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Text 1

Dear Tom,
There was a call from my village, telling that my grandpa is hospitalized. Because of this
problem I have to go home now, so I am sorry for going home without your permission.
Actually I still have to submit my English assignment to Professor Michelle, but I cannot
do it today. Will you please help me do that, because tomorrow is the last time for
submitting. Dont forget to bring my permission letters for the lecturers that I cannot attend
their meeting. They are on our table. I will be back next three days. Thank.
Jember, February 23, 2011
1. What does the text tell us about?
A. Anantas going to his village
B. Toms grandfather is hospitalized
C. Anantas messages to his friend, Tom
D. Tom asked his friend to submit his English assignment.
E. Toms message telling that the letters are on the table.
2. There was a call from my village, telling that my grandpa is hospitalized. Because of this problem I have to go
home now, so I am sorry for going home without your permission What does the underlined word refer to?
A. My village
B. A call from my village
C. I have to go home now
D. My grandpa is hospitalized
E. Sorry for going home without your permission
3. Dont forget to bring my permission letters for the lecturers that I cannot attend their meeting.. The
underlined word can be replace d with
A. Leave D. be present at
B. set out E. put forward
C. substitute
Text 2 Announcement



Nomor : 016/LG.00.03/35/REK-PL/2011
January 13, 2011
In the budget year 2011/2012 PT Petrokimia Gresik will hold a tender of purchasing for
construction services especially mechanical, civil (building and fabric) and electrical services,
with middle up qualification.
If your company has the qualification, and you would like to join the tender, you can send the
prequalification document namely company profile, completed with data of companys setting
up certificate, tax number certificate (NPWP), and working experience to:
The committee of Service Purchasing
Construction and Service Department of Petro Kimia Gresik Jl. Jenderal A.Yani Gresik Kotak
Pos 102 Gresik 61101
On February 26 until March 10, 2011
For further information you can contact 031-398 1811 at 07.00 until 18.00
4. What is the text about?
A. PT Petro Kimia Gresik.
B. The budget year 2011/2012 of PT Petrokimia Gresik.
C. Announcement about PT Petrokimia Gresiks job vacancy.
D. Announcement of service purchasing tender at PT Petrokimia Gresik.
E. Mechanical, civil (building and fabric) and electrical job vacancy of PT Petrokimia Gresik.

5. If a company meets the requirement, how can it join the tender?

A. By waiting for further information
B. By coming to PT Petrokimia Gresik
C. By sending prequalification document to PT Petrokimia Gresik.
D. By calling the leader of the committee on February 26 until March 10, 2011.
E. By contacting 031-398 1811 at 07.00 until 18.00 on February 26 until March 10, 2011.

6. Which is true according to the text?

A. Prequalification is done between February 26 and March 10, 2011
B. The service purchasing tender is preceded by pre-qualification step
C. Any company which sends the prequalification document is accepted
D. The prequalification document includes the certificate of Service Purchasing
E. In the budget year 2011/2012 PT Petrokimia Gresik will hold a tender of selling

Text 3 is taken from Jawa Pos Saturday, February 26, 2011


Pb Taxand is a tax consultancy firm whose corporate philosophy is to provide the best
consultancy services in tax to a wide range of corporate and individual clients. PB Taxand
is a member of Taxand . A global network of leading tax advising.

Due to our growing business, we are looking for a dynamic top caliber and dedicated
professionals to immediately fit the following position:
Junior Tax Consultant.
Candidate s should be below 24 years old.
Preferably have taken Brevet A and B course
Candidate must be accounting graduates from a reputable local or overseas university with
minimum GPA (Grade Point Average) of 3, fluent in written as well as conversational
English and must be proficient in operating computer.
Candidates who meet the above mentioned qualifications are invited to send their
application letter together with detailed curriculum vitae, academic records and the latest
photograph on or before March 10, 2011 to the following address.
HRD Pb Taxand
Graha Bukopin Lantai 8
Jl. Panglima Sudirman 10-18 Surabaya 60271
Or email your application to:
7. What does the text mainly tells us about?
A. Pb Taxand
B. A job vacancy of Pb Taxand
C. An information about Pb Taxand.
D. Pb Taxand is a tax consultancy firm.
E. A news worthy event of Pb Taxand.
8. Which is the true about the text?
A. Everyone has the right to be the member Pb Taxand.
B. Any candidates who has the requirements are allowed to send the application.
C. Only candidates from reputable overseas university will be invited to send the application.
D. Candidates with maximum GPA (Grade Point Average) 3, are invited to send their application
E. Academic records and the latest photograph are the main requirements of the candidates.
9. Candidate must be accounting graduates from a reputable local or overseas university The underlined
word can be replaced with
A. abroad
B. account
C. applicant
D. contender
E. proceeding
Text 4
Infant Formula Ads Affect Breastfeeding
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Wed, 02/23/2011 10:40 AM | National
Excessive infant formula promotion may badly hamper ongoing efforts to boost the six-month-
exclusive breastfeeding program needed to protect newborn babies, an activist says.
Mia Sutanto, the Indonesian Breastfeeding Mothers Association (IBMA) chairwoman, said that
prolonged infant formula promotion had negatively influenced Indonesian women in deciding whether they
had to exclusively breastfeed their newborns.
According to the Indonesia Health and Demographic Survey (SDKI) report in 2007, only 32 percent
of children under six years had exclusive breastfeeding from their mothers, decreasing by six points
compared to the same survey in 2003.
Indonesian children who were breastfed during their first two months of life reached only 48 percent
in 2007, sharply decreasing from 64 percent in 2003. About 65 percent of total newborn babies in 2007 had
received supplemental food, including formula milk, during their first three days of life. Most people
believe that infant formulas are sterile products so they can use it to replace breast milk. In fact, they cannot
use it without risks, she said.
Ayi Jembarwati, the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospitals marketing and development Director, said exclusive
breastfeeding could not be replaced by formula milk.
Breastmilk is the best food for babies, and we should give our babies the best, she said. In some cases, she
said,Newborn babies should receive a supplemental food intake from milk formula if they experienced
medical conditions.
10. What does the text tell us about?
A. Infant formula advertisements.
B. Breast milk is the best food for babies
C. Infant formula ads influence breastfeeding.
D. Indonesian Breastfeeding Mothers Association (IBMA).
E. Indonesia Health and Demographic Survey (SDKI) report.
11. How can people protect their newborn babies?
A. By feeding supplemental food
B. By checking the babies to the doctors
C. By experiencing experienced medical conditions
D. By implementing six-month-exclusive breastfeeding.
E. By giving a supplemental food intake from milk formula.
12. prolonged infant formula promotion had negatively influenced Indonesian women in deciding whether
they had to exclusively breastfeed their newborns. What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. helpfully
B. harmfully
C. absolutely
D. unconstructively
E. unenthusiastically
Text 5
It had been a tiring day and I was looking forward to a quiet evening. My husband would not be back until
late and I had decided to settle down in a comfortable armchair in the living room and read a book. I put the
children to bed early and prepared a cold supper and some coffee. Soon I was sitting comfortably with a tray
full of food before me and book at my side.
I was just beginning to eat when the telephone rang. I dropped my knife and fork and hurried to answer it. By
the time I got back to the living-room, my coffee had got cold. After I finished mu supper, I began drinking
cold coffee with my book open at page one. Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door. It gave me such
surprise that I split the coffee and made an ugly stain on my skirt. Some stranger had lost his way and wanted
me to direct him. It took me ages to get rid of him. At length, I managed to sit down again and actually read
the whole page without further interruption until the baby woke up. He began crying loudly and I rushed
upstairs. The baby was still awake at 11 o clock when my husband came home. I could have screamed when
he asked me if I had spent a pleasant evening.
13. Where did the events described in the text take place?
A. At home
B. In a hotel
C. Outdoors
D. In an office
E. In a restaurant

14. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?

A. The writers husband would not be back until late
B. Being tired, the writer intended to sit in a comfortable armchair and to eat.
C. She had decided to settle down in a comfortable armchair in the living room
D. She was sitting comfortably with a tray full of food before her and book at her side.
E. The writer put the children to bed early and prepared a cold supper and some coffee.
15. Based on the text, how was probably the writers feeling when her husband asked her if she had spent a
pleasant evening?
A. Glad.
B. Pleasant.
C. Very happy.
D. Tired and annoyed.
E. Very happy and pleasant.
16. I managed to sit down again and actually read the whole page without further interruption until the baby
woke up. What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Partner
B. Nightfall
C. Sundown
D. Disruption
E. Companion
Text 6 is for questions 32 to 36
Why Do People Need Glasses ?

When we use a camera, the image of an object is focused on the lens which is produced upside down
and reduced on to the film.
With the eye, the lens is the pupil and the film is the retina. When an object is in focus that is seen
clearly, the image is formed on the retina.
If the image is behind the retina that is log sightedness, where a person needs to have things close to be
able to see them clearly.
Just as a photographer would adjust his camera, so an optician carries out tests and find the best lenses
to enable person to focus an image on the retina.
Many people wear glasses for reading, drawing, studying, watching television, computer work
and driving. An artificial light alters the elasticity of the eye and its ability to focus.
Source: Brown Watson, 366 Questions and answers, Milan, happy Books, 2008.
17. What is the text about?
A. Some eye problems
B. A description of the eye
C. An explanation of how eyes work
D. How an eye is similar to a camera
E. An explanation why people need glasses
18. Where is the image formed on person who sees best something which is far from him/her ?
A. On his retina
B. Behind his pupil
C. Behind his retina
D. In front of his pupil
E. In front of his retina
19. In front of his retinaWhich of the statements is not true based on the text ?
A. The retina works like the film of a camera
B. Any artificial light alters the elasticity of the eye
C. An image is seen clearly if it is formed on the pupil
D. The pupil of the eye works like the lens of a camera
E. An opticians task is to enable a person to focus an image on the retina
20. What is the purpose of the text ?
A. To criticize an art work.
B. To explain why people need glasses.
C. To present at least two points of view about an issue.
D. To describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of steps.
E. To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case.
21. Just as a photographer would adjust his camera....(Paragraph 5). What is the synonym of the word
A. Adapt
B. Supply
C. Reduce
D. Increase
E. Upgrade
Text 7 is for questions 37 to 41
Nowadays, many people have realized that agriculture is much more important than supporting tools in economic
development. In Indonesia, agriculture should be the priority of development because of some good reason.
First of all, the agricultures contribution in the beginning of the development is the highest among the other sectors. At
present, almost half of total Indonesian labors are working in agriculture sector, but the contribution of agriculture sector
does not reach 30 percent.
Second, agriculture sector is expected to fulfill the need of food in a country, as the number of population increases. In an
alarming rate each year, food supply must also increase. But in developing countries, food production and agricultural
production per capita never increase more than one percent each year. And in same extreme case, it is even stagnant.
Last but not least, without agricultural development, the growth of industrial sector will be hampered because the growth
that comes from industry will bring a wider gap into the internal economy in that country. In turn, this gap will create
serious poverty problem, wider inequality of income distribution, and increase unemployment.
Based on the discussion, it is obvious that the government should put agriculture as the priority of national development.
Adapted from: http:/
22. What is the text mainly about?
A. Agriculture
B. Economic development
C. Agricultures contribution
D. The increasing of agricultural production
E. The increasing of food production and agricultural production.
23. What is the further effect if we have poor development of agricultural?
A. The number of population increases in an alarming rate each year.
B. There are many serious problems , such as famine and lack of nutrition
C. Food production and agricultural production per capita never increase more than one percent each year
D. The effect of poor agricultural development, almost half of total Indonesian people is unemployment.
E. The further effect if we have poor development of agricultural, it will create serious poverty problem,
wider inequality of income distribution, and increase unemployment
24. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Agricultural s contribution in Indonesia
B. The Indonesian people mostly work in agricultural sector
C. Contribution of agricultural sector does not reach 30 percent.
D. Agricultural sector is expected to fulfill the need of food in country.
E. Supporting agricultural sector is much more important than tools in economic development.
25. Which of the following statement about agriculture is true according to the text?
A. There isnt reason to increase agricultural contribution
B. The government should not put agricultural sector as the priority of national development
C. In developing countries food production and agricultural production is increasing more than one percent each year.
D. The agricultural sector in the beginning of development is the lowest among the other sectors.
E. In developing countries food production and agricultural production per capita never increase more
than one percent each year.
26. in developing countries, food and agricultural production per capita never increases more than The
underlined word has the same meaning as .
A. budget
B. foreign capital
C. income per year
D. authorized capital
E. income per person
Text 8 is for questions 42 to 46
Herbal medicine is becoming ever more popular in todays world as people seek out natural remedies. There are
many advantages and disadvantages of herbal medicine.
The advantages of using herbal medicines are numerous. Herbal medicines tend to be more effective for long-
standing health complaints that don't respond well to traditional medicine. Herbs typically have fewer side effects, and
may be safer to use over time.
Another advantage to herbal medicine is cost. Herbs cost much less than prescription medications. Research,
testing, and marketing add considerably to the cost of prescription medicines. Herbs tend to be inexpensive compared to
Also herbs are available without a prescription, and some simple herbs, such as peppermint and chamomile, can
be grown at home. In some remote parts of the world, herbs may be the only treatment available to the majority of
people. Many find the easy availability of herbs appealing.
But herbs are not without their risks. For sudden, serious illnesses, mainstream medicine still reigns supreme. An
herbalist would not be able to treat serious trauma, such as a broken leg, nor would he be able to heal appendicitis or a
heart attack as effectively as a conventional doctor using modern diagnostic tests, surgery, and drugs. Modern medicine
treats sudden illness and accidents much more effectively than herbal or alternative treatments
Another disadvantage of herbal medicine is the risks of doing oneself harm through self-dosing with herbs. While
one can argue that the same thing can happen with medications, such as accidentally overdosing on cold remedies, many
herbs do not come with instructions or package inserts. There is very real risk of overdose. Harvesting herbs in the wild is
risky, if not foolhardy, yet some people try to identify and pick wild herbs. They run a very real risk of poisoning themselves
if they don't correctly identify the herb, or if they use the wrong part of the plant.
Because herbal products are not tightly regulated, consumers also run the risk of buying inferior quality herbs. The
quality of herbal products may vary among batches, brands or manufacturers. This can make it much more difficult to
prescribe the proper dose of an herb.
The bottom line is that herbs are medicines, and like taking medications, herbs have some advantages and disadvantages.
Visiting a physician for the correct diagnosis, consulting an herbalist for the proper herb and dosage, and embracing
modern medicine when it makes the most practical sense may be the best of all possible worlds for those who wish to use
alternative and complimentary therapies.
27. What is the text about?
A. The cost of herbal medicine
B. The quality of herbal medicine
C. The risk of using herbal medicine
D. The importance of herbal medicine
E. The advantages and disadvantages of herbal medicine
28. Alternative treatments treat sudden illness and accident .......... than modern medicine.
A. Properly
B. Effectively
C. Ineffectively
D. Less effectively
E. More effectively
29. Which information is suitable with the text?
A. The advantages of using herbal medicines are merely few.
B. The price of herbal medicine is more expensive than drug
C. Herbs are absolutely safe and without any risk to be consumed
D. People taking and consuming herbs in the wild may have the risk being poisoned.
E. Visiting a physician for the correct diagnosis, consulting an herbalist for the proper herb and dosage
are unimportant.
30. Why is harvesting herbs in the wild risky? Because the herbs may be .
A. interesting
B. poisonous
C. effective
D. useful
E. bad
31. Because herbal products are not tightly regulated.....(Paragraph 7). The word in bold means....
A. badly
B. strictly
C. mainly
D. slowly
E. efficiently
Text 9 is for questions 47 to 50
Jennifer Weiner can always be counted on for a good, hearty to read. Something you can curl up with on a
rainy Saturday or breeze through on a lounge chair poolside. Her latest novel, Best Friends Forever released on July
14, 2009, doesnt disappoint.
Our heroine is Addie Downs, an overweight, socially awkward young girl who is desperate for friendship.
When Valerie Adler moves in across the street and takes an interest in Addie, a friendship is born. Its the friendship
Addie has always wanted; true-blue, best friends forever.
But then life happens, and Addie handles a series of difficult, emotionally devastating tragedies with quiet
strength. After a betrayal in high school sends Addie and Valerie on different paths in life, a sudden event occurs
where Valerie needs Addies help and their paths cross again. The combination of Addies witty observations and
Valeries ineptitude are hilarious as the girls find their way back to each other and learn what it really, truly means to
be best friends forever.
Jennifer Weiner, a fiction favorite, delivers a funny, touching story about one of the most relevant topics for
women, friendship, but the tone and cadence of Best Friends Forever is slightly different from some of her other novels. Its
a little more somber, a little more thoughtful. It makes the reader care about Addie. Similar to Rebecca Wells, Jennifer
Weiner uses the perfect blend of funny and sad to make the reader empathize and stick with Addie till the end.
Any woman who has ever had a best friend and wanted that best friend to be a best friend forever will love this book.
Source :
32. What is the book about?
A. A teenage life
B. A love affair
C. A friendship
D. A betrayal
E. A tragedy
33. What is the character of Addie Down in the story?
A. She is optimistic for friendship
B. She is slim enough
C. She is awkward
D. She is careless
E. She is smart
34. Why do they have different path in life? Because.
A. Addie cannot help Valerie
B. they have different interest
C. Addie is desperate for friendship
D. Addie handles a series of difficult
E. of Valeries betrayal in high school
35. The combination of Addies witty observations... (Paragraph 3). The word in bold means....
A. clear
B. fatty
C. funny
D. careful
E. obscure

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