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19. The rigid body lab) has a mass and is rotating whan angular velosty about an ans pasing through ih hed pit 2 Show hatte momenta fa te icles composing the body can be represented by & ingle vecor having a magatde neg and acting trough point P, called the center of percussion, which hes at 8 Gistance royq = Ebroyo from the mass center G. Here kes the rads of gyration of the body. computed about an axis perpendicular the plane of motion and pang through 6 ‘20 Mwelme= aot) +o where ty = mid aolmuc)+rmatme) = ram) (mila ‘ron Sh Hower, we tra 0 roy = mente gun Ata given ._the_body._has_a_tinear ‘momentum L= mvg; and an angular momentum Hs = Tow computed about its mass center. Show that the angular momentum of the body computed about the instantaneous center of zero velocity IC can be expressed as Hye = lacey where Irc represents the body's moment of inertia computed about the instantaneous axis of zero velocity. As shown, the 1C is located at a distance roy: - away from the mass center G. te selma) Lea whete ve * rere ie s1e(merae) +e (orm) leo QED. 19.3. Show that if a slab is rotating about a fixed axis perpendicular to the slab and passing through its mass enter G, the angular momentum is the same when ‘computed about any other point P on the stab Sitce ve #0, he ner momenta L.= mis =O Hence the angular moment shout ny pint i Hy =o Shae w sa fe vet. sos Hy. een, "19-4, The space capsule has a mass of 1200 kg and a | ‘moment of inertia fg = 900 kgm? about an axis passing | through G and directed perpendicular to the page. Ifitis_| traveling forward with a speed vg = 800m/s and executes a turn by means of two jets, which provide a | constant thrust of 400 N for 0.3, determine the capsule's angular velocity just after the jets are turned off. + dios + 2h» ce, 8 + 1400co81$%(03)41.5) = 900 = 0386 mee Ane 195 Solve Prob: 17-55 using the principle of impulse and momentum, (Ooh +3) edtion |. —-efaetidermina— 5045 ™9f 0:18 e208 Ane 1946, Solve Prob. 17-54 using the principle of impulse and momentum. Gi), + 2] eae = lids 0+ [s+ = 1903450 std Sey Joy" - ono oA = Sami Aas nM mira), + Ef Fat = mvs 4 OO ora =o Ano an OD 0440) ~ 9010) =0 A= 98N An 192, Solve Proh 17-69 wing the principle of imple ale 2nd mnomenturn satctot aste Tae ston = 1000.3)=20 Te Reey= 20\b SEM =O; 101-200.59)=0 lool fess (io +f drat orf ,imd-an2-1905)=[ (2% sei ts-S=00s88200 96.6rdis Ane “*19R-~ Solve Pro’: 17-80 using the principle of impulse and momentum. =o) lb (0) Wy st fma deen He 1 SH onsu. 510) =[(ME)0.297}oe Soo. & on24hrats Ane ay Bok weeny fae ——— (8) mon +2 [F.deemivon s = 9+80)-70)= 5 fou} ay Spot (anf ab 1791b Setving Es, (1 and (2) Te4aim bel Mur Mal — 199. Solve Prob. 17-73 using the principle of impulse ‘and momentum. () mivach +E Fede = mvs 06 Tc sa0M(9-Nye0 osthe =M (1) abo +2f Baten 0+ ceo0t-208.41403%¢=0 0 860ie 403M = 196.2 Solving: Te=5N Ane #9658 19-10. A flywheel has a mass of 60 kg and a radius of {gration of k= 150 mm about an ais of rotation pasing through its mass centr. If « motor supplies a clockwise torque having a magnitude of M = (Si) N-m, where isin seconds determine the fywheel's angular velocity in ¢ = 3 Intl the ywhecs rotating clockwise a en = 2rad/ (Hon +2] deation 0157 a)+f Sra cooste on 18 7dls Ane 2069, 21)N (an o3 fa det 210.157]6-0396.:85401520 | ss3ls Ane WAL. The pilot of a crippled F-1S fighter was able t6 | control his plane by throttling the two engines. If the plane has a weight of 17000 1b and a radius of gyration of ka = 4.7 {€ about the mass center G, determine the angular velocity of the plane and the velocity ofits mass center G in ¢= 5 ifthe thrust in each engine is altered yy to T; = S000 Ib and 7; = 800 ib as shown. Originally the tase plane is lying straight at 1200 ft/s. Neglect the effects of A drag and the loss of fuel, use oo (Woy +E [Mo dee Woh, oes )-s0911.2 (222) ao e225 eats Ane G) moan eEfA demon (2700) (FP eam «ss. = (L)r (ch = 1.25(10°) tus Ana “19-12, ‘The spool has a mass of 30 kg anda radius of gyration ko = 0.25 m. Block A has a mass of 25 kg. and block # has a mass of 10 kg. If they are released from rest, determine the time required for block A to attain a ~ speed of 2 m/s: Neglect the mass-of the ropes : - 7: 2 = 6867 nave %4 = 6667018) = 12011 (+ on + 2fMar~ diay 0+ 25981109) 1~ 1a9EHVO18)19 = 25203) + 0.257% 646N + 10120K08) 1208008 a 1913, The man pulls the rope off thie reel with a constant force of & Ib in the direction shown, If the reel hhas a weight of 250 Ib and radius of gyration ke = 08 ft about the trunnion (pin) at A, determine the angular velocity of the reel in 3 s starting from rest. Neglect friction and the weight of rope that is removed. Me tan + Bf ade = (iy esta = [28on'e a= otis a n between the Wheels at C. If A always rotates at a constant rate of 16 rad/s, and the coefficient of kinetic friction between. the wheels is 44 = 0.2, determine the time required for B to reach a constant angular velocity once the wheels make contact with a normal force of 50N. What is the" 0289 = 106 ee final angular velocity of wheel B? Wheel Bhas amass of ¢« cay, «ahaa» oy, 7 90 kg and a radius of gyration about its axis of rotation ay of kg = 120 mm. 2+ (007 = (0129"18 soto son 1420) = 0400) yn seman = Sse ae Ts 19-18, The impact wrench consists ofa slender 1-kg rod |. ABswhich is $ long. and cylindrical end weights at ‘A and B that each have a diameter of 20 mm and a mass of 1 kg. This assembly is free to turn about the handle and socket, which are attached to the lug nut on the whee! of. ‘car. Ifthe rod AB is given an angular velocity of 4 rad/s and jt strikes the bracket C on the handle without rebounding, determine the angular impulse imparted 10 the lug nut. aie (90 6-0.00% 421 0yC0% +1039) a.0e aw Jae hud 0,2081(4) = 0.833 eg. as Ans “1916. The space shutile is located in “deep space,” where the effects of gravity can be neglected. t has a mass of 120 Mg, a center of mass at G, and a radius of gyration (ko)x = 14 m about the x axis It is originally traveling forward at » = 3 km/s when the pilot turn on the engine at A, creating a thrust T = 600(1 — e-®™) KN, where tis in seconds. Determine the shutte's angular velocity 2s later (G1 Wo +8 Moda toh, 0+ f£0(10°)(1-e-9*) 2) af 120(10) 147] 0 ae Te boolt-<*™) kal ta00( yf 20(10 rao ————h, / _ = Sate 18:17, The drum has a mass of 70 kg, a radius of 300 mm, and radius of gyration ko = 125mm. If the ‘coefficients of static and kinetic friction at A are my = 0.4 and x = 03, respectively, determine the drum’s angular velocity 2's after it is released from rest. Take @ = 30° re 19-18. The double pulley consists of two wheels which are attached to one another and turn at the same rate. ‘The pulley has a mass of 15 kg and a radius of gyration ko = 110mm. If the block at A has a mass of 40 ke, determine the speed of the block in 3 s after a constant force F_= 2 kN is. applied to the rope wrapped around- the inner hub of the pulley. The block is originally at rest. [Neglect the-mass of the rope. - 75 mm Co), + Ef Mott ® Wade i. +f = C0, 0+ Bane 03}2 = 25" + HOV @ en macmih «9m Ae me +B a= mi, 0+ PAH eas - MI = roxRLAE0 Fem 0+ Mae ~ mE ase) = 0 Ny = S947 = OM(5847] = 25787 > So79N 0 + 200%0.075)(3)~ 40981)(029(3)= 150110970 + 40°0209°02) @ = 14m 4 = 020206 = 241m Ane 19-19. The spool has a weight of 30 Ib and a radius of iyration ko = O45 ft. A cord is wrapped around its inner hhub and the end subjected to a horizontal force P = 5 Ib. Determine the spoo!'s angular velocity in 4s starting from rest. Assume the spool rolls without slipping. CD my) + Ef Ba mode 0+ M4 ~ 300 » 0 ay “ wy mtn, +H Rle= mo 0+ 40 -Re0 = Bove gd + Ef Moat = Uds 0+ R109) ~ 5103) Sine wo sping cocire 080 sare Reise o-n7ageAw con a Oty 2 ee te a 2 nag s 2 ao 0+ <0109 = [2.045 + Zan 'Jo oerrmde Ae 19:20, The rum of mass m, radius rand radi of ration ko rolls along an inci plane for which the Seefcent of stati retion i yu Tf the drum is released from est determine the maximum angle @for the incline $0 that it lls without slipping. oe mvp #2 [Fd mt OM iommgcond(0=0 A= gcd oo) ania #5 Fede mtr O+ mg sin O()— pymgcos (A) = mug, ros ‘Since no sipping oscurs, Up = ar. Hence Eq(1) becomes an V7 ind nmgcosOl) = marr smesinbi)-momecor00 . e eH @ menaced) ‘Bquating Eqs.(2) and (3) Oy ey 2) adem oy oe aaiten Sa + mesindte) = [mi +r] 19.21. The 12-kg disk has an angular velocity of w = 20 rad/s. If the brake ABC is applied such that the ‘magnitude of force P varies with time as shown, determine the time needed to stop the disk. The coefficient of kinetic friction at B is jap = OA. Equations of Equilibrium :Sice sipping ours 2B. the ton F sNy = ON. From FBD(s), the nnmal react Ng can be obaned ‘eciy by summing moment aboot point Erm =o a4(05)-04N, 04-70) =0 Np =2941P “Ths, tection = O4N, = 04(2.941P) 76, Principle of Impulse and Momentum : The mast momen ineia of the 1 . cytindesbowtis mass emer i p= 1.02) (02?) = 0240 bg m. Apiyng 5419-14, wenave toa +7 [Maroy G— -oxc0)- (.irffrajoa, <0 a Howe, [Pdr tnewender te Pr gph Assuming 25 en 51=$) N-s, Subse nw Bg. yds OMOAD* L176 5002) =O 1508s ‘Ams = 508+ >24, the above aeumptin i comet 19.22. The pulley has a weight of 8 tb and may be treated asathin disk. A cord wrapped over ts surface is subjected to forces T = 4 Ib and Ty = 5b. Determine the angular velocity of the pulley when ¢ = 4 s if it starts from rest ‘when (= 0, Neglect the mass of the cord. Principle of Impulse and Momentum : The ass moment ier of be 178) ply abouts mass com iZy = 3( Applying By 19~14, we have no, +8)"Mod loos © ort5(110.6 [4191006 = 0.04720, oy #53. alls Ans 1923. Theinner hub of the wheel rests on the horizontal track. ICit does not slip at A, determine the speed of the 1044b block in 2 s after the block is released from rest. ‘The wheel has a weight of 30 Ib and a radius of gyration kg = 1.30. Neglect the mass of the pulley and cord. } 38 i rot A a (uy, +2 ae= on, a ” 0+ 131 = 215% «Zeya . THD = GAO + Bayne mt, 6D mies + 2L5 dem mops 0+ 10 - na = 12, 09-9 = 2, ve MOne Ae Teany *19-24, For safety reasons, the 20-kg supporting leg of sign is designed to break away with-negligible resistance ‘at B when the leg is subjected to the impact of a car. Assuming that the leg is pin supported at A and approximates a thin rod, determine the impulse the car ‘bumper exerts on it, if after the impact the leg appears to rotate upward to an angle Of Baas = 150° ony hen 2) Mad ae oena9{Seoa) ay = 00686257 RtK= Beh na Jos 106300 sar 1e798N- 8 Ans 19-28. The 10:1b horizontal floor. shown, determine its at rest on a smooth izontal impulses tnd the vlc af the mass center, sf fo mite 8182 teh a > vad 3h is vant [nw au a (0 vans +5 moa 3, w,, 04 208) ~ sine = S00, eo, +3faer= Groh, = 58608 (vo), © 7 0 vo = VROTT RTF = 615s Ane #2 ons 19-26. The ball of mass m and radius r rolls along an inclined plane for which the coefficient of static frietion is u. If the ball is released from rest, determine the ‘maximum angle 8 for the incline so that it rolls without slipping at A. a7 mbiydy + ELE aE moe vee etret ~B ant) + ft = maa Nt = mir) + (ne te Oto +2 Maat = ods 2, o+ une Guo Na mgood —_ = nro mg sind ¢— ponent Foe 2, ae re mesco OK aaa 8 Xoo — nos) cose = Zsa — Hoo aspcot@ = sn tad = 35 19-27. The spool has a weight of 75 Ib and a radius of gyration Ko = 1.20 ft. If the block # weighs 60 Ib, and a force P = 25 Ib is applied to the cord, determine the speed of the block in 5 § starting from rest. Neglect the -mass of the cord. A Hon + f Mode = (Hors 15 : ; 0 -eo0r91 +2828) = Zee ovsi +[Ser]ern 5619 xa for = (5.679)(0.95) = 426 tus Ans 719-28, ‘The hoop (thin ring) has a mass of 5 kg and is released down the inclined plane such that it has a back- spin @ = 8 rad/s and its center has a velocity vg = 3 mvs as shown. If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the hhoop and the plane is 4 = 0.6, determine how long the hoop rolls before it stops slipping. Me 4905N ve mnt fra 50) + 49.08sin 3° () ~ 25.4871 = S00 + Hon + f Moat Has UD ay F=06N: A, 2 o5m 2470 ~ 50588) +25.4870.510) = 50057 (2) same as4eT Solving, 19-29. If the ball has a weight W and radius r and is thrown onto a rough surface with a velocity vo parallel to the surface, determine the amount of backspin, ait must be given so that it stops spinning at the same instant that its forward velocity is zero. It is not necessary to know the coefficient of friction at A for the calculation. vag #85 Fd mv wie Fre (GH) Hoh +E [Me dt= (Heh {Er oo err +o {EeJasr-0 @ iia Free Ea (1) an @) 1P)>-Ee h ay=25(2) Ame 19.30. ‘The square plate has a mass m and is suspended atits corner A by acord. Ifit receives a horizontal impulse Tat corner B, determine the location y of the point P about which the plate appears to rotate during the impact. 1931. The car strikes the side of alight standard, which is. designed to break away from its base with negligible resistance. From a video taken ofthe collision it is observed thatthe pole was given an angular velocity of 60 rad/s when AE was verticalThe pole has a mass of 175 kg, a center of mass at G, and a radius of gyration about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the pole assembly and passing through G of kg = 2.25 m, Determine the horizontal impulse which the car exerts on the pole while AC is essentially vertical. (£2) Wo +2 [Me de= te On [JF a]a.5)= 1150.257 60) [Fdeoisaens w (0 + fie = 034 oad = Hie abe vous + 2 de = mvands oo Yin "19.32. The double pulley consists of two wheels which are attached to one another and turn al the same rate, ‘The pulley has a mass of 30 kg and a radius of gyration ko = 250mm. If two men A and B grab the suspended ropes and step off the ledges atthe same time, determine their speeds in 4 s starting from rest. The men A and B have a mass of 60 kg and 70 kg, respectively. Assume they do not move relative to the rope during the motion. Neglect the mass of the rope. on o2hme = on 0+ sass 9 - e86210279:9 = 30250 + 03809035) + 14027 on anan Y= 038675) = 166m Ane & os e o 50278473) = 130m/ Ame a Oe Yr F a] f tess ps4 The crate nasamass me Determine the consant we causa it moves down the conveyor The Ficath hve aa ofr nase, and at spaecd rae soe that ton cases each roller to rotate when {Betrate comes in contact thi ‘he ti of po gh 1 Tw one nd, fren ae sea roes bono fal mgs pend © = 7 i rm ee omental i Fw 120 = Gar Soe onal imple t Fm mind ten G+ lads + 2) Moat = ods or onmerre = (er) 19.34, Two wheels A and B have masses my and mp, and radii of gyration about their central vertical axes of ka and kp, respectively. If they are freely rotating in the same direction at e»4 and a about the same vertical axis, determine their common angular velocity after they are brought into contact and slipping between them stops, (Sys. Ang, Mom.) = (2Syst Ang. Mom is im )0% (maidens Ans 19.38, A horizontal circular platform has a weight of 300 Ib and a radius of gyration &; = 8 ft about the z axis passing through its center 0. The platform i free to rotate about the z axis and is initially at rest. A man having a ‘weight of 150 Ib begins to run along the edge in a circular path of radius 10 ft. If he has a speed of 4 ft/s and ‘maintains this speed relative to the platform, determine the angular velocity of the platform. Neglect friction. Lowe oy (Gy Joao (38)eo9+.400 om 19.36. A horizontal circular platform has a weight of 300 ib and a radius of gyration k, = 8 ft about the z axis passing through its center O. he platform is free to rotate ‘about the z axis and is initially at rest. A man having a ‘weight of 150 Ib throws a 15-Ib block off the edge of the platform with a horizontal velocity of 5 ft/s, measured ‘elative tothe platform. Determine the angular velocity of| the platform if the block is thrown (a) tangent to the platform, along the +£ axis and (b) outward along a radial Tine, or + axis, Neglect the size of the man. mentowes 22a lowes @=0.0210rmi/s Ame » (1) =e ov0e0-(: 19-37, Each of the two slender rods and the disk have the same mass m. Also, the length of each rod is equal to the diameter d of the disk. If the assembly is rotating with ‘an angular velocity w; when the rods are directed uta, determine the angular velo of the asembly iy internal means the ros are brought oan upright nam dnc 453) 1 1, Hm'ie + 2Gymtey + tendo) = mat + ante 1938. ‘The man sits on the swivel chair holding two 5.Ib ‘weights with his arms outstretched. IThe is turning at3 rad/s in this position, determine his angular velocity when the weights are drawn in and held 0.3 ft from the axis of rotation, Assume he weighs 160 Ib and has a radius of gyration k, = 055 ft about the z axis Neglect the mass of his arms and the size ofthe weights forthe calculation, Mass Moment of Inertia: The mass momestineria of he man andthe ‘weigh abou.zanis wher the mammary seeched cao) of S008) sa ‘Tee mass moment inertia of te mun and he weight aboot x axis when the weghs aredava in 0 adigunce 0.3 fom: ats (Gos) + $5(0s4Jetssiany€ Conservation of Angular Momentum : Applying Es 19~ 17, wehave (H), 2h), 3.444(3) = 183100), (oy 26.75 rs Ans 19.39. A man has a moment of inertia J, about the z axis. He is originally at rest and standing on a small plat. form which can turn frely. If he is handed a whee! when it is at rest and he starts it spinning with an angular velocity «, determine his angular velocity if (a) he holds the wheel upright as shown, (b) tums the wheel out, @ = 90°, and (©) tums the wheel downward, 9 = 180°, oy Ltt = Ettions 0+ fom how + lo wy » Ans Leen = Dot: OF a= haw +0 oy © LO = Les 0+ lw = howto ay 19-40. ‘The space satellite has a mass of 125 kg and a ‘moment of inertia /. = 0.940 kg -m?, excluding the four solar panels A, B, C, and D. Each solar panel has a mass of 20 kg and can be approximated as a thin plate. Ifthe satellite is originally spinning about the z axis at a constant rate «= 0.5 rad/s when @ = 90", determine the rate of spin if all the panels are raised and reach the upward Position, @ = 0", at the same instant evo1sy] 5) «suo soernie[ ber (w= 0.0906 rats ‘Ans 19-41. ‘The 2-kg rod ACB supports the two 4-kg disks at its ends. If both disks are given a clockwise angular velocity (a4), = (Wp) = Srad/s while the rod is held stationary and then released, determine the angular velocity of the rod after both disks have stopped spinning, felative to the rod due to frictional resistance at the pins ‘A and B. Motion is in the horizontal plane. Neglect friction at pin C. baa —- — 7507 osm C+ ahacorses = aeoaiste + adore 0791+ Lnasote : @ = 0.0906 rad/s Ans 1942, The S-lb rod AB supports the 3-Ib disk at its end, Ifthe disk is given an angular velocity wp = 8 rad/s while the rod is held stationary and then released, determine the angular velocity of the rod after the disk has stopped spinning relative to the rod due to frictional resistance at the bearing A. Motion is in the horizontal plane, Neglect friction at the fixed bearing 2. 2g), = Eade [kG 0" | 40-[F) O']o+ [EHO }o+(sbs) CD = 0.0708 mi Ane 19-43. A thin disk of mass m has an angular velocity «, while rotating on a smooth surface. Determine its new angular velocity just after the hook atits edge strikes the peg P and the disk starts to rotate about P without rebounding. Seat p seth Te Gna, = tne + m0, NK 4 ania Fao} Mars Moment of Inertia: The mass moment nein of te pendulum snd tte emose ballet about pint is OTS j ) =2.209 tug 48 Contervation of Angular Momentum : Since fore Fdueo be mpa | + = ‘siemal the sytem consisiag ofthe pendulum and he ball i will cancel ‘vt Tha, angular momennim i conserved sou pat A. ApIVNg Eq 19-17. we have (), =o m5 2) =U 2390, 19-45, A thin ring having mass of 15 kg strikes the 20-mmhigh step. Determine the largest angular velocity ‘; the ring can have so that it will not rebound off the. step at A when it strikes it ‘The weights non ~ impulsive i ti 15) yO. 18yO.18 6.02) [150.187 a) =[15010)+ 150 1)*]oq oy = 0.540, NER = lacks: (1538.81) 008 6- Ne = 150H(0.18) Wen hopis about reeund. Me 0. Ao, c=! dso a= 60 nals oem 4 SE ara als An 1£0rmem 20 1g(42N 19-46. Determine the height h at which a billiard ball of ‘mass m must be struck so that no fritional force develops ‘between it and the table at A, Assume that the cue C only ‘exerts a horizontal force P on the bal Fee te (2 mye 3f res mm 0+ M89 = my be a eaf acy o ae os nan « Gatemrin Rept = ar o Sorng Ba (1)=(3) for ye ISAT, The disk has a mass of 15 kg. I'itis released from rest when @ = 30°, determine the maximum angle 9 of rebound after it collides with the wall, The coefficient of restitution between the disk and the wall ise = 0.6. When @ = 0°, the disk hangs such that it just touches the wall. Neglect friction at the pin C. Daum at ower posion of 6 Rok ante oxiisi@an.tsni-cormr) = Sf Zayas} e440 a=34i8eas ¢) = (0.180) 6 Saigo 1-6 = 2.0508 dls Rewane% 19)0.157] 203087 +0#07 15.81)0.18)0 e088) angre v4 veo! t osm) Sita “19-48. The 10-1b block is sliding on the smooth surface when the corner D hits a stop block S. Determine the ‘minimum velocity ¥ the block should have which would allow it to tip over on its side and land in the position shown, Neglect the sizeof S. Hint: During impact consider the weight of the block to be nonimpulsive. Conservation of Energy : Ue back ips over shou point Dt ‘tt ast chev the dash psiuon shown, Exum sta pein, When lie black ats intial and Gnd poscon ws cnt of gravy aca Sh 9407071 thabove the dtm, Us inland final penal encegy at 100.8) on = $00 sn 10(0.7071) = 7.071 fb. The mass moment arin of he oan ea Diet» ECO) ey (1) versa) i toro “7207s The inl ie cnr of block (ie he ng is = $1 02070 0}. Aplyng 18-18, wehave ws058| hewaney _ Conservation of Angular Momentum : Since he weight of te back and she normal esion Wate nonimpubive forces, the angular monet conserved abou point D. Applying Eq 19~ 17. we have ip), = io) (mg) = Iya [G5)]e- 5) =02070(4.4672) = 596 fue An 19-49. A 7-g bullet having a velocity of 800 m/s is fired into the edge of the 5-kg disk as shown, Determine the angular velocity of the disk just after the bullet becomes . Also, calculate how far 6 the disk ‘swing until it stops. The disk is originally at rest. Ce igdy + Ef Mod» eds cumraraeasron) +0 = Lscamos%e + soma2enan Sat en satmnts sea itm Kenenew OrGhe Or» a sy Fifoom(02y'18.25) + 0 = 0+ 0%1-cossycsame281) fesomrs.23027' + on ne Ane 19-80. ‘The two disks each weigh 10 Ib, If they are | released from rest when @ = 30°, determine 8 after they collide and rebound from each other. The coefficient of restitution is ¢ = 0.75. When @ = 0°, the disks hang so that they just touch one another. Wag eye Bp + Ba a ae meet ew enen 0 waren) = Hosen v0 = 2388 mu 1 $O46506).799" + 0 = 0 + 10¢1~cand) enn kw position. A 2-4b block, s ‘surface with a velocity of 12fi/, strikes the rod at its end B. Determine the velocity of the block immediately after, the collision, The coefficient of restitution between the block and the rod at Bis e = 08. Conservation of Angular Momentum : Since force F de 1 he enact ‘seal ote system costing oft slender rd and the lock, iwi cancel ‘out That, angular momenti is conserved about point A. The mast 4-(15) =037278 es +8) = 02727 ag tHe. wena (4), = ds [rm (vs) Jin) = ean afm (osha on Gamor-omf22](Z)one Hi. Coeffltent of Restitution : Applying Ea 19~20, we have a Solving Ea. (1) and (2) yes (0); #336105 Ans (op), = 1296805 + ‘19.82. The pendulum consists of a 10-Ib solid ball and 4b rod. If it is released from rest when 0 = 0°, | determine the angle 6, after the ball strikes the wall, | rebounds, and the pendulum swings up to the point of ‘momentary rest. Take e = 0.6. 38 4 2k 4 sen? + Byes? + Bast « ® toast + Byes? + Bast « rar ae ose os Jt tee apa wan T Toye cea Rewen eK ie wD oe 0+ 0 = Sisto? 41) ~ 1023) um = sets vp 2MSANS) = 1259 808 ‘Soe wal oe sot move: on 08-255 wy a 75188 RaMenem Jeaumeaaas? « anct-aaey + 02340-400 onset Ane 1953, The 6-Ib slender rod AB is originally at rest, ‘suspended in the vertical position. A 1-Ib ball is thrown at the rod with-a velocity v = SO f/s and strikes the rod at C. Determine the angular velocity of the rod just after the impact. Take e = 0.7 and d= 2ft, S400 = Oe ot) 1 1 = depois yea isLovson = GGE OMIM + 335k enor 0-0 19-54, The disk has a mass mand radius r Cit strikes the rough step having a height }as shown, determine the largest angular velocity ay the disk can have a rebound off the step when i trikes it ay = bac «meen dn = dary mtn cm un [fet wari = Fart wear 1955, "The slid ball of mass mis dropped with a velocity wr onto the edge of the rough step. If i rebounds orzomtally off he step wih a velit vp, determine the ope Oat which contact occurs Assume no sipping when | the ball strikes the step The coefficient of restitution se o Contrvtion of Anesar Momento : Sethe weight 8b 158 nonimpulive fore, then angular momentum i conserved about pom A "t Temas meee 1 a at as ener = 2 vse te. @; «2528, agpng 18-1, nbs : 5 (4), = , * is t09) HO =o Pon {mscon] t if ineof nga a Me eine, uaing (1) and 2 yields Ws he 19-56. A solid ball with a mass m is thrown on the ground such that at the instant of contact it has an Angular velocity «, and velocity components (¥)s1 and (veays 88 shown, If the ground is rough so no slipping. ‘occurs, determine the components of the velocity of its ‘mast center just after impact. The coefficient of restitution ise. oetiin of Reston ( diretion) Uae GY Ane rs Conservation of angular moment aboot pat o the ground (Go ian =n = Parte, + mvcdasr = Bet 04 + moras mrt + mivelar Since no spring, (cha = ear then, R21, Ata given instant, the wheel is rotating with the angular motions shown. Determine the acceleration of the collar at A at this instant ag = ap bean X rao ten x (ous X Fa/8) bp = (0.130) = 1.20 mvs 120 “SB 4.1569 rade i 50+ 079.130) + onn(95004 .158970.500 ae ¥ 2V3 4.8 ~ 0.25049 ~4.32V3 ay = 12+ 48VF + 0.280V Dann — 432 yy = 40.8 ead? 92-125 mie = 125 mie Ans R2-2. The hoisting gear A has an initial angular velocity of 60 rad/s and a constant deceleration of 1 rad/s®. Deter mine the velocity and deceleration of the block which is, being hoisted by the hub on gear B when ¢ = 3 s. (ox)o = 60 ras n= 1 adie en = (ono tant 4 = 604 (-1)@) = 57 nals 24 = ray = (ST) =57 Ms = vp 51/2 = 285 radi tw = rove = (O5)285) = 142 105 Ans oust ag =H) = 1 se 05 nate? ay = rag = (0.5)0.5) = 0.25 fs? Ans R23, The rod is bent into the shape of a sine curve and. is forced to rotate about the y axis by connecting the spindle $ to a motor. If the rod starts from rest in the Position shown and a motor drives it fora short time with ‘an angular acceleration a = (1.Se’) rad/s*, where tis in seconds, determine the magnitudes ofthe angular velocity and angular displacement of the rod when ¢ = 3s. Locate the point on the rod which has the greatest ‘velocity and acceleration, and compute the magnitudes Of the velocity and acceleration of this point when # = 35, The curve defining the rod is z = 0.25 sin(y), where the argument for the sine is given in radians when isin meters. [fae = ssf na Oe Aste! = ah = 150¢ =D went = 9 ea iKe n= asm Ame Ont -3-ne mind Am — mrepotnrtnig te peer vey wd senieaoa loca test om be mio Tmnay = 05m vow = 025 sin) = 025 lade = 04) = (1501025) = 753 (aor = ate) = (246)4025) = 20490 Soo TSF CI = 205 mi haw *R2-4, A cord is wrapped around the inner spool of the gear. If it is pulled with a constant velocity v, determine the velocity and acceleration of points A and B. The gear rolls on the fixed gear rack, Ans £ (VGFFGH) =2V30 Ans From Example 163, Since a a Ag +a x rej6 wae 2) aw R25. A 7-kg automobile tire is released from rest at A ‘on the incline and rolls without slipping to point B, where it then travels in free flight. Determine the maximum hheight h the tire attains. The radius of gyration of the tire about its mass center is ke = 0.3 m, [stabi the datum at Ne that oe soy 04798015) = 4170037105 + 5 = 1931 rads 409.80 ts 792 ms Let Ce the high point of the drs Matt ALC. (wey =0. Ths, Gn eof tal + 2else)y — 8s) = (1.92sin30"}* 42(-9.81)¢h ~ 1) f= t80m Ans 081) 798)N R26, The link OA is pinned at O and rotates because of the sliding action of rod R along the horizontal groove. If R starts from rest. when 6 = 0° and has a constant | acceleration aq = 60 mm/s* to the right, determine the | angular velocity and angular acceleration of OA when 2s. $125 = mle x= 400 o 7 @ Se = sorzie’ 0 098 + 400 sc i= aontod = eet orme(oF +) Since = 60 mm nde = 3 = Our = ‘tom int = 25, vem tar 29 amie 20400) setts iat = 040% 302)» 120 mm = 0-075 as 60 = some 162 wate T%0275) + 8) a= 0 coma na? a ‘R27, The uniform connecting rod BC has a mass of 3 | kg and is pin-connected at its end points, Determine the vertical frees which the pins exert on the ends B and C of the rod at the instant (a) @= 0°, and (b) 8 = 90° ‘The crank AB is turning with a constant angular velocity, stn wan = Sad corte eta fed tet cio sn “ : Soa fe = He = (Made = (NOD =F % a) : 9 waen 9 08 [Pe g 20mm Somere seine nen 0 ou yA sone gems a aera a When e = 90" G +a 3080 =0 (me =G(039 + B,035 =o sav go mN ane BS aT ar = *R2G The tire has a mass of 9 kg and a radius of gyration ko = 225 mm. If tis released from rest and rolls down the plane without slipping, determine the speed of its center O when ¢ = 35, ad mse, + ELF adr © miveds et 0+ 9¢9.81)(0n90"¢3) ~ J Fat = 907035 o , _— M4 ios + 2) Me d= (Has 0+ of’ Peac03y = (0225710 ® Sine (70), = 030, sein Ea ma (oon enamine So a ce an ofa cy 0+ spanansoroas) = 110225" + H03>0 3139 nae ¥ = 0308139) = 942m Ame R28. ‘The double pendulum consists of two rods, Rod AB has a constant angular velocity of 3 rad/s, and rod BC has a constant angular velocity of 2 rad/s. Both of these absolute motions are measured counterclockwise, | Determine the velocity and acceleration of point Cat the’? = X®1 = (24) a instant shown, = Oy = Dies? a-o Yon = (4) ‘Now: The. ate nea 3 mle wile BC nana? ae Retadve weaionof BC ts thers (Orcdgg = B= 3h =e — | Yom = (rcdays X fon = ~K x Am M0 = (Opceyg ® UO4e) Fog = =A Ye M4 OX 04 + Cen dng = HF OR a + ay = 04s an Yen BSine, Oe ce aw STM OX ron +X (OX top) $20 904 + top TPA 0+ 3x Cok x a) + 2M KID + (49 Tn inst 2-10, ‘The spool and wire wrapped around its core have a mass of 20 kg and a centroidal radius of gyration kg = 250mm. Ifthe coefficient of kinetic friction at the ground is jz = 01, determine the angular acceleration So Gene [ele = Egret 30-19.44(0.) = 2010269602) + 1202510 a= emu An RZ-IL. If the ball has a weight of 15 Ib and is thrown onto ‘a rough surface so that is center has a velocity of 6 ft/s parallel to the surface, determine the amount of backspin, ‘@, the ball must be given so that it stops spinning at the ‘same instant that its forward velocity is zero. It is not \ necessary to know the coefficient of Kinetic fiction at for Me besethirta be cas tfmae an, AG) 7 ad : © 1s 25 00% te F000 - Fe yeo%e+0~0 Tee rs F mia o 2h Pee a0 on s 7 (9 -frawo Fo oy += oe : FEpea'o-eofra-o ‘Biminaing JF and voting foro yields oe tomh aw R212, Blocks A and B weigh 50 and 10 b respectively It P= 1001b, determine the normal force exerted by ~~} block’ on block B: Neglect friction and the weights of - a the pulleys, cord and bars of the triangular frame. P Paso 41m emai Bick i F "eu ttigemg: rer-0-Zay wy ad: +Trh ema: R= 2 a7 hema: ar-e-10~ Bay @ i Solving Bes. (1) n0d 2), RIAR_Determine the velocity and acceleration of rod R for any angle @ of cam Cif the cam rotates with a constant angular velocity «The pin connection at O doesnot case ‘an interference with the motion of A on C. sare ree be ormed ve re sne ane B24 The uniform plate weighs 40 band is supported by a roller at A. If a horizontal force F = 261 ppd, ne nrmalcompraet '5 meinen exc pid of seein & Sr ine 2 soPlied tothe rol, determine the aceeration sievueeae Seu ess ne a ae Of the center of the roller at the instant the force is applied The plate hasa moment ofinertiaaboutitscenter “»2 "mai TO=(ifh) ae ap=5635 a8 ‘of mass of J = 0.414 stug-ft2. Neg lect the weight of ye _ oils f al OE ag = Hay O= (4) RH CF) canoe erisona? reas " 4 Meera Hu, ure [x] -{5525}+[128204) 2see0y]o001 Trew, > [* Ms om [pes (3) qeseasezacenzmet Ane “ R ze und the weet R215 A tapehavinga thickness s wraps around the which is turning at a constant rate a, Assuming the unwrapped portion of tape remains horizontal, determine the acceleration of poiit Pn he tape when Ue radius i — Hint Since vp = cr, take the time derivative and note that dride = sn). “R216, The 15-1 cylinder is intially at rest om a 5-1b plate. If a couple moment M = 401b- ft is applied to the eylinder, determine the angular acceleration of the cotinder and the time needed for the end B of the plate cyuaer: to travel3 ft and strike the wall. Assume the cylinder does not slip on the plate, and neglect the mass of the rollers «2%, mag): Pag under the plate. o CMG O-M12=HH)UI5%¢ 12) MMH 0) Hed, anon (ehle-piebaet{ap,] 7 (Ceaewerse a , : ‘Srvancatntosa gy eeerommaten AMame: Fai), 6 Saving Bas) 4 ytd; e=2OME renew (q),-eeonF ann 3nat ~ (Arnona? — dnoroednane ——reomsss ~~ as R217. The wheel barrow and its contents have a mass of 40 kg and a mass center at G, excluding the wheel. Te wheel ‘has a mass of 2 kg and a radius of gyration ko = 0.120 m. mr) Ith whestarow eles ram et om he ponon 7°25 * yi AM = Oo shown, determine its speed after it travels 4m down the incline. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the incline and A is, NEE = mq: M4981) se20*=02m, = Ag + Aap Ronenaticg 4 © (tne te cart eal 2 = oe © 0:15a ac he wen rl win epping) Bat = (37 eer — gays 181007 - 04, = 25480 ue Som a= ona? a= 285 mt m= MON My = 21S v= (t+ agen) Foe ERGO MoM = 4501 ein feon 14765 ~ 03M, = 66 oo z ee a AS |The wheels ol without slipping at 8, C+2M, = 206),; ASAD SHROTOH + aNBB AMON + KR) H2N015 + M381) 00820°(0.4) ~ Ny(04) = Mag(OA) + 4ag(0.15) +(4(0.12)"]a@ eo R218 The drum of mass m, radius 7, and radius of Byration ko rolls along an inclined plane for which the Coefficient of static friction is u. If the drum is released from rest, determine the maximum angle @ for the incline 0 that it rolls without slipping. (vo), 815 tomo) tot . Oem -nbenb=0 Mnmaoad - [mts efeatomon, 4h Ot mpsinO(d —umgcosO() = my a : : ‘ae, Siac siping occu, 9 = ar Hones Eq becomes asin ~nngecs (0 =mor wer a "Rand pm) het tines O+mesinb(0 = [mtb + mr Jo Lee © marin “Boutin B20) - oe on art W827) Ans R219. The 20-1b solid ball is cast on the floor such that it has a backspin w = 15 rad/s and its center has an initial horizontal velocity vg = 20 t/s.. I the eoetficient of kinetic friction between the floor and the ball is a= 03, determine the distance it travels before it stops spinning. 7 tenes ome Be B “Gan #125 = mies M200 T (Bete omnon = Zpnste sone nas = 9860? 3m (on arar on 15-48 Oo: sot vert dae 250+ 20310 ~ Ho89(03017 ests, ane *R220, Determine the backspin « which should be given to the 20-Ib ball so that when its center is given an initial horizontal velocity vg = 20 ft/s_ it stops spinning and translating at the same instant. The coefficient of kinetic friction is 4 = 03. Fam = mes: 0am, = Ba, F125 = mae) M200 [tema = gr oamt03 = ete Seine y= ao = 966000 a= ane he WO orm sas On waa mney CO) ven sar 9 - 90525 = 100m Am ig=20 8s R22. A 204g roll of paper, originally at rest, is pin- supported at its ends to bracket AB, The roll rests against a wall for which the coefficient of kinetic friction at He = 03. Ifa force of 40 Nis applied uniformly to the end of the sheet, determine the initial angular acceleration of the roll and the tension inthe bracket asthe paper unwraps. For the calculation, treat the roll as a cylinder. Sy snags ohare -idgr eo 225 emtadys Acs «03m, = ax9an + Bro 9 a = ne re a8 "Ox noon os a R222. Compute the velocity of rod R for any angle 6 of the cam C if the cam rotates with a constant angular velocity «. The pin connection at O does not cause an intorference with the motion of Aon C. a end AOE 2st 0x0 0 ie named ~ [one aF ouaae Winn cy ane ‘R223. The assembly weighs 10 Ib and has a radius of ] ayration kg = Q6R about its center of mass G. The | kinetic energy of the assembly is 31 ft-lb when itis in the | positon shown. Iii rolling counterclockwise on the | surface without slipping, determine its linear momentum | at this instant. | *R2-24, The pendulum consists of a 30-Ib sphere and a 104th slender rod. Compute the reaction at the pin O just after the cord AB is cut. x0 3a wens 100) ry ee wei a Gag) = ons men? Teigym+jompe es ay tae ‘Sense (1), h = msn o 1059.2) = ete 10 Lame 1260) = 392 Wage Ane ic Dt + (oc + ye Dnt + PI + eat = 917 aga? Sa - ma: x0 Me « +E ema: 0-4 = Sy asp (i = he: 4025) = 9470 R225. The board resis on the surface of two drums. At the instant shown, it has an acceleration of 0.5 mis? to the right, while at the same instant points on the outer rim of each drum have an acceleration with a magnitude of 3 m/s*, If the board does not slip on the drums, determine its speed due to the motion, ‘A point om the drum which sn consct with the board has tangential scceertion of o,=05 ms? @agta OF = 057 +62 4, = 2.96 mis? vp 0r=344(025)=0860 mls Ans R226. The center of the pulley is being lifted ver cally with an acceleration of 4 m/s? atthe instant it has a velocity of 2 m/s If the cable does not sip on the pulley's surface, determine the accelerations of the eylinder B and point C on the pulley. Hace ac = 4) + 25°10 08H + 3010.08)5 FS accoss=0+50 +t acsind = 44044 Solving, ac = 50.6 ms? Ams 09.00 a Ans “The block moves up wih an acceleration 45 = (ac), = $0.65i09.08" = 8.00 mis? $ Ans 2-27. At the instant shown, two forces act on the 30-1b slender rod which is pinned at O. Determine the magni- tude of force F and the initial angular acceleration of the rod so that the horizontal reaction which the pin exerts on the rod is 5 Ib directed to the right.xsa (ac) = 4a Err oe 522, a0) r0)-2(2) re 20 *R-28, The tub of the mixer has a weight of 70 Ib and a radius of gyration kg = 1.3 ft about its center of gravity. Ifa constant torque Mf = 60 Ib ft is applied to the dumping wheel, determine the angular velocity of the tub when it has rotated @ = 90°. Originally the tub is at rest when 9 = 0° T+DUa=h o+60(§)- mos = 3[(q3) ¢2"] r+} 389 ads Ane » oss: >, Goin ‘ow R2-29, The spool has a weight of 30 Ib and a radius of gyration ko = 0.65 fi. Ia force of 40 Ib is applied to the cord at A, determine the angular velocity of the spool in 1 =3 5 starting from rest, Neglect the mass of the pulley and cord. Gp mE f racemes 0+ 713) ~ 300) +4003) ead x GP Ho +S f Mods = to) oy, 73) 40g) 323 = 7098 + 40003 |e © & oO) si pin SAi0 Kineratis, 00) v9 =0.50 Solving, T=25m 0 = 218 rls Ans vo = 108 tus Also, GH bic +E f reat = ther 30 o-29050) +0151) = [2 a oa? + 2.037» 215 ead Ans R230. Solve Prob, R2-29 if a 40-Ib block is suspended | from the cord at A, rather than applying the 40-b force. mon: OD mm + Bf rae = my ) eran -rae 2, O-o:-o > st Dm + Ef rat = mo 0+ 9 - 209+ Te) = yy 2 wo mniinee, ©: 6G, % 0 nas + rane (esse Noaenact t= 050 ‘Seving. reise = 97 9% 959204 ae, (9 hed, + Ef Me d= Meds RIL “The dresser has a weight of 80 Ib and is pushed | along the floor. Ifthe coefficient of static friction at A and Bis #, = 0.3 and the coefficient of kinetic friction | is my =02, determine the smallest horizontal force P per needed to cause motion. If ths force i increased slightly, determine the acceleration of the dresser. Also, what are 32% =; P4030, +4) = 0 the normal reactions at A and B when it begins to move? S125 -0 me —t0~0 Pam Aw For pring My = 0, M4 = 80 (4 = 0 AH) ~ 2005) = 0 as | Pom eum ‘Terefore deter sip, ATER MeN m0 | el | Exe = mg: 24-026, -02N, = 2 bisatised oS LAM = Fa): 248) + my) = BOC = Soving, men 2n elm ind igre, Mee Ane ea =a SS = Gab Am cae ET i con R232 When the crank on the Chinese windlass is) turning, the rope on shaft A unwinds while that on shaft B| winds up. Determine the speed at which the block lowers if the crank is turning with an angular velocity w = 4 rad/s, ‘What is the angular velocity of the pulley at C? The rope Segments On each side of the pulley are both parallel and, vertical, and the rope does not slip on the pulley. Y= ar = 475) = S00 Wp = 0 = 429 » 100mm 10a) = ~200)+ ectony 16. = ~300+ e100) red == 300 + 450 300 + 200 Ye = Wommt Ane wu 2-33, The semicircular disk has a mass of $0 kg and is released from rest from the position showa. The coefficients of static and kinetic friction between the disk and the beam are j, = 0S and 4 = 0.3, respectively. Determine the used to support for the calculation I reactions atthe pin A and roller B, e beam. Neglect the mass of the beam Semicircular disk : : ee a SER = mlag),i Fe = 50(05)y a +435 =m(aq),; 4905 = Ne = 50(a5), (2) | C+ EM = Foot Nel 0.1698) ~ Fe(04) = [3(50)(04)? ~ 50(0:1698)"1@ Assume no slipping at C, wasn 96 = 80 + aio | (ae)eh = (dg),J = 0.4 at 0(0.1698)5 (ao), = Oder (ayy = ot06986 Solving, (0 @ = 6.94 rad/s® (Gg) = 2.78 m/s* (dg)y = 1.18 mis? Ne = 431.6N Fe = 139N Cmax = 0.5(431.6) Beam: ON C+EM, = 0; — 431.6(1.25) - B,(3) = 0 h aN 1 B= 198N=180N Ans ee ta? +TEE =0; A, +1798 - 4316 1a5m_ 18m A, = 252N Ans R234, The semicircular disk has a mass of SO kg and is, released from rest from the position shown. The coefficients of static and kinetic friction between the disk land the beam are p= 0.2 and jy = 0.1, respectively. Determine the initial reactions at the pin A and roller B used to support the beam. Neglect the mass of the bear for the calculation. See solution to Prob. R2-33. Here Fe = 139.N > 0.2(432) = 864N Therefore disk will slip. Thus, Fe = 0.1Ne @ = a9 + 80 (ao)ah ~ (ao)y5 doi — 0(0.1698)} CD (aady = 00.1698) o Solving Eqs.(1) - (3) of Prob. R233, and Eqs.(4)8&(5). a= 174 radi? (da) = 0.686 m/s? os 3H25N (@a)y = 2.95 mals? 7 : : = - seg No = 328N flee t 4 4 C+EM, = 0; 342.8(1.25) - B,(3) B, =143N Ans ° +725 = 0; A, + 143-3428 =0 A, = 200N Ans 2-35. The cylinder having a mass of $ kg is initially at rest when it is placed in contact with the wall B and the rotor at A. If the rotor always maintains a constant clockwise angular velocity w = 6 rad/s, determine the initial angular acceleration of the cylinder. The coefficient of Kinetic friction at the contacting surfaces B and C is oe = 02. +TER = m(ag)y; Ny cos45* + 0.2N, sindS? + 0.2Ny ~ 5(9.81) 7, 2K, = m(G)s: Np + 0.2N, cos45° ~ N,sin4s° = 0 (#EMy = Toon O2N4 (0.125) ~0.2N (0.125) = 13(5)(0.125)"Ia ‘Solving, ~~ = N, = 5LON Ny = 28.9N @ = 14.2 rad/s* ‘Ans | *R2-36, The truck carries the 800-Ib crate which has a center of gravity at G. Determine the largest acceleration of the truck so that the crate will not slip or tip on the truck bed. The coefficient of static friction between the crate and the truck is j4, ~ 0. sot, As i ott sume impending sli; Fe = O.6Ne SU * a= 19.32 fs? rE Ne X= 18M > 15 fe crate tips! Thus, x= 158 Fe = 400 Ib 16.1 ft/s” Ans R2-37. The truck has a weight of 8000 Ib and center of gravity at G,. It carries the 800-Ib crate, which has acenter of gravity at G.. Determine the nortnal feaction at each of its four tires if it accelerates at a= 05 fy/s?. Also, ‘what is the frictional force acting between the crate and the truck, and between each of the rear tires and the road? ‘Assume that power is delivered only to the rear tires. The front tires are free to roll. Neglect the mass of the tires. ‘The crate does not slip or tip on the truck. Crate: +125 = 0; Ne = 8001 S2R = mas = Boos) = 1240 Truck and crate; TER = 0; Nyy = 800 8000 = 0 + 800 38000 DFE = mas B= 55005) + S05) CEM, = ECM), Np = 6171.1 Ib A 36.6 Ib $00 Ny = 2628.9 Ib ott A 2 8 8000 | (20) = 800(5) - 8000(15) = - oss ODA R228 Spool Bis at ret and poo is oan at rad/t A hen the slack inthe cod connecing them =~ Determine the angular veloc ofeach spool immediate ater the cord is jerked tight The spook A and B hae spration Wq = 30 1b, ky = 08 1 and 26 respectively C+ i +2) ab = Gd 30 ws fy fy ee Osr7Ko) = Jraec12) = $500.8)", SoA a8 ae Bx C+ Cig), +2) My dt = (iy) me . oa 30ub 15 13 6% 6)" 10D, 300-9)", o+ Jrar(osy Kinematics: 1.20, = 0.405 oy = 30% Ts, @ = 170 rads Ans - = = 510 nds Aas R239. The two 31b rods EF and HI are fixed (welded) Curvilinear translation. to the link AC at E. Determine the internal axial force Ex shear force Ey, and moment Mg, which the bar AC ‘exerts on FE at E if at the instant @ = 30° tink AB has an ‘angular velocity « = 5 rad/s and an angular acceleration (aq), = 8(3) = 24 et @ = Brad/s? as shown. (don = (573) = 75 fs? Bim 19 +28) ase =a 6 6 or AEE = mlag)ys 5 +6 = 25024) cos30" + <55(75)sin30 ‘ 6 ops: SER = medaei B= 355(75) 00830" ~ 65°24) sin30" (MG M505) =0 a Soar nw [ee a u =o B = 486% Ans wo re) —My-=-7.29 Ib-ft a R240, “The dragster has a mass of 1500 kg anda center | cof mast at G.I the coeticient of kinetic friction between the rear wheels and the pavementisj = 06, determine ‘tits posible for the driver to lift the front wheel, A, of the ground while the rear wheels ae slipping. If 9, What acceleration is necessary to do this? Neglect the mas ofthe whee and sume that he on wheel ae eto ral. SER = mag), 0.6Ng = 15000, qa) +TER =m(aq), Ny - 1500(9.81) = 0 (2) (+EMy = Z(My)g; — — 1500(9.81)(1) = —1500(ag)(0.25) Solving Egs.(1)&(2) Ny = 14715 N aeeiee aq = 5.886 mis? cee Ne EO From Eq.(3); de = 39.24 m/s? > _ Acceleration necessary to lift front wheels is ig = 39.2 mis* Ans It cannot be done since 39.2 m/s*> 5.89 mis** Ans R241. ‘The dragster has a mass of 1500 kg and a center of mass at G. If no slipping occurs, determine the friction force Fy which must be applied to each of the rear wheels B in order to develop an acceleration a = 6 m/s". What are the normal reactions of each wheel on the ground? Neglect the mass of the wheels and assume that the front wheels are free to roll ——} 45 -= tag) By 150066) __ +7 ER =m(dg)y: Not Na — 1500(9.81) = 0 (42M, = EOM)ai 150009811) + Na (3.5) F = 9.00 kN @). 22S R242, The 16Mg car shown has been “raked” by increasing the height h = 0.2m of its center of mass This ‘was done by raising the springs on the rear axle If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the rear wheels and the ground is jy = 0.3, show that the car can accelerate slightly faster than its counterpart for which h = 0. Neglect the mass of the wheels and driver and assume the front ‘wheels at B are free to roll while the rear wheels stip. AyER, = mlag),3 0.3Nq = 160006 4 TER =m(dg),3 ” Np + Na ~ 1600(9.81) = 0 C+ EM, = TBG)g3 — 1600(9.81)(1.6) — Ng (2.9) = 1600q6(0 + 0.4) Set h = 0.2 m and solving, a ag = 1.41 mist Ans seeatitde sir OES = nO a) ee, Onn LNs % Ny = 8:19 KN ee ‘born Seth ° Ny = 734KN Ny = 836KN R243, The handcart has a mass of 200 kg and center of mass at G. Determine the normal reactions at each of the Wheels at A and B if a force P = SON is applied to the hhandle. Neglect the mass and rolling resistance of the wheels. ZER = ma; 50c0s60° = 2002, @ _ 200(9.81) - 50sin60” = 0 @ “R24 Ifbar AB has an angular velocity ag = 6 rad/s, determine the velocity of the sider block C at the instant 2 shown, op =O rs Va = Man Tas Vo = Va + OX op Vek = (6k) x(0.2cos45% + O2sind5*9) + (cok) x (0.Sc0s30% — 05sin30°)) Ve = —0.8485 + 00.25) 0 = 0.8485 + 0.433 @ Vesta jie ad _ e i BS Solving S @= 1.96 rad/s) Ans vo = 1.34 m/s ‘Ans R245. The disk is rotating ata constant rate w = 4 rad/s, and as it falls freely, its center has an acceleration of 32.2 f/s*. Determine the acceleration of points A and B on the rim of the disk atthe instant shown: - My = 8g + (Agia), + (Maral — ee (ep. }+[p,]-L2ko [ore] (A) @,.=9 aye ealine (+1) (aq)y = 322-4)" (1.5) = 862 fus = 56.2 us L a = (a), = 56.2808 L Ans ade Car ay = Yap) (0p) = VIE HSLE = 402 Us! Ans fgg ta uae 32 — 9,39 2 ans ial =a R246, ‘The S0-Ib cylinder is rod which is pinned from poi has an angular velocity a, ‘momentarily stops Reyen+y @ = 393° Ans SER = mQo)ei + TEE = m(ag),3 CHEM, = BM) Solving, he Ge 113¢0.5)? + (2)7] + attached to the 10-b slender A.At the instant 6 = 30" it rad/s as shown. Determine the Targest angle @ to which the rod swings before it 1 2 ait 3 1 3093.01)(1)? ~ 10(2.5e0830") — 80(6c0s30°) = [0] - R247, The bicycle and rider have a mass of 80 kg with ‘center of mass located at G. Ifthe coefficient of kinetic friction atthe rear tre is up reactions at the tires A and B, and the deceleration of the rides, when the rear wheel locks for braking. What is the ‘normal reaction at the rear wheel when the bicycle is traveling: at constant-velocity. and the- brakes are_not. applied? Neglect the mass of the wheels O8N, = 802, N, + Ny - 800981) = 0 0.8, determine the normal 10 32.2" (=s)(5)? = 93.01 slug-f? 10(2.5c0s@) — 80(6c086) (0.95) + 80(9.81)(0.55) = 80q_(1.2) +T2R = 0; M +My, -80081)=0 | c#2m = 0; -N(0.95) + 80(9.81)(055) = 0 N, = 330N Ny = 4S4N agen ay = 2.26 mis” Ans = mh. y — 2 Te Ny = 226N Ans feet — wy} Me Ny = 559N Ans esrin For equilibrium 2-48, At the instant shown, link AB has an angular velocity wag = 2rad/s and an angular acceleration aiqp = 6rad/s?, Determine the acceleration of the pin at C and the angular acceleration of fink CB at this instant, when @ = 60°. ac = ap + Bc 2.057 + (ac), = 18 + 1.2 + Gea(0-5) ks Som st _ oe and aloay 3h aang fahes (3). 2057 = -1.2 + ep (0.5) 00830" . “¢ 28. 205m e20.b Tac CY (ae); = 1B + Ge_(0-5)sin30° Gicy = 7.52 rad/s” Ans (ae), = 3.68 mis? de = 1.68)? + (2.057)? = 4.22 mis? Ans | Ans a oe : —_ ot ay + Oca X Fo ~ OFcin 5, 09, 200.398 ' ee (ae),5 + OOH = -@P7ODK ~ 6090 + (ca k) X(-0.5e0860% ~ 0.5sin60°j) ~ 0 2.057 = -1.20 + &p(0.433) = (de) = — 18 — Ge (0.250) ‘R249, The spool has a mass of 60 kg and a radius of aration kg = 0.3m. Ifitis released from rest, determine _| = — hhow tar it descends down the smooth plane before it attains ‘an angular velocity « = 6 rad/s. Neglect friction and the ‘mass of the cord which is wound around the central core. og 03m bor ig = 030 +l. = ww : 2106? + (enn1036077 ee 0 + 588.6sin30%(s) = 5(60(0.3) 0)” + 5(60)10.3(6) ie s = 0.661m ‘Ans ‘R250, eee Cee er spo - ~ — = 7 the coefficient of kinetic friction at A is 2, t tater 03 © (05-03) - om gm 54 = 0.666755 a See +EB, = 0; Ny ~ 588.6c0830° = 0 ON Bacto on 15 yg — C5-" 3m ——— £60103)"166)* + connt(o3y(o}* RSL The gear rack has a mass of 6 kg and the sears cach have a mass of 4 kg and a radius of gyration ‘k= 30 mm at their centers Ifthe rack is originally moving, downward at 2 m/s, when s = 0, determine the speed of the rack when s = 600 mm. The gears are free to turn about their centers, A and B. Conservation of energy : Originally, both gears are rotating with an angular velocity of 0, = ghz = 40 rad/s. After the rack has travelods = 600 mm, both gears rotate ‘with an angular velocity of@», = zis, where U, fs the speed of the rack at that moment. RY eRey $(6)(2)? +243 4(0.03)"](40)} +0 = (603, +2{}[o0n"] os) ‘}-«senco v= 3.46 m/s Ans R252, The car has a mass of 1.50 Mg and a mass center at G. Determine the maximum acceleration it can have i€ (a) power is supplied ony to the rear wheels (b) power is supplied only to the front wheels. Neglect the mass of the wheels inthe calculation, and assume that the wheels that do not receive power are free to rol. Also, assume that slipping of the powered wheels occurs, where the | coefficient of kinetic friction issu = 03. (@) Rear wheel drive ‘Equations of motion : A. ER, =m(aq);i — 0:3Np = 1500) w C 4M, = EMS 1.5(10)5(9:81)(1.3) Np (2-9) 5(10)*a(04) (1 Solving Eqs.{1] and {2] yields fy = 6881 N= 6.88 KN a = 1.38 mis? ‘Ans —|—-. - (b) Front-wheel drive _ ‘Equations of motion : — AER = mag), 5 0.3, = 1.5(10)° a5 wm EM, = E(My) 53 =1,5(10)°(9.81)(1.6) +4 (2.9) = -1.5010)" 2004) re) - Solving Eqs.{1} and (23 yields : Ny = 7196N = 7.80 KN 56 mis? Ans 1500960"

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