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Text 1

Dear Nanta,
your elder sister, Asti, just now called that she needs me to pick her up at train
station. She is going home, and she will arrive at I wait for you, but you are still
at your friends house. Unfortunately you forget your hand phone and I do not know
your friends phone number. So, I put the key at our neighbors house. They are at
home. When you come earlier than me, you can take the house key from them.
The laptop on the table is being defragmented, so dont close it let it be until
the process finishes.

Jember, February 27,2011

Your Mom


16. What is the text about?

A. The defragmented laptop.
B. A mothers message to her son
C. A mother message to her son to defragment her laptop.
D. Nantas message to his mother to defragment his laptop.
E. A message telling that the key is at the neighbors house.
17. When you come earlier than me, you can take the house key from them. What does the underlined word
refer to?
A. Nantas mother
B. The neighbors house
C. The neighbors houses
D. The neighbors family.
E. The writers father and mother
18. Unfortunately you forget your hand phone and I do not know your friends phone number. What is the
synonym of the underlined word?
A. Hastily
B. Unluckily
C. Indefinitely
D. Comfortably
E. Unintentionally
Text 3 is adapted from Jawa Pos published on Thursday, February 24, 2011.
Bidding Announcement
No : Panpel.Ap.I.06/PL.02.03/2011-B

PT. Angkasa Pura 1 Ltd. of Juanda International Airport is going to hold bidding prequalification for:
Toilet Sanitation and aromatic room services for terminal building and offices in Juanda Airport.
Operating and maintaining Reverse Osmosis System (RO) in Juanda Airport.

Any company services owners who would like to join, can take the prequalification document at
Angkasa Pura 1 Ltd.Juanda International Airport Branch Office on 24 until 28 February 2011, at 10
am 2 pm.
Further information can be seen on announcement board of Angkasa Pura 1 Ltd.Juanda International
Airport Branch Office
19. What is the text about?
A. Toilet Sanitation and aromatic room services
B. An advertisement about Juanda International Airport
C. A tender announcement handled by Juanda International Airport.
D. Operating and maintaining Reverse Osmosis System (RO) in Juanda Airport.
E. Announcement board of Angkasa Pura 1 Ltd.Juanda International Airport Branch Office
20. Where can a candidate get more information?
A. At company services owners office
B. On 24 until 28 February 2011, at 10 am 2 pm
C. At terminal building and offices in Juanda Airport.
D. At Operating and maintaining Reverse Osmosis System (RO) in Juanda Airport.
E. On announcement board of Angkasa Pura 1 Ltd.Juanda International Airport Branch Office.
21. Which information is true?
A. The prequalification document of Juanda International Airport is going to sold.
B. The services needed by Juanda airport are toilet sanitation, aromatic room, operating and
maintaining RO system.
C. PT. Angkasa Pura 1 Ltd. of Juanda International Airport is going to sell sanitation, aromatic room,
operating and maintaining RO system.
D. The bidding process will be held at Angkasa Pura 1 Ltd.Juanda International Airport Branch Office on
24 until 28 February 2011, at 10 am 2 pm
E. Information about toilet sanitation can be seen on announcement board of Angkasa Pura 1
Ltd.Juanda International Airport Branch Office
Text 3 is taken from Jawa Pos, Friday, February 25,2011
We cordially invite the dedicated and experienced people who will play an important role
in the power industry, the economic driving force of Indonesia.
Minimum requirements for application.
Bachelor Degree Graduated
Graduates from Bachelor Degree (S1) or above.
More than 450 TOEFL score and be able to communicate in English.
Max. age of 35 years old ( valid of since February 2011)
Proffered who experienced at power plant industry
Be able to start work since the end of March 2011.
Senior High School Graduated
Graduates from Technical Vocational School (STM)
Be able to communicate actively in English
Max age of 35 years old ( valid of since February 2011)
Having experiences more than 2 years at the same field.
Be able to start work since end of March 2011
Period of application submission : February 23 March 9, 2011.( Detailed information is
available on
Volume of recruitment : 59 persons
Working place : Unit 3,4 Tanjungjati B Power Plant (Jepara city)

22. What is the text about?

A. A job vacancy provided by power plant industry.
B. An information about power plant industry in Jepara
C. An invitation for bachelor and senior high school graduates to TOEFL test.
D. A description of future job for bachelor and senior high school graduate.
E. News about dedicated and experienced people who will play an important role
23. What are the requirement similarities between bachelor and senior high school graduates?
A. Bachelor degree graduates need 450 TOEFL score, STM graduates just need active English ability.
B. Both kinds of graduates are max 35 years old, and they will start working in the end of March 2011.
C. Both kinds of graduates must have working experience in the same field.
D. Both kinds of graduates have training February 23 March 9, 2011
E. Both kinds of graduates will work in February 2011
24. We cordially invite the dedicated and experienced people who will play an important role in the power
industry, the economic driving force of Indonesia What is the antonym of the underlined word?
A. Warmly
B. Frostily
C. Lovingly
D. Hastily
E. Affectionately

Gadhafi's vow: Will fight to 'last drop of blood'

Associated Press, Cairo | Wed, 02/23/2011 8:04 AM | Headlines
A defiant Moammar Gadhafi vowed to fight to his "last drop of blood" and roared at supporters to
strike back against Libyan protesters to defend his embattled regime Tuesday, signaling an escalation of the
crackdown that has thrown the capital into scenes of mayhem, wild shooting and bodies in the streets.
The speech by the Libyan leader who shouted and pounded his fists on the podium was an all-out call
for his backers to impose control over the capital and take back other cities. After a week of upheaval,
protesters backed by defecting army units have claimed control over almost the entire eastern half of Libya's
1,000-mile (1,600-kilometer) Mediterranean coast, including several oil-producing areas.
"You men and women who love Gadhafi ... get out of your homes and fill the streets," he said. "Leave
your homes and attack them in their lairs."
Celebratory gunfire by Gadhafi supporters rang out in the capital of Tripoli after the leader's speech,
while in protester-held Benghazi, Libya's second-largest city, people threw shoes at a screen showing his
address, venting their contempt.
State TV showed a crowd of Gadhafi supporters in Tripoli's Green Square, raising his portrait and
waving flags as they swayed to music after the address. Residents contacted by The Associated Press said no
anti-government protesters ventured out of their homes after dark, and gun-toting guards manned checkpoints
with occasional bursts of gunfire heard throughout the city.
25. What does the text mainly tell us about?
A. Mayhem scene at Gadhafis country
B. Gadhafi declared to fight till the last drop of his blood.
C. A crowd of Gadhafi supporters in Tripoli's Green Square
D. The behavior of the protesters against Gadhafi in Benghazi.
E. People threw shoes at a screen showing his address, venting their contempt.
26. How was the reaction of Gadhafis protesters when they heard his speech at capital of Tripoli.
A. They waved flags
B. They raised his portrait and
C. They handled gun fire congratulatory
D. They swayed to music after the address
E. The vented their contempt by throwing shoes
27. The speech by the Libyan leader who shouted and pounded his fists on the podium was an all-out call for his
backers to impose control over the capital and take back other cities. What is the synonym of the underlined
A. leader
B. Protesters
C. Supporters
D. Occupants
E. Inhabitants
Text 5
One day a farmer, who was very well known in his village as a very mean man, said , I will give
three meals and twenty-five pence to anyone who is willing to do a days work for me. This offer was
accepted by hungry tramp, who was more interested in the meal than the money.
You can have your breakfast first, and then you can start work. After the former had given him a
very small breakfast he said, Now you can have your lunch, This will save us a lot of time. The tramp
agreed, and ate a poor lunch. When he has finished, the farmer said, What would you say to having supper
also while you are about it?
I will try, replied the tramp, To enjoy another meal. Then he had his supper, which again was not
a very filling meal. When it was over, the farmer looked very pleasant and said, Now you can do along
days work.
No, thank you, was the tramps replay as he rose to leave, I never work after supper.
28. How was the tramp?
A. He was very hungry.
B. He looked very pleasant
C. He needed twenty-five pence
D. He was very well known in his village
E. He was more interested in the money.
29. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?
A. The tramp was very well known at his village as a mean man.
B. The tramp offered twenty pence for a days work to the farmer
C. A very famous mean farmer wanted someone to do a days work for him
D. The hungry tramp was not more interested in the meal than the twenty pence money
E. The tramp would give three meals and twenty-five pence to anyone who is willing to do a days work for him
30. Based on the text, how was probably the farmer?
A. Poor
B. Gentle
C. Unkind
D. Kind hearted
E. Unforgettable
31. Then he had his supper, which again was not a very filling meal. What is the synonym of the underlined
A. Light
B. Tiring
C. Meager
D. Satisfying
E. Frightening
Text 6 is for questions 32 to 36

A cell phone is a great gadget in this modern world. What is a cell phone? A cell phone is actually
a radio in certain way. Like a radio, by a cell phone we can communicate to other people. Million people
use cell phone for their communication. Even nowadays, people use cell phones to communicate in
voice, written and data. Alexander Graham Bell is the person who makes great change in the way people
communicate to each other. He invented a telephone in 1876. And wireless radio was formally known in
1894 presented by Guglielmo Marconi. By these two technologies, then a cell phone was born. However
do you know how actually cell phones work?
This short explanation on how a cell phone works is really wonderful. A cell phone or in long term
cellular telephone' works by transmitting signals of radio to towers of cellular. The towers are
networked to a central switching station. The connection usually uses wire, fiber optic-cables, or
Then the central switching station which handles calls in certain given area is directed and
connected to the wire-based telephone system. Cellulars are picked up by the towers and' relayed to
another cellular telephone user or the user of wire-based telephone network. The towers vary in the
capacity and capability to receive signals. Some can receive the signal from short distance and the others
can receive more distance. However, there is usually more than one tower in certain given area so that
the system can handle the increasing telephone traffic.
32. What is the text mainly about? .
A. The cell phone and how it works
B. The network of cell phone which is really wonderful
C. The work of the cell phone which based on the network
D. The cellular phone works by transmitting the signal to the radio
E. The connection of the cell phone used wire, fiber optic-cables, or microwave
33. How can cellular phone be invented?
A. It is invented because of human life style is changing.
B. It is found after the invitation of Alexander Graham Bell
C. It is built after people. need to communicate in distance way
D. It can be invented by combining the invitation of telephone and the wireless radio
E. When the central switching station is able to handle calls in certain given area is directed and
connected to the wire-based telephone system.
34. Which statement is true based on the text
A. A cell phone is a great budget in this modern world.
B. Million people use cell phone for their commenting
C. Cell phone works by transmitting signals of radio to towers of cellular
D. The towers are the same in the capacity and capability to receive signals
E. Alexander Graham Bell is the person who made great change in transportation

35. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To criticize an artwork of cellular phone
B. To present at least two points of view about cellular phone
C. To enable the reader to understand the process that is being explained
D. To describe how the process of cell phone making is accomplished through a sequence of steps
E. To persuade the readers that cellular phone should or should not be used
36. "A cell phone is a great gadget in this modern world ". What is the synonym word of the
underlined word above?
A. gain
B. device
C. gaff
D. exploration
E. radiation
Text 7 is for questions 37 to 41
Many people say that examinations should be abolished because they are not the best measure of
students capabilities. These people believe that students can study on their own and do better without the
nagging worry and pressure exerted by examinations.
Yet, there are persuasive reasons to show that examinations should not be abolished. It is insufficient
that teachers assign homework and correct it. Because this is not done under supervision, they cannot be sure
that it is really the work of the students themselves. Moreover, homework is not a test of students ability;
homework is more a method of merely keeping him occupied.
Nowadays, in the hunt for jobs, students need to produce some evidence of their capabilities.
Prospective employers like to see copies of examination results; this is the only way a students qualifications
can be judged. This attitude greatly encourages the use of examinations, if not making them a necessity.
37. What information do we get from the text?
A. The teachers roles to motivate the students
B. Peoples attitudes toward the examinations
C. Students disagreement against examinations
D. The examinations measurement is abolished
E. The persuasive ways to maintain the examinations
38. How to judge the students qualifications?
A. Trekking his activities
B. Checking his attitudes
C. Referring to his diploma
D. Concerning his behavior
E. Producing his capabilities
39. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
A. The insufficient teachers in school
B. The reasons to maintain the examinations
C. Homework is not a test of a students ability
D. The teachers roles in supervising the students
E. Homework is method of keeping students busy
40. Why do some people disagree to abolish examination?
A. For the sake of efficiency
B. As a regulation in the country
C. Since nobody trust the students nowadays
D. Because exams results is the only proof of students capabilities
E. Because homework can be done without teachers supervision
41. People say that examination should be abolished. What does the underlined mean?
A. applied
B. banned
C. regarded
D. discarded
E. forbidden
Text 8 is for questions 42 to 46
Nowadays many people are obese. There are still arguments whether obesity is a disease or not.
People who say that it is a disease argue that:
1. Obesity, like other diseases, impairs the normal functioning of a body. People who are obese have
excess adipose (or fat) tissue that causes the overproduction of certain molecules and mediators in the
body, which lead to abnormal regulation of food intake and energy expenditure.
2. Obesity decreases a person's life expectancy or can cause death, like other diseases. Obesity in adults
can lead to three years loss of life. Extreme obesity can shorten a person's life span by 10 years
comparable to the decrease in years of life from smoking.
3. Some studies have shown that the hereditability of obesity is about the same as that of height.
Therefore obesity is not the result of peoples lacking willpower to exercise or eat less, but is
genetically predetermined.
4. Diseases have characteristic signs, according to general and medical dictionaries. Obesity has a
characteristic sign--excess fat--which is measured by BMI or increased waist circumference
5. Obesity is a risk factor for diabetes, hypertension, some cancers, and other diseases. Other risk factors
are also defined as diseases, such as hypertension which is defined as a disease because it is a risk
factor for heart failure and.
On the other hand, many people disagree that obesity is a disease. They say that :
1. Obesity does not necessarily impair the normal functioning of a body as other diseases do. Many
people with a BMI in the obesity range are not physically impaired and live normal lives.
2. Obesity is a matter of personal responsibility. People become obese because they make bad dietary
decisions and do not exercise enough or at all.
3. Obesity is the result of sedentary lifestyles and not illness. For example, compared to 40 years ago,
people today spend more time commuting, sitting in front of a computer, watching television, playing
video games, and generally exercising less.
4. Obesity does not have characteristic signs or symptoms like diseases typically have. The only
characteristic sign of obesity is excess fat, which is the definition of obesity itself. There are also no
symptoms for obesity.
5. Obesity is a preventable risk factor for other diseases, like smoking is a preventable risk factor for
lung cancer or like drinking is a preventable risk factor for alcoholism.
Whether obesity is a disease or not, people, especially who are obese, should take care of their health
carefully, or lead a healthy lifestyle, for example by minding what they eat.
Source : March 18,2010.
42. What information do we get from the text?
A. Many people disagree that obesity is a disease
B. There are two arguments whether obesity is a disease or not.
C. The people should lead their life style to make their body health
D. The people who are obese should take care of their health carefully.
E. To persuade the readers that something should or should not be done
43. People who say that obesity is not a disease argue that ....
A. they live normal life
B. it is a hereditary factor
C. it doesnt have symptoms
D. it is a matter of lifestyles
E. they make bad dietary decisions
44. Which is beyond the factor why obesity is considered a disease?
A. Obesity has a characteristic sign, excess fat
B. It is a preventable risk factor for other disease
C. It impairs the normal functioning of the body
D. It decreases a persons life expectancy
E. It is a risk factor for other disease
45. Why do some people still have obesity although they exercise regularly? Because.
A. obesity can shorten a person's life
B. they make bad dietary decisions
C. obesity is the result of sedentary lifestyles
D. the hereditability of obesity is about the same as that of height
E. the obesity is not the result of peoples lacking willpower to exercise or eat less, but is genetically
46. Obesity is the result of sedentary lifestyles and not illness. The word sedentary means....
A. spending a lot of times eating
B. spending a lot of times sleeping
C. spending a lot of times watching TV
D. spending a lot of times sitting down
E. spending a lot of times doing nothing
Text 9 is for questions 47 to 50
Here is a movie on friendship entitled of Son of Rambow you can see with your friends. Rambow is
the story of Will (Bill Milner), the eldest son of a fatherless Plymouth Brethren family. Living a sheltered
and lonely existence, Will is not allowed to mix with non-Brethren kids, listen to music or watch TV. That is
until he meets a naughty but lovable boy. Lee Carter (Will Poulter). When Wills active imagination is
exposed to its bombastic action, his world changes forever. As Wills imagination goes to into overdrive, Son
of Rambow features a perfectly-realized 80s period setting. It presents some nostalgic product placement,
costumes and make-up, some memory-music and some seriously mobile phones, several scenes of interactive
An ode to friendship, childhood wonderment and the magic of movies, Son of Rambow is a beautiful,
sentimental, heartwarming, wholly original piece of film-making and a joy to behold.
47. What is the movie about?
A. Science
B. Horror
C. A tragedy
D. A friendship
E. An adventure
48. What is Wills problem?
A. He is not allowed to play outside
B. He is not allowed to do his hobby
C. He is not allowed to go abroad to study
D. He is not allowed to play with non-Brethren kids
E. He is not allowed to make a friendship with lee Carter
49. Which statement is beyond the condition of Will?
He feels lonely
His world never changes
He is forbidden to watch TV
He lives is sheltered condition
He is the eldest son of Plymouth Brethren family
50. his world never changes forever. (paragraph 1).What does the opposite meaning of the word in bold ?
A. Slow
B. Immoral
C. Advance
D. Complete
E. Temporary

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