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Science and Controversy Assignment

In groups of two or three, students will design a
newspaper front page from the perspective of
those living in the Renaissance. This front page will provide a summary of a
scientific discovery or development from the Italian renaissance while also
demonstrating how these discoveries were frequently controversial (if not
outright illegal) from the perspective of the time period.
It is highly recommended that you plan out your front page on a separate sheet of
paper before you work with the poster paper.
Students must:
1. Create a headline that catches the readers attention, while providing some
summary information of the front-page story.
2. Provide a summary of the scientist and theory they are focusing on as
their front page story
3. Create commentary from the perspective of someone from the time
- This can be shown in many ways: a quote provided in the story, letters to
the editor, an additional opinion piece, etc. It must show that people
were talking about the science. What they say, specifically, is up to you.
4. Include illustrations or images to compliment their story
5. Create an advertisement for the front page that shows your historical
knowledge on the time
- What businesses might exist at the time that could use some advertising?
What invention was becoming popular? New items for sale? New
techniques for something? Use your creativity, the choice is up to you.
6. Fill the space appropriately: Any additional space on your front page is
more space to demonstrate your knowledge of history and perspective,
while also flexing your creative muscles, use it!
7. Share their work with the class in a brief presentation.
Marking Rubric
5 4 3 2 1 Incomplete
Completion of All points have Missing 1 Missing 2-3 Missing 4-5 Only completed Did not
project must been completed point points points one part of the hand in
have points assignment enough to
Summary and Summary of main Summary Summary Summary Summary is Did not
Information topic shows a shows an shows a shows little inaccurate or hand in
thorough understanding developing understanding missing most enough to
understanding of of discovery, understanding of discovery. important accurately
the discovery, as but shows of discovery Summary is points. No assess.
well as providing only minimal or little to no incomplete. mention of
background research on research on No mention of scientist.
research on the the scientist the scientist the scientist
Historical All parts of the Most parts of Some parts of Only one part Does not show Did not
Perspective project show the the project the project of project historical hand in
historical show the show the shows perspective. enough to
perspective of historical historical historical Does not stay accurately
the time and perspective. perspective. perspective or in character. assess.
stays in Provides Provides very provides Little to no
character some insight little insight minimal-to-no insight on how
providing on how on how insight on people may
detailed insight as people may people may how people have reacted.
to how people have reacted. have reacted. may have
may have reacted reacted.
to this discovery.
Presentation Presentation was Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation Did not
and Asthetics clear. Front page was clear. was not all was not clear, was confusing hand in
(how does it is full, includes Front page is that clear. or not and enough to
look)---this is images that almost full or Front page organized. unorganized. accurately
meant to benefit the news is lacking has some Front page Front page is assess.
assess your they are telling. pictures distracting has many not sensibly
cooperation, black spaces. distracting designed or
creative blank spaces. includes many
thinking, and large blank
visual literacy spaces.
*If no part of the assignment must have points are complete, there is no logical way to
assess with the remainder of the rubric.That assignment would just be incomplete.
Alberta Education Curriculum Objectives:
8.2.2 - demonstrate a willingness to consider differing beliefs, values and
8.2.3 - recognize how beliefs and values are shaped by time, geographic location
and societal context
8.2.4 - examine, critically, the factors that shaped the worldview evolving in
western Europe during the Renaissance by exploring and reflecting upon the
following questions and issues:
In what ways did thinkers and philosophers influence society in the
development of a humanist worldview during the Renaissance?
8.S.1 - develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking
8.S.2 - develop skills of historical thinking
8.S.4 - demonstrate skills of decision making and problem solving
8.S.5 - demonstrate skills of cooperation, conflict resolution and consensus
8.S.7 - apply the research process
8.S.8 - demonstrate skills of oral, written, and visual literacy

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