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Intern: Emily Cava

Grade/Subject: SFA Reading

PST Teaching Self-Study

Domain 1: Planning and Preparation

1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy Score: 2

Before being the lesson, I was aware of the important concepts of the lesson, such as the importance of understanding,
vocabulary and cause and effect. I briefly explained to the students that these accepts would be important for their test, but did
not go into depth. Although this was a brief review for students, I did not take time to make connections between the
vocabulary and The Egyptian Cinderella. I also lacked awareness of how these concepts connected. I often would just move
on from one topic to the next, making little to no connection.

1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students Score: 1


Going into the lesson, I knew this lesson would bring forth some challenges in regards to knowing my students, as they are
not my home base students, making it difficult to get to know them on a deeper level. By understanding my students, I will be
able to design a more engaging lesson that follows the curriculum SFA has laid out. At 4:09 in the video, it is evident that
students do not seem to be engaged while I go over the vocabulary and meaningful sentences. Some students are looking
down at their desk, rather than at the speaker, other students are focused outside elements and not the vocabulary at hand.
This is an indicator that there needs to me more engagement and student involvement.

1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes Score: 2


I recorded myself at a level two in this category, because I believe throughout the lesson I clarify the expectations and
outcomes for the students. I first identified that this lesson was a review for their test and throughout before transitioning into
different topics I explained what the outcomes of this section would be. For instance, I identified that when I read aloud to the
students that would be listening for cause and effects (an area that would be on their test as well). The SFA outcomes and
expected outcomes of the students to pose to be rigorous and involve conceptual understanding of the text.

1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources Score: 1


It is evident throughout the lesson that I solely followed the scripted curriculum and did not use outside resources, such as
videos or interactive games. I completed the step by step procedure laid out by the curriculum, making little annotations to the
lesson. Being in an Urban setting I should have compared The Egyptian Cinderella cause and effects to modern day cause
and effect. When students were identifying cause and effects from the reading, it did seem that some students did not fully
grasp the concept. This would be the time to implement a modern day comparison, trying to get the students to relate to the

1e: Designing Coherent Instruction Score: 2


The activities and materials were aligned with the instructional outcomes, but there was not great variety in the activities. The
lesson is aligned with the unit and information presented, but the progression of activities was uneven. For instance, after
reading the text I gave students instructions to move on to another task (14:34), but then went back to ask them to add to their
story map. This may have caused confusion for students as it was out of order and made the progression uneven. However, in
regards to time allocation, for the majority of the lesson I was able to keep on pace, and often set timers for the students to
help identify how much time we had left in a certain section. Further, Learning activities did not have differentiation, as
instructional groups are based on class seating rather than student strengths and weakness.
1f: Designing Student Assessments Score: 1

I lacked assessment procedures throughout the lesson, as it seemed I was not clear on what students were being assessed
on and I did not succeed in informal assessment. While students reviewed vocabulary, it seemed that not all students were
part taking. Although I visited some tables, I did not visit all nor did I ask leading/clarifying questions while I was at the tables.
Also, once we grouped I did not allow students to share their thoughts, but rather transitioned right into explaining the
definition of each vocabulary word.

Domain 2: The Classroom Environment

2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Score: 2

Throughout the lesson, I believe that the interactions between teacher and students were generally appropriate, there were
still inconsistencies. For instance, at 10:26, all students begin shouting out answers, making it hard to hear. Instead of
referring to our classroom rules, I say Okay I am talking to Paris. I believe this to be unprofessional and could be demining to
students. I should have referred to the rule, raise your hand to speak. Additionally, during this lesson it seemed students did
show respect for one another and there was no conflict.

2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning Score: 1


The classroom culture was more teacher lead, than student. It seemed that I was doing the majority of the talking throughout
the lesson and was bring forth more conceptual understanding of the lesson. From minute 9 to 15, it seems that students are
going through the motions of the lesson and are not engaged. As the teacher, I also see myself just going through the lessons,
rather than stopping and asking questions. With the my actions portraying that I am going through the motions, I did not
believe I my students opinions were valued as much as they should have been. When students answered, I automatically
moved without giving detailed feedback or support.

2c: Managing Classroom Procedures Score: 2


For majority of the lesson, I feel that the classroom management was well under controlled, but there were times when
ineffective classroom management cut into learning time. For instance, at 20:17, I ask students multiple times if they are ready
to move on to the next step. This was evidently not effective, causing disruption and delay in learning. I should have used
hand signals such as a thumbs up to indicate when students were reading to move forward. Additionally, student were respect
of time allocation and followed routines with little difficulty.

2d: Managing Student Behavior Score: 2


For majority of the lesson student behavior was respectful and I was able grab students attention when needed through hand
signals and voice recognition rather. For instance, at 3:24 you can see student responded to the hand signals, stopping what
they were doing and turning their eyes to the speaker.

Domain 3: Instruction
3a: Communicating with Students Score: 2

Throughout the lesson I attempted to explain the instructional purpose of the lesson, but I did have to clarify a few times what
was expected of students. For instance, when reviewing vocabulary, I had to remind student that we were reviewing, as some
students were not. Also when story mapping I may have confused kids because I had moved on from this topic but then
moved back to it. This may have been unclear for some students.

3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques Score: 2


My questions throughout the lesson are of low cognitive challenge or were not addressed. For instance, at 9:30 a student is
identifying a cause and effect from the passage I read. I asked leading questions, but they were not digging deep into the
content. Also when she finished explain her cause and effect, I did not ask my clarifying questions, nor did I ask students if
they had any information to add.
3c: Engaging Students in Learning Score: 2

Although this was a review, I did feel at some moments of the lesson felt rushed and may not have provided students the time
needed to be intellectually engaged. When identify cause and effect, this was evidently an area students did not seem
confident in, as their answers were not clear. This was also a portion of the lesson that I did not spend a lot of time on and
could have intellectually engaged student more on.

3d: Using Assessment in Instruction Score: 1/2


During the lesson before the exam, my feedback to student was poor quality, as I did not explain concepts further, but instead
stated if the answer was correct or wrong. This would not have helped my student grasp a deeper understanding of the
concept. Additionally, there was no student assessment of one another, helping each other identify if they are understanding
the topics such as cause and effects. Although reviewing vocabulary as a group is part of student assessment, I did not feel
that the review was executed correctly and that there were in-depth conversations occurring at the groups.

3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness Score: 2


I take full responsibility for the success of my student and have begun thinking of new strategies to implement in upcoming
lessons. During this lesson, it was evident that I did not have multiple strategies in place to explain different concepts or
different questions asked of me. There is one individual in the class that has ADHD, making it hard to for him to focus. This is
an area I need to look towards for my next lesson, coming up with more interactive strategies.

Domain 4: Professionalism
4a: Reflecting on Teaching Score: 3

After completing this lesson and taking self-study notes, I have identified areas of my instructional outcomes that must be
altered for future lessons. Student engagement and conceptual understanding of topics are two large areas I will need to focus
on as I move forward with SFA.

4f: Showing Professionalism Score: 3


I always try to show professionalism and respect to my students, peers and bosses. During the lesson my mentor teacher had
some notes and paused the lesson momentarily to address these issues. I took her notes and implemented them right away,
as I respect her feedback and support for my teaching.

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