Level 2 Homework #1: 1.describe What These Persons Are Wearing

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Level 2 Homework #1

1.Describe what these persons are wearing.

She is wearing black pants, a red and blue shirt
and glasses.

She is wearing a blue skirt with white dots,

a black and white striped blouse and glasses.

He is wearing black pants, a black and gray


2. Complete with the correct form of the verb in SIMPLE PRESENT or PRESENT
Example: They are listening to (listen to) music at the moment.
1.She usually walk (walk) to school.
2.Every Sunday we are going (go) to see our grandfathers.
3.Caroline has the (have) blond hair.
4. She usually (wear) wear glasses, but now she (wear) wearing contact
5.He is eating (eat) an apple at the moment.
3. Describe in 5 sentences what you are doing right now.
Example: Im doing my English homework right now.
1.- Im watching a movie right now.
2.- I'm eating a hamburger right now.
3.- I'm drinking a carrot juice right now.
4.- Im drawing a flower in my notebook.
5.- Im using my computer to do my homework

4. Complete the sentences with this, that, these, or those.

1. I want to buy that pants. (not very close)
2. I see a shirt I really like. Do you see that shirt over there? (not very close)
3. The salesperson showed me these shoes, but I dont like them. (very close)
4. Our radio is old. Lets buy this radio/CD player. (very close)
5. The house is next door. I like it more than this house. (very close)
6. Do you want this TV (very close) or that one? (not very close)
7. Im looking for a new car. These cars are too expensive. (very close)
8. I want a new computer. Those computers over there look good.
9. I need new pants for work. These (very close) are okay and inexpensive!
10. Do you like those dresses over there? Theyre on sale!
5. Mention 3 ways of asking for assistance in a store.
1.- Excuse me. Can you help me?
2.- Do you have this in other colors?
3.- How much is this?

6. Mention 3 reasons to return or exchange something.

1.-It is the wrong size .
2.-It is damaged.
3.-I don't like color.

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