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MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE PEARL RIVER VALLEY WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT HELD ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2017 AT 9:30 A.M. AT THE DISTRICT’S MAIN OFFICE LOCATED AT MADISON LANDING, RIDGELAND MISSISSIPPI The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Pearl River Valley Water ‘Supply District was held at 9:30 am., on Thursday, October 19, 2017, at the District's Main Office Building, Ridgeland, Mississippi, Members Present: Shannon Armstrong, Bruce Brackin, Doug Berry, Billy Cook, Phillip Crosby, Ben Evans, Jennifer Hall, Kenny Latham, Samuel Mitchell, John Pittman, Tedrick Ratcliff Jr., John Skains, and Jack Winstead Members Absent: — W. C. Gorden Others Present: John Sigman, Cindy Ford, Craig Hunt, Susan McMullan, Philip Huskey, Marcial Forester, Jerry Bounds, Perry Waggener, Bobby Cleveland, Linda Horton, Greg Burgess, Jim Anderson, Dennis Hicks Board President Jennifer Hall called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. President Hall asked for review of the minutes of September 21, 2017. Upon review of the minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Directors held September 21, 2017, a motion was made by Mr. Billy Cook for the minutes 10 be approved. Mr. Kenny Latham seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: For: Ammstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Ratcliff, ‘Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. President Hall then asked for the Shoreline Development Commiittee’s items. Chairman Doug Berry asked for Greg Burgess to review the first item. Mr. Greg Burgess outlined the proposal received for bridge inspections services from Neel Schaffer Engineers in an amount not to exceed $18,600.00. Mr. Burgess noted the proposal amount was the same as previous years. It was noted that this inspection. ‘was for three bridges: the Main Dam, Northshore bridge and Conestoga bridge. Chairman Berry made a motion on behalf of the Shoreline Development Committee for approval of proposal from Neel Schaffer Engineers for bridge inspection services in an amount not to exceed $18,600. Mr. Ben Evans seconded the motion. President Hall asked if there were any questions. None were offered, ‘The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Berry then asked for the next item. Mr. John Sigman noted that staff had previously presented this item as 1.09 acre parcel to Shoreline Committee, but requested the Board table the item to allow for a correction of appraisal. Staff now brings the item back for approval with the corrected appraisal which includes the property under water. 87 Reguler Board Minutes 18 October 2017 Page? Mr. John Sigman outlined the history of the 1.34 parcel located on Fannin Landing Circle. Mr. Sigman explained the original lease of the parcel was to the developers of Arbor Landing, ETE Developers, Inc, ETE had failed to pay the leaschold fees for the parcel, so the District began litigation and entered into an Agreed Judgement with ETE to return the parcel to the District. Mr. Sigman stated that staff was asking for permission to advertise the parcel for bid for restaurant, retail or office building. Mr. Sigman noted the appraisal price for the parcel was approximately $320,000, Mr. Armstrong asked if the area would require dredging. Mr. Sigman responded that very little was needed, as it was connected to the nearby boat ramp area. Chairman Doug Berry made a motion to take the advertisement of the 1.34 acre parcel off of the table for consideration by the Board. Mr. Ben Evans seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Ratliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: ‘None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Berry then made a motion to approve the advertisement of the 1.34 parcel on Fannin Landing Circle for restaurant, retail or office space as outlined. Mr. John Skains seconded the motion. 1¢ vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Berry then asked Mr. Sigman to present the next item. Mr. John Sigman reviewed the staff request to advertise 0.159 acre parcel located between Twin Harbor and Haley Creek subdivisions. Mr. Sigman noted that the 6,905 SF parcel was the location of a water well and treatment facility in years past. When new wells were put in place, this location’s well was removed from service and dismantled. Mr. Sigman stated that the site is large enough for a single family residence or duplex. Mr. John Skains noted that he had discussed the potential site with neighbors in ‘Twin Harbor and had found no opposition to the site use as a single family residence only Chairman Berry made a motion on behalf of the Shoreline Development Committee to approve the advertisement of 0.159 acre parcel located between Twin Harbor and Haley Creek subdivisions as a single family residence only. Mr. John Skains seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead, Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Berry then asked Jerry Bounds to review the next item, Mr. Jerry Bounds then requested consideration of policy change within the Permit and Construction Fee Schedule, Mr. Bounds stated these requested are made to better serve the community. Mr. Bounds noted that he hed requests from several realtors to create a Pre- Inspection item whereby homeowners could have their homes inspected prior to listing or signing contracts in order to determine what potential costs might be associated with the sale. Mr. Bounds noted this is not an inspection to take the place of the “Home Inspection” that is sometimes required by a buyer. This pre-inspection would give the current homeowner a list of code compliant items that would be required to be remedied in order to establish new occupancy. 59 Regular Soard Minutes 139 October 2017 Poge 3 The proposed pre-inspection fee would be $100.00, but if the owner/buyer requested a re-inspection within 30 days that $100 would be credited as the regular utility inspection fee required in Rankin County. Mr. Bounds then outlined the request for a Temporary Electrical Fee or Deposit. This fee is requested to allow the electricity connection to be made during the renovation or remodel of a home that is either in between owners or renters. Mr. Bounds noted that the deposit requested is $250 and is refunded if the work is done within the 30 day timeline of the connection of temporary power. ‘Mr. Bounds noted that specific language would be added to the policy regarding the Temporary Electrical Fee as follows: Temporary Electrical Fee Policy ‘A 30 day temporary power fee for rental property and utility inspections can be obtained when a substantial amount of work is required to bring the property into compliance with PRVWSD Rules and Regulations. A deposit of $250 is required priar to releasing electrical power to the property ‘The deposit will be refunded in full after an inspection by a PRV official has been completed and all non-compliant Items are corrected. ‘The deposit will be forfeited in total when: 1. __Atenant has moved in with ALL non-compliant items on check list having been completed and a follow up inspection performed by a PRV official, and/or 2. Repairs are not completed within the 30 calendar days allotted for repairs of the non-compliant items. An additional 30 days can be requested when more time is needed and progression ‘of work has been continuous since notification to the Leaseholder of all non- compliant items. ‘The board members discussed the inspection process. Chairman Doug Berry made a motion on behalf of the Shoreline Development Committee to approval of change to policy of the Permit and Construction Fee Schedule as presented. Mr. Shannon Armstrong seconded the motion. A COPY OF THE. PROPOSED POLICY CHANGE IS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBITS TO THESE MINUTES. President Hall asked for any questions. None were offered. The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Berry requested the next item presented Mr. Philip Huskey reviewed the staffs filing under Administrative Procedures of proposed changes to regulations for Title 33: Rivers and Waters, Part 203: Regulations Pertaining to Use of Reservoir Project Area by General Public, Part 203, Chapter 1: Motor Vehicles, Rule 1.2 Parking under subparagraph (4). Mr. Huskey stated that no comments had been received on the proposed change. Mr. Huskey recommended the final approval of the regulation change as outlined, Chairman Berry made a motion on behalf of the Shoreline Development Committee to approve the change to Title 33: Park 203: Chapter 1, Rule 1.2, removing the exception as presented. Mr. Ben Evans seconded the motion. A COPY OF THE REQUESTED REGULATION CHANGE IS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBITS TO THESE MINUTES. President Hall asked for any questions. None were offered. 6 Regular Board Minutes 49 October 2017 Pages ‘The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: ‘None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. President Hall then asked for the presentation of the Parks Policy Items. Chairman Kenny Latham asked Philip Huskey to present the first agenda item. Mr. Philip Huskey then reviewed the operation agreement that has been agreed to by the Rankin County Dog Park group for Lakeshore Park. Mr. Huskey noted that the agreement would be essentially the same as the agreement in place with the Old Trace Dog Park group. Chairman Kenny Latham made a motion on behalf of Parks Policy Committee to approve of the Operation Agreement and layout of the Rankin County Dog Park at Lakeshore Park as presented. Mr. Jack Winstead seconded the motion. President Hall asked for any questions. None were offered. ‘The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Latham asked for the next agenda item. ‘Mr. Philip Huskey stated that his staff had filled with the Secretary of State under the administrative Procedures Act the proposed changes to regulations Title 33; Part 205: Chapter 5: Firearms and Hunting. The changes submitted were “housckeeping” items to clarify our regulations. Mr. Huskey noted that the proposed changes had received no comment from the public. Chairman Kenny Latham made a motion on behalf of Parks Policy Committee to give final approval of regulation changes as outlined for Firearms and Hunting Regulations as presented. Mr. John Skains seconded the motion. A COPY OF THE REGULATION CHANGE IS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBITS TO THE MINUTES. President Hall asked for any questions. None were offered. The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. President Hall then reviewed the Executive Committee items. President Hall noted that the first item on the agenda for the Executive Committee should be sent back to the committee for further investigation. President Hall stated that additional options had come forward for the Deputy Director PIN number and she wished the committee to review all options before bringing action forward. ‘Mr. Kenny Latham made a motion to send the change of PIN designation back to the Executive Committee for further investigation. Mr. John Skains seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry. Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 63 Regular Board Minutes 19 October 2017 Pages: President Hall then asked Mr. Huskey to review the proposed Board of Directors bylaw changes. Mr. John Pittman entered the meeting at this time. Mr. Philip Huskey stated that the board had tasked him with developing options for term limits or rotating terms for the office of President and bring back options to the board for consideration. Mr. Huskey reviewed the possible addition to bylaw language that would limit the office of President to a period not to exceed four one-year consecutive terms. After the expiration of one year from last holding the office a board member could again be eligible for the office of President. Mr. Huskey noted the original suggestion was for a period of two consecutive one-year terms, but the committee had felt that a bit longer time may be required. ‘The members discussed the need for a longer consecutive limit in order to allow for completion of projects and continuity. Mr. Huskey then stated there was also request for the Vice President to assume the office of President automatically if a candidate held the office for four consecutive one-year terms. Mr, Huskey noted that the statutory requirement of annual clections ‘would prevent the Vice President from such a succession. Mr. Huskey then noted that staff wanted to clarify Section 10 with regard to the General Manager's ability to execute leases, deeds, plats, etc. Mr. Huskey stated that the General Manager is noted as having those signing abilities under Section 14, but should be clarified in Section 10 as well. ‘Mr. Huskey then stated that within the committee meeting clarification of the vote of a chairman of a committee had been discussed. Mr. Huskey outlined the language added to Section 7 to clarify the voting rights of a committee chair. ‘The members discussed the proposed bylaw changes. Mr. Shannon Armstrong made a motion to approve the bylaw change of language to limit the office of President to a period not to exceed four consecutive one-year terms. Mr. John Skains seconded the motion. A COPY OF THE REVISED BYLAWS ARE ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBITS TO THESE MINUTES. President Hall asked for any questions. None were offered. ‘The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Evans, Hall, Latham, Ratcliff, and Skains. Abstained: None. Against: Winstead, Crosby, Pittman and Mitchell. MOTION CARRIED BY MAJORITY. ‘Mr. Ben Evans made a motion to approve the change to bylaws to clarify in Section 10 that the General Manager is authorized to execute leases, deed, plats, or other instruments and Section 7 clarifies voting rights of committee chair, as presented. A COPY OF THE REVISED BYLAWS ARE ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBITS TO ‘THESE MINUTES. President Hall asked for any questions. None were offered. ‘The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Pittman, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. President Hall asked for the audit items to be presented, 65 Regular Board Minutes 19 October 2017 Pages Chairman Cook presented the Per Diem and Travel report for September 2017 and stated that he had found it in order. Chairman Cook made a motion to approve the Per Diem and Travel report for September 2017 as presented. Mr. Samuel Mitchell seconded the motion. President Hall asked for any questions or comments. None were offered, ‘The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Pittman, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. _Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Cook presented the Cash Balance Report and stated he had reviewed and had found it in order. Chairman Cook made a motion to approve the Cash Balance Report as presented. Mr. Samuel Mitchell seconded the motion. President Hall asked for any questions or comments. None were offered. ‘The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Pittman, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. _Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Cook presented the Claims Docket for October 2017 and stated that he had reviewed and bad found it in order. The board discussed the docket. Mr. Billy Cook made a motion to approve the Claims Docket for October 2017 as presented. Mr. Shannon Armstrong seconded the motion President Hall asked for any questions or comments. None were offered. The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Pittman, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. President Hall asked for the next agenda item, Committee Minutes and Miscellaneous Correspondence: ‘The Board reviewed August's committee minutes and drafts of September minutes. Mr. John Sigman then gave his report as Executive Director. Mr. Sigman noted the police report and lease collections report included in the ‘board package. ‘Mr. Sigman gave the current lake level at 296.81, which is low. ‘Mr. Sigman noted various news articles and media in the board book. ‘Mr. Sigman noted the next meeting would be at Turcotte Educational Center. Mr. Billy Cook made a motion to enter Closed Session to discuss the need for Executive Session. Mr. Ben Evans seconded the m 67 Regular Board Minutes 39 October 2017 Page7 ‘The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong. Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Pittman, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. _Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Billy Cook then made a motion to enter Executive Session to discuss leasing state property and possible litigation. Mr. John Skains seconded the motion. ‘The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Pittman, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead, _Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The board entered Executive Session. ‘No action was taken in Executive Session. Mr. Phillip Crosby made a motion to exit Closed Session. Mr. Doug Berry seconded the motion, The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Pittman, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Ben Evans made motion to adjourn. Mr. Doug Berry seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Mall, Latham, Mitchell, Pittman, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. _Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ‘There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10:47 a.m. ifer Hail, President 69

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