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Al Argosino passed the 1993 Bar Exams
Court deferred his oath taking due to his previous conviction: Reckless Imprudence
Resulting in Homicide
arose from the death of a neophyte in a fraternity initiation rights in 1991
petitioner and 7 other accused plead not guilty then upon arraignment pleaded guilty
sentence of imprisonment from 2 years 4 months and 1 day to 4 years
June 1993, trial court granted petitioners application for probation
April 1994, discharge from probation (recommendation of Probation Officer)
probation - no jail time but you have to follow the requirements of court
July 1995, Court required petitioner to submit evidence that he may now be regarded as
complying with the requirement of good moral character
Petitioner submitted:
15 certifications
2 senators
5 trial court judges
6 members of religious orders
scholarship foundation in the name of Camaligan that he founded with the 7 other
Court required Atty. Camaligan, father of Raul to comment on the petitioners prayer to
be allowed to take a lawyers oath
He believes that the incident was deliberate and not accidental (offense was not
homicide but murder)
he consented to the plea of guilty to lessen offense because pity for the mothers of the
accused and a pregnant wife begged for forgiveness and compassion on Christmas day
+ one of the fathers of the accused died of a heart attack upon learning his sons
involvement in the incident
as a Christian, he has forgiven but as a father, he feels pain of ultimate defines in the
gruesome manner of his death
he is not in position to judge, he leaves it to the Court

WON Al Argosino has purged himself of the obvious deficiency in moral character and
should be allowed to take lawyers oath + sign the Roll of Attorneys

Practice of law is a privilege granted only to those who possess the strict intellectual and
moral qualifications required for the effective and efficient administration of justice
The senseless beatings inflicted upon Raul Camaligan were totally irresponsible,
irrelevant, and uncalled for
After careful evaluation, Al Argosino is ALLOWED to take the lawyers oath, sign the roll
of attorneys, and practice the legal profession
SC recognises that he is not inherently of bad moral fiber due to various certifications
that show him as a devout Catholic
he exerted all efforts to atone for the death of Camaligan benefit of the doubt because
youth has a tendency to be rash, temerarious, and uncalculating

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