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Millennium Water: 08 HISTORY

The Southeast False Creek Olympic Village
01 Vancouver, Canada 16 POLICY

history + policy
Southeast False Creek (SEFC) is the last remaining large-scale waterfront
property adjacent to Vancouver’s downtown peninsula. From its historic
role as a centre of heavy industry, the lands are being rejuvenated
under the guidance of two decades of city authorities as a model
neighbourhood founded on the four pillars of sustainable community
building – acknowledging social, economic and cultural values alongside
a deep respect for the environment.
The Challenge Series celebrates the achievements and expertise of all
TOWARDS A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE: those who have contributed to this significant urban renewal, beginning
MILLENNIUM WATER – VANCOUVER’S OLYMPIC VILLAGE with the historic vision and land assembly, through the concept
development of a new sustainable neighbourhood, to the delivery of more
The Challenge Series is a celebration. It’s a celebration of the planning,
than 1.5 million square feet of built space – all being undertaken in the
designing and building of Vancouver’s first sustainable neighbourhood
context of a rejuvenated urban framework and new utility infrastructure.
– Millennium Water: The Southeast False Creek Olympic Village.
Stretching across the southeast shore of False Creek, this new The Challenge Series logo is an acknowledgement of the legacy of
community acknowledges and builds on the historic harmony between communication and cooperation that has been the foundation of the
the region’s founding peoples and the land, while recognizing and community, design and municipal process. This partnership has led to
responding to the emerging challenge of climate change and the creativity and innovation that will make this community the first
its direct impact on how we live, work and enjoy the legacy of our completed Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
natural environment. certified Gold sustainable neighbourhood in Canada.

The Challenge Series is published through a sponsorship program I am reminded of my young nephew Steven, who, when learning that
funded by members of the Millennium Water development, design and he had lost his lower left leg in a car accident after a day’s skiing,
construction team and agencies of the federal government. The eight announced to his mother that the challenge for him now would be to
chapters follow the community development from its early concepts ski for New Zealand in the Paralympics. He went on to win a gold and
through design and construction. Each chapter is researched and two bronze medals at the Salt Lake City Winter Paralympics in 2002,
compiled from historic files, interviews with the participants and material creating personal opportunity from personal challenge.
relevant to the building industry’s response to the challenges of climate Such is the opportunity for our designers, builders and communities
change, carbon footprints and responsible resource consumption. to find new and innovative ways of working and living together that
balance our present needs with those of future generations.
As the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games will
challenge the world’s athletes to achieve outstanding levels of personal It is in this context of knowledge sharing that the Millennium Water
performance, we anticipate that this publication will educate and inspire team offers these insights into the challenges and opportunities
both the building industry and consumers alike to strive towards a gleaned from two decades of collaboration and mutual cooperation.
more resilient living environment. Acknowledging the challenges and Such is the collective spirit that lies behind the renewal of the SEFC
innovation inherent in this undertaking, The Challenge Series can build lands and the construction of the Millennium Water Village, home to
upon this knowledge and experience as the residential development the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.
industry moves into the coming decade. The knowledge gained
demonstrates British Columbia’s and Canada’s commitment to a global Roger Bayley
future through the efforts of our people and our environmental and Design Manager: Millennium Water –
social policy. The SEFC Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Village


“On the south shore of False Creek, develop a neighbourhood that is the model of sustainability, incorporating:
forward-thinking infrastructure; strategic energy reduction; high-performance buildings; and high transit access.”

This introductory chapter provides a glimpse into the history, policies and
personalities that shaped the development of a sustainable community
in Southeast False Creek (SEFC). Formerly an important industrial hub
for Vancouver, SEFC occupies a key piece of waterfront real estate
adjacent to the city’s downtown core. The future of SEFC became a focal
point of discussion in the early 1990s, following the city’s decision to
release the SEFC lands from the industrial land base. It became clear
that the redevelopment of this 80-acre centrally located site presented
an opportunity to make a statement about the direction of future
development in Vancouver.
In 1991, Vancouver’s city council determined that the SEFC lands
should be a model sustainable community: “On the south shore of False
Creek, develop a neighbourhood that is the model of sustainability,
incorporating: forward-thinking infrastructure; strategic energy reduction;
high-performance buildings; and high transit access.” This proclamation
marked a momentous achievement for the City of Vancouver, and a turning
point toward a sustainable approach to urban design. In the ensuing
years, city staff and countless people from local interest groups and the Granville Island North False Creek
professional community became involved in the visioning process for the Northeast False Creek
site’s redevelopment.
Chapter One of The Challenge Series describes SEFC’s past and future and Southeast False Creek
discusses the importance of sustainable community development. It looks South False Creek
at the influences that led to the policy development and design of a new
sustainable neighbourhood.

From industrial hub to vacant brownfield to sustainable community


Gordon Price on
the Evolution of False Creek

On the shores of False Creek, the Alderman Walter Hardwick in as much by the challenges of
dreams of successive generations particular – conceived of an idyllic sustainability as the desires of Ian Smith
have been realized, often beyond residential community that would livability. This sustainable community City of Vancouver SEFC Project Office
their expectations, beginning with express the ideals of a generation would take on the critical problems
the greatest of them all: Canada’s that rejected the harsh modernism facing us as producers and As a Senior Planner in the City of
national dream of a continental of freeways and urban renewal for consumers on this planet and serve Vancouver’s Central Area Planning
railway. When the trains reached car-free village squares and bike-filled as a place of continuous learning Division, Ian led the planning process
their destination here, not only were greenways; a place to raise children, and problem solving. for SEFC beginning in 1997. He was
a nation, a port and a city willed into with mixed uses and mixed incomes. instrumental in assembling the advisory
The look of the Olympic Village may group, commissioning consultant
being, but the creek itself became It all seems so obvious now, but it be different than what came before, reports, facilitating meetings internally
an expression of our relationship was so radical then. but the process is much the same. and with the public, creating the policy
with nature. When it came time for the This combination of vision and public statement and the Official Development
First came industry, belching soot transformation of False Creek’s north policy was discussed at a hundred Plan and passing key reports through city
into the air, sewage into the water shore following Expo ‘86, the private public meetings, filtered through council. Ian is currently the Manager of
Development at the City of Vancouver’s
and filling in three-quarters of the and public sectors jointly built on a dozen staff reports, redesigned
SEFC Project Office. Ian coordinated all
creek. (It would later be dredged by the successes of the south shore by by the architects, reconceived by aspects of the development between the
the federal government and used embracing a high-density, high-rise the marketers and rehashed by the city and Millennium – from the master
to create Granville Island.) Those urbanism that eventually came to be politicians. Now gracing the shores plan and rezoning to permitting and
industries built a city, provisioned called “Vancouverism.” The iconic of False Creek, the Millennium Water construction. He is the city representative
a navy for war, brought jobs and skyline exemplified by the residential Southeast False Creek Olympic responsible for the construction of
prosperity in peace, and eventually high-rise “point-tower-and-podium” Village is another expression of the the affordable housing units and the
community centre. Following completion
declined as jobs turned from blue- model spread around the world. dreams of another generation.
and delivery of the site to Vancouver’s
collar to white. And so, when the Southeast False Olympic Committee – after more than
Then came green. After the City Creek brownfield site came up for Gordon Price 12 years of working on SEFC – Ian plans
of Vancouver acquired lands along consideration, a new consensus Director, SFU City Program to retire to Nova Scotia and focus on
golf and kayaking.
the south shore of False Creek, proffered an alternative vision, this Councillor for the City of Vancouver
the city council of the early 1970s – one closer to the ground, motivated from 1986 to 2002


Life on this planet is in peril. The stability of the Earth’s natural cycles is jeopardized by
the actions we have taken in the last century.
Where Vancouver’s Our development methods, sound mood disorders and lost productivity. improve indoor air quality and make
greenhouse gas emissions as they seemed at the time, have In terms of waste, Industry Canada day lighting a reality. Communities
come from (%)
wreaked havoc on our environment. cites that about one-third of the in which people can work, play and
Increased greenhouse gases (GHG), material in Greater Vancouver’s live within walking distances are
caused primarily by burning fossil landfill is demolition, land clearing emerging globally.
buildings and construction waste.
fuels, threaten to heat the Earth to
The environmental challenge we’re
unprecedented levels. The world’s However, nothing is keeping us facing has been met with examples
top scientists predict erratic weather, from changing these conditions and of astounding human innovation.
rising sea levels, drought and establishing a healthy and vibrant Signs of a potential healthy future
passenger agricultural failure as a result. In way of living. All the technology are emerging. It is possible to bring
vehicles short, the way in which we have necessary to make the shift towards the building industry together to
used the planet for our gain may also environmentally conscientious create sustainable communities that
be a means to our own destruction. methods of building already exist. enrich lives today as well as those
Contrary to popular belief, cars The industry has already proven that of future generations. Millennium
mobile are not the worst GHG culprits. Water, Vancouver’s Olympic Village,
an incredible 90 per cent diversion
According to the City of Vancouver, rate for waste on construction is an inspired example of a model
buildings contribute more than sites is possible. Wind and solar neighbourhood striving towards
50 per cent of the city’s total GHG technology is available and already sustainability. It demonstrates
emissions. Most buildings, too serving foreign countries very well, new and progressive design and
solid waste hastily constructed, also waste slicing their GHG emissions by construction standards that will help
valuable fresh water and have such a remarkable amount. Products redefine the building industry over
poor indoor air quality and natural and building methods have been the coming decades – and contribute
lighting that workers suffer from designed and implemented to to a healthier world.

heavy trucks

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a voluntary certification system for projects seeking to meet an established
level of environmental performance. The Canada Green Building Council oversees the LEED certification process in Canada. A LEED
project must comply with a set of criteria to meet one of four levels of certification: Certified, Silver, Gold or Platinum. The City of
Vancouver is pursuing Gold designation for SEFC in a LEED for Neighbourhood Development (LEED-ND) pilot study. The LEED-ND
criteria integrate the principles of smart growth, urbanism and green building into a certification system for overall neighbourhood design.


A Design Charrette
is no Small Undertaking

In October 1998, the City of questions: What do we want for the preparation for team presentations A design charrette is no small
Vancouver Planning Department site? What is important? What does on the final day. An open discussion undertaking; the successes
and its consultants organized a the neighbourhood look and feel like? followed the team presentations. It and benefits are well worth the
multidisciplinary design charrette The answers were communicated included reflections on various ideas challenges and, when done well,
to imagine what a sustainable verbally, in writing and through presented and on the opportunities can increase community learning
neighbourhood might look like at drawings, ultimately creating four and constraints provided by the about complex issues. For the
SEFC. The purpose was to discover different designs or vision solutions. policies that informed the charrette. City of Vancouver, this charrette
different urban design options that The discussion provided valuable successfully engaged a range of
realized the best-practice objectives, The primary issues explored through feedback for city staff in their experts to collaborate and imagine
sustainability-based principles and the charrette included land and water ongoing policy development work. how best to bring the vision for
performance targets of the SEFC (fresh water, open space, soil); the SEFC to life.
built environments (public spaces, A commitment to the guiding
policy statement. (See page 20.)
community facilities, streets/parking, principles of sustainability was
Spread over three days, the charrette The strength of a charrette is that it brings
buildings); building design and common in all of the designs.
involved 28 professional architects, together a diverse range of expertise
performance (energy, heights, site Differences in designs fulfilled the
landscape architects, engineers, and interests to collaborate on creating
size, views); and wastes (greywater, charrette’s goal of providing city innovative design solutions that embody
developers and planner-regulators
blackwater, household and council, staff, consultants and the multiple objectives and mutual interests.
and 12 students.
green waste). larger community with various
Participants were asked to keep options. Recommended changes
an open mind and work collectively, During the three days of the charrette, were made to certain city policies
bringing a diversity of expertise participants worked and ate together (including bylaws and regulations),
to the dialogue. Guided by the as they brainstormed, sought team plans, approaches and even to the
redevelopment policies for SEFC, consensus, explored policies, and mandates/functions of some city
the group responded to the following generated and tested ideas in department/operational units.







First Nations First Land Mount Pleasant Sawmills & The Great War Post-War Years The Great Second
History Development is Developed Shingle Mills Depression World War

Southeast False Creek SEFC was subdivided into In the 1890s, the city’s Sawmills and shingle During the First World A number of new wood Despite the Great During the war years,
was frequented by streets by Israel Powell residential development mills lined the shores War, the city block at and coal yards appeared Depression, SEFC was the Industrial Age
First Nations peoples in 1888. spilled south over of False Creek in this the foot of Columbia along the SEFC shore, the site of new and peaked in False Creek
for at least 3,000 years, False Creek, creating decade. In total, 17 Street (the Canron site) while the sawmills and increasing activity in as 5,000 union workers
and likely for about the city’s first suburb, sawmills were eventually was home to Coughlan’s metalworking industries the 1930s. In 1931, the laboured at the Canron
10,000 years. The area Mount Pleasant, but built, employing 10,000 Shipyard, where a thrived. Vancouver Salt Company site. Thousands of other
is part of the territory construction had not workers. large contract to build constructed a new workers cranked out
traditionally used by the yet reached the area’s 8,000-tonne naval ships building at the foot of materials for the war
Musqueam, Squamish shoreline. made the company Manitoba Street. effort at more than a
and Tsleil-waututh Vancouver’s largest dozen sawmills.
peoples. employer in 1918.






Post-War Years 1960s-1980s: False Creek Expo ‘86 SEFC Planning SEFC Official Vancouver 2010
Industrial Decline is Rezoned World’s Fair Process Begins Development Plan Olympic and
Approved Paralympic Winter

The main plants along In the 1960s, industry began to leave False Creek. In the 1980s, industry In 1990, the City of On March 1, 2005, Vancouver’s city council approved
the SEFC shore, from In 1970, the City of Vancouver rezoned much of False was cleared from the Vancouver removed the Official Development Plan for SEFC.
west to east, were the Creek for housing and parks. Meanwhile in SEFC, north shore of False the SEFC lands from In April 2006, Vancouver’s city council selected
City Yard, Dominion workers in the Canron Building were fabricating steel Creek in preparation for the industrial land Millennium Properties Ltd. as the developer of the
Bridge, Western Bridge for sites all over the world. Local applications include hosting the Expo ’86 base. Vancouver’s city SEFC Olympic Village site.
Steel Fabricating (later downtown Vancouver high-rises, the Alex Fraser World’s Fair. council adopted the
Canron), Sauder Lumber Bridge, West Edmonton Mall, Canada Place, Seattle’s “Clouds of Change” report, Construction began in 2007 and is scheduled for
Company, Vancouver Salt Husky Stadium and the Boeing plant in Everett, establishing pollution completion in October 2009.
Company and Ruskin Washington, which was at that time the largest reduction targets. Vancouver and Whistler host the 2010 Winter Olympic
Cedar Products. free-standing building in the world. In 1991, the City of Games from February 12-28, 2010 and the Paralympic
Vancouver proclaimed Games from March 12-21, 2010.
that SEFC would be The summer of 2010 marks the permanent occupancy
the site of a model of Millennium Water Olympic Village.
sustainable community.
In 1999, Vancouver’s
city council adopted the
SEFC policy statement,
which established
sustainable development
principles for the site’s

Gordon Campbell Larry Campbell Gregor Robertson
1986-1993 2002-2005 2008-present

Michael Harcourt Philip Owen Sam Sullivan

1980-1986 1993-2002 2005-2008

Natural History and First Nations

Before the arrival of the Europeans,
the False Creek area was surrounded
by a dense temperate rainforest of fir,
hemlock, spruce and salal. Numerous
salmon-bearing streams meandered
through the trees, draining into the
Pacific at False Creek. First Nations
peoples, including the Musqueam,
Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh,
inhabited the area; evidence of early
settlements on False Creek dates
back 3,000 years. The “creek” itself
was five times its present size and
its boundaries reached well into
areas now filled and urbanized. The
east end of the creek was a large
tidal mud flat. The creek’s shallows
supported a rich diversity of sea life:
shellfish and crustaceans abounded
while the waters off the tidal beach
supported sole, perch and sturgeon.
The rich ecosystem of the estuary
attracted migratory birds, and the
coniferous forest was home to bears,
cougars, elk and deer. 2

3 4
Industrial History
The name “False Creek” was
coined by English sea captain
Captain George Richards in 1859,
when, expecting to pass through
the waterway to Burrard Inlet, he
instead came to a dead end. In 1867,
Julius Voight, another of the early
Europeans to arrive in Vancouver,
built a cabin adjacent to the SEFC
site. The ensuing influx of European
settlers marked the beginning of
an industrial period that would last
more than a century. The industrial
period began with the harvesting of
local forest resources, and the area
soon developed into a busy centre
for manufacturing and processing.
Southeast False Creek became an
important industrial hub beginning
in the late 1800s. The site was used
for a variety of activities and was
occupied by shipbuilders, sawmills,
foundries, metalworks, a salt refinery
and a public works yard. Though
few signs of its industrial past exist
on the site today, its legacy is far-
reaching. Much of the city’s early
infrastructure, upon which modern-
day Vancouver was built, was
fabricated on this site.

1 Vancouver from the Lee block at the corner of Broadway and Main Street, 1913
2 Behind L.A. Hamilton’s campsite on the south side of False Creek, 1886
3 Looking east from the shore at the foot of Nicola Street, 1900
4 One of the last squatters’ shacks near the Burrard Bridge on False Creek, 1934
5 Hull No. 106 under construction at West Coast Shipbuilders Limited, 1942
6 West Coast Shipbuilders Limited site under construction, 1941

Vancouver is a young city, incorporated in 1886. Its natural boundaries

South False Creek
– ocean, river and mountains – have influenced the evolution of the
city’s built form. With limited opportunities for peripheral growth, S TAT S offsite. Development guidelines
recent development in the City of Vancouver has grown upward instead AREA: 76 ACRES for the area were adopted by city
of outward. Vancouver’s downtown core sits on a small peninsula council in 1973, requiring a range of
dotted with dense commercial and residential development stretching HOUSING UNITS: 2,811 housing to provide a social mix that
westward to Stanley Park, one of North America’s largest urban parks. PARKS/OPEN SPACE: 26 ACRES reflected the city’s income and social
PARK SPACE PER UNIT: 402 SQUARE FEET composition. Construction began in
Over the past 30 years, the city’s downtown skyline has transformed 1976 and continued through to 1990.
South False Creek, east of the The 76-acre site now contains 2,800
dramatically, as has its demographic makeup. Recent years have
Granville Island Public Market, was residential units, 1,040 of which are
seen a surge in the number of people who call downtown their home. the first housing development to non-market units.
New downtown residents live in a sea of high-rise condominium appear on the shores of False Creek. This low- to mid-rise, medium-density
towers. Modern Vancouver has gained a reputation for dense urban The province acquired the land from residential development was highly
living, so much a part of its identity that the model is often referred to Canadian Pacific Railway in 1928 and successful and is viewed by many to
as “Vancouverism.” sold it to the City of Vancouver in be one of the more desirable places to
1968 at a time when industry moved live in the city. Building heights range
Vancouver’s Central Area Planning department developed the
“Living First” strategy in the 1980s, emphasizing housing intensity
and diversity; coherent, identifiable neighbourhoods; and regional 1978

architectural principles. Living First saw some eight million square

feet rezoned from commercial to residential in the downtown core.
Railyards and industrial zones along the waterfront were likewise
earmarked for housing. This proactive planning agenda, combined
with immigration patterns and the economic climate, contributed to a 2003
period of dramatic growth. Vancouver’s downtown population doubled
in the 20 years since the advent of Living First, reaching more than
100,000 residents. As communities such as North False Creek, Coal
Harbour and CityGate are completed, more than 120,000 people will
live in or adjacent to downtown. The Changing City – Vancouver in 1978 and 2003: Downtown and False Creek from the Granville Street Bridge

North False Creek:
Concord Pacific Lands
from an average of three to six storeys S TAT S development. Concord Pacific has a leader in urban revitalization. The
up to a maximum of 13 storeys. AREA: 166 ACRES since built out 166 acres of inner city neighbourhood integrates a range of
The neighbourhood offers a mix of POPULATION: 13,000
area on this site. The development, civic amenities as part of the rezoning
community services, public spaces, HOUSING UNITS: 9,180 Concord Pacific Place, explored urban process. These include 42 acres
public transportation, marinas, 25 PARKS/OPEN SPACE: 42 ACRES design strategies for high-density, of public park space, a continuous
acres of parkland and 275,000 square PARK SPACE PER UNIT: 200 SQUARE FEET high-rise residential living. Planning waterfront walk- and bike-way,
feet of commercial space. Various included a seamless integration of 25 per cent family-oriented housing,
housing alternatives co-exist, including The north shore of False Creek was market and non-market housing. 20 per cent non-market housing,
housing cooperatives and public and cleared of virtually all industry in The development extended the streets two elementary schools, four daycare
rental housing. The development’s preparation for the Expo ’86 World’s of the downtown grid to meet the centres and a community centre.
approach to amenities and social Fair. Following Expo, the provincial waterfront, allowing access to a The development also added space
diversity presented a new model for government sold the lands to the body of water long cut off from the for more than 20,000 new residents
urban development. public realm.
Concord Pacific development downtown, bringing people’s homes
group and the area was rezoned Concord Pacific Place contributed to and workplaces close together, and
to a comprehensive mixed-use Vancouver’s emerging reputation as breathing new life to the inner city.


Historical Changes to False Creek’s Shoreline

The original shoreline of Southeast False Creek was close to First Avenue. 2008 Google maps
Today’s shoreline extends several hundred meters from First Avenue 1939 City of Vancouver
1906 Atlas of Canada
into the creek, having been filled over the years with material from many original Historical atlas
sources, including a railway cut and ash from a local incinerator.

The SEFC site is divided into three distinct districts, derived from the industrial activities that once
flourished on its shores: Worksyard, Shipyard and Railyard. Letterbox Design Group, a Vancouver-
based graphic design firm, developed a brand identity for this new community that simply, yet
dramatically, defines the neighbourhood’s character. The symbols are derived from the history of
each place and the physical elements associated with it: bolts, screws and threaded pipes; the ribs
of a ship’s hull; and railway spikes.



The Millennium Water Olympic In 1935, a steel fabrication plant With the advent of the Second World period, the industry produced steel
Village lies at the centre of the was built on the shipyard site. This War, the shipbuilding industry re- for iconic structures such as the Alex
SEFC site on the site of the historic three-acre plant came to be known emerged, employing another 2,000 Fraser Bridge, Canada Place and the
shipyard. During the First World as the Canron Building and was the steelworkers in the fabrication of largest free-standing building in the
War the shipyard was Vancouver’s site of the production of steel that large sections of 10,000 freighters world, the Boeing plant in Everett,
largest employer, with a 2,000-strong was used to construct some of the to replace the ships sunk by German Washington. Operations ceased at
workforce. Called Coughlan’s region’s major transportation routes, U-boats in the North Atlantic. the Canron Building in 1990, and the
Shipyard, the site saw the including the First Avenue Viaduct, Following the two wars, the shipyard building was demolished in 1998.
construction of the largest tonnage the Pattullo Bridge and the towers of site remained operational, employing
of steel ships in the British Empire. the Lions Gate Bridge. up to 5,000 workers. During this


The location of the historic Salt that remains intact, the Salt Building refrigeration. Once the salt industry Salt Company is working to give the
Building marks the original shoreline has heritage designation. moved out, in the 1980s, the building building new life. The Salt Building
of False Creek. The 16,000 square The building was originally used was adapted for use as a paper will be used as a social gathering
foot building was erected in 1930 as a salt refinery, storage facility recycling plant. place during the 2010 Games
on exposed timber piles along and distribution centre. Salt arrived Recently, under city ownership, and following the Olympics it will
the water’s edge. Inside the Salt by ship from San Francisco, where the foundation and a portion of continue to be a public amenity,
Building, elaborate roof trusses that it had been roughly processed, the structure of the Salt Building housing a restaurant and brew pub.
support the structure are visible and would be cleansed, ground were upgraded in preparation for a
within a large, open space. One of and packaged for use in the rehabilitation project. A consortium
the last industrial buildings at SEFC fishing industry for canning and of companies called The Vancouver

“Built form in SEFC, including building height, character,

massing and views, should create identifiable
neighbourhoods which accommodate a wide range of
land uses and a diversity of residents.”
SEFC Policy Statement, 1999
Vancouver Salt Company, 1933


How do you find meaning from a Clouds of Change: Searching for

brownfield? What is the shared A Policy-Making Milestone Sustainable Solutions
vision for SEFC? How do you build A significant policy move toward A number of issues influenced the In 1997, Stanley Kwok submitted a
an authentic community? These adopting sustainability as a guiding approach to redevelopment. These proposal for the site titled “Creekside
questions and others charted the principle at the city scale was the included heritage considerations, Landing.” The proposed built form
course for an incredible learning “Clouds of Change” report, passed by a desire for parkland, the economics in Creekside Landing echoed to a
journey for the enormous team council in 1990. “Clouds of Change” of various densities of housing and large extent the development at North
of citizens, community groups outlined a series of initiatives aimed social mixes and the cost associated False Creek, which is characterized by
and professionals involved in the at improving air quality in Vancouver. with remediating the contaminated tall residential towers built on a base
The report addressed emissions, land. The City of Vancouver’s of street-level retail amenities and
visioning and decision-making
transportation and energy and land Property Endowment Fund (PEF) townhouses. Opponents of Creekside
process for the future of SEFC. had a mandate to accomplish the Landing favoured a model more
use issues and recommended that
Following the removal of SEFC from the city commit to a 20 per cent city’s goal of developing a model of akin to the dense low-rise model of
the industrial land base in 1990, reduction in carbon dioxide emissions sustainability. The PEF commissioned South False Creek. They preferred to
from 1988 levels by 2005. local development consultant develop smaller sites with individual
discussion arose about how the
Stanley Kwok to develop and test character as an explicit contrast
80-acre site should be redeveloped. In 1995, city council determined
concepts for the physical plan of to the consolidated towers of North
A variety of ideas were proposed, that SEFC should be redeveloped
the site based on the economics False Creek.
ranging from a large urban park into a residential neighbourhood
of redeveloping the site. Baker
to a high-tech office district to a that would be a model sustainable
McGarva Hart/VIA Architecture
community. The city commissioned
residential community. From this were retained by the PEF as design
studies that would determine the most
diversity of views there arose a consultants, tasked with proposing
economically feasible and socially and
consensus that this unique piece an approach to planning that would
environmentally sustainable use of
of property should become a model integrate the sustainability aspirations
the land. What type of neighbourhood
of the project.
of sustainability. would best express the commitment
to sustainability?

“It takes a village to raise a village.”

Scot Hein, Architect and Senior Urban Designer, City of Vancouver




Policy Guidelines
Mark Holland
Consultants Inc.
In 1998, as the design debate continued During the period of policy
to unfold, the city commissioned a development, an advisory group was VANCOUVER CITY PLANNING COMMISSION
Mark Holland was instrumental in building
report from the Sheltair Group called formed, representing many interest the sustainability agenda for the City of
“Vision, Tools and Targets.” The goal groups and professional associations. Vancouver in the late 1990s in his role as
of the report was to generate a set This multidisciplinary group worked BICYCLE
the sustainable
development planner and
of performance targets and precedents with city staff to integrate the findings project coordinator for SEFC.
HERITAGE would influence the next phase of “Vision, Tools and Targets” together integral to researching and writing the
of design proposals. This report with recommendations from the SEFC Policy Statement
of the ensuing action plans: The SEFC
talked about the concept of complete 1998 SEFC design charrette into SCHOOL BOARD
Energy Strategy, TheVANCOUVER
communities, where people live, work what would become the SEFC Policy
and have access to basic goods and Statement. The policy statement
BC HYDRO Urban Agriculture Strategy. Mark co-
services within a close radius of their would serve as a guide to the URBAN DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE founded Holland Barrs Planning in 2001
homes. A notable outcome of the sustainable development of the site. BC CONSTRUCTION ROUNDTABLE and is currently a Principal at HB Lanarc,
SEFC visioning process was a growing aARCHITECTURAL
planning and designOFfirm
INSTITUTE in Vancouver.
recognition that high-density housing PLANNING INSTITUTE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA
VANCITY CREDIT mixed-use communities are
key ingredients of urban sustainability. SOUTHEAST FALSE CREEK WORKING GROUP

CHALLENGE For policy-makers and authorities at all levels of government to implement planning policies and green 17
building strategies in support of sustainable community development.

Raising the Bar: From Plan… Principles of Sustainable Development for SEFC
Years of studies, consultation
and community involvement
Promote the implementation of Enhance the social and natural Ensure that the community can adapt
culminated in the production of
sustainable development principles in environment by creating a walkable, to new social and economic conditions,
a milestone document: The SEFC
an urban setting. safe and green neighbourhood. policies, programs, legislation and
Policy Statement. Normally, policy technology.
general planning principles to guide Ensure that the development improves Create housing opportunities for a range 12) INTEGRATION
a site’s development. The policy the ecological health of the False Creek of income groups and social and physical Promote integration with the city through
basin. infrastructure for people of all ages. planning, design, community involvement
statement for SEFC, however,
and public amenities.
pushed the boundaries by describing 3) ECONOMIC VIABILITY AND VITALITY 8) EDUCATION
a vision for the development of a Aim to achieve economic viability Encourage awareness of the principles 13) SPIRIT OF THE PLACE
sustainable community. with opportunities for employment of sustainability and how these are Promote planning and development
and investment to ensure long-term implemented on the site. guidelines that celebrate the unique natural,
The policy statement included 14
prosperity. social and historical context of SEFC.
principles of sustainable development 9) PARTICIPATION
to guide the creation of a sustainable 4) PRIORITIES Encourage public involvement in decision- 14) COMPLETE COMMUNITY
community. These principles would Set social and environmental performance making processes. Develop a complete community where
carry on throughout the course targets that can be met in an economically residents live, work, play and learn within
of development, helping to inform viable fashion. a convenient walking, cycling or transit-
Promote accountability by monitoring riding distance.
decision-making throughout the 5) CULTURAL VITALITY impacts using post-occupancy studies
design process. Encourage vitality, diversity and cultural and community consultation.
richness, respecting the history and
…to Action! context of the site.

Following the adoption of the policy

statement by city council in 1999,
it came time to turn the plans into Innovation: Spin-Off Achievements
achievable actions. The city engaged •T
 he city chose to adopt a green building rating system to • The development of a Green Building Strategy to guide the
a suite of consultants to develop ensure a high level of environmental design at SEFC. The LEED development of SEFC led to the creation of a city-wide green
action plans describing how standard was adapted for use in Canada so that it could be building strategy and ultimately to the creation of the City of
to achieve sustainability targets. applied to the SEFC project. The Canadian version of LEED led Vancouver’s Office of Sustainability.
to the development of the LEED Canada certification system and
ultimately the formation of the Canada Green Building Council.


“The praise needs to go to the councils of the day who stepped up to do the ‘Clouds PROFILE

of Change’ report and then supported SEFC through its steps ... It was a combination Graham McGarva
of strong leadership, commitment, clear vision, excellent technical knowledge and VIA Architecture

community buy-in.” Mark Holland, Principal, HB Lanarc and former Planner, City of Vancouver As Principal of BMH/VIA, Graham McGarva
has worked on the development of SEFC
from 1996 to the present. Starting as
Stanley Kwok’s urban design consultant
for the initial concept and policy stages,
Graham and his team continued as
prime consultant from the Athletes’
Village Olympic bid process through
to the approval of the SEFC Official
Development Plan in 2005. Since then,
VIA has rezoned the triangular Hinge
Park site at First Avenue and Columbia
Street for the post-Olympics phase of
Millennium Water, continuing Graham’s
full SEFC cycle from planning inception
to architectural execution.
An early development plan application
for SEFC submitted by VIA Architecture,
PWL Partnership and Hay & Company
contained a suite of poems as part of its
urban design principles. The following
excerpt paints a picture of the ever-
This drawing is taken from a plan submitted in many ways the pattern of development changing landscape at SEFC:
to council by development consultant on the north side of False Creek. The logic
Stanley Kwok at the behest of the City behind this high-density plan was that the Tidal flats and inlet,
of Vancouver Real Estate Department. proposed model would be the only way Life dug from the ooze,
Kwok’s submission featured residential to generate enough capital to pay for the Ship slips, loading docks & rail tracks.
towers of 20 or more storeys, mimicking cleanup of this polluted site. Salt, Best, Canron.
Remembering and reusing stuff,
Keeping on trucking,
Working life amid the revelation of water.
Peeling back the industrial wall,
Renewing access denied for a century,
Building future on firm ground.
— Graham McGarva


This rendering, a watercolour painted use high street. The image captures the Stemming from the visioning statements and life cycles within a community. The
by architect Bob Worden, was created renovated Salt Building and features in the urban design guidelines for SEFC, drawing stems from the idea that one key
following the 1998 SEFC design charrette. light rail transit with residential towers in this drawing emphasizes a range of to a successful urban community is the
It shows a view along First Avenue, the background. different housing types and building experience of the “sweep of the sun,”
demonstrating its development as a mixed- forms. Borrowing from Vancouver’s which requires a full repertoire of open
successes in South False Creek, the West spaces, building shapes and solar access
End and downtown, Baker McGarva Hart/ – both direct and reflecting off walls and
VIA Architecture’s proposed peaks and windows.
valleys support the diversity of lifestyles


City of Vancouver
SEFC Project Office

The City of Vancouver created the SEFC

Project Office to oversee the development
of the SEFC city-owned lands, representing
the city as a property owner, developer
and development partner. The SEFC
Project Office plays a unique role, acting
as a liaison internally – between the city’s
planning, development, engineering
and sustainability departments and the
Vancouver Park Board – and externally,
between the various developers,
architects and consultants who would
develop the land over the course of
several years.
Established in May 2005 at an on-site
location, the SEFC Project Office initially
focused on the development of Area 2A,
the site of the Olympic Village. Its first
major tasks included the consolidation
and subdivision of the city-owned
lands, procurement of environmental
approvals for the foreshore and uplands
This illustration, submitted to the City of and Garbage.” These keywords capture development, selection of a developer for
Vancouver by Baker McGarva Hart / VIA the essence of the diverse activities that the building sites, and direct coordination
Architecture, depicts the character of the contribute to the vibrancy of a pedestrian of designers and contractors for the
pedestrian mews. The fundamentals of street: chance social encounters, ball public spaces. The SEFC Project Office
patterning the street network as envisioned games, storm water management and has also acted as the city liaison with
by the designers were “Pizza, Grandma pizza delivery. Vancouver’s 2010 Olympic Organizing
Committee (VANOC) for all matters
related to the Vancouver Olympic Village.
3 Learn more about the role of the
Project Office in Chapter Two: Planning
1 First Avenue ‘High’ Street + Olympics.
2 Naturalized Shoreline
3 Salt Building Reuse



Fiona Crofton, Scot Hein, Mark Holland,
Norm Hotson, Lance Jakubec, Hal Kalman, Millennium Southeast Metro-Can Construction ITC Construction Group Rennie Marketing Systems Durante Kreuk
Barb Lindsay, Stu Lyon, Graham McGarva, False Creek Properties Ltd. (OV) Ltd. Landscape Architects
Robin Petri, Ian Smith Millennium Group is an award- Metro-Can Construction is among ITC Construction Group has Rennie Marketing Systems Durante Kreuk is an award-
winning Vancouver-based team of the top 50 general contractors proven capabilities in multi-unit (RMS) proudly leads the sales winning landscape architectural
Contributors professionals and the developers in Canada and the top five in residential, commercial and social and marketing campaign for firm with over thirty years’
THE CHALLENGE SERIES TEAM of Millennium Water Olympic British Columbia. Focusing on housing construction projects. the residential component of experience in the private and
Village. They are renowned for turning visions into buildings and Established in 1983, they have Millennium Water. Led by Bob public realms of design and
Roger Bayley their disciplined commitment delivering value to their clients, successfully completed over 100 Rennie, RMS works closely as development. A broad perspective
Principal, Roger Bayley Inc. to high quality architecture and Metro-Can has completed over projects for private developers ‘Millennium’s representative’ and diverse thinking are the
Sarah Cheevers luxurious design. At 1.4 million 280 institutional, commercial and and public initiatives in BC and to bring to market the most key to creating a wide range of
square feet, Millennium Water multi-family residential projects. Alberta. ITC is proud to be the innovative sustainable community sustainable, people-focused urban
Writer and Project Manager is the largest single-phase Since placing the first foundations General Contractor of the eight in North America. Maintaining the places. At Millennium Water,
Gilian Dusting development in Canada. It is on the Millennium Water project luxury waterfront towers at project’s identity of environmental the unique challenge of creating
Editorial Consultant designed to be Canada’s largest in June 2007, Metro-Can has Millennium Water. These LEED awareness, RMS utilizes eco- a sustainable neighbourhood
LEED Gold neighbourhood and a proceeded to construct 10 LEED Gold certified structures consist friendly elements throughout through an integrated design
Sarah Hay leading model of how to build a Gold buildings incorporating 540 of 315 condominiums and will be the marketing campaign. RMS process was both complex and
Communications Coordinator sustainable residential community. condominiums, 250 social housing complemented by 13,619 square marketing objectives extend rewarding. The result speaks
units, 60,000 square feet of feet of commercial/retail space at beyond sales achievements for itself.
Amanda McCuaig retail space and a LEED Platinum the ground level. Quality Counts. and include increasing global
Writer community and boating centre. awareness of a new standard
of development.
Mizu Creative
Graphic Design
Gordon Price
Writer Nick Milkovich Architects Inc. Vector Engineering Aqua-Tex Scientific Consulting Ltd.
Services Limited Blue Mountain
Rachel Moscovich Walter Francl Architecture Inc.
VANOC Nemetz (S/A) & Associates Ltd. FVB Energy Inc. Technologies, Inc.
Writer and Project Manager Robert Ciccozzi Architecture Inc.
Commonwealth Historic
Femo Construction Ltd.
Glotman·Simpson Group Resource Management Ltd.
of Companies Horizon Landscape IBI Group
Contractors Inc.
Merrick Architecture Keystone Environmental Ltd. GeoPacific Consultants Ltd. Levelton Consultants Ltd.
Jeda Mechanical Ltd.
KD Engineering Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP
Pitt Meadows Mechanical Pioneer Consultants Ltd.
Letterbox Design Group
Power Drywall Ltd. Contrada Enterprises Ltd.
Gomberoff Bell Lyon PacBlue Printing Morrison Hershfield
Architects Group Sentrax Mechanical Energy Aware Technology Inc.
PWL Partnership
Contracting Ltd. Sandwell Engineering Inc.
Landscape Architects Inc.
William Kelly & Sons FAMA Industries Corp.
Quoin Project and Cost
Plumbing Contractors Ltd. Inform Projects Partnership
Management Ltd.
Cobalt Engineering Co. Ltd SunProject Toro Inc.
© 2009 Recollective Consulting PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Printed in Canada on 100% post-consumer paper Trane
[FSC logo]

VIA Architecture

Image Credits
front cover: City of Vancouver Archives, CVA
Olympic International Inc. Enerpro Systems Corp. Keith Panel Systems Wilco Landscape Westcoast Inc. Map 547; inside front cover and page 01:
Danny Singer, 2009; page 04: City of
Vancouver SEFC Project Office; pages 08-09:
Olympic International creates Enerpro Systems Corp. are market Keith Panel Systems (KPS) Wilco has become expert in the
comfortable, healthy and energy- leaders in intelligent energy is North America’s leader in construction and delivery of built City of Vancouver SEFC Project Office;
conscious indoor environments. management for new construction the design, manufacture and landscapes. Offering project pages 10-11: #1 – City of Vancouver Archives,
As a manufacturers’ representative, and infrastructure upgrades to installation of rainscreen wall management and landscape Pan N161C, photographer W.J. Moore; #2
they are committed to bringing existing buildings. Since 1996, systems. They are proud to be part construction services for civil, – City of Vancouver, Dist P35, photographer
the world’s most innovative and BC’s only customizable energy of constructing Millennium Water. parks and development projects, L.A. Hamilton; #3 – City of Vancouver
sustainable technology to local management programs have The wall systems installed by KPS Wilco is a leader in successfully
Archives, P53, artist Will Ferris; #4 – City of
markets. The Millennium Water been providing no-cost, full- will preserve the performance delivering complex projects to its
project utilizes radiant heating service solutions that maximize integrity of the exteriors, reduce clients. Wilco thrives on diversity Vancouver Archives, WAT P128; #5 – City of
and cooling technology, which efficiencies in energy and water the heating and cooling loads, and challenges and seeks out Vancouver Archives, M-7-50, photographer
will substantially reduce energy use, reduce consumption and provide an extended service life projects that require the depth of W.J. Moore; #6 – City of Vancouver Archives,
consumption and system noise, provide numerous economic and are virtually maintenance experience and knowledge that M-7-9, photographer W.J. Moore; pages
increase available ceiling height benefits. This groundbreaking free. Alucobond®, Swisspearl® they have accumulated through
12-13: top and bottom – City of Vancouver
and improve overall thermal innovation has spurred a series of and specialty glass are the quality the vast array of projects the
comfort and indoor air quality. firsts in energy management, such exterior finish products featured company has built throughout BC Community Services; background – City of
as the ability to view a real-time on proprietary systems by KPS. and Western Canada. Vancouver Archives, M-7-9, photographer
display of all energy and water W.J. Moore; page 15: City of Vancouver
consumption within 1,100 housing Archives, CVA 99-4317, photographer Stuart
units at Millennium Water. Thomson; page 17: Fiona Crofton, 1998;
page 19: both images – Stanley Kwok, 1997;
PARTNERS page 20: left – Bob Worden, 1998; right –
Taylor, Baker, McGarva, Hart / VIA Architecture,
Canada Mortgage and Housing
1998; page 21: all images – Taylor, Baker,
McGarva, Hart / VIA Architecture, 1998;
Environment Canada back cover: Danny Singer, 2009

Information Sources
page 06: City of Vancouver Sustainability
climate_protection.htm; page 07: Dr. Fiona
Next Chapter: Planning + Olympics Subscribe WSEFC2.htm; page 08: City of Vancouver
Chapter Two looks at the creation of the Official Development Be part of this historic resource. Subscribe to The Challenge Community Services,
commsvcs/planning/history.htm, www.
Plan for SEFC. When Vancouver wins the bid to host the Series e-bulletin to follow the story of Millennium Water:
Olympics, a number of conditions are imposed upon the The Southeast False Creek Olympic Village.
Olympic Village site, and a timeline is set to complete
construction of eight city blocks of development. This chapter
is about shifting into high gear as Millennium and its design
team are chosen to develop the site.
FRONT COVER This early (and somewhat idealized) map portrays Vancouver as a busy industrial hub,
and shows the size of False Creek at the time. Bridges left to right are: Westminster Avenue Bridge
(now Main Street), Cambie Street Bridge, Granville Street Bridge, and Kitsilano Trestle.
BACK COVER Southeast False Creek seawall, tufts and granite.

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