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AGL A whee! bas an inital clockwise angular velocity ' 2f2Oradis and aconstant angular acceleration of 3 rad/s? Determine the number of revolutions it must undergy to acquire a clockwise angular velocity of 15 rad/s. Whee time is required? aad 6 2m0-4) 197 = 09 + 20. = nosed = 2088, wom ras 150 1043 162A fyvhesl has its angular speed ‘norewed tntormi tw Salto td he Be Tne es Of the wheels 2 determine the magnitude oe normal nd tangential componets of selesos of fointonthevimet the wheclwhons = 80s ante sal Aistance the point travcsduig the ine sone ona tar 215+ a8 = 0.5625 mais? 4m ern (0562941) = 05620 aay Seer (CO) = sR aay nak + 2000-4) (= 115? + 21053025;0-0) 6 > som 4 = r= 300m) = 3000 9 Ane (on the disk when ¢ = 05s, 562+ D ate wo e= Be, ta ase o> 325nu8 a= Sets “4 r= 32505) = 260.0% 5 or = 508) = 4a 4 > r= 829108 = 845 mit 4 OFT » 935 mt 16> cle angular velocity of the disk is defined by @ = (St* + 2) rad/s, where ris in seconds Determine the Imanitudes of the velocity and acceleration of point ""16-4, Just after the fan is turned on, the motor gives the blade an angular acceleration a = (202°) rad/s?, where isin soconds, Determine the speed of the tip P of one of the Blades when ¢= 3 s. How many revolutions has the blade turned in 3 s? When 1 = 0 the blade is at rest. dx ad [lso= [206 on Beef ana i omy an eas 11.82(.75)=48.7 06 Ane Lave [sss(i-e “de ae) =392f-(e)eerer-1)] Stree Ane 16-5. Due toan increase in power, the motor M rotates the shaft A with an angular acceleration of @ (0.060%) rad/s, whore @ is in radians. If the shaft is initially turning at ay = 50 rad/s, determine the angular velocity of gear B after the shaft undergoes an angular isplacement A0 = 10 rev. eode=ad8 [jedan f"""o,066 40 [, Member BC: row | 04 nao? rene =0.4899 f we 04 Sa Gnas rane = 0.5464 m Mer s oe r= tower on ly + oststn ote Ye = ene) Gu 0 = panos —09 me = 22000 an fen Oe ee re = 937SVOR? + Casey <7 16.99. ‘The mechanism used in a marine engine consists of a single crank AB and two connecting rods BC and BD. Determine the velocity ofthe piston at D the instant the crank is in the position shown and has an angular velocity of § rad/s eu =0.25)= 1s Member BD rove, __O4 i” Has rage #028288 re 1 eno = agiga "Oe ‘yp = 1.830(0.28284) = 0.518m/s 4 Ane i om 30° Jong 416-100, The square plate is confined within the slots at ‘A and B, When 6 = 30°, point A is moving at v4 = 8 m/s. ‘Determine the velocity of point C at this instant. ae = 0.36000" «0.2598 8 8 ota swine niece one «A OTB + OS ~ TE AIAN SOA = 0.2821 oe =(0.2820100.792) = 69 m/s ARE = 61.08" coer ame Vo Am 164101. The squat late is conned within the ates confined within the ot A and B. When 6 = 30°, point A is moving at v4 ems, Determine the velocy of point Dt th nt re OSes 02910 ont aay Beatle aye =0.3090" 20.150 ti ACF TOTO TRAST = 01899 5 — w= C0792)0.185)= 5.724 Ans sing | so307 ois" arass — 0 2 50°=30"- 23.196 62" Name 16-102. The epicyclic gear train is driven by the rotating link DE, which has an angular velocity wg = S rad/s. If the ring gear Fis fixed, determine the angular velocities of gears A, B, and C, 44 = 014) = 08m aco BS eran (009087 = ism 16-103. The mechanism produces intermittent motion of link AB. Ifthe sprocket $ is turning with an angular velocity of ws = 6 rad/s, determine the angular velocity of link AB at this instant. The sprocket S is mounted on 8 shaft which is separate from a collinear shaft attached to AB at A.The pin at C is attached to one of the chain links. Kinematic Diagram : Since nk AB is rotating about te fixed pin, ten vy ‘salways desc perpendicular Ink AB and its magne is vy oxy. Atte nse shown, i cela an angle 60° with te honontl Since point Cis atache Whe chan, a dens shown. moves verily with speed of ve ©0275 = 6(0.17) » 105 m/s Instantaneous Center: Ta insunanenus center of 0 veloc of nk BC a instant shown i located tthe iuerzeson paint of extended lines dawn Depend rom vg anv, Using aw of tne, we hve aye 0.15, ina rane = 0.28980 tore 0S ina Gn ‘The angular vlociy of bar BCs given by ‘Tos, the angus velocity of tink AB is even by 4 Octane 0.2049 = 95010-2898) ye = TITHE *16-104, “The similar links AB and CD rotate about the fixed pins at A and C. IfAB has an angular velocity wa = 8 rad/s, determine the angular velocity of BDP and the velocity of point P, Kinematic Diagram :Sce ink AB 3d CD's rotng soa fied poi A {dC en vyand vpareavaye ced prpendilr© Ink AB and CD ‘especialy. The magni of vyandvpae y= ap = 803)" = 240 wi td vp = @eatep O39. Ate MAGEE SRONE ag tence a 20" wih he ron. Instantaneous Center : Te isunianeos centr of 20 veloc of nk ‘DP a tensa shown soca a he ness pia of ead inet eave pepeaicalar fom vp an vp. From he geomeey. Fane =0.3an 60°40.7 = 1220 “The angular veloc of link BDPs given by Ane Tue ” 3800) “Thus, th veloey of po P given by Up # eoprnge = $00(1.220) = 4.88 m/s 16-105. At a given instant the bottom A of the ladder has an acceleration a4 = 4 ft/s? and velocity v4 = 6 fy/s, both acting to the let. Determine the acceleration of the top of the ladder, B, and the ladder’s angular acceleration at this same instant. = 07s ne “wen Te 5H de oer eo Ar ari09 + a6 TT J+ Con, 06 4+ (0757 e0030"~ af 6030" ™ (Da 0+ (079% 16 MSE + o(16 0050" Soting ea tart ne mon L knw et ax tn elu WAS =A (0h) C2600 + 163079 ~ (0757160501 + Y6ensp 16-106, At a given instant the top B of the ladder has an acceleration ag = 2 fi/s? and a velocity of vg = 41/5, both acting downward. Determine the acceleration of the botiom 4 of the ladder, and the ladder's angular acceleration at this instant. fa +H, ~ run ne ~4el = 21 (alo 616500907 ~ t6eas0"p — (0288675%(-1600030% ~ 16xn30. a te tts —— o- rasta + 007 ome! woosemt) ae a > 038s at ones ats fn 16-107. At a given instant the top end A of the bar has, the velocity and acceleration shown, Determine the acceleration of the bottom and the bar's angular acceleration at this instant. a=78? | won s oe f- 100m" seta SN a > 4 = 0- 100830" + aces” we | GD 0m =74+ 10050 + ayn" “% a= 03521 aa? = 032 manne a= 87S dP = 788 kee Ao BH rag 0X Gl = =78~ (7 ADE ~ 1OumnEarD + (ae) > C1DeoNG ~ 10insory 3 Oooo" + a(t0einer) ee tT 0m =74 10aneor + 10006) a= 02001 dl = 039209 Ame Bs 18S RH TEBE "16-108, Ata given instant, the slider block A has the velocity and deceleration shown. Determine the teceleration of block B and the angular acceleration of the link at this instant, Ls aoe Trea “7 7 atts se sac tection -2ran we = 16+ (ch) (0.3 0845403 sind) (7.07703 costs 0.3 sind") (5) 0= 16-c10 saints? (7,070.3. 0845" 0-0 3084S" + (7.07(0.3)inds* Gd) Solving up 2540/2 Ans apeS2tmit Lo Ane Sms anton? 1, 16-109. The wheel is moving to the right such that it has ‘an angular velocity « = 2 rad/s and angular acceleration ax = 4 rad/s? atthe instant shown. If it does not slip at A, determine the acceleration of point B. Stoese seeing ae are MLAS) = 50818 Ba Ze wd Bem te + tne Ny areayse ee sur araay +4145 + Ne ye OO) @. = 580450629- OD (ayy = 0-294 502 = 22 4 SORT EI = 1390H* ane oa BE nor ane eo: tet 0% G00 - one y= SHO + (ey (LAS 08 + LASsQIOD (OCI AS 20 + LAS i207) y= (ara 2m) a 4 STIFF = 900 ne on a 2S) = ase ane 16-110. Ata given instant the wheel is rotating with the angular motions shown. Determine the acceleration of the collar at A at this instant as Peeaas 5m Zoinn “ORM (oa yee? ossetoNess06 an 2d 296 sIotOD + 0D . ae Se oe Ne (Cy wa = Macon" 9c ~ Lane = aCO.)en Or GoD 0 2aansor ~ 9.6Hn30" — R6Sunar + a0) cnt? a= wae) ease Am Caran (eorst — HOI ARI © COO HI + COG saa) m(OScorPl + OSeRdO') ~ (4190S + OSHns (too + LoTes + 02s ~ 74095 — a masnae IGLLL The flywheel rotates with an angular yelocy w= 2rad/s and an angular acceleration a = 6 rad/s Determine the angular acceleration of links AB and BC at this instant, eo ede fay = 078 eal Coah = 1575 mi? aa 0 of Coy = 18+ 0368 09 = =| + Ohas Ae = 075 at? 5 oan = 1975 it fue = HE = su ie) (e409 = 184124 ay cos) re OH = 18-Janoy 6 09 12-fanes ata ~~ GE = -«oan Weziemmoth 120% Pe ae TI (One Ane = 703) + (auto x (041-029 -0 ane aw weno +005) . te? Se a 2 0m ~1ssa850 + of0spcnts? soma yee om eru on Peers ant +12 samen +009 Tee ON ez Se (2) 0m -tdom0" = 24030 = LondnAs + ef0ncats G9 ap = Nan = 1220 + ones? + oO) a= een? . ro Pe Re hen een sexne we weph = (e090 — O6RSUrD + (-w) x(OSeONAS + O.eHDESD 0 = ~coscns0r + ac. Lam aa we a + ag) = (1.28n204 + Leary + (1400304 ~ LuasrD ‘(ak (OSeondS + O5n4s*D) 0 = —tadane - Leas — (LATO OSeme4sT) + xO.SHDES ay = 1200030" = Lando ~ (14M OSH04s") ~ o(0.sNAS) a= 82668 asset ae 6-113. The disk is moving to the left such that it has an angular acceleration a = 8 rad/s? and angular velocity = 3 rad/s atthe instant shown. Ifit does not slip at A, determine the acceleration of point B. see acrane [2] oven | ose ae Ker (3) er ates aor Lapras GC) « y= 04 Ssin30°— decn30" = 1.24 m/s? = ATT TT «2.25 m/e? Ane Ban! (BB )=s0 Sam se, fem act axtne- weve Caniee (0) en=-4+50s800 46705080) «1.97 w/e 26) og 1B) sae Sam 0 = OFS 2225 wie = om 3nd, B a A= A (Be) (8 Son30"~ 0.580%) ~ (0.003010 5in30") 16-114, The disk is moving to the left such that it has we angular acceleration a= Srad/s? and angular velocity a Frad/s at the instant shown. Ifit does not slip at Ay determine the acceleration of point D. 500.5) i > \ ac 05 24m P08) so sac aoe w-[g+] cron ff 05 Awe “a (2) Gon t-a ssnsst—deedsr = 10.01 mit (61) Gap), 0-4 Sounds? +dsnds* = 0.3536 m9? oan )en am 0 = TOD OIBG = 100m? 7 Ane eo. sonnet @xine— oto oy t+(ap)yJ = At (BR) (0 ScouM1+0.SinAS*) (0 Seon +0.Sin4S*) (2) Won e-t-tasintsy-oF 0 sets «1001 it G1) a) = 8OSen5) OF 0 Sent) =-03536 le = (CDOFTCORIF = 100m? Ame 16-115. The hoop is cast on the rough surface such that it has an angular velocity w = 4 rad/s and an angular acceleration a = 5 rad/s?. Also, its cemter has a velocity Uo = 5 m/s and a deceleration ag = 2 m/s, Determine the acceleration of point A at this instant a 0+ aN0 2]+ [+e] +[502] welt sot? a (s8 oor: (88) sn sno sea at Hy +8059 sea teaa say a eunsam ane , wi(B)-sr7 am 03am 4 » ae ae 16-116. The hoop is cast on the rough surface such that it has an angular velocity w = 4 rad/s and an angular acceleration a = 5 rad/s*. Also, its center has a velocity of vo = 5 m/s and a deceleration ag = 2 m/s*. Deter mine the acceleration of point at this instant, ae=[2]+[09]+['09] oot y= 621 mit Ans pm tant (2255 a Also: ap = (4.3085 444559) we on =621 ms? Ans $k x @3e0s45°i—O.3sinds*) ~ GPOSco845I— 0.34in 45% 16-117. The disk rotates with an angular velocity « = 5 rad/s and an angular acceleration « = 6 rad/s*. Deter- ‘mine the angular acceleration of link CB at this instant. Sts 2s 33 = 1.667 ras arm ag bans (ay) + 4167 = 4+ 125 + Doan tet . v (2) en), = 3 ~2apu sin 30? (41) 4167 = 125 4 249 00830" ayy = 481 rads? = 481 rads? D (ay), = 7.81 fs? 2 cae = 18 521 ait) Ae (aay 4167 0 (agak) x (208205 +2 sin 30%) (aa aga sin30° 4.167 = 125 + 2,9 00830" 481 rads? = 438) rats? gle 25 We (1.66775) = 4.167 05 7 ap at HON RSDP or B0s)= 3002 16-118, Ata given instant, the slider block B is trav to the right with the velocity and acceleration shown. Determine the angular acceleration of the wheel at this instant. Vetoctty Anoysis : The angulrvlocy of ink AB_can be cbulned by wing themed of aartancocs cer of zo veloc. Since vy and va pal. 0. Sice yy =0, U4 = Up = Gini. Ths, 120 ss. the angular veloc of he whee! is oy = 2A = 5 ‘Acceleration Equation : The scceleraion of pointA canbe obained by ‘Galying he angular motion fink OM abou point O. Here, Foy = (SH ay toy ~ bog = Cah) X(5)= 12D 2 (Say4—720)) in ‘Link AB is subjected o general plane maton. Applying Es. 16-18 with fa, = {2deor 304 ~20en 30} in. = (17.324 10) in, we Rave 9p =m Ay Fg ~ arn Bh = Soy! —7.20)+ yy (17 321~ 10.09 ~0 x - Hoag Sey} HF quaing andj component we have 3= 100045 +54 0 1732a45~720 Solving Es (1 and (2 yk yg = 04157 al? ey =-02314 radi #0231 ls? w (21 Ans ee 16-119, The ends of the bar AB ate confined to move ‘along the paths shown. Ata given instant, has a velocity fof 8 fi/s and an acceleration of 3 f/s*. Determine the angular velocity and angular acceleration of AB at this instant Le eltllel-te (Sy 16sin30° + (ap),00830" = 0 + aXA)sin6o? + 1600860" A) 160930" — (ayy sind0? = =3 + ee)con OP — 16 siner anna > ‘Ane (any = 30.7 tet Ae et au Xm - ean cnn iar + +(x Haan + Seas s+ heat + HF (Aain301 + doors" D ro} (aghc0s30" + 8 = -3.464a + 8 (+1) ~(anyain30” + 13.8566 = -3 -20 -13.8564 aS rar ar (aah = 30.7 08 16-120. Rod AB has the angular motion shown, Deter- ‘mine the acceleration of the collar Cat this instant. 50) = 50 tus a+ 8ce [sh1a}fome)-be2] Geos 45" ~ S0c0s4S* + 800s 60° + a(25)c08 30° (FS) wc= G41) 0 = 6nd —S05ind* + S0sin" 029 sa e=s03 nas? tem 665M Ans so, ve =5@) 1014s. Yom vet ¥en ~ tel = =10c08 455+ IDsin AS") + ok x (-2.$s5n 30" ~ 2.500830") ep 1Osinas* —2.Sesin 30° 0 = 5.56 rads ac aay tax ree —atere ~ 6008 45°4 + 6sin 45%) “+ (ak) (=2.Sc0s 60" ~2.5sin60°}) ~ 5.66)*(—2.5e0s60" ~ 25 sin 6%) (By ag = 35385 — 4.208 + 21650 440 GH) 0=-35.385-44.283 1.250 4.69282 303 na? S ac = 665 fis! > Ans 16-121, At the given instant member AB has the ‘angular motions shown. Determine the velocity and acceleration of the slider block C at this instant. weXDatilse weave rota ve (f)ive peat cent 129 Zins (3) -tmes-aiette 3 Afr \ > i (1) ~06e=-50 | = ‘Solving : Ve onli ale ven 9.7Sin nn 9.38 0/6 (on = GP =n S (oa) = OK) = hina? ~(i (2) ote (1) -06ae = 63- Sa 15.1875 nae) 2-1 eo (tA) .197 (812 1s t2a+6328 aca ST inl? a=-300008

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