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HES5340 Fluid Mechanics 2

November 22, 2013

Laboratory Report 2
Convergent Divergent Duct Test
Lecturer: Dr. Basil Tung Wong
Farukh Sadakat (4233352)
Ali Raza (4223012)
Faisal Ameer (4223845)
Lab Report Convergent Divergent Duct Test: 2013

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction: ........................................................................................................... 1
2.0 Theory: ................................................................................................................... 2
3.0 Objective: ............................................................................................................... 6
4.0 Apparatus and its Description: ............................................................................... 7
5.0 Procedures: ............................................................................................................. 8
6.0 Results and Calculations: ....................................................................................... 9
7.0 Discussion: ........................................................................................................... 16
8.0 Conclusion: .......................................................................................................... 17
9.0 References: ........................................................................................................... 18

Lab Report Convergent Divergent Duct Test: 2013

1.0 Introduction:
The compressible flow bench is made to demonstrate the characteristics of
compressible air flow concerned with high speed testing. This unit allows various
experiments to be conducted for the study of fluid in motion at speeds comparable to
its speed of sound where density changes become significant thus defines
The equipment comprises a motor driven air compressor unit supplied with
various interchangeable test sections and all the instrumentation necessary for
conducting experiments on them including compressor operation speed display. The
air compressor is a centrifugal machine incorporating aluminium impellers.
Performance test may be carried out on the compressor over a wide range of shaft
Convergent/divergent duct designed to produce Mach I velocity at the throat
and supersonic flow downstream. A series of pressure sensing points is provided on
the test section includes the throat and the discharge end of the diffuser.

Figure 1 - The LS18011 Compressible Flow Bench

Lab Report Convergent Divergent Duct Test: 2013

2.0 Theory:
Supersonic flow can only be achieved using a Laval nozzle. The length of the nozzle
extension needs to correspond exactly to the exit pressure P. If the counter pressure
P of a given Laval nozzle deviates from the pressure Pa calculated for the length of
the nozzle extension, then the flow is no longer as intended.

There are five possible cases:

a) P>P>>Pkr

The flow is subsonic throughout the

entire flow path and resembles flow
through a venturi nozzle, i.e. the lowest
pressure is found at the smallest cross-
section. In the converging section of
the nozzle, flow is accelerated, and in
the wider section flow is retarded. The

mass flow is between m = 0 and m =

b) P>>P>Pkr

At the narrowest cross-section of the

nozzle, supersonic flow is barely
reached, but in the subsequent
divergent section compression takes
place once more. At the nozzle
discharge, the pressure P2 is higher
than the critical pressure. The mass

flow is m max, as is also the case in each
of the following cases.

c) P2 = P2a < Pkr


The pressure at the nozzle discharge is

equal to the pressure for which the
Laval nozzle is designed. At the
narrowest cross-section, sonic flow is
reached. In the subsequent section, the
pressure flow decreases to P2a, the exit
pressure, and the acceleration to
supersonic c speed takes place. The
Laval nozzle is said to be suitably

Lab Report Convergent Divergent Duct Test: 2013
d) Pkr > P > P2a

The counter pressure P>P2a is reached before

the end of the wide section/extension. The
nozzle is not suitably matched. In the
remaining portion of the divergent section,
there is a compression shock, after which
isentropic flow is no longer possible. The flow
diverges from the walls of the nozzle. Behind
the compression shock, subsonic flow forms.
The discharge pressure is then between that in
cases b) and c).

d) Pkr > P2a > P


The counter pressure is not yet reached at the

nozzle exit. This nozzle is also not suitably
matched. The drop in P to less than P2a does
not influence the flow within the nozzle
because the interference is after the exit and
because interferences in supersonic flow have
now upstream effect. All that occurs after the
exit is post-expansion and gas spreading.

The compression shocks occurring in the

divergent nozzle section or behind the nozzle
exit when the counter pressure is not adapted
can result in vibrations in the gas jet also
invariably give rise to considerable flow losses.

Lab Report Convergent Divergent Duct Test: 2013
The perfect gas law:

Although compressible flow calculations can be applied to any fluid equation of state,
most elementary treatments are limited to the perfect gas with constant specific

Effect of variations in flow cross-sectional area:

The conservation of mass (continuity equation) can be applied to determine the flow
rate of a fluid through a conduit of variable cross-sectional area.

For incompressible flow, the density of the fluid remains constant, leaving the velocity
to vary inversely with cross-sectional area. On the other hand, for compressible flow,
density, cross-sectional area and flow velocity can all vary from section to section.

Converging-Diverging Duct Flow

Previously, we have investigated how the density and velocity of a steady, isentropic
flow of an idea gas varies with duct cross-sectional area. Now, we shall proceed to
determine how other important properties vary in these flows.

The first step is to define the stagnation state of the fluid, where the flow has zero
velocity and an entropy value that relates to the entropy of the flowing fluid.
Properties at the stagnation state are designated by the subscript 0. For a duct flow
which is drawn from the atmosphere, the atmospheric temperature and pressure
would represent the stagnation state of the fluid. The stagnation state can also be
accomplished by isentropically decelerating a flow to zero velocity.

The temperature of an ideal gas at any position along a converging-diverging duct can
be determined if the flow is steady, one-dimensional and isentropic using the local
Mach number and stagnation temperature. Similar equations can be developed for
pressure and density variation.

Lab Report Convergent Divergent Duct Test: 2013
With these three equations, we can determine any flow properties in a converging-
diverging duct.

Conditions at throat

One method to produce flow through a converging-diverging duct is to attach the

downstream end of the duct to a vacuum pump. When the vacuum pump creates a
suction pressure at the end, air will flow from the atmosphere and through the duct. If
the back pressure is sufficiently lowered, the flow up to the nozzle throat can be
accelerated to a maximum of Mach 1. When the Mach number at the throat is equal
to 1, the duct is experiencing a condition termed as choked flow.

The stagnation state at which Ma = 0 has already been used as a reference condition.
For a state associated with Ma = 1, we shall call it the critical state, denoted by an
asterisk (*).

The ratio of pressure at a converging-diverging duct under choked flow to stagnation is

termed the critical pressure ratio as shown below.

For air, the nominal value of k is 1.4, hence

If the duct draws air from the atmosphere, then the stagnation pressure would be the
atmospheric pressure.
The throat pressure for choked air flow:

Lab Report Convergent Divergent Duct Test: 2013
For critical temperature ratio:

And lastly, the critical density ratio:

3.0 Objective:

To analyse the pressure flow characteristics for a convergent-divergent duct.

This experiment can be used to examine:
Pressure flow characteristic of a convergent-divergent duct
Effect of compressibility on flow equations
Determination of density for air

Lab Report Convergent Divergent Duct Test: 2013

4.0 Apparatus and its Description:

LS-18011 Compressible Flow Bench

Converging-Diverging duct
Flexible Tubing

Figure 2 - Schematics of LS18011 Compressible Flow Bench

Lab Report Convergent Divergent Duct Test: 2013

5.0 Procedures:

I. The converging-diverging duct is connected to the inlet of the blower.

II. The joints are tightened using the set screws and nuts provided.

III. The mains power is switched on.

IV. The reading of measurements is ensured to be zero before experiment start.

V. The air blower is started by pressing the RUN button and slowly increasing its
speed to 30Hz using the speed controller.

VI. The pressure measurement points are connected to the pressure sensors using
the flexible tubing.

VII. The pressure readings for all 10 points on the duct are noted down.

VIII. The blower speed is increased and takes down pressure readings for speeds of
20, 25, 30, 35, 40, and 45Hz.

IX. Fully shut the bypass valve.

X. The pressure readings for all 10 points on the duct are noted.

XI. After the experiment, fully open the bypass valve and gradually decrease the
speed of the air blower. Then, switch OFF the mains power.

XII. The results are tabulated in the tables provided.

Lab Report Convergent Divergent Duct Test: 2013

6.0 Results and Calculations:

Diagram of the Nozzle with the Fluid Flow Direction

20Hz 25Hz 30Hz 35Hz 40Hz 45Hz

0.0003 0.001 0.0019 0.0016 0.0011 0.0013
-0.0004 -0.0005 0.0012 0.0003 0.0003 0.0005
-0.125 -0.152 -0.0151 -0.017 -0.0161 -0.0157
-0.2578 -0.3379 -0.375 -0.376 -0.3775 -0.3781
-0.1848 -0.2671 -0.3428 -0.4024 -0.4533 -0.5012
-0.1429 -0.2261 -0.2694 -0.3323 -0.388 -0.4466
-0.1355 -0.1971 -0.2587 -0.323 -0.3766 -0.4307
-0.1278 -0.1859 -0.2462 -0.3063 -0.36 -0.4086
-0.1252 -0.1852 -0.2467 -0.3027 -0.3574 -0.4066
-0.124 -0.1825 -0.2437 -0.3017 -0.3538 -0.4038
Table 1 Pressure reading in Bar

Assuming while calculating and tabulation of the results provided room temperature
with 25 C and at atmospheric pressure that is 101325 Pa and the obtained pressure
through experiment is the gauge pressure. To calculate the absolute pressure
formula used is as follows:

Pabs = Patm + Pgauge

Lab Report Convergent Divergent Duct Test: 2013

Room temperature T0: 25 C+ 273 = 298K

Frequency Distance Area

Point 20Hz 25Hz 30Hz 35Hz 40Hz 45Hz Area (m2)
Hz (mm) (mm2)
P abs P0 (Pa) 101325 101325 101325 101325 101325 101325
1 P1 (Pa) 101355 101425 101515 101485 101435 101455 24 0.00113426 1134.26
2 P2 (Pa) 101285 101275 101445 101355 101355 101375 54 0.00095127 951.27
3 P3 (Pa) 88825 86125 99815 99625 99715 99755 84 0.00061332 613.32
4 P4 (Pa) 75545 67535 63825 63725 63575 63515 114 0.00034924 349.24
5 P5 (Pa) 82845 74615 67045 61085 55995 51205 144 0.00015903 159.03
6 P6 (Pa) 87035 78715 74385 68095 62525 56665 174 0.00004268 42.68
7 P7 (Pa) 87775 81615 75455 69025 63665 58255 186 0.00002828 28.28
8 P8 (Pa) 88545 82735 76705 70695 65325 60465 198 0.00009596 95.96
9 P9 (Pa) 88805 82805 76655 71055 65585 60665 228 0.00103585 1035.85
10 P10 (Pa) 88925 83075 76955 71155 65945 60945 258 0.00113426 1134.26
Torque 5.654
Table 2 Pressure readings (Pa) and Area (m2)

Mach number:

Assuming air is an ideal gas, stagnation pressure is 101325Pa, isentropic

expansion factor, k=1.4

Mach number is calculated by following formula:

k 1 / k
2 p0
M 1
k 1 pn

Where n are the points are different distances.

Mach No. 20Hz 25Hz 30Hz 35Hz 40Hz 45Hz

1 #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!
2 0.02375077 0.02655501 #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!
3 0.43780769 0.48751032 0.146613934 0.155659884 0.15143957 0.1495272
4 0.66146069 0.78388618 0.840147853 0.841668123 0.84394913 0.8448617
5 0.54414657 0.67587606 0.791309639 0.881947553 0.9608633 1.0375682
6 0.47112740 0.61159097 0.679429083 0.775400873 0.8599390 0.9503489
7 0.45754185 0.56460465 0.662859351 0.761301351 0.8425804 0.9255663
8 0.4431263 0.5459911 0.643356554 0.735934328 0.8173760 0.8914578
9 0.4381890 0.54481769 0.644140029 0.730453914 0.8134336 0.8883874
10 0.4358977 0.5402795 0.639434672 0.728930634 0.8079767 0.8840930
Table 3 Mach number

Lab Report Convergent Divergent Duct Test: 2013
Assuming air is an ideal gas, stagnation density is 1.1839 kg/m3, isentropic
expansion factor, k=1.4

Density at 25 C = 1.185 kg/m3

1 / k 1
k 1 2
n 0 1 M
Where n are the points are different distances.

Density (kg/m3) 20Hz 25Hz 30Hz 35Hz 40Hz 45Hz

1 #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!
2 1.184665837 1.184582291 #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!
3 1.078634969 1.055112565 1.172359036 1.170764595 1.171519965 1.171855622
4 0.960813608 0.886890468 0.851810103 0.850856602 0.849425548 0.848852857
5 1.02625159 0.952350001 0.882289381 0.825526812 0.775785507 0.727781538
6 1.063063713 0.989442163 0.950252213 0.892137191 0.839380987 0.782404623
7 1.069511982 1.015344958 0.959995856 0.900823357 0.850284296 0.798023936
8 1.0762052 1.025278093 0.971328768 0.9163377 0.866061885 0.81953315
9 1.078461487 1.025897634 0.97087647 0.919668327 0.868522639 0.821468499
10 1.079502213 1.028285892 0.973588998 0.920592645 0.871925242 0.824174929
Table 4 Density (Kg/m )
k 1 2
Tn T0 1 M
Where n are the points are different distances. Assuming air is an ideal gas, Room
temperature 25 C, isentropic expansion factor, k=1.4

Temperature(K) 20Hz 25Hz 30Hz 35Hz 40Hz 45Hz

1 #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!
2 298.1163666 298.1079567 #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!
3 287.1423642 284.6210337 296.8737016 296.712133 296.7886929 296.8227037
4 274.1593942 265.5189173 261.2670179 261.1499955 260.9742158 260.9038209
5 281.4809517 273.1908241 264.9670646 258.0120247 251.6773534 245.3284344
6 285.477044 277.3982 272.9499565 266.1461152 259.7353879 252.5341041
7 286.1684395 280.2805236 274.066035 267.1796206 261.0797191 254.5387111
8 286.8834586 281.3741168 275.3556386 269.0107873 263.0068404 257.2610771
9 287.1238903 281.4421144 275.3043438 269.4014727 263.3055001 257.5039168
10 287.2346893 281.7040069 275.611755 269.5097454 263.7176358 257.8429334
Table 5 Temperature ( C)

Lab Report Convergent Divergent Duct Test: 2013


Assuming air is an ideal gas, Universal gas constant, R= 287J/kg.K,

V Mc

Velocity (m/s) 20Hz 25Hz 30Hz 35Hz 40Hz 45Hz

1 #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!
2 8.220072777 9.19048278 #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!
3 148.7089112 164.8626501 50.63677942 53.74639273 52.29594524 51.63853437
4 219.5384411 256.0387571 272.2093147 272.6408058 273.2876698 273.5462917
5 182.99759 223.9262923 258.1947274 283.9668862 305.5544909 325.7583847
6 159.5618018 204.1821888 225.0041943 253.566174 277.8038079 302.7248502
7 155.1481711 189.4723677 219.9651918 249.4383536 272.8996047 295.9984451
8 150.4476047 183.5830858 213.995028 241.9518099 265.711512 286.6109664
9 148.8336466 183.2106498 214.2356723 240.3243461 264.5800453 285.7586066
10 148.0839602 181.7690844 212.7894127 239.8713643 263.0106835 284.5643983
Table 6 Velocity (m/s)

Mass Flow rate:

Air is an ideal gas

m VA
flow 20Hz 25Hz 30Hz 35Hz 40Hz 45Hz
1 #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!
2 0.009263505 0.010356365 #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!
3 0.098378142 0.106686188 0.036409426 0.038592777 0.037575506 0.037113776
4 0.073667122 0.079304837 0.080978504 0.081016077 0.081071711 0.081093721
5 0.029866083 0.033914134 0.036227426 0.037280175 0.037697226 0.037702982
6 0.007239568 0.00862249 0.009125442 0.009654891 0.00995226 0.0101089
7 0.00469258 0.005440501 0.005971765 0.006354513 0.006562155 0.006680128
8 0.015537123 0.018061948 0.0199462 0.02127525 0.022082566 0.022539775
9 0.166265688 0.194693572 0.215453043 0.228942209 0.238031866 0.243157183
10 0.181319359 0.2120052 0.234983999 0.250471619 0.260114916 0.266018954
Table 7 mass flow rate (Kg/s)

Lab Report Convergent Divergent Duct Test: 2013


Plot the Mach number, pressure, density temperature and mass flow rate as a function
of duct position.

Lab Report Convergent Divergent Duct Test: 2013

Lab Report Convergent Divergent Duct Test: 2013

Lab Report Convergent Divergent Duct Test: 2013

7.0 Discussion:
Things to be Noted:

It is to be noted that the readings taken from the machine that was
fluctuating as the instrument was not stable in the beginning therefore
readings were taken averagely to minimise possible errors. However, as
can be observed it stabilized gradually but minor differences could still
be expected. It is due to this reason that the values of temperature,
density and mass flow rate has reached to infinity or undefined in the
beginning. Other reason of it could also be instrumental error. kj As it
can be noted that the values for 20, 30, 35, 40 and 45 Hz at pressure
point 1 and 30-45 Hz at pressure point 2 seem to be erroneous; this is
due to the fact that the difference between point readings and
atmospheric pressure is very low. Furthermore the sensors measuring
pressure difference are not sensitive enough to record this minor
change which leads to flawed values. Having this trouble, it was not
possible to calculate the Mach No. therefore as a result of it density,
temperature, velocity and mass flow rate were also not been able to

1. From Table 1, the pressure at point P1 at all frequencies and at most

of the frequencies at point P2, is higher than the atmospheric
pressure, which may be considered as an abnormality. Theoretically,
the pressure at point P1 should have been either equal to the
atmospheric pressure or between Pabs and P2.

2. The Undefined values of Mach Number, densities temperature and

velocity at P1 for all frequencies and at most of the frequencies at
P2 due to the pressure abnormalities mentioned above.


i. One of the experimental errors can be seen in table 2, where the

maximum Mach number is attained at throat area P5
(1.0375682 at 45Hz) rather than at throat area P4, which may be
caused by the mismatch between pressure sensors and the
display units.

ii. Apart from the sensors and display units, other factors, such as
friction forces between duct wall and air, or exposed duct
position to atmosphere might cause the experiment to generate
errors on the results. Furthermore, the fluctuation in the data
during the experiment also leaves enough space for human
error to take place.

Lab Report Convergent Divergent Duct Test: 2013

Due to inaccurate data, the theoretical values for Mach number, mass flow
rate, exit velocities and temperature could not be acquired. Thus, the comparison
between experimental and theoretical values could not be made for this experiment.

But within the experimental values, we can see from table 2, that the Mach
number starts to decrease even after reaching Unity, which in reality doesnt actually
reaches but just stays below it. It leads us to the conclusion that the flow is sub-sonic
throughout the duct and at P5; the Mach No. achieved is the closest to unity.

Improvement Suggestions:

1. It was noticed that during the experiment, there were high fluctuations in
the reading of pressure values, this may be due to the higher sensitivity of
the pressure gages and thus the mean value was recorded.
Room for Improvement - The noting of fluctuated values can be improved
by lowering down the sensitivity of the gages.

2. Accuracy in the data is one of the major factors in determining the

percentage errors, and since friction was present to a certain level but
being neglected, we had plenty of room for percentage errors, especially
when we are operating in lower frequencies.
Room for Improvement - Since we cannot totally nullify the effects of
friction, operating in lower frequencies will lead to rise in experimental
errors. Thus, using higher frequencies will definitely provide us with better
and more accurate results along with lower experimental error.

8.0 Conclusion:
In conclusion, compressible flow studied and investigated. It revealed pressure flow
characteristic of a convergent-divergent duct. Through this experiment relationship
between pressure, density, temperature and velocity in a nozzle was learnt. Mach
number portrays that experiment flow is considered to be subsonic as the Mach < 1.
Although the equipment could not be used to obtain data at higher frequencies, and
apart from the technical difficulties, human errors, and some minor
inconsistencies/inaccuracies, it can be concluded that aim and objectives were
achieved and the experiment was conducted successfully.

Lab Report Convergent Divergent Duct Test: 2013

9.0 References:
Anderson, John D. (2004). Modern Compressible Flow. McGraw-Hill.
ISBN 0071241361.

Bertin, J. J. & Cummings, R. M., 2009, Aerodynamics for Engineers, 5th Edn.,
Pearson Education, Inc., United States of America.
Crowe, C. T., et al. (2010). Engineering Fluid Mechanics. Asia, John Wiley & Sons
(Asia) Pte Ltd.


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