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Bimonthly Newsletter of the

Nqfiheastern \visconsin Audubon society, htc.

March - April 4995
Issue No. 457

A Passion fot Phenology 'Wonder

Our \Vofld of
Alook at oyer100Vhenologicalevents Creatingfl nflturfll"woild of wonder"for the
in the GreenBay Area, youngand the youngat heafi,
Wednesday,March ,l 4 6:/1f V.m. Wednesday,AVril E 6:4f V.m.
Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary Bay Beach WildliP Sanctuary
T h e e a s i e swt a y t o d e s c r i b ep h e n o l o g yi s t o L o o k i n ga t t h e w o r l d t h r o u g h t h e e y e so f a c h i l d
explainwhat one would observeand record. Watch- c a n h e l p u s f i n d a n d a p p r e c i a t et h e s m a l l e rd e t a i l si n
ing and noting the day the first daffodils begin to our world. As adults, we don't seem to have enough
bloom, trees as they flower and leaf, or ice leaving time to stop and examine nature, like when we were
t h e E a s tR i v e ra r e a l l e x a m p l e so f p h e n o l o g i c a l five years old. This program will help us find that
events. i n q u i s i t i v es i d e o n c e a g a i n .
Gary Fewless,HerbariumCurator at the Univer- Our April speakeris RandyKorb. Randyis owner
sity of Wisconsin-Creen Bay and a member of N.E.W. a n d C E Oo f B i o p h i l i aa, s w e l l a s o n e o f N . E . W ,
A u d u b o n ' sb o a r d o f d i r e c t o r s ,h a s m a d e t r a c k i n g A u d u b o n ' sf o r m e r p r e s i d e n t sA. l t h o u g hm o s t o f
thesetypes of eventshis passionfor more than a Randy'sprogramsare directedto school age chil-
d e c a d e . H e w i l l s h a r ew i t h u s a n i l l u s t r a t e dp r e s e n - dren, Randywill be giving us a program geared
tation on phenologyin the Creen BayArea. more for adults.
Cary has been carefullytracking over events R a n d yw i l l s h a r e s o m e o f t h q r e a s o n s p , hiloso-
for the past 12 years. Someyears he has even ob- p h i e sa n d e x p e r i e n c efso r c r e a t i n gh i s c o m p a n y ,
s e r v e do v e r 7 0 0 p h e n o l o g i c aai c t i v i t i e s M
. ost of B i o p h i l i aH . e b e l i e v e st h a t w h a t i s g o o d a n d b e a u t i -
these observationsare on plants at the UWCBcam- ful in the naturalworld should be part of every
p u s , b u t m a n y o t h e r s i t e si n N o r t h e a s t e rW n isconsin y o u n g p e r s o n ' sl i f e . B i o p h i l i a ' m
s issiori s to make
are also part of his study. t h i s c o n n e c t i o nW . h e n w o r k i n g w i t h s t u d e n t s ,R a n d y
As a scientist,Gary tries to follow the same tree b e l i e v e si n h a n d s - o ne x p e r i e n c e sa n d h i s p r o g r a m
or plant year after year. This is done in an attempt to topics include frogs, Monarch butterflies,and how
correlatethe timing of these eventswith heating to grow plants that attract butterflies.
degreedays or some other measurableweatherdata. Our April program will especiallybe of interest
One of the resultsthat has surprisedGary is how to teachersand parents. Randywill also haveon
variablephenologicalevents really are, not too much h a n d s o m e o f h i s p r o d u c t sl i k e M o n a r c hM a g i c .
is's hard to predict dates or show a This is sure to be a wonderful spring program,
tight connectionbetween events. offering loads of ideas and inspirationon how to
After the meeting,everyoneis invitedto the enjoy the world around us. Refreshmentsand
EstuaryRoom for refreshments. d i s c u s s i o nw i l l f o l l o w .

76eez/hb coa,tr/4,:ted,to
Ri$er-Bay UVcoming Field T?if
Clean UV OWortunities
This spring N.E.W.Audubonand N.E.W.
Field Trif the BayArea BirdClub haveteamed Audubon
up to offer a varietyof field trip field trips
tti thbrefolks - it's a pleasureto o p p o r t un i t i e s . c o sp o ns o r e d
greetyou again. Aftera long hiatus The followingthree field trips, by the Bay
followingmy head'scollisionwith offered by the BayArea BirdClub and Area Bird
the pavement, my brainhas cosponsoredby N.E.W.Audubon, C l u bw i l l b e
stoppedrattlingaroundlike a will be lead byJan Hansenof the Bay lead by Paul
marblein a tin cup. Area BirdClub: Hartman,
It'sgettingtime for our River-. c Sunday,March I Brown
BayCleanUp Day again,which will County/UW
A trip to LakeMichigan's shore,
be Saturday,May 9 this year. As
as far south as PortWashington, E x t e n s i o n
in the past,I call on Audubon HofticultureAgent. Paulwill lead
for waterfowl and early
membersto help,and makethis two Sundayafternoonfield trips into
migrants. Bringa lunch.
daya fieldtrip. Wewill meetand the BairdCreekParkwayarea.
getstartedat 9:00a.m.on the o Sunday,March 8 Paulwill exploreone of Creen
northend of BylsbyAvenuewhich A trip south of De Perefor Cray Bay'sunique and controversial
deadendson the bayjust westof Partridge,Horned Larks,Snow naturalareas.The hikeswill last
the PulliamPowerPlant. Whenwe Buntingsand early migrants. aboutone and a half hoursand the
finishthere,we'll go a few blocks o Friday-Sunday, April 24-26 terrainwill be hilly. Wearappropri-
southto Riveruiew Parkwhich is An extendedtrip. Whitefish ate clothingand boots as therewill
on the north end of Broadway and PointBird BandingStationin be wet and muddyareas.
the eastend of PrairieAvenue. M i c h i g a n 'U
s p p e rP e n i n s u l af o, r The datesareSunday,April l9
Afterwe sanitizethis site,we Spring Hawk, owl, waterfowl and Sunday,April 26. Bothtrips
headfor KenEversNatureAreaon migrationand unusualnofthern will begin at ChristaMcAuliffePark
the nonh end of MilitaryAvenue birds. Hotel reservations are a t l : 0 0 o . m .
and work till the RiverRallystarts needed. No registration is necessary, just
at I the NevillePublic meet at ChristaMcAuliffeParkat
Museum. Thesethree birdingtrips will
1 : 0 0p . m .
That celebration will be held b e g i na t W i l d B i r d sU n l i m i t e dl,3 l S .
Paulis also willing to lead hikes
on the riverbankwith a program, MilitaryAve.,Creen Bay. Bringfood
on other Sundayafternoons,if
entertainment and a vastassort- and water along with appropriate peoplerequest. Call Paulat 39.l-
mentof refreshments to satisflithe clothingfor all trips. CallJan
4 6 1 5 i f y o u w o u l d l i k et o h i k eo n
mosthungryof us. Hansenat 592 9398 for departure
In preparation, bring gloves, times and detailsof trip.
saveand bringmanysmaller
plasticgrocerybagswhichwe will 'We
fill and put in the largegarbage
bagswhichwill be supplied.
atherfr iend Cal endar
I hopeto seeyou beforethen
andwill go into greaterdetailat
the Audubonmeetings. Your l99B Weatherfriend Phe- lf you note in your Weatherfriend
nologyCalendarhas an error in the to add 6 hoursto the dailymoon
times givenfor the daily moon times,your calendarcan still be a
positions. .|998.
valuabletool to enjoy in We
We mistakenlysubtractedsix are truly sorry for the inconvenience
hours to allow for the difference this may havecaused. We depend
bewveenCreenwichMean time and on you calendarpurchasesso we
our Centraltime. For example, can continueour I 9 yearvolunteer
February3rd givesa moonrise phenologystudy project.
time of 4:56 a.m.,it shouldread Thankyou for your kind under-
l 0 : 5 6 a . m .a n d t h e m o o n - o v e r h e a d ' standin this matter.
i s g i v e na s I i : 5 3 a . m . ,i t s h o u l dr e a d
5 : 5 3 p . m . ,a n d s o o n . DennisPrusik
Summer CamVs 62 ScholarshiVs Baird Creek
Members. . .are any of your
children interestedin attending a
child has beenacceptedinto an
appropriate session. Parkway r
summer camp with a definite con-
servation agenda and cirricula?
Would they if they could get some
The NortheastWisconsin
ter of TroutUnlimited
is one more
The Finat P*eh
financial assistancei, Any middle sourceof scholarshipsfor sumrner The final fush for the presena.
school through high school student camps.Therequirements are: tion of ttfe BairdCreekHeights
living in Brown County may apply : r a d e s6 - I 2
l . S t u d e n t sC areais now underway.This 34
for a partial scholarship to one of 2 . A m o u n to f a i d : $ l 5 0 acretract of old growthforest is
three summer camps. One of the 3. Camps:SAMEAS ABOVE locatedeastof F43,next to Christa
s c h o l a r s h i ps o u r c e s i s t h e B r o w n 4. Sessions:SAMEAS ABOVE- con McAuliffePark.The city purchased
County Conservation Fund through the tract of land the first week of
the Brown County Park Department.
6. Applications:Requests February. Paymentfor the property '
for atten-
Hereare some of the requirements: oancecontact: will come from the City of 6reen
: r a d e s6 - I 2
l . S t u d e n t sC K e n nK i e s n e r Bay,the WsconsinDepanmentof
2 . A m o u n to f a i d : $ l 9 5 o r n o 4657 CreekValleyLane NaturalResourcesand the Baird
more than 75%of cost O n e i d aW, t54i 55 CreekParkwayPreseruation
3.Camos: 920-865-4019 Foundation.
"Glacier Hollow,"Nelsonville, W, A i 50 word themeon "whythis
WWildlife Fedention
The BairdCreekParkway
camp would be a valudbleexperience" Preservation Foundationhas
"CentralWl Environmental Station," is required.Firstcome basis.Coniact
pledgedto raise$200,000toward
Amhurstjunction, Wl,Wisconsin DNR shouldbe madeas soonas possiblein
March/April,as they areusedup the total cost of approximately
forToniorrow,"EagleRiver, Wl, quickly. $1,000,000.Their fund raising
4 . S e s s i o n sA: n y s e s s i o nt h a t d e a l s Kenn Kiesner Soal is to havethis moneyraised
by May I , I 998. lf you havebeen
with nature,spoftingusesof
lookingfor a good causeto
nature,environmental or .
e c o l o g i c at lh e m e s .
donateto, this is the one. In the
5 . T i m e : I t o 2 w e e ks e s s i o n s , words of PaulHartman,noted
J u n e- A u g u s t horticulturistaild N.E.W.Rudubon
6 . A p p l i c a t i o n sT: h i s m o n e yi s p r e p a i d member,this is the most impor-
to the camps,thereforeit is on a tant €onseryationbattle in Green
first come basis.You must apply Baysincethe cleanupof air and
w i t h t h e c a m pa n d t h e yi n t u r n water pollutionby local industry
will bill BrownCounty once your backin the seventies.This is an
opportunityfor arearesidentsto
Christmas Bird Count Results makea statementthat it is impor-
tant to savesomeof the "lastbest
The i 997 ChristmasBird Count
places"for today'scitizensand
Evening Crosbeaksor Bohemian
(CBC)with 60 speciesidentifiedwas especiallyfor the childrenof
Waxwingswere spotted.Oconto and
the fourth highestcount ever con- tomorrow. The BairdCreek
Door Countieshave seen good
ducted( '89 & 94 with 62 species numbersof thesebirds this winter.
'92 is lookingfor donationsfrom $5
and with 63 were higher). Birdsnot seenon the count,but that
U n c o m m o nb i r d s n o t e d i n c l u d e : to $5,000.-Donaiionscanbe
are probablyhere: BeltedKingfisher,
Rose-breasted Crosbeak,Peregrine madeto the BairdCreekparkway
Red-headed Woodpecker,Horned
Falcon,SnowyOwl, ClaucousGull, Committeeof N.E.W. Audubon
Lark,Snow Bunting,Red-winged
RuddyDuck, HoodedMerganser, and sentto:
Blackbird,Cray Partridge,Merlin and
Buffiehead,Redhead,Creat Blue N.E.W..Audubon Sociery
Heron,AmericanCoot. Ruffed 170] NinthStreet
The weatherwas very mild, low
Grouseand PileatedWoodpecker. wind and no snow cover. The mild
GreenBay,Wl 54304
The SnowyOwls, ClaucousCulls lf you would like to viewthis
weatherwas probablythe biggest
and PeregrineFalconswere all seen stretchof land, Paul.Flartman will
factor favoringthe high count.
at the mouth of the Fox River. be guidingtoursfor our club in
Overallit was anotherexcellent
Bald Eagle,Cooper'sHawk, April. Please3eethe articleon the
countthanksto the help of our 26
ScreechOwl, and Double-crested previouspage,"UpcomingField
field observersand 22 feeder
Cormorantare relativelyregular CBC Trip Opportunities" for datesand
counters.The l99B CBCwill be held
birds now. We had a fairly good .|9. times.
finch count,but no PineCrosbeaks. Charlie Frisk
John Jacobs
President JohnJacobs 412-2438
Vice-President TB.D.
RecordingSecretary (w)
Corres.Secretary GaryFewless 435-5563
Mark Your-Calendars! Tleasurer JoeSpangler 494-6347

TheN.E.W. Audubon AnnualBanquet hasbeensetfor BOARD MEMBERS

Wednesday, May13. Socialwillbeginat 5:30p.m.,with CarlScholz 743-3411
dinnerat6:00p.m.Thisyea/sspeakerwill beBillVolkert DorothySummers465-6729
fromtheDNRin Horiconanda memberof several intema- Membership RonEichhorn 430-9747
committees. Education KennKiesner 865-4019
Conservation Frisk
Charlie 468-1956
Billisanexcellentspeaker andgivesaveryinteresting BairdCreekParkway Charlie
Frisk 468-1956
programonLakeBaikal. BillhasvisitedLakeBaikalinSiberia Newsletter MaryNovotny 498-9663
filretimesto studyandmakemanagement recommenda- Publicity CarlHujet 491-1954
tions.LakeBaikal issimilartotheCreatLakes inthatit dlso Calendars&
contai ns20%of theworld'ssurfacefreshwaterandis Endowment Dennis
Prusik 499-9689
suffering frompollution.
Twenty-three species
ofanimds Historian DorothyDelsart 435-8494
areendemicto thislake.
FieldTrips TB.D.
& LavonneGalbraith498-2248
Watchthenextissueof theLogfor moredetailsanda
Refreshments CarmellaBlecha434-1,807
banquet regist-auon
form. PastPresident CharlieFrisk 468-1956
areheldat 7:00p.m.thethirdTuudayof
monthsttheBat Beach

tortheastern Wisconsin NON.PROFITORG.

Audubon Soc-ety, Inc. PAID
lr0l ilinth Street PermitNo.227
Green Bay, Wl 5,43,o,4 GreenBa5l,Wl

We ualueyour membe6hlpl ffthe date on the

malllng label has been hlghllghtet lt meansyour
membe6hip ln the Northeastem lmsconsln Audubon
Socleql,lnc. has lapsed. Please call Dennis Prusik
at 4,99-9689 to reestabilsh your membeEhlp todayl
Its that ea,/

TheAudubonlqEzis published
bytheNoftheastern WsconsinAudubon
SoaetyPlease sendinformationyou
likeindudedindreLogto: MaryNwotnyz
3085l2r Ct.,GreenBayW 543l3


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