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Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 29 (1989) 261-265 261


NSM 00984

The use of c-fos as a metabolic marker

in neuronal pathway tracing
M. D r a g u n o w a n d R. Faull
Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, The Unit~'ersi(vof Auckland, Auckland (New Zealand)
(Received 20 February 1989)
(Revised 10 April 1989)
(Accepted 13 April 1989)

Key words: Fos; Nuclear protein; Immunocytochemistry; Metabolic marker

The use of c-los protein (Fos) immunocytochemistry as a metabolic marker for tracing neuroanatomical connections, seizure
pathways and sites of action of neuroactive drugs is discussed in this report. Fos immunocytochemistry will be very useful for these
purposes providing that a number of potential problems are recognized and controlled. These include the observations that Fos exists
basally in neurons and can be non-specifically elevated after behavioural stress; neuronal bursting is required to elevate Fos in
neurons in anaesthetized animals; drugs such as ketamine can block Fos elevation in neurons: the time-course of Fos induction and
decay varies with different inducing stimuli and the brain region sampled; and some brain regions do not express Fos after any
treatments tried so far. To overcome these potential problems we list a number of steps that should be followed when using Fos
immunocytochemistry as a metabolic marker of brain activity.

Recently, we and others have reported that rats (Dragunow et al., 1988). Partial seizures
activation of certain brain regions can lead to elicited by electrical stimulation of one amygdala
activation of the nuclear protooncogene c-los are confined to the ipsilateral amygdala and piri-
(Dragunow and Robertson, 1987; Hunt et al., form area and this is reflected by Fos elevation in
1987; Morgan et al., 1987). More recently, it has these ipsilateral brain regions. However, gener-
been suggested that c-los activation may be utilized alized seizures induced in amygdala-kindled rats
as a high resolution metabolic marker for polysyn- invade neocortex and hippocampus bilaterally as
aptic pathway tracing in the brain and spinal cord well as the contralateral amygdala and piriform
(Sagar et al., 1988; Fig. 1). Ultimately, c-los pro- and elevate Fos in these areas (Dragunow et al.,
tein (Fos) immunocytochemistry may be used 1988). In these experiments we also found that
routinely in conjunction with (or instead of the rats having generalized fits involving " w e t dog
more expensive and less-well resolved) 2-de- shakes" (which are thought to be generalized by
oxyglucose (2-DG) autoradiography for this pur- dentate granule cells) showed Fos elevation in the
pose. We believe that it will be a useful tool for previously described areas as well as in the dentate
these purposes. For example, we have found that granule cells. However, rats having generalized
Fos elevation can be used to map out the path- fits, but not " w e t dog shakes", showed Fos eleva-
ways involved in the spread of epileptic seizures in tion in the previously described areas but not
dentate granule cells. Thus, Fos immunocy-
tochemistry provides a sensitive tool for mapping
Correspondence: M. Dragunow, Department of Anatomy,
out pathways involved in seizure propagation.
School of Medicine, The University of Auckland, Private Bag, However, we would like to point out some
Auckland, New Zealand. potential problems and also some points to con-
0165-0270/89/$03.50 ~ 1989 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division)

Fig. 1. Photomicrograph showing Fos immunoreactivity in a coronal section of rat brain. This rat was implanted with a stimulating
electrode in the left perforant-path and a recording electrode in the left dentate hilus as described in Douglas et al. (1988). The left
perforant path was stimulated at 10 Hz. This 10 Hz stimulation generated multiple population spikes in the dentate granule cells. As
can be seen from the figure, activation of the perforant-path with stimulation that induces granule cell bursting selectively elevates
Fos in these ceils (filled arrow). Note that electrode implantation through the neocortex and into the dentate hilus, without
stimulation, did not induce any increase in Fos in dentate granule cells (Douglas et at., 1988), but did lead to Fos elevation in the
piriform cortex on the electrode implanted side. We have previously argued that this cortical induction of Fos after brain surgery is
due to spreading depression (Dragunow and Robertson, 1988b). Thus, the elevation of Fos in the left piriform cortex in the figure
(open arrow) is due to electrode implantation. Thus, with sufficiently intense electrical stimulation parameters Fos immunocytoche-
mistry can be used to selectively trace the mono-synaptic connection from the entorhinal cortex (the axons of which form the
perforant-path) to the dentate granule cells. Bar = 2 ram. The immunocytochemical procedure that we used for detecting Fos in this
experiment has been detailed previously (Dragunow and Robertson, 1988). A number of different immunocytochemical methods
have been used to detect Fos in brain and spinal cord sections. Most researchers perfuse their animals first with saline and then with
4% paraformaldehyde made up in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). Brains can then be cut directly on a vibratome or left overnight
in 30% sucrose in 0.1 M phosphate buffer and then sectioned on a microtome. Sections of 50-100 #m thickness are then generally
incubated with primary anti-Fos serum followed by washing and incubation in secondary biotinylated antisera using the avidin-bio-
tin method with horseradish peroxidase and diaminobenzidine as the chromagen (Dragunow and Robertson, 1988, Hunt et al., 1987;
Morgan et al., 1987; Popovici et al., 1988) or the indirect PAP method (Le Gal La Salle, 1988). A number of antisera to Fos are
available commercially, although we have mainly used an antibody directed against amino acids 127-152 of the Fos molecule
(generously provided by Tom Curran, Roche, N J), and have obtained excellent results with this antibody. Other antibodies available
commercially include ones that are directed against the N-terminal (CRB); residues 4-17 (Microbiological Associates), and a
beta-gal-Fos fusional protein (Medac Gentechnologie).

s i d e r w h e n u s i n g F o s as a m e t a b o l i c m a r k e r . O n e It m a y b e t h a t s o m e o f t h i s m i s m a t c h is d u e t o t h e
p r o b l e m lies i n t h e m i s m a t c h b e t w e e n F o s e l e v a - fact that 2-DG can detect axonal and dendritic
tion and 2-DG uptake in some brain regions. For activity, whereas Fos immunocytochemistry stains
example, metrazol seizures induce 2-DG uptake in the neuronal nucleus and thus only detects neuro-
t h e c e r e b e l l u m a n d s u b s t a n t i a n i g r a (as well as nal changes.
o t h e r b r a i n r e g i o n s , B e n - A r i et al., 1981), h o w e v e r , F u r t h e r m o r e , i n a r e c e n t s t u d y ( R o b e r t s o n et
m e t r a z o l s e i z u r e s d o not e l e v a t e F o s i n t h e s e t w o al., 11989) w e f o u n d t h a t L - D O P A a c t i v a t e d F o s i n
b r a i n r e g i o n s ( D r a g u n o w a n d R o b e r t s o n , 1988; the striatum, nucleus accumbens and parts of the
M o r g a n et al., 1987, a l t h o u g h c-fos m R N A is cortex of rats ipsilateral to a 6-OHDA-lesion of
i n d u c e d i n t h e c e r e b e l l u m a f t e r m e t r a z o l seizures). the substantia nigra. We also showed that this

L-DOPA activation of Fos only occurred in 1987) it is possible that the basal levels we are
animals where L-DOPA induced contralateral ro- detecting are Fos-associated proteins, not c-los
tation. L-DOPA did not elevate Fos in the sub- itself. However, this does not explain the observa-
stantia nigra. However, 2-DG studies of L- tion of low but detectable constitutive expression
DOPA-induced turning in rats show an increase in of c-fos m R N A in adult neurons (Gubits et al.,
2-DG uptake in the ipsilateral striatum and sub- 1988). A more likely explanation derives from the
stantia nigra pars reticulata (Robertson and Ro- observation that activity, handling and stress ap-
bertson, 1987). Thus, there seems to be a mis- pear to elevate neuronal Fos levels. Therefore, the
match for some brain regions (although very good basal levels being measured in control brain might
matches in others) for Fos and 2-DG. be greatly influenced by the past history (1-12 h~
The second problem (which may account for of the subject.
the first) is that neurons in certain brain regions Furthermore, it should be recognized that for
do not show Fos elevation no matter what the Fos to be induced in neurons, they must be
stimulus. This is the case for the substantia nigra. activated strongly. In the dentate granule cells of
It may be that future studies will reveal induction urethane-anaesthetized rats we have found that
in these brain regions by drugs or other types of bursting of granule cells is sufficient and obliga-
stimulation. However, we would like to suggest tory for Fos elevation (Douglas et al., 1988; Fig.
that the reason neurons in some brain regions 1). Dendritic depolarization sufficient to induce
never show Fos elevation despite being activated long-term potentiation but not cell bursting, does
is that they lack the required biochemical mes- not elevate Fos in granule cells of anaesthetized
sengers regulating Fos activation in neurons. What rats (Bliss et al., 1988; Douglas et al., 1988; Hunt
these messengers may be in neurons is unclear. In et al., 1987b), although in unanaesthetized rats
dividing cells a variety of hormones and second bursting is not required (Dragunow et al., 1988).
messengers can induce c-fos production (Morgan We have also found that anaesthetics can interfere
and Curran, 1986). Is this also true of adult CNS with Fos elevation, and the analgesic ketamine, in
neurons or are specific messengers involved? At particular, blocks c-fos m R N A and protein induc-
present we cannot answer this question although tion elicited in neocortical neurons after mechani-
N M D A / c a l c i u m / c a l m o d u l i n are involved in c-fos cal damage (Dragunow et al., submitted).
induction in PC12 "neuronal" cell lines and Finally, one of the most important method-
primary cultured neurons (Morgan and Curran, ological considerations to consider when using
1986, Szekely et al., 1987). Fos immunocytochemistry is that of the time-
Another potential problem is to what extent course of Fos elevation and decay. This may vary
Fos exists basally in neurons; because basal ex- both with the brain region and the type of induc-
pression may mask any changes related to the ing agent (e.g. drug vs seizure). In general Fos
activation of specific pathways. Using one anti- elevation in neurons after seizures decays more
serum (rabbit anti-c-fos peptide, amino acids slowly than in cell culture systems (Dragunow and
127-152) we and others (Dragunow and Robert- Robertson, 1987; Morgan et al., 1987). The reason
son, 1987, 1988; Morgan et al., 1987; Sagar et al., for this longer-lasting induction in neurons in vivo
1988) have found Fos-positive neurons scattered is presently unclear. In neurons after a seizure Fos
in neocortex and limbic system of control rat levels have largely returned to baseline by 24 h.
brains. However, others (Hunt et al., 1987; Le Gal The onset latency and the time of maximal Fos
La Salle, 1988; Popovici et al., 1988) found essen- accumulation in neurons after seizures varies
tially no basal Fos in brain and spinal cord using according to the brain region. For example, maxi-
an antibody directed against the N-terminal of mal Fos levels are observed in dentate granule
Fos (although both anti-sera show the same pat- cells within 30 min of kindled seizures, metrazol
tern of staining after seizure activity). Because the seizures or kainic-acid seizures, whereas at this
antibody used in our studies recognizes Fos as time other brain regions also activated by the
well as Fos-related nuclear antigens (Franza et al., seizures do not show elevated Fos levels (Dragu-

now a n d R o b e r t s o n , 1987; Le G a l La Satle, 1988; s h o u l d n o t be used for at least two weeks after
M o r g a n et al., 1987). M a x i m a l i n d u c t i o n in the surgery to allow i n j u r y - i n d u c e d F o s levels to re-
neocortex a n d h i p p o c a m p a l p y r a m i d a l cells o n l y turn to baseline. U s i n g " c h r o n i c " p r e p a r a t i o n s
occurs 4 h after seizure onset. T h e reason(s) for will also o v e r c o m e the p o t e n t i a l p r o b l e m of F o s
this differential i n d u c t i o n rate is u n k n o w n , al- elevation in n o n - n e u r a l b r a i n cells (e.g. glia,
t h o u g h it c o u l d be that p a t t e r n s of electrical activ- e p e n d y m a , D r a g u n o w a n d R o b e r t s o n , 1988b)
ity evolve over time. Also, the d e c a y r a t e m a y which occurs a r o u n d an injury site.
differ d e p e n d i n g u p o n the i n d u c i n g stimulus. F o r (6) T h e time of sacrifice after the s t i m u l a t i o n ,
e x a m p l e , F o s a c c u m u l a t i o n after k i n d l e d seizures seizure or d r u g should be chosen to m a x i m i z e the
has largely d i s s i p a t e d b y 24 h, whereas i n d u c t i o n F o s a c c u m u l a t i o n . As a rule of t h u m b we r e c o m -
in neocortical n e u r o n s after stab w o u n d injury can m e n d a 4 - 6 h time interval, a l t h o u g h it is better to
last for as long as 72 h ( D r a g u n o w a n d R o b e r t s o n , use a s p r e a d of t i m e - p o i n t s to s t u d y the evolving
1988b). Thus, care is r e q u i r e d when using Fos p a t t e r n of F o s elevation in different b r a i n regions.
i m m u n o c y t o c h e m i s t r y in d e t e r m i n i n g the ap- (7) N e g a t i v e results (i.e. no F o s elevation)
p r o p r i a t e t e m p o r a l p a r a m e t e r s for m e a s u r i n g any should not be a u t o m a t i c a l l y t a k e n to m e a n that
c h a n g e in F o s a c c u m u l a t i o n . the structure has n o t been a c t i v a t e d b y the d r u g or
In conclusion we believe that the following stimulation. H o w e v e r , positive signals (i.e. F o s
p o i n t s s h o u l d be b o r n e in m i n d when using F o s elevation) with g o o d c o n t r o l s will p r o v i d e v a l u a b l e
i m m u n o c y t o c h e m i s t r y as a m e t a b o l i c m a r k e r : insights into the a n a t o m i c a l a n d p h y s i o l o g i c a l
(1) Because a n t i b o d i e s d i r e c t e d against the o r g a n i z a t i o n of the b r a i n a n d will be i n v a l u a b l e in
N - t e r m i n a l o f F o s a p p e a r to selectively detect F o s localizing the sites of a c t i o n of drugs a n d m a p p i n g
(in c o n t r a s t to o t h e r antisera that recognize F o s out seizure p a t h w a y s .
a n d F o s - r e l a t e d antigens, F r a n z a et al., 1987)
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