Coursework Fourier

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Master Nanoelectronics.

Signal Analysis - Fourier 1

Numerical Coursework 1: Fourier Analysis

This first numerical coursework covers various knowledge that has been ac-
quired during this week. It focuses on using numerical tools to both illustrate
and apply Fourier Series and Fourier Transform. Of course, in the case of the
Fourier Transform, it will be important to look at the consequences of using
digital data and not considering function continuous in time. The first exer-
cise deals with the Gibbs phenomenon. This phenomenon only appears when a
piecewise continuous and derivable function presents discontinuities and is re-
lated to how its Fourier Series converge towards the function.
The goal of this exercise is to quantify this phenomenon using Matlab, but with-
out studying it theoretically, which is bit cumbersome and out of the scope of
this coursework.

This project has to be done in group (following groups assigned to you by the
module leader or MSc director) and one report per group has to be submitted
at the end of the week.

Exercise 1 In this problem, we consider the following even periodic function

of period 2:

1. Calculate the Fourier coefficients of f

2. Based on the coefficients calculated above, write a Matlab program that

calculates the Fourier Series of f for an arbitrary number of harmonics n
on one period.

3. For various values of n, plot the Fourier Series around the discontinuity
and compare it with f . What can you conclude?

4. Record both the position and value of the maximum of the Fourier Series.
This maximum should be in the vicinity of the discontinuity.

5. On two separate plots (or subplots), display the position and the amplitude
as a function of the number of terms in the series.
Master Nanoelectronics. Signal Analysis - Fourier 2

6. Study their convergence: do these values converge and if yes, how do the
limits compare with the function f .

Exercise 2 This exercise study he use of Fourier series for the calculation of
total harmonic distortion (THD). Before looking at the question to answer, lets
first look at the definition of THD.
THD is defined as the energy contain in the harmonics over the energy in the
fundamental. Considering a signal V with Fourier coefficients, noted Vn . The
THD is expressed by:
V22 + V32 + V42 + ...
T HD = (1)
Classically, the coefficients are RMS values. but, in our case, as the fundamental
and harmonics are cosine or sine, we can directly use the Fourier coefficients.
As from a practical point of view, separating the energy in the fundamental and
harmonics may not be easy, sometimes THD is defined as the energy in the
harmonics over the energy in the signal, i.e:
V 2 + V 2 + V 2 + ...
T HD = 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 (2)
V1 + V2 + V3 + V4 + ...

There is an obvious relation between both definitions. To avoid confusion, THD

from eq.(1) is called T HDF for fundamental, and THD from eq.(2) is called

Square signal If we assume that a pure sinewave of period 2 and ampli-

tude A, sufficiently large, is injected into an amplifier of very large gain, the
output signal, after saturation, can be approximated by a square signal. The
output signal, can therefore be expressed on one period by:

Based on the Fourier series for this signal, calculate, with pen and paper, the
total harmonic distortion.

Triangle signal In this second part of the exercise, we are studying the THD
associated with a triangular signal. We re considering the following periodic
function of period 2:

Using the function above, answer the following questions

Master Nanoelectronics. Signal Analysis - Fourier 3

1. With pen and paper, calculate the coefficients of the Fourier series of g.
2. Using the coefficient calculated above, write a Matlab code that calculate
the value of the Fourier series of g for a given number of harmonics, noted

3. Increase the value of n and check that the Fourier series converge towards
4. Based on the definition of T HD, calculate the T HD of g. How does it
compare with the T HD of the square signal in section 1? Could we have
expected such a result from the Fourier coefficients expression?

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