the exact ratio amounts of the nutritional values. available (sacks, Big Box, Big Bag and loose bulk) deliv-
For a small charge marstall can calculate your basic ered throughout Germany and Europe, straight to your
feed and check these amounts. You can download the premises.
request form under or ask for advice
under our marstall company number marstall Trainee placement offer
Only those who invest in the best training early enough,
marstall Ration calculations will benefit from a highly qualified work force. marstall
Our marstall team are here to assist you in helping to take their responsibility within this area seriously and are
draw up the correct diet tailored to your horses or sta- constantly offering work experience positions and intern-
bles needs. Our trained nutritionists have many years ships for students. We are also looking for employees
of experience in horse feeding. Marstall can guarantee with a good horse know how, within all areas.
a professional consultation and the perfect feeding con- Come and join the best! We are looking forward to
cept Our experts use the highly acclaimed ration calcu- meeting you.
lation programme from Futtermeister by Lbker. This
service is free of charge. We are ready to answer any marstall faeces analysis worms
questions and offer practical advice by e-mail, or pre- Do you know whether your horse has been dewormed
arranged, personally onsite. successfully after a schedule? New research from Ger-
many shows that such deworming treatments are becom-
marstall Trader search system ing less effective and the parasites more drug resistant.
Are you looking for your nearest trader? On our home- The diagnostic department of the Institute for Tropical
page you will be able to find the nearest partner with one Medicine and Parasitology at the Ludwig-Maximillians-
click and by entering your post-zipcode. University in Munich, Germany, is specialised in the Mc-
If you arent online then you can contact us directly at Master Method of horse faeces examination and analy-
our main marstall headquarters. sis, available for a low fee. After the results have been
confirmed the veterinary doctor can decide exactly what
marstall Specialist lectures treatment is needed when your horse is infested. If not,
At marstall we are continually developing our products, then without administration of unnecessary deworming
orientating ourselves on modern science and research. drugs - effective and targeted!
Innovative products are the result. We have made this Examination application forms can be downloaded at:
knowledge available at our free lectures. You are wel-
come to attend and our marstall experts are looking
forward to an exchange of experiences and information.
For current and future dates check out our homepage at:
How to reach us:
marstall European Headquarters
Advice-Hotline (Mo-Fr daily from 7-12 a.m and 1-5 p.m)
(Mo-Fr daily from 8-12 a.m and 1-5 p.m) Tel.: +49 (0) 83 86 / 93 33 15
Tel.: 0 180 5 / 01 09 44* Fax: +49 (0) 83 86 / 93 33 22
(*0 l4 /min. using the main German line, mobile max. 0,42 /min.) Email:

For every horse the right feed!

is precious.

This is what we wish for you

and your horse!

We will look after the feeding.

Thank you
for having placed your trust in us!
Your marstallTeam

Premium-Horse Feed
Your local trader:

marstall European Headquarters
marstall GmbH
Mhlenstrae 15
87534 Oberstaufen
Tel.: +49 (0)8386/9333-15
Fax: +49 (0)8386/9333-22

Manufacturer South-Germany Manufacturer North-Germany

Weissachmhle GmbH & Co. KG Bernhard Kreiling GmbH & Co. KG
Mhlenstrae 15 Kreilings Weg 11
87534 Oberstaufen 49593 Bersenbrck
Photo: Successful breeder Heinrich Ramsbrock

Germany Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)8386/9333-15 Tel.: +49 (0)5439/9454-0
Fax: +49 (0)8386/9333-22 Fax: +49 (0)5439/9454-54
E-Mail: E-Mail:

Manufacturer Netherlands Distributor Austria

Hilkens Diervoeders marstall GmbH
Stationsstraat 31 Mhlenstrae 15
6071KB Swalmen 87534 Oberstaufen
Netherlands Germany
Tel.: +31 (0)475/501218 Tel.: +49 (0)8386/9333-15
Fax: +31 (0)475/505182 Fax: +49 (0)8386/9333-22
E-Mail: E-Mail:

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