SPE 81631 Gasto Minimo

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IADC/SPE 81631

Design and Operational Considerations to Maintain Underbalanced

Conditions with Concentric Casing Injection
C.G. Mykytiw, I.A. Davidson, Shell UBD Global Implementation Team, P.J. Frink, Blade Energy Partners

Copyright 2003, IADC/SPE Underbalanced Technology Conference and Exhibition

time dependant, or transient effect, steady state hydraulic flow
This paper was prepared for presentation at the IADC/SPE Underbalanced Technology models provide little assistance in mitigating against this
Conference and Exhibition held in Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 2526 March 2003.
behavior. Therefore, the use of transient flow simulations
This paper was selected for presentation by an IADC/SPE Program Committee following
review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the
during UBD well design and implementation is discussed, to
paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the International Association of Drilling enable wellsite personnel to make real time decisions in order
Contractors or the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the
author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the IADC, to achieve desired downhole conditions.
SPE, their officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of
this paper for commercial purposes without the written consent of the International Association
At the time this paper was prepared three projects utilizing
of Drilling Contractors or the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to the CC injection method were being performed by Shell in the
reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not
be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the Middle East. A recurrent problem in the initial wells in these
paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836
U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
projects was transient slugging behavior and resultant well
instability associated with CC injection of gas. The ability to
properly analyze this problem, and develop practicable
Abstract methods to obtain pressure stability was limited by the use of
Underbalanced drilling (UBD) has the potential to add value steady state flow simulations. Steady state modeling provides
by maximizing productivity and ultimate recovery by reducing a level of understanding whether a project is technically
formation damage. The benefits of UBD are of course viable, and gives clues as to the transient controllability of the
dependent on the ability to maintain underbalanced conditions well, but does not model the true well behavior after flow
throughout the entire life of a well, especially during the disturbances, such as choke manipulation, are introduced.
drilling phase. The ability to maintain underbalanced This deficiency is normally addressed in the design process
conditions is complicated because real UBD wells are rarely, thru the use of safety factors incorporated into the steady state
if ever, in a steady-state condition and are subject to design of maximum pressures and flow rates.
constantly changing or transient flow behavior. Improved This paper details design considerations, such as gas to
understanding of the transient flow behavior will increase the liquid ratio, critical gas injection rate, concentric casing
ability of the rigsite engineer to maintain the desired volume, injection port restriction, and fluid density, to
bottomhole pressure and thus minimize potential formation minimize pressure instability. Also discussed are operational
damaging, overbalanced periods. This paper illustrates how techniques that in combination with real time transient
detailed transient analysis provides a rigorous engineering modeling will assist the well site engineer make more
basis for selection of the appropriate methods, to maintain informed decisions to efficiently stabilize pressures. It will
optimum downhole conditions by minimizing bottomhole also expose methods that actually amplify the problem.
pressure instability. Realtime transient modeling may prove to be a more cost-
Methods to mitigate destabilizing transient effects with effective approach to address pressure stability problems,
drill pipe injection are relatively well understood, due to when compared to the commonly adopted time-consuming
extensive case histories, but less experience is available with and expensive trial and error approach.
concentric casing (CC) injection and thus less is known on Since detailed transient modeling is required for both the
options to control pressure instability. design and operational methods to minimize pressure
The UbitTS transient flow simulator is used to optimize instability, it is first required to validate the transient flow
design and operational parameters to minimize well slugging model. The model was validated against real well data
tendency and pressure instability when the concentric casing collected from Shells recent wells during periods of well
injection technique is employed. Reference is made to a slugging using the concentric casing injection method. An
generic test well, but the methodology has application to all acceptable level of confidence was established with the model
UBD operations considering CC injection. results, after actual data trending was properly matched.
Thereafter, detailed sensitivity analyses on various control
Introduction parameters were conducted to determine the most effective
The primary purpose of this paper is to provide insight for approach to reduce pressure instability. The validation
achieving stable underbalanced conditions during exercise results are outside the scope of this paper but will be
underbalanced drilling operations utilizing a concentric casing detailed in a subsequent paper.
injection method. Since pressure instability is inherently a
2 IADC/SPE 81631

UbitTS/Olga; UBD Transient Simulator Required pump rate for MWD signal transmission.
Both UbitTS and Olga were used in the pressure instability Amount of reservoir influx assisting annular liquid
analysis. Both applications use the Olga engine, which is a velocity.
mechanistic transient two-phase flow model originally created Desired pressure drawdown on the formation.
for analysis of complex transient pipeline flow problems. Pump limitations (generally when mist pumps are
UbitTS is a UBD interface to the full Olga Simulator, which used).
allows interactive control of parameters, such as injection rates Lubrication of the bit.
and choke pressures amongst others. This enables the user to The gas injection rate is the single most important factor
analyze the impact of user controlled changes to well with regard to maintaining bottomhole pressure stability and is
conditions before the actual changes take place. It also allows primarily dictated by the volume required to achieve an
visualization of dynamic well responses. The full Olga underbalanced state. A secondary consideration is the impact
program, on the other hand, is not interactive. Olga requires on liquid velocity required to clean the hole. A low GLR is
that all inputs are entered into the program in batch mode. often the primary culprit when stability issues arise with CC
This of course requires pre-knowledge of exactly what injection. This is quite different from two-phase drill pipe
conditions will be changed and the duration of each change. injection, where the lower limit at which stable two-phase
Figure 1 summarizes the relationship between Olga and flow results, is often guided by the onset of friction
UbitTS. domination. Therefore, optimum multi-phase flow in the
The Olga program was employed for the validation wellbore depends on the highest GLR that can be achieved,
exercise because accurate well data was available and the within equipment (motors, MWD) and operating parameter
sequencing of changes was known. The data and sequencing (pressure, velocity) constraints. The first step in designing the
were thus entered as a single time series into Olga. Again, the optimum underbalanced injection parameters is to conduct
results of this analysis will be detailed in a subsequent paper. steady state modeling to determine an operating envelope of
UbitTS was used to illustrate well behavior for each design injection rates, bound by the UBD parameters. The transient
parameter. Olga was used only for the analysis of downhole effects within this operating envelope may then be evaluated
injection port restriction or sizing. and potentially further restrict the envelope by setting a lower
boundary for the GLR.
Design Criteria for Unconditional Pressure Stability Referring to the example well, steady state modeling
Unconditional pressure stability exists if operator intervention predicts that an operating window of 700 to 900 lpm of liquid
is not required to achieve and maintain steady state and 20 to 35 m3/min of gas, satisfies all underbalanced drilling
bottomhole pressure. An example UBD well employing CC and equipment constraints. Membrane nitrogen, which is
injection of gas has been assumed for the design and commonly used in UBD, is assumed for the example well
operational analysis to reduce well slugging. Table 1 describes design, and thus the upper boundary of gas injection is
the details of this example well. constrained by the capability and availability of a single
Essentially, for a given well, there are very few parameters membrane nitrogen package. This assumption results in
that can be controlled to achieve stability; gas and liquid further complicating the well design since providing an
injection rates, density and viscosity of injected fluid, and infinite gas source simplifies the mitigation of well slugging
back pressure (choke pressure). Stability has to be achieved, by increasing the gas rate.
within the context of these controllable parameters. In what Increasinge the GLR, besides simply adding more gas,
follows, the impact of controlling these parameters and the may also be achieved by dynamically manipulating the fluid
subsequent response of the well is described. pump rate. If pressure trends are monitored closely, the pump
rate may be reduced at a point when the pressure trending
Gas to Liquid Ratio in the Primary Annulus. Regardless of represents a sinusoidal loading situation. In other words,
the injection method used during underbalanced drilling, when the pressure profile displays a sequence of peaks and
whenever the gas to liquid ratio (GLR) is too low, well troughs, the mud pump rate may be decreased, thus increasing
slugging will most likely result. At constat gas injection rate, the GLR. However, this technique has proven to be inefficient
if liquid injection rate or reservoir fluid production reduces, to reduce well slugging as timing is critical when to increase
the tendency for the well to slug is reduced. Equally, if the the pump rate again. Waiting too long may result in hole
gas injection rate or reservoir gas influx rate increase, the cleaning problems or allow the well to unload completely.
tendency for slug flow, is decreased. Not waiting long enough will simply allow the ongoing
Establishing and maintaining the ideal GLR in the wellbore transient situation to continue or even become worse. In either
is the fundamental requirement to minimize slugging case an entirely new transient situation is introduced.
tendency. The lower boundary for the liquid rate down the
drill pipe is dictated primarily by the minimum annular liquid Understanding Critical Gas Injection Rate. As discussed
velocity required for adequate hole cleaning. The upper earlier, steady state modeling results in a range of fluid
boundary is generally dictated by either the positive injection rates. It is then necessary to evaluate the minimum
displacement motors maximum volumetric throughput or the gas injection rate required to reach steady state and determine
risk of becoming overbalanced. Other secondary factors that whether this rate resides in the determined operating envelope.
may impact liquid injection rates are: Figure 2 illustrates the concept of critical gas injection rate by
calculating the required gas injection rate to simply balance
IADC/SPE 81631 3

the compression of gas in the CC annulus, which is in effect a critical gas injection rate calculated with the transient model.
large accumulator, as a fluid slug is moving up the wellbore. Of course the model takes frictional effects, fluid properties
The key assumptions in the calculations, are as follows: (viscosity), GOR of produced fluids, into account, and does
The injection point is at a depth of 890 m (40 not assume an evacuated wellbore with only N2 leaving the
inclination). well at start-up.
The fluid below the injection point is all dead oil For the example well, recall the steady state modeling
(GOR = 0). operational window was determined to be between a liquid
Frictional effects are considered negligible. pump rate of 700 to 900 lpm of oil and 20 to 35 m3/min of gas.
The well is assumed to be void of fluids above the As discussed, it is ideal if the required gas injection rate
injection point. resides within this range, which will eliminate the need for
The injection pressure and bottomhole pressure are operator intervention, but critical gas injection rate analysis is
the same and constant. required to determine if this is the case. The following
Deviation from these assumptions may drastically alter the discussion details the results of the modeling, assuming a
calculation especially with the onset of high frictional pressure constant 900 lpm oil injection (5 cP viscosity), while varying
losses (associated with high viscosity and fluid pump rates). the gas rate.
The calculation, although very simplistic in nature, Pre-Critical Gas Injection Rate (20 m3/min). As observed
illustrates a very important point. Assuming the injection in Figure 3, well slugging is inevitable at 20 m3/min gas
ports are at 40 degrees and 890 m, 39 m3/min of injected gas is injection and will continue infinitely, without operator
required to just balance the slug rise rate and corresponding intervention. The Pressure Response Curve shows that the CC
pressure increase. Less than this critical injection rate will annulus is cyclically charging, as indicated by the variations
result in a zero gas injection rate during the slug rise period. in pressure between 4000-8000 kPa. It is also interesting to
The critical learning here is the accumulation effect of the observe from the Gas Injection at Ports Response Curve that
CC annulus. The critical rate must be pumped to just balance there is a period without flow from the injection ports. This
the increase in pressure at the injection ports. Essentially, occurs when the pressure inside the primary annulus is
most of the gas is being compressed in the CC annulus and increasing faster than the CC annulus pressure, i.e. the
very little volume is available to assist lift in the primary accumulator effect. At a pre-critical gas injection rate, the gas
annulus. Therefore, a rate greater than the critical rate, must compression rate in the CC annulus (accumulator), is unable to
be pumped to ensure sufficient gas volume, and thus lift, at all overcome the pressure rise rate in the primary annulus due to
times. the hydrostatic pressure increase. As a result, it is not until the
The calculation underlines the importance of gas injection pressure increase ceases (fluid to surface), that gas exits the
rate, CC annulus volume, depth of injection ports, inclination injection ports and the charged accumulator unloads the well,
of injection ports and fluid pump rate. Recall the steady state as observed by the high gas volume exiting the injection ports.
determined gas injection rates of 20 to 35 m3/min. The critical The CC annulus is then quickly de-pressurized and the entire
gas injection rate calculated in Figure 2 (39 m3/min) is outside process repeats itself as follows:
of the determined operating envelope. However, this critical 1. The fluid rises past the injection ports,
rate determination may in fact be considered a worst case 2. The gas injection to the wellbore ceases until fluid
scenario, because frictional effects will not be negligible, reaches the surface
especially with high viscosity fluid and high pump rates. In 3. Hydrostatic pressure rise stops
addition, the equivalent circulating density (ECD) will likely 4. Gas pressure builds in the CC annulus
be lower than that of single phase oil (due to GOR), resulting 5. Gas enters and subsequently evacuates the wellbore.
in a lower pressure rise rate than calculated. Both of these This process may be further verified by the period of zero
assumptions yield a higher critical gas injection rate than gas injection lasting about 15 minutes. As shown in Figure 2
likely required and thus a risk of over specified equipment. It the slug rise rate is 48 m/min (vertical), the depth of the
is thus recommended that a transient simulator be used to injection ports is 890 m, resulting in a time to surface for the
more accurately determine the critical gas injection rate, for fluid of 18 minutes, corresponding very well to the zero gas
unconditional pressure stability, and thus effectively specify injection period observed in Figure 3.
required equipment. Critical Gas Injection Rate (25 m3/min). As determined
above, 20 m3/min is less than the critical gas injection rate,
Determination of Critical Gas Injection Rate. In order for defined as the gas rate required to just balance the slug rise
the pressure to be stable, without operator intervention rate. Further modeling was performed to determine the critical
(unconditional pressure stability), it is necessary to design for rate to create a continuous positive volume gas lift in the
the ideal gas to liquid ratio in the wellbore. As illustrated in primary annulus. Figure 4, shows the improved pressure
Figure 2, a critical gas injection rate is required to just balance stability achieved by pumping the critical gas injection rate.
the slug rise rate. However, due to some key assumptions The amplitude of the pressure oscillations (peaks and troughs),
made in the calculation, the critical gas injection rate indicate both the pressure rise due to slug movement, and the
calculated may not be accurate. A transient flow model is then pressure decline due to gas unloading the slug. This confirms
required to determine the effective critical gas injection rate that sufficient gas is being injected to balance the hydrostatic
for stability. As mentioned above, the calculation illustrates a pressure rise in the wellbore experienced at the injection ports,
worst case scenario and thus one would assume a lower enabling gas to enter the wellbore and contribute to lifting the
fluid. However, the volume of gas available is insufficient to
4 IADC/SPE 81631

create stabilized flow. The sequence of peaks and troughs will ensure that the increased clearance in the primary wellbore
continue infinitely, however the peak pressure will be less than annulus will not lead to reduced annular velocity and poor
that for the pre-critical gas injection rate (20 m3/min) due to hole cleaning.
the lowered ECD above the ports. This is noted by the peak Figure 7 illustrates the impact of reducing the CC volume
pressure at 5500 kPa compared to the peak pressure of the pre- by utilizing a 7 5/8 casing (opposed to 7) string with flush
critical case of 8000 kPa, which is equivalent to the joint connections. The key assumptions in the simulation are
hydrostatic pressure of a full column of fluid. that the well is slugging with a constant wellhead pressure
To achieve stable flow, it is therefore necessary to increase (500 kPa separator pressure) and the injection rates are 900
the gas injection rate beyond the critical gas rate so that lpm of fluid and 28 m3/min of gas.
sufficient lift gas is available to achieve a GLR that is high As demonstrated in Figure 7, the reduced CC annulus
enough to discontinue the gradual well loading. volume has a direct and dramatic effect on well slugging
Post Critical Gas Injection Rate (30 m3/min). It may be tendency. The reduced annular (accumulator) volume, results
observed in Figure 5 that the pressure profiles are flattening in BHCP stability in less than one hour, compared with 7
out over several cycles of disturbance. However, even after 2 casing in which stability is never obtained.
hours the well is not completely stable. This may not be As discussed previously, pressure stability is not an issue if
considered a practical situation due to the lengthy stabilization the gas injection rate is sufficiently high. The cost benefit of
time. Although the above rate may be used in a combination decreasing the CC annular volume should be compared to the
of dynamic choking of the well (discussed later), to minimize cost of additional equipment required to achieve the adequate
the stabilization period, it is good practice to design the gas injection rate.
injection parameters so that operational intervention is not
required for adequate stabilization time. Flow Restriction for Annular Injection. A method to reduce
Ideal Gas Injection Rate (35 m3/min). Figure 6 shows the potential for well slugging that has been effectively adopted in
required gas injection rate for a liquid pump rate of 900 lpm of other UBD operations is to create a downhole choke between
oil. With this rate the well becomes stable in a single the CC annulus and the primary annulus. This geometry
oscillation, a 45 minute stabilization period. This is far more produces a variable pressure drop across the injection port and
practical than the previous rate. If these parameters are used, reduces the maximum rate of gas discharge into the well
the well will reach stabilized flow conditions without the need during the unload period or during pressure oscillations. The
for operator intervention, unconditional pressure stability. effectiveness of this solution of course depends on the size and
However, given the above situation, if reservoir influx configuration of the restriction. For instance, in the case of
occurs and the GLR reduces below the recommended ratio, critical sonic velocity, the gas expansion through the
then a form of operator intervention, such as well choking, restriction is at the maximum and thus the injected volume is
may be required. This must achieve two things; first it must also at the maximum. Additional gas injection into the CC
reduce the amount of drawdown on the well and thus limit the annulus at this point would not be possible. As a result the
amount of influx, secondly it must minimize the pressure maximum gas volume required must be accurately defined to
stabilization period. determine the optimum port size.
Achieving the desired restriction, by sizing the total flow
Concentric Casing Annular Volume. Due to the area (TFA) of the injection ports, is not a simple matter. It is
accumulation effect discussed earlier, the volume of the CC complicated by the impact of backflow of fluid and
annulus is directly proportional to well slugging tendency. subsequent jetting of fluid through the ports. Solids plugging
The greater the volume of the CC annulus, the greater will be and wear will also potentially complicate the calculation.
the probability of pressure stabilization problems. For this Some, but not all, of the above may be circumvented by the
reason parasite injection strings, which have a small hydraulic use of non-return valves, or screens to cover the ports.
volume, are less prone to well slugging than large volume CC The Olga simulator was used to determine the ideal
injection systems. In CC design, as the pressure rises, due to restriction and the size of the ports to achieve the ideal
positive change to the fluid column above the injection port, pressure drop at steady state flow. This was accomplished
the gas injection system compresses the gas in the CC annulus within Olga by inserting a variable choke valve at the injection
to compensate for this increase. Therefore, reducing the point to represent the restriction. The objective of this
volume of the CC annulus will have a significant and analysis was to evaluate the effect of the restriction when
beneficial impact on the required gas injection rate. If the injecting gas at a higher pressure drop, thereby dampening the
accumulator can be made smaller slugging tendency will transient behavior of the system. For the example case, the
reduce and the required gas injection rate may also be reduced. separator pressure was set to be 1000 kPa and the injection
For example, if the casing design used a 9 5/8 x 7 5/8 rates assumed were 900 lpm liquid down the drillstring and 28
combination casing and tie back string, the reduced CC m3/min gas down the CC annulus. The calculation results
volume would have a positive impact on reducing the slugging from Olga, for the minimum restriction required before the
tendency. On a practical note, flush OD connections would be well becomes stable at these rates, is presented in Figure 8.
required to fit within the 9 5/8 casing and this approach Modeling the port size showed the desired result as the
would most likely only be applicable to a long term project restriction (choke size) was decreased gradually until pressure
where the well design could be optimized for underbalanced stabilization was realized. Surprisingly, no impact was
drilling. This option may be the most effective way to reduce noticed until the total flow area (TFA) was 1% of the cross-
well slugging tendency. Further analysis will be required to sectional-area of the CC annulus or 0.57 in2 (equivalent to a
IADC/SPE 81631 5

diameter of 0.85 in). It is interesting to note that this analyzing the operational well behavior described, it became
restriction has an insignificant effect on injection pressure. In apparent that maintaining constant wellhead pressure is not a
fact, even with this small restriction, only a 50 kPa pressure form of stability control. The intention here is to explain why
drop across the ports results, once steady state flow occurs. this approach will not achieve pressure stability and to qualify
Operational considerations due to back flow into the CC the findings theoretically with simulations.
annulus, such as plugging and fluid jetting, may make it Firstly, to think about the situation intuitively, there are
impractical to implement a port restriction as a standalone two accumulators in the system responding to pressure
solution. However, combining this reduced flow area with a fluctuations in the primary annulus. The first is the CC
check valve would reduce backflow through the port and help annulus and the second is the separator itself. The process
avoid solids plugging. control system of the separator, be it a manual or automated
In conclusion it can be stated that unless a non-return valve process, acts in reverse to the desired response to stabilize
is employed, it is not feasible to depend on port sizing alone to bottomhole pressure. When the wellbore is unloading (high
minimize well slugging tendency. flowrates from the well) the correct response is to increase
wellhead pressure and thus restrict the volume of gas
The Influence of Density. In general the lower the density of evacuating the wellbore. However, maintaining constant
both injection and produced fluids the lower will be the separator pressure allows excessive amounts of gas to vent,
tendency for slugging. Of course the density of the produced thereby increasing the discharge rate from the well.
fluid may not be influenced, however the volume produced Conversely, as the well subsequently loads with liquid, the
can be, by maintaining an optimum drawdown. The density of wellhead pressure should decrease to allow more gas
the injection fluid can be designed to be as low as feasible expansion and evacuation of fluid to balance the fluid being
(hole cleaning critical) and this will generally have a positive added. As discussed previously, as the well is loading and
impact on the slugging tendency. pressure is building opposite the downhole inlet ports, gas
It has been observed operationally that high GOR reservoir does not enter the the primary wellbore. Gas merely
fluids reduce slugging tendency while low GOR produced accumulates in the CC annulus matching the pressure rise due
fluids increase the slugging tendency due to the the reduced to liquid loading. The separator control logic then closes the
ECD. back pressure valve to maintain pressure in the separator when
it is required to allow the pressure to drop and allow downhole
Inclination at Injection Ports. Little design alternatives are gas injection into the primary wellbore. In other words, to
generally available for well inclination at the injection ports. obtain the desired well response the bottomhole circulating
The primary design point relative to inclination of the ports is pressure (BHCP) needs to be the set point and not the
the depth of the liner top which permits underbalanced wellhead pressure. Unfortunately it is not possible for both
pressures to be obtainable. Therefore the inclination of the the BHCP and wellhead pressure to be fixed. Recall the
ports may be considered the least significant design alternative simplified bottomhole pressure calculation:
for CC injection.
Operational Considerations for Reducing Well Slugging
Rigorously implementing the established design criteria and Since the hydrostatic and frictional losses cannot be
verifying the real time results, with both static and dynamic controlled, setting the separator pressure constant will allow
flow models, will provide the best opportunity to create the BHCP to fluctuate, unless steady state flow is achieved
optimum UBD conditions throughout the drilling phase. due to unconditional pressure stability (sufficient gas
However, unexpected reservoir conditions or equipment injection). From the discussion above it becomes apparent
performance below expectation, may result in unwanted well that unconditional pressure stability is not achieved and thus a
slugging. This section discusses operational options to reduce fixed wellhead pressure will not allow the well to stabilize.
well slugging if, despite design objectives, slugging still The above discussion may be further verified by analyzing
occurs. The impact of key sensitivity parameters; separator set the results from transient modeling. For the example well two
point pressure, fluid viscosity and fluid injection rate, on different set point pressures (500 and 1500 kPa) are shown as
pressure stability are analyzed using UbitTS to predict the a function of gas injection rate and viscosity of wellbore fluid
transient well responses. and are included as Table 2 and 3. Comparing Tables 2 and 3,
it may be noted that increasing the separator set point pressure
Separator Set Point Pressure Process Control. During decreases the potential for pressure stability. Noticing the
operations it has been observed that setting the separator 1500 kPa set point pressure, only a high viscosity fluid (100 to
pressure and maintaining a fully opened choke had a negative 500 cP) will result in steady state flow, opposed to any
effect on pressure stability. In one occurance it was viscosity (for 35 m3/min gas injection rate), for the 500 kPa set
impossible to achieve well stability during a 24 hour period, point case
regardless of the adjustments made in injection rates. This In summary, stabilized flow and unconditional pressure
attempt to stabilize the well included operator intervention to stability will not be achieved at a constant wellhead pressure
maintain constant wellhead pressure, by holding constant (separator pressure) unless the gas injection rate is greater than
pressure in the separator. The separator control system the critical gas rate. The BHCP is the desired set point and
effectively maintained constant pressure by bleeding off gas thus the wellhead pressure must be permitted to fluctuate.
volume as required, to keep the pressure constant. After
6 IADC/SPE 81631

Choke Pressure Sensitivity Process Control. If, as option available to reduce well slugging. If this is the case the
discussed earlier, a gas injection rate less than that required to choke should always be manipulated as to maintain a constant
eliminate operator intervention (35 m3/min in example case), bottomhole pressure. If continuous real time bottomhole
then surface choking may be required to stabilize the well. It pressure readings are available the choke opening should be
has already been postulated, that setting a constant wellhead decreased with decreasing bottomhole pressure as gas is
pressure will not result in a constant bottomhole pressure rapidly expanding and evacuating the wellbore. Then as the
being achieved. It has also been established that wellhead well begins to load and the bottomhole pressure begins to rise,
pressure must be allowed to fluctuate to allow the bottomhole the choke opening should be increased to reduce surface
pressure to stabilize. pressure and allow more gas to enter the wellbore and expand.
Figure 9, illustrates the results of varying the choke As discussed previously the ultimate theoretical situation is
opening for an assumed 3 bore choke. The injection to maintain a constant GLR BHCP at all times.
parameters assumed are a drillstring injection rate of 900 lpm If continuous trending of bottomhole pressure is not
of oil and CC injection rate of 28 m3/min of gas. Several fixed available (often the case) dynamic choke manipulation is
choke settings were selected (10%, 30%, 50% and 100% further complicated. However, if single phase fluid is being
open) and kept constant for the duration of the simulation. pumped down the drill pipe (often the case with CC injection),
It is observed that the smaller the choke opening the more in theory, an approach similar to the drillers method of well
rapid the BHCP stabilizes. Correspondingly, as expected, the control could be employed using standpipe pressure as an
BHCP stabilized pressure is also higher with the smaller choke indication of bottomhole pressure. As compression of the drill
opening. The response curves illustrated in Figure 9 illustrate fluid may be considered negligible, the trending of the
the reduction in pressure oscillations achieved by increasing standpipe pressure represents trending of the BHCP during
the choke pressure and thus decreasing the propensity for steady state. However, this practice is complicated by the
rapid evacuation of the wellbore. It may be concluded that standpipe pressure reflecting the performance of the downhole
choking the well does indeed reduce the stabilization time by motor and in a situation where the motor becomes more
reducing gas evacuation. Fixing the choke opening allows the loaded or even stalls, the standpipe pressure will respond,
wellhead pressure to respond to fluctuations in the flow rate potentially resulting in incorrect adjustment of the choke and
and thus the bottomhole pressure may stabilize. This is the the introduction of new transients. In addition, the response
fundamental difference between setting the separator pressure delay from the choke to the standpipe is approximately one
constant, which results in a constant wellhead pressure and second for each 300 meters the pressure wave must travel or
setting the choke opening, which results in fluctuating two seconds for each 300 meters of measured depth.
wellhead pressure (until steady state is reached). In summary, due to the operational complexity of dynamic
Therefore, as indicated in Figure 9, a 10% open 3 choke choke control, this method of reducing well slugging should
is ideal for stabilized flow. It is also necessary to determine be avoided. It is recommended to set the choke opening
beforehand that overbalanced pressures will not result from a constant, higher than the separator set point, and await
higher choke pressure. It is thus apparent that a transient pressure stability than it is to try and dynamically manipulate
simulator may be further utilized to assist in effective choke the choke. If an automated process is in place to manipulate
sizing. the choke with BHCP fluctuations, dynamic choke control
may prove effective.
Dynamic Choke Control. Dynamic choking of the well,
involves manipulating the choke pressure (wellhead pressure) Viscosity Sensitivity. As noted in Table 1, the viscosity of
in attempt to dampen the pressure oscillations in the wellbore, the injected and produced fluid, for the example well, are
For instance, if the pressure trending, represents a harmonic drastically different. This being the case it may be necessary
(sinusoidal load) behavior, the back pressure may be increased during design and execution to understand the transient effects
at a point in the unloading cycle of the well to restrict gas that may occur once reservoir influx is realized. The viscosity
expansion and evacuation. The back pressure would therefore of fluid in the annulus has a direct impact on pressure stability.
be increased once the bottomhole pressure is at the maximum, During underbalanced drilling of the reservoir, influx from the
peak pressure and decreased once the pressure is at the formation will combine with injected fluid and dictate the
minimum, trough pressure. The ideal situation is that a viscosity of the return fluid, for the impact of return fluid
constant bottomhole pressure will eventually result and choke viscosity will increase (for the example well) as more of the
manipulation may then be ceased. reservoir becomes exposed. Due to this fluctuating viscosity it
Unfortunately, dynamic choking is extremely dependant is necessary to determine the impact of viscosity on pressure
on the operators ability to predict the extent and behavior of stability. Table 4 illustrates the results of this sensitivity due
gas and liquid slugs in the well and to manipulate the choke to changing viscosity over several gas injection rates.
appropriately. The technique is something of a hit and miss The important assumptions in the Table 4 are the constant
method and often takes lengthy periods of trial and error to wellhead pressure of 500 kPa and constant liquid injection rate
perfect. Since the engineer cannot design for, nor assume, of 900 lpm. As observed, higher viscosity actually reduces
competence of the operator, it is not possible to rely on this well slugging. At 500 cP the well is stable regardless of the
method to reduce and manage well slugging. Dynamic gas injection rate. This is due to the viscosity of the fluid
choking should only be used as a last resort to reduce well creating a greater resistance to flow up the wellbore and thus
slugging. However, a situation may arise, such as higher than impares the ability of gas to evacuate the wellbore as rapidly
expected fluid production, where dynamic choking is the only
IADC/SPE 81631 7

as with a low viscosity fluid. This response is similar to that injection ports. The compressed gas volume is discharged
observed when maintaining a constant choke opening. to the primary annulus once the pressure rise at the
injection ports stops.
Injection Set Point Control. Also evaluated was the ability Annular gas injection rates above critical should be chosen
to use annular injection pressure as the objective variable in an to achieve pressure stabilization in an operationally
automated control function. This is based on the premise that acceptable amount of time.
changes in annular injection pressure are an indication of Volume of the concentric casing creates the accumulator
bottomhole pressure at the injection point. Likewise, changing effect. The greater the CC annular volume the greater the
surface choke pressure has a direct effect on bottomhole tendency for well slugging to occur. The CC volume
pressure, the pressure at the injection point and consequently should be minimized in the design of the well. This may
the amount of gas injected, which in turn influences the be achieved by minimizing the depth of the injection port
hydrostatic pressure in the annulus. If the response control to that required to satisfy underbalanced requirements or by
(the choke), could detect and react to changes in the reducing the annular clearance between the concentric
observation variable (surface annular injection pressure), then casing and the previous casing (using larger OD tie back).
it is theortically feasible that an automated control loop could This will reduce the critical gas injection rate and thus
be applied to stabilize pressure. From the simulations some slugging tendency. The additional casing cost should be
improvement in stability is noted however, it proved very evaluated against the cost of additional gas supply.
difficult to "tune the controller" to completely stabilize the If a restriction at the flow ports is used, the slugging
well. In other words, the transient rate of gas discharge at the tendency is reduced. Maintaining a positive pressure drop
injection point was too rapid to control via surface pressure across the injection ports minimizes the ability for the
response. accumulator to unload the wellbore. In addition, continual
Theoretically, it may be possible to employ a pressure positive flow will reduce plugging tendency at the ports.
controlled injection rate concept with a typical membrane The flow restriction has almost no effect on injection
nitrogen system. Such systems have a set pressure that pressure if only gas is injected.
corresponds to a certain injection volume. Therefore, if the Setting the separator pressure constant and maintaining a
injection pressure dropped, the volume would increase in fully opened choke will not stabilize a slugging well, it
attempt to regain the previous set point pressure. This is may in fact make it worse. Maintaining constant wellhead
limited by the maximum deliverability rating of the membrane pressure will result in fluctuating bottomhole pressure,
package selected. However, when operating in unless greater than the critical gas injection rate (at the
hydrostatically dominated flow regimes (typical for oil wells), wellhead pressure) is achieved.
the system will lead itself to deliver the maximum rate, as this If fully steady state conditions are not achieved, the choke
would be the only stable control point because the injection pressure must be maintained at a higher pressure than the
pressure tends to decrease with increasing gas rate. The result separator set point pressure (wellhead pressure permitted to
of this would be that the system increases constantly until the fluctuate) or well slugging may actually be induced.
maximum rate is reached. It is thus apparent that this option
If the pressure at the choke is higher than the separator set
will not work unless the flow system is very near a steady state point pressure, maintaining a constant choke opening
situation anyway and thus would not be beneficial.
results in flow stabilization. The smaller the choke
opening the more rapid the stabilization period.
Conclusions and Recommendations
Dynamic choke control can be utilized to stabilize BHCP,
The following are key learnings determined from the work
but this requires a high level of operator competence and
detailed in this paper:
experience and time consuming, Trial and Error,
Steady state flow modeling is not a standalone solution to
techniques are needed to effectively manipulate the choke.
design and implementation challenges for UBD projects,
Dynamic simulators can be used to prepare a pre
especially in the case of concentric casing (CC) injection
operations choking philosophy but this would be difficult
methods where more opportunity exists for transient flow
to employ in practice.
Unless an automated process loop is designed, dynamic
Steady state modeling determines flow regime, but will not
choke control is not recommended as the best operational
determine if well slugging will occur, since it does not
practice to reduce well slugging.
model effects such as concentric casing gas accumulation.
It is recommended to determine the ideal choke opening
Once an operational envelope is determined from steady
(no overbalance) and not manipulate the choke.
state modeling, the transient effects within this envelope
Well slugging tendency is decreased with increasing
(simulations) should be evaluated using a dynamic flow
viscosity. High viscous flow up the wellbore produces
model to determine the optimum parameters.
results similar to a constant open choke.
The most important design consideration for pressure
The ability for gas to evacuate the wellbore is reduced with
stability with concentric casing injection is the gas to liquid
high viscosity. Therefore, as more viscous oil is produced
ratio. If the gas injection rate is not high enough well
while drilling, well slugging tendency will be reduced.
slugging will result.
It is recommended for the industry to evaluate automated
The concentric casing acts as an accumulator. Gas is
process control systems to automatically manipulate the
compressed in the CC annulus as pressure increases at the
8 IADC/SPE 81631

choke by utilizing the bottomhole, wellhead or injection

pressures as the objective variables. CC Injection Example Well Data
There was good correlation between the UbitTS/Olga Well Depth
predictions and real well data for bottomhole pressure, True Vertical Depth 890 m
Measured Depth 1500 m
wellhead pressure and total return fluid predictions.
Max Inclination 90
Well Geometry
Nomenclature Production Casing 9 5/8"
UbitTS = Underbalanced Interactive Transient Training Tie Back String 7"
Simulator Drill Pipe 3 1/2"
CC = Concentric Casing Injection Port
GLR = Gas to Liquid Ratio True Vertical Depth 700 m
Measured Depth 890 m
MWD = Measurement While Drilling
Inclination 40
BHP = Bottomhole Pressure Injection Fluid
BHCP = Bottomhole Circulating Pressure Injection Liquid Oil
GOR = Gas/Oil Ratio Viscosity 5 cP
ECD = Equivalent Circulating Density Density 780 kg/m

TFA = Total Flow Area Injection Gas Nitrogen

Reservoir Fluid
References GOR 0 m /m
3 3

1. P. J. Frink, P. V. Suryanarayana, P. R. Brand, J. E. Wooten, Viscosity 500 cP

Blade Energy Partners; J. O. Romma, Scandpower SA., Density 930 kg/m
Development and Use of an Underbalanced Transient Training SS Operating Window
Simulator, IADC Underbalanced Operations Technology Oil Injection Rates 700 to 900 lpm
Conference and Exhibition, Scotland, 27-28 November, 2001. Gas Injection Rates 20 to 35 m /min

2. Underbalanced Advanced Well Design Manual, Blade Energy

Partners, Dallas Texas, 2001 Table 1: Example Well Data Used For Design
3. Bendiksen, K. H., Malnes, D., Moe, R., and Nuland, S., The and Transient Modeling
Dynamic Two-Fluid Model OLGA: Theory and Application,
SPE Production Engineering, May 1992, pp. 171-180. Example Calculation:
4. Straume, T., Nordsveen, M., and Bendiksen, K., Numerical
Oil Density = 840 kg/m3 (8.24 kPa/m)
Simulation of Slugging in Pipelines, Proceedings of the ASME Oil Injection Rate = 900 lpm (0.9 m3/min)
International Symposium of Multiphase Flow in Wells and Depth of Injection Ports = 890 m
Pipelines, Anaheim, Nov. 1992. Inclination of Injection Ports = 40 degrees

5. Zheng Gang Xu., Solutions to Slugging Problems Using (
161.72 88.92 )
Multiphase Simulations, Presented at Multiphase Meeting Cross Section Area of Primary Annulus = A1 = 4 = 0.0143m2
Conference, Aberdeen, March 12-13, 1997.
6. Olga 2000 User Documentation, Scandpower A/S. Norway, (
215.92 177.82 )
Volume of CC Annulus = VCC = 4 * (890) = 10.485m3
2000. 1E6

Acknowledgements 0.9
Slug rise = min = 62.94 m
We wish to acknowledge Shell Global Implementation Team, 0.0143m2 min
for permission to write this paper, Petroleum Development TVD rise rate = cos(40) 62.94
= 48.2
Oman, Scandpower and Blade Energy Partners. min min
ASSUMING only N2 is leaving the well then:
Pressure rise is = 48.2 m/min x 8.24 kPa/m = 397.168 kPa/min
ASSUMING a BHCP of 7000 kPa and the annular injection pressure of 7000 kPa:
Ubitts vs Olga
(7000kPa)(10.485m3 )(273.15 + 25C)
V2 = = 689.825m3
(101.3kPa)(273.15 + 40C)

For 500 kPa pressure increase:

Ubitts Interface Olga Interface
(7500kPa)(10.485m3 )(273.15 + 25C)
V2 = = 739.1m3
Interactive Control (101.3kPa)(273.15 + 40C)
Non-interactive batch-
Visualization of dynamic
mode analysis
behavior (739.1m3 689.83m3 ) m3
Interactive analysis of
Requires greater user Volume required for pressure increase = = 0.099
knowledge 500kPa kPa
impact of user control or
Detailed analysis tools
change in conditions
Procedures analysis
Greater versatility kPa m3 m3
N2 rate required for pressure rise = 397.17 0.099 = 39.3 (critical rate)
Training Olga Engine Greater flexibility in min kPa min
component description
Simulation of UBD Figure 2: Example Calculation for Critical Gas Injection Rate
Sensitivity studies
3D Plots

Figure 1: Relationship Between Olga and UbitTS

IADC/SPE 81631 9

Post Critical Gas Injection Rate;

Pre-Critical Gas Injection Rate; Annular Pressure Response Curve
Annular Pressure Response Curve

Post Critical Gas Injection Rate;

Pre-Critical Gas Injection Rate; Gas Injection at Ports - Response Curve
Gas Injection at Ports - Response Curve

3 3
Figure 3: Pre-Critical Gas Injection Rate (20 m /min) Figure 5: Post-Critical Gas Injection Rate (30 m /min)
Well Response Curves Well Response Curves

Critical Gas Injection Rate; Ideal Gas Injection Rate;

Annular Pressure Response Curve Annular Pressure Response Curve

Critical Gas Injection Rate;

Gas Injection at Ports - Response Curve Ideal Gas Injection Rate;
Gas Injection at Ports - Response Curve

3 3
Figure 4: Critical Gas Injection Rate (25 m /min) Figure 6: Ideal Gas Injection Rate (35 m /min)
Well Response Curves Well Response Curves
10 IADC/SPE 81631

7 Casing 500 kPa Wellhead Pressure Separator Pressure Set Point at 500 kPa
Annular Pressure Response Curve Gas Rate Viscosity (cP) of Injected Fluid
(m3/min) 1 10 100 500
Condition Slugging Slugging Slugging Stable
10 BHP Fluctuation (UP) 3200 to 8800 kPa 3500 to 8500 kPa 5000 to 9000 kPa 11500 kPa
Slug Frequency (UT) 4000 s 4000 s 3500 s 0s
Condition Slugging Slugging Slugging Stable
15 BHP Fluctuation (UP) 3200 to 8400 kPa 3500 to 8500 kPa 4900 to 9000 kPa 11300 kPa
Slug Frequency (UT) 3000 s 3000 s 2800 s 0s
Condition Slugging Slugging Slugging Stable
20 BHP Fluctuation (UP) 3200 to 8300 kPa 3500 to 8500 kPa 4800 to 9000 kPa 11100 kPa
Slug Frequency (UT) 2500 s 2500 s 2400 s 0s
Condition Slugging Slugging Slugging Stable
25 BHP Fluctuation (UP) 3200 to 8300 kPa 3600 to 8500 kPa 5500 to 6500 kPa 11100 kPa
Slug Frequency (UT) 2000 s 2100 s 2000 s 0s
Condition Slugging Slugging Stable Stable
30 BHP Fluctuation (UP) 3300 to 8000 kPa 3800 to 6600 kPa 5800 kPa 10700 kPa
Slug Frequency (UT) 1800 s 1800 s 0s 0s
Condition Stable Stable Stable Stable
35 BHP Fluctuation (UP) 4200 kPa 4500 kPa 5600 kPa 10500 kPa
7 5/8 Casing 500 kPa Wellhead Pressure Slug Frequency (UT) 0s 0s 0s 0s

Annular Pressure Response Curve Table 2: Impact of Separator Set Point at 500 kPa on Pressure
Stability Various Gas Injection Rates and Fluid Viscosity

Separator Pressure Set Point at 1500 kPa

Gas Rate Viscosity (cP) of Injected Fluid
(m3/min) 1 10 100 500
Condition Slugging Slugging Slugging Stable
10 BHP Fluctuation (UP) 4700 to 9300 kPa 5200 to 9500 kPa 6700 to 10000 kPa 12500 kPa
Slug Frequency (UT) 3500 s 3500 s 3000 s 0s
Condition Slugging Slugging Slugging Stable
15 BHP Fluctuation (UP) 4500 to 9400 kPa 4900 to 9500 kPa 6300 to 10000 kPa 12400 kPa
Slug Frequency (UT) 2800 s 2700 s 2500 s 0s
Condition Slugging Slugging Slugging Stable
20 BHP Fluctuation (UP) 4300 to 9400 kPa 4800 to 9500 kPa 6000 to 10000 kPa 12300 kPa
Slug Frequency (UT) 2300 s 2200 s 2200 s 0s
Condition Slugging Slugging Slugging Stable
25 BHP Fluctuation (UP) 4200 to 9300 kPa 4700 to 9400 kPa 6000 to 9800 kPa 12200 kPa
Slug Frequency (UT) 1900 s 1800 s 2000 s 0s
Figure 7: Impact of Concentric Casing Annular Condition Slugging Slugging Stable Stable
Volume Reduction 7 to 7 5/8 Casing 30 BHP Fluctuation (UP) 4200 to 9200 kPa 4700 to 9300 kPa 7500 kPa 12100 kPa
Slug Frequency (UT) 1700 s 1700 s 0s 0s
Flow stabilisation by annular flow injection choking Condition Slugging Slugging Stable Stable
PRESSURE POS_ANN_INJ_INLET [kPa] 35 BHP Fluctuation (UP) 4200 to 9000 kPa 4700 to 9000 kPa 7200 kPa 12000 kPa
Slug Frequency (UT) 1500 s 1500 s 0s 0s
6000 0.02
Table 3: Impact of Separator Set Point at 1000 kPa on Pressure
Stability Various Gas Injection Rates and Fluid Viscosity
Viscosity Sensitivity - Varied Gas Rates - WHP = 500 kPa
Gas Rate Viscosity (cP) of Injected Fluid
(m3/min) 1 10 100 500
Condition Slugging Slugging Slugging Stable
10 BHP Fluctuation (UP) 3200 to 8800 kPa 3500 to 8500 kPa 5000 to 9000 kPa 11500 kPa

4500 0.01
Slug Frequency (UT) 4000 s 4000 s 3500 s 0s
Condition Slugging Slugging Slugging Stable
15 BHP Fluctuation (UP) 3200 to 8400 kPa 3500 to 8500 kPa 4900 to 9000 kPa 11300 kPa
Slug Frequency (UT) 3000 s 3000 s 2800 s 0s
0.005 Condition Slugging Slugging Slugging Stable
20 BHP Fluctuation (UP) 3200 to 8300 kPa 3500 to 8500 kPa 4800 to 9000 kPa 11100 kPa
Slug Frequency (UT) 2500 s 2500 s 2400 s 0s
Condition Slugging Slugging Slugging Stable
3000 0
25 BHP Fluctuation (UP) 3200 to 8300 kPa 3600 to 8500 kPa 5500 to 6500 kPa 11100 kPa
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Slug Frequency (UT) 2000 s 2100 s 2000 s 0s
Time [h]
UnderBalanced SEQUENCE v iscosity 5 cp ANNULUS CHOKE - Condition Slugging Slugging Stable Stable
30 BHP Fluctuation (UP) 3300 to 8000 kPa 3800 to 6600 kPa 5800 kPa 10700 kPa
Figure 8: Minimum Port Restriction for Well Slug Frequency (UT) 1800 s 1800 s 0s 0s
Stabilization Pressure Drop and Injection Volume versus Time Condition Stable Stable Stable Stable
35 BHP Fluctuation (UP) 4200 kPa 4500 kPa 5600 kPa 10500 kPa
Slug Frequency (UT) 0s 0s 0s 0s T
Table 4: Impact of Viscosity on Pressure stability at 500 kPa
WHP Various Gas Injection Rates and Viscosities
IADC/SPE 81631 11

Choke 100% Open, Time to Stability ~ 3 Hrs

Choke 50% Open, Time to Stability ~ 2 Hrs

Choke 30% Open, Time to Stability ~ 1 Hrs

Choke 10% Open, Time to Stability ~ 1 Hr

Figure 9: Impact of Constant Choke Opening on

Pressure Stability Simulated Well Response Curves

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